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    An Adaptation Plan for California's Forest Sector and Rangelands
    Revised, December 11, 2008
    Chris Keithley, Department of Forestry and Fire Protection Cathy Bleier, Department of Forestry and Fire Protection
    Table of Contents
    Introduction……………………………………………………………………………………………1 Overview………………………………………………………………………………………………2 Climate change and environmental effects on forests and rangelands………………………..3 The Imperative to Act: Mitigating and Adapting to Climate Change……………………………8 Adaptation Framework to Manage Forests, Rangelands, and Watershed Health……………9 Potential Strategies to Adapt to Climate Change……………………………………................11 Cross Sector Issues and Opportunities………………………………………………................12 Barriers and Constraints……………………………………………………………………………13 References…………………………………………………………………………………………..14 Glossary……………………………………………………………………………………………...17 APPENDIX 1: CAL FIRE Strategies……………………..………………………………….…….18 APPENDIX 2: Public Response to Strategies from Climate Adaptation Workshop…….….. 24
    Introduction With the increasing certainty found in recent climate change reports (IPCC, 2007; Cayan et al., 2006) it appears that even with reductions in greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions some level of climate change is likely and that adaptation strategies will be needed to maintain productive forest and rangelands. While climate model results differ, there are likely to be significant changes in the composition of forests throughout the state under all scenarios and models. In some cases, environmental effects from climate change have already been observed in California forest and rangelands. This includes shifts in species ranges, changes in the frequency of disturbance from wildfires and pests, and effects on forest productivity. While mitigation measures for the forest sector have been proposed to reduce and offset GHG emissions, adaptation strategies will be needed to cope with impacts that are unavoidable. This report reviews many of the observed and forecasted impacts to California forests and rangelands as a result of climate change, proposes a framework for developing adaptation strategies and incorporating them into decision-making, and identifies an initial set of strategies for coping with climate change. What is adaptation and why is it needed Adaptation to climate change is any activity that reduces the negative impacts of climate change and/or takes advantage of new opportunities that may be presented. Within the forest sector adaptation is defined as actions that are undertaken to increase the capacity of forests, ecosystems and society to function productively and cope with impacts from climate change (modified from Millar, 2007). This can include actions that are taken before impacts are observed (proactive) and after impacts have been felt 1


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