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  • Arniondiminutive

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    The Revelation of Jesus Christ: The plan of eternity
    Chapter 13 Part 2
    Introduction to Chapter 13 Part 2 In Chapter 12 we see the dragon (Satan) who pursues the women (Israel) standing on the "sand of the sea". Out of the sea rises a Beast (kingdom of Antichrist) which becomes the vehicle used by Satan to subdue the whole world under his direct power. This kingdom of the Beast will use four realms of influence to subdue man; politics, military, religious and economic. The Beast or the "Little horn" of Daniel 7:8 focuses on the military and political realms. While the second beast, the False Prophet will focus on the religious and economic means of submission. In the 13th chapter, John sheds light on the methods used by this final world government to cement his universal power. The religious aspect of his kingdom takes a turn at the midpoint of the tribulation. The first 3.5 years of the 7-year tribulation the Antichrist and the False Prophet unite the world under a universal religious system (Revelation 17:1-6). In the 2nd half, the focus of this religious system becomes the Beast inhabited by Satan. The False Prophet performs satanic wonders including the "calling down of fire from heaven" to awe humanity into worshipping the He had two horns like a lamb but Beast. He points to the resurrected Beast, the leader of the spoke like a dragon kingdom also called the Beast, urges Earth's inhabitants to worship him. He instructs the world to create and worship an image of the first Beast. The image through satanic power appears to come to life and speak. Those refusing to worship the image are subjected to death. If the military, political and spiritual power did not convince inhabitants of the Earth, the False Prophet applies economic tools to move the Earth's inhabitants to submit.
    The Revelation of Jesus Christ: The plan of eternity
    Those left alive on the Earth at this point in the 7-year tribulation must choose. They will have to accept the Antichrist as god on earth and live, or accept Christ and face death. Those alive and faced with these choices will know exactly what to do based on the 13th chapter of Revelation. The False Prophet


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