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  • Secretary-General

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    文档作者:Madli Tolli
    on International Library and Information Work
    Volume 38, Number 2, 2007 Editorial Music: The International Language Ruth Hellen A Box of Goodies: Arcas das Letras Danilo Martins de Castro Chaib and Orla Gillen The Children's English Library Frances Ann Buttle and Amanda Wood A Journey of Discovery and Participation Helen Carpenter ILIG International Award Winner, 2007 Jan Lewis Distance Learning and International Students Ian M. Johnson and Peter H. Reid Anthony Thompson Award 2008 ILIG at Umbrella Sri Lankan Libraries Rise Again Looking into the Distance World Summit on the Information Society ILIG Business ILIG Shorts Book Reviews ISSN 0305-8468 43 44 49 53 56 60 63 66 67
    71 74 76
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