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  • 进出口英语函电

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    文档语言:Simplified Chinese
    《进出口英语函电》 邬孝煜 主编
    上海交通大学出版社,2009 年第一版
    语言实验室参考答案 KEY TO LAB
    Unit Two I. Give the Chinese equivalent of each of the following terms: 1) 货号 4) 促销资料 \ 销售资料 7) 业务范围 \ 经营范围 10) 生意 \ 交易 2) 零售商 5) 商会 8) 同业公会 \ 行业协会 3) 商行 \ 企业 6) 具体询价 9) 商品
    II. Give the English equivalent of each of the following terms: 1) principal 4) quotation 7) quantity 10) subsidiary (company) 2) terms of payment 5) order 8) on credit 3) catalog 6) commission 9) trade discount
    III. Fill in each of the following blanks with a proper preposition: 1) from, for 4) to 7) in, at, of 10) with 2) of, on, at 5) From, about 8) for, off 3) with 6) for 9) at
    IV. Find out and correct the mistake contained in each of the following sentences: 1) … avail yourself of this… 3) … to place large orders … 5) … are interested to learn that … 7) … to make you a special offer … 9) … meet orders of … 2) … is scheduled for December 24. 4) … we can quote you. 6) … price list for your reference. 8) … exporters in the rubber trade … 10) … look forward to receiving …
    V. Fill in the blanks with the given verbs in their proper forms and with modal verbs when necessary: 1) are 3) ruling 2) would/could quote, advertised 4) has been
    5) to inquire, exhibited, held 7) interest, are 9) are, are looking
    6) to receive, including 8) could/would send 10) have, describes
    VI. Choose the one word or phrase that correctly completes the sentence or that meets the requirement specifically set out: 1. D 2. B 3. D 4. B 5. B 6. B 7. D 8. B 9. C 10. C
    VII. Translate the following sentences into English: 1. We are very much interested in the computer accessories you advertised in Computer World. 2. We were impressed by your automobiles that were displayed at the recent Trade Fair in Beijing. 3. We would appreciate it if you could send us your latest catalog and pricelist. 4. We will be most grateful if you will send us a brochure that describes the product and let us know export terms. 5. If the sample is up to the standard we require, we will place substantial orders. 6. Please let us know whether you can supply the articles specified in the attached list. 7. Please quote for the supply of the items listed below, giving your prices c.i.f. Shanghai. 8. We look forward to receiving your firm offer within this week. 9. Would you please provide information on the types and quality of sportswear you have available, together with the prices. 10. If you can manufacture products to our specifications, let us have your best discount. VIII. Write an English letter in the full correct layout based on the information or instructions given below: Ladies/Gentlemen:


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