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  • 中国艺术品拍卖鉴

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    School of Theatre and Entertainment Arts July 2010
    1. 2008 中国艺术品拍卖鉴. 瓷器 = Chinese arts auction recods [sic] / 中国艺术品拍卖鉴编委会. LOCATION = Main Stack. N8605.C6 A17422 2008. ORDER DATE = 22-07-2009. 2. 2008 中国艺术品拍卖鉴. 古董杂项 = Chinese arts auction recods [sic] / 中国艺术品拍卖鉴编委会. LOCATION = Main Stack. N8605.C6 A17425 2008. ORDER DATE = 22-07-2009. 3. 2008 中国艺术品拍卖鉴. 油画与当代艺术 = Chinese arts auction recods [sic] / 中国艺术品拍卖鉴编委会. LOCATION = Main Stack. N8605.C6 A17424 2008. ORDER DATE = 22-07-2009. 4. ABBA [videorecording]. LOCATION = AV Rm/DVD. LOCATION = AV Rm/Accompany. ML421.A23 A2 2007. ORDER DATE = 10-03-2010. 5. Art city [videorecording] / Twelve Films presents ; produced by Chris Maybach & Paul Gardner ; [filmed, edited and directed by] Chris Maybach. LOCATION = AV Rm/DVD. N6512 .A77 2002 v.1-3. ORDER DATE = 24-03-2010. 6. Arts du mythe [videorecording] / Arte France, Program 33 présentent ; Musée du quai Branly ; une collection de Ludovic Segarra. LOCATION = AV Rm/DVD. N5311 .A77 2008. ORDER DATE = 24-03-2010. 7. Black rooster [videorecording]. LOCATION = AV Rm/DVD. PN2901 .B53 2006. ORDER DATE = 26-03-2010. 8. Composition [videorecording] : as pattern, as structure, as expression. LOCATION = AV Rm/DVD. N7430 .C656 2005. ORDER DATE = 24-03-2010. 9. Computer music : the complete guide to making music on your PC & Mac. LOCATION = Computer File. ML1380 .C856 no.151-153 disc. ORDER DATE = 12-09-2009. 10. CorelDraw X4 : 服装设计精粹 / 蔡德编著. LOCATION = Main Stack. T385 .C3434 2008. ORDER DATE = 28-04-2009. 11. Creative communities [videorecording]. LOCATION = AV Rm/DVD. N85 .C74 2009 v.1-2. ORDER DATE = 24-03-2010. -1-
    12. The Cure [videorecording]. LOCATION = AV Rm/DVD. ML421.C8 C87 2007. ORDER DATE = 10-03-2010. 13. Genesis [videorecording] : three sides live / produced & directed by Stuart Orme. LOCATION = AV Rm/DVD. M1741.18.G46 G466. ORDER DATE = 10-03-2010. 14. Genesis reflections [videorecording] / Ragnarock Films Ltd. presents a Sandbeach Holdings Ltd. production in conjunction with Music Reviews Ltd. LOCATION = AV Rm/DVD. LOCATION = AV Rm/Accompany. ML421.G46 G466 2007. ORDER DATE = 10-03-2010. 15. Gertrude the cry [videorecording] / Howard Barker. LOCATION = AV Rm/DVD. PR6052.A6485 G468 2009. ORDER DATE = 26-03-2010. 16. Green Day [videorecording]. LOCATION = AV Rm/DVD. LOCATION = AV Rm/Accompany. ML421.G74 G744 2007. ORDER DATE = 10-03-2010. 17. Guns n' Roses [videorecording]. LOCATION = AV Rm/DVD. LOCATION = AV Rm/Accompany. ML421.G86 G86 2007. ORDER DATE = 10-03-2010. 18. How to create low-budget SFX makeup [videorecording] / Mr. Grim Productions. LOCATION = AV Rm/DVD. PN2068 .H68 2008. ORDER DATE = 26-03-2010. 19. Introduction to mythology : contemporary approaches to classical and world myths / Eva M. Thury, Margaret K. Devinney. LOCATION = Main Stack. BL312 .T48 2009. ORDER DATE = 22-04-2010. 20. It might get loud [videorecording] / a Thomas Tull production ; a film by Davis Guggenheim ; produced by Thomas Tull, Davis Guggenheim, Peter Afterman, Lesley Chilcott ; directed by Davis Guggenheim. LOCATION = AV Rm/DVD. ML399 .I725 2009. ORDER DATE = 10-03-2010. 21. Legends of country blues guitar [videorecording] / Vestapol Productions, a division of Stefan Grossman's Guitar Workshop Inc. LOCATION = AV Rm/DVD. M1630.18 .L444 v.1-3. ORDER DATE = 10-03-2010. 22. Lynyrd Skynyrd [videorecording]. LOCATION = AV Rm/DVD. LOCATION = AV Rm/Accompany. ML421.L9 L95 2007. ORDER DATE = 10-03-2010.


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