• taobaoshangcen > 敢想敢试敢向前
  • 敢想敢试敢向前

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    文档作者:MEncarnaci髇 Gonz醠ez Rufino
    1 The Corporation 2 Sing Tao in L. A. 5 Our Clients 6 Readers Profile 7 Supplements 8 Events 9 Beyond the Traditional 16 Display Advertising Rate Card
    About Sing Tao
    Found in Hong Kong in 1938, Sing Tao Daily is the leader among all Chinese media in serving the Chinese community worldwide. Sing Tao Daily is the only Chinese newspaper that has over a dozen local editions in the Americas, Asia, Europe and Australia.
    Global Network
    Sing Tao's global network helps to forge strong ties between its publications and Chinese communities around the world. It also serves as a perfect channel for marketers to reach Chinese customers worldwide.
    International News Center
    Headquar tered in Hong Kong, Sing Tao Newspaper Group has set up an International News Center in New York to coordinate its news operations in China, Hong Kong, New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Toronto, Vancouver, Calgary, London and Sydney. This seamless global news network has not only facilitated effective news gathering, but has also made possible the swift delivery of the most accurate information resources around the clock.
    Sing Tao USA
    Three regional offices: Los Angeles, New York and San Francisco serving all Chinese Amercians in U.S.A. Sing Tao Daily is flexible and open to new ideas to accommodate advertiser's need. We take our motto 「敢想敢试敢向前」 to showcase Sing Tao is "Aspiring, Agile and Adventurous" ◆ The most popular overseas Chinese newspaper No. 1 in the worlworld ◆ More than 70 years of reliable news gathering and reporting worlexperience ◆ General, family-oriented daily for readers of different origins ◆ Different interest groups of age, education and income levels
    Sing Tao: A home away from home
    Sing Tao always seeks to be a home away from home for the overseas Chinese community. Sing Tao is where Chinese would turn to for a link with their homeland, and for knowledge about their new home culture and events.


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