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  • (学生营商体验计划)

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    11th ACCA charity fun day
    The 11th ACCA Charity Fun Day was successfully held on 9 December 2007 at the Chater Road Sunday Pedestrian Precinct in Central. We were honoured to have Mr Matthew Cheung, Secretary for Labour and Welfare, as guest of honour to officiate at the opening ceremony. The event successfully attracted thousands of visitors and the participation of 36 rickshaw teams from accountancy firms, multinational corporations, tertiary educational institutes and other local organisations. Owing to the generous support of members and benevolent parties in society, over HK$1,200,000 has been raised for 3 meaningful projects of Hong Kong PHAB Association, S.K.H. St Christopher's Home, and The Parents' Association of Pre-school Handicapped Children. (Any balance of funds raised after deducting all necessary expenses and donations will be directed towards the reserve fund of ACCA Charitable Foundation Limited for future donations to other charitable organisations.) ACCA Hong Kong would like to thank the following sponsors for their enormous support: Corporate Sponsors (in alphabetical order): Champion Technology Holdings Limited/ Kantone Holdings Limited FILA Marketing (Hong Kong) Limited Leslie Cheng & Co. Certified Public Accountants NWS Holdings Charities Foundation Limited Nine Dragons Paper (Holdings) Limited Ultra Active Technology Limited Co-sponsors (in alphabetical order): Agile Property Holdings Limited CLP Holdings Limited Media Sponsor: Ming Pao Newspapers Limited Official T-shirt Sponsor: Bauhaus (Holdings) Limited Official Timer: o.d.m. design & marketing Limited
    Matthew Cheung, Secretary for Labour and Welfare, delivering his speech in 11th ACCA Charity Fun Day
    28 news update spring 2008
    ACCA hong kong event highlights
    A rickshaw team puller running for the championship A group photo of the winners of the Outstanding Costume Awards Matthew Cheung, major sponsors and the organising committee pictured at the opening ceremony


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