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  • accelerating functions with the c2h compiler: scatter ...

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    文档语言:Simplified Chinese
    Accelerating Functions with the C2H Compiler: Scatter-Gather DMA with Checksum
    July 2006, Version 1.1 Application Note 417
    The Nios II C-to-Hardware Acceleration (C2H) Compiler is a powerful tool that generates hardware accelerators for software functions. This application note uses the C2H Compiler to map C code for a scatter-gather direct memory access (DMA) function to equivalent hardware. The hardware accelerator provides data to an Internet checksum function. Reference files included with the application note provide C code to implement the scattergather DMA and the checksum. There are two versions of the checksum code: The first runs as software on the Nios II processor. The second becomes a hardware accelerator, replacing the C code with equivalent logic in the FPGA. The speedup for the hardware version is typically more than two orders of magnitude. The exact speedup depends on the target FPGA. Although the scatter-gather DMA code in this example design is tightly integrated with the checksum code, it could be modified to become a front-end DMA accelerator for a number of different applications, such as networking, audio, video, or high speed I/O. The concluding sections of this application note mention additional architectural revisions you could make to the design to further improve system performance with the C2H Compiler.
    This application note assumes you are familiar with the following topics:
    ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    ANSI C syntax and usage Defining and generating Nios II hardware systems with SOPC Builder Compiling Nios II hardware systems with the Altera Quartus II development software Creating, compiling, and running Nios II software projects Nios II C2H Compiler
    To familiarize yourself with the basics of the C2H Compiler, refer to the Nios II C2H Compiler User Guide. To learn about defining, generating, and compiling Nios II systems, refer to the Nios II Hardware Development Tutorial. To learn about Nios II software projects, refer to the Nios II Software Development Tutorial available in the Nios II IDE help system.


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