预算案The Budget
2010-11年度 财政预算案摘要
2010-11 Budget Summary
政司司长曾俊华在2月24日 发 表 2 010 至 11 年 度 财 政 预 算 案 , 他 对 2 010 年 香 港 的 经 济 前景表示审慎乐观,指外围仍有不少变 数和隐忧,欧美金融体系仍待修复,经 济结构亦可能出现根本性的变化,以致 影响香港往后的出口表现.此外,一旦 各国政府和央行同时退市,对环球金融 及经济体系可能引起的震荡将令人关 注,加上各国贸易保护主义情绪亦见升 温,这些隐忧或会令香港的复苏过程反 覆.
he Financial Secretary, John Tsang, delivered the 2010-11 Budget on 24 February. He was cautiously optimistic about Hong Kong's economic prospects for 2010, since there remain a number of uncertainties and potential pitfalls in the external environment. The financial systems of the European and the US economies are still impaired. These economies may have undergone fundamental changes in their economic structures, and that will affect the future export performance of Hong Kong. Besides, if all countries and central banks were to exit from their stimulus measures at the same time, the potential shocks to the global financial and economic scenes would be a cause for concern. Mounting protectionism is also being seen among countries. These potential problems may put Hong Kong on a bumpy recovery path in the year ahead. On the other hand, the return to a stronger growth in the Mainland economy may help offset the fragile recovery in overseas markets. He forecasted GDP growth of 4% to 5% for the year. At the same time, the underlying inflation rate for 2010 as a whole will average 1.5% while the average rate of headline inflation will be 2.3%. The Budget proposes to support the development strategy of the Mainland by further developing Hong Kong into a knowledge-based and high value-added economy. Hong Kong can provide a platform for the Mainland's enterprises to expand overseas and to make use of its strengths to help these enterprises raise their management and technological standards. At the national level, the Mainland economy is becoming more and more market-oriented, industrialised and urbanised. This plays a crucial role in China's sustainable development and creates excellent opportunities for Hong Kong. Hong Kong can assist by attracting foreign investment, facilitating international exchanges and providing quality services that are essential to the restructuring and upgrading of Mainland's economy. At the regional level, Hong Kong and Guangdong enjoy geographical proximity, and yet differ greatly in such areas as resources and industrial structure. As such, there is ample room for the two places to increase co-operation. Hong Kong can speed up its integration with the Pearl River Delta to increase the depth and breadth of the market in the region, creating synergy for the joint development of the two places.
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