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    文档作者:Valued Gateway Client
    Haunted Happenings by The Writersville Gang
    by The Writersville Gang
    Book Content Copyright 2006 by The Writersville Gang
    This is a free eBook and may be distributed on your websites, newsletters or used as a bonus eBook for selling your own eBooks or products. However, this book may NOT be sold in any form. All stories in this eBook are copyrighted by the individual authors. None of their stories may be distributed as a single property.
    Haunted Happenings by The Writersville Gang
    Foreword by Dorothy Thompson
    Thank you so much for downloading our free e-book, Haunted Happenings in Writersville! The Writersville Gang consists of a group of writers from the online Yahoo! group, The Writers Life, founded in 2001. While we're a zany bunch of writers, we are serious about our craft. Our members consist of novelists, poets and freelancers. Every one of us is in it for the long haul, supporting each other with our dreams and giving advice to each other about this crazy thing we call "the writing life." We are more than happy to share our eBook with you, and if you know anyone who'd like to read it, please feel free to pass it on. Enjoy! Dorothy Thompson Moderator, The Writer's Life writersville@yahoo.com http://groups.yahoo.com/group/thewriterslife http://www.writersville.homestead.com
    Haunted Happenings by The Writersville Gang
    Haunted Happenings in Writersville By The Writersville Gang
    It was a dark and stormy night…in Writersville. Rain pounded on the rooftops as the townsfolk of Writersville tried to settle down for a night's rest. However, they knew it was hopeless. For seven days and seven nights, the Writersville Gang had not slept a wink. Something mystical was happening; though they knew not what. They did know, however, that something eerie was going on which was preventing them from closing their eyes. Something very eerie, indeed. Of course, it didn't help things that Halloween was right around the corner and if anything mystical was happening, now would be the perfect time. On the night of All Hallow's Eve, they decided to call a town meeting. They figured that between them all, they might get to the bottom of their insomnia. They knew time was


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