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    Friends of Peace Pilgrim
    A Non-Profit, Tax-Exempt, All Volunteer Organization P.O. Box 2207 Shelton, CT 06484 (203) 926-1581 www.peacepilgrim.org email: friends@peacepilgrim.org
    Late Summer 2009 "Overcome evil with good, falsehood with truth, hatred with love" - Peace Pilgrim Number 53
    The newly placed Peace Pilgrim Pole in Knox, Indiana – Tony and Terry Bau, Richard Polese, Ted Hayes.
    Dear Friends of Peace Pilgrim
    s August settles gently into September, the days are growing shorter and cooler. In the old pastures across the road, delicate Queen Ann's Lace, bright Golden Rod, crimson Cardinal Flowers, tall spikes of yellow Mullein, and the sweet sky blue of Chicory blossoms dance among the browning grasses of late summer. How wonderful to witness these seasonal transitions and connect deeply with the natural world where Peace Pilgrim often went for inspiration and renewal. The past few months have been full and busy for Friends of Peace Pilgrim. Our annual board meeting took place in California in May. In June board member Bruce Nichols traveled to Oklahoma City to visit with the volunteers who pack and ship our offerings to friends around the world. And in July, another birthday celebration for Peace Pilgrim was held in Egg Harbor City, NJ, the town of her birth. It was during our board meeting in California that we made an unexpected discovery that led to a wonderful connection with some new friends in Knox, Indiana.
    Among the items in our archives are many hours of video interviews with people who knew Peace Pilgrim. These were shot during the making of the "Spirit of Peace" documentary in the early 90s. It was a timely project since many of those who were interviewed are no longer with us and the memories of their experiences with Peace are both precious and historically important. On a whim, during our meeting, the board decided to watch the tape that had an interview with Ted Hayes, the radio broadcaster from Knox, Indiana who conducted an interview with Peace Pilgrim on the day before she died. What we did not know was that the tape also contained an interview with Tony Bau who lived across the street from the scene of the accident. Tony's wife, Terry, witnessed the crash and was the first person on the scene. The chance viewing of that tape led to a reconnection with the Baus and the placing of a Peace Pilgrim Pole on their property right across the road from the place Peace made her "transition to a freer life." You can find out more about this amazing story by turning the page. In peace and friendship, Cheryl Canfield, Jeff Blom, Richard Polese, Mayte Picco-Kline, Barbara Reynolds, Bruce Nichols The Friends of Peace Pilgrim Board


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