Dear Friends and supporters,
It's been a long time since I've last written. Most of you probably know what has happened since December 2005 but to those that don't. I'll give a brief summary of the events because there's so much to talk about in this one. Well, I was praying about my next step as MOE wasn't going to extend my leave. After about a month, I decided that it was time to put my faith into action – to walk in faith. Believing that whatever God did was in preparation for this. The time I already had here since August 2005, allowed me to ease in to life here. The frequent trips back for wedding shoots allowed me time to adjust in. Also, how God has blessed me here, answering my prayers so quickly and in very interesting ways. Well, anyway, here I am… again! When I first arrived last year, I had a very interesting time. Watching wrestling matches in class, fist fights, almost getting electrocuted, etc. I was all set on doing up a curriculum and getting the school "in order". However, as time progressed and with the friction I got, I realized that maybe God wasn't really interested in the school syllabus now. He was telling me to build His kingdom. The school has no chapel or formal character/moral education programme. I planned a simple programme to teach values using the school's 7 traits. Using stuff we had about activity-based learning and cooperative learning techniques. Then… passed it on for translation but then it disappeared. So I got a bit upset. I thought about it and realized perhaps some of the things may not be suitable culturally… but what Then I asked God for wisdom and guidance. Who's going to teach me and help me Then that was when God brought Dorothy and Mike Jason. Dorothy had been in Bangkok working with the Anglican church for about 12 years. She and her late husband Gerald had been working on reconciliation in the church of Thailand for many years and were the ones who introduced the Superkids programme and the Love Thailand movement (which was based on the Love Singapore campaigns). Anyway, she had been planning to start a business in Thailand but after her contact failed to show up, God revealed to her that she was to come to Khon Kaen. In December last year, I got her contact from Tow Yong (ex-12th Coy BB chum) who met her at BRMC (Barker Rd Methodist Church) at some workshop or something like that. Well, sometime in February, after I got back from Singapore, God revealed during my QT that all He wanted me to do was to trust Him and He would bring people for me to minister to or to help me. About a month later, Dorothy showed up at school and was interested in helping the school with a character programme. We are now in the process of working out the details and forming a team for the coming year. Enter Ravi Krishna. I met Ravi sometime in February. He's a 6-foot 3-inch Indian Dentist who is doing his Masters in Orthodontics at KKU (Khon Kaen University). As the church here I am in is interested in expanding its international ministry, we were encouraged to try to get Ravi to come with us to church and join us for cell group. Well, as we began to pray for Ravi, God revealed to me that Ravi needed a friend and God wanted me to be his friend. I tried lah. I am not a very sociable person really… heh. So I talked to him, invited him for dinner, etc. Well, just a few days ago, he began to open up and share his bad experiences here in Khon Kaen and how he had no friends and had to keep to himself most of the time. I shared the Gospel with him but he was quick to point out that Jesus did not help him while he was struggling for 3 years. Well, anyway, please pray for Ravi. Then there's Daniel who is a fellow Singaporean. I haven't personally met him yet but he works as an English teacher at a language centre. I heard from a friend-of-a-friend that there was a Singaporean working at this language centre where she worked so I dropped by one Sunday after church and left a message for him. We talked over the phone. He works full days with no break so he is very tired. He is a 1
- oneofmyfriends > friend-of-a-friend
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