• 下一任重庆市委书记 > 国庆:北京庆祝晚会
  • 国庆:北京庆祝晚会

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    Celebrate Singapore National Day 2008 in Beijing 新加坡 2008 国庆:北京庆祝晚会
    Celebrate Singapore's 43rd birthday with SingCham in Beijing on 26 July, Saturday, Beijing Kerry Centre Hotel. More details will be given in due course. Mark your diary! And keep a watch on www.singcham.com.cn 我们商会将于 7 月 26 日,星期六,在北京嘉里中心酒店庆 祝新加坡第 43 届国庆.欢迎广大会员朋友出席!具体细节 容后公布. 请关注我们网站 www.singcham.com.cn 随时发布的最新消 息.
    Book your tickets now!
    Ticket Types SingCham Member * Non-Member * Table sale (10 seats), for SingCham Members Table sale (10 seats), for non-members Sponsor Table (10 seats), very good view, VIP setting Main Sponsor Tables, excellent view, VIP setting Prices RMB 480 per seat RMB 580 per seat RMB 4,500 RMB 5,000 RMB 8,000 RMB 10,000 (sold out)
    * Children below the age of 12 are entitled to half price.
    Lucky draw priizes iincllude Siingapore Aiirlliines retturn Lucky draw pr zes nc ude S ngapore A r nes re urn (Beiijjiing-Siingapore-Beiijjiing) and hottell vouchers! (Be ng-S ngapore-Be ng) and ho e vouchers! 幸运抽奖:新航往返北京-新加坡机票,各大酒店礼券! 幸运抽奖:新航往返北京-新加坡机票,各大酒店礼券! Contact Vicky or Helen at singcham@singcham.com.cn or tel: (86 10) 5838 5223/4 or fax: (86 10) 5838 5226
    ttiickett cke
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    Order Form
    Singapore National Day Dinner 2008, Beijing
    (fax this to: 86 10 5838 5226)
    I would like to buy: ( ( ( ( ) ) ) ) individual adult tickets Members: RMB 480 / Non-members: RMB 580 children below 12 table tickets (10 seats) Members: RMB 250 / Non-members: RMB 300 Members: RMB 4,500 / Non-members: RMB 5,000
    sponsor tables (10 seats) of RMB 8,000 each special sponsor tables (10 seats) of RMB 10,000 each (SOLD-OUT) Please remit cash to: 交通银行北京酒仙桥支行 开户名称: 中国新加坡商会 帐号: 1100 6107 3018 0100 23808 And fax this reply form to: (86 10) 5838 5226.
    Or make cheques payable to 中国新加坡商会 and send it together with this reply form to: 中国新加坡商会 北京朝阳区酒仙桥路甲 10 号, 妙典商城二楼 邮编:100016 Tickets are to be sent to the following: Name: Address: Your tel number in case we have enquiry on your order: Thank you for supporting National Day and SingCham! For questions, please call Vicky / Helen at (86 10) 5838 5223 / 5224. See you at the dinner!


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