• product > Mobile Product Recognition
  • Mobile Product Recognition

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    formed and meta-data is prepared. Current mobile image re-
    trieval systems on the market include SnapTell[3], Kooaba[2],
    Google Goggles[1]. However, they all suer from a long lag
    between snapping a picture and the response to the query,
    typically 10s of seconds. Our system is much faster.
    Communication between the camera-phone and the re-
    mote server requires a wireless network connection. The
    connection is typically EDGE, 3G, or WiFi, with 3G being
    the most prevalent. To send data over the wireless network,
    one wishes to send as little data as possible. We extract
    low bit-rate local descriptors (CHoG) from the query image
    [6, 5] and compress their locations using location histogram
    coding [13]. We send the signicantly smaller compressed
    features instead of the query image, reducing the time spent
    in communication.
    A large-scale database on the server suers from large
    memory usage. Memory swapping operations slow down
    the recognition. We compress the inverted index in RAM to
    reduce the memory size and prevent memory swapping op-
    erations [8]. Complex geometric verication processes also
    increase the response time. We use fast geometric re-ranking
    to reduce the time for geometric verication [14]. Our sys-
    tem achieves image recognition less than one second and can
    provide an interactive experience to the user.
    Compared to our previous system [12], we have reduced
    query data size by using better compression techniques, op-
    timized image processing implementation on the phone, and
    improved our recognition engine to accommodate a database
    of beyond one million items. In this paper, we briey review
    our mobile product recognition system in Sec. 2. We report
    the processing time of our system and evaluate the benets
    of our approach in Sec. 3. In addition to this paper, a video


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