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  • Mobile Product Recognition

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    Mobile Product Recognition
    Sam S. Tsai, David Chen, Vijay Chandrasekhar
    Gabriel Takacs, Ngai-Man Cheung, Bernd Girod
    Department of Electrical Engineering, Stanford University
    Stanford, CA 94305, U.S.A.
    {sstsai, dmchen, vijayc, gtakacs, ncheung, bgirod}@stanford.edu
    Ramakrishna Vedantham
    Radek Grzeszczuk
    Nokia Research Center
    Palo Alto, CA 94305, U.S.A.
    We present a mobile product recognition system for the
    camera-phone. By snapping a picture of a product with
    a camera-phone, the user can retrieve online information of
    the product. The product is recognized by an image-based
    retrieval system located on a remote server. Our database
    currently comprises more than one million entries, primarily
    products packaged in rigid boxes with printed labels, such
    as CDs, DVDs, and books. We extract low bit-rate descrip-
    tors from the query image and compress the location of the
    descriptors using location histogram coding on the camera-
    phone. We transmit the compressed query features, instead
    of a query image, to reduce the transmission delay. We use
    inverted index compression and fast geometric re-ranking
    on our database to provide a low delay image recognition
    response for large scale databases. Experimental timing re-
    sults on dierent parts of the mobile product recognition
    system is reported in this work.
    mobile visual search, content-based image retrieval
    We present a fast and scalable mobile product recognition


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