• mywayyourway > Mamow Sha-way-gi-kay-win
  • Mamow Sha-way-gi-kay-win

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    Pikangikum is a name derived from the Ojibway word “Bikanjikaming” which refers to the flow of the Berens’ River. It describes how the river flows into Pikangikum Lake on the east, how the lake spreads from the river on either side, and how the River exits the lake in the west from where it entered. We have existed in our traditional territory for as long as we can remember and for as long as our elders and their elders can remember. We have travelled on our Berens’ River and Pikangikum Lake over the centuries, living the sacred duty of life as directed by the Creator and our Grandfathers and Grandmothers. The creator has given us the responsibility to protect the lands on which we were placed. We are to take care of and nurture everything that the Creator has given as a trust and the duty of future generations of Pikangikum People. As part of our duty to care for our children, we participated in researching our traditional values knowing that the road our grandfathers and grandmothers walked was effective in sustaining families in a healthy and nurturing environment. We have created a cultural framework of our circle of life capturing the past, incorporating it into our current life and hopefully it will guide our youth in the future. The framework of the past life to the future is called “Keekeenuhwuhcheecheekun”, meaning “reading the signs.” Our people have traditionally regarded the land as sacred and therefore it is a sacred duty to take care of the land. On this land, we live and raise our children. On this land we live and enjoy all creation. Therefore this framework, acknowledges the directive to protect our land and families. The four quadrants in the framework circle of life are; ?? Oneesheesheen - Everything is Good ?? Cheemeenooweecheeteeyaung – Good Relationships ?? Oohunucheekayween - Putting Things in Order ?? Aneesheenahbayweepeemauteeseeween – Pikangikum Way of Life Our wish to our neighbours from the four corners of the world is, as we begin this journey together let us keep in mind the directive from the Creator and our Grand mothers and Grandfathers. “We welcome you into our community and we welcome your helping hand.”


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