• 赵博光、南京林业大学 > 八角尺蠖对八角叶及性信息素腺体浸提液的触角电位反应
  • 八角尺蠖对八角叶及性信息素腺体浸提液的触角电位反应

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    基因组学与应用生物学, 2010 年, 29 卷, 3 期, 490-494 页 第 第 第 Genomics and Applied Biology, 2010, Vol.29, No.3, 490-494
    研究报告 A Letter
    李明 1 杨振德 1* 张增强 2
    1 广西大学林学院, 南宁, 530004; 2 广西大学农学院, 南宁, 530004 * 通讯作者, dzyang68@126.com

    触角电位(electroantennogram, EAG)技术是一个在昆虫性信息素和其它挥发性信息化学生物活性
    测定中的重要方法。本研究利用 EAG 技术, 测定了八角尺蠖对丙酮、 烷、 乙醇和蒸馏水等 4 种不同溶剂 所浸提的八角叶片及八角尺蠖性信息素腺体浸提液的电生理反应。结果表明, 烷是八角尺蠖性信息素 提取的最好溶剂, 雄蛾对性信息素腺体浸提液的 EAG 反应比雌虫强烈, 这在一定程度上反映了雄蛾可能更 依赖于对雌蛾释放的性信息素的探测, 而不是对寄主气味的探测; 雄蛾对八角叶片的 烷浸提液具有最强 而雌蛾则对八角叶片的丙酮浸提液的 EAG 反应最强, 由此反映了雌雄个体在寻找寄主、 繁殖 的 EAG 反应, 后代等行为中的性别差异; 雄蛾羽化后 3 h 对八角叶片气味就有较强的 EAG 反应, 24 h 内 EAG 反应值 在 随着羽化后时间的延长而增大, 这反映了随着羽化后时间的延长, 触角的机能随之趋于完善, 因此对于外界 的刺激更为敏感。本研究为利用八角尺蠖性信息素活性成分开展害虫的监测和无公害防治奠定基础。 关键词 八角尺蠖, 性信息素, 触角电位
    EAG Response of Dilophodes elegans sinica Prout on the Illicium verum Leaves and Extracts of Glands of Sex Pheromone
    Li Ming 1 Yang Zhende 1* Zhang Zengqiang 2
    1 College of Forestry, Guangxi University, Nanning, 530004; 2 College of Agronomy, Guangxi University, Nanning, 530004 * Corresponding author, dzyang68@126.com DOI: 10.3969/gab.029.000490
    Abstract Electroantennogram (EAG) is an important method of determination of insect sex pheromones and other volatile information of chemical and biological activity. In this study, we have measured the EAG responses of Dilophodes elegans sinica Prout on the Illicium verum leaves and the glands of sex pheromone separately extracted by acetone, hexane ethanol and distilled water. The results showed that hexane had best extraction to the sex pheromone, and male moth had stronger EAG response than female. To some extent, it reflected the male moth may be more dependent on the detection of sex pheromone that female moth release, rather than detection of host odors. Male moth had strongest EAG response on the Illicium verum leaves extracted by hexane, as female moth had on the Illicium verum leaves extracted by acetone, and it may reflected the gender differences in individuals behavior of host locating, breeding and so on. Male moth had strong EAG responses on the Illicium verum leaves after eclosion for 3 hours, within 24 hours, the value of EAG response showed a positive correlation with the moth age, and it may also reflected as the time past after eclosion, the function of antennae followed perfecting, and the antennae was more sensitive to outside stimuli. This study should be establishing groundwork of utilization of sex pheromone for Keywords pest monitoring, prevention and cure of non-public nuisance in Dilophodes elegans sinica Prout. Dilophodes elegans sinica Prout, Sex pheromone, EAG (electroantennogram)


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