• 二十世纪新疆 > 20世纪中国女兵 - 前 言
  • 20世纪中国女兵 - 前 言

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    前  言 1995 年,百年世纪已经剩下它的最后 5 年了。 站在世纪之交的门槛上回眸、凝望和思索,我发现本世纪中国人群中变 化最大的群体是我们自己、妇女,这个变化可以用天翻地覆来形容,在这个 天翻地覆中,我看到了我们自己、妇女和我们的女兵。中国女兵是中国妇女 争取自身独立、解放及奋斗的先锋和历史缩影。考察这段历史,我们不回避 童养媳那一双双忍辱含泪的目光;不能回避少女缠足折断趾骨时那一声 凉绝望的叫喊;同时,我们也听到了军校的集合号音;听到了那发自内心的 《娘子军连歌》;看到了那丢下婴儿追赶队伍的女兵;以及铁窗里还在书写 “革命必胜”的女杰…… 中国女兵在她的成立之初,不是一个职业的概念,也不是被人强迫的应 证。她是受封建制度压迫的中国女性觉醒的产物。她们要做自己的主人,她 们要聚集力量,她们要动员更多的姐妹起来推翻那个黑暗的、将女性压在最 低层的社会。 她们组成了一支独具特色的方队。 世纪用惊异的目光看着她们,那是 20 一种中国女性从未有过的姿态、从未有过的色彩………
    PREFACE By 1995 the 100-year-long century has only five more years left. Standing on the threshold of two centuries meeting each other and casting a meditative backward glance, I find that the group that has undergone the greatest changes among the  inese masses of people in the present century is that of women. The word ”earthshaking” may be used to describe these changes, wherein I see us ourselves, women and our servicewomen. The  inese servicewomen are the vanguard and the epitome of the  inese women’s struggle for independence and emancipation. While examining the history of this period, we cannot evade the tearful and helpless looks of the child brides; we cannot evade the plaintive and hopeless cries of the young girls suffering from phalanxes being broken through foot-binding; at the same time we hear the bugle call for-in in the military academies; we hear the mpany Anthem of the Women’s Detachment sung from the bottom of their hearts; we see the servicewomen laying aside their babies to catch up with the troops; and we see the heroines writing ”The revolution is bound to succeed!” even behind prison bars...... When first established, the force of the  inese servicewomen did not mean a new occupation or any forced enlistment. Rather it was the outcome of the awakening of the  inese women who, long oppressed by the feudal system, were now determined to be their own masters, to gather their strength, and to mobilize more of their sisters to rise up and overthrow the dark society that had always kept them at the bottom. They formed a unique formation. The twentieth century gazed at them with amazed looks, for it was a kind of gesture and color never before shown by the  inese women.


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