P A G E 1 3 T U E S D A Y , J U N E 2 3 , 2 0 0 9 A lmost 400 South Koreans have applied to marry a millionairess who advertised for a soulmate but only eight "serious-minded" applicants will make the final cut, a matchmaker said. The 49-year-old woman who is reportedly worth US$18 million has been seeking a husband through an online advertisement since May 20, a spokeswoman for Sunoo matchmaking agency said. Some 394 men — including doctors, lawyers, account- ants, soldiers and government employees and rang- ing in age from 26 to 49 years — responded to the advertisement. "As a business operator, she was too busy to find her husband herself," the spokeswoman told AFP. "We initially planned to keep the bid open until the end of this month but the woman felt burdened by un- welcome media attention and she wanted it closed (last) Tuesday." The woman picked eight of the men for interviews and is expected to meet two or three of them per month over the next three months. They are aged between 37 and 49 and include company employees, teachers and bank workers. "The bride prefers average but serious persons to high- flying professionals," the spokeswoman said. "She wants a soulmate with a passion for life, who will share the ups and downs of life with her." (afp) Almost 400 Koreans enter race to marry millionairess 韩国富婆徵婚 近四百人争先报名 一 名婚介业者表示,南韩一名富婆刊登广告寻找灵魂伴侣,吸引近四百位男性报名,不过只有八位「真诚」 的男士能进入最后甄选阶段. 选友婚友社的女发言人表示,这名现年四十九岁、據称身价一千八百万美元的女士,五月二十日起在网路上刊 登徵婚广告. 目前有三百九十四名男士报名徵婚,其中不乏医师、律师、會计师、军人和公务员,年龄介於二十六到四十九 岁之间. 该女发言人告诉法新社说:「这名女企业家忙到没时间寻找另一半.」 「我们原先打算公开徵婚到这个月底,但媒体过度关心令女企业家心生压力,因此决定在(上)周二结束徵婚 活动.」 女企业家从报名徵婚的男士中选出八位进行面对面接触,她希望未来三个月,每个月都能和两三名人选见面. 这群「入围者」的年龄介於三十七至四十九岁间,其中包括企业雇员、教师和银行职员. 该女发言人说:「这名女企业家比较欣赏平凡认真的人,而非有野心的专业人士.」 「她要的是一个对生活有热情,能与她分享生命中酸甜苦辣的灵魂伴侣.」 (法新社翻译: 林倩如) A bride poses for a photoshoot in Beijing, China, on March 26, 2009. photo: aP 三月二十六日,中国北京一名新娘在拍摄婚纱照. 照片:美联社 1. soulmate /?sol,met/ n. 灵魂伴侣 (ling2 hun2 ban4 lü3) 例: Ian never thought he'd find a soulmate, until he met his wife. (溢安从没想过會找到心灵相契的伴侣,直到遇上现在的老婆.) 2. matchmaker /?m???mek?/ n. 媒人 (mei2 ren2) 例: Matchmakers have become more popular recently, but many people are sceptical of them. (最近婚友社愈发流行,但许多人都此存疑.) 3. burden /?b?dn/ v. 使烦扰 (shi3 fan2 rao3) 例: Only a few of the respondents said they felt burdened by the pressure of their job. (仅少数回覆者表示有工作压力的困扰.) 4. high-flying /?ha??fla???/ adj. 有抱负的 (you3 bao4 fu4 de5),有野心的 (you2 ye3 xin1 de5) 例: Despite dropping out of high school, Morris is now a high-flying banker. (虽然中学就辍学,但摩里斯现在可是个成功的银行家.) TODAY'S WORDS 今日单字