he immediate and short list of people to thank also happen to be the people this PhD is for: my wife Lisa who only a couple of years earlier completed her own doctorate despite encountering some of life’s greatest challenges and our two wonderful young sons who were born after I began pursuing this PhD and on more than one occasion had passages of it read to them at bedtime. Had they not been so forgiving I would never have crossed the line. The longer list of people I’d like to thank includes those in other time zones who were directly involved in shaping the depth and flow of this study. Hélène Frichot who generously and patiently counseled me through the research and helped me to narrow down my many nomadic thoughts. Brent Allpress who’s questioning set many of my thoughts in motion in the first place. Laurene Vaughan who with the eyes of a cryptographer could always see how a PhD was coming together and when it was whole. Martyn Hook who encouraged me to find the best voice for the work, and Charles Anderson, Inger Mewburn, Miodrag Mitrasinovic and Terry Rosenberg for the wonderful conversations that revealed inspiring new ways of unraveling my ideas. Then there were the people who made the film possible, from the actors Katie Scherer and John Pelham, David Fano and Georg Mahnke for their technical support and critical friendship, my brother Nishan Ratinam for composing and producing the musical score for the animation, and of course Paul, Marc and David of Lewis Tsuramaki Lewis for the architectural proposition, visual language and critique. Finally there were people who contributed to the refinement and finalizing of this work in a manner I still have trouble fully accounting for but nonetheless fully appreciate. Penny Modra and Mel Campbell who made for a smoother reading with their editing of the text, Stuart Geddes who with his delicate eye gave this publication so much life through his thoughtful and sensitive approach to its design, and Jacqueline Cooksey for her assistance in preparing the document for print. A PhD can seem like a lonely pursuit but everyone above made it feel wonderfully collaborative and collegial and to all of them I owe thanks and remain grateful.
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