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  • 禮運大同篇

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    禮運大同篇 《正確說法應該是:禮記(書籍名稱,五經之一)禮運篇(篇名,共有 49 篇,此篇為第九篇)大同 章(章節),一般簡稱 " 禮運大同篇 " 。》 大道之行也,天下為公;選賢與能,講信修 睦。故人不獨親其親,不獨子其子,使老有 所終,壯有所用,幼有所長,鰥寡孤獨廢疾 者,皆有所養;男有分,女有歸。貨惡其棄 於地也,不必藏於己;力惡其不出於身也, 不必為己。是故謀閉而不興,盜竊亂賊而不 作,故外戶而不閉,是謂大同。 《白話註解》:聖人的大道能夠實行的時代,天下是為天下人所共有的。大家選舉賢能的人來 共同治理,人人講求誠信,彼此和睦相處。不獨愛護自己的親人,不獨慈愛自己的兒女,更 能推廣愛心到其他人身上,使得社會上年長的老人皆能安享天年,青壯者都能貢獻一己之 力,青少年與兒童也都能接受良好的教育,那些孤苦無依及殘廢者,也都能受到適當的照 顧。男人能恪儘自己本分應盡的職責,女生也各有自己的家室。各種物質資源,不喜歡被浪 費、棄置,希望能發揮應有的功效;但也不能私藏據為己用。有能力不應該捨不得服務奉 獻,但也不能只是圖利自己。能夠做到這樣,整個社會就不會發生勾心鬥角,損人利己的 事,也不會再有搶劫、偷竊、殺人的事出現,縱然窗不關、門不閉,也不用擔驚害怕,生活 自在安樂,那樣的社會真可以說是大同世界了。 The World of Da-Tong Translation Compiled By: Shih-Ming Hwang 黃世明 Confucius’ Ideal of a Commonwealth State* – a Great Utopia Li-Yun-Da-Tong (Li-Yun-Dah-Torng) Section, the Record of Rites, Book 9, by Confucius (BC551~479) When the Great Dao (Tao, perfect order) prevails, the world is like a Commonwealth State shared by all, not a dictatorship. Virtuous, worthy, wise and capable people are chosen as leaders. Honesty and trust are promoted, and good neighborliness cultivated. All people respect and love their own parents and children, as well as the parents and children of others. The aged are cared for until death; adults are employed in jobs that make full use of their abilities; and children are nourished, educated, and fostered. Widows and widowers, orphans and the old without children, the disabled and the diseased are all well taken care of. Every man and woman has an appropriate role to play in society and in the family. They hate to see resources lying idle or cast away, yet they do not necessarily keep them for themselves. They hate not to


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