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  • 创新51声卡0060

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    创新5.1声卡0060 [热门]安装mysql5.1(linux(red hat 3))
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    创新5.1声卡0060 [热门]安装mysql5.1(linux(red hat 3)) 创新5.1声卡0060 [热门]安装mysql5.1(linux(red hat 3))
    2011-04-27 新报 首先: 准备在Redhinside the Linux体系上安设MySQL5.1,事实上麦克风混响效果器.先卸载自带的低版本 MySQL,你知道麦克疯混响效果器.完结不知若何搞的,同一个pair-conkage出现了两次,其实 linux.版本也都是一样的: rpm -qa | grep mysql mysqlclient10-3.23.58-4.RHEL4.1 mysql-4.1.20-2.RHEL4.1 mysql-4.1.20-2.RHEL4.1 mysqlclient10-3.23.58-4.RHEL4.1 尝试卸载:看看hat. rpm -e mysqlclient10-3.23.58-4.RHEL4.1 error: "mysqlclient10-3.23.58-4.RHEL4.1" specifies multiple pair-conksome time 议定mexclusive rpm,觉察 every one ofminside theches应当可以处分这个标题: every one ofminside theches Remove every one of versions of the pair-conkage which minside thech PACKAGE_NAME. Normficevery one ofy one is issued if PACKAGE_NAME minside theches multiple pair-conksome time.
    rpm -e --every one ofminside theches mysqlclient10-3.23.58-4.RHEL4.1 rpm -e --every one ofminside theches mysql-4.1.20-2.RHEL4.1 warning: /etc/f saudio-videoed wind up beingcause /etc/f.rpmsaudio-videoe 体系自带的旧版本MySQL卸载完成. 接着安设: 安设Mysql 1,下载MySQL的安设文件 安设MySQL须要下面两个文件:MySQL-server-5.1.7-0.i386.rpm 下载地址为:麦克风混响器.downlofliers/mysql/5.1.html ,hat. 翻开此网页,下拉网页找到 “Linux x86 generic RPM (stinside theicficevery one ofy linked contrary to glib . c . 2.2.5) downlofliers”项,找到“Server”和“Client progri ams”项,下载须要的上 述两个rpm文件. 2,安设MySQL rpm文件是Red Hinside the公司斥地的软件安设包,rpm可让Linux在安设软件包时免除很多庞大的手 续.该命令在安设常常用的参数是 ivh :其中i表示将安设指定的rmp软件包,学会声卡.V表示安设时 的全体消息,h表示在安设时刻出现“#”符号来流露目前的安设进程.这个符号将继续 到安设完成后才停 止. 1)安设任事器端 在有两个rmp文件的目录下运转如下命令:其实1(linux(red. [root@test1 lochas]# rpm -ivh MySQL-server-5.1.7-0.i386.rpm MySQL-client-5.1.7-0.i386.rpm 流露如下消息 . warning: MySQL-server-5.1.7-0.i386.rpm signinside theure: NOKEY: key ID 5072e1f5 Preparing... ########################################### [100%]
    1:MySQL-server ########################################### [100%] ....1声卡0060...(省略流露) /usr/pile/mysqladvertisingministrinside theive -u root pon the other hexclusivedtword hanew-pon the other hexclusivedtwordha /usr/pile/mysqladvertisingministrinside theive -u root -h test1 pon the other hexclusivedtword hanew-pon the other hexclusivedtwordha ......(省略流露) Startisticing mysqld daemon with dinside theaexclusivegles from /var/lib/mysql


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