• chemdraw2010 > wwwbiogeosciencesnet/7/4083/2010/
  • wwwbiogeosciencesnet/7/4083/2010/

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    文档作者:Chana Garrett
    River plume eastward intrusion events might reach Marseilles Bay within 2–3 days and induce local phytoplankton blooms and subsequent uorescent CDOM production (peaks M and T) without adding terrestrial uorescence signatures (peaks C and A). Besides Rh ne River plumes, mixo ing events of the entire water column injected relative aged (peaks C and M) CDOM from the bottom into the surface and thus appeared also as an important source of CDOM in surface waters of the Marseilles Bay. Therefore, the assessment of CDOM optical properties, within the hydrological context, pointed out several biotic (in situ biological production, biological production within Rh ne River plumes) and o abiotic (photobleaching, mixing) factors controlling CDOM transport, production and removal in this highly urbanized coastal area.
    Correspondence to: R. Semp r ee (sempere@univmed.fr)
    Dissolved organic matter (DOM) represents one of the largest bioreactive organic reservoirs at earth's surface (Hedges, 1992, 2002) and constitutes the main substrate for heterotrophic bacteria growth (Azam et al., 1983). The dominant source of DOM in the ocean is phytoplankton through release of organic compounds during bacterial and viral lysis, exudation, excretion and grazing (Mague et al., 1980; Jumars et al., 1989; Nagata, 2000; Myklestad, 2000). Though the inputs of terrestrial DOM represent only 0.7–2.4% of the total oceanic DOM pool, river inputs may be important in coastal oceanic areas (Opsahl and Benner, 1997) by
    Published by Copernicus Publications on behalf of the European Geosciences Union.


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