• 烹饪课件讲义 > 中华传道会刘永生中学
  • 中华传道会刘永生中学

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    中华传道会刘永生中学 学校报告
    内容 1. 办学宗旨,教育目标 2. 我们的学校 3. 我们的学生 4. 我们的教师 5. 我们的学与教 6. 我们对学生的成长支援 7. 学生表现 8. 主要关注事项(成就与反思) 9. 财务报告 10. 学校自行选取的表现评量 11. 学校未来发展计划的关注事项 页数 P.3-5 P.6-7 P.8-9 P.10-12 P.13-16 P.16 P.17-41 P.42-47 P.48-49 P.50-58 P.58
    附件:各项津贴的运用情况及评估报告[学校发展津贴,教师专业准备津贴(TPPG) 及「新高中课程过渡津贴」 (NSSCMG)]
    办学宗旨, 办学宗旨,教育目标
    本校办学宗旨在於提供学生全人教育;在圣经真理基础上,悉心扶育学生在德,智,体,群,美 及灵各方面健康成长,并培养好学自律,有礼合群,热爱生命,勇於承担的情操,和高尚的品格与公 民意识,以及活出丰盛的生命,将来贡献社会. 具体教育目标如下∶ 灵∶认识圣经真理和耶稣基督的福音,并让神陶造个人生命,懂得爱人和爱神,从而建立合乎圣 经真理的价值观,培养纯洁,真挚和健康的心灵. 德∶建立自信和自尊,并塑造真诚,坚毅,良善,正直,自律和自重的品格,以及培养尊重,接 纳,关心和爱护别人的情操. 智∶奠定良好的两文三语学习基础,提高学习及阅读的兴趣和掌握学习的方法,以期培养良好的 学习共通能力,增广学识和见识. 体∶培养体能运动的兴趣,并藉此操练身体和锻鍊意志,以及培养奋发求进和面对成败得失的正 确态度. 群∶透过与人相处,互相合作和服务他人,提升办事能力和培养服务人群的精神,建立和谐的人 际关系. 美∶培养美感的涵养,能鉴赏和创作艺术作品,以及欣赏造物一切的美善,从而尊重生命和提高 生活质素.
    Our Vision and Goals
    Our vision is to provide our students with all-round education. We are devoted to guiding our students on the basis of the teachings of the Bible so as to promote their spiritual, moral, intellectual, physical, social and aesthetic growth. We also strive to cultivate their learning motivation, self-discipline, manners and social skills, as well as passion for life, sense of commitment, noble character and civic awareness, so that they can lead a life of abundance and will make contributions to society in future. Our specific goals are as follows: Spiritual Education: Our students can understand the Biblical truth and gospel. With the life moulded by God, they can love God and their neighbours and build up their values consistent with the teachings of the Bible, and therefore have a pure, sincere and healthy spirit. Our students can build up confidence, self-esteem, sincerity, perseverance, kindness, integrity, self-discipline and dignity, and can show their respect, acceptance, consideration and care for others.
    Moral Education:
    Intellectual Education: Our students can lay good language foundations and develop their interest in learning and acquire study skills, so as to enrich their knowledge, widen their horizons and polish their thinking skills.


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