ASIA Embracing ACM/ICPC Asia Director C.Jinshong. Hwang (CJ)黄金雄
ACM-ICPC Global Coverage
The next few slides by William B. Poucher
- The ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC) provides college students with opportunities to interact with students from other universities and to sharpen and demonstrate their problem-solving, programming, and teamwork skills.
- The contest provides a platform for ACM, industry, and academia to encourage and focus public attention on the next generation of computing professionals as they pursue excellence.
? Attract as many students as possible
? Attract as many colleges and universities as possible
? Draw from as many areas of the world as possible
? Provide equitable access to the Contest Finals
? Strive for competitive contests
? Involve Industry and shine the spotlight on students
? Maintain and support the volunteer base
Phenomenal Growth...
- Increased from 5,606 to 6,099 teams
- Increased from 1,737 to 1,756 universities
- Increased world finals teams to 88
Regionals post another record performance!
GREAT Regional Leadership!
The IBM Touch! 700%
Team Participation
Rock Solid Foundation
- supported by the UPE Honor Society since 1970
- independent operation under the auspices of ACM
- headquartered at and supported by Baylor University
- fueled by IBM commitment, technology, and know-how…
The IBM Touch! 800%
Team Participation
Past ACM-ICPC World Finals
- 2002 – Hilton Hawaiian Village, Honolulu
- 2003 – The Beverly Hilton, Beverly Hills (during Oscars)
- Warsaw University Champions received by President of Poland
- 2004 – Prague – Obecni Dum
- Czech Technical University and Charles University
- City of Prague, Czech Ministry of Education, past President
- Obecni Dum, Prague Symphony Orchestra
- SPIFMO Champions received by Vladimir Putin
- 2005 – Shanghai - Pudong Shangri-La Hotel
- Shanghai Jaio Tong University
- City of Shanghai, China Ministry of Education
- Shanghai Drum Corps, SJTU Orchestra, Fireworks over Pudong
- 2006 – San Antonio – Hilton Palacio del Rio
- Baylor University
- City of San Antonio, Baylor Alumni Association, 82 Champs, Henry Cisneros
- Baylor Fiesta, Baylor Orchestra, IBM Rodeo Celebration
The 2008 ACM-ICPC World Finals …and beyond?
- The 2008 ACM-ICPC World Finals
- Does it flush clockwise or counter-clockwise?
- The 2009 ACM-ICPC World Finals
- Think Nobel!
- The 20010-12 ACM-ICPC World Finals
- Hawaii, Porto, Rio, Vancouver
- Hong Kong, Orlando, Auckland
- Harbin, Kuala Lumpur (Serious Contenders)
- St Petersburg, Spain, Portugal
Above slides By William B. Poucher
About ACM
- The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) is a major force in advancing the skills of information technology professionals and students.
- ACM serves its global membership of 80,000 by delivering cutting edge technical information and transferring ideas from theory to practice.
- ACM hosts the computing industry’s leading Portal to Computing Literature. With its journals and magazines, special interest groups, conferences, workshops, electronic forums, Career Resource Centre and Professional Development Centre, ACM is a primary resource to the information technology field. For more information, see
ICPC History
- 1970 Started in Texas –UPE,TAMU Alpha Chapter
- 1977 First International Finals at ACM CSC
150 universities, 12 regionals, 24 teams advanced
- 1989 ICPC headquartered at Baylor
- Since then – expanded to a GLOBAL community
1991 First Asia Team to World Finals
1996 First Team from Mainland China to World Finals
1995 First Asia Contest in Taipei
1996 First Asia Contest in Mainland China/Shanghai
1997 Beginning sponsored by IBM
- 2006 - 1756 universities, 6099 teams, 82 countries
88 teams advance to World Finals
- 2006 Total participants: 300,000+ students
The annual event is comprised of several levels of competition:
- Local Contests –Universities choose teams or hold local contests (provincial, metropolitan, or invitational) select one or more teams to represent them at the next level of competition. Selection takes place from a field of over 300,000 students in computing discipline worldwide.
- Regional Contests ( September to December) The year 2006, participation increased by 10% from 5,606 to 6,099 teams representing 1,756 universities from 82 countries on six continents, not counting 725 teams competing in preliminaries.
- World Finals (March 12-16, 2007,Hilton, Tokyo Bay, Maihama, Japan) Eighty-eight (88) world finalist teams will compete for awards, prizes and bragging rights. These teams represent the best of the finest universities on six continents –the cream of the crop. The World Finals is hosted by IBM Tokyo Research Lab and the ACM Japan Chapter.
Contestant Eligibility Rules –Basic Requirements
* A student must be willing and able to compete in the World Finals.
* A student must be enrolled in a degree program at the sponsoring institution with at least a half-time load. This rule is not to be construed as disqualifying co-op students, exchange students, or students serving internships.
* A student may compete for only one institution during a contest year.
* A student who has competed in two World Finals is NOT eligible to compete.
* A student who has competed in five years of Regional Contests is NOT eligible to compete
Scoring of a Regional Contest
- A problem is solved when it is accepted by the judges. The judges are solely responsible for accepting or rejecting submitted runs.
- In consultation with the judges, the Regional Contest Director determines the winners of the regional contest.
- The regional contest director and judges are empowered to adjust for or adjudicate unforeseen events and conditions. Their decisions are final.
- Teams are ranked according to the most problems solved. For the purposes of awards, or in determining qualifier(s) for the World Finals, teams who solve the same number of problems are ranked by least total time. The total time is the sum of the time consumed for each problem solved. The time consumed for a solved problem is the time elapsed from the beginning of the contest to the submittal of the accepted run plus 20 penalty minutes for every rejected run for that problem regardless of submittal time. There is no time consumed for a problem that is not solved.
- It is the responsibility of the Regional Contest Director to specify any additional tie-breakers. Tie-breaker policies must be announced to contestants before the contest begins.
Regional Contest Programming Languages
- The programming languages of the regional contest will include C/C++. Additional programming languages may be used.
- The programming languages of the World Finals are Java and C/C++.
- Prior to the World Finals, the judges will have solved all problems in Java and C/C++.
Asia Sites 亚洲’07赛区
- 1。北京 (Beijing) 7。Kanpur –印度
- 2。长春 (Changchun) 8。南京 (Nanjing)
- 3。成都 (Chengdu) 9。Seoul –南韩
- 4。Coimbatore –印度 10。台北 (Taipei)
- 5。Dhaka –孟加拉 11。Tehran-伊朗
- 6。Danang –越南 12。Tokyo东京-日本
- 13 Singapore –新加坡
- 2008 Kuala Lumpur, Harbin, Shanghai, Jakarta,
- Xian, etc.
Hosting Committee of Asia Sites
- 1. Contest Operation Steering Committee: Autonomous
- 2. Funding: self-support, plus token support from ACM/ICPC - IBM
- 3. Local Funding:
- Host University Responsibility.
- 亦可求助于中国赛区指导委员会
- 4. Sponsors
- -Local sponsor’s logo may be present;
- -IBM logo must be present with local sponsors,
- even local IBM does not provide any support.
- 5. Applying to be a host
- -Just contact Asia Director CJ Hwang.
- -Asia Regional Site: application must be from a faculty;
- -Site Director must be associate professor or above.
- -Coordinator may be an faculty member.
- -Campus or provincial contests must have faculty Advisor.
Why Participating the Contest?
- For students taking a course, they may solve only 5 to 10 small or midsize problems in one semester.
- For a team to participate the contest, the students may practice and solve 500 to 2,000 large problems.
- Participating a contest is equivalent to taking 50 to 400 courses. And the level of the student’s skills will be increased by 50 to 400 times. So it is very important for students to participate the Contest, to know and to enhance their own level of knowledge and skills.
- For a university to host the Contest, the university will be more visible in the academic community and provide more training and education for students.
- For a faculty to create contest problems, a faculty member may have to research 20 to 40 books. That’s more important than small research projects.
- For the volunteer students, it is a chance for them to interact with students from other parts of Asia or other cities of their own country.
ACM/ICPC Asia China Regional Planning (5 Regions and waiting list of the university in each year)
- 东北:
- 2007 吉林大学
- 2008 哈尔滨工程大
- 2009 哈尔滨工大
- 2010 哈尔滨工程大
- 华北:
- 2007 北航大
- 2008 北交大
- 2009 南开
- 2010 天津大
- 华中/华南
- xxx
- 华东:
- 2007 南航大
- 2008 杭州电子
- 2009 东华大学(上海)
- 2010 厦门大学
- 2011 福州大学
- 2012 中国科大
- 华西:
- 2007 西华(成都 )
- 2008 西电
- 2009 西南民族大
’07省赛,联省赛,大都会赛 (China Provincials)
- 东北 哈尔滨工程大学
- 内蒙古 内蒙古大学
- 华中北区 武汉大学
- 华中南区 国防科大(长沙),Hunan University
- 苏鲁皖 南京航大
- 福建 厦门大学 (’08福州大学)
- 浙江 浙江大学
- 广东/广西 中山大学
- 四川/贵州/云南 西华大学 (’08西南民族大学)
- 陕西/甘肃 西电
- 成都区 西南民族大学
- 安徽河南河北 中国科大(08’)
- Invitation 浙江福建江西 杭州电子大学
- Beijing Area 北航大
- 吉林 吉林大学 (08 Northeast Normal University)
- 上海 Area
Business School 上海外贸学院
ACM/ICPC Council China Proposal ACM/ICPC 中国大陆赛区指导委员会
- Executive Director: 黄金雄
- 秘书长: 周维民
- 常务委员: 陈越、俞勇、吴永辉、吴文虎、李文新、郭嵩山、楼巍
- 徐伟、周维民、黄金雄
- 委员:所有负责省级或亚洲区比赛的负责人
- 会员:所有各队教练及指导老师
- Standing Sub-committee召集人:
- 比赛赛程指导小组: 吴文虎、郭嵩山
- 在线判题指导小组: 陈越、李文新
- 竞赛指导小组:郭嵩山
- 赛队训练指导小组:俞勇
- 出题指导小组:吴永辉,周维民
- 系统指导小组:徐伟
- 宣传小组:陈志宏
- 公共关系及厂商赞助:周维民
** ‘07 Scores Available. for Final Slots from Dr. Poucher**
- - Shanghai 7.1 - Beijing 4.1 - Yokohama 2.0 - Kanpur 2.0 - Tehran 1.9 - Seoul 1.9 - Coimbatore 1.3 - Dhaka 1.3 - Xian 1.1
- - Manila 1.1 - Hanoi 1.0
- - Kaohsiung 0.8
Calculation & Recommendation by Asia Director
1. Kaohsiung Site (total used slots 0.66 from 0.8)
(Bina Nusantara U 0.33; Shanghai JTU 0.33);
2. Manila Site (total used slots 1.32 from 1.1)
- (U HK 0.33; U Tokyo 0.33; Saitama U 0.33;
- National Taiwan U 0.33);
3. Hanoi Site (total used slots 1.66 from 1.0)
- (SJTU 0.33; Zhongshan U 0.33; Vietnam NU 1.0- host)
4. Xian Site (total used slots 1.32 from 1.1)
- (PKU 0.66; Tsinghua 0.66)
5. Dhaka Site (total used slots 1.33 from 1.3)
- (Fudan 0.33; BUET 1.0)
6. Coimbatore Site (total used slots 1.0 from 1.3)
- (IIT Bombay 1.0)
7. Seoul Site (total used slots 2.66 from 1.9)
- (Seoul NU 1.0; PKU 0.33; Zhongshan U 0.33; KAIST 1.0- host)
8. Tehran Site (total used slots 2.33 from 1.9)
- (Nanyang TU 0.33; Sharif UT 1.0; Amirkabir UT 1.0);
9. Kanpur Site (total used slots 2.33 from 2.0)
- (National IT 1.0; IIT Madras 1.0; National Taiwan U 0.33);
10. Yokohama Site (total used slots 1.99 from 2.0)
- (SJTU 0.33; Kyoto 1.0; U Tokyo 0.66);
11. Beijing Site (total used slots 3.98 from 4.1)
- (UST China 1.0; Xiamen U 0.66; PKU 0.66;
- Zhejiang U 0.66; Hefei UT 1.0);
12. Shanghai Site (total used 6.63 from 7.1)
(Tsinghua 0.66; Fudan 0.66; Xiamen 0.66;
National Taiwan U 0.33; Zhejiang 0.66; PKU 0.66;
East China UST 1.0; National UDT 1.0; Xidian 1.0);
Teams Advanced to 2007 World Finals
28 teams: in random order
1. Tsinghua University – Mobile Robot (Shanghai)
- 2. Fudan University – Yin-Yang (Dhaka)
- 3. Xiaman University – btALT (Beijing,Shanghai)
- 4. National Taiwan University – puyo (Shanghai)
- 5. Zhejiang University – gogogo (Beijing)
- 6. Peking University – T2 (Xian)
- 7. University of Tokyo – kitsune- (Yokohama)
- 8. Zhongshan University – ZSU_Andes (Hanoi)
- 9. Shanghai Jiao Tong University – Lacotix (Yokohama, Kaohsiung)
- 10. Bina Nusantara University – YoiAC (Kaohsiung)
- 11. University of Hong Kong - Near (Manila)
- 12. Saitama University – Maximum Tomato (Manila)
- 13. College of Technology, Vietnam NU Hanoi – Chicken (Hanoi)
- 14. Bangladesh University of Engineering and Tech. – BUET xC33d (Dhaka)
- 15. Indian Institute of Technology Bombay – ACM (e) Solvers (Coimbatore)
- 16. Seoul National University – Do not touch anything (Seoul)
- 17. Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Tech. – WaTangKa (Seoul)
- 18. Nanyang Technological University – NTU Silvergull (Tehran)
- 19. Sharif University – Imaginary (Tehran)
- 20. Amirkabir University of Technology – Dreamers United (Tehran)
- 21. National Institute of Technology, Trichy – nittfriendz (Kanpur)
- 22. Indian Institute of Technology Madras – xtc++ (Kanpur)
- 23. Kyoto University – (Yokohama)
- 24. University of Science and Tech. of China – Student (Beijing)
- 25. Hefei University of Technology – Love Wisdom (Beijing)
- 26. East China Univ. of Science and Tech. – Redfield (Shanghai)
- 27. Xidian University – ACMore1 (Shanghai - host)
- (Moved up 1 rank by ICPC Council China’s resolution.)
- 28. National Univ. of Defense Tech. – Robust (Shanghai)
- Rank Name Solved Time
- 1 Warsaw University 8 1405
- 2 Tsinghua University 清华大学 7 1200
- 3 St. Petersburg University of IT, Mechanics and Optics
- 6 866
- 4 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 6 866
- 5 Novosibirsk State University 6 868
- 6 Saratov State University 6 957
- 7 Twente University 6 1011
- 8 Shanghai Jiao Tong University上海交大 6 1026
- 9 University of Waterloo 6 1103
- 10Moscow State University 6 1192
- Rank Name Solved Time
- 11 University of Auckland 6 1210
- 12 California Institute of Technology 6 1241
- 13 Petrozavodsk State University 6
- 14 Kyoto University 5
- 14 National Taiwan University 台大 5
- 14 Peking University 北大 5
- 14 Seoul National University 5
- 14 Sharif University of Technology 5
- 14 St. Petersburg State University 5
- 14 Universidad de Buenos Aires 5
- 14 University of Alberta 5
- 14 University of British Columbia 5
- 14 University of Science and Technology of China 中国科大 5
- 14 University of Texas at Dallas 5
- 14 University of Toronto 5
- Rank Name Solved Time
- 26 Amirkabir University of Technology 4
- 26 Belarusian State University 4
- 26 Fudan University 复旦大学 4
- 26 Johannes Kepler Universit?t Linz 4
- 26 KTH - Royal Institute of Technology 4
- 26 National Technical University of Ukraine 4
- 26 Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro 4
- 26 Stanford University 4
- 26 Stavropol State University 4
- 26 The University of Tokyo 4
- 26 Universidade de S?o Paulo 4
- 26 University of Cape Town 4
- Rank Name Solved Time
- 26 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 4
- 26 University of Nebraska – Lincoln 4
- 26 University of Wroclaw 4
- 26 Ural State University 4
- 26 Vologda State Pedagogical University 4
- 26 Zhongshan (Sun Yat-sen) University 中山大学 4
- 44 Bina Nusantara University 3
- 44 Carnegie Mellon University 3
- 44 College of Technology, Vietnam National University, Hanoi 3
- 44 Cornell University 3
- 44 Duke University 3
- 44 East China University of Science & Technology华东科大 3
- 44 Hefei University of Technology 合肥科大 3
- 44 Indian Institute of Technology, Madras 3
- Rank Name SolvedTime
- 44 Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology 3
- 44 National University of Defense Technology国防科大 3
- 44 Orel State Technical University 3
- 44 Saitama University 3
- 44 Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado 3
- 44 Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya 3
- 44 University of Adelaide 3
- 44 University of Bucharest 3
- 44 University of Central Florida 3
- 44 University of New South Wales 3
- 44 Xiamen University 厦门大学 3
- 44 Xidian University 西电 3
- 44 Zhejiang University 浙江大学 3
Honorable Mention
- Arab Academy for Science and Technology
- Bangladesh University of Engineering&Technology
- Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla
- Harvard University
- Indian Institute of Technology,Bombay
- Instituto Tecnologico deAeronautica
- Kazakh National University
- Mercer University
- Nanyang Technological University
- National Institute of Technology, Trichy
- Northwestern University
- Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
- The University of HongKong
- Universidad Central de Venezuela
- Universidad Tecnologica de la Mixteca
- Universidad de Chile
- Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
- University of Calgary
- University of Minnesota
- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- University of Texas at Austin
- University of Wisconsin – Madison
- Vanderbilt University
- Virginia Tech
- Region
- Africa and the Middle East
- Asia
- Europe
- Latin America
- North America
- South Pacific
- Champion
- University of Cape Town
- Tsinghua University
- Warsaw University
- Universidad de Buenos Aires
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- University of Auckland
- Three smart students in one team
(no need to be very smart, just smart)
- Work hard (very important), practice many problems before the contest, for example 500 problems.
- Team works
Past ACM-ICPC World Finals
- 2003 – The Beverly Hilton, Beverly Hills (during Oscars)
- - Warsaw University Champions received by President of Poland
- 2004 – Prague – Obecni Dum
- Czech Technical University and Charles University
- 2002 – Hilton Hawaiian Village, Honolulu
- City of Prague, Czech Ministry of Education, past President
- Obecni Dum, Prague Symphony Orchestra
- SPIFMO Champions received by Vladimir Putin
- 2005 – Shanghai - Pudong Shangri-La Hotel
- Shanghai Jaio Tong University
- City of Shanghai, China Ministry of Education
- Shanghai Drum Corps, SJTU Orchestra, Fireworks over Pudong
- 2006 – San Antonio – Hilton Palacio del Rio
- Baylor University
- City of San Antonio, Baylor Alumni Association, 82 Champs, Henry Cisneros
- Baylor Fiesta, Baylor Orchestra, IBM Rodeo Celebration
Hall of Champions
- 2007 Warsaw University
- ( 2nd place: Tsinghua University)
- 2006 Saratov State University
- 2005 Shanghai Jiao Tong University
- 2004 St. Petersburg Institute of Fine Mechanic
- and Optics
- 2003 Warsaw University
- 2002 Shanghai Jiao Tong University
- 2001 The St. Petersburg State University
- 2000 The St. Petersburg State University
- 亚洲区域赛各赛场组委会自组出题及裁判委员会。
- 每年五月至七月底或八月初,出下年度世界大赛的题目。
- 赛题被选中者,免费参加世界大赛担当裁判。无额外报酬。
- 几年前,美国教授为重心,出许多复杂应用赛题。
- 亚洲到目前为止,只有一位孟加拉教授出题被选中。