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  • g89.2229 multiple regression week 11 (wednesday)

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    文档作者:Patrick Shrout
    G89.2229 Lect 11W
    G89.2229 Lect 1W
    G89.2229 Multiple Regression
    Week 11 (Wednesday)
    Logistic Regression Review
    Maximum Likelihood Estimates
    Probit Regression and Example
    Model Fit
    Logistic Regression Review
    Additive probability models are often not ideal.
    p is bounded by [0,1].
    Log odds of p [w(p)] has nice properties.
    Unbounded, with w(p)=0 for p=.5.
    Important equations
    Logistic Example: Clinic Only
    Maximum Likelihood Estimates
    Strategy: Choose guesses for regression weights that makes the outcome seem likely under the model.
    We use simple binomial probability theory to calculate the likelihood.
    Choose some probability starting values
    Calculate how likely each observation is under the initial probabilities
    Summarize the overall likelihood
    Modify the model to improve the likelihood
    Review of Binomial Probability
    What is the likelihood of rolling a "1" on a single die
    What is the likelihood of rolling "snake eyes" with two dice
    Review of Binomial Probability
    What is the likelihood of rolling one "1" and one value other than "1"
    What is the probability of Y (where Y is 1 when die is "1" and 0 otherwise)
    Review of Binomial Probability
    Suppose Suppose Y is a binary random variable with probability p. What is the probability of Y
    Suppose that r=SY, where n observations are summed. What is probability of SY =r
    Summarizing Likelihood
    Probabilities of rare events get small.
    The probability that a particular sample will have a specific pattern of values is very small.
    Products of probabilities get exponentially smaller
    Keeping track of these small numbers is facilitated by taking logs.
    Ln likelihoods sum (whereas likelihoods need to be multiplied)
    This Excel spreadsheet shows how the regression coefficients change the fitted probabilities.


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