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  • microsoft ? office 2007

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    文档作者:Soltis, Jolanta
    Groups are sets of related commands. They remain on display and readily available, giving you rich visual aids.
    Commands are arranged in groups. A command can be a button, a menu, or a box where you enter information.
    Get up to speed with the 2007 Office system
    What's on the Ribbon
    How do you get started
    In Word 2007, for example, that's the Home tab.
    It's got the commands that people use most commonly when they write documents: font formatting commands (Font group), paragraph options (Paragraph group), and text styles (Styles group).
    Begin with the first tab.
    Get up to speed with the 2007 Office system
    How commands are organized
    Commands are organized by how they're used.
    Frequently used core commands no longer have to share space with a range of remotely related commands on a menu or toolbar.
    They're the ones that get used, and so now they're the ones most prominently featured.
    Get up to speed with the 2007 Office system
    More commands, but only when you need them
    Commands you use most are available on the Ribbon all the time.
    Others appear only when you need them, in response to an action you take.
    For example, the Picture Tools in Word appear on the Ribbon when you insert a picture, and they go away when you're done. The Ribbon responds to your action.
    So don't worry if you don't see all the commands at all times. Take the first steps, and what you need will appear.
    Get up to speed with the 2007 Office system
    More options if you need them
    Sometimes an arrow, called the Dialog Box Launcher, appears in the lower-right corner of a group.
    This means more options are available for the group.
    On the Home tab, click the arrow in the Font group.
    For example, to get to a less commonly used font option in PowerPoint 2007:
    The Font dialog box opens, with the full selection of font commands.
    Get up to speed with the 2007 Office system


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