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  • (Gopalskrishnan)

    免费下载 下载该文档 文档格式:PPT   更新时间:2007-02-02   下载次数:0   点击次数:1
    Use of NCEP Meteorological Model Predictions for HPAC Applications
    Jeff McQueen, Dusan Jovic, Binbin Zhou, Sundara Gopalakrishnan,
    Marina Tsidulko, Jun Du and Geoff DiMego
    National Centers for Environmental Prediction
    Environmental Modeling Center
    December 18, 2006
    NCEP AT&D Focus for HPAC
    Improved Coupling of Mesoscale Models w/ HPAC (Tsidulko, Jovic)
    Special real-time High Resolution Nested Grid Runs (eg: Torino Olympics)
    Additional turbulence Fields output to NCEP GRIB files and to DTRA servers
    Evaluation of WRF turbulence characteristics with PSU & Hanna Cons.
    Tested on IHOP May 28, 2002 case, 12 km CONUS
    Development of a real-time PBL height and cloud cover verification system
    Development and Testing of a High Resolution Ensemble Prediction Systems (Jovic, Zhou, Du)
    NCEP WRF ensemble breeding system
    Uses both ARW and NMM cores and physics suites
    Can be initialized from GDAS or NDAS land or Atmos. states0
    Core choice through Unix scripts
    6 WRF members tested and evaluated in 21 member SREF
    Began testing a 10 member WRF HREF
    Providing experimental ensemble wind variance fields needed to drive HPAC uncertainty calculations
    Incorporation of probabilistic verification for Ensemble System evaluation
    Deterministic FVS developments: pbl hgt & cloud cover verification
    Ranked Histograms, spread, statistical consistency, outlier diagrams added for ensemble verification
    Additional NCEP products with potential applications for AT&D
    Homeland Security Runs
    On-demand real-time High Resolution WRF 4km Grid Runs
    26 pre-defined nests
    Can be extended to use WRF-NMM redeployable nesting system (tested for 2006 Winter Olympics)
    Real-Time Mesoscale Analysis system (RTMA)
    2-D VAR surface hourly 5 km
    Can be extended to include boundary layer fields
    Can be extended to utilize Urbanet/DCNET


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