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    Multi-Task Learning and Web Search Ranking
    Gordon Sun (孙国政)
    Yahoo! Inc
    March 2007
    Brief Review: Machine Learning in web search ranking and Multi-Task learning.
    MLR with Adaptive Target Value Transformation – each query is a task.
    MLR for Multi-Languages – each language is a task.
    MLR for Multi-query classes – each type of queries is a task.
    Future work and Challenges.
    MLR (Machine Learning Ranking)
    General Function Estimation and Risk Minimization:
    Input: x = {x1, x2, …, xn}
    Output: y
    Training set: {yi, xi}, i = 1, …, n
    Goal: Estimate mapping function y = F(x)
    In MLR work:
    x = x (q, d) = {x1, x2, …, xn} --- ranking features
    y = judgment labeling: e.g. {P E G F B} mapped to {0, 1, 2, 3, 4}.
    Loss Function: L(y, F(x)) = (y – F(x))2
    Algorithm: MLR with regression.
    Rank features construction
    Query features:
    query language, query word types (Latin, Kanji, …), …
    Document features:
    page_quality, page_spam, page_rank,…
    Query-Document dependent features:
    Text match scores in body, title, anchor text (TF/IDF, proximity), ...
    Evaluation metric – DCG (Discounted Cumulative Gain)

    where grades Gi = grade values for {P, E, G, F, B} (NDCG – 2n) DCG5 -- (n=5), DCG10 -- (n=10)
    Distribution of judgment grades
    Milti-Task Learning
    Single-Task Learning (STL)
    One prediction task (classification/regression):
    to estimate a function based on oneTraining/testing set:
    T= {yi, xi}, i = 1, …, n

    Multi-Task Learning (MTL)
    Multiple prediction tasks, each with their own training/testing set:


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