• feeling是什么意思 > 什么是虚拟现实技术呢
  • 什么是虚拟现实技术呢

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    Lesson 3 Virtual Reality
    What is virtual reality
    The use of computers to make situations feel and look real.
    Task 1 Warm up
    headsets, glass and special gloves and suits equipped with sensors
    the user can directly interact with a 3D (dimension) computer programme by moving 'inside' it.
    virtual reality holidays
    learning to fly using virtual reality technology
    playing virtual reality computer games
    visiting virtual museums on the Internet
    Which of these uses for virtual reality are possible now
    Playing virtual reality computer games.
    Learning to fly using virtual reality simulator.
    Visiting virtual museums on the Internet.
    Would you like to visit the Science Museum website Why or why not
    Would you like to go to a virtual university
    read the dialogue
    others' opinions
    Ok , you will find lots of good information at home. and needn't spend time traveling there.
    Wonderful, study in such a world-famous university without going out of your room.
    什么是虚拟现实技术呢 简单地说, 就是人们利用计算机生成一个逼真的三维虚拟环境, 通过自然技能使用传感设备与之相互作用的新技术.它与传统的模拟技术完全不同, 是将模拟环境,视景系统和仿真系统合三为一, 并利用头盔显示器,图形眼镜,数据服,立体声
    耳机,数据手套及脚踏板等传感装置, 把操作者与计算机生成的三维虚拟环境连结在一起.操作者通过传感器装置与虚 拟环境交互作用, 可获得视觉,听觉,触觉等多种感知, 并按照自己的意愿去改变"不随心"的虚拟环境.
    比如, 计算机虚拟的环境是一座楼房, 内有各种设 备,物品,操作者会如同身临其境一样, 可以通过各种传感装置在屋内行走查 看,开门关门,搬动物品; 对房屋设计上的不满意之处, 还可随意改动.
    Task 2 Reading
    True or False
    1. This weekend Tom will help Cathy finish a project on the history of the Internet.
    2. Cathy is more interested in virtual holiday than Tom.
    3. Tom will have a virtual reality holidays this weekend.
    4. Virtual university is an interesting game on line instead of a real university.
    5. Virtual reality holidays spend less time than real holidays.
    6. You needn't go to the real place in virtual reality holidays but you can get real feeling of traveling there.
    7. The Science Museum on line doesn't exist in fact , just imagine it.


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