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  • 在选择计算机的操作系统时

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    Linux vs. Windows
    When choosing a computer's operating system, businesses need to ask, why pay more for Microsoft Windows licensing fees when you can get a Linux system for far less. Linux is an operating system based on a free open-source code that can be modified1 by its users. Linux was created in 1991 by a student in Finland and improved by volunteer computer experts around the world. Since the license to the code cannot be controlled by a single company, Linux has no license fee. Companies are able to sell specialized Linux based applications as long as the modified code remains available to the public. Sounds good! So why choose Windows Microsoft Windows is very easy to install especially for computer novices2. It also has a wide range of software not available on Linux. But Linux distributors3 are working to make their computers compatible4 with Windows software. They hope more and more users will line up for Linux and opt for a less expensive way of office computing.
    Linux 还是Windows
    在选择计算机的操作系统时,商家要问,既然可以用少得多的价钱购买Linux系统,为什么还要支付更多的微软视窗许可证费用.Linux是一种免费开放源代码的操作系统,这些源代码可以由用户修改.Linux是由一名芬兰的学生在1991年创建的,并通过全世界志愿的计算机专家修改而完善.由于对代码的使用许可权不能由单个公司控制,因此Linux没有许可证费用.只要修改的代码仍然可以由公众使用,公司能够销售基于应用程序的专业化Linux.听起来不错!那为么还要选择Windows 微软视窗软件非常便于安装,特别适合计算机初学者使用.它还具有各式各样Linux不支持的软件.但是Linux经销商在努力使他们的计算机和窗口软件兼容.他们希望越来越多的用户购买Linux,选择一种价格比较低廉的电脑办公方式.
    1.modify [ ] vt. 更改, 修改
    2.novice [ ] n. 新手, 初学者
    3.distributor [ ] n. 发行人
    4.compatible [ ] adj. 兼容的
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