[00:23] <ku> morning~~
[00:41] <GUN^ROSE> 早!
[00:41] <GUN^ROSE> 起床啦,太阳照屁股啦!
[00:46] <ku> 今天还没见到太阳呢
[00:50] <GUN^ROSE> 哈哈
[00:50] <GUN^ROSE> 你的太阳哪里去啦?
[00:52] <ku> 我的太阳..我的太阳在我这
[00:53] <xiaohuhu> 晕..怎么pidgin qq显示的只有4个热???而在web qq上有20多个人???
[00:54] <ku> pidgin能上q吗
[00:54] <xiaohuhu> 是啊
[00:56] <tusooa> ls
[00:57] <xiaohuhu> 好像手机上的不能显示了..以前可以的...昨天卸了些插件..
[00:57] <tusooa> 貌似带user ban的。。。
[00:58] <xiaohuhu> 什么东东??
[00:58] <tusooa> ● screen -t chat sudo -u ircbot irssi --home=$HOME/.irssi --config=$HOME/.irssi/config
[00:59] <tusooa> irssi命令居然都失效了。。。
[00:59] <xiaohuhu> 。。
[01:00] <xiaohuhu> 怎么弄??
[01:01] <tusooa> 'log
[01:01] <xiaohuhu> 说具体点/...
[01:02] <tusooa> 。。。光看到一个人自言自语。。。
[01:03] <xiaohuhu> 。
[01:04] <tusooa> ...
[01:04] <cfy> 有没有人会fcgi,我想问个问题.
[01:04] <cfy> web server->fcgi->program
[01:04] <cfy> 应该是这样吧.
[01:05] <cfy> Kandu: 在不?
[01:06] <cfy> http://library.linode.com/web-servers/nginx/perl-fastcgi/debian-5-lenny
[01:06] <^k^> ? title: Perl-FastCGI with Nginx - Nginx and Perl-FastCGI on Debian 5 (Lenny) - Linode Library
[01:06] <cfy> 为啥这篇文章要装 spawn-fcgi呢?
[01:06] <RabbitHair> dear all,怎么样能让frigg和chanserv这两个消息 不自动弹出啊,我每次进这个聊天室都会弹出这个,还要手动去关
[01:08] <heihhhhh> 用chatzilla貌似不会这样
[01:20] <tusooa> ...
[01:21] <tusooa> http://tinyurl.com/25eb3e2 ...
[01:21] <Echol> Solution : Install and Configure Microsoft LoopBack Adapter: Installation of Microsoft LoopBack Adapter: 1. Click Start, and then click Control Panel. 2. Click on Add Hardware and then Click Next. 3. Click Install the hardware that I manually select from a list, and then click Next. 4. Click Network adapters, and then click Next. 5. In the Manufacturer box, click Microsoft. 6. In the Network Adapter box, click Microsoft Loopback
[01:21] <Echol> Checking Network Configuration requirements ... Check complete. The overall result of this check is: Failed <<<< Problem: The install has detected that the primary IP address of the system is DHCP-assigned. Recommendation: Oracle supports installations on systems with DHCP-assigned public IP addresses. However, the primary network interface on the system should be configured with a static IP address in order for the Oracle Softwa