• thankyoumygirl > Outbreak script Come this way! Men wounded in battle we can deal ...
  • Outbreak script Come this way! Men wounded in battle we can deal ...

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    Outbreak script
    Come this way! 
    Men wounded in battle we can deal with. 
    But this strange disease. 
    Thirty men dead yesterday. 
    18 the day before. 
    We need supplies. 
    We'll get what you need. 
    You're Americans. 
    ...get me out of this shithole. 
    Buddy, that's what we're here for. 
    First we'll take a blood sample, all right? 
    I'm gonna die, right? 
    -You won't die. -Tell my girl I love her. 
    I won't tell her. Tell her yourself. 
    The soldiers inside are in the early stages of the disease. 
    By tomorrow night they will look like this. 
    Mother of God! 
    I'll authorize an immediate airdrop. 
    It's worse than I thought. Get the plane here by 1900. 
    Get the plane, Billy. 
    Come on! All right! 
    Isn't this your last day? 
    Sam, are you there? 
    Pick up the phone. We have a situation in Zaire. It doesn't look good. 
    Stay there. 
    Hemorrhagic fever, high mortality. 
    We picked up a relay from Cairo. 
    I said stay! 
    What's up? 
    Looks like we have a Level 4. 
    How many dead? 
    Don't know. There aren't any numbers yet. 
    -What do you think it is? -Too early to say. 
    The WHO is preparing a team, but I want you there first. 
    You're off Hanta and flying to Zaire. 
    Let me get my crew together. I'll get back to you. 


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