• 内科学第七版word > 2010年专题目录第二辑-医学(中科提供)
  • 2010年专题目录第二辑-医学(中科提供)

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    "ZK2010-MES2-001","医学","R-0 医药,卫生一般理论","R-0","医药,卫生一般理论","Drug Policy and the Public Good","Babor, Thomas F.; Caulkins, Jonathan P.; Edwards, Griffith; Fisher, Benedikt; Foxcroft, David R.; Humphreys, Keith; Obot, Isidore S.; Rehm, Jürgen; Reuter, Peter; Room, Robin; Rossow, Ingeborg; Strang, John","药物政策与公共利益",,"2010.01","Paperback","368","USD","54.95 ","0199557128","9780199557127","Oxford University Press","Drug Policy and the Public Good is a book by an international group of addiction scientists, to improve the links between addiction science and drug policy. It presents the accumulated scientific knowledge on drug use research that has a direct relevance to the development of drug policy at local, national and international levels. ",,"Those in health policy (particularly drug policy), addiction science, public health, epidemiology, and practising clinicians in the field"
    "ZK2010-MES2-002","医学","R-0 医药,卫生一般理论","R-0","医药,卫生一般理论","Ethical Histories in Clinical Medical Practice :Essays in Honor of Richard M. Zaner","Wiggins","临床医学实践中的伦理史:Richard M. Zaner 纪念文集","Philosophy and Medicine ,VOL.109","2010.06","Hardback","212","EUR","99.95 ","9048191890","9789048191895","Springer Netherlands","This collection of articles honors the work of Richard Zaner, a distinguished philosopher who has worked for over twenty years as an ethics consultant at Vanderbilt University Medical Center. His work in the clinical setting, especially the use of narrative in understanding what is going on in this setting is the focus of some of the papers, others relate his methodology and phenomenological approach to the more standard bioethical problemata and approaches. The essential questions: what then is the role of the philosopher turned medical ethicists Is medical ethics a form of applied philosophy, or is it also a form of therapy distinguish Zaner's phenomenology from hermeneutical philosophy.",,"Research"


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