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    "9781842655801","Mathematics","Fuzzy Mathematical Concepts",,,"O1","模糊数学概念","S. Nanda, N. R. Das","Alpha Science International Limited",,"Hard Back","2010","GBP",25,"208","English","BIBF2010","Fuzzy Mathematical Concepts deals with the theory and applications of Fuzzy sets, Fuzzy relations, Fuzzy logic and Rough sets including the theory and applications to Algebra, Topology, Analysis, probability, and Measure Theory. While the first two chapte"
    "9781842654590","Mathematics","Analytical Geometry","Two and Three Dimensions",,"O1","解析几何:二维与三维","D. Chatterjee","Alpha Science International Limited",,"Hard Back","2009","GBP",25,"298","English","BIBF2010","This book presents in an elegant way, the essentials of two and three dimensions of analytical geometry with plenty of examples to illustrate the basic ideas and to bequeath to the students numerous techniques of problem-solving. The exercises provide amp"
    "9781842655863","Mathematics","Applied Differential Equations",,,"O1","应用微分方程","Amritasu Sinha","Alpha Science International Limited",,"Hard Back","2010","GBP",20,"150","English","BIBF2010","Applied Differential Equations discusses the Legendre and Bessel Differential equations and its solutions. Various properties of Legendre Polynomials as well as Legendre function and Bessel functions in part one. The second order Partial Differential equa"
    "9788173199226","Statistics","Laws of Large Numbers, The",,,"O1","大数律","T. K. Chandra","Narosa Publishing House Private Limited",,"Hard Back","201011","GBP",35,"152","English","BIBF2010","The Laws of Large Numbers contains the usual laws of large numbers together with the recent ones derived in unified and elementary approaches. Most of these results are valid for dependent and possibly non-identical sequence of random variables. These are"
    "9781842653685","Mathematics","Finite Element Analysis and Programming","An Introduction",,"O1","有限元分析与程序设计","Shashishekar Shivaswamy","Alpha Science International Limited",,"Hard Back","201005","GBP",45,"376","English","BIBF2010","Finite Element Analysis (FEA) is a widely used technique in many engineering disciplines. Implementing the principles of FEA through programming is crucial for a thorough understanding of the subject. In this book, the concepts of FEA and its programming "


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