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    "9781842654460","Mathematics","Topology",,,"O1","拓扑学","K. Chandrasekhara Rao","Alpha Science International Limited",,"Hard Back","2009","GBP",36,"370","English","BIBF2010","Topology presents the basic principles, techniques and theorems covering Kuratowski closure operator, separation axioms, connectedness, compactness, paracompactness, homotopy, metrizability and bitopological spaces. The important results such as the Tycho"
    "9780521739702","Mathematics-Numerical analysis","Foundations of Computational Mathematics, Hong Kong 2008",,"London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series, V363","O1","计算数学基础,香港2008","Felipe Cucker","Cambridge University Press",,"Paperback","200907","USD",70,"286","English","BIBF2010","This volume is a collection of articles based on the plenary talks presented at the 2008 meeting in Hong Kong of the Society for the Foundations of Computational Mathematics. The talks were given by some of the foremost world authorities in computational "
    "9781842656099","Mathematics","Introduction to Differential Geometry, An",,,"O1","微分几何导论","Krishna S. Amur, D. J. Shetty, C. S. Bagewadi","Alpha Science International Limited",,"Hard Back","2010","GBP",45,"252","English","BIBF2010","The concept of a differentiable manifold is introduced in a simple manner without going into its topological structure. Subsequently the reader is led to the same conceptual details as are found in other texts on the subjects. Since calculus on a differe"
    "9788184870671","Mathematics","Mathematical Modelling, Optimization and their Applications",,,"O1","数学模型,优化及其应用","P.C. Jha, M.N. Hoda","Narosa Publishing House Private Limited",,"Hard Back","201010","GBP",60,"300","English","BIBF2010",
    "9788184870428","Mathematics","Mathematical and Computational Models","Recent Trends",,"O1","数学计算模型:最新趋势","R. Nadarajan, G. A. Vijayalakshmi Pai, G. Sai Sundara Krishnan","Narosa Publishing House Private Limited",,"Hard Back","2010","GBP",70,"472","English","BIBF2010","With solutions to problems turning cross-disciplinary, researchers and scientists have begun to look for mathematical or computational models or their hybrid combinations, that can serve to yield efficient solutions to the problems concerned. Mathematical"


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