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    "94年 本校毕业纪念册及学位论文 共 1,589 册 "
    1,"008.8AT 91003",1188731,"具修正速度曲线运动控制卡之设计及执行 = The design and implementation of motion control card with modified velocity profile / 戴世和撰","台北市 : 戴世和 , 民94[2005]"
    2,"008.8AT 91003",1188732,"具修正速度曲线运动控制卡之设计及执行 = The design and implementation of motion control card with modified velocity profile / 戴世和撰","台北市 : 戴世和 , 民94[2005]"
    3,"008.8AT 91005",1217126,"即时NURBS多维运动轨迹精度补偿策略 = The compensation strategies in multi-axis contouring accuracy for real-time nurbs curve / 陈立业(Li-Yeh Chen)撰","台北市 : 陈立业 , 民94[2005]"
    4,"008.8AT 91005",1217127,"即时NURBS多维运动轨迹精度补偿策略 = The compensation strategies in multi-axis contouring accuracy for real-time nurbs curve / 陈立业(Li-Yeh Chen)撰","台北市 : 陈立业 , 民94[2005]"
    5,"008.8AT 91006",1188623,"不良骨切时人工膝关节髌骨之接触应力分析研究 = The contact stresses of the patellar components in the total knee arthroplasty under improper bone-cut conditions / 林柏霖撰","台北市 : 林柏霖 , 民94[2005]"
    6,"008.8AT 91006",1188624,"不良骨切时人工膝关节髌骨之接触应力分析研究 = The contact stresses of the patellar components in the total knee arthroplasty under improper bone-cut conditions / 林柏霖撰","台北市 : 林柏霖 , 民94[2005]"
    7,"008.8AT 92001",1216908,"基於影像及行为融合之自动导航车避障及导航 = Obstacle avoidance and navigation based on vision and behavior fusion for the mobile robot / 游富杰(Fu-Chieh Yu)撰","台北市 : 游富杰 , 民94[2005]"
    8,"008.8AT 92001",1216909,"基於影像及行为融合之自动导航车避障及导航 = Obstacle avoidance and navigation based on vision and behavior fusion for the mobile robot / 游富杰(Fu-Chieh Yu)撰","台北市 : 游富杰 , 民94[2005]"
    9,"008.8AT 92002",1217400,"远距手腕与手肘复健平台 = Telerehabilitation platform for human's elbow and wrist / 李峰岳(Feng-Yue Li)撰","台北市 : 李峰岳 , 民94[2005]"
    10,"008.8AT 92002",1217402,"远距手腕与手肘复健平台 = Telerehabilitation platform for human's elbow and wrist / 李峰岳(Feng-Yue Li)撰","台北市 : 李峰岳 , 民94[2005]"
    11,"008.8AT 92003",1216521,"多代理人智慧家庭系统之设计与实作 = The design and implementation for multiagent based smart home systems / 曾温祥(Wen-Shang Tseng)撰","台北市 : 曾温祥 , 民94[2005]"
    12,"008.8AT 92003",1216522,"多代理人智慧家庭系统之设计与实作 = The design and implementation for multiagent based smart home systems / 曾温祥(Wen-Shang Tseng)撰","台北市 : 曾温祥 , 民94[2005]"
    13,"008.8AT 92004",1217184,"白光共焦显微三维表面轮廓量测系统之研发 = Development of white light confocal microscopy for full-field micro surface profilometry / 高伟杰(Wei-Chieh Kao)撰","台北市 : 高伟杰 , 民94[2005]"
    14,"008.8AT 92004",1217185,"白光共焦显微三维表面轮廓量测系统之研发 = Development of white light confocal microscopy for full-field micro surface profilometry / 高伟杰(Wei-Chieh Kao)撰","台北市 : 高伟杰 , 民94[2005]"
    15,"008.8AT 92005",1217881,"运动系统之参数鉴别与前馈控制器设计 = Parameter identification and feedforward controller design of motion system / 李友壬(Yu-Reng Lee)撰","台北市 : 李友壬 , 民94[2005]"
    16,"008.8AT 92005",1217882,"运动系统之参数鉴别与前馈控制器设计 = Parameter identification and feedforward controller design of motion system / 李友壬(Yu-Reng Lee)撰","台北市 : 李友壬 , 民94[2005]"
    17,"008.8AT 92007",1217306,"微电铸与研磨技术在覆晶凸块与高频探针卡制作上的应用 = The application of fabrication on flip chip solder bump and rf probe card by using micro-electroplating and polishing technologies / 许后竣(Hou-Jun Hsu)撰","台北市 : 许后竣 , 民94[2005]"
    18,"008.8AT 92007",1217307,"微电铸与研磨技术在覆晶凸块与高频探针卡制作上的应用 = The application of fabrication on flip chip solder bump and rf probe card by using micro-electroplating and polishing technologies / 许后竣(Hou-Jun Hsu)撰","台北市 : 许后竣 , 民94[2005]"
    19,"008.8AT 92008",1216712,"飮水机之热能设计与热管之应用 = Utilized heat pipe for saving energy and thermal design for the water drinking supply system / 叶镇平(Zhen-Ping Ye)撰","台北市 : 叶镇平 , 民94[2005]"
    20,"008.8AT 92008",1216713,"飮水机之热能设计与热管之应用 = Utilized heat pipe for saving energy and thermal design for the water drinking supply system / 叶镇平(Zhen-Ping Ye)撰","台北市 : 叶镇平 , 民94[2005]"
    21,"008.8AT 92009",1217793,"动态色泽结构光三维光学量测系统之发展 = Development of 3D surface profilometry using dynamic digital color fringes / 黄信勋(Hsin-Hsun Huang)撰","台北市 : 黄信勋 , 民94[2005]"
    22,"008.8AT 92009",1217794,"动态色泽结构光三维光学量测系统之发展 = Development of 3D surface profilometry using dynamic digital color fringes / 黄信勋(Hsin-Hsun Huang)撰","台北市 : 黄信勋 , 民94[2005]"
    23,"008.8AT 92010",1217865,"类神经网路应用於触诊乳房硬块之初步研究 = Preliminary study of using neural network on breast mass palpation / 李俊毅(Jun-Yi Lee)撰","台北市 : 李俊毅 , 民94[2005]"
    24,"008.8AT 92010",1217866,"类神经网路应用於触诊乳房硬块之初步研究 = Preliminary study of using neural network on breast mass palpation / 李俊毅(Jun-Yi Lee)撰","台北市 : 李俊毅 , 民94[2005]"
    25,"008.8AT 92014",1216754,"摺叠休闲躺椅之研发 = Research and development of a foldable chair / 赖治维(Zhi-Wei Lai)撰","台北市 : 赖治维 , 民94[2005]"
    26,"008.8AT 92014",1216755,"摺叠休闲躺椅之研发 = Research and development of a foldable chair / 赖治维(Zhi-Wei Lai)撰","台北市 : 赖治维 , 民94[2005]"
    27,"008.8AT 92015",1217653,"应用基因演算法於运动系统之前馈摩擦力补偿 = The feedforward friction compensation of motion system using genetic algorithms / 方绍宇(Shao-Yu Fang)撰","台北市 : 方绍宇 , 民94[2005]"
    28,"008.8AT 92015",1217654,"应用基因演算法於运动系统之前馈摩擦力补偿 = The feedforward friction compensation of motion system using genetic algorithms / 方绍宇(Shao-Yu Fang)撰","台北市 : 方绍宇 , 民94[2005]"
    29,"008.8AT 92018",1216800,"马达闭回路控制系统之混波晶片设计 = Mixed-mode chip design for the closed-loop control of motor system / 黄书纬(Shu-Wei Huang)撰","台北市 : 黄书纬 , 民94[2005]"
    30,"008.8AT 92018",1216801,"马达闭回路控制系统之混波晶片设计 = Mixed-mode chip design for the closed-loop control of motor system / 黄书纬(Shu-Wei Huang)撰","台北市 : 黄书纬 , 民94[2005]"
    31,"008.8AT 92019",1216970,"需量反应中卸载最佳化之设计 = Design and implementation of optimal load shedding of the demand response / 卢浩仁(Hau-Ren Lu)撰","台北市 : 卢浩仁 , 民94[2005]"
    32,"008.8AT 92019",1216971,"需量反应中卸载最佳化之设计 = Design and implementation of optimal load shedding of the demand response / 卢浩仁(Hau-Ren Lu)撰","台北市 : 卢浩仁 , 民94[2005]"
    33,"008.8AT 92020",1217168,"以LonWorks为基础之智慧型家庭整合系统 = Integrated system of intelligent home based on lonworks technology / 杨政勋(Zheng-Xun Yang)撰","台北市 : 杨政勋 , 民94[2005]"
    34,"008.8AT 92020",1217169,"以LonWorks为基础之智慧型家庭整合系统 = Integrated system of intelligent home based on lonworks technology / 杨政勋(Zheng-Xun Yang)撰","台北市 : 杨政勋 , 民94[2005]"
    35,"008.8AT 92021",1217376,"具有多组输出之直流/直流转换器的研制 = Design and implementation of dc/dc converter with multiple outputs / 林振宏(Chen-Hung Lin)撰","台北市 : 林振宏 , 民94[2005]"
    36,"008.8AT 92021",1217377,"具有多组输出之直流/直流转换器的研制 = Design and implementation of dc/dc converter with multiple outputs / 林振宏(Chen-Hung Lin)撰","台北市 : 林振宏 , 民94[2005]"
    37,"008.8AT 92022",1217018,"应用於无线区域网路CMOS低杂讯放大器`功率放大器之设计及压控震荡器之量测 = Design of CMOS low noise amplifier,pwer amplifier and measurement of voltage controlled oscillator for WLAN / 张昱信撰","台北市 : 张昱信 , 民94[2005]"
    38,"008.8AT 92022",1217019,"应用於无线区域网路CMOS低杂讯放大器`功率放大器之设计及压控震荡器之量测 = Design of CMOS low noise amplifier,pwer amplifier and measurement of voltage controlled oscillator for WLAN / 张昱信撰","台北市 : 张昱信 , 民94[2005]"
    39,"008.8AT 92023",1217735,"基於可程式化系统晶片平台实现具快速傅立叶转换之泛用型资料撷取系统之研究 = Development of SOPC based general purpose data acquisition system with FFT capability / 高本宏(Pen-Hung Kao)撰","台北市 : 高本宏 , 民94[2005]"
    40,"008.8AT 92023",1217736,"基於可程式化系统晶片平台实现具快速傅立叶转换之泛用型资料撷取系统之研究 = Development of SOPC based general purpose data acquisition system with FFT capability / 高本宏(Pen-Hung Kao)撰","台北市 : 高本宏 , 民94[2005]"
    41,"008.8AT 92024",1216559,"2.4GHz/5GHz单双频增益可调低杂讯放大器之设计 = Design of the 2.4ghz/5ghz single and dual band cmos gain-variable low noise amplifier / 黄瑞明(Jui-Ming Haung)撰","台北市 : 黄瑞明 , 民94[2005]"
    42,"008.8AT 92024",1216560,"2.4GHz/5GHz单双频增益可调低杂讯放大器之设计 = Design of the 2.4ghz/5ghz single and dual band cmos gain-variable low noise amplifier / 黄瑞明(Jui-Ming Haung)撰","台北市 : 黄瑞明 , 民94[2005]"
    43,"008.8AT 92025",1217777,"基於语者模型梅尔倒频谱系数与类神经网路之主从式即时语者辨识系统 = Development of smmfcc and ann based client-server real-time speaker recognition system / 黄祯智(Chen-Chih Huang)撰","台北市 : 黄祯智 , 民94[2005]"
    44,"008.8AT 92025",1217778,"基於语者模型梅尔倒频谱系数与类神经网路之主从式即时语者辨识系统 = Development of smmfcc and ann based client-server real-time speaker recognition system / 黄祯智(Chen-Chih Huang)撰","台北市 : 黄祯智 , 民94[2005]"
    45,"008.8AT 92027",1216423,"PCI介面之脉冲型运动控制卡开发 = The development of a pci-interface pulse-type motion control card / 黄永赐(Yung-Tzu Huang)撰","台北市 : 黄永赐 , 民94[2005]"
    46,"008.8AT 92027",1216424,"PCI介面之脉冲型运动控制卡开发 = The development of a pci-interface pulse-type motion control card / 黄永赐(Yung-Tzu Huang)撰","台北市 : 黄永赐 , 民94[2005]"
    47,"008.8AT 92504",1216654,"应用模糊PID之PLC控制液压伺服系统 = A plc-based fuzzy pid controlled hydraulic servo system / 陈俊铭(Chun-Ming Chen)撰","台北市 : 陈俊铭 , 民94[2005]"
    48,"008.8AT 92504",1216655,"应用模糊PID之PLC控制液压伺服系统 = A plc-based fuzzy pid controlled hydraulic servo system / 陈俊铭(Chun-Ming Chen)撰","台北市 : 陈俊铭 , 民94[2005]"
    49,"008.8AT 92507",1217020,"碟型天线之灰预测自动追踪控制器设计 = Grey prediction auto-tracking controller design for dish antenna / 朱启宏(Chihung Chu)撰","台北市 : 朱启宏 , 民94[2005]"
    50,"008.8AT 92507",1217021,"碟型天线之灰预测自动追踪控制器设计 = Grey prediction auto-tracking controller design for dish antenna / 朱启宏(Chihung Chu)撰","台北市 : 朱启宏 , 民94[2005]"
    51,"008.8AU 89508",1188719,"我国「建筑技术规则」涵构之历史演化-以建筑设计施工编为例 = The historical evolutin of context for \"building code\" in Taiwan-a case study on \"section of design and construction for building / 谢文丰撰","台北市 : 谢文丰 , 民94[2005]"
    52,"008.8AU 89508",1188720,"我国「建筑技术规则」涵构之历史演化-以建筑设计施工编为例 = The historical evolutin of context for \"building code\" in Taiwan-a case study on \"section of design and construction for building / 谢文丰撰","台北市 : 谢文丰 , 民94[2005]"
    53,"008.8AU 89510",1217409,"台北市整建住宅更新改建对策研究—以南机场整宅(忠勤社区)为例 = A strategy study on renewal and reconstruction of taipei resettled tenement communities - take south airport resettled tenement ( chong ching community )","台北市 : 吴圣洪 , 民94[2005]"
    54,"008.8AU 89510",1217410,"台北市整建住宅更新改建对策研究—以南机场整宅(忠勤社区)为例 = A strategy study on renewal and reconstruction of taipei resettled tenement communities - take south airport resettled tenement ( chong ching community )","台北市 : 吴圣洪 , 民94[2005]"
    55,"008.8AU 89515",1224748,"台北市中山区邻里公园环境改造机制与成效之研究 = A study on neighborhood park environmental remodling mechanism and effects of zhong-shan district in taipei city / 江增彬(Tsen-Pin Chiang)撰","台北市 : 江增彬 , 民94[2005]"
    56,"008.8AU 89515",1224749,"台北市中山区邻里公园环境改造机制与成效之研究 = A study on neighborhood park environmental remodling mechanism and effects of zhong-shan district in taipei city / 江增彬(Tsen-Pin Chiang)撰","台北市 : 江增彬 , 民94[2005]"
    57,"008.8AU 90002",1217717,"看见社子岛---从文化地景到地域性 = Reading SHE-ZI island --- from culture landscape transform into regional characteristics / 林欣慧(Hsin-Huei Lin)撰","台北市 : 林欣慧 , 民94[2005]"
    58,"008.8AU 90002",1217718,"看见社子岛---从文化地景到地域性 = Reading SHE-ZI island --- from culture landscape transform into regional characteristics / 林欣慧(Hsin-Huei Lin)撰","台北市 : 林欣慧 , 民94[2005]"
    59,"008.8AU 90006",1188743,"清代新竹地区坟墓建筑调查研究 = To investigate the study on grave of the architecture at Hsinchu in Machu dynasty / 王毓翔撰","台北市 : 王毓翔 , 民94[2005]"
    60,"008.8AU 90006",1188744,"清代新竹地区坟墓建筑调查研究 = To investigate the study on grave of the architecture at Hsinchu in Machu dynasty / 王毓翔撰","台北市 : 王毓翔 , 民94[2005]"
    61,"008.8AU 90008",1217669,"都市与校园的界面空间设计:以台北科技大学新生南路沿街面为例 = Design of the interface between urban and campus space -- with a case study of the street-front of national taipei university of technology campus along xinshe","台北市 : 吴崇诚 , 民94[2005]"
    62,"008.8AU 90008",1217670,"都市与校园的界面空间设计:以台北科技大学新生南路沿街面为例 = Design of the interface between urban and campus space -- with a case study of the street-front of national taipei university of technology campus along xinshe","台北市 : 吴崇诚 , 民94[2005]"
    63,"008.8AU 90009",1217555,"矫治性空间之情境探讨—以监狱为例 = Situational exploration of correctional space with a case study of prisons / 林清俊(Jun Lin)撰","台北市 : 林清俊 , 民94[2005]"
    64,"008.8AU 90009",1217556,"矫治性空间之情境探讨—以监狱为例 = Situational exploration of correctional space with a case study of prisons / 林清俊(Jun Lin)撰","台北市 : 林清俊 , 民94[2005]"
    65,"008.8AU 90010",1217763,"天母白屋地景的建构与转化—一个后殖民的角度 = The construction and transformation of the tienmu whitehouse building landscape -a post-colonial view / 陈策群(Tse-Chun Chen)撰","台北市 : 陈策群 , 民94[2005]"
    66,"008.8AU 90010",1217764,"天母白屋地景的建构与转化—一个后殖民的角度 = The construction and transformation of the tienmu whitehouse building landscape -a post-colonial view / 陈策群(Tse-Chun Chen)撰","台北市 : 陈策群 , 民94[2005]"
    67,"008.8AU 90011",1217561,"台北科技大学设计馆生态露台设计 = Design of an ecological patio for national taipei niversity of technology design hall / 彭馨仪(Hsin-Yi Peng)撰","台北市 : 彭馨仪 , 民94[2005]"
    68,"008.8AU 90011",1217562,"台北科技大学设计馆生态露台设计 = Design of an ecological patio for national taipei niversity of technology design hall / 彭馨仪(Hsin-Yi Peng)撰","台北市 : 彭馨仪 , 民94[2005]"
    69,"008.8AU 90013",1217553,"台北科技大学沿忠孝东路校园介面之水生态设计 = Water ecology design for the interface of the campus of n.t.u.t along zhonghsiao east road / 黄俊吉(Chun-Chi Huang)撰","台北市 : 黄俊吉 , 民94[2005]"
    70,"008.8AU 90013",1217554,"台北科技大学沿忠孝东路校园介面之水生态设计 = Water ecology design for the interface of the campus of n.t.u.t along zhonghsiao east road / 黄俊吉(Chun-Chi Huang)撰","台北市 : 黄俊吉 , 民94[2005]"
    71,"008.8AU 90505",1188129,"从使用者观点探讨集合住宅之规划设计原则 : 以台北县丽池 绿如意 升阳立都三社区为例 = A study on viewing the guidance of apartment planning and design from a user's perspective: a case study of Ritz Melody, green je","台北市 : 陈聪亨 , 民93"
    72,"008.8AU 90505",1188130,"从使用者观点探讨集合住宅之规划设计原则 : 以台北县丽池 绿如意 升阳立都三社区为例 = A study on viewing the guidance of apartment planning and design from a user's perspective: a case study of Ritz Melody, green je","台北市 : 陈聪亨 , 民93"
    73,"008.8AU 90510",1188747,"公有建筑物建筑师服务酬金建造百分比法给付之研究 = The study on the allocation of construction percentage method concerning architect's emolument of the public buildings / 贾孝远撰","台北市 : 贾孝远 , 民94[2005]"
    74,"008.8AU 90510",1188748,"公有建筑物建筑师服务酬金建造百分比法给付之研究 = The study on the allocation of construction percentage method concerning architect's emolument of the public buildings / 贾孝远撰","台北市 : 贾孝远 , 民94[2005]"
    75,"008.8AU 90511",1188133,"台北市南区防灾主题公园规划 = Planning of Taipei city southern district disaster-prevention theme park / 蔡照华撰","台北市 : 蔡照华 , 民93"
    76,"008.8AU 90511",1188134,"台北市南区防灾主题公园规划 = Planning of Taipei city southern district disaster-prevention theme park / 蔡照华撰","台北市 : 蔡照华 , 民93"
    77,"008.8AU 91003",1217124,"台湾一贯道佛堂仪式空间之研究-以发一崇德云林道场为例 = A study on ritual space of holy temple for i kuan tao in taiwan-a case study on fa-yi chung-de yunlin site of taoist rituals / 林钰胜撰","台北市 : 林钰胜 , 民94[2005]"
    78,"008.8AU 91003",1217125,"台湾一贯道佛堂仪式空间之研究-以发一崇德云林道场为例 = A study on ritual space of holy temple for i kuan tao in taiwan-a case study on fa-yi chung-de yunlin site of taoist rituals / 林钰胜撰","台北市 : 林钰胜 , 民94[2005]"
    79,"008.8AU 91005",1217374,"建筑空间情境的书写与转化---空间剧本初探 = Writing and transformation for architectural design---a study to scenario of space / 黄承纬(chen-wei Haung)撰","台北市 : 黄承纬 , 民94[2005]"
    80,"008.8AU 91005",1217375,"建筑空间情境的书写与转化---空间剧本初探 = Writing and transformation for architectural design---a study to scenario of space / 黄承纬(chen-wei Haung)撰","台北市 : 黄承纬 , 民94[2005]"
    81,"008.8AU 91012",1205340,"景观计画架构体系与操作方法之研究 -以宜兰县政中心地区为例 = The preliminary research of the landscape planning framework system and operation procedure -a case study of the i- lan county government development area /","台北市 : 林玄宜 , 民94[2005]"
    82,"008.8AU 91012",1216226,"景观计画架构体系与操作方法之研究 -以宜兰县政中心地区为例 = The preliminary research of the landscape planning framework system and operation procedure -a case study of the i- lan county government development area /","台北市 : 林玄宜 , 民94[2005]"
    83,"008.8AU 91012",1216227,"景观计画架构体系与操作方法之研究 -以宜兰县政中心地区为例 = The preliminary research of the landscape planning framework system and operation procedure -a case study of the i- lan county government development area /","台北市 : 林玄宜 , 民94[2005]"
    84,"008.8AU 91013",1217286,"台北市防灾公园规划与设计之研究-以大安森林公园为例- = A study of planning and design of the disaster prevention parks - take da- an forest park as an example- / 陈纬萍(Wei-Ping Chen)撰","台北市 : 陈纬萍 , 民94[2005]"
    85,"008.8AU 91013",1217287,"台北市防灾公园规划与设计之研究-以大安森林公园为例- = A study of planning and design of the disaster prevention parks - take da- an forest park as an example- / 陈纬萍(Wei-Ping Chen)撰","台北市 : 陈纬萍 , 民94[2005]"
    86,"008.8AU 91015",1188625,"社区居民之社区意识及其对地区发展之认知与期望 : 台北市士林区个案研究 = Community sense and the cognitioin and expectation of area development: a case study on shilin residents / 陈令慧撰","台北市 : 陈令慧 , 民94[2005]"
    87,"008.8AU 91015",1188626,"社区居民之社区意识及其对地区发展之认知与期望 : 台北市士林区个案研究 = Community sense and the cognitioin and expectation of area development: a case study on shilin residents / 陈令慧撰","台北市 : 陈令慧 , 民94[2005]"
    88,"008.8AU 91016",1217859,"地景空间的现象学演绎 — 从海德格之存在意识生发 = A phenomenological deduction about landscape — on the basis of heidegger's existential consciousness / 丁茂庭(Mao-Ting Ting)撰","台北市 : 丁茂庭 , 民94[2005]"
    89,"008.8AU 91016",1217860,"地景空间的现象学演绎 — 从海德格之存在意识生发 = A phenomenological deduction about landscape — on the basis of heidegger's existential consciousness / 丁茂庭(Mao-Ting Ting)撰","台北市 : 丁茂庭 , 民94[2005]"
    90,"008.8AU 91019",1217138,"台北市民生社区邻里公园空间形式变迁之研究 = The transition of spatial form of neighborhood parks in ming-shen community of taipei / 邵念安(Ning-Ann Shaw)撰","台北市 : 邵念安 , 民94[2005]"
    91,"008.8AU 91019",1217139,"台北市民生社区邻里公园空间形式变迁之研究 = The transition of spatial form of neighborhood parks in ming-shen community of taipei / 邵念安(Ning-Ann Shaw)撰","台北市 : 邵念安 , 民94[2005]"
    92,"008.8AU 91020",1188705,"探讨台湾都市历史空间在利用之缺失与调适-以西门市场在利用为例 = A study on the defect and mediation of the historical space reused in Taiwan-a case study of Hsi-men market / 陈雅婷撰","台北市 : 陈雅婷 , 民94[2005]"
    93,"008.8AU 91020",1188706,"探讨台湾都市历史空间在利用之缺失与调适-以西门市场在利用为例 = A study on the defect and mediation of the historical space reused in Taiwan-a case study of Hsi-men market / 陈雅婷撰","台北市 : 陈雅婷 , 民94[2005]"
    94,"008.8AU 91503",1217030,"金门前水头传统聚落建筑形式之研究 = Architectural style of chienshueitou traditional cluster,kinmen / 许华山(Hwa-San Hsu)撰","台北市 : 许华山 , 民94[2005]"
    95,"008.8AU 91503",1217031,"金门前水头传统聚落建筑形式之研究 = Architectural style of chienshueitou traditional cluster,kinmen / 许华山(Hwa-San Hsu)撰","台北市 : 许华山 , 民94[2005]"
    96,"008.8AU 91505",1217364,"风水形气理论在阳宅规划操作之探讨 = Application of"form" and"chi" theories of "feng-shui"to planning of "yang-zhai" / 王庆文(Ching-Wen Wang)撰","台北市 : 王庆文 , 民94[2005]"
    97,"008.8AU 91505",1217365,"风水形气理论在阳宅规划操作之探讨 = Application of"form" and"chi" theories of "feng-shui"to planning of "yang-zhai" / 王庆文(Ching-Wen Wang)撰","台北市 : 王庆文 , 民94[2005]"
    98,"008.8AU 91506",1217889,"绿建筑奖励执行机制之研究 = Green buliding incentive implementation mechanism / 陈雅芳(Ya-Fang Chen)撰","台北市 : 陈雅芳 , 民94[2005]"
    99,"008.8AU 91506",1217890,"绿建筑奖励执行机制之研究 = Green buliding incentive implementation mechanism / 陈雅芳(Ya-Fang Chen)撰","台北市 : 陈雅芳 , 民94[2005]"
    100,"008.8AU 91508",1217601,"建筑物外遮阳设计准则之研究 = A study of design guideline of shading device for buildings / 谭海韵(TAN HAI YUN)撰","台北市 : 谭海韵 , 民94[2005]"
    101,"008.8AU 91508",1217602,"建筑物外遮阳设计准则之研究 = A study of design guideline of shading device for buildings / 谭海韵(TAN HAI YUN)撰","台北市 : 谭海韵 , 民94[2005]"
    102,"008.8AU 91509",1217413,"以二氧化碳减量观点探讨都市计画绿化管制策略 = A study on greening guideline of urban planning by the view of co2 emission / 王珮琪(Pei-Chyi Wang)撰","台北市 : 王珮琪 , 民94[2005]"
    103,"008.8AU 91509",1217414,"以二氧化碳减量观点探讨都市计画绿化管制策略 = A study on greening guideline of urban planning by the view of co2 emission / 王珮琪(Pei-Chyi Wang)撰","台北市 : 王珮琪 , 民94[2005]"
    104,"008.8AU 91510",1188131,"震灾物资支援据点与物流管理机制之研究 = The research of the logistic management mechanism in material supply locations for seismic disaster / 张国松撰","台北市 : 张国松 , 民94"
    105,"008.8AU 91510",1188132,"震灾物资支援据点与物流管理机制之研究 = The research of the logistic management mechanism in material supply locations for seismic disaster / 张国松撰","台北市 : 张国松 , 民94"
    106,"008.8AU 91511",1217304,"大学校园环境应用绿建筑之研究-以国立台北科技大学校园为例 = A research on the applications of green building within university campus-a case study of the national taipei university of technology / 游嘉文(Chia-Wen Yu)","台北市 : 游嘉文 , 民94[2005]"
    107,"008.8AU 91511",1217305,"大学校园环境应用绿建筑之研究-以国立台北科技大学校园为例 = A research on the applications of green building within university campus-a case study of the national taipei university of technology / 游嘉文(Chia-Wen Yu)","台北市 : 游嘉文 , 民94[2005]"
    108,"008.8AU 91512",1217082,"台北市公立国小校舍建构生态露台之可行性研究 = The practicability study of constructing ecological platforms in primary schools in taipei / 陈琳琳(Lin-Lin Chen)撰","台北市 : 陈琳琳 , 民94[2005]"
    109,"008.8AU 91512",1217083,"台北市公立国小校舍建构生态露台之可行性研究 = The practicability study of constructing ecological platforms in primary schools in taipei / 陈琳琳(Lin-Lin Chen)撰","台北市 : 陈琳琳 , 民94[2005]"
    110,"008.8AU 91513",1217226,"台湾应用公益信托促进社区环境营造之研究 = The research of building charitable trust to improve the community environment in taiwan / 吕佩珊(Pei-Shan, Lu)撰","台北市 : 吕佩珊 , 民94[2005]"
    111,"008.8AU 91513",1217227,"台湾应用公益信托促进社区环境营造之研究 = The research of building charitable trust to improve the community environment in taiwan / 吕佩珊(Pei-Shan, Lu)撰","台北市 : 吕佩珊 , 民94[2005]"
    112,"008.8AU 91514",1188723,"台北市都市更新设置公益设施实施成效之研究-以户外公共空间为例 = The study of usage efficiency for public area facilities of the urban redevelopment in Taipei city-taking outdoor public space as an example / 杨智瑶撰","台北市 : 杨智瑶 , 民94[2005]"
    113,"008.8AU 91514",1188724,"台北市都市更新设置公益设施实施成效之研究-以户外公共空间为例 = The study of usage efficiency for public area facilities of the urban redevelopment in Taipei city-taking outdoor public space as an example / 杨智瑶撰","台北市 : 杨智瑶 , 民94[2005]"
    114,"008.8AU 92012",1216846,"截火幕运用於防火区划之阻热性能研究 = The study of the insulation performance on the application of fire curtain to the fire prevention division / 庄英男(Eng-Nan Chuang)撰","台北市 : 庄英男 , 民94[2005]"
    115,"008.8AU 92012",1216847,"截火幕运用於防火区划之阻热性能研究 = The study of the insulation performance on the application of fire curtain to the fire prevention division / 庄英男(Eng-Nan Chuang)撰","台北市 : 庄英男 , 民94[2005]"
    116,"008.8AU 92014",1217631,"铝合金材料应用於建筑结构体之可行性探讨 = Feasibility of application of aluminum alloy material to architectural structures / 杨明泽(Ming-Jhe Yang)撰","台北市 : 杨明泽 , 民94[2005]"
    117,"008.8AU 92014",1217632,"铝合金材料应用於建筑结构体之可行性探讨 = Feasibility of application of aluminum alloy material to architectural structures / 杨明泽(Ming-Jhe Yang)撰","台北市 : 杨明泽 , 民94[2005]"
    118,"008.8AU 92019",1216862,"以二氧化碳减量探讨都市住宅区绿化策略之研究 = A research on residential area greening policy for co2 mitigation / 张永树(Yung-Shu Chang)撰","台北市 : 张永树 , 民94[2005]"
    119,"008.8AU 92019",1216863,"以二氧化碳减量探讨都市住宅区绿化策略之研究 = A research on residential area greening policy for co2 mitigation / 张永树(Yung-Shu Chang)撰","台北市 : 张永树 , 民94[2005]"
    120,"008.8AU 92020",1216724,"都市校园人工湿地自然净化工法之研究 = Natural purification of constructed wetland in the urban campus / 苏玮佳(Wei-Chia Su)撰","台北市 : 苏玮佳 , 民94[2005]"
    121,"008.8AU 92020",1216725,"都市校园人工湿地自然净化工法之研究 = Natural purification of constructed wetland in the urban campus / 苏玮佳(Wei-Chia Su)撰","台北市 : 苏玮佳 , 民94[2005]"
    122,"008.8AU 92021",1216860,"都市街廓量体型态改变对於都市风场与悬浮微粒PM10分布之影响 = The effect of urban block types changing on wind field and the distribution of suspended particles / 蔡丰懋(Fong-mau Tsai)撰","台北市 : 蔡丰懋 , 民94[2005]"
    123,"008.8AU 92021",1216861,"都市街廓量体型态改变对於都市风场与悬浮微粒PM10分布之影响 = The effect of urban block types changing on wind field and the distribution of suspended particles / 蔡丰懋(Fong-mau Tsai)撰","台北市 : 蔡丰懋 , 民94[2005]"
    124,"008.8AU 92022",1217420,"从唯识观点探讨佛教寺院空间之配置-以法鼓山,佛光山,中台禅寺,灵鹫山为例 = A study for the space layout of buddhism temple from vijnapti-matrata viewpoint -examples of dharma drum mountain,chung-tai temple,Fo gu","台北市 : 许素娟 , 民94[2005]"
    125,"008.8AU 92022 ",1217419,"从唯识观点探讨佛教寺院空间之配置-以法鼓山,佛光山,中台禅寺,灵鹫山为例 = A study for the space layout of buddhism temple from vijnapti-matrata viewpoint -examples of dharma drum mountain,chung-tai temple,Fo gu","台北市 : 许素娟 , 民94[2005]"
    126,"008.8AU 92023",1217114,"都市建筑基地降水入渗决策支援模型探讨 = The infiltration of precipitation with decision support model in urban building lots / 徐政献(Cheng-Hsien Hsu)撰","台北市 : 徐政献 , 民94[2005]"
    127,"008.8AU 92023",1217115,"都市建筑基地降水入渗决策支援模型探讨 = The infiltration of precipitation with decision support model in urban building lots / 徐政献(Cheng-Hsien Hsu)撰","台北市 : 徐政献 , 民94[2005]"
    128,"008.8AU 92024",1217174,"都市地区停车设施对周边空气品质影响之研究 = A study of impact on ambient air quality of the urban area with parking facility / 陈庆炜(Chin-Wei Chen)撰","台北市 : 陈庆炜 , 民94[2005]"
    129,"008.8AU 92024",1217175,"都市地区停车设施对周边空气品质影响之研究 = A study of impact on ambient air quality of the urban area with parking facility / 陈庆炜(Chin-Wei Chen)撰","台北市 : 陈庆炜 , 民94[2005]"
    130,"008.8BI 92001",1217433,"环状RGD胜肽诱导人类乳癌细胞株MCF-7细胞死亡:Caspase路径的影响 = Cyclic RGD-induced cell death in human breast carcinoma (MCF-7) cells: the influence of caspase pathway / 黄翠琴(Tsui-Chin Huang)撰","台北市 : 黄翠琴 , 民94[2005]"
    131,"008.8BI 92001",1217434,"环状RGD胜肽诱导人类乳癌细胞株MCF-7细胞死亡:Caspase路径的影响 = Cyclic RGD-induced cell death in human breast carcinoma (MCF-7) cells: the influence of caspase pathway / 黄翠琴(Tsui-Chin Huang)撰","台北市 : 黄翠琴 , 民94[2005]"
    132,"008.8BI 92002",1216682,"电压驱动型钾离子通道Kv1.1-Kv1.6中T1 Domain之同源模型及分子动态模拟研究 = Homology models and molecular dynamics simulations of the tetramerization domain of voltage-gated potassium channels kv1.1-kv1.6 / 陈锦文(Chin-Wen","台北市 : 陈锦文 , 民94[2005]"
    133,"008.8BI 92002",1216683,"电压驱动型钾离子通道Kv1.1-Kv1.6中T1 Domain之同源模型及分子动态模拟研究 = Homology models and molecular dynamics simulations of the tetramerization domain of voltage-gated potassium channels kv1.1-kv1.6 / 陈锦文(Chin-Wen","台北市 : 陈锦文 , 民94[2005]"
    134,"008.8BI 92003",1217883,"鸟胺酸异构酶特性之探讨 = Characterization of D-ornithine aminomutase / 许芳侨(Fang-Ciao Hsu)撰","台北市 : 许芳侨 , 民94[2005]"
    135,"008.8BI 92003",1217884,"鸟胺酸异构酶特性之探讨 = Characterization of D-ornithine aminomutase / 许芳侨(Fang-Ciao Hsu)撰","台北市 : 许芳侨 , 民94[2005]"
    136,"008.8BI 92004",1216850,"生物润滑液对超高分子量聚乙烯磨耗行为之影响 = The effects of biological lubricants on the wear behavior of ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene(UHMWPE) / 苏毓智(Yu-Chih Su)撰","台北市 : 苏毓智 , 民94[2005]"
    137,"008.8BI 92004",1216851,"生物润滑液对超高分子量聚乙烯磨耗行为之影响 = The effects of biological lubricants on the wear behavior of ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene(UHMWPE) / 苏毓智(Yu-Chih Su)撰","台北市 : 苏毓智 , 民94[2005]"
    138,"008.8CC 91009",1216888,"GSM/GPRS 智慧型手机之无线通讯收发模组实现与研制 = Research and implementation of gsm/gprs rf data module for smart-phone / 何其勋(Chi-Hsun Ho)撰","台北市 : 何其勋 , 民94[2005]"
    139,"008.8CC 91009",1216889,"GSM/GPRS 智慧型手机之无线通讯收发模组实现与研制 = Research and implementation of gsm/gprs rf data module for smart-phone / 何其勋(Chi-Hsun Ho)撰","台北市 : 何其勋 , 民94[2005]"
    140,"008.8CC 91013",1216798,"液晶电视系统之研究与设计-特例研究 = Studying and designing the LCD TV system-case study / 吴明彦(Ming-Yen Wu)撰","台北市 : 吴明彦 , 民94[2005]"
    141,"008.8CC 91013",1216799,"液晶电视系统之研究与设计-特例研究 = Studying and designing the LCD TV system-case study / 吴明彦(Ming-Yen Wu)撰","台北市 : 吴明彦 , 民94[2005]"
    142,"008.8CC 91040",1188753,"平面人造材料之电磁特性研究 = Investigation of the electromagnetic characteristic of planar artificial materials / 黄振维撰","台北市 : 黄振维 , 民94[2005]"
    143,"008.8CC 91040",1188754,"平面人造材料之电磁特性研究 = Investigation of the electromagnetic characteristic of planar artificial materials / 黄振维撰","台北市 : 黄振维 , 民94[2005]"
    144,"008.8CC 92001",1217264,"具有集中计算能力的感测网路管理架构之研究与实作 = Studying and implementing a sensor network of management structure with centralizing computation / 张国基(Kuo-Chi Chang)撰","台北市 : 张国基 , 民94[2005]"
    145,"008.8CC 92001",1217265,"具有集中计算能力的感测网路管理架构之研究与实作 = Studying and implementing a sensor network of management structure with centralizing computation / 张国基(Kuo-Chi Chang)撰","台北市 : 张国基 , 民94[2005]"
    146,"008.8CC 92002",1216561,"反及闸快闪记忆体之压缩与管理模式 = The compression and management model for nand type flash memory / 陈彦胜(Yen-Sheng Chen)撰","台北市 : 陈彦胜 , 民94[2005]"
    147,"008.8CC 92002",1216562,"反及闸快闪记忆体之压缩与管理模式 = The compression and management model for nand type flash memory / 陈彦胜(Yen-Sheng Chen)撰","台北市 : 陈彦胜 , 民94[2005]"
    148,"008.8CC 92003",1216706,"基於JPEG-2000压缩影像的资讯隐藏研究 = A study on information hiding based on jpeg-2000 compressed image / 苏伟铭(Wei-Ming Su)撰","台北市 : 苏伟铭 , 民94[2005]"
    149,"008.8CC 92003",1216707,"基於JPEG-2000压缩影像的资讯隐藏研究 = A study on information hiding based on jpeg-2000 compressed image / 苏伟铭(Wei-Ming Su)撰","台北市 : 苏伟铭 , 民94[2005]"
    150,"008.8CC 92005",1216774,"更精确的CDMA/Unslotted ALOHA网路效能分析 = More accurate throughput analysis of cdma/unsoltted aloha network / 黄冠富(Kuan-Fu Huang)撰","台北市 : 黄冠富 , 民94[2005]"
    151,"008.8CC 92005",1216775,"更精确的CDMA/Unslotted ALOHA网路效能分析 = More accurate throughput analysis of cdma/unsoltted aloha network / 黄冠富(Kuan-Fu Huang)撰","台北市 : 黄冠富 , 民94[2005]"
    152,"008.8CC 92006",1216840,"应用於无线通讯产品之印刷式倒F型天线阵列切换系统实作与效能分析 = The analysis and implementation of switched-beam inverted-f array antenna for wireless communications / 谢益豪(Yi-Hao Shie)撰","台北市 : 谢益豪 , 民94[2005]"
    153,"008.8CC 92006",1216841,"应用於无线通讯产品之印刷式倒F型天线阵列切换系统实作与效能分析 = The analysis and implementation of switched-beam inverted-f array antenna for wireless communications / 谢益豪(Yi-Hao Shie)撰","台北市 : 谢益豪 , 民94[2005]"
    154,"008.8CC 92007",1216537,"应用智慧型天线及适应性链路技术以提无线区域网路系统之效能 = Performance enhancement by applying smart antenna and link adaptation scheme in ieee 802.11a wlan system / 朱绍华(Shao-Hua Chu)撰","台北市 : 朱绍华 , 民94[2005]"
    155,"008.8CC 92007",1216538,"应用智慧型天线及适应性链路技术以提无线区域网路系统之效能 = Performance enhancement by applying smart antenna and link adaptation scheme in ieee 802.11a wlan system / 朱绍华(Shao-Hua Chu)撰","台北市 : 朱绍华 , 民94[2005]"
    156,"008.8CC 92008",1217280,"差分相位键移收发机与行动通道模拟器之数位信号处理实作 = Dsp implementation of dpsk transceiver and mobile channel simulator / 简志达(Chih-Ta Chien)撰","台北市 : 简志达 , 民94[2005]"
    157,"008.8CC 92008",1217281,"差分相位键移收发机与行动通道模拟器之数位信号处理实作 = Dsp implementation of dpsk transceiver and mobile channel simulator / 简志达(Chih-Ta Chien)撰","台北市 : 简志达 , 民94[2005]"
    158,"008.8CC 92009",1216541,"宽频无线通讯用超宽频天线之研究 = Studly of ultra-wideband antennas for broadband wireless communications / 邱士豪(Shr-Hau Chiou)撰","台北市 : 邱士豪 , 民94[2005]"
    159,"008.8CC 92009",1216542,"宽频无线通讯用超宽频天线之研究 = Studly of ultra-wideband antennas for broadband wireless communications / 邱士豪(Shr-Hau Chiou)撰","台北市 : 邱士豪 , 民94[2005]"
    160,"008.8CC 92010",1216483,"红外线数据封包编码`发射`接收与解码系统之设计 = Encoding, transmission, reception, and decoding for IR data packet communication / 林智仁(Chih-Jen Lin)撰","台北市 : 林智仁 , 民94[2005]"
    161,"008.8CC 92010",1216484,"红外线数据封包编码`发射`接收与解码系统之设计 = Encoding, transmission, reception, and decoding for IR data packet communication / 林智仁(Chih-Jen Lin)撰","台北市 : 林智仁 , 民94[2005]"
    162,"008.8CC 92011",1216425,"新型分波多工器-凹面型微光栅之设计与研究 = A Newer Type WDM-A Design and Research on Micro Concave Grating / 林志韦(Chih-Wei Lin)撰","台北市 : 林志韦 , 民94[2005]"
    163,"008.8CC 92011",1216426,"新型分波多工器-凹面型微光栅之设计与研究 = A Newer Type WDM-A Design and Research on Micro Concave Grating / 林志韦(Chih-Wei Lin)撰","台北市 : 林志韦 , 民94[2005]"
    164,"008.8CC 92012",1217172,"左手共面波导及其应用 = Left-handed coplanar waveguides and their applications / 吴民首(Min-Sou Wu)撰","台北市 : 吴民首 , 民94[2005]"
    165,"008.8CC 92012",1217173,"左手共面波导及其应用 = Left-handed coplanar waveguides and their applications / 吴民首(Min-Sou Wu)撰","台北市 : 吴民首 , 民94[2005]"
    166,"008.8CC 92014",1217332,"涡轮解码器之SIP 产生器设计 = The sip generator design for turbo decoder / 叶建良(Chien-Liang Yeh)撰","台北市 : 叶建良 , 民94[2005]"
    167,"008.8CC 92014",1217333,"涡轮解码器之SIP 产生器设计 = The sip generator design for turbo decoder / 叶建良(Chien-Liang Yeh)撰","台北市 : 叶建良 , 民94[2005]"
    168,"008.8CC 92016",1216916,"平滑式空间滤波器为架构之电流模式影像感测器设计 = A current-mode cmos image sensor based on smooth spatial filter / 周皇吉(Huang-Chi Chou)撰","台北市 : 周皇吉 , 民94[2005]"
    169,"008.8CC 92016",1216917,"平滑式空间滤波器为架构之电流模式影像感测器设计 = A current-mode cmos image sensor based on smooth spatial filter / 周皇吉(Huang-Chi Chou)撰","台北市 : 周皇吉 , 民94[2005]"
    170,"008.8CC 92017",1216870,"跨平台嵌入式系统之程式码产生器 = Retargetable code generation for embedded systems / 杨宗勋(Tsung-Hsun Yang)撰","台北市 : 杨宗勋 , 民94[2005]"
    171,"008.8CC 92017",1216871,"跨平台嵌入式系统之程式码产生器 = Retargetable code generation for embedded systems / 杨宗勋(Tsung-Hsun Yang)撰","台北市 : 杨宗勋 , 民94[2005]"
    172,"008.8CC 92018",1216766,"具警报机制之智慧型行动照护系统 = An intelligent mobile care system with alert mechanism / 刘名修(Ming-Hsiu Liu)撰","台北市 : 刘名修 , 民94[2005]"
    173,"008.8CC 92018",1216767,"具警报机制之智慧型行动照护系统 = An intelligent mobile care system with alert mechanism / 刘名修(Ming-Hsiu Liu)撰","台北市 : 刘名修 , 民94[2005]"
    174,"008.8CC 92019",1216694,"建构在ARM-Linux 系统上之交通参数搜集平台之研究 = Studying a traffic parameters of detection platform based on ARM-Linux system / 陈盛琳(Sheng-Lin Chen)撰","台北市 : 陈盛琳 , 民94[2005]"
    175,"008.8CC 92019",1216695,"建构在ARM-Linux 系统上之交通参数搜集平台之研究 = Studying a traffic parameters of detection platform based on ARM-Linux system / 陈盛琳(Sheng-Lin Chen)撰","台北市 : 陈盛琳 , 民94[2005]"
    176,"008.8CC 92020",1217334,"具省电与同步机制之感测器网路应用於紧急救援服务 = A power-saving and synchronous scheme in wireless sensor network applied in tele-emergent services / 黄敦裕(Dun-Yu Huang)撰","台北市 : 黄敦裕 , 民94[2005]"
    177,"008.8CC 92020",1217335,"具省电与同步机制之感测器网路应用於紧急救援服务 = A power-saving and synchronous scheme in wireless sensor network applied in tele-emergent services / 黄敦裕(Dun-Yu Huang)撰","台北市 : 黄敦裕 , 民94[2005]"
    178,"008.8CC 92023",1217362," 基於互资讯和内插CT下应用影像特徵做CT 与SPECT脑部影像对位 = CT and SPECT brain image co-registration using image features based on mutual information and CT interpolation / 叶佳龙(Chia-Lung Yeh)撰","台北市 : 叶佳龙 , 民94[2005]"
    179,"008.8CC 92023",1217363," 基於互资讯和内插CT下应用影像特徵做CT 与SPECT脑部影像对位 = CT and SPECT brain image co-registration using image features based on mutual information and CT interpolation / 叶佳龙(Chia-Lung Yeh)撰","台北市 : 叶佳龙 , 民94[2005]"
    180,"008.8CC 92025",1216810,"位元交错对同步快速跳频系统的影响 = Effects of bit-interleaving on synchronous fast frequency hopping multiple access systems / 叶俊志(Chun-Chih Yeh)撰","台北市 : 叶俊志 , 民94[2005]"
    181,"008.8CC 92025",1216811,"位元交错对同步快速跳频系统的影响 = Effects of bit-interleaving on synchronous fast frequency hopping multiple access systems / 叶俊志(Chun-Chih Yeh)撰","台北市 : 叶俊志 , 民94[2005]"
    182,"008.8CC 92026",1216912,"结合声学与韵律讯息之强健性语者辨认 = Combination of acoustic and prosodic imformation for robust speaker recognition / 庄智显(Zhi-Xian Zhuang)撰","台北市 : 庄智显 , 民94[2005]"
    183,"008.8CC 92026",1216913,"结合声学与韵律讯息之强健性语者辨认 = Combination of acoustic and prosodic imformation for robust speaker recognition / 庄智显(Zhi-Xian Zhuang)撰","台北市 : 庄智显 , 民94[2005]"
    184,"008.8CC 92027",1216922,"错误更正码应用於非同步快速跳频M-FSK多重存取通讯系统之效能分析 = Performance analysis of asynchronous fast frequency hopping / mfsk multiple access system with error control coding / 马仲刚(Zhong-Gang Maa)撰","台北市 : 马仲刚 , 民94[2005]"
    185,"008.8CC 92027",1216923,"错误更正码应用於非同步快速跳频M-FSK多重存取通讯系统之效能分析 = Performance analysis of asynchronous fast frequency hopping / mfsk multiple access system with error control coding / 马仲刚(Zhong-Gang Maa)撰","台北市 : 马仲刚 , 民94[2005]"
    186,"008.8CC 92028",1216579,"使用决策视窗法应用於多输入多输出展频通讯系统的EM向量通道估测法与资料侦测 = Em-based vector channel estimation and symbol detection by using decision window in mimo-cdma systems / 曾元庆(Yuan-Ching Tseng)撰","台北市 : 曾元庆 , 民94[2005]"
    187,"008.8CC 92028",1216580,"使用决策视窗法应用於多输入多输出展频通讯系统的EM向量通道估测法与资料侦测 = Em-based vector channel estimation and symbol detection by using decision window in mimo-cdma systems / 曾元庆(Yuan-Ching Tseng)撰","台北市 : 曾元庆 , 民94[2005]"
    188,"008.8CC 92029",1217350,"在前计算即时快速傅利叶之应用研究 = The study of the application of pre-calculation for real-time fft / 单启玮(Chi-Wei Shan)撰","台北市 : 单启玮 , 民94[2005]"
    189,"008.8CC 92029",1217351,"在前计算即时快速傅利叶之应用研究 = The study of the application of pre-calculation for real-time fft / 单启玮(Chi-Wei Shan)撰","台北市 : 单启玮 , 民94[2005]"
    190,"008.8CC 92031",1216838,"室内无线通讯系统基地台配置之软体开发 = Software development of base station planning for indoor wireless communication system / 曾扬庭(Yang-Ting Tseng)撰","台北市 : 曾扬庭 , 民94[2005]"
    191,"008.8CC 92031",1216839,"室内无线通讯系统基地台配置之软体开发 = Software development of base station planning for indoor wireless communication system / 曾扬庭(Yang-Ting Tseng)撰","台北市 : 曾扬庭 , 民94[2005]"
    192,"008.8CC 92032",1217160,"射频双载子电晶体大信号非线性等效电路之萃取与应用 = Large-signal nonlinear parameter extraction and application of rf bjt transistor / 宋志训(Chih-Shun Soong)撰","台北市 : 宋志训 , 民94[2005]"
    193,"008.8CC 92032",1217161,"射频双载子电晶体大信号非线性等效电路之萃取与应用 = Large-signal nonlinear parameter extraction and application of rf bjt transistor / 宋志训(Chih-Shun Soong)撰","台北市 : 宋志训 , 民94[2005]"
    194,"008.8CC 92033",1217042,"超宽频印刷式环形天线 = Ultra-wideband printed loop antennas / 王传骏(Chuan-Jyun Wang)撰","台北市 : 王传骏 , 民94[2005]"
    195,"008.8CC 92033",1217043,"超宽频印刷式环形天线 = Ultra-wideband printed loop antennas / 王传骏(Chuan-Jyun Wang)撰","台北市 : 王传骏 , 民94[2005]"
    196,"008.8CC 92034",1217571,"使用讯号场强及延迟扩展之无线定位机制 = Radio location by signal strength and delay profile / 陈昱彰(Yu-Zhang Chen)撰","台北市 : 陈昱彰 , 民94[2005]"
    197,"008.8CC 92034",1217572,"使用讯号场强及延迟扩展之无线定位机制 = Radio location by signal strength and delay profile / 陈昱彰(Yu-Zhang Chen)撰","台北市 : 陈昱彰 , 民94[2005]"
    198,"008.8CC 92035",1216788,"双频与三频天线应用於无线通讯之设计与分析 = Design and analysis of dual-band and triple-band antennas for wireless communications / 林建宏(Chien-Hung Lin)撰","台北市 : 林建宏 , 民94[2005]"
    199,"008.8CC 92035",1216789,"双频与三频天线应用於无线通讯之设计与分析 = Design and analysis of dual-band and triple-band antennas for wireless communications / 林建宏(Chien-Hung Lin)撰","台北市 : 林建宏 , 民94[2005]"
    200,"008.8CC 92037",1216481,"射频萧特基二极体大信号非线性等效电路之萃取与应用 = Large-signal nonlinear parameter extraction and application of rf schottky diode / 李兴颖(Sin-Ging Lee)撰","台北市 : 李兴颖 , 民94[2005]"
    201,"008.8CC 92037",1216482,"射频萧特基二极体大信号非线性等效电路之萃取与应用 = Large-signal nonlinear parameter extraction and application of rf schottky diode / 李兴颖(Sin-Ging Lee)撰","台北市 : 李兴颖 , 民94[2005]"
    202,"008.8CC 92038",1217096,"宽频与双频介质共振天线之设计 = Design of broad-band and dual-band dielectric resonator antenna / 李作纬(Tso-Wei Li)撰","台北市 : 李作纬 , 民94[2005]"
    203,"008.8CC 92038",1217097,"宽频与双频介质共振天线之设计 = Design of broad-band and dual-band dielectric resonator antenna / 李作纬(Tso-Wei Li)撰","台北市 : 李作纬 , 民94[2005]"
    204,"008.8CC 92039",1217765,"应用电源层切割,电压调节模组及去耦合电容抑制Delta-I杂讯分析 = Applications of moats, voltage regulator modules and decoupling capacitors on suppressing delta-i noise / 洪国强(Guo-Chiang Hung)撰","台北市 : 洪国强 , 民94[2005]"
    205,"008.8CC 92039",1217766,"应用电源层切割,电压调节模组及去耦合电容抑制Delta-I杂讯分析 = Applications of moats, voltage regulator modules and decoupling capacitors on suppressing delta-i noise / 洪国强(Guo-Chiang Hung)撰","台北市 : 洪国强 , 民94[2005]"
    206,"008.8CC 92040",1217330,"可供类比腓特比解码器使用之决策装置晶片设计 = Ic design of a decision device for analog viterbi decoder / 吕铭峻(Ming-Jiun Liu)撰","台北市 : 吕铭峻 , 民94[2005]"
    207,"008.8CC 92040",1217331,"可供类比腓特比解码器使用之决策装置晶片设计 = Ic design of a decision device for analog viterbi decoder / 吕铭峻(Ming-Jiun Liu)撰","台北市 : 吕铭峻 , 民94[2005]"
    208,"008.8CC 92042",1217260,"应用多重演算法在FPGA系统设计之软硬体分割 = Hardware-software partitioning using multiple algorithms for fpga systems / 曾仁溥(Jen-Pu Tseng)撰","台北市 : 曾仁溥 , 民94[2005]"
    209,"008.8CC 92042",1217261,"应用多重演算法在FPGA系统设计之软硬体分割 = Hardware-software partitioning using multiple algorithms for fpga systems / 曾仁溥(Jen-Pu Tseng)撰","台北市 : 曾仁溥 , 民94[2005]"
    210,"008.8CC 92043",1217120,"高阶线性转换全差动运算转导放大器之低通滤波器设计 = High-order linear transformation fully differential ota-c low pass filter design / 赖仁弘(Jen-Hung Lai)撰","台北市 : 赖仁弘 , 民94[2005]"
    211,"008.8CC 92043",1217121,"高阶线性转换全差动运算转导放大器之低通滤波器设计 = High-order linear transformation fully differential ota-c low pass filter design / 赖仁弘(Jen-Hung Lai)撰","台北市 : 赖仁弘 , 民94[2005]"
    212,"008.8CC 92044",1216858,"RLC时脉绕线之串音分析与减少 = Crosstalk analysis and reduction for rlc-based clock routings / 高健文(Chien-Wen Kao)撰","台北市 : 高健文 , 民94[2005]"
    213,"008.8CC 92044",1216859,"RLC时脉绕线之串音分析与减少 = Crosstalk analysis and reduction for rlc-based clock routings / 高健文(Chien-Wen Kao)撰","台北市 : 高健文 , 民94[2005]"
    214,"008.8CC 92045",1217463,"以电流传输器为基础之三角积分调变器设计 = Design of the sigma-delta modulator based on current conveyors / 张铭杰(Ming-Chieh Chang)撰","台北市 : 张铭杰 , 民94[2005]"
    215,"008.8CC 92045",1217464,"以电流传输器为基础之三角积分调变器设计 = Design of the sigma-delta modulator based on current conveyors / 张铭杰(Ming-Chieh Chang)撰","台北市 : 张铭杰 , 民94[2005]"
    216,"008.8CC 92508",1217118,"无死区效应之资料锁相回路与频率合成器的新架构设计 = A new architecture design for data phase-locked loops and frequency synthesizers without dead-zone effects / 王三辅(San-Fu Wang)撰","台北市 : 王三辅 , 民94[2005]"
    217,"008.8CC 92508",1217119,"无死区效应之资料锁相回路与频率合成器的新架构设计 = A new architecture design for data phase-locked loops and frequency synthesizers without dead-zone effects / 王三辅(San-Fu Wang)撰","台北市 : 王三辅 , 民94[2005]"
    218,"008.8CD 90007",1217879,"探讨台北市摊贩饮食文化及其坐椅造型功能之研究 = An investigation into seat of vender culture in Taipei city / 张立綦(Li-Chi Chang)撰","台北市 : 张立綦 , 民94[2005]"
    219,"008.8CD 90007",1217880,"探讨台北市摊贩饮食文化及其坐椅造型功能之研究 = An investigation into seat of vender culture in Taipei city / 张立綦(Li-Chi Chang)撰","台北市 : 张立綦 , 民94[2005]"
    220,"008.8CD 90014",1217745,"因应台湾加入WTO产业转型---工业设计服务公司创新设计开发中专业结构研究 = Taiwan enters the W.T.O-A study of changing professional structures of design consultancies by innovative product-development. / 苏朝田(Chao-Ti","台北市 : 苏朝田 , 民94[2005]"
    221,"008.8CD 90014",1217746,"因应台湾加入WTO产业转型---工业设计服务公司创新设计开发中专业结构研究 = Taiwan enters the W.T.O-A study of changing professional structures of design consultancies by innovative product-development. / 苏朝田(Chao-Ti","台北市 : 苏朝田 , 民94[2005]"
    222,"008.8CD 90015",1217861,"企业体实施远距协同设计问题与对策之研究-以OneSpace Collaboration为例 = A study of the problems and the solutions of enterprises execute remote collaborative design for onespace collaboration software / 谢芳昌(Fang-Chang Hsie","台北市 : 谢芳昌 , 民94[2005]"
    223,"008.8CD 90015",1217862,"企业体实施远距协同设计问题与对策之研究-以OneSpace Collaboration为例 = A study of the problems and the solutions of enterprises execute remote collaborative design for onespace collaboration software / 谢芳昌(Fang-Chang Hsie","台北市 : 谢芳昌 , 民94[2005]"
    224,"008.8CD 90509",1188721,"产品设计审查模式之探讨-以台湾办公家具产业为范例 = A study of product design review model in Taiwan office furniture enterprise / 黄一峯撰","台北市 : 黄一峯 , 民94[2005]"
    225,"008.8CD 90509",1188722,"产品设计审查模式之探讨-以台湾办公家具产业为范例 = A study of product design review model in Taiwan office furniture enterprise / 黄一峯撰","台北市 : 黄一峯 , 民94[2005]"
    226,"008.8CD 91001",1188628,"台湾地区钢筋混凝土桥中性化效应之耐久性评估 = Durability assessment of neurtralized reinforced concrete bridges in Taiwan / 王传辉撰","台北市 : 王传辉 , 民94[2005]"
    227,"008.8CD 91003",1216228,"探讨公共艺术对人类生活之影响-以中和4号公园照明设计为例 = The discussion about how public-art affects people- a case study of light design of the no4-park / 李俊贤(Chun-Shien)撰","台北市 : 李俊贤 , 民94[2005]"
    228,"008.8CD 91003",1216229,"探讨公共艺术对人类生活之影响-以中和4号公园照明设计为例 = The discussion about how public-art affects people- a case study of light design of the no4-park / 李俊贤(Chun-Shien)撰","台北市 : 李俊贤 , 民94[2005]"
    229,"008.8CD 91011",1217897,"从生活型态趋势探讨资讯家电产品未来发展研究 = A study of product development through lifestyle for intelligent home appliance / 孙慧仪(Hei-yi Sun)撰","台北市 : 孙慧仪 , 民94[2005]"
    230,"008.8CD 91011",1217898,"从生活型态趋势探讨资讯家电产品未来发展研究 = A study of product development through lifestyle for intelligent home appliance / 孙慧仪(Hei-yi Sun)撰","台北市 : 孙慧仪 , 民94[2005]"
    231,"008.8CD 91015",1188135,"竹材形式之意象与应用 = The image of bamboo styles and its application / 吴彧韡撰","台北市 : 吴彧韡 , 民94"
    232,"008.8CD 91015",1188136,"竹材形式之意象与应用 = The image of bamboo styles and its application / 吴彧韡撰","台北市 : 吴彧韡 , 民94"
    233,"008.8CD 91508",1216455,"以广告诉求分析台湾行动电话市场之产品差异化策略 = Product differentiation strategy in taiwan mobile phone market via television advertisement contents / 范政揆(Cheng-Kuei Fan)撰","台北市 : 范政揆 , 民94[2005]"
    234,"008.8CD 91508",1216456,"以广告诉求分析台湾行动电话市场之产品差异化策略 = Product differentiation strategy in taiwan mobile phone market via television advertisement contents / 范政揆(Cheng-Kuei Fan)撰","台北市 : 范政揆 , 民94[2005]"
    235,"008.8CD 91509",1188619,"办公家具永续设计之研究 = The study on the sustainable design of office furniture / 曾己芳撰","台北市 : 曾己芳 , 民94[2005]"
    236,"008.8CD 91509",1188620,"办公家具永续设计之研究 = The study on the sustainable design of office furniture / 曾己芳撰","台北市 : 曾己芳 , 民94[2005]"
    237,"008.8CD 91511",1217150,"电脑辅助曲面空间设计与制作的探讨—以业余人士为例 = The computer assistance curved surface space design and the manufacture discussion - take the extra-curricular public figure as an example / 王培旭(Pei-Hsu Wang)撰","台北市 : 王培旭 , 民94[2005]"
    238,"008.8CD 91511",1217151,"电脑辅助曲面空间设计与制作的探讨—以业余人士为例 = The computer assistance curved surface space design and the manufacture discussion - take the extra-curricular public figure as an example / 王培旭(Pei-Hsu Wang)撰","台北市 : 王培旭 , 民94[2005]"
    239,"008.8CD 91513",1216499,"家具图书馆空间研究 = Furniture library space research / 黄灿阳(Tsan-Yang Huang)撰","台北市 : 黄灿阳 , 民94[2005]"
    240,"008.8CD 91513",1216500,"家具图书馆空间研究 = Furniture library space research / 黄灿阳(Tsan-Yang Huang)撰","台北市 : 黄灿阳 , 民94[2005]"
    241,"008.8CD 91514",1188145,"台北捷运场站火灾避难逃生导引系统 = The fire emergency evacuation guiding system in Taipei metro stations / 林彩云撰","台北市 : 林彩云 , 民94"
    242,"008.8CD 91514",1188146,"台北捷运场站火灾避难逃生导引系统 = The fire emergency evacuation guiding system in Taipei metro stations / 林彩云撰","台北市 : 林彩云 , 民94"
    243,"008.8CD 92001",1217090,"德国与台湾轮椅使用者家庭之无障碍环境研究 = Barrier-free environment for the wheelchair-users' family in the case study of germany and taiwan / 黄盈慈撰","台北市 : 黄盈慈 , 民94[2005]"
    244,"008.8CD 92001",1217091,"德国与台湾轮椅使用者家庭之无障碍环境研究 = Barrier-free environment for the wheelchair-users' family in the case study of germany and taiwan / 黄盈慈撰","台北市 : 黄盈慈 , 民94[2005]"
    245,"008.8CD 92002",1217681,"口耳相传中影响力人物特质及讯息扩散模式 = Traits of the influential and pattern of information diffusion / 冯长泰(Ulysses Feng)撰","台北市 : 冯长泰 , 民94[2005]"
    246,"008.8CD 92002",1217682,"口耳相传中影响力人物特质及讯息扩散模式 = Traits of the influential and pattern of information diffusion / 冯长泰(Ulysses Feng)撰","台北市 : 冯长泰 , 民94[2005]"
    247,"008.8CD 92003",1217539,"以脉络设计探讨购物经验阻挠之因素 = Why the shopper drop out A contextual design / 欧瑜婷(Yu-Ting Ou)撰","台北市 : 欧瑜婷 , 民94[2005]"
    248,"008.8CD 92003",1217540,"以脉络设计探讨购物经验阻挠之因素 = Why the shopper drop out A contextual design / 欧瑜婷(Yu-Ting Ou)撰","台北市 : 欧瑜婷 , 民94[2005]"
    249,"008.8CD 92004",1217493,"MP3随身听产品造形愉悦感之使用者评估研究 = An evaluative study of applying user emotion into design innovation of mp3 players / 林秀妙(Hsiu-Miao Lin)撰","台北市 : 林秀妙 , 民94[2005]"
    250,"008.8CD 92004",1217494,"MP3随身听产品造形愉悦感之使用者评估研究 = An evaluative study of applying user emotion into design innovation of mp3 players / 林秀妙(Hsiu-Miao Lin)撰","台北市 : 林秀妙 , 民94[2005]"
    251,"008.8CD 92005",1217242,"青少年使用手机简讯与网路传讯之比较 = The comparison between teenagers usage mobile phone and message communication over the internet / 赖怡君(Yi-Chun Lai)撰","台北市 : 赖怡君 , 民94[2005]"
    252,"008.8CD 92005",1217243,"青少年使用手机简讯与网路传讯之比较 = The comparison between teenagers usage mobile phone and message communication over the internet / 赖怡君(Yi-Chun Lai)撰","台北市 : 赖怡君 , 民94[2005]"
    253,"008.8CD 92006",1217595,"随身性电子产品之携带方式与尺度比例合适性 = Portability of electronic product and applicability verification of dimensions / 周容丞(Jung-Cheng Chou)撰","台北市 : 周容丞 , 民94[2005]"
    254,"008.8CD 92006",1217596,"随身性电子产品之携带方式与尺度比例合适性 = Portability of electronic product and applicability verification of dimensions / 周容丞(Jung-Cheng Chou)撰","台北市 : 周容丞 , 民94[2005]"
    255,"008.8CD 92007",1217707,"电脑辅助鞋面版型设计 = An approach to computer-aided design for making vamp pattern of shoes / 张濠仁(Hao-Jen Chang)撰","台北市 : 张濠仁 , 民94[2005]"
    256,"008.8CD 92007",1217708,"电脑辅助鞋面版型设计 = An approach to computer-aided design for making vamp pattern of shoes / 张濠仁(Hao-Jen Chang)撰","台北市 : 张濠仁 , 民94[2005]"
    257,"008.8CD 92008",1217388,"台北大众捷运系统自动售票机全适化设计研究 = An inquiry into the universal design principles to the automatic ticket issuing machines of taipei mass rapid transit system / 李惠丽(Hui-Li Li)撰","台北市 : 李惠丽 , 民94[2005]"
    258,"008.8CD 92008",1217389,"台北大众捷运系统自动售票机全适化设计研究 = An inquiry into the universal design principles to the automatic ticket issuing machines of taipei mass rapid transit system / 李惠丽(Hui-Li Li)撰","台北市 : 李惠丽 , 民94[2005]"
    259,"008.8CD 92009",1217192,"愉悦的设计-建立一个愉悦感产品的资料库 = Design for pleasure- the development of a database of pleasurable designs. / 翁鹊岚(Chuen-Lan Weng)撰","台北市 : 翁鹊岚 , 民94[2005]"
    260,"008.8CD 92009",1217193,"愉悦的设计-建立一个愉悦感产品的资料库 = Design for pleasure- the development of a database of pleasurable designs. / 翁鹊岚(Chuen-Lan Weng)撰","台北市 : 翁鹊岚 , 民94[2005]"
    261,"008.8CD 92010",1217190,"设计竞赛得奖作品之愉悦感分析 = How the design award winners think of pleasure on their design / 张志杰(Chih-Chieh Chang)撰","台北市 : 张志杰 , 民94[2005]"
    262,"008.8CD 92010",1217191,"设计竞赛得奖作品之愉悦感分析 = How the design award winners think of pleasure on their design / 张志杰(Chih-Chieh Chang)撰","台北市 : 张志杰 , 民94[2005]"
    263,"008.8CD 92011",1217573,"福祉车操控空间设计准则之研究-以下肢障碍者为例 = A study of the space design guideline for the welfare vehicle - a case study of disability of lower extremities / 刘泓璋(Hong-Chung Liu)撰","台北市 : 刘泓璋 , 民94[2005]"
    264,"008.8CD 92011",1217574,"福祉车操控空间设计准则之研究-以下肢障碍者为例 = A study of the space design guideline for the welfare vehicle - a case study of disability of lower extremities / 刘泓璋(Hong-Chung Liu)撰","台北市 : 刘泓璋 , 民94[2005]"
    265,"008.8CD 92013",1217092,"高龄化社会之无障碍卫浴环境研究-以德国与台湾老人安养机构为例 = Barrier free sanitary environment in an aging society- a case study by care older center of germany and taiwan / 蔡心妤(Hsin-Yu Tsai)撰","台北市 : 蔡心妤 , 民94[2005]"
    266,"008.8CD 92013",1217093,"高龄化社会之无障碍卫浴环境研究-以德国与台湾老人安养机构为例 = Barrier free sanitary environment in an aging society- a case study by care older center of germany and taiwan / 蔡心妤(Hsin-Yu Tsai)撰","台北市 : 蔡心妤 , 民94[2005]"
    267,"008.8CD 92014",1217747,"消费者对笔记型电脑细节设计之美感评价研究 = A study on aesthetic evaluation of notebook details design by consumers / 欧庭纲(Ting-Kang Ou)撰","台北市 : 欧庭纲 , 民94[2005]"
    268,"008.8CD 92014",1217748,"消费者对笔记型电脑细节设计之美感评价研究 = A study on aesthetic evaluation of notebook details design by consumers / 欧庭纲(Ting-Kang Ou)撰","台北市 : 欧庭纲 , 民94[2005]"
    269,"008.8CD 92015",1217390,"高龄者使用厨房流理台之研究 = The usability of the kitchen design for the elderly in taiwan / 吕琬郁(wan-yu lu)撰","台北市 : 吕琬郁 , 民94[2005]"
    270,"008.8CD 92015",1217391,"高龄者使用厨房流理台之研究 = The usability of the kitchen design for the elderly in taiwan / 吕琬郁(wan-yu lu)撰","台北市 : 吕琬郁 , 民94[2005]"
    271,"008.8CD 92016",1217697,"行动工作者使用行动资讯装置时资料同步化之探讨 = A study on data synchronization for mobile user using telecommunication devices / 邱永鸿(Yung-Hung Chiu)撰","台北市 : 邱永鸿 , 民94[2005]"
    272,"008.8CD 92016",1217698,"行动工作者使用行动资讯装置时资料同步化之探讨 = A study on data synchronization for mobile user using telecommunication devices / 邱永鸿(Yung-Hung Chiu)撰","台北市 : 邱永鸿 , 民94[2005]"
    273,"008.8CD 92017",1217785,"随身电子产品全适化视听对应介面开发及使用性验证 = Audio-emphasis interface smart phone development and usibility verification under the concept of universal design / 范植洪(Chih-Hong Fan)撰","台北市 : 范植洪 , 民94[2005]"
    274,"008.8CD 92017",1217786,"随身电子产品全适化视听对应介面开发及使用性验证 = Audio-emphasis interface smart phone development and usibility verification under the concept of universal design / 范植洪(Chih-Hong Fan)撰","台北市 : 范植洪 , 民94[2005]"
    275,"008.8CD 92018",1217709,"形象体验理论引导设计工作营之研究 = A study of imagery-experiential theory through design workshop / 谢佳德(Chia-Del Hsieh)撰","台北市 : 谢佳德 , 民94[2005]"
    276,"008.8CD 92018",1217710,"形象体验理论引导设计工作营之研究 = A study of imagery-experiential theory through design workshop / 谢佳德(Chia-Del Hsieh)撰","台北市 : 谢佳德 , 民94[2005]"
    277,"008.8CD 92506",1216974,"以联合分析探讨MP3随身听之产品价値与顾客需求的关连性 = Applying conjoint analysis into exploring relationship between product values and customer needs . / 曾华敏(Hua-min Tseng)撰","台北市 : 曾华敏 , 民94[2005]"
    278,"008.8CD 92506",1216975,"以联合分析探讨MP3随身听之产品价値与顾客需求的关连性 = Applying conjoint analysis into exploring relationship between product values and customer needs . / 曾华敏(Hua-min Tseng)撰","台北市 : 曾华敏 , 民94[2005]"
    279,"008.8CD 92510",1217152,"幼儿户外组合式游具需求性之研究 = A study on the requirements of integral equipments in playground for pre-school children / 陈信宏(Hsin-Hung Chen)撰","台北市 : 陈信宏 , 民94[2005]"
    280,"008.8CD 92510",1217153,"幼儿户外组合式游具需求性之研究 = A study on the requirements of integral equipments in playground for pre-school children / 陈信宏(Hsin-Hung Chen)撰","台北市 : 陈信宏 , 民94[2005]"
    281,"008.8CD 92515",1217723,"办公椅使用性在人本设计之研究 = A study of user-centered design on the usability of office chair / 郭庆明(Ching-Ming Kuo)撰","台北市 : 郭庆明 , 民94[2005]"
    282,"008.8CD 92515",1217724,"办公椅使用性在人本设计之研究 = A study of user-centered design on the usability of office chair / 郭庆明(Ching-Ming Kuo)撰","台北市 : 郭庆明 , 民94[2005]"
    283,"008.8CE 89506",1217156,"银行业地震防灾对策 = The earthquake disaster prevention countermeasures for banks / 黄国振(Kuo-Chen Huang)撰","台北市 : 黄国振 , 民94[2005]"
    284,"008.8CE 89506",1217157,"银行业地震防灾对策 = The earthquake disaster prevention countermeasures for banks / 黄国振(Kuo-Chen Huang)撰","台北市 : 黄国振 , 民94[2005]"
    285,"008.8CE 90007",1220312,"坡地社区的即时安全调查系统之实作 = The implementation of a Real-time data collection system for hillside community safety inspection / 张书铭撰","台北市 : 张书铭 , 民92[2003]"
    286,"008.8CE 90007",1220313,"坡地社区的即时安全调查系统之实作 = The implementation of a Real-time data collection system for hillside community safety inspection / 张书铭撰","台北市 : 张书铭 , 民92[2003]"
    287,"008.8CE 90023",1217875,"钢骨抗弯矩构架梁柱接头之设计研究 = Design of prequalified beam-column connections for steel moment frames / 赵志鸿(Chih-Hung Chao)撰","台北市 : 赵志鸿 , 民94[2005]"
    288,"008.8CE 90023",1217876,"钢骨抗弯矩构架梁柱接头之设计研究 = Design of prequalified beam-column connections for steel moment frames / 赵志鸿(Chih-Hung Chao)撰","台北市 : 赵志鸿 , 民94[2005]"
    289,"008.8CE 90024",1217248,"生态防灾工程运用於轨道运输之策略研究 = A strategy study on applying ecological and hazard mitigation engineering for the railway transportation / 赵家栋(Kuan-Yung Chang)撰","台北市 : 赵家栋 , 民94[2005]"
    290,"008.8CE 90024",1217249,"生态防灾工程运用於轨道运输之策略研究 = A strategy study on applying ecological and hazard mitigation engineering for the railway transportation / 赵家栋(Kuan-Yung Chang)撰","台北市 : 赵家栋 , 民94[2005]"
    291,"008.8CE 90026",1220317,"震后管线即时灾损调查传输系统之研究与实作 = The implementation of a Real-time damage data collection system for Post-earthquake pipiline inspections / 管宝发撰","台北市 : 管宝发 , 民92[2003]"
    292,"008.8CE 90026",1220318,"震后管线即时灾损调查传输系统之研究与实作 = The implementation of a Real-time damage data collection system for Post-earthquake pipiline inspections / 管宝发撰","台北市 : 管宝发 , 民92[2003]"
    293,"008.8CE 90040",1217398,"砂土地盘皂土液灌浆的室内模型试验之研究 = The study of fracture grouting in granular soil with bentonite grout / 张亨萃(Heng-Tsui Chang)撰","台北市 : 张亨萃 , 民94[2005]"
    294,"008.8CE 90040",1217399,"砂土地盘皂土液灌浆的室内模型试验之研究 = The study of fracture grouting in granular soil with bentonite grout / 张亨萃(Heng-Tsui Chang)撰","台北市 : 张亨萃 , 民94[2005]"
    295,"008.8CE 90505",1216772,"建筑隔震装置之特性评估与选用之研究 = A study of evaluation performances and selection in seismic isolator designing / 原孝毓(Hsiao-Yu Yuan)撰","台北市 : 原孝毓 , 民94[2005]"
    296,"008.8CE 90505",1216773,"建筑隔震装置之特性评估与选用之研究 = A study of evaluation performances and selection in seismic isolator designing / 原孝毓(Hsiao-Yu Yuan)撰","台北市 : 原孝毓 , 民94[2005]"
    297,"008.8CE 91001",1188627,"台湾地区钢筋混凝土桥中性化效应之耐久性评估 = Durability assessment of neurtralized reinforced concrete bridges in Taiwan / 王传辉撰","台北市 : 王传辉 , 民94[2005]"
    298,"008.8CE 91016",1217447,"超细水泥浆液渗透灌浆模式之研究 = The study of permeation grouting with microfine cement grout / 林任峰(Jen-Feng Lin)撰","台北市 : 林任峰 , 民94[2005]"
    299,"008.8CE 91016",1217448,"超细水泥浆液渗透灌浆模式之研究 = The study of permeation grouting with microfine cement grout / 林任峰(Jen-Feng Lin)撰","台北市 : 林任峰 , 民94[2005]"
    300,"008.8CE 91029",1188727,"拟动态试验在冲击反应的应用 = Shock responses from pseudodynamic testing / 蔡金盛撰","台北市 : 蔡金盛 , 民94[2005]"
    301,"008.8CE 91029",1188728,"拟动态试验在冲击反应的应用 = Shock responses from pseudodynamic testing / 蔡金盛撰","台北市 : 蔡金盛 , 民94[2005]"
    302,"008.8CE 91503",1188749,"中小学校工程采购统包模式与教育训练之探讨 = Probing the purchase design-build and education training of the school construction project / 杨灿能撰","台北市 : 杨灿能 , 民94[2005]"
    303,"008.8CE 91503",1188750,"中小学校工程采购统包模式与教育训练之探讨 = Probing the purchase design-build and education training of the school construction project / 杨灿能撰","台北市 : 杨灿能 , 民94[2005]"
    304,"008.8CE 91505",1188751,"类神经网路於桥梁老劣化预测之研究 = A study on the prediction of degradation of the freeway bridges by using neural networks / 陈添宇撰","台北市 : 陈添宇 , 民94[2005]"
    305,"008.8CE 91505",1188752,"类神经网路於桥梁老劣化预测之研究 = A study on the prediction of degradation of the freeway bridges by using neural networks / 陈添宇撰","台北市 : 陈添宇 , 民94[2005]"
    306,"008.8CE 91519",1187091,"爆炸灾害防救对策之研究 : 以工业爆炸为例 = Study of explosion disaster prevention measures-industrial explosion as example / 陈国忠撰","台北市 : 陈国忠 , 民93[2004]"
    307,"008.8CE 91519",1187092,"爆炸灾害防救对策之研究 : 以工业爆炸为例 = Study of explosion disaster prevention measures-industrial explosion as example / 陈国忠撰","台北市 : 陈国忠 , 民93[2004]"
    308,"008.8CE 92001",1217585,"单跨RC构架之非线性侧推分析 = Nonlinear pushover analysis of reinforced concrete frames with various types of infills / 许若芸(Ro-Yun Hsu)撰","台北市 : 许若芸 , 民94[2005]"
    309,"008.8CE 92001",1217586,"单跨RC构架之非线性侧推分析 = Nonlinear pushover analysis of reinforced concrete frames with various types of infills / 许若芸(Ro-Yun Hsu)撰","台北市 : 许若芸 , 民94[2005]"
    310,"008.8CE 92003",1216722,"RC建筑结构耐震能力性能评估法之研究--以柱RC包覆补强为例 = On the Performance-Based Seismic Evaluation of RC Building Structures-For the case of RC Jacketing Columns Strengthened / 林延苍(Yen-Tsang Lin)撰","台北市 : 林延苍 , 民94[2005]"
    311,"008.8CE 92003",1216723,"RC建筑结构耐震能力性能评估法之研究--以柱RC包覆补强为例 = On the Performance-Based Seismic Evaluation of RC Building Structures-For the case of RC Jacketing Columns Strengthened / 林延苍(Yen-Tsang Lin)撰","台北市 : 林延苍 , 民94[2005]"
    312,"008.8CE 92005",1217687,"透地雷达应用於地下管线探勘之研究 = A study of applying ground penetration radar detect underground pipelines / 黄韦华(Wei-Hua Huang)撰","台北市 : 黄韦华 , 民94[2005]"
    313,"008.8CE 92005",1217688,"透地雷达应用於地下管线探勘之研究 = A study of applying ground penetration radar detect underground pipelines / 黄韦华(Wei-Hua Huang)撰","台北市 : 黄韦华 , 民94[2005]"
    314,"008.8CE 92007",1217817,"校园生态池规划设计与其栖息地生态系统调查评估 = Investigation and assessment of campus ecological ponds and their habitat environment / 杨丽敏(Li-Min Yang)撰","台北市 : 杨丽敏 , 民94[2005]"
    315,"008.8CE 92007",1217818,"校园生态池规划设计与其栖息地生态系统调查评估 = Investigation and assessment of campus ecological ponds and their habitat environment / 杨丽敏(Li-Min Yang)撰","台北市 : 杨丽敏 , 民94[2005]"
    316,"008.8CE 92009",1217559,"地方政府救灾资源整备能力之初探—以台北县永和市为例 = A study of the preparedness capability with rescue resources in the local government-case study at yungho city / 黄耀侬(Yao-Nung Huang)撰","台北市 : 黄耀侬 , 民94[2005]"
    317,"008.8CE 92009",1217560,"地方政府救灾资源整备能力之初探—以台北县永和市为例 = A study of the preparedness capability with rescue resources in the local government-case study at yungho city / 黄耀侬(Yao-Nung Huang)撰","台北市 : 黄耀侬 , 民94[2005]"
    318,"008.8CE 92010",1217475,"公共工程执行机关绩效评估模式之建立 = Establishing a performance evaluation model of government agency for the public works / 李旭哲(Shiu-Je Li)撰","台北市 : 李旭哲 , 民94[2005]"
    319,"008.8CE 92010",1217476,"公共工程执行机关绩效评估模式之建立 = Establishing a performance evaluation model of government agency for the public works / 李旭哲(Shiu-Je Li)撰","台北市 : 李旭哲 , 民94[2005]"
    320,"008.8CE 92011",1217132,"高龄者住宅火灾防制对策之初步研究 = The preliminary study of fire prevention strategies for elderly housing / 程金龙(Chine-Lung Cheng)撰","台北市 : 程金龙 , 民94[2005]"
    321,"008.8CE 92011",1217133,"高龄者住宅火灾防制对策之初步研究 = The preliminary study of fire prevention strategies for elderly housing / 程金龙(Chine-Lung Cheng)撰","台北市 : 程金龙 , 民94[2005]"
    322,"008.8CE 92012",1217314,"透水性铺面之环境效益评估-以北安路为例 = The evaluation of environmental benefits for permeable pavement-an example in bei-an rd / 廖士炜(shih-wei Liau)撰","台北市 : 廖士炜 , 民94[2005]"
    323,"008.8CE 92012",1217315,"透水性铺面之环境效益评估-以北安路为例 = The evaluation of environmental benefits for permeable pavement-an example in bei-an rd / 廖士炜(shih-wei Liau)撰","台北市 : 廖士炜 , 民94[2005]"
    324,"008.8CE 92013",1217383,"中央机关灾害防救计画架构与管控之研究 = Research of the structure control and management upon disaster prevention and protection plan towards central government organization / 吴孟寰(Meng-Huan Wu)撰","台北市 : 吴孟寰 , 民94[2005]"
    325,"008.8CE 92014",1217382,"中央机关灾害防救计画架构与管控之研究 = Research of the structure control and management upon disaster prevention and protection plan towards central government organization / 吴孟寰(Meng-Huan Wu)撰","台北市 : 吴孟寰 , 民94[2005]"
    326,"008.8CE 92015",1217827,"具软层RC结构之耐震行为 = Behaviors of RC structures with soft-story under seismic load / 李日丰(Zue-Fenge Lee)撰","台北市 : 李日丰 , 民94[2005]"
    327,"008.8CE 92015",1217828,"具软层RC结构之耐震行为 = Behaviors of RC structures with soft-story under seismic load / 李日丰(Zue-Fenge Lee)撰","台北市 : 李日丰 , 民94[2005]"
    328,"008.8CE 92016",1217665,"以等值柱模型分析含墙RC构架 = The analysis of the walls infilled in rc frames using the equivalent column model / 陈振玮(Cheng-Wei Chen)撰","台北市 : 陈振玮 , 民94[2005]"
    329,"008.8CE 92016",1217666,"以等值柱模型分析含墙RC构架 = The analysis of the walls infilled in rc frames using the equivalent column model / 陈振玮(Cheng-Wei Chen)撰","台北市 : 陈振玮 , 民94[2005]"
    330,"008.8CE 92017",1216507,"应用EPOXY黏结剂围束CFRP混凝土定载下高温性能之研究 = On the performance of cfrp confined concrete under high temperature with constant load / 宋中仁(chung-jen Sung)撰","台北市 : 宋中仁 , 民94[2005]"
    331,"008.8CE 92017",1216508,"应用EPOXY黏结剂围束CFRP混凝土定载下高温性能之研究 = On the performance of cfrp confined concrete under high temperature with constant load / 宋中仁(chung-jen Sung)撰","台北市 : 宋中仁 , 民94[2005]"
    332,"008.8CE 92018",1217667,"桥梁防落拉杆之实验与力学分析 = The experiment and analysis of restrainers for bridges / 徐瑞亿(Jui-Yi Hsu)撰","台北市 : 徐瑞亿 , 民94[2005]"
    333,"008.8CE 92018",1217668,"桥梁防落拉杆之实验与力学分析 = The experiment and analysis of restrainers for bridges / 徐瑞亿(Jui-Yi Hsu)撰","台北市 : 徐瑞亿 , 民94[2005]"
    334,"008.8CE 92019",1217805,"超高层建筑物施工起重机之耐震需求探讨 = Structural analysis of construction cranes under seismic actions during the erection of tall buildings / 李亦伟(Yi-Wei Li)撰","台北市 : 李亦伟 , 民94[2005]"
    335,"008.8CE 92019",1217806,"超高层建筑物施工起重机之耐震需求探讨 = Structural analysis of construction cranes under seismic actions during the erection of tall buildings / 李亦伟(Yi-Wei Li)撰","台北市 : 李亦伟 , 民94[2005]"
    336,"008.8CE 92020",1216854,"面砖工程粘著材料之试验与研究 = The test and study on adhesive materials of the tile project / 李文田(Wen-Tien Lee)撰","台北市 : 李文田 , 民94[2005]"
    337,"008.8CE 92020",1216855,"面砖工程粘著材料之试验与研究 = The test and study on adhesive materials of the tile project / 李文田(Wen-Tien Lee)撰","台北市 : 李文田 , 民94[2005]"
    338,"008.8CE 92021",1217639,"合乎台湾本土地震特性之单自由度等值线性系统之建立及其应用 = Establishment and application of linear sdof equivalent system conforming to local earthquake characteristics in taiwan / 林正修(Cheng-Hsiu Lin)撰","台北市 : 林正修 , 民94[2005]"
    339,"008.8CE 92021",1217640,"合乎台湾本土地震特性之单自由度等值线性系统之建立及其应用 = Establishment and application of linear sdof equivalent system conforming to local earthquake characteristics in taiwan / 林正修(Cheng-Hsiu Lin)撰","台北市 : 林正修 , 民94[2005]"
    340,"008.8CE 92022",1217621,"碳纤维贴片(CFRP)对矩形无肋筋钢筋混凝土梁之剪力补强行为研究 = Shear strength behavior research on RC rectangle beam without web reinforcement with carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) / 谢宗德(Zong-De Xie)撰","台北市 : 谢宗德 , 民94[2005]"
    341,"008.8CE 92022",1217622,"碳纤维贴片(CFRP)对矩形无肋筋钢筋混凝土梁之剪力补强行为研究 = Shear strength behavior research on RC rectangle beam without web reinforcement with carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) / 谢宗德(Zong-De Xie)撰","台北市 : 谢宗德 , 民94[2005]"
    342,"008.8CE 92023",1217623,"碳纤维贴片(CFRP)补强RC矩形梁剪力强度试验研究 = Experimental findings on the shear strength of RC beans with carbon fiber reinforced polymer / 陈韦达(Wei-Da Chen)撰","台北市 : 陈韦达 , 民94[2005]"
    343,"008.8CE 92023",1217624,"碳纤维贴片(CFRP)补强RC矩形梁剪力强度试验研究 = Experimental findings on the shear strength of RC beans with carbon fiber reinforced polymer / 陈韦达(Wei-Da Chen)撰","台北市 : 陈韦达 , 民94[2005]"
    344,"008.8CE 92024",1216996,"以拉拔法评估混凝土品质之试验与研究 = Test and study for pullout test method estimating concrete quality. / 陈怡豪(Yi-Hao Chen)撰","台北市 : 陈怡豪 , 民94[2005]"
    345,"008.8CE 92024",1216997,"以拉拔法评估混凝土品质之试验与研究 = Test and study for pullout test method estimating concrete quality. / 陈怡豪(Yi-Hao Chen)撰","台北市 : 陈怡豪 , 民94[2005]"
    346,"008.8CE 92025",1217759,"基因演算法和类神经网路在斜张桥最佳化设计及健康诊断之应用 = Application of genetic algorithm and neural network to optimal design together with health diagnosis of cable-stayed bridge / 林佑川(Yu-Chuan Lin)撰","台北市 : 林佑川 , 民94[2005]"
    347,"008.8CE 92025",1217760,"基因演算法和类神经网路在斜张桥最佳化设计及健康诊断之应用 = Application of genetic algorithm and neural network to optimal design together with health diagnosis of cable-stayed bridge / 林佑川(Yu-Chuan Lin)撰","台北市 : 林佑川 , 民94[2005]"
    348,"008.8CE 92029",1217685,"应用PCSWMM模拟透水铺面之研究 = Research of permeable pavement by using pcswmm / 叶颖睿(Ying-Rui Ye)撰","台北市 : 叶颖睿 , 民94[2005]"
    349,"008.8CE 92029",1217686,"应用PCSWMM模拟透水铺面之研究 = Research of permeable pavement by using pcswmm / 叶颖睿(Ying-Rui Ye)撰","台北市 : 叶颖睿 , 民94[2005]"
    350,"008.8CE 92034",1217583,"台湾地区都市共同管道路网规划决策模式之研究 = The study on how to set construction priority for the common duct network in Taiwan's urban area / 徐培刚(Pei-Kang Hsu)撰","台北市 : 徐培刚 , 民94[2005]"
    351,"008.8CE 92034",1217584,"台湾地区都市共同管道路网规划决策模式之研究 = The study on how to set construction priority for the common duct network in Taiwan's urban area / 徐培刚(Pei-Kang Hsu)撰","台北市 : 徐培刚 , 民94[2005]"
    352,"008.8CE 92035",1217655,"超高层建筑物火灾避难决策支援系统之研究 = A decision support system on hazard-prevention and evacuation in high-rise buildings / 高任玮(Jen-Wei Kao)撰","台北市 : 高任玮 , 民94[2005]"
    353,"008.8CE 92035",1217656,"超高层建筑物火灾避难决策支援系统之研究 = A decision support system on hazard-prevention and evacuation in high-rise buildings / 高任玮(Jen-Wei Kao)撰","台北市 : 高任玮 , 民94[2005]"
    354,"008.8CE 92036",1217841,"营建业物流施工规划之探讨--以科技研究大楼为例 = Logistics of construction planning in construction industry-- a case in the technology and studying building / 陈芳玉(fung-yu chen)撰","台北市 : 陈芳玉 , 民94[2005]"
    355,"008.8CE 92036",1217842,"营建业物流施工规划之探讨--以科技研究大楼为例 = Logistics of construction planning in construction industry-- a case in the technology and studying building / 陈芳玉(fung-yu chen)撰","台北市 : 陈芳玉 , 民94[2005]"
    356,"008.8CE 92037",1217795,"地图伺服器开发之系统分析 = System analysis to the development of a web map server / 沈志全(Jhih-Cyuan Shen)撰","台北市 : 沈志全撰 , 民94[2005]"
    357,"008.8CE 92037",1217796,"地图伺服器开发之系统分析 = System analysis to the development of a web map server / 沈志全(Jhih-Cyuan Shen)撰","台北市 : 沈志全撰 , 民94[2005]"
    358,"008.8CE 92038",1217675,"地震灾损评估系统应用於地区灾害防救计划之研究 = The application of earthquake loss estimation system on the regional disaster prevention and response plan / 陈明湖(Ming-Hu Chen)撰","台北市 : 陈明湖 , 民94[2005]"
    359,"008.8CE 92038",1217676,"地震灾损评估系统应用於地区灾害防救计划之研究 = The application of earthquake loss estimation system on the regional disaster prevention and response plan / 陈明湖(Ming-Hu Chen)撰","台北市 : 陈明湖 , 民94[2005]"
    360,"008.8CE 92039",1217517,"地震损失评估於震灾初期灾情即时推估及应变决策之应用 = The application of earthquake loss estimation system on the early seismic damage evaluation and response decision-making / 黄麒然(Chi-Jan Huang)撰","台北市 : 黄麒然 , 民94[2005]"
    361,"008.8CE 92039",1217518,"地震损失评估於震灾初期灾情即时推估及应变决策之应用 = The application of earthquake loss estimation system on the early seismic damage evaluation and response decision-making / 黄麒然(Chi-Jan Huang)撰","台北市 : 黄麒然 , 民94[2005]"
    362,"008.8CE 92041",1216674,"应用类神经网路与小波理论分析地震前地下水位波动 = Applications of artificial neural network and wavelet theory to analyze the fluctuation of groundwater level before an earthquake appears / 廖启佑(Ci-Yu Liao)撰","台北市 : 廖启佑 , 民94[2005]"
    363,"008.8CE 92041",1216675,"应用类神经网路与小波理论分析地震前地下水位波动 = Applications of artificial neural network and wavelet theory to analyze the fluctuation of groundwater level before an earthquake appears / 廖启佑(Ci-Yu Liao)撰","台北市 : 廖启佑 , 民94[2005]"
    364,"008.8CE 92042",1217815,"雷射扫描系统於水利防灾与土砂灾害之研究 = A study of laser scanning system applied on monitoring the water level and sediment hazards / 邱鸿玮(Hung-Wei Chin)撰","台北市 : 邱鸿玮 , 民94[2005]"
    365,"008.8CE 92042",1217816,"雷射扫描系统於水利防灾与土砂灾害之研究 = A study of laser scanning system applied on monitoring the water level and sediment hazards / 邱鸿玮(Hung-Wei Chin)撰","台北市 : 邱鸿玮 , 民94[2005]"
    366,"008.8CE 92044",1217196,"营造业法设置专任工程人员之研究 = A study of instituting full-time licensed engineers or technicians requirements under construction industry act / 廖基全(Chi-Chan Liao)撰","台北市 : 廖基全 , 民94[2005]"
    367,"008.8CE 92044",1217197,"营造业法设置专任工程人员之研究 = A study of instituting full-time licensed engineers or technicians requirements under construction industry act / 廖基全(Chi-Chan Liao)撰","台北市 : 廖基全 , 民94[2005]"
    368,"008.8CE 92504",1217411,"管线对都市地下工程建构影响之研究—以台北捷运工程为例 = On the influence of public utilities to the urban underground construction-for the case of taipei MRT / 林颖兴(Yiing-Shing Lin)撰","台北市 : 林颖兴 , 民94[2005]"
    369,"008.8CE 92504",1217412,"管线对都市地下工程建构影响之研究—以台北捷运工程为例 = On the influence of public utilities to the urban underground construction-for the case of taipei MRT / 林颖兴(Yiing-Shing Lin)撰","台北市 : 林颖兴 , 民94[2005]"
    370,"008.8CE 92510",1216660,"我国技师制度分析探讨与改进方案之研究 = Analyses and propsed improvements of the current taiwan professional engineers system / 余烈(Lieh Yu)撰","台北市 : 余烈 , 民94[2005]"
    371,"008.8CE 92510",1216661,"我国技师制度分析探讨与改进方案之研究 = Analyses and propsed improvements of the current taiwan professional engineers system / 余烈(Lieh Yu)撰","台北市 : 余烈 , 民94[2005]"
    372,"008.8CE 92511",1217268,"最有利标多元尺度法评定方式之研究 = The award mechanism of the economical most advantageous tender / 康德龙(Derick Teh-Lung Kong)撰","台北市 : 康德龙 , 民94[2005]"
    373,"008.8CE 92511",1217269,"最有利标多元尺度法评定方式之研究 = The award mechanism of the economical most advantageous tender / 康德龙(Derick Teh-Lung Kong)撰","台北市 : 康德龙 , 民94[2005]"
    374,"008.8CE 92512",1217677,"山区道路定线简易评估方法之研究 = A simple evaluation method for alignment of mountainous roadway / 韩涤清(Ti-Ching Han)撰","台北市 : 韩涤清 , 民94[2005]"
    375,"008.8CE 92512",1217678,"山区道路定线简易评估方法之研究 = A simple evaluation method for alignment of mountainous roadway / 韩涤清(Ti-Ching Han)撰","台北市 : 韩涤清 , 民94[2005]"
    376,"008.8CE 92513",1217461,"高科技厂房建厂以统包方式缩短工期策略之探讨 = Design-build strategy for shortening high-tech industrial plant construction / 吴建辉(Chien-Huei Wu)撰","台北市 : 吴建辉 , 民94[2005]"
    377,"008.8CE 92513",1217462,"高科技厂房建厂以统包方式缩短工期策略之探讨 = Design-build strategy for shortening high-tech industrial plant construction / 吴建辉(Chien-Huei Wu)撰","台北市 : 吴建辉 , 民94[2005]"
    378,"008.8CE 92514",1217262,"军事营缮工程设计`施工阶段品质管理之研究 = Quality control of design and construction stage in military engineering and operation maintenance / 林庆撰","台北市 : 林庆 , 民94[2005]"
    379,"008.8CE 92514",1217263,"军事营缮工程设计`施工阶段品质管理之研究 = Quality control of design and construction stage in military engineering and operation maintenance / 林庆撰","台北市 : 林庆 , 民94[2005]"
    380,"008.8CE 92516",1217673,"原住民族工作权保障法实施策略之探讨-以公共工程采购为例 = A study on the execution strategy of indigenous peoples employment rights protection act -- take public construction procurement projects for example / 王琼樱(Chiu","台北市 : 王琼樱 , 民94[2005]"
    381,"008.8CE 92516",1217674,"原住民族工作权保障法实施策略之探讨-以公共工程采购为例 = A study on the execution strategy of indigenous peoples employment rights protection act -- take public construction procurement projects for example / 王琼樱(Chiu","台北市 : 王琼樱 , 民94[2005]"
    382,"008.8CE 92518",1216688,"都市防救灾资料库及决策展示系统之开发建置 = The implementation of urban disaster response decision making database and display system / 陈煜棋(Yu-Chi Chen)撰","台北市 : 陈煜棋 , 民94[2005]"
    383,"008.8CE 92518",1216689,"都市防救灾资料库及决策展示系统之开发建置 = The implementation of urban disaster response decision making database and display system / 陈煜棋(Yu-Chi Chen)撰","台北市 : 陈煜棋 , 民94[2005]"
    384,"008.8CE 92519",1216513,"建筑用防火门五金配件耐火试验法之研究 = Research on method of fire resistance tests for fire door hardware / 冯本全(Pen-Chuan Fung)撰","台北市 : 冯本全 , 民94[2005]"
    385,"008.8CE 92519",1216514,"建筑用防火门五金配件耐火试验法之研究 = Research on method of fire resistance tests for fire door hardware / 冯本全(Pen-Chuan Fung)撰","台北市 : 冯本全 , 民94[2005]"
    386,"008.8CE 92520",1216413,"集合住宅火害因子与防火评估之研究 = The research on damage reason caused by fire and fire prevention estimation on existing apartment buildings / 高士峯(Shih-Feng Kao)撰","台北市 : 高士峯 , 民94[2005]"
    387,"008.8CE 92520",1216414,"集合住宅火害因子与防火评估之研究 = The research on damage reason caused by fire and fire prevention estimation on existing apartment buildings / 高士峯(Shih-Feng Kao)撰","台北市 : 高士峯 , 民94[2005]"
    388,"008.8CE 92521",1216415,"因应国军常后分立建构机制契机整合国土救灾安全网 = Take the opportunity of"regular and reserve two-pronged system\"as supporting base to integrate with national disaster rescuing network / 卢台生(Tai-Sheng Lu)撰","台北市 : 卢台生 , 民94[2005]"
    389,"008.8CE 92521",1216416,"因应国军常后分立建构机制契机整合国土救灾安全网 = Take the opportunity of"regular and reserve two-pronged system\"as supporting base to integrate with national disaster rescuing network / 卢台生(Tai-Sheng Lu)撰","台北市 : 卢台生 , 民94[2005]"
    390,"008.8CE 92522",1216523,"建筑物环境因素对火灾抢救影响之研究 = Study on the influence for firefighting on the factors of building environment / 洪超伦(Chao-Lun Chao)撰","台北市 : 洪超伦 , 民94[2005]"
    391,"008.8CE 92522",1216524,"建筑物环境因素对火灾抢救影响之研究 = Study on the influence for firefighting on the factors of building environment / 洪超伦(Chao-Lun Chao)撰","台北市 : 洪超伦 , 民94[2005]"
    392,"008.8CE 92524",1217893,"基隆河台北市辖疏散门最佳化关闭机制之研究-以基5号疏散门为例 = Study on the optimal operation rules for evacuation gates along keelung river in taipei city - kee no. 5 evacuation gate as an example / 陈世浩(Su-Hou Che","台北市 : 陈世浩 , 民94[2005]"
    393,"008.8CE 92524",1217894,"基隆河台北市辖疏散门最佳化关闭机制之研究-以基5号疏散门为例 = Study on the optimal operation rules for evacuation gates along keelung river in taipei city - kee no. 5 evacuation gate as an example / 陈世浩(Su-Hou Che","台北市 : 陈世浩 , 民94[2005]"
    394,"008.8CE 92525",1216782,"防火管理制度在高层建筑物运作之研究 = The study of fire prevention management system for the operation of high-rise buildings / 周文智(Wen-Chih Chou)撰","台北市 : 周文智 , 民94[2005]"
    395,"008.8CE 92525",1216783,"防火管理制度在高层建筑物运作之研究 = The study of fire prevention management system for the operation of high-rise buildings / 周文智(Wen-Chih Chou)撰","台北市 : 周文智 , 民94[2005]"
    396,"008.8CH 89011",1216435,"1,2-二苯乙烯衍生物的液晶与发光性质之探讨 = Liquid crystal and luminescent properties of derivatives of 1,2-stilbene / 吴宗哲(Zong-Zhe Wu)撰","台北市 : 吴宗哲 , 民94[2005]"
    397,"008.8CH 89011",1216436,"1,2-二苯乙烯衍生物的液晶与发光性质之探讨 = Liquid crystal and luminescent properties of derivatives of 1,2-stilbene / 吴宗哲(Zong-Zhe Wu)撰","台北市 : 吴宗哲 , 民94[2005]"
    398,"008.8CH 90515",1187947,"聚乙烯乙二醇-盐水两相相平衡研究 = The study of PEG-Salt two aqueous phase equilibrium / 季正伟撰","台北市 : 季正伟 , 民94"
    399,"008.8CH 90515",1187948,"聚乙烯乙二醇-盐水两相相平衡研究 = The study of PEG-Salt two aqueous phase equilibrium / 季正伟撰","台北市 : 季正伟 , 民94"
    400,"008.8CH 91008",1217521,"含磷配位基化合物之合成及其金属错合能力之研究 = Synthesis and chelating ability of compounds containing phosphorous chelating ligands / 吴松俊(Sung-Chun Wu)撰","台北市 : 吴松俊 , 民94[2005]"
    401,"008.8CH 91008",1217522,"含磷配位基化合物之合成及其金属错合能力之研究 = Synthesis and chelating ability of compounds containing phosphorous chelating ligands / 吴松俊(Sung-Chun Wu)撰","台北市 : 吴松俊 , 民94[2005]"
    402,"008.8CH 91015",1188629,"方形沟槽中两层牛顿流体之界面波特性分析 = The characterization of interfacial wave for two-layered newtonian fluids in a rectangular channel / 张世宽撰","台北市 : 张世宽 , 民93[2004]"
    403,"008.8CH 91015",1188630,"方形沟槽中两层牛顿流体之界面波特性分析 = The characterization of interfacial wave for two-layered newtonian fluids in a rectangular channel / 张世宽撰","台北市 : 张世宽 , 民93[2004]"
    404,"008.8CH 91019",1187941,"氮气在第二醇类之汽液相平衡研究 = The study of vapor-liquid equilibrium of nitrogen in sec-alcohols / 张素莲撰","台北市 : 张素莲 , 民94"
    405,"008.8CH 91019",1187942,"氮气在第二醇类之汽液相平衡研究 = The study of vapor-liquid equilibrium of nitrogen in sec-alcohols / 张素莲撰","台北市 : 张素莲 , 民94"
    406,"008.8CH 91022",1216920,"尼龙强化橡胶复合材料阻油性能之研究 = Oil resistance of fiber resinforced rubber composites / 陈俊任(Chun-Jen Chen)撰","台北市 : 陈俊任 , 民94[2005]"
    407,"008.8CH 91022",1216921,"尼龙强化橡胶复合材料阻油性能之研究 = Oil resistance of fiber resinforced rubber composites / 陈俊任(Chun-Jen Chen)撰","台北市 : 陈俊任 , 民94[2005]"
    408,"008.8CH 91502",1217831,"G-line正型光阻剂最佳化配方设计 = The optimum formulation design of G-line positive photo resist / 陈群奇(Chun-Chi Chen)撰","台北市 : 陈群奇 , 民94[2005]"
    409,"008.8CH 91502",1217832,"G-line正型光阻剂最佳化配方设计 = The optimum formulation design of G-line positive photo resist / 陈群奇(Chun-Chi Chen)撰","台北市 : 陈群奇 , 民94[2005]"
    410,"008.8CH 91506",1188707,"PBGA焊点金厚度与焊点可靠度后剪切强度之研究 = A study on Au plating thickness of PBGA and solder joint shear strength after reliability tests / 江仁宏撰","台北市 : 江仁宏 , 民94[2005]"
    411,"008.8CH 91506",1188708,"PBGA焊点金厚度与焊点可靠度后剪切强度之研究 = A study on Au plating thickness of PBGA and solder joint shear strength after reliability tests / 江仁宏撰","台北市 : 江仁宏 , 民94[2005]"
    412,"008.8CH 91513",1217781,"导电性高分子--聚苯胺与奈米-二氧化钛复合膜之物性研究 = Studies on the properties and characterization of the conducting polyaniline/ Nano-TiO2 composite films / 胡怡玲(I-Ling Hu)撰","台北市 : 胡怡玲 , 民94[2005]"
    413,"008.8CH 91513",1217782,"导电性高分子--聚苯胺与奈米-二氧化钛复合膜之物性研究 = Studies on the properties and characterization of the conducting polyaniline/ Nano-TiO2 composite films / 胡怡玲(I-Ling Hu)撰","台北市 : 胡怡玲 , 民94[2005]"
    414,"008.8CH 91515",1217034,"聚ㄚ啶黄素及 NDGA/Nafion 与 NDGA/FAD复合薄膜修饰电极之制备及电催化性质之研究 = Preparation and electrocatalytic properties of polymerized acriflavine and ndga/nafion and ndga/fad hybrid film modified electrodes / 刘美","台北市 : 刘美英 , 民94[2005]"
    415,"008.8CH 91515",1217035,"聚ㄚ啶黄素及 NDGA/Nafion 与 NDGA/FAD复合薄膜修饰电极之制备及电催化性质之研究 = Preparation and electrocatalytic properties of polymerized acriflavine and ndga/nafion and ndga/fad hybrid film modified electrodes / 刘美","台北市 : 刘美英 , 民94[2005]"
    416,"008.8CH 92001",1217008,"钴`镍`铜-咪唑超分子化合物之自组装合成与结构分析 = Self-assembly and structural analysis of co, ni, cu-imidazole supramolecules / 徐筱娟(Hsiao-Chuan Hsu)撰","台北市 : 徐筱娟 , 民94[2005]"
    417,"008.8CH 92001",1217009,"钴`镍`铜-咪唑超分子化合物之自组装合成与结构分析 = Self-assembly and structural analysis of co, ni, cu-imidazole supramolecules / 徐筱娟(Hsiao-Chuan Hsu)撰","台北市 : 徐筱娟 , 民94[2005]"
    418,"008.8CH 92002",1216736,"重组蛋白质过度表达下的细胞沟通及质体不稳定现象 = Evidences for cell communication and plasmid instability mechanism during protein overexpression in escherichia coli. / 陈建良(Chien-Liang Chen)撰","台北市 : 陈建良 , 民94[2005]"
    419,"008.8CH 92002",1216737,"重组蛋白质过度表达下的细胞沟通及质体不稳定现象 = Evidences for cell communication and plasmid instability mechanism during protein overexpression in escherichia coli. / 陈建良(Chien-Liang Chen)撰","台北市 : 陈建良 , 民94[2005]"
    420,"008.8CH 92003",1216730,"利用蚀刻废液制备碱式碳酸铜之研究 = A study on the preparation of basic cupric carbonate from etching waste solution / 赖玟君(Wun-Jyun Lai)撰","台北市 : 赖玟君 , 民94[2005]"
    421,"008.8CH 92003",1216731,"利用蚀刻废液制备碱式碳酸铜之研究 = A study on the preparation of basic cupric carbonate from etching waste solution / 赖玟君(Wun-Jyun Lai)撰","台北市 : 赖玟君 , 民94[2005]"
    422,"008.8CH 92004",1217086,"应用微波技术探讨人类骨髓癌细胞分化为巨噬细胞之次细胞蛋白质体学分析 = Application of microwave technology to investigate a subcellular proteomics analysis of human myeloid leukemia cells differentiation to macrophages","台北市 : 张幸娟 , 民94[2005]"
    423,"008.8CH 92004",1217087,"应用微波技术探讨人类骨髓癌细胞分化为巨噬细胞之次细胞蛋白质体学分析 = Application of microwave technology to investigate a subcellular proteomics analysis of human myeloid leukemia cells differentiation to macrophages","台北市 : 张幸娟 , 民94[2005]"
    424,"008.8CH 92005",1217006,"以微波方法合成烯基及偶氮基联结苯环分子之液晶及其萤光性质研究 = Studies on microwave assisted syntheses and luminescence properties of ethenyl and azo type liquid crystals / 廖玉容(Yu-Jung Laio)撰","台北市 : 廖玉容 , 民94[2005]"
    425,"008.8CH 92005",1217007,"以微波方法合成烯基及偶氮基联结苯环分子之液晶及其萤光性质研究 = Studies on microwave assisted syntheses and luminescence properties of ethenyl and azo type liquid crystals / 廖玉容(Yu-Jung Laio)撰","台北市 : 廖玉容 , 民94[2005]"
    426,"008.8CH 92006",1216734,"汽车货运业之市场导向与绩效之研究-以物流能力为中介变数 = The effect of market orientation through logistics capabilities on performance in trucking / 吴雅雯(Yawen Wu)撰","台北市 : 吴雅雯 , 民94[2005]"
    427,"008.8CH 92006",1216735,"汽车货运业之市场导向与绩效之研究-以物流能力为中介变数 = The effect of market orientation through logistics capabilities on performance in trucking / 吴雅雯(Yawen Wu)撰","台北市 : 吴雅雯 , 民94[2005]"
    428,"008.8CH 92006",1216728,"由氯化铜蚀刻废液回收铜盐之研究 = A study on the recovery of copper salts from wasted etching solution containing copper chloride / 简子惠(Tzu-Hui Chien)撰","台北市 : 简子惠 , 民94[2005]"
    429,"008.8CH 92006",1216729,"由氯化铜蚀刻废液回收铜盐之研究 = A study on the recovery of copper salts from wasted etching solution containing copper chloride / 简子惠(Tzu-Hui Chien)撰","台北市 : 简子惠 , 民94[2005]"
    430,"008.8CH 92007",1216738,"以线型转殖改善细菌生产重组蛋白质时之基因稳定性 = Improving genetic stability by utilizing bacteria with linear transformation during recombinant protein overexpression / 陈幸达(Hsing-Ta Chen)撰","台北市 : 陈幸达 , 民94[2005]"
    431,"008.8CH 92007",1216739,"以线型转殖改善细菌生产重组蛋白质时之基因稳定性 = Improving genetic stability by utilizing bacteria with linear transformation during recombinant protein overexpression / 陈幸达(Hsing-Ta Chen)撰","台北市 : 陈幸达 , 民94[2005]"
    432,"008.8CH 92008",1217012,"具有推拉电子基的二乙炔喹晽及苊醌系列共轭化合物之电致化学发光研究 = Study on electrogenerated chemiluminescence of butadiynyl-quinolines and acenaphthenequinones conjugated donor-aceceptor molecules / 王昱翔(Yui-Hs","台北市 : 王昱翔 , 民94[2005]"
    433,"008.8CH 92008",1217013,"具有推拉电子基的二乙炔喹晽及苊醌系列共轭化合物之电致化学发光研究 = Study on electrogenerated chemiluminescence of butadiynyl-quinolines and acenaphthenequinones conjugated donor-aceceptor molecules / 王昱翔(Yui-Hs","台北市 : 王昱翔 , 民94[2005]"
    434,"008.8CH 92009",1216776,"氯化铜蚀刻废液回收再利用之研究 = A study on the recovery and reclamation of wasted etching solution containing copper chloride / 蔡泓欣(Hung-Hsin Tsai)撰","台北市 : 蔡泓欣 , 民94[2005]"
    435,"008.8CH 92009",1216777,"氯化铜蚀刻废液回收再利用之研究 = A study on the recovery and reclamation of wasted etching solution containing copper chloride / 蔡泓欣(Hung-Hsin Tsai)撰","台北市 : 蔡泓欣 , 民94[2005]"
    436,"008.8CH 92010",1216465,"铁铂氯化物与铈铂氯化物与钒铂氯化物薄膜修饰电极的电化学特性以及电催化反应研究 = The characterization and electrocatalytic properties of iron hexachloroplatinate and cerium hexachloroplatinate and vanadium hexachl","台北市 : 林高慧 , 民94[2005]"
    437,"008.8CH 92010",1216466,"铁铂氯化物与铈铂氯化物与钒铂氯化物薄膜修饰电极的电化学特性以及电催化反应研究 = The characterization and electrocatalytic properties of iron hexachloroplatinate and cerium hexachloroplatinate and vanadium hexachl","台北市 : 林高慧 , 民94[2005]"
    438,"008.8CH 92011",1216493,"一,经由Claisen rearrangement 合成含环外双键的发光分子 = 1.the synthesis of external double bond luminant molecules via claisen rearrangement : 二,以含烷基或含氟烷基长链之高分子作为尼龙及棉布表面改质之","台北市 : 黄永杰 , 94[2005]"
    439,"008.8CH 92011",1216494,"一,经由Claisen rearrangement 合成含环外双键的发光分子 = 1.the synthesis of external double bond luminant molecules via claisen rearrangement : 二,以含烷基或含氟烷基长链之高分子作为尼龙及棉布表面改质之","台北市 : 黄永杰 , 94[2005]"
    440,"008.8CH 92012",1216864,"化学诱发相分离制备环氧树脂薄膜 = Epoxy membrane prepared by chemically induced phase separation method / 黄南都(Nan-Du Huang)撰","台北市 : 黄南都 , 民94[2005]"
    441,"008.8CH 92012",1216865,"化学诱发相分离制备环氧树脂薄膜 = Epoxy membrane prepared by chemically induced phase separation method / 黄南都(Nan-Du Huang)撰","台北市 : 黄南都 , 民94[2005]"
    442,"008.8CH 92014",1217593,"中空纤维黏合机制及其模具设计之探讨 = The study of gluing mechanism and die design for hollow fiber / 申博元(Bo-Yuan Shen)撰","台北市 : 申博元 , 民94[2005]"
    443,"008.8CH 92014",1217594,"中空纤维黏合机制及其模具设计之探讨 = The study of gluing mechanism and die design for hollow fiber / 申博元(Bo-Yuan Shen)撰","台北市 : 申博元 , 民94[2005]"
    444,"008.8CH 92015",1217895,"染料太阳能电池之染料分析研究及其稳定性探讨 = The stability ananlysis of dye molecule in the dye-sensitized solar cell / 陈雅玲(Ya-Lin Chen)撰","台北市 : 陈雅玲 , 民94[2005]"
    445,"008.8CH 92015",1217896,"染料太阳能电池之染料分析研究及其稳定性探讨 = The stability ananlysis of dye molecule in the dye-sensitized solar cell / 陈雅玲(Ya-Lin Chen)撰","台北市 : 陈雅玲 , 民94[2005]"
    446,"008.8CH 92016",1217270,"极性液体表面张力之预测 = The prediction of surface tension for polar liquids / 蔡建龙(Jian-Long Tsai)撰","台北市 : 蔡建龙 , 民94[2005]"
    447,"008.8CH 92016",1217271,"极性液体表面张力之预测 = The prediction of surface tension for polar liquids / 蔡建龙(Jian-Long Tsai)撰","台北市 : 蔡建龙 , 民94[2005]"
    448,"008.8CH 92017",1216726,"前馈式类神经网路视窗程式设计暨在化工数据的应用 = Windows programming of feedforward neural network and application in chemical engineering / 庄兴裕(Sing-Yu Jhuang)撰","台北市 : 庄兴裕 , 民94[2005]"
    449,"008.8CH 92017",1216727,"前馈式类神经网路视窗程式设计暨在化工数据的应用 = Windows programming of feedforward neural network and application in chemical engineering / 庄兴裕(Sing-Yu Jhuang)撰","台北市 : 庄兴裕 , 民94[2005]"
    450,"008.8CH 92019",1216950,"环氧树脂/陶瓷复材在晶片天线封装之应用 = Epoxy/ceramics composites used as chip antenna packageing materials / 林建铭(Chien-Ming Li)撰","台北市 : 林建铭 , 民94[2005]"
    451,"008.8CH 92019",1216951,"环氧树脂/陶瓷复材在晶片天线封装之应用 = Epoxy/ceramics composites used as chip antenna packageing materials / 林建铭(Chien-Ming Li)撰","台北市 : 林建铭 , 民94[2005]"
    452,"008.8CH 92020",1216686,"利用分子动态模拟探讨不同盐浓度及pH値对鲤鱼卵cystatin蛋白聚精能力的影响 = The effects of salt and ph on the sperm-agglutinating activity of carp ovum cystatin by molecular dynamics simulations / 苏永成(Yuan-Chen Su)","台北市 : 苏永成 , 民94[2005]"
    453,"008.8CH 92020",1216687,"利用分子动态模拟探讨不同盐浓度及pH値对鲤鱼卵cystatin蛋白聚精能力的影响 = The effects of salt and ph on the sperm-agglutinating activity of carp ovum cystatin by molecular dynamics simulations / 苏永成(Yuan-Chen Su)","台北市 : 苏永成 , 民94[2005]"
    454,"008.8CH 92021",1217036,"EVA/Clay奈米复合材料流变性质之研究 = Rheological properties of eva/clay nanocomposites / 詹勋涵(Hsun-Han Chan)撰","台北市 : 詹勋涵 , 民94[2005]"
    455,"008.8CH 92021",1217037,"EVA/Clay奈米复合材料流变性质之研究 = Rheological properties of eva/clay nanocomposites / 詹勋涵(Hsun-Han Chan)撰","台北市 : 詹勋涵 , 民94[2005]"
    456,"008.8CH 92024",1216906,"利用接枝型团连共聚物制备功能性微粒 = Synthesis and characterization of functional particles by block copolymers / 吴孟松(Meng-Sung Wu)撰","台北市 : 吴孟松 , 民94[2005]"
    457,"008.8CH 92024",1216907,"利用接枝型团连共聚物制备功能性微粒 = Synthesis and characterization of functional particles by block copolymers / 吴孟松(Meng-Sung Wu)撰","台北市 : 吴孟松 , 民94[2005]"
    458,"008.8CH 92025",1217779,"利用宽口产碱杆菌生产聚羟基烷酸酯之馈料批次发酵策略之研究 = Studies on the production of polyhydroxyalkanoate by alcaligenes latus using strategies of fed-batch fermentation / 苏裕隆(Yu-Long Su)撰","台北市 : 苏裕隆 , 民94[2005]"
    459,"008.8CH 92025",1217780,"利用宽口产碱杆菌生产聚羟基烷酸酯之馈料批次发酵策略之研究 = Studies on the production of polyhydroxyalkanoate by alcaligenes latus using strategies of fed-batch fermentation / 苏裕隆(Yu-Long Su)撰","台北市 : 苏裕隆 , 民94[2005]"
    460,"008.8CH 92026",1216928,"金属氢氧化物与奈米黏土於EVA防火相乘效应之研究 = Synergistic effect of metal hydroxide and nanoclay on fire retardancy of eva / 黄春萍(Chun-Ping Huang)撰","台北市 : 黄春萍 , 民94[2005]"
    461,"008.8CH 92026",1216929,"金属氢氧化物与奈米黏土於EVA防火相乘效应之研究 = Synergistic effect of metal hydroxide and nanoclay on fire retardancy of eva / 黄春萍(Chun-Ping Huang)撰","台北市 : 黄春萍 , 民94[2005]"
    462,"008.8CH 92027",1216467,"界面活性剂与六氰金属错合物和黄素腺嘌呤二核苷酸修饰电极的制备`性质与生物分子的电催化之研究 = Preparation and Electrocatalytic Properties of Hexacyanometalate and Flavin Adenine Dinucleotide Surfactant Compo","台北市 : 邹文元 , 民94[2005]"
    463,"008.8CH 92027",1216468,"界面活性剂与六氰金属错合物和黄素腺嘌呤二核苷酸修饰电极的制备`性质与生物分子的电催化之研究 = Preparation and Electrocatalytic Properties of Hexacyanometalate and Flavin Adenine Dinucleotide Surfactant Compo","台北市 : 邹文元 , 民94[2005]"
    464,"008.8CH 92028",1217344,"单电流脉冲电镀制备奈米铂-钌/碳阳极之甲醇电氧化研究 = Single current pulse electrodeposition of nanostructured Pt-Ru/C anodes for methanol electrooxidation / 邹威民(Wei-Min Tsou)撰","台北市 : 邹威民 , 民94[2005]"
    465,"008.8CH 92028",1217345,"单电流脉冲电镀制备奈米铂-钌/碳阳极之甲醇电氧化研究 = Single current pulse electrodeposition of nanostructured Pt-Ru/C anodes for methanol electrooxidation / 邹威民(Wei-Min Tsou)撰","台北市 : 邹威民 , 民94[2005]"
    466,"008.8CH 92029",1217140,"利用喷射结晶技术探讨添加物对水难溶性药物的影响 = The effect of additives on poorly water-soluble drugs by using the impinging-jets crystallization technique / 周世伟(Shih-Wei Chou)撰","台北市 : 周世伟 , 民94[2005]"
    467,"008.8CH 92029",1217141,"利用喷射结晶技术探讨添加物对水难溶性药物的影响 = The effect of additives on poorly water-soluble drugs by using the impinging-jets crystallization technique / 周世伟(Shih-Wei Chou)撰","台北市 : 周世伟 , 民94[2005]"
    468,"008.8CH 92030",1216427,"镍紫质`亚铁金属错合物与铁赤血盐薄膜的制备`特性及其对鸟嘌呤和腺嘌呤的电催化性质之研究 = Preparation and characterization of Ni(7-TMPyP).Fe(II)complexes and iron hexacyanoferrate film and Their electrocatalytic","台北市 : 王景弘 , 民94[2005]"
    469,"008.8CH 92030",1216428,"镍紫质`亚铁金属错合物与铁赤血盐薄膜的制备`特性及其对鸟嘌呤和腺嘌呤的电催化性质之研究 = Preparation and characterization of Ni(7-TMPyP).Fe(II)complexes and iron hexacyanoferrate film and Their electrocatalytic","台北市 : 王景弘 , 民94[2005]"
    470,"008.8CH 92031",1216551,"奈米级铼金属超分子之自组装设计合成`鉴定之研究 = Design and Self-assembly of Nanoscale Rhenium-based Supramolecules / 张哲豪(Che-Hao Chang)撰","台北市 : 张哲豪 , 民94[2005]"
    471,"008.8CH 92031",1216552,"奈米级铼金属超分子之自组装设计合成`鉴定之研究 = Design and Self-assembly of Nanoscale Rhenium-based Supramolecules / 张哲豪(Che-Hao Chang)撰","台北市 : 张哲豪 , 民94[2005]"
    472,"008.8CH 92032",1217813,"Nephila pilipes蜘蛛丝蛋白二级结构转变之控制 = Investigations of effects on the secondary structure transition of spider silk / 林文惠(Wen-Hui Lin)撰","台北市 : 林文惠 , 民94[2005]"
    473,"008.8CH 92032",1217814,"Nephila pilipes蜘蛛丝蛋白二级结构转变之控制 = Investigations of effects on the secondary structure transition of spider silk / 林文惠(Wen-Hui Lin)撰","台北市 : 林文惠 , 民94[2005]"
    474,"008.8CH 92033",1217633,"以UV/H2O2高级氧化程序处理4-氯酚之研究 = The study of the advanced oxidation process of 4-chlorphenol by UV/H2O2 / 吴世彦(Shih-Yen Wu)撰","台北市 : 吴世彦 , 民94[2005]"
    475,"008.8CH 92033",1217634,"以UV/H2O2高级氧化程序处理4-氯酚之研究 = The study of the advanced oxidation process of 4-chlorphenol by UV/H2O2 / 吴世彦(Shih-Yen Wu)撰","台北市 : 吴世彦 , 民94[2005]"
    476,"008.8CH 92034",1217455,"不同基材的化学镀铜研究及其动力学探讨 = Studies of chemical copper plating and kinetics behavior / 吴宗宪(Tseng-Hsien Wu)撰","台北市 : 吴宗宪 , 民94[2005]"
    477,"008.8CH 92034",1217456,"不同基材的化学镀铜研究及其动力学探讨 = Studies of chemical copper plating and kinetics behavior / 吴宗宪(Tseng-Hsien Wu)撰","台北市 : 吴宗宪 , 民94[2005]"
    478,"008.8CH 92036",1216742,"蒸馏塔即时动态模拟视窗程式设计 = Windows programming of real-time simulation of distillation column / 黄湘霖(Siang-Lin Huang)撰","台北市 : 黄湘霖 , 民94[2005]"
    479,"008.8CH 92036",1216743,"蒸馏塔即时动态模拟视窗程式设计 = Windows programming of real-time simulation of distillation column / 黄湘霖(Siang-Lin Huang)撰","台北市 : 黄湘霖 , 民94[2005]"
    480,"008.8CH 92037",1217791,"以D2EHPA含浸树脂萃取铁离子之平衡及动力学研究 = A study on the equilibrium and kinetics of extracting ferric ion by D2EHP-impregnated resin / 谢嘉容(Cha-Jung Shieh)撰","台北市 : 谢嘉容 , 民94[2005]"
    481,"008.8CH 92037",1217792,"以D2EHPA含浸树脂萃取铁离子之平衡及动力学研究 = A study on the equilibrium and kinetics of extracting ferric ion by D2EHP-impregnated resin / 谢嘉容(Cha-Jung Shieh)撰","台北市 : 谢嘉容 , 民94[2005]"
    482,"008.8CH 92501",1216684,"以实验计划法探讨光催化程序对偶氮染料脱色反应之研究 = The study of decolorization of azo dyes in a photocatalytic process using design of experiments / 邱韵如(Yun-Ru Chiou)撰","台北市 : 邱韵如 , 民94[2005]"
    483,"008.8CH 92501",1216685,"以实验计划法探讨光催化程序对偶氮染料脱色反应之研究 = The study of decolorization of azo dyes in a photocatalytic process using design of experiments / 邱韵如(Yun-Ru Chiou)撰","台北市 : 邱韵如 , 民94[2005]"
    484,"008.8CH 92504",1216898,"金属氧化物/聚醯亚胺复合薄膜对LCD制程抗静电之研究 = The study of antistatic properties of polyimide/zinc oxide and polyimide/tin oxide compound films for lcd cell process / 张中胜(Zhong-Sheng Zhang)撰","台北市 : 张中胜 , 民94[2005]"
    485,"008.8CH 92504",1216899,"金属氧化物/聚醯亚胺复合薄膜对LCD制程抗静电之研究 = The study of antistatic properties of polyimide/zinc oxide and polyimide/tin oxide compound films for lcd cell process / 张中胜(Zhong-Sheng Zhang)撰","台北市 : 张中胜 , 民94[2005]"
    486,"008.8CH 92509",1216982,"爆炸法合成奈米钻石之研究 = The study of the synthesis of nanodiamond with detonation method / 刘永贤(Yung-Sheng Liu)撰","台北市 : 刘永贤 , 民94[2005]"
    487,"008.8CH 92509",1216983,"爆炸法合成奈米钻石之研究 = The study of the synthesis of nanodiamond with detonation method / 刘永贤(Yung-Sheng Liu)撰","台北市 : 刘永贤 , 民94[2005]"
    488,"008.8CH 92511",1217194,"1,10-菲绕啉对化学铜析镀之影响 = Effect of 1,10-phenanthroline on electroless copper deposition / 陈姿吟(Tzu-Yin Chen)撰","台北市 : 陈姿吟 , 民94[2005]"
    489,"008.8CH 92511",1217195,"1,10-菲绕啉对化学铜析镀之影响 = Effect of 1,10-phenanthroline on electroless copper deposition / 陈姿吟(Tzu-Yin Chen)撰","台北市 : 陈姿吟 , 民94[2005]"
    490,"008.8CI 91001",1217757,"行动网际网路电话之研制与实现 = The study and implementation of mobile internet phone / 李昆达(Kun-Ta Lee)撰","台北市 : 李昆达 , 民94[2005]"
    491,"008.8CI 91001",1217758,"行动网际网路电话之研制与实现 = The study and implementation of mobile internet phone / 李昆达(Kun-Ta Lee)撰","台北市 : 李昆达 , 民94[2005]"
    492,"008.8CI 91005",1217198,"数位广播接收机之实作 = Implementation of dab receiver / 刘大兴(Da-Shin Liu)撰","台北市 : 刘大兴 , 民94[2005]"
    493,"008.8CI 91005",1217199,"数位广播接收机之实作 = Implementation of dab receiver / 刘大兴(Da-Shin Liu)撰","台北市 : 刘大兴 , 民94[2005]"
    494,"008.8CI 91011",1217797,"一个测试驱动的软体除错方法 = A test-driven approach to software debugging / 雷震亚(Chen-ya Lei)撰","台北市 : 雷震亚 , 民94[2005]"
    495,"008.8CI 91011",1217798,"一个测试驱动的软体除错方法 = A test-driven approach to software debugging / 雷震亚(Chen-ya Lei)撰","台北市 : 雷震亚 , 民94[2005]"
    496,"008.8CI 91013",1217767,"植基於SPIHT编码的强健影像杂凑 = Robust image hashing based on spiht / 陈庆锋(Chin-Feng Chen)撰","台北市 : 陈庆锋 , 民94[2005]"
    497,"008.8CI 91013",1217768,"植基於SPIHT编码的强健影像杂凑 = Robust image hashing based on spiht / 陈庆锋(Chin-Feng Chen)撰","台北市 : 陈庆锋 , 民94[2005]"
    498,"008.8CI 92001",1217641,"一个以巨集为基础的图型使用者介面测试规格语言 = A gui test specification language based on macro component / 张哲铭(Che-Ming Chang)撰","台北市 : 张哲铭 , 民94[2005]"
    499,"008.8CI 92001",1217642,"一个以巨集为基础的图型使用者介面测试规格语言 = A gui test specification language based on macro component / 张哲铭(Che-Ming Chang)撰","台北市 : 张哲铭 , 民94[2005]"
    500,"008.8CI 92002",1217643,"撷取网际网路软体架构以支援网际网路软体测试 = Extracting structures of web applications for testing web applications / 郭民安(Min-An Kuo)撰","台北市 : 郭民安 , 民94[2005]"
    501,"008.8CI 92002",1217644,"撷取网际网路软体架构以支援网际网路软体测试 = Extracting structures of web applications for testing web applications / 郭民安(Min-An Kuo)撰","台北市 : 郭民安 , 民94[2005]"
    502,"008.8CI 92003",1217635,"一个以企业流程执行语言与网路服务实现之IMS Learning Design系统 = Realizing the ims learning design system by using business process execution language and web services / 徐天送(Tien-Song Hsu)撰","台北市 : 徐天送 , 民94[2005]"
    503,"008.8CI 92003",1217636,"一个以企业流程执行语言与网路服务实现之IMS Learning Design系统 = Realizing the ims learning design system by using business process execution language and web services / 徐天送(Tien-Song Hsu)撰","台北市 : 徐天送 , 民94[2005]"
    504,"008.8CI 92004",1217587,"无线行动感测器网路上资料收集协定与覆盖率问题之探讨 = Exploring data-gathering protocols and coverage problems on wireless mobile sensor networks / 李权修(Chuan-Hsiu Lee)撰","台北市 : 李权修 , 民94[2005]"
    505,"008.8CI 92004",1217588,"无线行动感测器网路上资料收集协定与覆盖率问题之探讨 = Exploring data-gathering protocols and coverage problems on wireless mobile sensor networks / 李权修(Chuan-Hsiu Lee)撰","台北市 : 李权修 , 民94[2005]"
    506,"008.8CI 92005",1216866,"网路影音串流系统之实作 = An implementation of computer network streaming system / 邱建霖(Jian-Lin Chiu)撰","台北市 : 邱建霖 , 民94[2005]"
    507,"008.8CI 92005",1216867,"网路影音串流系统之实作 = An implementation of computer network streaming system / 邱建霖(Jian-Lin Chiu)撰","台北市 : 邱建霖 , 民94[2005]"
    508,"008.8CI 92007",1217701,"二维手震估计影像稳定系统 = Image sequence stabilization using 2D hand-shake estimation / 郑馥铭(Fu-Ming Jheng)撰","台北市 : 郑馥铭 , 民94[2005]"
    509,"008.8CI 92007",1217702,"二维手震估计影像稳定系统 = Image sequence stabilization using 2D hand-shake estimation / 郑馥铭(Fu-Ming Jheng)撰","台北市 : 郑馥铭 , 民94[2005]"
    510,"008.8CI 92008",1217645,"一套巢状式报表的格式化规则 = A set of formatting rules for nested reports / 邱任维(Zen-Wei Chiu)撰","台北市 : 邱任维 , 民94[2005]"
    511,"008.8CI 92008",1217646,"一套巢状式报表的格式化规则 = A set of formatting rules for nested reports / 邱任维(Zen-Wei Chiu)撰","台北市 : 邱任维 , 民94[2005]"
    512,"008.8CI 92012",1217637,"一个支援测试案例选择的工具 = Tool support for test case selection / 李文棋(Wen-Chi Li)撰","台北市 : 李文棋 , 民94[2005]"
    513,"008.8CI 92012",1217638,"一个支援测试案例选择的工具 = Tool support for test case selection / 李文棋(Wen-Chi Li)撰","台北市 : 李文棋 , 民94[2005]"
    514,"008.8CI 92013",1217835,"随机椭圆侦测法的比较 = A comparison of randomized sampling ellipse detection algorithm / 吴天元(Tien-yuan Wu)撰","台北市 : 吴天元 , 民94[2005]"
    515,"008.8CI 92013",1217836,"随机椭圆侦测法的比较 = A comparison of randomized sampling ellipse detection algorithm / 吴天元(Tien-yuan Wu)撰","台北市 : 吴天元 , 民94[2005]"
    516,"008.8CI 92014",1217507,"具安全性与自我组织能力的无线网状网路 = Design of efficient and secure multiple wireless mesh network / 蔡宪邦(Hsien-pang Tsai)撰","台北市 : 蔡宪邦 , 民94[2005]"
    517,"008.8CI 92014",1217508,"具安全性与自我组织能力的无线网状网路 = Design of efficient and secure multiple wireless mesh network / 蔡宪邦(Hsien-pang Tsai)撰","台北市 : 蔡宪邦 , 民94[2005]"
    518,"008.8CI 92016",1216988,"多媒体行动通讯网路具动态重配置之可适性资源管理机制及效能分析 = Adaptive resource management with dynamic reallocation for layer-encoded multimedia on wireless mobile communication networks / 许家豪(Chia-Hao Hsu)撰","台北市 : 许家豪 , 民94[2005]"
    519,"008.8CI 92016",1216989,"多媒体行动通讯网路具动态重配置之可适性资源管理机制及效能分析 = Adaptive resource management with dynamic reallocation for layer-encoded multimedia on wireless mobile communication networks / 许家豪(Chia-Hao Hsu)撰","台北市 : 许家豪 , 民94[2005]"
    520,"008.8CI 92017",1217527,"桌球场中视讯物件分割与追踪方法 = A video object segmentation and tracking approach in table tennis courts / 谭哲杰(Che-Chieh Tan)撰","台北市 : 谭哲杰 , 民94[2005]"
    521,"008.8CI 92017",1217528,"桌球场中视讯物件分割与追踪方法 = A video object segmentation and tracking approach in table tennis courts / 谭哲杰(Che-Chieh Tan)撰","台北市 : 谭哲杰 , 民94[2005]"
    522,"008.8CI 92018",1217543,"乙太被动式光学网路上能支援多媒体服务之动态频宽配置机制 = Dynamic bandwidth allocation mechanisms for multimedia services on EPON / 简睿毅(Rui-Yi Chien)撰","台北市 : 简睿毅 , 民94[2005]"
    523,"008.8CI 92018",1217544,"乙太被动式光学网路上能支援多媒体服务之动态频宽配置机制 = Dynamic bandwidth allocation mechanisms for multimedia services on EPON / 简睿毅(Rui-Yi Chien)撰","台北市 : 简睿毅 , 民94[2005]"
    524,"008.8CI 92021",1217541,"能支援群播服务之分波多工被动式光纤网路的架构 = A WDM passive optical network architecture for multicasting services / 林泽贤(Tse-Hsien Lin)撰","台北市 : 林泽贤 , 民94[2005]"
    525,"008.8CI 92021",1217542,"能支援群播服务之分波多工被动式光纤网路的架构 = A WDM passive optical network architecture for multicasting services / 林泽贤(Tse-Hsien Lin)撰","台北市 : 林泽贤 , 民94[2005]"
    526,"008.8CM 90006",1217863,"非同步学习与社群互动对学习绩效之影响 = The research of influence of community interactive and aln on the effect of learning / 陈良旗(Liang-Chyi Chen)撰","台北市 : 陈良旗 , 民94[2005]"
    527,"008.8CM 90006",1217864,"非同步学习与社群互动对学习绩效之影响 = The research of influence of community interactive and aln on the effect of learning / 陈良旗(Liang-Chyi Chen)撰","台北市 : 陈良旗 , 民94[2005]"
    528,"008.8CM 90018",1216591,"服务品质 `行动价値` 顾客满意度与行为意向关系之研究 = A study of relationship among service quality, mobile value, customer satisfaction and behavior intention / 杨信良(Hsin-Liang Yang)撰","台北市 : 杨信良 , 民94[2005]"
    529,"008.8CM 90018",1216592,"服务品质 `行动价値` 顾客满意度与行为意向关系之研究 = A study of relationship among service quality, mobile value, customer satisfaction and behavior intention / 杨信良(Hsin-Liang Yang)撰","台北市 : 杨信良 , 民94[2005]"
    530,"008.8CM 91027",1216740,"应用层级贝氏模型在顾客异质性暨产品异质性之解读 = Application of hierarchical bayesian model to analysis of customer heterogeneity and product heterogeneity / 廖子毅(Chih-Yi Liaw)撰","台北市 : 廖子毅 , 民94[2005]"
    531,"008.8CM 91027",1216741,"应用层级贝氏模型在顾客异质性暨产品异质性之解读 = Application of hierarchical bayesian model to analysis of customer heterogeneity and product heterogeneity / 廖子毅(Chih-Yi Liaw)撰","台北市 : 廖子毅 , 民94[2005]"
    532,"008.8CM 92001",1216792,"价値服务发展模式之研究 = A study on value-based service development model / 周春芳(Chun-Fung Chou)撰","台北市 : 周春芳 , 民94[2005]"
    533,"008.8CM 92001",1216793,"价値服务发展模式之研究 = A study on value-based service development model / 周春芳(Chun-Fung Chou)撰","台北市 : 周春芳 , 民94[2005]"
    534,"008.8CM 92002",1216826,"医疗供应链之协同规划`预测`补货模式建构研究 = The study of implementing CPFR model in medical supply chain management / 何佩芸(Pei-Yun Ho)撰","台北市 : 何佩芸 , 民94[2005]"
    535,"008.8CM 92002",1216827,"医疗供应链之协同规划`预测`补货模式建构研究 = The study of implementing CPFR model in medical supply chain management / 何佩芸(Pei-Yun Ho)撰","台北市 : 何佩芸 , 民94[2005]"
    536,"008.8CM 92003",1217753,"以网路服务分群辅助动态商业流程整合之研究 = Clustering web services for dynamic business process integration / 陈宇轩(Yu-Hsuan Chen)撰","台北市 : 陈宇轩 , 民94[2005]"
    537,"008.8CM 92003",1217754,"以网路服务分群辅助动态商业流程整合之研究 = Clustering web services for dynamic business process integration / 陈宇轩(Yu-Hsuan Chen)撰","台北市 : 陈宇轩 , 民94[2005]"
    538,"008.8CM 92005",1216549,"健保制度下病患就诊模式的建构及探讨 = Modeling patient's behavior of taking medical treatment under national health insurance system / 张羢琦(Jung-Chi Chang)撰","台北市 : 张羢琦 , 民94[2005]"
    539,"008.8CM 92005",1216550,"健保制度下病患就诊模式的建构及探讨 = Modeling patient's behavior of taking medical treatment under national health insurance system / 张羢琦(Jung-Chi Chang)撰","台北市 : 张羢琦 , 民94[2005]"
    540,"008.8CM 92007",1216589,"影响中华职棒球迷对於球队满意度和行为意向之研究-探讨识别显著性和组织认同之关系 = Factors affecting chinese professional baseball fans' satisfaction and behavior intention: the influence of identity salience and","台北市 : 李凌云 , 民94[2005]"
    541,"008.8CM 92007",1216590,"影响中华职棒球迷对於球队满意度和行为意向之研究-探讨识别显著性和组织认同之关系 = Factors affecting chinese professional baseball fans' satisfaction and behavior intention: the influence of identity salience and","台北市 : 李凌云 , 民94[2005]"
    542,"008.8CM 92009",1217068,"企业营运总部之管理策略规划 = The study on management strategies planning of the corporate headquarters / 林瑜青(Yu-Ching Lin)撰","台北市 : 林瑜青 , 民94[2005]"
    543,"008.8CM 92009",1217069,"企业营运总部之管理策略规划 = The study on management strategies planning of the corporate headquarters / 林瑜青(Yu-Ching Lin)撰","台北市 : 林瑜青 , 民94[2005]"
    544,"008.8CM 92011",1216930,"风险规划在投资组合最佳化模式中的导入与应用 = The role of risk planning and its application in portfolio optimization / 苏英蓁(Ying-Jen Su)撰","台北市 : 苏英蓁 , 民94[2005]"
    545,"008.8CM 92011",1216931,"风险规划在投资组合最佳化模式中的导入与应用 = The role of risk planning and its application in portfolio optimization / 苏英蓁(Ying-Jen Su)撰","台北市 : 苏英蓁 , 民94[2005]"
    546,"008.8CM 92012",1217511,"外部董监事对公司价值之影响-以企业规模之门槛效果分析 = Outside board, corporate values, and firm size: new results from the threshold analysis / 吴宗翰(Tsung-Han Wu)撰","台北市 : 吴宗翰 , 民94[2005]"
    547,"008.8CM 92012",1217512,"外部董监事对公司价值之影响-以企业规模之门槛效果分析 = Outside board, corporate values, and firm size: new results from the threshold analysis / 吴宗翰(Tsung-Han Wu)撰","台北市 : 吴宗翰 , 民94[2005]"
    548,"008.8CM 92013",1216714,"发展产品获利性考量之推荐系统 = The development of product profitability based recommender systems / 许斐皓(Fei-Hao Hsu)撰","台北市 : 许斐皓 , 民94[2005]"
    549,"008.8CM 92013",1216715,"发展产品获利性考量之推荐系统 = The development of product profitability based recommender systems / 许斐皓(Fei-Hao Hsu)撰","台北市 : 许斐皓 , 民94[2005]"
    550,"008.8CM 92014",1216497,"运用资料包络分析法与集群分析做绩效评估 = Performance evaluation with dea and cluster analysis / 张原彰(Yuan-Chang Chang)撰","台北市 : 张原彰 , 民94[2005]"
    551,"008.8CM 92014",1216498,"运用资料包络分析法与集群分析做绩效评估 = Performance evaluation with dea and cluster analysis / 张原彰(Yuan-Chang Chang)撰","台北市 : 张原彰 , 民94[2005]"
    552,"008.8CM 92015",1216587,"公民品牌对於品牌信任`品牌认同以及忠诚度关系之研究 = The influence of citizen brand on brand trust, brand identification, and loyalty / 罗纬(Wei Luo)撰","台北市 : 罗纬 , 民94[2005]"
    553,"008.8CM 92015",1216588,"公民品牌对於品牌信任`品牌认同以及忠诚度关系之研究 = The influence of citizen brand on brand trust, brand identification, and loyalty / 罗纬(Wei Luo)撰","台北市 : 罗纬 , 民94[2005]"
    554,"008.8CM 92016",1217104,"人际互动下虚拟经验类型之研究-以手机王虚拟社群为例 = The research of the virtual experience types of person interactivity-an example of sogi virtual community / 陈盈秀撰","台北市 : 陈盈秀 , 民94[2005]"
    555,"008.8CM 92016",1217105,"人际互动下虚拟经验类型之研究-以手机王虚拟社群为例 = The research of the virtual experience types of person interactivity-an example of sogi virtual community / 陈盈秀撰","台北市 : 陈盈秀 , 民94[2005]"
    556,"008.8CM 92017",1216447,"供应链协同管理之绩效分析 = The performance analysis of supply chain collaborative management / 李欣家(Hsin-Chia Li)撰","台北市 : 李欣家 , 民94[2005]"
    557,"008.8CM 92017",1216448,"供应链协同管理之绩效分析 = The performance analysis of supply chain collaborative management / 李欣家(Hsin-Chia Li)撰","台北市 : 李欣家 , 民94[2005]"
    558,"008.8CM 92018",1217100,"触觉需求与产品涉入对消费者经验顺序组合之学习效果与认知风险影响 = The impact of need for touch and product involvement on the learning effect and perceived risk of the sequential combination of consumer experiences /","台北市 : 杨郁仪 , 民94[2005]"
    559,"008.8CM 92018",1217101,"触觉需求与产品涉入对消费者经验顺序组合之学习效果与认知风险影响 = The impact of need for touch and product involvement on the learning effect and perceived risk of the sequential combination of consumer experiences /","台北市 : 杨郁仪 , 民94[2005]"
    560,"008.8CM 92019",1217108,"美学鉴赏程度与独特性倾向对消费者经验顺序组合之学习效果影响 = The impact of centrality of visual product aesthetics and desire for unique consumer products on the learning effect of the sequential combination of consumer","台北市 : 姚昭如 , 民94[2005]"
    561,"008.8CM 92019",1217109,"美学鉴赏程度与独特性倾向对消费者经验顺序组合之学习效果影响 = The impact of centrality of visual product aesthetics and desire for unique consumer products on the learning effect of the sequential combination of consumer","台北市 : 姚昭如 , 民94[2005]"
    562,"008.8CM 92020",1217833,"网路虚拟经验类型组合之广告效果 = The influence of web virtual experiences mix on ad effectiveness / 陈礼猷(Lee-You Chen)撰","台北市 : 陈礼猷 , 民94[2005]"
    563,"008.8CM 92020",1217834,"网路虚拟经验类型组合之广告效果 = The influence of web virtual experiences mix on ad effectiveness / 陈礼猷(Lee-You Chen)撰","台北市 : 陈礼猷 , 民94[2005]"
    564,"008.8CM 92021",1217148,"全球运筹模式之物流配送决策支援系统之研究 = The study of transport logistics decision support system of global logistics model / 周信宏(Hsing-Hung Chou)撰","台北市 : 周信宏 , 民94[2005]"
    565,"008.8CM 92021",1217149,"全球运筹模式之物流配送决策支援系统之研究 = The study of transport logistics decision support system of global logistics model / 周信宏(Hsing-Hung Chou)撰","台北市 : 周信宏 , 民94[2005]"
    566,"008.8CM 92022",1217296,"应用派工法则於全球运筹订单分配之研究 = Using dispatching rules to the orders distribution of global logistic management / 陈咏晴(Yung-Ching Chen)撰","台北市 : 陈咏晴 , 民94[2005]"
    567,"008.8CM 92022",1217297,"应用派工法则於全球运筹订单分配之研究 = Using dispatching rules to the orders distribution of global logistic management / 陈咏晴(Yung-Ching Chen)撰","台北市 : 陈咏晴 , 民94[2005]"
    568,"008.8CM 92023",1217232,"成衣业全球运筹管理订单分配决策支援系统之研究 = Order distribution decision support system of global logistics management for apparel industry / 高敏纯(Ming-Chung Kao)撰","台北市 : 高敏纯 , 民94[2005]"
    569,"008.8CM 92023",1217233,"成衣业全球运筹管理订单分配决策支援系统之研究 = Order distribution decision support system of global logistics management for apparel industry / 高敏纯(Ming-Chung Kao)撰","台北市 : 高敏纯 , 民94[2005]"
    570,"008.8CM 92024",1217703,"运用服务导向架构整合需求链之研究 = Using service-oriented architecture to integrate demand chain / 张珀银(Po-Yin Cheng)撰","台北市 : 张珀银 , 民94[2005]"
    571,"008.8CM 92024",1217704,"运用服务导向架构整合需求链之研究 = Using service-oriented architecture to integrate demand chain / 张珀银(Po-Yin Cheng)撰","台北市 : 张珀银 , 民94[2005]"
    572,"008.8CM 92025",1216222,"整合资料包络分析法与主成份分析法於绩效评估之应用 = Integrating data envelopment analysis and principal component analysis for performance evaluation / 黄文中(Wen-Chung)撰","台北市 : 黄文中 , 民94[2005]"
    573,"008.8CM 92025",1216223,"整合资料包络分析法与主成份分析法於绩效评估之应用 = Integrating data envelopment analysis and principal component analysis for performance evaluation / 黄文中(Wen-Chung)撰","台北市 : 黄文中 , 民94[2005]"
    574,"008.8CM 92026",1216814,"应用基因演算法於半导体机台备用零件存货分类模式建置 = The development of classification model for spare parts in semiconductor equipment using genetic algorithm / 许原嘉(Yuan-Chia Hsu)撰","台北市 : 许原嘉 , 民94[2005]"
    575,"008.8CM 92026",1216815,"应用基因演算法於半导体机台备用零件存货分类模式建置 = The development of classification model for spare parts in semiconductor equipment using genetic algorithm / 许原嘉(Yuan-Chia Hsu)撰","台北市 : 许原嘉 , 民94[2005]"
    576,"008.8CM 92027",1217102,"时间扭曲与产品涉入对消费者经验顺序组合之学习效果影响 = The impact of time distortion and product involvement on the learning effect of the sequential combination of consumer experiences / 吕源钦(Yuan-Qin Lu)撰","台北市 : 吕源钦 , 民94[2005]"
    577,"008.8CM 92027",1217103,"时间扭曲与产品涉入对消费者经验顺序组合之学习效果影响 = The impact of time distortion and product involvement on the learning effect of the sequential combination of consumer experiences / 吕源钦(Yuan-Qin Lu)撰","台北市 : 吕源钦 , 民94[2005]"
    578,"008.8CM 92028",1216429,"半导体设备维修备用零件之网路服务式协同管理平台发展 = The development of web services based cpfr for spare parts in semiconductor equipment / 许明富(Ming-Fu Hsu)撰","台北市 : 许明富 , 民94[2005]"
    579,"008.8CM 92028",1216430,"半导体设备维修备用零件之网路服务式协同管理平台发展 = The development of web services based cpfr for spare parts in semiconductor equipment / 许明富(Ming-Fu Hsu)撰","台北市 : 许明富 , 民94[2005]"
    580,"008.8CM 92030",1216856,"应用动态规划演算法於单机排程流程工厂之研究 = A study on the dynamic programming approach to single machine scheduling flow shop / 张昱敬(Yu-Jing Chang)撰","台北市 : 张昱敬 , 民94[2005]"
    581,"008.8CM 92030",1216857,"应用动态规划演算法於单机排程流程工厂之研究 = A study on the dynamic programming approach to single machine scheduling flow shop / 张昱敬(Yu-Jing Chang)撰","台北市 : 张昱敬 , 民94[2005]"
    582,"008.8CM 92031",1216509,"运用层级贝氏方法建构消费反应模式 = Constructing consume response model by hierarchical bayesian methodology / 钟振声(Chen-Sheng Chung)撰","台北市 : 钟振声 , 民94[2005]"
    583,"008.8CM 92031",1216510,"运用层级贝氏方法建构消费反应模式 = Constructing consume response model by hierarchical bayesian methodology / 钟振声(Chen-Sheng Chung)撰","台北市 : 钟振声 , 民94[2005]"
    584,"008.8CM 92032",1216756,"视觉化决策分析系统之建构 = Development of a visualized decision analysis system / 洪宗钦(Tsung-Chin Hung)撰","台北市 : 洪宗钦 , 民94[2005]"
    585,"008.8CM 92032",1216757,"视觉化决策分析系统之建构 = Development of a visualized decision analysis system / 洪宗钦(Tsung-Chin Hung)撰","台北市 : 洪宗钦 , 民94[2005]"
    586,"008.8CM 92033",1216926,"专案管理中单一资源之限制性资源排程与资源平滑的互动和牵制研究 = A research on the inter-relationship and confrontation between the constrained resource planning and resource leveling for single resource in project manage","台北市 : 李维伦 , 民94[2005]"
    587,"008.8CM 92033",1216927,"专案管理中单一资源之限制性资源排程与资源平滑的互动和牵制研究 = A research on the inter-relationship and confrontation between the constrained resource planning and resource leveling for single resource in project manage","台北市 : 李维伦 , 民94[2005]"
    588,"008.8CM 92034",1216224,"改良式演算法应用在训练类神经网路-结合基因演算法 = An improved algorithm applied in training neural network-combined with genetic algorithm / 李海涵(Hai-Han)撰","台北市 : 李海涵 , 民94[2005]"
    589,"008.8CM 92034",1216225,"改良式演算法应用在训练类神经网路-结合基因演算法 = An improved algorithm applied in training neural network-combined with genetic algorithm / 李海涵(Hai-Han)撰","台北市 : 李海涵 , 民94[2005]"
    590,"008.8CM 92035",1216872,"资讯科技策略投资决策模式-赛局理论与实质选择权方法 = Strategy information technology investment decision model ----- A game theroy and real option approach / 廖伟成撰","台北市 : 廖伟成 , 民94[2005]"
    591,"008.8CM 92035",1216873,"资讯科技策略投资决策模式-赛局理论与实质选择权方法 = Strategy information technology investment decision model ----- A game theroy and real option approach / 廖伟成撰","台北市 : 廖伟成 , 民94[2005]"
    592,"008.8CM 92036",1217501,"应用三角扫瞄演算法於旅行者销售员问题 = Using triscanning algorithm to solve the traveling salesman problem / 康有龙(Yau-Loong Hong)撰","台北市 : 康有龙 , 民94[2005]"
    593,"008.8CM 92036",1217502,"应用三角扫瞄演算法於旅行者销售员问题 = Using triscanning algorithm to solve the traveling salesman problem / 康有龙(Yau-Loong Hong)撰","台北市 : 康有龙 , 民94[2005]"
    594,"008.8CM 92501",1217611,"中国加入WTO之后对台商零售服务业进入大陆市场的影响 = The effects of china's joining with WTO tothe entry of Taiwanese retailing services into the mainland market / 张恩惠(En-Hui Chang)撰","台北市 : 张恩惠 , 民94[2005]"
    595,"008.8CM 92501",1217612,"中国加入WTO之后对台商零售服务业进入大陆市场的影响 = The effects of china's joining with WTO tothe entry of Taiwanese retailing services into the mainland market / 张恩惠(En-Hui Chang)撰","台北市 : 张恩惠 , 民94[2005]"
    596,"008.8CM 92502",1187087,"六标准差法在证卷商自营部股票买卖流程设计之研究 = Designing the stock trading processes in the proprietary trading department of a securities firm by utilizing six sigma method / 李建霆撰","台北市 : 李建霆 , 民93[2004]"
    597,"008.8CM 92502",1187088,"六标准差法在证卷商自营部股票买卖流程设计之研究 = Designing the stock trading processes in the proprietary trading department of a securities firm by utilizing six sigma method / 李建霆撰","台北市 : 李建霆 , 民93[2004]"
    598,"008.8CM 92503",1217803,"营运总部产销协调参考模式建立-以笔记型电脑产业为例 = A study on demand-supply coordination of the headquarters with reference to the notebook industry case / 谢当敏(Tang-Min Hsieh)撰","台北市 : 谢当敏 , 民94[2005]"
    599,"008.8CM 92503",1217804,"营运总部产销协调参考模式建立-以笔记型电脑产业为例 = A study on demand-supply coordination of the headquarters with reference to the notebook industry case / 谢当敏(Tang-Min Hsieh)撰","台北市 : 谢当敏 , 民94[2005]"
    600,"008.8CM 92504",1217072,"建筑业产销模式之研究 = The study of the housing development and marketing trategy for the real estate business / 林锡勋(Hsi-Hsun Lin)撰","台北市 : 林锡勋 , 民94[2005]"
    601,"008.8CM 92504",1217073,"建筑业产销模式之研究 = The study of the housing development and marketing trategy for the real estate business / 林锡勋(Hsi-Hsun Lin)撰","台北市 : 林锡勋 , 民94[2005]"
    602,"008.8CM 92505",1217873,"价格促销对消费者偏好之影响 = The price promotion manner on consumer's preference / 彭培清(Pei-Qing Peng)撰","台北市 : 彭培清 , 民94[2005]"
    603,"008.8CM 92505",1217874,"价格促销对消费者偏好之影响 = The price promotion manner on consumer's preference / 彭培清(Pei-Qing Peng)撰","台北市 : 彭培清 , 民94[2005]"
    604,"008.8CM 92506",1217308,"供应商折价策略有效性之评估 = Evaluating the effectiveness of discount strategy / 叶智渊(Chih-Yuan Yeh)撰","台北市 : 叶智渊 , 民94[2005]"
    605,"008.8CM 92506",1217309,"供应商折价策略有效性之评估 = Evaluating the effectiveness of discount strategy / 叶智渊(Chih-Yuan Yeh)撰","台北市 : 叶智渊 , 民94[2005]"
    606,"008.8CM 92507",1217062,"以服务导向架构银行徵信及授信作业系统之研究 = The study of using service oriented architecture in bank credit system / 钟政义(Cheng-Yi Chung)撰","台北市 : 钟政义 , 民94[2005]"
    607,"008.8CM 92507",1217063,"以服务导向架构银行徵信及授信作业系统之研究 = The study of using service oriented architecture in bank credit system / 钟政义(Cheng-Yi Chung)撰","台北市 : 钟政义 , 民94[2005]"
    608,"008.8CM 92508",1217060,"价値领导与采购策略之研究 = A study on value leadership and procurement strategy / 张周龙(Chou-lung Chang)撰","台北市 : 张周龙 , 民94[2005]"
    609,"008.8CM 92508",1217061,"价値领导与采购策略之研究 = A study on value leadership and procurement strategy / 张周龙(Chou-lung Chang)撰","台北市 : 张周龙 , 民94[2005]"
    610,"008.8CM 92509",1217074,"资讯系统开发组织演化模式之研究 = Evolution model for the information system development organization / 汪正然(Cheng-Jan Wang)撰","台北市 : 汪正然 , 民94[2005]"
    611,"008.8CM 92509",1217075,"资讯系统开发组织演化模式之研究 = Evolution model for the information system development organization / 汪正然(Cheng-Jan Wang)撰","台北市 : 汪正然 , 民94[2005]"
    612,"008.8CM 92510",1217058,"以技术关键词分析专利分类的专利资讯检索系统 = Using technical keywords for patent information retrieval system to analysis patent classification / 高佐良(Tso-Liang Kao)撰","台北市 : 高佐良 , 民94[2005]"
    613,"008.8CM 92510",1217059,"以技术关键词分析专利分类的专利资讯检索系统 = Using technical keywords for patent information retrieval system to analysis patent classification / 高佐良(Tso-Liang Kao)撰","台北市 : 高佐良 , 民94[2005]"
    614,"008.8CM 92511",1217771,"营运总部运筹中心规划之参考作业模式 = The reference model of planning for global logistics center of business headquarter / 张志卿(Chih-Ching Chang)撰","台北市 : 张志卿 , 民94[2005]"
    615,"008.8CM 92511",1217772,"营运总部运筹中心规划之参考作业模式 = The reference model of planning for global logistics center of business headquarter / 张志卿(Chih-Ching Chang)撰","台北市 : 张志卿 , 民94[2005]"
    616,"008.8CM 92512",1217607,"网际网路消费者订购饭店行为之研究:以易游网为案例 = Research in intern consumers' behavior in hotel reservation-case study of eztravel.com.tw / 林秉忠(Ping-Chung Lin)撰","台北市 : 林秉忠 , 民94[2005]"
    617,"008.8CM 92512",1217608,"网际网路消费者订购饭店行为之研究:以易游网为案例 = Research in intern consumers' behavior in hotel reservation-case study of eztravel.com.tw / 林秉忠(Ping-Chung Lin)撰","台北市 : 林秉忠 , 民94[2005]"
    618,"008.8CM 92513",1217739,"第四方物流运筹服务运作模式探讨 = A study of logistics services operation model for fourth-party logistics providers / 童新明(Hsin-Ming Tong)撰","台北市 : 童新明 , 民94[2005]"
    619,"008.8CM 92513",1217740,"第四方物流运筹服务运作模式探讨 = A study of logistics services operation model for fourth-party logistics providers / 童新明(Hsin-Ming Tong)撰","台北市 : 童新明 , 民94[2005]"
    620,"008.8CM 92514",1217609,"数位学习在企业训练之运用-以F公司为例 = Implementation of e-learning in enterprise training-the case of f company / 吴昆隆(Kun-lung Wu)撰","台北市 : 吴昆隆 , 民94[2005]"
    621,"008.8CM 92514",1217610,"数位学习在企业训练之运用-以F公司为例 = Implementation of e-learning in enterprise training-the case of f company / 吴昆隆(Kun-lung Wu)撰","台北市 : 吴昆隆 , 民94[2005]"
    622,"008.8CM 92515",1217234,"营运总部运筹管理参考模式以台湾电脑系统业为例 = A study on logistics management of the operation headquarters with reference to the computer system industry in taiwan / 林志平(Chih-Ping Lin)撰","台北市 : 林志平 , 民94[2005]"
    623,"008.8CM 92515",1217235,"营运总部运筹管理参考模式以台湾电脑系统业为例 = A study on logistics management of the operation headquarters with reference to the computer system industry in taiwan / 林志平(Chih-Ping Lin)撰","台北市 : 林志平 , 民94[2005]"
    624,"008.8EE 89010",1216716,"以自聚合之团联共聚合物为模仁架构奈米结构的研究 = Study of forming block copolymer template by self-assembly for nanostructure / 陈竹村(Chun-Stun Chen)撰","台北市 : 陈竹村 , 民94[2005]"
    625,"008.8EE 89010",1216717,"以自聚合之团联共聚合物为模仁架构奈米结构的研究 = Study of forming block copolymer template by self-assembly for nanostructure / 陈竹村(Chun-Stun Chen)撰","台北市 : 陈竹村 , 民94[2005]"
    626,"008.8EE 90506",1188739,"函数产生器之类比积体电路设计 = Analog IC design for the function generator / 林大伟撰","台北市 : 林大伟 , 民94[2005]"
    627,"008.8EE 90506",1188740,"函数产生器之类比积体电路设计 = Analog IC design for the function generator / 林大伟撰","台北市 : 林大伟 , 民94[2005]"
    628,"008.8EE 90518",1216529,"全黑启动机组最佳位置之规划 = Optimal location planning of black-start units / 林迺呈(Nai-Chen Lin)撰","台北市 : 林迺呈 , 民94[2005]"
    629,"008.8EE 90518",1216530,"全黑启动机组最佳位置之规划 = Optimal location planning of black-start units / 林迺呈(Nai-Chen Lin)撰","台北市 : 林迺呈 , 民94[2005]"
    630,"008.8EE 91004",1217451,"捷运二极体接地系统轨道电位模拟与分析 = Simulation and analysis of rail potential for diode grounding system at rapid transit system / 许琮棋(Tsung-Chi Hsu)撰","台北市 : 许琮棋 , 民94[2005]"
    631,"008.8EE 91004",1217452,"捷运二极体接地系统轨道电位模拟与分析 = Simulation and analysis of rail potential for diode grounding system at rapid transit system / 许琮棋(Tsung-Chi Hsu)撰","台北市 : 许琮棋 , 民94[2005]"
    632,"008.8EE 91005",1217443,"应用类神经网路於自我建构式电力系统稳定器之研究 = A study of self-constructed power system stabilizer using artificial neural network / 江庆曜(Ching-Yao Chiang)撰","台北市 : 江庆曜 , 民94[2005]"
    633,"008.8EE 91005",1217444,"应用类神经网路於自我建构式电力系统稳定器之研究 = A study of self-constructed power system stabilizer using artificial neural network / 江庆曜(Ching-Yao Chiang)撰","台北市 : 江庆曜 , 民94[2005]"
    634,"008.8EE 91026",1217274,"双馈式可变速抽蓄机组之模型及动态模拟 = Modeling and dynamic simulations of doubly-fed adjustable-speed pumped storage units / 洪文龙(Wen-Lung Hung)撰","台北市 : 洪文龙 , 民94[2005]"
    635,"008.8EE 91026",1217275,"双馈式可变速抽蓄机组之模型及动态模拟 = Modeling and dynamic simulations of doubly-fed adjustable-speed pumped storage units / 洪文龙(Wen-Lung Hung)撰","台北市 : 洪文龙 , 民94[2005]"
    636,"008.8EE 91039",1217853,"防御分散式阻绝服务攻击之研究 = Research on defending distributed denial of service attacks / 蔡仁堂(Ren-Tang Tsai)撰","台北市 : 蔡仁堂 , 民94[2005]"
    637,"008.8EE 91039",1217854,"防御分散式阻绝服务攻击之研究 = Research on defending distributed denial of service attacks / 蔡仁堂(Ren-Tang Tsai)撰","台北市 : 蔡仁堂 , 民94[2005]"
    638,"008.8EE 91041",1217515,"数位讯号处理器控制之单相功因修正器的研制 = Design and implementation of a dsp-controlled single-phase power factor corrector / 陈宏昌(Hong-Chang Chen)撰","台北市 : 陈宏昌 , 民94[2005]"
    639,"008.8EE 91041",1217516,"数位讯号处理器控制之单相功因修正器的研制 = Design and implementation of a dsp-controlled single-phase power factor corrector / 陈宏昌(Hong-Chang Chen)撰","台北市 : 陈宏昌 , 民94[2005]"
    640,"008.8EE 91501",1216543,"台湾高速铁路主变电站之三相电压不平衡率计算 = Numerical evaluation on the main substation three-phase voltage unbalance of taiwan high speed rail / 廖智毅撰","台北市 : 廖智毅 , 民94[2005]"
    641,"008.8EE 91501",1216544,"台湾高速铁路主变电站之三相电压不平衡率计算 = Numerical evaluation on the main substation three-phase voltage unbalance of taiwan high speed rail / 廖智毅撰","台北市 : 廖智毅 , 民94[2005]"
    642,"008.8EE 91502",1216479,"以跳脱线圈电流诊断中压GIS跳脱机构 = Medium voltage gis trip mechanism condition assessment by trip coil current / 陈来进(Lai-Jinn Chen)撰","台北市 : 陈来进 , 民94[2005]"
    643,"008.8EE 91502",1216480,"以跳脱线圈电流诊断中压GIS跳脱机构 = Medium voltage gis trip mechanism condition assessment by trip coil current / 陈来进(Lai-Jinn Chen)撰","台北市 : 陈来进 , 民94[2005]"
    644,"008.8EE 91503",1216437,"台铁变电站谐波改善之研究 = Improvement of harmonics for taiwan railway substation / 杨金胜(Chin-Sheng Yang)撰","台北市 : 杨金胜 , 民92[2003]"
    645,"008.8EE 91503",1216438,"台铁变电站谐波改善之研究 = Improvement of harmonics for taiwan railway substation / 杨金胜(Chin-Sheng Yang)撰","台北市 : 杨金胜 , 民92[2003]"
    646,"008.8EE 91505",1216503,"抑制电力电容器组开关暂态之研究 = Study to reduce the switching transient of power capacitors / 李群(Chyun Lee)撰","台北市 : 李群 , 民94[2005]"
    647,"008.8EE 91505",1216504,"抑制电力电容器组开关暂态之研究 = Study to reduce the switching transient of power capacitors / 李群(Chyun Lee)撰","台北市 : 李群 , 民94[2005]"
    648,"008.8EE 91506",1216491,"改善电车线系统以提升台铁供电品质之评估研究 = The research and estimation of improvement of catenary system for upgrading tra power supply quality / 梁火南(Huoo-Nan Liang)撰","台北市 : 梁火南 , 民94[2005]"
    649,"008.8EE 91506",1216492,"改善电车线系统以提升台铁供电品质之评估研究 = The research and estimation of improvement of catenary system for upgrading tra power supply quality / 梁火南(Huoo-Nan Liang)撰","台北市 : 梁火南 , 民94[2005]"
    650,"008.8EE 91507",1217116,"分散型电源并入配电系统对馈线电压变动之研究 = Study to feeder voltage variation caused by distributed generation interconnection / 郭芳楠(Fan-Nan Kuo)撰","台北市 : 郭芳楠 , 民94[2005]"
    651,"008.8EE 91507",1217117,"分散型电源并入配电系统对馈线电压变动之研究 = Study to feeder voltage variation caused by distributed generation interconnection / 郭芳楠(Fan-Nan Kuo)撰","台北市 : 郭芳楠 , 民94[2005]"
    652,"008.8EE 91508",1217010,"风力能与太阳能路灯之研究 = The research of wind and solar energy for street lamp / 郑超元(Chao-Yuan Cheng)撰","台北市 : 郑超元 , 民94[2005]"
    653,"008.8EE 91508",1217011,"风力能与太阳能路灯之研究 = The research of wind and solar energy for street lamp / 郑超元(Chao-Yuan Cheng)撰","台北市 : 郑超元 , 民94[2005]"
    654,"008.8EE 91509",1217537,"具有同步整流与电流倍增之全桥相移直流转换器的研制 = Design and implementation of full-bridge converter with synchronous current-doubler rectification / 邹钰瑞(Tu-Jui Tsou)撰","台北市 : 邹钰瑞 , 民94[2005]"
    655,"008.8EE 91509",1217538,"具有同步整流与电流倍增之全桥相移直流转换器的研制 = Design and implementation of full-bridge converter with synchronous current-doubler rectification / 邹钰瑞(Tu-Jui Tsou)撰","台北市 : 邹钰瑞 , 民94[2005]"
    656,"008.8EE 91510",1217513,"再生能源环保发电整合系统之研究 = Study of the hybrid eco green power system / 陈水金(Shui-Gin Chen)撰","台北市 : 陈水金 , 民94[2005]"
    657,"008.8EE 91510",1217514,"再生能源环保发电整合系统之研究 = Study of the hybrid eco green power system / 陈水金(Shui-Gin Chen)撰","台北市 : 陈水金 , 民94[2005]"
    658,"008.8EE 91512",1217348,"再生能源并联要点对风力发电之影响探讨 = A discussion of the influence of parallel renewable energy on wind power generation / 曾志福(Chih-Fu Tseng)撰","台北市 : 曾志福 , 民94[2005]"
    659,"008.8EE 91512",1217349,"再生能源并联要点对风力发电之影响探讨 = A discussion of the influence of parallel renewable energy on wind power generation / 曾志福(Chih-Fu Tseng)撰","台北市 : 曾志福 , 民94[2005]"
    660,"008.8EE 91513",1217318,"Consecutive-k-out-of-n:F系统之模糊可靠度分析 = Fuzzy reliability analysis of consecutive-k-out-of-n:f systems / 陈智彦(Chih-Yean Chen)撰","台北市 : 陈智彦 , 民94[2005]"
    661,"008.8EE 91513",1217319,"Consecutive-k-out-of-n:F系统之模糊可靠度分析 = Fuzzy reliability analysis of consecutive-k-out-of-n:f systems / 陈智彦(Chih-Yean Chen)撰","台北市 : 陈智彦 , 民94[2005]"
    662,"008.8EE 91517",1217829,"改良式直方图等化应用於即时影像增强之低成本FPGA设计 = Low cost fpga circuit design of modified histogram equalization / 罗一中(Yi-Chung Lo)撰","台北市 : 罗一中 , 民94[2005]"
    663,"008.8EE 91517",1217830,"改良式直方图等化应用於即时影像增强之低成本FPGA设计 = Low cost fpga circuit design of modified histogram equalization / 罗一中(Yi-Chung Lo)撰","台北市 : 罗一中 , 民94[2005]"
    664,"008.8EE 91519",1217164,"应用可程式控制器於双发电机之自动切换开关系统 = Automatic transfer switch using programmable logic controller with dual backup source / 谢章显(Chang-Hsien Hsieh)撰","台北市 : 谢章显 , 民94[2005]"
    665,"008.8EE 91519",1217165,"应用可程式控制器於双发电机之自动切换开关系统 = Automatic transfer switch using programmable logic controller with dual backup source / 谢章显(Chang-Hsien Hsieh)撰","台北市 : 谢章显 , 民94[2005]"
    666,"008.8EE 91520",1217429,"小尺寸TFT LCD面板的驱动电路设计与应用 = The design and application of the small size TFT LCE panel driving circuit / 张泰熙(Tai-Hsi Chang)撰","台北市 : 张泰熙 , 民94[2005]"
    667,"008.8EE 91520",1217430,"小尺寸TFT LCD面板的驱动电路设计与应用 = The design and application of the small size TFT LCE panel driving circuit / 张泰熙(Tai-Hsi Chang)撰","台北市 : 张泰熙 , 民94[2005]"
    668,"008.8EE 92001",1217445,"应用模糊基因演算法於电力系统负载模型参数确认之研究 = A study of power system load modeling by using Fuzzy-GA algorithm / 蔡宏福(Hung-Fu Tsai)撰","台北市 : 蔡宏福 , 民94[2005]"
    669,"008.8EE 92001",1217446,"应用模糊基因演算法於电力系统负载模型参数确认之研究 = A study of power system load modeling by using Fuzzy-GA algorithm / 蔡宏福(Hung-Fu Tsai)撰","台北市 : 蔡宏福 , 民94[2005]"
    670,"008.8EE 92002",1216666,"无人水面载具应用於水域测深 = Application of unmanned surface vehicles to hydrographic surveying / 陈得年(Te-Nien Chen)撰","台北市 : 陈得年 , 民94[2005]"
    671,"008.8EE 92002",1216667,"无人水面载具应用於水域测深 = Application of unmanned surface vehicles to hydrographic surveying / 陈得年(Te-Nien Chen)撰","台北市 : 陈得年 , 民94[2005]"
    672,"008.8EE 92003",1216794,"应用基因法则与类神经网路於输电系统无效功率调度 = Optimal reactive power dispatch of transmission systems using genetic algorithm and artificial neural networks / 李亨声(Hang-Sheng Lee)撰","台北市 : 李亨声 , 民94[2005]"
    673,"008.8EE 92003",1216795,"应用基因法则与类神经网路於输电系统无效功率调度 = Optimal reactive power dispatch of transmission systems using genetic algorithm and artificial neural networks / 李亨声(Hang-Sheng Lee)撰","台北市 : 李亨声 , 民94[2005]"
    674,"008.8EE 92004",1217378,"脉波幅度调变控制之驱动器的电源研制 = Design and implementation of power supply for driver with pulse amplitude modulation control / 曾金鸿(Jin-Hong Zeng)撰","台北市 : 曾金鸿 , 民94[2005]"
    675,"008.8EE 92004",1217379,"脉波幅度调变控制之驱动器的电源研制 = Design and implementation of power supply for driver with pulse amplitude modulation control / 曾金鸿(Jin-Hong Zeng)撰","台北市 : 曾金鸿 , 民94[2005]"
    676,"008.8EE 92005",1217679,"直流磁控溅镀於可挠式基板镀制透明导电膜之性质研究 = A study of transparent conductive film on the flexible substrate deposited by dc-magnetron sputtering / 周建吉(Chen-Chi Chou)撰","台北市 : 周建吉 , 民94[2005]"
    677,"008.8EE 92005",1217680,"直流磁控溅镀於可挠式基板镀制透明导电膜之性质研究 = A study of transparent conductive film on the flexible substrate deposited by dc-magnetron sputtering / 周建吉(Chen-Chi Chou)撰","台北市 : 周建吉 , 民94[2005]"
    678,"008.8EE 92006",1216760,"切换式磁阻马达智慧型驱动系统之研制 = Study and implementation of intelligence drive system for switched reluctance motor / 谢文政(Wen-Cheng Hsieh)撰","台北市 : 谢文政 , 民94[2005]"
    679,"008.8EE 92006",1216761,"切换式磁阻马达智慧型驱动系统之研制 = Study and implementation of intelligence drive system for switched reluctance motor / 谢文政(Wen-Cheng Hsieh)撰","台北市 : 谢文政 , 民94[2005]"
    680,"008.8EE 92007",1217250,"全球网路电信局计费系统之设计与实作 = The design and implementation of billing system for ip-based telecommunication system. / 吴振宏(Jeng-Hong Wu)撰","台北市 : 吴振宏 , 民94[2005]"
    681,"008.8EE 92007",1217251,"全球网路电信局计费系统之设计与实作 = The design and implementation of billing system for ip-based telecommunication system. / 吴振宏(Jeng-Hong Wu)撰","台北市 : 吴振宏 , 民94[2005]"
    682,"008.8EE 92008",1217783,"适用於H.264之参考画面选择机制与快速动态估测法 = Fast multiple reference frame motion estimation for h.264 based on qualified frame selection scheme / 陈皇斌(Huang-Bin Chen)撰","台北市 : 陈皇斌 , 民94[2005]"
    683,"008.8EE 92008",1217784,"适用於H.264之参考画面选择机制与快速动态估测法 = Fast multiple reference frame motion estimation for h.264 based on qualified frame selection scheme / 陈皇斌(Huang-Bin Chen)撰","台北市 : 陈皇斌 , 民94[2005]"
    684,"008.8EE 92009",1216553,"多输入多输出技术於多频带正交分频多工超宽频通讯系统之应用研究 = A study on the application of mimo technique to mb-ofdm uwb communication systems / 林宽智(Kuan-Chih Lin)撰","台北市 : 林宽智 , 民94[2005]"
    685,"008.8EE 92009",1216554,"多输入多输出技术於多频带正交分频多工超宽频通讯系统之应用研究 = A study on the application of mimo technique to mb-ofdm uwb communication systems / 林宽智(Kuan-Chih Lin)撰","台北市 : 林宽智 , 民94[2005]"
    686,"008.8EE 92010",1217080,"多输入多输出技术应用於多载波分码多工系统之研究 = The research of mimo technique in mc-cdma systems / 陈珮伦(Pei-Lun Chen)撰","台北市 : 陈珮伦 , 民94[2005]"
    687,"008.8EE 92010",1217081,"多输入多输出技术应用於多载波分码多工系统之研究 = The research of mimo technique in mc-cdma systems / 陈珮伦(Pei-Lun Chen)撰","台北市 : 陈珮伦 , 民94[2005]"
    688,"008.8EE 92011",1216790,"移动中车牌定位系统之设计与实作 = The license plate locating system applying to moving vehicles / 刘国伟(Kuo-Wei Liu)撰","台北市 : 刘国伟 , 民94[2005]"
    689,"008.8EE 92011",1216791,"移动中车牌定位系统之设计与实作 = The license plate locating system applying to moving vehicles / 刘国伟(Kuo-Wei Liu)撰","台北市 : 刘国伟 , 民94[2005]"
    690,"008.8EE 92012",1217649,"DVB MHP互动应用程式之制作工具实作与记忆体动态分配之行为分析 = Implementation of mhp authoring tool and analysis of dynamic memory allocation and class invocation behavior in dvb-j applications / 朱晋成(Chin-Cheng Chu)","台北市 : 朱晋成 , 民94[2005]"
    691,"008.8EE 92012",1217650,"DVB MHP互动应用程式之制作工具实作与记忆体动态分配之行为分析 = Implementation of mhp authoring tool and analysis of dynamic memory allocation and class invocation behavior in dvb-j applications / 朱晋成(Chin-Cheng Chu)","台北市 : 朱晋成 , 民94[2005]"
    692,"008.8EE 92013",1217569,"整合适应性频宽控制与错误隐藏机制之即时视讯传输 = Integrated adapative bandwidth control and error concealment scheme for real-time visual transmission over internet / 梁恩志(En-Jr Liang)撰","台北市 : 梁恩志 , 民94[2005]"
    693,"008.8EE 92013",1217570,"整合适应性频宽控制与错误隐藏机制之即时视讯传输 = Integrated adapative bandwidth control and error concealment scheme for real-time visual transmission over internet / 梁恩志(En-Jr Liang)撰","台北市 : 梁恩志 , 民94[2005]"
    694,"008.8EE 92014",1217851,"网路蠕虫传播防治之研究 = Research on defending network worm propagation / 李维哲(Wei-Che Li)撰","台北市 : 李维哲 , 民94[2005]"
    695,"008.8EE 92014",1217852,"网路蠕虫传播防治之研究 = Research on defending network worm propagation / 李维哲(Wei-Che Li)撰","台北市 : 李维哲 , 民94[2005]"
    696,"008.8EE 92015",1217405,"嵌入式网路视讯电话之实现 = The implementation of embedded video phone system / 许毓辰(Yu-Chen Hsu)撰","台北市 : 许毓辰 , 民94[2005]"
    697,"008.8EE 92015",1217406,"嵌入式网路视讯电话之实现 = The implementation of embedded video phone system / 许毓辰(Yu-Chen Hsu)撰","台北市 : 许毓辰 , 民94[2005]"
    698,"008.8EE 92016",1217320,"二次变电所并联电容器切换暂态之研究 = A study of shunt capacitor switching transients in a secondary substation / 钟文成(Wen-Cheng Chung)撰","台北市 : 钟文成 , 民94[2005]"
    699,"008.8EE 92016",1217321,"二次变电所并联电容器切换暂态之研究 = A study of shunt capacitor switching transients in a secondary substation / 钟文成(Wen-Cheng Chung)撰","台北市 : 钟文成 , 民94[2005]"
    700,"008.8EE 92017",1217449,"电力系统负载模型参数之研究 = A study of load model parameters for power system / 黄逢佑(Feng-Yo Huang)撰","台北市 : 黄逢佑 , 民94[2005]"
    701,"008.8EE 92017",1217450,"电力系统负载模型参数之研究 = A study of load model parameters for power system / 黄逢佑(Feng-Yo Huang)撰","台北市 : 黄逢佑 , 民94[2005]"
    702,"008.8EE 92020",1216762,"类神经控制器於高效能感应马达控制系统之设计 = Design of neural network controllers for high efficiency induction motor vector control system / 李文雄(Wen-Shyong Lee)撰","台北市 : 李文雄 , 民94[2005]"
    703,"008.8EE 92020",1216763,"类神经控制器於高效能感应马达控制系统之设计 = Design of neural network controllers for high efficiency induction motor vector control system / 李文雄(Wen-Shyong Lee)撰","台北市 : 李文雄 , 民94[2005]"
    704,"008.8EE 92021",1217380,"双向交流/直流转换器 = Bi-directional ac/dc converter / 吴岳霖(Yue-Lin Wu)撰","台北市 : 吴岳霖 , 民94[2005]"
    705,"008.8EE 92021",1217381,"双向交流/直流转换器 = Bi-directional ac/dc converter / 吴岳霖(Yue-Lin Wu)撰","台北市 : 吴岳霖 , 民94[2005]"
    706,"008.8EE 92022",1216750,"具SVC补偿感应发电机系统之灰决策预测控制器设计 = Design of a grey decision prediction controller for induction generator system with static var compensator / 黄健龙(Jian-Long Huang)撰","台北市 : 黄健龙 , 民94[2005]"
    707,"008.8EE 92022",1216751,"具SVC补偿感应发电机系统之灰决策预测控制器设计 = Design of a grey decision prediction controller for induction generator system with static var compensator / 黄健龙(Jian-Long Huang)撰","台北市 : 黄健龙 , 民94[2005]"
    708,"008.8EE 92023",1217525,"高效率无位置感测器之直流无刷马达变频驱动器之研制 = Design and implementation of a high efficiency burshless dc motor driver without position sensor / 李俊义(Jun-Yi Lee)撰","台北市 : 李俊义 , 民94[2005]"
    709,"008.8EE 92023",1217526,"高效率无位置感测器之直流无刷马达变频驱动器之研制 = Design and implementation of a high efficiency burshless dc motor driver without position sensor / 李俊义(Jun-Yi Lee)撰","台北市 : 李俊义 , 民94[2005]"
    710,"008.8EE 92024",1216744,"具类神经估测器向量控制系统之双滑动模式控制研制 = Implementation of twin sliding mode controllers for sensorless vector controlled induction motor drive with ann estimator / 郑安泰(An-Tai Jheng)撰","台北市 : 郑安泰 , 民94[2005]"
    711,"008.8EE 92024",1216745,"具类神经估测器向量控制系统之双滑动模式控制研制 = Implementation of twin sliding mode controllers for sensorless vector controlled induction motor drive with ann estimator / 郑安泰(An-Tai Jheng)撰","台北市 : 郑安泰 , 民94[2005]"
    712,"008.8EE 92025",1216656,"ADSL通道干扰分析 = Analcysis of narrowband interference in adsl / 张世宏(Shin-Hung Chang)撰","台北市 : 张世宏 , 民94[2005]"
    713,"008.8EE 92025",1216657,"ADSL通道干扰分析 = Analcysis of narrowband interference in adsl / 张世宏(Shin-Hung Chang)撰","台北市 : 张世宏 , 民94[2005]"
    714,"008.8EE 92026",1216822,"积木型遗传规划法於最佳化组合之应用 = Application of block type genetic programming to combinatorial optimization / 许聪海(Tsung-Hai Hsu)撰","台北市 : 许聪海 , 民94[2005]"
    715,"008.8EE 92026",1216823,"积木型遗传规划法於最佳化组合之应用 = Application of block type genetic programming to combinatorial optimization / 许聪海(Tsung-Hai Hsu)撰","台北市 : 许聪海 , 民94[2005]"
    716,"008.8EE 92027",1217487,"可预估PRD之心电图压缩算法设计与实现 = Design and implementation of ECG compression algorithm with predictable PRD / 许家荣(Chia-Jung Hsu)撰","台北市 : 许家荣 , 民94[2005]"
    717,"008.8EE 92027",1217488,"可预估PRD之心电图压缩算法设计与实现 = Design and implementation of ECG compression algorithm with predictable PRD / 许家荣(Chia-Jung Hsu)撰","台北市 : 许家荣 , 民94[2005]"
    718,"008.8EE 92028",1216994,"DVD-ROM聚焦及循轨控制器设计 = Design of focusing and tracking controllers for dvd-rom / 李岷达(Min-Da Li)撰","台北市 : 李岷达 , 民94[2005]"
    719,"008.8EE 92028",1216995,"DVD-ROM聚焦及循轨控制器设计 = Design of focusing and tracking controllers for dvd-rom / 李岷达(Min-Da Li)撰","台北市 : 李岷达 , 民94[2005]"
    720,"008.8EE 92029",1216748,"高效能向量控制系统之小脑模型控制器设计 = Design of cerebellar model articulation controllers for high power efficiency vector control system / 李谷元(Ku-Yuan Li)撰","台北市 : 李谷元 , 民94[2005]"
    721,"008.8EE 92029",1216749,"高效能向量控制系统之小脑模型控制器设计 = Design of cerebellar model articulation controllers for high power efficiency vector control system / 李谷元(Ku-Yuan Li)撰","台北市 : 李谷元 , 民94[2005]"
    722,"008.8EE 92030",1216818,"自动导航车之模糊追随控制 = Object following fuzzy control of the automatic guided vehicle / 何育昕(Yu-Shin He)撰","台北市 : 何育昕 , 民94[2005]"
    723,"008.8EE 92030",1216819,"自动导航车之模糊追随控制 = Object following fuzzy control of the automatic guided vehicle / 何育昕(Yu-Shin He)撰","台北市 : 何育昕 , 民94[2005]"
    724,"008.8EE 92031",1217489,"升压型主动式功率因数修正器之强健性能分析 = Robust performance analysis for boost active power factor correctors / 彭景琪(Ching-Chi Peng)撰","台北市 : 彭景琪 , 民94[2005]"
    725,"008.8EE 92031",1217490,"升压型主动式功率因数修正器之强健性能分析 = Robust performance analysis for boost active power factor correctors / 彭景琪(Ching-Chi Peng)撰","台北市 : 彭景琪 , 民94[2005]"
    726,"008.8EE 92032",1217837,"在室内复杂环境下实现自动人头追踪系统 = Realization of an automatic head tracking system in indoor cluttered environment / 许钧程(Chun-Cheng Hsu)撰","台北市 : 许钧程 , 民94[2005]"
    727,"008.8EE 92032",1217838,"在室内复杂环境下实现自动人头追踪系统 = Realization of an automatic head tracking system in indoor cluttered environment / 许钧程(Chun-Cheng Hsu)撰","台北市 : 许钧程 , 民94[2005]"
    728,"008.8EE 92033",1216824,"回音消除於网路电话系统之研究与分析 = A study on the line echo canceller for voip / 黄信德(Hsin-Te Hwang)撰","台北市 : 黄信德 , 民94[2005]"
    729,"008.8EE 92033",1216825,"回音消除於网路电话系统之研究与分析 = A study on the line echo canceller for voip / 黄信德(Hsin-Te Hwang)撰","台北市 : 黄信德 , 民94[2005]"
    730,"008.8EE 92034",1217076,"机率资料连结多使用者侦测器於分码多工系统之效能分析及改善 = Performance analysis and improvement of multi-user detector using probabilistic data association in cdma systems / 李政修(Zheng-Xiu Lee)撰","台北市 : 李政修 , 民94[2005]"
    731,"008.8EE 92034",1217077,"机率资料连结多使用者侦测器於分码多工系统之效能分析及改善 = Performance analysis and improvement of multi-user detector using probabilistic data association in cdma systems / 李政修(Zheng-Xiu Lee)撰","台北市 : 李政修 , 民94[2005]"
    732,"008.8EE 92035",1217054,"基於多重线性回归语音活动检测之多重模式MELP语音编码器的设计与分析 = Design and analysis of multi-mode melp coder with voice activity detection based on multiple linear regression / 陈尹凡(Yin-Fan Chen)撰","台北市 : 陈尹凡 , 民94[2005]"
    733,"008.8EE 92035",1217055,"基於多重线性回归语音活动检测之多重模式MELP语音编码器的设计与分析 = Design and analysis of multi-mode melp coder with voice activity detection based on multiple linear regression / 陈尹凡(Yin-Fan Chen)撰","台北市 : 陈尹凡 , 民94[2005]"
    734,"008.8EE 92037",1216676,"基因演算法在直序式超宽频多用户侦测器之应用研究 = Application of genetic algorithm to multi-user detection in ds-uwb system / 林仲文(Chung-Weng Lin)撰","台北市 : 林仲文 , 民94[2005]"
    735,"008.8EE 92037",1216677,"基因演算法在直序式超宽频多用户侦测器之应用研究 = Application of genetic algorithm to multi-user detection in ds-uwb system / 林仲文(Chung-Weng Lin)撰","台北市 : 林仲文 , 民94[2005]"
    736,"008.8EE 92038",1217044,"可提升直序式超宽频通讯系统传输量之适应性位元率切换策略研究 = Enhancing data throughput of ds-uwb system using adaptive data rate switching scheme / 彭国华(Kuo-Hua Peng)撰","台北市 : 彭国华 , 民94[2005]"
    737,"008.8EE 92038",1217045,"可提升直序式超宽频通讯系统传输量之适应性位元率切换策略研究 = Enhancing data throughput of ds-uwb system using adaptive data rate switching scheme / 彭国华(Kuo-Hua Peng)撰","台北市 : 彭国华 , 民94[2005]"
    738,"008.8EE 92039",1217056,"基於加权诊断失眞准则之心电图小波压缩 = Wavelet compression of ecg signal based on wdd criterion / 廖崇伯(Chung-Bo Liao)撰","台北市 : 廖崇伯 , 民94[2005]"
    739,"008.8EE 92039",1217057,"基於加权诊断失眞准则之心电图小波压缩 = Wavelet compression of ecg signal based on wdd criterion / 廖崇伯(Chung-Bo Liao)撰","台北市 : 廖崇伯 , 民94[2005]"
    740,"008.8EE 92040",1217825,"使用压缩域移动向量及DCT系数之混合视讯浮水印技术 = A hybrid video watermarking scheme in compression domain based on motion vector and quantized dct coefficients / 刘功[敖力](Kung-Ao Liu)撰","台北市 : 刘功[敖力] , 民94[2005]"
    741,"008.8EE 92040",1217826,"使用压缩域移动向量及DCT系数之混合视讯浮水印技术 = A hybrid video watermarking scheme in compression domain based on motion vector and quantized dct coefficients / 刘功[敖力](Kung-Ao Liu)撰","台北市 : 刘功[敖力] , 民94[2005]"
    742,"008.8EE 92041",1217711,"行动式网际网路通讯协定之无接缝换手机制 = Seamless handoff approach for mobile IP / 黄志伟(Zhi-Wei Huang)撰","台北市 : 黄志伟 , 民94[2005]"
    743,"008.8EE 92041",1217712,"行动式网际网路通讯协定之无接缝换手机制 = Seamless handoff approach for mobile IP / 黄志伟(Zhi-Wei Huang)撰","台北市 : 黄志伟 , 民94[2005]"
    744,"008.8EE 92042",1217731,"在用户端实现上传频宽管理机制 = An implementation of upload bandwidth management in end-user side / 王钜育(Jyu-Yu Wang)撰","台北市 : 王钜育 , 民94[2005]"
    745,"008.8EE 92042",1217732,"在用户端实现上传频宽管理机制 = An implementation of upload bandwidth management in end-user side / 王钜育(Jyu-Yu Wang)撰","台北市 : 王钜育 , 民94[2005]"
    746,"008.8EE 92043",1216535,"切换电流式管线化类比数位转换器之设计 = Design of the switched-current pipelined analog-to-digital converter / 曾吉鸿(Jyi-Hrong Tseng)撰","台北市 : 曾吉鸿 , 民94[2005]"
    747,"008.8EE 92043",1216536,"切换电流式管线化类比数位转换器之设计 = Design of the switched-current pipelined analog-to-digital converter / 曾吉鸿(Jyi-Hrong Tseng)撰","台北市 : 曾吉鸿 , 民94[2005]"
    748,"008.8EE 92044",1217693,"逻辑式行动网际网路通讯协定 = Logical mobile internet protocol(LMIP) / 郑垂平(Chui-Ping Cheng)撰","台北市 : 郑垂平 , 民94[2005]"
    749,"008.8EE 92044",1217694,"逻辑式行动网际网路通讯协定 = Logical mobile internet protocol(LMIP) / 郑垂平(Chui-Ping Cheng)撰","台北市 : 郑垂平 , 民94[2005]"
    750,"008.8EE 92045",1217040,"基於小世界网路模型之网路可靠度`存活度与强健性研究 = The study of network reliability,survivability and robustness in small world model / 谢孟霖(Mon-Lin Hsieh)撰","台北市 : 谢孟霖 , 民94[2005]"
    751,"008.8EE 92045",1217041,"基於小世界网路模型之网路可靠度`存活度与强健性研究 = The study of network reliability,survivability and robustness in small world model / 谢孟霖(Mon-Lin Hsieh)撰","台北市 : 谢孟霖 , 民94[2005]"
    752,"008.8EE 92504",1217627,"设备监控与人机介面技术整合之研究 = Study of equipment supervisory control and human-machine interface techniques integration / 张瑞丰(Ruey-Fong Chang)撰","台北市 : 张瑞丰 , 民94[2005]"
    753,"008.8EE 92504",1217628,"设备监控与人机介面技术整合之研究 = Study of equipment supervisory control and human-machine interface techniques integration / 张瑞丰(Ruey-Fong Chang)撰","台北市 : 张瑞丰 , 民94[2005]"
    754,"008.8EE 92514",1217004,"应用类神经网路於医院空调短期电力预测 = Short-term electricity forecasting of air-conditioners of hospital using artificial neural networks / 施顺钟(Shun-Chung Shih)撰","台北市 : 施顺钟 , 民94[2005]"
    755,"008.8EE 92514",1217005,"应用类神经网路於医院空调短期电力预测 = Short-term electricity forecasting of air-conditioners of hospital using artificial neural networks / 施顺钟(Shun-Chung Shih)撰","台北市 : 施顺钟 , 民94[2005]"
    756,"008.8EP 90013",1217473,"鱼类周遭流场可视性之研究 = A study of flow characteristic observation in fish swimming / 蔡明宪(Ming-Xian Tsai)撰","台北市 : 蔡明宪 , 民94[2005]"
    757,"008.8EP 90013",1217474,"鱼类周遭流场可视性之研究 = A study of flow characteristic observation in fish swimming / 蔡明宪(Ming-Xian Tsai)撰","台北市 : 蔡明宪 , 民94[2005]"
    758,"008.8EP 90014",1188139,"台湾地区加油站地下储槽系统泄漏侦测实务与管理之研究 = A study of the leak detection practices and management of underground storage tank systems of gas stations in Taiwan / 张大伟撰","台北市 : 张大伟 , 民94"
    759,"008.8EP 90014",1188140,"台湾地区加油站地下储槽系统泄漏侦测实务与管理之研究 = A study of the leak detection practices and management of underground storage tank systems of gas stations in Taiwan / 张大伟撰","台北市 : 张大伟 , 民94"
    760,"008.8EP 90020",1188715,"温泉水权总量管制之个案研究-以乌来地区为例 = A case research of hot spring water right total quantity control-a research of Wulia hot spring area / 邱启文撰","台北市 : 邱启文 , 民94[2005]"
    761,"008.8EP 90020",1188716,"温泉水权总量管制之个案研究-以乌来地区为例 = A case research of hot spring water right total quantity control-a research of Wulia hot spring area / 邱启文撰","台北市 : 邱启文 , 民94[2005]"
    762,"008.8EP 90507",1217891,"基於GML之环境空间资料格式转换 = The spatial data exchange of environmental information based on gml / 郑敦元(Duen-Yuan Cheng)撰","台北市 : 郑敦元 , 民94[2005]"
    763,"008.8EP 90507",1217892,"基於GML之环境空间资料格式转换 = The spatial data exchange of environmental information based on gml / 郑敦元(Duen-Yuan Cheng)撰","台北市 : 郑敦元 , 民94[2005]"
    764,"008.8EP 91007",1188745,"台湾二氧化碳生态足迹及产业二氧化碳减量之经济及生态效益 = The ecological footprint of Taiwan and the economic benefits and Eco-Efficiency of industrial CO2 reduction / 许铭杰撰","台北市 : 许铭杰 , 民94[2005]"
    765,"008.8EP 91007",1188746,"台湾二氧化碳生态足迹及产业二氧化碳减量之经济及生态效益 = The ecological footprint of Taiwan and the economic benefits and Eco-Efficiency of industrial CO2 reduction / 许铭杰撰","台北市 : 许铭杰 , 民94[2005]"
    766,"008.8EP 91019",1217887,"「简易土石流雨量警告器」及其警告水位设定流程之研究 = The study on the process-setting of warning level of「the economic warning device for debris flow (ewddf)」 / 周瑞南(Juei-Nan Chou)撰","台北市 : 周瑞南 , 民94[2005]"
    767,"008.8EP 91019",1217888,"「简易土石流雨量警告器」及其警告水位设定流程之研究 = The study on the process-setting of warning level of「the economic warning device for debris flow (ewddf)」 / 周瑞南(Juei-Nan Chou)撰","台北市 : 周瑞南 , 民94[2005]"
    768,"008.8EP 91501",1188711,"按量课费措施对焚化厂灰渣性质影响之研究-以台北市为例 = Characteristic variability of MSW incineration ash under strategy execution of levying fee in proportion --a case study in Taipei city / 周锦富撰","台北市 : 周锦富 , 民94[2005]"
    769,"008.8EP 91501",1188712,"按量课费措施对焚化厂灰渣性质影响之研究-以台北市为例 = Characteristic variability of MSW incineration ash under strategy execution of levying fee in proportion --a case study in Taipei city / 周锦富撰","台北市 : 周锦富 , 民94[2005]"
    770,"008.8EP 91502",1188737,"建构石化工业区为生态工业园区之研究-以麦寮六轻为例 = A study on extablishing the petrochemical industrial park as an eco-industrial park -planning and executing for NO. 6 Naphtha Cracker industrial park / 范姜群峯撰","台北市 : 范姜群峯 , 民94[2005]"
    771,"008.8EP 91502",1188738,"建构石化工业区为生态工业园区之研究-以麦寮六轻为例 = A study on extablishing the petrochemical industrial park as an eco-industrial park -planning and executing for NO. 6 Naphtha Cracker industrial park / 范姜群峯撰","台北市 : 范姜群峯 , 民94[2005]"
    772,"008.8EP 91503",1217801,"批次/流体化床零价铁程序处理含铬电镀废水之研究 = A study of chromium treatment from electroplating wastewater by zero valent iron in batch/fluidized bad systems / 翟宝璇(Pao-Hsuan Chai)撰","台北市 : 翟宝璇 , 民94[2005]"
    773,"008.8EP 91503",1217802,"批次/流体化床零价铁程序处理含铬电镀废水之研究 = A study of chromium treatment from electroplating wastewater by zero valent iron in batch/fluidized bad systems / 翟宝璇(Pao-Hsuan Chai)撰","台北市 : 翟宝璇 , 民94[2005]"
    774,"008.8EP 91504",1188717,"垃圾焚化厂戴奥辛排放浓度特徵及其影响因子之研究 = Study on emission characteristics of dioxins with affecting factors for MSW incinerator / 张咏薇撰","台北市 : 张咏薇 , 民94[2005]"
    775,"008.8EP 91504",1188718,"垃圾焚化厂戴奥辛排放浓度特徵及其影响因子之研究 = Study on emission characteristics of dioxins with affecting factors for MSW incinerator / 张咏薇撰","台北市 : 张咏薇 , 民94[2005]"
    776,"008.8EP 91506",1217240,"逆渗透薄膜处理二级放流水再利用实厂操作–以内湖污水处理厂为例 = Municipal reclaimed water in neihu wastewater treatment plant using reverse osmosis membrane in secondary effluent. / 洪荣昌(Jung-Chang Hung)撰","台北市 : 洪荣昌 , 民94[2005]"
    777,"008.8EP 91506",1217241,"逆渗透薄膜处理二级放流水再利用实厂操作–以内湖污水处理厂为例 = Municipal reclaimed water in neihu wastewater treatment plant using reverse osmosis membrane in secondary effluent. / 洪荣昌(Jung-Chang Hung)撰","台北市 : 洪荣昌 , 民94[2005]"
    778,"008.8EP 91507",1188733,"PVC软质胶布产业生态化之研究 = Industrial ecology study on the flexible PVC / 陈孝庸撰","台北市 : 陈孝庸 , 民94[2005]"
    779,"008.8EP 91507",1188734,"PVC软质胶布产业生态化之研究 = Industrial ecology study on the flexible PVC / 陈孝庸撰","台北市 : 陈孝庸 , 民94[2005]"
    780,"008.8EP 91513",1217523,"零价铁填充床及流体化床处理二氧化硫之研究 = Zero valent iron for sulfur dioxide removal-packed and fluidized column studies / 黄扬舜(Yang-Shun Huang)撰","台北市 : 黄扬舜 , 民94[2005]"
    781,"008.8EP 91513",1217524,"零价铁填充床及流体化床处理二氧化硫之研究 = Zero valent iron for sulfur dioxide removal-packed and fluidized column studies / 黄扬舜(Yang-Shun Huang)撰","台北市 : 黄扬舜 , 民94[2005]"
    782,"008.8EP 91514",1188735,"下水道普及率提升衍生污泥处理与管理之研究 = A study of treatment and management of sewage sludge generated from the promotion served rete of public owned sewage system / 陈高孝撰","台北市 : 陈高孝 , 民94[2005]"
    783,"008.8EP 91514",1188736,"下水道普及率提升衍生污泥处理与管理之研究 = A study of treatment and management of sewage sludge generated from the promotion served rete of public owned sewage system / 陈高孝撰","台北市 : 陈高孝 , 民94[2005]"
    784,"008.8EP 91515",1217729,"地下渗滤式生活污水现地处理系统之研究 = A study of onsite wastewater treatment by using the septic tank and soil infiltration trench system / 胡惠宇(Hui-Yu Hu)撰","台北市 : 胡惠宇 , 民94[2005]"
    785,"008.8EP 91515",1217730,"地下渗滤式生活污水现地处理系统之研究 = A study of onsite wastewater treatment by using the septic tank and soil infiltration trench system / 胡惠宇(Hui-Yu Hu)撰","台北市 : 胡惠宇 , 民94[2005]"
    786,"008.8EP 92001",1216403,"地方政府之温室气体排放量推估及管制策略分析-以台北县市为例 = The greenhouse gas inventory and control strategies evaluation for local governments - a case study of taipei / 吕昌祺(Chang-Chi Lu)撰","台北市 : 吕昌祺 , 民94[2005]"
    787,"008.8EP 92001",1216404,"地方政府之温室气体排放量推估及管制策略分析-以台北县市为例 = The greenhouse gas inventory and control strategies evaluation for local governments - a case study of taipei / 吕昌祺(Chang-Chi Lu)撰","台北市 : 吕昌祺 , 民94[2005]"
    788,"008.8EP 92002",1216457,"环保科技园区生态工业网络建构之研究 = Establishing eco-industrial network for environmental science and technology parks / 张云翔(Yun-Hsiang Chang)撰","台北市 : 张云翔 , 民94[2005]"
    789,"008.8EP 92002",1216458,"环保科技园区生态工业网络建构之研究 = Establishing eco-industrial network for environmental science and technology parks / 张云翔(Yun-Hsiang Chang)撰","台北市 : 张云翔 , 民94[2005]"
    790,"008.8EP 92003",1216515,"大型焚化系统进料中有机氯含量影响灰渣中铅分布之研究 = Effect of organic chlorine on pb partition in ash discharged from msw incinertor / 郑鸿列(Hong-Lie Zheng)撰","台北市 : 郑鸿列 , 民94[2005]"
    791,"008.8EP 92003",1216516,"大型焚化系统进料中有机氯含量影响灰渣中铅分布之研究 = Effect of organic chlorine on pb partition in ash discharged from msw incinertor / 郑鸿列(Hong-Lie Zheng)撰","台北市 : 郑鸿列 , 民94[2005]"
    792,"008.8EP 92004",1216441,"污水下水道系统附挂光纤之技术与管理研究 = A study of technical and management of optical fiber attached in sewer system / 张心翰(Shin-Han Chang)撰","台北市 : 张心翰 , 民94[2005]"
    793,"008.8EP 92004",1216442,"污水下水道系统附挂光纤之技术与管理研究 = A study of technical and management of optical fiber attached in sewer system / 张心翰(Shin-Han Chang)撰","台北市 : 张心翰 , 民94[2005]"
    794,"008.8EP 92005",1216972,"都市污水处理厂放流水再利用於农业灌溉之研究-以八里污水处理厂为例 = The effluent reuse for agricultural irrigation from municipal wastewater treatment plants - a case study of the pa-li wastewater treatment plant / 许","台北市 : 许珮甄 , 民94[2005]"
    795,"008.8EP 92005",1216973,"都市污水处理厂放流水再利用於农业灌溉之研究-以八里污水处理厂为例 = The effluent reuse for agricultural irrigation from municipal wastewater treatment plants - a case study of the pa-li wastewater treatment plant / 许","台北市 : 许珮甄 , 民94[2005]"
    796,"008.8EP 92006",1216702,"产出因子於事业废弃物管理之应用与研究 = Application and studying on discharge factors in industrial wastes of the waste management / 郑书华(Shu-Hua Jeng)撰","台北市 : 郑书华 , 民94[2005]"
    797,"008.8EP 92006",1216703,"产出因子於事业废弃物管理之应用与研究 = Application and studying on discharge factors in industrial wastes of the waste management / 郑书华(Shu-Hua Jeng)撰","台北市 : 郑书华 , 民94[2005]"
    798,"008.8EP 92007",1216720,"淡水河流域乾旱年水资源联合运用研究 = Water resources combined to apply in tan-shui river basin on drought year / 王圳宏(Chung-Hung Wang)撰","台北市 : 王圳宏 , 民94[2005]"
    799,"008.8EP 92007",1216721,"淡水河流域乾旱年水资源联合运用研究 = Water resources combined to apply in tan-shui river basin on drought year / 王圳宏(Chung-Hung Wang)撰","台北市 : 王圳宏 , 民94[2005]"
    800,"008.8EP 92008",1216405,"纯铁粉/铁砂混合管柱处理地下水中硝酸盐氮之研究 = Groundwater nitrate removal by zero-valent iron/qualtz sand packed columns / 潘淑华(Shu-Hua Pan)撰","台北市 : 潘淑华 , 民94[2005]"
    801,"008.8EP 92008",1216406,"纯铁粉/铁砂混合管柱处理地下水中硝酸盐氮之研究 = Groundwater nitrate removal by zero-valent iron/qualtz sand packed columns / 潘淑华(Shu-Hua Pan)撰","台北市 : 潘淑华 , 民94[2005]"
    802,"008.8EP 92009",1217050,"不同介质对地下渗滤系统之氮`磷污染去除效能比较 = The effect of denitration and dephoshorsation by using three different mediums in subsurface wastewater infiltration systems / 郑伊伶(Yi-Ling Cheng)撰","台北市 : 郑伊伶 , 民94[2005]"
    803,"008.8EP 92009",1217051,"不同介质对地下渗滤系统之氮`磷污染去除效能比较 = The effect of denitration and dephoshorsation by using three different mediums in subsurface wastewater infiltration systems / 郑伊伶(Yi-Ling Cheng)撰","台北市 : 郑伊伶 , 民94[2005]"
    804,"008.8EP 92010",1216910,"以微波反应活性碳循环床处理NOx之研究 = A study of nitrogen oxides treatment by activated carbon in a circulating fluidized-bed with microwave system / 袁钰钧(Yu-Chun Yuan)撰","台北市 : 袁钰钧 , 民94[2005]"
    805,"008.8EP 92010",1216911,"以微波反应活性碳循环床处理NOx之研究 = A study of nitrogen oxides treatment by activated carbon in a circulating fluidized-bed with microwave system / 袁钰钧(Yu-Chun Yuan)撰","台北市 : 袁钰钧 , 民94[2005]"
    806,"008.8EP 92011",1217322,"小型静电集尘器电场分离之研究-交流与直流电场 = The study of ac and dc electric field separation of miniature electrostatic precipitator / 郭崇文(Churng-Wen Kuo)撰","台北市 : 郭崇文 , 民94[2005]"
    807,"008.8EP 92011",1217323,"小型静电集尘器电场分离之研究-交流与直流电场 = The study of ac and dc electric field separation of miniature electrostatic precipitator / 郭崇文(Churng-Wen Kuo)撰","台北市 : 郭崇文 , 民94[2005]"
    808,"008.8EP 92012",1217529,"部分因子设计法评估两段式电透析处理含铬电镀废水之研究 = Using fractional factorial design method to evaluate chromium recovery from electroplating wastewater by two stage electrodialysis / 杨家豪(Chia-Hao Yang)撰","台北市 : 杨家豪 , 民94[2005]"
    809,"008.8EP 92012",1217530,"部分因子设计法评估两段式电透析处理含铬电镀废水之研究 = Using fractional factorial design method to evaluate chromium recovery from electroplating wastewater by two stage electrodialysis / 杨家豪(Chia-Hao Yang)撰","台北市 : 杨家豪 , 民94[2005]"
    810,"008.8EP 92013",1216844,"遗传演算法及模糊多目标法应用於水资源之规划 = Genetic algorithm and fuzzy multi-objective programming approach to water resources management / 李宜臻(I-Jean Li)撰","台北市 : 李宜臻 , 民94[2005]"
    811,"008.8EP 92013",1216845,"遗传演算法及模糊多目标法应用於水资源之规划 = Genetic algorithm and fuzzy multi-objective programming approach to water resources management / 李宜臻(I-Jean Li)撰","台北市 : 李宜臻 , 民94[2005]"
    812,"008.8EP 92014",1217338,"应用MUSIC模拟BMPs之去除效率 = An application of the music for simulating the effectiveness of bmps / 张均成(Chung-Chen Chang)撰","台北市 : 张均成 , 民94[2005]"
    813,"008.8EP 92014",1217339,"应用MUSIC模拟BMPs之去除效率 = An application of the music for simulating the effectiveness of bmps / 张均成(Chung-Chen Chang)撰","台北市 : 张均成 , 民94[2005]"
    814,"008.8EP 92015",1217579,"以平均寿命与医疗支出评估台湾地区悬浮微粒减量效益 = Evaluation the benefit of particulate matter reduction by life expectancy and medical expenditure / 林昱廷(Yu-Tin Lin)撰","台北市 : 林昱廷 , 民94[2005]"
    815,"008.8EP 92015",1217580,"以平均寿命与医疗支出评估台湾地区悬浮微粒减量效益 = Evaluation the benefit of particulate matter reduction by life expectancy and medical expenditure / 林昱廷(Yu-Tin Lin)撰","台北市 : 林昱廷 , 民94[2005]"
    816,"008.8EP 92016",1216527,"大型裸露地PM10防治措施效率及其施用效益之研究-以稻草铺盖为例 = Effectiveness of prevention coverage to control pm10 for large scale exposure area - a case study of woven straw / 黄信文(Hsin-Wen Huang)撰","台北市 : 黄信文 , 民94[2005]"
    817,"008.8EP 92016",1216528,"大型裸露地PM10防治措施效率及其施用效益之研究-以稻草铺盖为例 = Effectiveness of prevention coverage to control pm10 for large scale exposure area - a case study of woven straw / 黄信文(Hsin-Wen Huang)撰","台北市 : 黄信文 , 民94[2005]"
    818,"008.8EP 92017",1216531,"以炉温操作条件探讨大型焚化炉飞灰无害化之研究--实厂案例 = Operation Conditions of Incineration Temperature for the Harmless Fly Ash Emitted from Large-scale Refuse Incinerator / 陈政纬(Cheng-Wei Chen)撰","台北市 : 陈政纬 , 民94[2005]"
    819,"008.8EP 92017",1216532,"以炉温操作条件探讨大型焚化炉飞灰无害化之研究--实厂案例 = Operation Conditions of Incineration Temperature for the Harmless Fly Ash Emitted from Large-scale Refuse Incinerator / 陈政纬(Cheng-Wei Chen)撰","台北市 : 陈政纬 , 民94[2005]"
    820,"008.8EP 92019",1216459,"废物品资源化比率之研究 = A study on the recycling ratio of waste article / 游宏伟(Hung-Wei You)撰","台北市 : 游宏伟 , 民94[2005]"
    821,"008.8EP 92019",1216460,"废物品资源化比率之研究 = A study on the recycling ratio of waste article / 游宏伟(Hung-Wei You)撰","台北市 : 游宏伟 , 民94[2005]"
    822,"008.8EP 92021",1217671,"国内银行业之环境信贷风险评估准则之研究 = Study on the criteria of environmental credit risk assessment for banking industry in taiwan / 彭士豪(Shih-Hao Peng)撰","台北市 : 彭士豪 , 民94[2005]"
    823,"008.8EP 92021",1217672,"国内银行业之环境信贷风险评估准则之研究 = Study on the criteria of environmental credit risk assessment for banking industry in taiwan / 彭士豪(Shih-Hao Peng)撰","台北市 : 彭士豪 , 民94[2005]"
    824,"008.8EP 92022",1217188,"国内电子产业建置营运持续计划之考量因素探讨 = Considerations of implementing business continuity planning for electronic industry in taiwan / 蔡尚佑(Shang-Yu Tsai)撰","台北市 : 蔡尚佑 , 民94[2005]"
    825,"008.8EP 92022",1217189,"国内电子产业建置营运持续计划之考量因素探讨 = Considerations of implementing business continuity planning for electronic industry in taiwan / 蔡尚佑(Shang-Yu Tsai)撰","台北市 : 蔡尚佑 , 民94[2005]"
    826,"008.8EP 92025",1217499,"街道洗扫作业悬浮微粒(PM10)动态变化及最适洗扫条件之研究 = Study on dynamic characteristics of pm10 and optimal operating parameters for street sweeping/washing / 徐禾杰(Ho-Chieh Hsu)撰","台北市 : 徐禾杰 , 民94[2005]"
    827,"008.8EP 92025",1217500,"街道洗扫作业悬浮微粒(PM10)动态变化及最适洗扫条件之研究 = Study on dynamic characteristics of pm10 and optimal operating parameters for street sweeping/washing / 徐禾杰(Ho-Chieh Hsu)撰","台北市 : 徐禾杰 , 民94[2005]"
    828,"008.8EP 92514",1217549,"零价铁流体化床处理一氧化氮之研究 = Reduction of nitrogen oxide by zero-valent iron fluidized bed / 郑自佑(Chih-Yu Cheng)撰","台北市 : 郑自佑 , 民94[2005]"
    829,"008.8EP 92514",1217550,"零价铁流体化床处理一氧化氮之研究 = Reduction of nitrogen oxide by zero-valent iron fluidized bed / 郑自佑(Chih-Yu Cheng)撰","台北市 : 郑自佑 , 民94[2005]"
    830,"008.8ME 89027",1188725,"粒子计数晶片之转阻放大器研制 = Realization of Transimpedance Amplifier for particle counting chip / 陈欣楠撰","台北市 : 陈欣楠 , 民94[2005]"
    831,"008.8ME 89027",1188726,"粒子计数晶片之转阻放大器研制 = Realization of Transimpedance Amplifier for particle counting chip / 陈欣楠撰","台北市 : 陈欣楠 , 民94[2005]"
    832,"008.8ME 89032",1217619,"以混合式基因演算法训练之类神经诊断系统 = The diagnostic system by incorporating a genetic algorithm and ANN / 蔡旭龙(Hsu-Lung Tsai)撰","台北市 : 蔡旭龙 , 民94[2005]"
    833,"008.8ME 89032",1217620,"以混合式基因演算法训练之类神经诊断系统 = The diagnostic system by incorporating a genetic algorithm and ANN / 蔡旭龙(Hsu-Lung Tsai)撰","台北市 : 蔡旭龙 , 民94[2005]"
    834,"008.8ME 89501",1188709,"AUTOCAD介面於次微米平台之精密定位与路径规画之应用研究 = The path planning application of precision positoning submacro platform by using autoCAD interface platform / 王明达撰","台北市 : 王明达 , 民94[2005]"
    835,"008.8ME 89501",1188710,"AUTOCAD介面於次微米平台之精密定位与路径规画之应用研究 = The path planning application of precision positoning submacro platform by using autoCAD interface platform / 王明达撰","台北市 : 王明达 , 民94[2005]"
    836,"008.8ME 90023",1217839,"直升机飞行模拟环境之建构与发展 = The implementation of a helicopter flight simulator / 张圣裕(Sheng-Yu Chang)撰","台北市 : 张圣裕 , 民94[2005]"
    837,"008.8ME 90023",1217840,"直升机飞行模拟环境之建构与发展 = The implementation of a helicopter flight simulator / 张圣裕(Sheng-Yu Chang)撰","台北市 : 张圣裕 , 民94[2005]"
    838,"008.8ME 90504",1188741,"奈米科技应用於车辆零组件核心价值之专利分析 = Patent analysis for core values of nanotechnology aplications in vehicle components / 陈启桐撰","台北市 : 陈启桐 , 民94[2005]"
    839,"008.8ME 90504",1188742,"奈米科技应用於车辆零组件核心价值之专利分析 = Patent analysis for core values of nanotechnology aplications in vehicle components / 陈启桐撰","台北市 : 陈启桐 , 民94[2005]"
    840,"008.8ME 90507",1217032,"光纤套圈之插入损失量测与分析 = Measurement and analysis for insertion loss of optical fiber ferrule / 王晋阳(Chin-Yang Wang)撰","台北市 : 王晋阳 , 民94[2005]"
    841,"008.8ME 90507",1217033,"光纤套圈之插入损失量测与分析 = Measurement and analysis for insertion loss of optical fiber ferrule / 王晋阳(Chin-Yang Wang)撰","台北市 : 王晋阳 , 民94[2005]"
    842,"008.8ME 90515",1217292,"应用区域控制系统建构光电显示面板枚叶式生产自动化系统整合 = Apply block controller to implement in-line processing in lcd fab manufacturing automation integration / 徐政基(Cheng-Chi Hsu)撰","台北市 : 徐政基 , 民94[2005]"
    843,"008.8ME 90515",1217293,"应用区域控制系统建构光电显示面板枚叶式生产自动化系统整合 = Apply block controller to implement in-line processing in lcd fab manufacturing automation integration / 徐政基(Cheng-Chi Hsu)撰","台北市 : 徐政基 , 民94[2005]"
    844,"008.8ME 91023",1217591,"塔式起重机在高楼层施工之稳定性研究 = The stability of tower cranes working on high floors / 黄继民(Chi-Min Huang)撰","台北市 : 黄继民 , 民94[2005]"
    845,"008.8ME 91023",1217592,"塔式起重机在高楼层施工之稳定性研究 = The stability of tower cranes working on high floors / 黄继民(Chi-Min Huang)撰","台北市 : 黄继民 , 民94[2005]"
    846,"008.8ME 91027",1188729,"改良型XY平台精密路径规画结合AutoCAD软体应用 = The modified precision path planning of XY table by using the AutoCAD interface platform / 刘任撰","台北市 : 刘任 , 民94[2005]"
    847,"008.8ME 91027",1188730,"改良型XY平台精密路径规画结合AutoCAD软体应用 = The modified precision path planning of XY table by using the AutoCAD interface platform / 刘任撰","台北市 : 刘任 , 民94[2005]"
    848,"008.8ME 91502",1217733,"高韧性奈米级WC/Co高速火焰熔射涂层之研究 = Study on the high toughness hvof sprayed wc/co nanocermet coatings / 林益生(Yi-Sheng Lin)撰","台北市 : 林益生 , 民94[2005]"
    849,"008.8ME 91502",1217734,"高韧性奈米级WC/Co高速火焰熔射涂层之研究 = Study on the high toughness hvof sprayed wc/co nanocermet coatings / 林益生(Yi-Sheng Lin)撰","台北市 : 林益生 , 民94[2005]"
    850,"008.8ME 91503",1217294,"X-Y平台远端控制系统 = The x-y platform remote control system / 林大晔(Ta-Yeh Lin)撰","台北市 : 林大晔 , 民94[2005]"
    851,"008.8ME 91503",1217295,"X-Y平台远端控制系统 = The x-y platform remote control system / 林大晔(Ta-Yeh Lin)撰","台北市 : 林大晔 , 民94[2005]"
    852,"008.8ME 91505",1217354,"AutoCAD介面平台於机械手臂之动态变速度避障路径规划与应用 = The design and application for the dynamical obstacle-avoidance with variable speed path planning of robot by using autocad interface platform / 吕聪池(Tsung-chih","台北市 : 吕聪池 , 民94[2005]"
    853,"008.8ME 91505",1217355,"AutoCAD介面平台於机械手臂之动态变速度避障路径规划与应用 = The design and application for the dynamical obstacle-avoidance with variable speed path planning of robot by using autocad interface platform / 吕聪池(Tsung-chih","台北市 : 吕聪池 , 民94[2005]"
    854,"008.8ME 91508",1217166,"台北捷运木栅线电联车推进电路更新 = Renovation of vehicle traction circuit for muzha line of taipei rapid transit system / 叶进财(Chin-Tsai Yeh)撰","台北市 : 叶进财 , 民94[2005]"
    855,"008.8ME 91508",1217167,"台北捷运木栅线电联车推进电路更新 = Renovation of vehicle traction circuit for muzha line of taipei rapid transit system / 叶进财(Chin-Tsai Yeh)撰","台北市 : 叶进财 , 民94[2005]"
    856,"008.8ME 91510",1187943,"小针刀医学针刀器具之改良研究 = Studies of the small needle medicine and the improvement of needle scalpel / 张应吉撰","台北市 : 张应吉 , 民94"
    857,"008.8ME 91510",1187944,"小针刀医学针刀器具之改良研究 = Studies of the small needle medicine and the improvement of needle scalpel / 张应吉撰","台北市 : 张应吉 , 民94"
    858,"008.8ME 91512",1217417,"奈米氧化钨之制备与微结构与光电特性之研究 = A study on preparation, micro-structure, optical, and electrical properties of nano tungsten oxide / 严建隆(Chien-Lung Yen)撰","台北市 : 严建隆 , 民94[2005]"
    859,"008.8ME 91512",1217418,"奈米氧化钨之制备与微结构与光电特性之研究 = A study on preparation, micro-structure, optical, and electrical properties of nano tungsten oxide / 严建隆(Chien-Lung Yen)撰","台北市 : 严建隆 , 民94[2005]"
    860,"008.8ME 92001",1217162,"线上互动式休闲器材之架构探讨与实作 = Architecture and implementation of an internet interactive platform for leisure and exercise / 张俊文(Chiun-Wen Chang)撰","台北市 : 张俊文 , 民94[2005]"
    861,"008.8ME 92001",1217163,"线上互动式休闲器材之架构探讨与实作 = Architecture and implementation of an internet interactive platform for leisure and exercise / 张俊文(Chiun-Wen Chang)撰","台北市 : 张俊文 , 民94[2005]"
    862,"008.8ME 92002",1216593,"切换电流式三角积分类比数位转换器之设计 = On the design of a switched-current delta-sigma adc / 张国煊(Kuo-Hsuan Chang)撰","台北市 : 张国煊 , 民94[2005]"
    863,"008.8ME 92002",1216594,"切换电流式三角积分类比数位转换器之设计 = On the design of a switched-current delta-sigma adc / 张国煊(Kuo-Hsuan Chang)撰","台北市 : 张国煊 , 民94[2005]"
    864,"008.8ME 92004",1217557,"奈米碳管电晕放电装置与应用 = Carbon nanotubes based corona discharge apparatus and its application / 黄富盛(Fu-Sheng Huang)撰","台北市 : 黄富盛 , 民94[2005]"
    865,"008.8ME 92004",1217558,"奈米碳管电晕放电装置与应用 = Carbon nanotubes based corona discharge apparatus and its application / 黄富盛(Fu-Sheng Huang)撰","台北市 : 黄富盛 , 民94[2005]"
    866,"008.8ME 92005",1217477,"以标准CMOS制程制作之RF MEMS接触式可变电感 = CMOS compatible contact mode RF MEMS variable inductor / 陈俊志(Jun-Zhi Chen)撰","台北市 : 陈俊志 , 民94[2005]"
    867,"008.8ME 92005",1217478,"以标准CMOS制程制作之RF MEMS接触式可变电感 = CMOS compatible contact mode RF MEMS variable inductor / 陈俊志(Jun-Zhi Chen)撰","台北市 : 陈俊志 , 民94[2005]"
    868,"008.8ME 92006",1217200,"变频式冷气压缩机之噪音抑制探讨 = Study on compressor noise suppression of a converter-type air-conditioner / 黄俊儒(Jim-Ru Huang)撰","台北市 : 黄俊儒 , 民94[2005]"
    869,"008.8ME 92006",1217221,"变频式冷气压缩机之噪音抑制探讨 = Study on compressor noise suppression of a converter-type air-conditioner / 黄俊儒(Jim-Ru Huang)撰","台北市 : 黄俊儒 , 民94[2005]"
    870,"008.8ME 92007",1216820,"基於遗传式椭圆形体分类演算法之不完整资料模糊分群 = Fuzzy clustering of incomplete data based on evolutionary ellipsoid classification algorithm / 黄成德(Cherng-Dir Huang)撰","台北市 : 黄成德 , 民94[2005]"
    871,"008.8ME 92007",1216821,"基於遗传式椭圆形体分类演算法之不完整资料模糊分群 = Fuzzy clustering of incomplete data based on evolutionary ellipsoid classification algorithm / 黄成德(Cherng-Dir Huang)撰","台北市 : 黄成德 , 民94[2005]"
    872,"008.8ME 92008",1216880,"光碟烧录机最佳写入策略之设计 = Design of optimal writing strategy for cd-rw / 黄俊凯(Jiu-kai Huang)撰","台北市 : 黄俊凯 , 民94[2005]"
    873,"008.8ME 92008",1216881,"光碟烧录机最佳写入策略之设计 = Design of optimal writing strategy for cd-rw / 黄俊凯(Jiu-kai Huang)撰","台北市 : 黄俊凯 , 民94[2005]"
    874,"008.8ME 92009",1216812,"超音波辅助活性软焊接合陶瓷与铜之研究 = The study on the joining of ceramic/copper using ultrasonics-aided activated solder technology / 蔡振法(Chen-Fa Tsai)撰","台北市 : 蔡振法 , 民94[2005]"
    875,"008.8ME 92009",1216813,"超音波辅助活性软焊接合陶瓷与铜之研究 = The study on the joining of ceramic/copper using ultrasonics-aided activated solder technology / 蔡振法(Chen-Fa Tsai)撰","台北市 : 蔡振法 , 民94[2005]"
    876,"008.8ME 92010",1216942,"於锂离子电池之铜电极上直接成长奈米碳管之应用研究 = A study of multiwall carbon nanotubes grown on the copper electrode for lithium-ion batteries / 陈升旭(Sheng-Hsu Chen)撰","台北市 : 陈升旭 , 民94[2005]"
    877,"008.8ME 92010",1216943,"於锂离子电池之铜电极上直接成长奈米碳管之应用研究 = A study of multiwall carbon nanotubes grown on the copper electrode for lithium-ion batteries / 陈升旭(Sheng-Hsu Chen)撰","台北市 : 陈升旭 , 民94[2005]"
    878,"008.8ME 92011",1217346,"可携式电源供应器之散热系统设计 = Thermal module design in the portable ac/ dc adapter / 林圣杰(Sheng-Chieh Lin)撰","台北市 : 林圣杰 , 民94[2005]"
    879,"008.8ME 92011",1217347,"可携式电源供应器之散热系统设计 = Thermal module design in the portable ac/ dc adapter / 林圣杰(Sheng-Chieh Lin)撰","台北市 : 林圣杰 , 民94[2005]"
    880,"008.8ME 92012",1216752,"多功能手推车之研发 = Research and development of a multipurpose trolley / 古文琦(Wen-Chi Gu)撰","台北市 : 古文琦 , 民94[2005]"
    881,"008.8ME 92012",1216753,"多功能手推车之研发 = Research and development of a multipurpose trolley / 古文琦(Wen-Chi Gu)撰","台北市 : 古文琦 , 民94[2005]"
    882,"008.8ME 92017",1217605,"CMOS MEMS压电喷墨头制程及设计 = Cmos mems pzt inkjet head process and design / 吴宗翰(Chung-Han Wu)撰","台北市 : 吴宗翰 , 民94[2005]"
    883,"008.8ME 92017",1217606,"CMOS MEMS压电喷墨头制程及设计 = Cmos mems pzt inkjet head process and design / 吴宗翰(Chung-Han Wu)撰","台北市 : 吴宗翰 , 民94[2005]"
    884,"008.8ME 92018",1217565,"CMOS相容之阵列型接触式可变电容 = Cmos compatible matrix-type switchable capacitor / 黄维达(Wei-Ta Huang)撰","台北市 : 黄维达 , 民94[2005]"
    885,"008.8ME 92018",1217566,"CMOS相容之阵列型接触式可变电容 = Cmos compatible matrix-type switchable capacitor / 黄维达(Wei-Ta Huang)撰","台北市 : 黄维达 , 民94[2005]"
    886,"008.8ME 92019",1217154,"基座干扰下以视觉回授为基础之定向控制 = Vision based orientation control of a pan/tilt platform subjected to base disturbance / 林钦耀(Qinyao Lin)撰","台北市 : 林钦耀 , 民94[2005]"
    887,"008.8ME 92019",1217155,"基座干扰下以视觉回授为基础之定向控制 = Vision based orientation control of a pan/tilt platform subjected to base disturbance / 林钦耀(Qinyao Lin)撰","台北市 : 林钦耀 , 民94[2005]"
    888,"008.8ME 92020",1216904,"高压金氧半电晶体对於静电放电的研究 = Investigation of high voltage mosfets on esd considerations / 林伟毅(Wei-Yi Lin)撰","台北市 : 林伟毅 , 民94[2005]"
    889,"008.8ME 92020",1216905,"高压金氧半电晶体对於静电放电的研究 = Investigation of high voltage mosfets on esd considerations / 林伟毅(Wei-Yi Lin)撰","台北市 : 林伟毅 , 民94[2005]"
    890,"008.8ME 92021",1217130,"人脸表情辨识使用类神经网路与模糊推论应用於智慧型家电系统 = Facial expression recognition by using artificial neural network and fuzzy inference applied in intelligent household appliance / 沈宏达(Hung-Ta Shen)撰","台北市 : 沈宏达 , 民94[2005]"
    891,"008.8ME 92021",1217131,"人脸表情辨识使用类神经网路与模糊推论应用於智慧型家电系统 = Facial expression recognition by using artificial neural network and fuzzy inference applied in intelligent household appliance / 沈宏达(Hung-Ta Shen)撰","台北市 : 沈宏达 , 民94[2005]"
    892,"008.8ME 92022",1216976,"高精度电表IC设计 = The design of high accuracy power metering ic / 林名德(Frank Lin)撰","台北市 : 林名德 , 民94[2005]"
    893,"008.8ME 92022",1216977,"高精度电表IC设计 = The design of high accuracy power metering ic / 林名德(Frank Lin)撰","台北市 : 林名德 , 民94[2005]"
    894,"008.8ME 92023",1217563,"单电源积体电荷放大器内建於模具内PZT压力感测器之设计 = The design of single supply power ic operational amplifier applied on pzt pressure sensor in a mold / 彭裕萍(Yu-Ping Perng)撰","台北市 : 彭裕萍 , 民94[2005]"
    895,"008.8ME 92023",1217564,"单电源积体电荷放大器内建於模具内PZT压力感测器之设计 = The design of single supply power ic operational amplifier applied on pzt pressure sensor in a mold / 彭裕萍(Yu-Ping Perng)撰","台北市 : 彭裕萍 , 民94[2005]"
    896,"008.8ME 92024",1216746,"类神经网路控制器於感应马达直接转矩控制设计 = Design of a neural network controller for im direct torque control system / 吕秉儒(Bing-Ru Lu)撰","台北市 : 吕秉儒 , 民94[2005]"
    897,"008.8ME 92024",1216747,"类神经网路控制器於感应马达直接转矩控制设计 = Design of a neural network controller for im direct torque control system / 吕秉儒(Bing-Ru Lu)撰","台北市 : 吕秉儒 , 民94[2005]"
    898,"008.8ME 92026",1217170,"应用两轴旋转平台於基座干扰下之主动式减振研究 = Vibration suppression of a pan/tilt platform due to base excitation / 郑如杰(Ru-Jay Zheng)撰","台北市 : 郑如杰 , 民94[2005]"
    899,"008.8ME 92026",1217171,"应用两轴旋转平台於基座干扰下之主动式减振研究 = Vibration suppression of a pan/tilt platform due to base excitation / 郑如杰(Ru-Jay Zheng)撰","台北市 : 郑如杰 , 民94[2005]"
    900,"008.8ME 92027",1217360,"以形态学搭配分水岭为基础侦测室外路面以及障碍物做自动车导航 = Outdoor road and obstacle detection applied to autonomous land vehicle navigation based on mathematical morphology and watershed transformation / 陈冠州(Gu","台北市 : 陈冠州 , 民94[2005]"
    901,"008.8ME 92027",1217361,"以形态学搭配分水岭为基础侦测室外路面以及障碍物做自动车导航 = Outdoor road and obstacle detection applied to autonomous land vehicle navigation based on mathematical morphology and watershed transformation / 陈冠州(Gu","台北市 : 陈冠州 , 民94[2005]"
    902,"008.8ME 92029",1217871,"考虑二次成本函数之不定延迟奇异系统强健T-S模糊控制器设计 = Robust t-s fuzzy controller design for uncertain time-delay singular systems with quadratic cost consideration / 江明勋(Ming-Hsun Chiang)撰","台北市 : 江明勋 , 民94[2005]"
    903,"008.8ME 92029",1217872,"考虑二次成本函数之不定延迟奇异系统强健T-S模糊控制器设计 = Robust t-s fuzzy controller design for uncertain time-delay singular systems with quadratic cost consideration / 江明勋(Ming-Hsun Chiang)撰","台北市 : 江明勋 , 民94[2005]"
    904,"008.8ME 92030",1216890,"0.13微米制程N型电晶体在升温下之热载子可靠度 = Dc hot carrier reliability at elevated temperatures for nmosfets using 0.13um technology / 周泽玮(Ze-Wei Jhou)撰","台北市 : 周泽玮 , 民94[2005]"
    905,"008.8ME 92030",1216891,"0.13微米制程N型电晶体在升温下之热载子可靠度 = Dc hot carrier reliability at elevated temperatures for nmosfets using 0.13um technology / 周泽玮(Ze-Wei Jhou)撰","台北市 : 周泽玮 , 民94[2005]"
    906,"008.8ME 92031",1217531,"影像快速量测足部三维尺寸之装置 = Apparatus for rapidly measuring 3-dimensional foot sizes from multi-images / 余福格(Fu-Ko Yu)撰","台北市 : 余福格 , 民94[2005]"
    907,"008.8ME 92031",1217532,"影像快速量测足部三维尺寸之装置 = Apparatus for rapidly measuring 3-dimensional foot sizes from multi-images / 余福格(Fu-Ko Yu)撰","台北市 : 余福格 , 民94[2005]"
    908,"008.8ME 92032",1217146,"微型电磁脉冲电磁场感测器之研制 = Study of miniature emp electromagnetic field sensors / 彭光平(Kuang-Ping Peng)撰","台北市 : 彭光平 , 民94[2005]"
    909,"008.8ME 92032",1217147,"微型电磁脉冲电磁场感测器之研制 = Study of miniature emp electromagnetic field sensors / 彭光平(Kuang-Ping Peng)撰","台北市 : 彭光平 , 民94[2005]"
    910,"008.8ME 92033",1217122,"利用先进互补式金氧半电晶体制程探讨在混合讯号应用中热载子效应对匹配造成的变化 = Matching variation after hci stress in advanced cmos technology for mixed-signal application / 林鸿全(Hong-Chen Lin)撰","台北市 : 林鸿全 , 民94[2005]"
    911,"008.8ME 92033",1217123,"利用先进互补式金氧半电晶体制程探讨在混合讯号应用中热载子效应对匹配造成的变化 = Matching variation after hci stress in advanced cmos technology for mixed-signal application / 林鸿全(Hong-Chen Lin)撰","台北市 : 林鸿全 , 民94[2005]"
    912,"008.8ME 92035",1217577,"微结构对均热板特性影响之研究 = Study on the performance of vapor chamber in the different wicks / 郭家宏(Chia-Hung Kau)撰","台北市 : 郭家宏 , 民94[2005]"
    913,"008.8ME 92035",1217578,"微结构对均热板特性影响之研究 = Study on the performance of vapor chamber in the different wicks / 郭家宏(Chia-Hung Kau)撰","台北市 : 郭家宏 , 民94[2005]"
    914,"008.8ME 92036",1217038,"心磁影像三维对位问题研究 = Three-dimensional image registration of magnetocardiogram to torso surface / 许嘉伦(Chia-Lun Shu)撰","台北市 : 许嘉伦 , 民94[2005]"
    915,"008.8ME 92036",1217039,"心磁影像三维对位问题研究 = Three-dimensional image registration of magnetocardiogram to torso surface / 许嘉伦(Chia-Lun Shu)撰","台北市 : 许嘉伦 , 民94[2005]"
    916,"008.8ME 92039",1217625,"含裂缝光碟片之动态特性与破裂行为之研究 = Dynamic and fracture behavior of rotating cracked disk / 胡志玮(Chih-Wei hu)撰","台北市 : 胡志玮 , 民94[2005]"
    917,"008.8ME 92039",1217626,"含裂缝光碟片之动态特性与破裂行为之研究 = Dynamic and fracture behavior of rotating cracked disk / 胡志玮(Chih-Wei hu)撰","台北市 : 胡志玮 , 民94[2005]"
    918,"008.8ME 92040",1216992,"藉由调变测试程式参数以缩短快闪记忆体测试时间之研究 = Studies on tuning parameters of test program to save flash memory test time / 施力嘉(Lie-Chia Shie)撰","台北市 : 施力嘉 , 民94[2005]"
    919,"008.8ME 92040",1216993,"藉由调变测试程式参数以缩短快闪记忆体测试时间之研究 = Studies on tuning parameters of test program to save flash memory test time / 施力嘉(Lie-Chia Shie)撰","台北市 : 施力嘉 , 民94[2005]"
    920,"008.8ME 92041",1217439,"虚拟内视镜介面元件之研发设计 = Design and development of interface devices for virtual endoscopic system / 周彦奇(Yen-Chi Chou)撰","台北市 : 周彦奇 , 民94[2005]"
    921,"008.8ME 92041",1217440,"虚拟内视镜介面元件之研发设计 = Design and development of interface devices for virtual endoscopic system / 周彦奇(Yen-Chi Chou)撰","台北市 : 周彦奇 , 民94[2005]"
    922,"008.8ME 92045",1217629,"影像辨识应用於电脑使用者的人眼保护之研究 = A study on application of images recognition to protect human eyes of computer user / 陈威文(Wei-Wen Chen)撰","台北市 : 陈威文 , 民94[2005]"
    923,"008.8ME 92045",1217630,"影像辨识应用於电脑使用者的人眼保护之研究 = A study on application of images recognition to protect human eyes of computer user / 陈威文(Wei-Wen Chen)撰","台北市 : 陈威文 , 民94[2005]"
    924,"008.8ME 92046",1216555,"眞空潜弧系统制备钛镍合金奈米金属粒子悬浮液与其性质分析 = Submerged arc nanoparticles synthesis system (sanss) prepared suspension of niti alloy nanoparticles and to properties analyzed / 徐逸群(YI-CHUN HSU)撰","台北市 : 徐逸群 , 民94[2005]"
    925,"008.8ME 92046",1216556,"眞空潜弧系统制备钛镍合金奈米金属粒子悬浮液与其性质分析 = Submerged arc nanoparticles synthesis system (sanss) prepared suspension of niti alloy nanoparticles and to properties analyzed / 徐逸群(YI-CHUN HSU)撰","台北市 : 徐逸群 , 民94[2005]"
    926,"008.8ME 92047",1217535,"微粒计数晶片 = Particle counting chip / 林铭哲(Ming-Zen Lin)撰","台北市 : 林铭哲 , 民94[2005]"
    927,"008.8ME 92047",1217536,"微粒计数晶片 = Particle counting chip / 林铭哲(Ming-Zen Lin)撰","台北市 : 林铭哲 , 民94[2005]"
    928,"008.8ME 92048",1216934,"瓷金雷射烧结法 = Cermet laser sintering / 李伟充撰","台北市 : 李伟充 , 民94[2005]"
    929,"008.8ME 92048",1216935,"瓷金雷射烧结法 = Cermet laser sintering / 李伟充撰","台北市 : 李伟充 , 民94[2005]"
    930,"008.8MM 89007",1217509,"ZnS:Tb萤光体添加助熔剂发光性质之研究 = A study on photoluminescence of zns:tb phosphors added with fluxs / 陈大中(Da-Chung Chen)撰","台北市 : 陈大中 , 民94[2005]"
    931,"008.8MM 89007",1217510,"ZnS:Tb萤光体添加助熔剂发光性质之研究 = A study on photoluminescence of zns:tb phosphors added with fluxs / 陈大中(Da-Chung Chen)撰","台北市 : 陈大中 , 民94[2005]"
    932,"008.8MM 90017",1217370,"二氧化钛表面披覆磷灰石之研究 = Preparation and studies of apatite formation on titanium dioxide / 林君鸿(Chun-Hung Lin)撰","台北市 : 林君鸿 , 民94[2005]"
    933,"008.8MM 90017",1217371,"二氧化钛表面披覆磷灰石之研究 = Preparation and studies of apatite formation on titanium dioxide / 林君鸿(Chun-Hung Lin)撰","台北市 : 林君鸿 , 民94[2005]"
    934,"008.8MM 91007",1217415,"以溶胶凝胶法制备二氧化钛粉末及其物性探讨 = The preparation of tio2 powder by sol-gel method / 傅俊豪(Chun-Hao Fu)撰","台北市 : 傅俊豪 , 民94[2005]"
    935,"008.8MM 91007",1217416,"以溶胶凝胶法制备二氧化钛粉末及其物性探讨 = The preparation of tio2 powder by sol-gel method / 傅俊豪(Chun-Hao Fu)撰","台北市 : 傅俊豪 , 民94[2005]"
    936,"008.8MM 91009",1187951,"奈米二氧化钛的制备及其在光触媒之应用 = The preparation and Photo-catalyst application of Nano Titanium Dioxide / 陈赞仁撰","台北市 : 陈赞仁 , 民93"
    937,"008.8MM 91009",1187952,"奈米二氧化钛的制备及其在光触媒之应用 = The preparation and Photo-catalyst application of Nano Titanium Dioxide / 陈赞仁撰","台北市 : 陈赞仁 , 民93"
    938,"008.8MM 91011",1187945,"孟宗竹炭化之制备及特性探讨 = The carbonization process of moso bamboo and its characterization / 张文理撰","台北市 : 张文理 , 民93"
    939,"008.8MM 91011",1187946,"孟宗竹炭化之制备及特性探讨 = The carbonization process of moso bamboo and its characterization / 张文理撰","台北市 : 张文理 , 民93"
    940,"008.8MM 91012",1217368,"萤光胶体膜层对白光二极体发光强度的影响研究 = The effect of luminescent phosphor film to the luminous intensity of white light leds / 张文耀(Wen-Yao Chang)撰","台北市 : 张文耀 , 民94[2005]"
    941,"008.8MM 91012",1217369,"萤光胶体膜层对白光二极体发光强度的影响研究 = The effect of luminescent phosphor film to the luminous intensity of white light leds / 张文耀(Wen-Yao Chang)撰","台北市 : 张文耀 , 民94[2005]"
    942,"008.8MM 91019",1217903,"台湾东北角海岸莱莱地区煌斑岩脉及其围岩之构造地质研究 = Structure geology analysis of lamprophyre dike and its wall rocks at lailai area, northeastern coast of taiwan / 黄蜀圆(Shu-Yuan Huang)撰","台北市 : 黄蜀圆 , 民94[2005]"
    943,"008.8MM 91019",1217904,"台湾东北角海岸莱莱地区煌斑岩脉及其围岩之构造地质研究 = Structure geology analysis of lamprophyre dike and its wall rocks at lailai area, northeastern coast of taiwan / 黄蜀圆(Shu-Yuan Huang)撰","台北市 : 黄蜀圆 , 民94[2005]"
    944,"008.8MM 91021",1188141,"掩埋场潜势灾害之探讨研究--阻水设计 = A study of the effect of water blocking design on the safety of sanitary landfill / 陈森曜撰","台北市 : 陈森曜 , 民94"
    945,"008.8MM 91021",1188142,"掩埋场潜势灾害之探讨研究--阻水设计 = A study of the effect of water blocking design on the safety of sanitary landfill / 陈森曜撰","台北市 : 陈森曜 , 民94"
    946,"008.8MM 91022",1187089,"台湾东部海岸山脉之麦饭石对重金属铅的吸附特性研究及应用之可行性 = A feasibility study of Taiwan east coastal range maifanshih's heavy metal-lead adsorption property and application / 罗光孏撰","台北市 : 罗光孏 , 民93[2004]"
    947,"008.8MM 91022",1187090,"台湾东部海岸山脉之麦饭石对重金属铅的吸附特性研究及应用之可行性 = A feasibility study of Taiwan east coastal range maifanshih's heavy metal-lead adsorption property and application / 罗光孏撰","台北市 : 罗光孏 , 民93[2004]"
    948,"008.8MM 91034",1217435,"高岭石铝矽酸盐聚合材料之研究 = A study on geopolymerization of kaolinite aluminosilicate materials / 戴诗洁(Shih-Chieh Tai)撰","台北市 : 戴诗洁 , 民94[2005]"
    949,"008.8MM 91034",1217436,"高岭石铝矽酸盐聚合材料之研究 = A study on geopolymerization of kaolinite aluminosilicate materials / 戴诗洁(Shih-Chieh Tai)撰","台北市 : 戴诗洁 , 民94[2005]"
    950,"008.8MM 92001",1217495,"微波热处理对气胶电浆镀膜法制备锆钛酸铅Pb(Zr0.52Ti0.48)O3厚膜之影响 = The effects of microwave annealing on the pzt thick films deposited by aerosol plasma deposition method / 黄俊铭(Chun-Ming Huang)撰","台北市 : 黄俊铭 , 民94[2005]"
    951,"008.8MM 92001",1217496,"微波热处理对气胶电浆镀膜法制备锆钛酸铅Pb(Zr0.52Ti0.48)O3厚膜之影响 = The effects of microwave annealing on the pzt thick films deposited by aerosol plasma deposition method / 黄俊铭(Chun-Ming Huang)撰","台北市 : 黄俊铭 , 民94[2005]"
    952,"008.8MM 92002",1217727,"以活性自由基聚合法及磁性粉体表面改质技术制备奈米磁性复合材料 = Preparation of magnetic nanocomposite materials by living free radical polymerization and surface modification method / 高林晓甄(Lin-Hsiao-Chen Kao)撰","台北市 : 高林晓甄 , 民94[2005]"
    953,"008.8MM 92002",1217728,"以活性自由基聚合法及磁性粉体表面改质技术制备奈米磁性复合材料 = Preparation of magnetic nanocomposite materials by living free radical polymerization and surface modification method / 高林晓甄(Lin-Hsiao-Chen Kao)撰","台北市 : 高林晓甄 , 民94[2005]"
    954,"008.8MM 92003",1217066,"以溶胶-凝胶法制备聚醯亚胺/奈米级陶瓷混成膜及电性之研究 = Electrical property of polyimide/ceramic hybrid films prepared via sol-gel process / 陈世信(Shin-Shih Chen)撰","台北市 : 陈世信 , 民94[2005]"
    955,"008.8MM 92003",1217067,"以溶胶-凝胶法制备聚醯亚胺/奈米级陶瓷混成膜及电性之研究 = Electrical property of polyimide/ceramic hybrid films prepared via sol-gel process / 陈世信(Shin-Shih Chen)撰","台北市 : 陈世信 , 民94[2005]"
    956,"008.8MM 92005",1217663,"温感型无机氧化粉体表面改质技术及其在复合材料之应用 = Preparation of temperature-sensitive inorganic nanoparticles and application in composite materials / 李文城(Wen-Chen Lee)撰","台北市 : 李文城 , 民94[2005]"
    957,"008.8MM 92005",1217664,"温感型无机氧化粉体表面改质技术及其在复合材料之应用 = Preparation of temperature-sensitive inorganic nanoparticles and application in composite materials / 李文城(Wen-Chen Lee)撰","台北市 : 李文城 , 民94[2005]"
    958,"008.8MM 92006",1217244,"以热均压处理强化添加TiC微粉之高铬不锈钢 = Strengthening of fine tic powder added high chromium stainless steel by h.i.p. / 林全基(Quan-Ji Lin)撰","台北市 : 林全基 , 民94[2005]"
    959,"008.8MM 92006",1217245,"以热均压处理强化添加TiC微粉之高铬不锈钢 = Strengthening of fine tic powder added high chromium stainless steel by h.i.p. / 林全基(Quan-Ji Lin)撰","台北市 : 林全基 , 民94[2005]"
    960,"008.8MM 92007",1216802,"电激发光之发光特性研究 = The characteristic of electroluminescence / 曹文芳(Wen-Fang Taso)撰","台北市 : 曹文芳 , 民94[2005]"
    961,"008.8MM 92007",1216803,"电激发光之发光特性研究 = The characteristic of electroluminescence / 曹文芳(Wen-Fang Taso)撰","台北市 : 曹文芳 , 民94[2005]"
    962,"008.8MM 92009",1217427,"奈米α-Al2O3/Ni核壳结构复合粉体之制备 = Synthesis of nano-sized α-Al2O3/Ni core-shell composite powders / 谌昱涵(Yu-Hen Chenn)撰","台北市 : 谌昱涵 , 民94[2005]"
    963,"008.8MM 92009",1217428,"奈米α-Al2O3/Ni核壳结构复合粉体之制备 = Synthesis of nano-sized α-Al2O3/Ni core-shell composite powders / 谌昱涵(Yu-Hen Chenn)撰","台北市 : 谌昱涵 , 民94[2005]"
    964,"008.8MM 92010",1217469,"Zn2SiO4掺杂铕萤光体之发光特性研究 = The study of photoluminescence on Zn2SiO4:Eu phosphor / 杜志辉(Jhih-Huei Du)撰","台北市 : 杜志辉 , 民94[2005]"
    965,"008.8MM 92010",1217470,"Zn2SiO4掺杂铕萤光体之发光特性研究 = The study of photoluminescence on Zn2SiO4:Eu phosphor / 杜志辉(Jhih-Huei Du)撰","台北市 : 杜志辉 , 民94[2005]"
    966,"008.8MM 92011",1217176,"BaO-R2O3-TiO2低温烧结微波陶瓷 = Low temperature sintering of bao-r2o3-tio2 microwave ceramics / 董宪泽(Shien-Tue Tung)撰","台北市 : 董宪泽 , 民94[2005]"
    967,"008.8MM 92011",1217177,"BaO-R2O3-TiO2低温烧结微波陶瓷 = Low temperature sintering of bao-r2o3-tio2 microwave ceramics / 董宪泽(Shien-Tue Tung)撰","台北市 : 董宪泽 , 民94[2005]"
    968,"008.8MM 92012",1216595,"掺杂Eu2+之Ca8Mg(SiO4)4Cl2萤光体的制备与其光激发光特性之研究 = The preparation and photoluminescence of ca8mg(sio4)4cl2 phosphor doped eu2+ ion / 谢浩然(Hau-Ran Shie)撰","台北市 : 谢浩然 , 民94[2005]"
    969,"008.8MM 92012",1216596,"掺杂Eu2+之Ca8Mg(SiO4)4Cl2萤光体的制备与其光激发光特性之研究 = The preparation and photoluminescence of ca8mg(sio4)4cl2 phosphor doped eu2+ ion / 谢浩然(Hau-Ran Shie)撰","台北市 : 谢浩然 , 民94[2005]"
    970,"008.8MM 92013",1217725,"奈米晶粒Co-Fe-M-O (M:Al,Zr,Si)系薄膜之特性研究 = A study of nanogranular Co-Fe-M-O (M:Al,Zr,Si) thin film / 郑宗达(Chung-Ta Cheng)撰","台北市 : 郑宗达 , 民94[2005]"
    971,"008.8MM 92013",1217726,"奈米晶粒Co-Fe-M-O (M:Al,Zr,Si)系薄膜之特性研究 = A study of nanogranular Co-Fe-M-O (M:Al,Zr,Si) thin film / 郑宗达(Chung-Ta Cheng)撰","台北市 : 郑宗达 , 民94[2005]"
    972,"008.8MM 92014",1217246,"以溶胶凝胶法制备Zn2SiO4:Tb3+萤光体之研究 = Phosphor studies of terbium(III)doped zinc silicate by sol-gel meghod / 朱凯伟撰","台北市 : 朱凯伟 , 民94[2005]"
    973,"008.8MM 92014",1217247,"以溶胶凝胶法制备Zn2SiO4:Tb3+萤光体之研究 = Phosphor studies of terbium(III)doped zinc silicate by sol-gel meghod / 朱凯伟撰","台北市 : 朱凯伟 , 民94[2005]"
    974,"008.8MM 92018",1217178,"FLAC3D应用於储集层岩盘应力之分析 = The application of flac3d on the stress analysis and stress distribution simulation of the reservoir under injection / 陈建宏(Jian-Hong Chen)撰","台北市 : 陈建宏 , 民94[2005]"
    975,"008.8MM 92018",1217179,"FLAC3D应用於储集层岩盘应力之分析 = The application of flac3d on the stress analysis and stress distribution simulation of the reservoir under injection / 陈建宏(Jian-Hong Chen)撰","台北市 : 陈建宏 , 民94[2005]"
    976,"008.8MM 92019",1217441,"应用爆震波状态方程式(EOS)与3DEC探讨爆破荷载在不连续下之动态行为 = The application of the EOS& 3DEC on the dynamic behavior of a discontinuity under explosive loading / 陈志铭(Chin-Ming Chen)撰","台北市 : 陈志铭 , 民94[2005]"
    977,"008.8MM 92019",1217442,"应用爆震波状态方程式(EOS)与3DEC探讨爆破荷载在不连续下之动态行为 = The application of the EOS& 3DEC on the dynamic behavior of a discontinuity under explosive loading / 陈志铭(Chin-Ming Chen)撰","台北市 : 陈志铭 , 民94[2005]"
    978,"008.8MM 92020",1217278,"平面显示器电路层用铝钪系列合金溅镀靶材之显微结构分析及其薄膜特性研究 = Microstructure analysis and sputtering thin film properties of al-sc alloys target for fpd interconnect application / 陈雅龄(Ya-Ling Chen)","台北市 : 陈雅龄 , 民94[2005]"
    979,"008.8MM 92020",1217279,"平面显示器电路层用铝钪系列合金溅镀靶材之显微结构分析及其薄膜特性研究 = Microstructure analysis and sputtering thin film properties of al-sc alloys target for fpd interconnect application / 陈雅龄(Ya-Ling Chen)","台北市 : 陈雅龄 , 民94[2005]"
    980,"008.8MM 92026",1217064,"以溶胶-凝胶法制备LaMnO3掺杂Sn之超巨磁阻薄膜 = Magnetoresistance properties of the perovskite la1-xsnxmno3(0 981,"008.8MM 92026",1217065,"以溶胶-凝胶法制备LaMnO3掺杂Sn之超巨磁阻薄膜 = Magnetoresistance properties of the perovskite la1-xsnxmno3(0 982,"008.8MM 92032",1217236,"无线射频辨识系统技术应用於国内医疗废弃物管理管制 = Application of radio frequency identification system technology in management and restriction for medical waste / 林汉龙(Han-Lung Lin)撰","台北市 : 林汉龙 , 民94[2005]"
    983,"008.8MM 92032",1217237,"无线射频辨识系统技术应用於国内医疗废弃物管理管制 = Application of radio frequency identification system technology in management and restriction for medical waste / 林汉龙(Han-Lung Lin)撰","台北市 : 林汉龙 , 民94[2005]"
    984,"008.8MM 92033",1217026,"金红石型云母珠光颜料之研究 = A study of rutile-coated mica pearlescent pigments / 邱垂贤(Chwei-Shyan Chiu)撰","台北市 : 邱垂贤 , 民94[2005]"
    985,"008.8MM 92033",1217027,"金红石型云母珠光颜料之研究 = A study of rutile-coated mica pearlescent pigments / 邱垂贤(Chwei-Shyan Chiu)撰","台北市 : 邱垂贤 , 民94[2005]"
    986,"008.8MM 92034",1217238,"台湾地区陆上砂石资源分布特性与开发策略之研究 = A study of distribution properties and exploitation strategies on land sand and gravel in taiwan / 官德城(Teh-Cheng Kuan)撰","台北市 : 官德城 , 民94[2005]"
    987,"008.8MM 92034",1217239,"台湾地区陆上砂石资源分布特性与开发策略之研究 = A study of distribution properties and exploitation strategies on land sand and gravel in taiwan / 官德城(Teh-Cheng Kuan)撰","台北市 : 官德城 , 民94[2005]"
    988,"008.8MT 91009",1188621,"弹片式连接器接触弹片之最佳化参数研究 = The study of the optimal parameters for the contact springs of spring type connectors / 苏柏魁撰","台北市 : 苏柏魁 , 民94[2005]"
    989,"008.8MT 91009",1188622,"弹片式连接器接触弹片之最佳化参数研究 = The study of the optimal parameters for the contact springs of spring type connectors / 苏柏魁撰","台北市 : 苏柏魁 , 民94[2005]"
    990,"008.8MT 92001",1217316,"科氏力在行星式碟片阀门模式与单点流体分离阀门模式之研究 = Apply the coriolis force on the planetary labcd valve model and single point fluid separation valve model / 吴兢先(Jing-Sian Wu)撰","台北市 : 吴兢先 , 民94[2005]"
    991,"008.8MT 92001",1217317,"科氏力在行星式碟片阀门模式与单点流体分离阀门模式之研究 = Apply the coriolis force on the planetary labcd valve model and single point fluid separation valve model / 吴兢先(Jing-Sian Wu)撰","台北市 : 吴兢先 , 民94[2005]"
    992,"008.8MT 92004",1216710,"阶梯机之机构运动合成与分析 = Kinematic synthesis and analysis of stair exerciser / 郭育铨(Yu-Chuan Kuo)撰","台北市 : 郭育铨 , 民94[2005]"
    993,"008.8MT 92004",1216711,"阶梯机之机构运动合成与分析 = Kinematic synthesis and analysis of stair exerciser / 郭育铨(Yu-Chuan Kuo)撰","台北市 : 郭育铨 , 民94[2005]"
    994,"008.8MT 92005",1217312,"低成本压力感测器之研制 = Development of low cost pressure sensor / 赵裁仑(Tsai-Lun Chao)撰","台北市 : 赵裁仑 , 民94[2005]"
    995,"008.8MT 92005",1217313,"低成本压力感测器之研制 = Development of low cost pressure sensor / 赵裁仑(Tsai-Lun Chao)撰","台北市 : 赵裁仑 , 民94[2005]"
    996,"008.8MT 92006",1216505,"电泳披覆制备奈米氧化铜薄膜及其特性研究 = Characterization of nano copper oxide thin films prepared by electrophoretic deposition / 魏志豪(Chih-Hao Wei)撰","台北市 : 魏志豪 , 民94[2005]"
    997,"008.8MT 92006",1216506,"电泳披覆制备奈米氧化铜薄膜及其特性研究 = Characterization of nano copper oxide thin films prepared by electrophoretic deposition / 魏志豪(Chih-Hao Wei)撰","台北市 : 魏志豪 , 民94[2005]"
    998,"008.8MT 92007",1216892,"陶瓷雷射熔结法成型机改善及制程优化 = Improvement of rapid prototyping machine and optimization of manufacturing process based on ceramic laser fusion / 陈泰成(Tai-Cheng Chen)撰","台北市 : 陈泰成 , 民94[2005]"
    999,"008.8MT 92007",1216893,"陶瓷雷射熔结法成型机改善及制程优化 = Improvement of rapid prototyping machine and optimization of manufacturing process based on ceramic laser fusion / 陈泰成(Tai-Cheng Chen)撰","台北市 : 陈泰成 , 民94[2005]"
    1000,"008.8MT 92008",1217497,"超音波辅助活性软焊接合应用於微模具增厚之研究 = A study on ultrasonic assistant activated solder applied on the increased thickness of micromold / 周志铧(Chih-Hua Chou)撰","台北市 : 周志铧 , 民94[2005]"
    1001,"008.8MT 92008",1217498,"超音波辅助活性软焊接合应用於微模具增厚之研究 = A study on ultrasonic assistant activated solder applied on the increased thickness of micromold / 周志铧(Chih-Hua Chou)撰","台北市 : 周志铧 , 民94[2005]"
    1002,"008.8MT 92011",1216704,"自动送料系统之研发 = Research and development of an auto-loading system / 林弘正(Hung-Cheng Lin)撰","台北市 : 林弘正 , 民94[2005]"
    1003,"008.8MT 92011",1216705,"自动送料系统之研发 = Research and development of an auto-loading system / 林弘正(Hung-Cheng Lin)撰","台北市 : 林弘正 , 民94[2005]"
    1004,"008.8MT 92012",1217479,"具收发滤波器功能的微机电可变频PIFA之研制 = Development of a frequency tunable pifa with antifilter function base on microelectro mechanical system(mems) technology / 林敬基(Ching-Chi Lin)撰","台北市 : 林敬基 , 民94[2005]"
    1005,"008.8MT 92012",1217480,"具收发滤波器功能的微机电可变频PIFA之研制 = Development of a frequency tunable pifa with antifilter function base on microelectro mechanical system(mems) technology / 林敬基(Ching-Chi Lin)撰","台北市 : 林敬基 , 民94[2005]"
    1006,"008.8MT 92013",1217705,"高速电梯通道内空气压力对结构体之力学影响分析 = The influence of simulated air pressure on the mechanics of structural member for elevator shaft walls / 何宏振(Hong-Chen Ho)撰","台北市 : 何宏振 , 民94[2005]"
    1007,"008.8MT 92013",1217706,"高速电梯通道内空气压力对结构体之力学影响分析 = The influence of simulated air pressure on the mechanics of structural member for elevator shaft walls / 何宏振(Hong-Chen Ho)撰","台北市 : 何宏振 , 民94[2005]"
    1008,"008.8MT 92014",1216495,"摆臂式送料机构之研发 = Research and development of swing arm type autoloading apparatus / 刘俊尚(Chum-shang Liu)撰","台北市 : 刘俊尚 , 民94[2005]"
    1009,"008.8MT 92014",1216496,"摆臂式送料机构之研发 = Research and development of swing arm type autoloading apparatus / 刘俊尚(Chum-shang Liu)撰","台北市 : 刘俊尚 , 民94[2005]"
    1010,"008.8MT 92015",1216557,"连续式眞空潜弧制造系统之研制 = Design and implementation of the continuous submerged arc nanoparticle synthesis system (sanss) / 陈智铭(Chih-Ming Chen)撰","台北市 : 陈智铭 , 民94[2005]"
    1011,"008.8MT 92015",1216558,"连续式眞空潜弧制造系统之研制 = Design and implementation of the continuous submerged arc nanoparticle synthesis system (sanss) / 陈智铭(Chih-Ming Chen)撰","台北市 : 陈智铭 , 民94[2005]"
    1012,"008.8MT 92016",1216784,"开裂缝尖端位移场之理论与实验验证 = Study of displacement field at the tip of an open crack / 谢安庭(An-Tin Shie)撰","台北市 : 谢安庭 , 民94[2005]"
    1013,"008.8MT 92016",1216785,"开裂缝尖端位移场之理论与实验验证 = Study of displacement field at the tip of an open crack / 谢安庭(An-Tin Shie)撰","台北市 : 谢安庭 , 民94[2005]"
    1014,"008.8MT 92017",1217052,"3C产品落地实验之模型建立与应用 = The application and establishment of drop test models for 3c products / 黄子淦(Tzu-Kan Huang)撰","台北市 : 黄子淦 , 民94[2005]"
    1015,"008.8MT 92017",1217053,"3C产品落地实验之模型建立与应用 = The application and establishment of drop test models for 3c products / 黄子淦(Tzu-Kan Huang)撰","台北市 : 黄子淦 , 民94[2005]"
    1016,"008.8MT 92018",1217749,"制造业整合性专案管理系统研发 = A research on integrated project management system for industry / 陈儒建(Ru-Jian Chen)撰","台北市 : 陈儒建 , 民94[2005]"
    1017,"008.8MT 92018",1217750,"制造业整合性专案管理系统研发 = A research on integrated project management system for industry / 陈儒建(Ru-Jian Chen)撰","台北市 : 陈儒建 , 民94[2005]"
    1018,"008.8MT 92019",1216958,"氢化钛粉末热处理之研究 = Heat treatment of tih2 powder / 林宇文(Yu-Wun Lin)撰","台北市 : 林宇文 , 民94[2005]"
    1019,"008.8MT 92019",1216959,"氢化钛粉末热处理之研究 = Heat treatment of tih2 powder / 林宇文(Yu-Wun Lin)撰","台北市 : 林宇文 , 民94[2005]"
    1020,"008.8MT 92021",1217144,"微快速原型系统之雾化铺层技术研究 = Development of micro rapid prototyping system by spray coating technology / 魏宏桦(Hong-Hua Wei)撰","台北市 : 魏宏桦 , 民94[2005]"
    1021,"008.8MT 92021",1217145,"微快速原型系统之雾化铺层技术研究 = Development of micro rapid prototyping system by spray coating technology / 魏宏桦(Hong-Hua Wei)撰","台北市 : 魏宏桦 , 民94[2005]"
    1022,"008.8MT 92022",1216896,"自动调整钳之研发 = Research and development of auto-adjusting pliers / 刘岱升(Tai-Sheng Liu)撰","台北市 : 刘岱升 , 民94[2005]"
    1023,"008.8MT 92022",1216897,"自动调整钳之研发 = Research and development of auto-adjusting pliers / 刘岱升(Tai-Sheng Liu)撰","台北市 : 刘岱升 , 民94[2005]"
    1024,"008.8MT 92023",1216830,"下肢复健辅具之研发 = A study on the mechanism design of a rehabilitation device for human's lower extremities / 徐敏翔撰","台北市 : 徐敏翔 , 民94[2005]"
    1025,"008.8MT 92023",1216831,"下肢复健辅具之研发 = A study on the mechanism design of a rehabilitation device for human's lower extremities / 徐敏翔撰","台北市 : 徐敏翔 , 民94[2005]"
    1026,"008.8MT 92024",1216443,"自动剥线钳之研发 = Research and development of automatic wire stripper / 李志威(Zhi-Wei Li)撰","台北市 : 李志威 , 民94[2005]"
    1027,"008.8MT 92024",1216444,"自动剥线钳之研发 = Research and development of automatic wire stripper / 李志威(Zhi-Wei Li)撰","台北市 : 李志威 , 民94[2005]"
    1028,"008.8MT 92025",1216786,"安全义肢膝关节与膝支架之机构设计 = A new mechanism design for safe prosthesis knee joint and knee brace / 罗立威(Li-Wei Lo)撰","台北市 : 罗立威 , 民94[2005]"
    1029,"008.8MT 92025",1216787,"安全义肢膝关节与膝支架之机构设计 = A new mechanism design for safe prosthesis knee joint and knee brace / 罗立威(Li-Wei Lo)撰","台北市 : 罗立威 , 民94[2005]"
    1030,"008.8MT 92026",1216796,"铜合金在光学反射层之应用研究 = A study of optical reflective layer with copper alloy / 张智维(Chih-Wei Chang)撰","台北市 : 张智维 , 民94[2005]"
    1031,"008.8MT 92026",1216797,"铜合金在光学反射层之应用研究 = A study of optical reflective layer with copper alloy / 张智维(Chih-Wei Chang)撰","台北市 : 张智维 , 民94[2005]"
    1032,"008.8MT 92027",1216938,"腕驱动式持筷功能辅具之设计研究 = A study on the design of wrist-driven functional assistant device for holding chopsticks / 曾煜仁(Yu-Zen Tseng)撰","台北市 : 曾煜仁 , 民94[2005]"
    1033,"008.8MT 92027",1216939,"腕驱动式持筷功能辅具之设计研究 = A study on the design of wrist-driven functional assistant device for holding chopsticks / 曾煜仁(Yu-Zen Tseng)撰","台北市 : 曾煜仁 , 民94[2005]"
    1034,"008.8MT 92029",1217070,"差动式涡电流探头於缺陷侦测之最佳激发频率研究 = Optimal excitation frequency for defect detection with differential eddy-current probe / 李冠勋(Guan-Shiun Lee)撰","台北市 : 李冠勋 , 民94[2005]"
    1035,"008.8MT 92029",1217071,"差动式涡电流探头於缺陷侦测之最佳激发频率研究 = Optimal excitation frequency for defect detection with differential eddy-current probe / 李冠勋(Guan-Shiun Lee)撰","台北市 : 李冠勋 , 民94[2005]"
    1036,"008.8MT 92030",1216563,"电浆电弧制程以湿式收集制备奈米氧化铝流体研究 = Plasma arc system applied in fabricating aluminum oxide nanofluid / 张宇淳(Yu-Chun Chang)撰","台北市 : 张宇淳 , 民94[2005]"
    1037,"008.8MT 92030",1216564,"电浆电弧制程以湿式收集制备奈米氧化铝流体研究 = Plasma arc system applied in fabricating aluminum oxide nanofluid / 张宇淳(Yu-Chun Chang)撰","台北市 : 张宇淳 , 民94[2005]"
    1038,"008.8MT 92031",1216539,"冲模教育训练规划与快拆设计研究 = Study on Training procdeure and structure design of the stamping die for rapid maintenance / 黄俊豪(Chun-Hao Huang)撰","台北市 : 黄俊豪 , 民94[2005]"
    1039,"008.8MT 92031",1216540,"冲模教育训练规划与快拆设计研究 = Study on Training procdeure and structure design of the stamping die for rapid maintenance / 黄俊豪(Chun-Hao Huang)撰","台北市 : 黄俊豪 , 民94[2005]"
    1040,"008.8MT 92033",1217078,"气氛对电浆电弧气凝合成奈米氧化钨材料特性之影响 = Effect of atmosphere on the microstructure characteristics of nanocrystalline tungsten oxide by plasma arc gas condensation technique / 张仲弘(Chung-Hung Chang)撰","台北市 : 张仲弘 , 民94[2005]"
    1041,"008.8MT 92033",1217079,"气氛对电浆电弧气凝合成奈米氧化钨材料特性之影响 = Effect of atmosphere on the microstructure characteristics of nanocrystalline tungsten oxide by plasma arc gas condensation technique / 张仲弘(Chung-Hung Chang)撰","台北市 : 张仲弘 , 民94[2005]"
    1042,"008.8MT 92501",1217128,"炮口制退器设计与分析 = Design and analysis of muzzle brakes / 吴炎全(Yan-Chyuan Wu)撰","台北市 : 吴炎全 , 民94[2005]"
    1043,"008.8MT 92501",1217129,"炮口制退器设计与分析 = Design and analysis of muzzle brakes / 吴炎全(Yan-Chyuan Wu)撰","台北市 : 吴炎全 , 民94[2005]"
    1044,"008.8OE 90020",1216902,"改良式投射条纹显微干涉仪应用於微结构之量测 = Measurement application in micro-structure with reformed fringe projection mircoscope / 黄振添(Chen-Tien Hung)撰","台北市 : 黄振添 , 民94[2005]"
    1045,"008.8OE 90020",1216903,"改良式投射条纹显微干涉仪应用於微结构之量测 = Measurement application in micro-structure with reformed fringe projection mircoscope / 黄振添(Chen-Tien Hung)撰","台北市 : 黄振添 , 民94[2005]"
    1046,"008.8OE 91003",1216668,"多波长绕射光学元件的研究与设计 = The study and design of multi-wavelength diffractive optical elements / 杨朝翔(Chao-Hsiang Yang)撰","台北市 : 杨朝翔 , 民94[2005]"
    1047,"008.8OE 91003",1216669,"多波长绕射光学元件的研究与设计 = The study and design of multi-wavelength diffractive optical elements / 杨朝翔(Chao-Hsiang Yang)撰","台北市 : 杨朝翔 , 民94[2005]"
    1048,"008.8OE 91005",1216453,"利用外部光源注入技术改善 Fabry-Perot雷射二极体光纤有线电视系统效能 = Fiber optical catv system performance improvement by using fabry-perot laser diode with external light injection technique / 廖育贤(Yu-Hsien Liao)撰","台北市 : 廖育贤 , 民94[2005]"
    1049,"008.8OE 91005",1216454,"利用外部光源注入技术改善 Fabry-Perot雷射二极体光纤有线电视系统效能 = Fiber optical catv system performance improvement by using fabry-perot laser diode with external light injection technique / 廖育贤(Yu-Hsien Liao)撰","台北市 : 廖育贤 , 民94[2005]"
    1050,"008.8OE 92001",1216439,"利用VCSEL及外部光源注入技术建构各式WDM传输系统 = Using vcsel and external light injection technique based on various wdm transport systemS / 王文仁(Wen-Jen Wang)撰","台北市 : 王文仁 , 民94[2005]"
    1051,"008.8OE 92001",1216440,"利用VCSEL及外部光源注入技术建构各式WDM传输系统 = Using vcsel and external light injection technique based on various wdm transport systemS / 王文仁(Wen-Jen Wang)撰","台北市 : 王文仁 , 民94[2005]"
    1052,"008.8OE 92002",1216451,"外部元件对VFLC线性灰阶调变研究 = Linear gray level adjustment for a ferroelectric liquid crystal cell / 黄仁宏(Ren-Hung Huang)撰","台北市 : 黄仁宏 , 民94[2005]"
    1053,"008.8OE 92002",1216452,"外部元件对VFLC线性灰阶调变研究 = Linear gray level adjustment for a ferroelectric liquid crystal cell / 黄仁宏(Ren-Hung Huang)撰","台北市 : 黄仁宏 , 民94[2005]"
    1054,"008.8OE 92003",1216768,"以射频反应式磁控溅镀法於蓝宝石基板成长锌掺杂氮化铟材料及其相关特性之研究 = Growth and characteristics of zn-doped inn alloys on sapphire by rf reactive magnetron sputtering / 陈宏昌(Hung-Chang Chen)撰","台北市 : 陈宏昌 , 民94[2005]"
    1055,"008.8OE 92003",1216769,"以射频反应式磁控溅镀法於蓝宝石基板成长锌掺杂氮化铟材料及其相关特性之研究 = Growth and characteristics of zn-doped inn alloys on sapphire by rf reactive magnetron sputtering / 陈宏昌(Hung-Chang Chen)撰","台北市 : 陈宏昌 , 民94[2005]"
    1056,"008.8OE 92004",1216471,"利用接收端光单旁波带滤波器改善有线电视系统CSO`CTB失真 = To Improve CSO/CTB Performances Employing Optical SSB Filter at the Receiving Site / 陈相志(Hsiang-Chih Chen)撰","台北市 : 陈相志 , 民94[2005]"
    1057,"008.8OE 92004",1216472,"利用接收端光单旁波带滤波器改善有线电视系统CSO`CTB失真 = To Improve CSO/CTB Performances Employing Optical SSB Filter at the Receiving Site / 陈相志(Hsiang-Chih Chen)撰","台北市 : 陈相志 , 民94[2005]"
    1058,"008.8OE 92005",1216469,"建构一混合式 AM-VSB/256-QAM/Internet 校园光纤网路系统 = Hybrid am-vsb/256-qam/internet transport systems in the campus / 赖荣章(Yung-Chang Lai)撰","台北市 : 赖荣章 , 民94[2005]"
    1059,"008.8OE 92005",1216470,"建构一混合式 AM-VSB/256-QAM/Internet 校园光纤网路系统 = Hybrid am-vsb/256-qam/internet transport systems in the campus / 赖荣章(Yung-Chang Lai)撰","台北市 : 赖荣章 , 民94[2005]"
    1060,"008.8OE 92006",1216477,"高速WDM光收发模组制作 = High-speed wdm optical transceiver modules / 刘彦良(Yen-Liang Liu)撰","台北市 : 刘彦良 , 民94[2005]"
    1061,"008.8OE 92006",1216478,"高速WDM光收发模组制作 = High-speed wdm optical transceiver modules / 刘彦良(Yen-Liang Liu)撰","台北市 : 刘彦良 , 民94[2005]"
    1062,"008.8OE 92007",1217016,"新型积体光学表面电浆共振生化感测器 = Novel integrated-optic surface-plasmon-resonance biosensor / 林文绍(Wen-Shao Lin)撰","台北市 : 林文绍 , 民94[2005]"
    1063,"008.8OE 92007",1217017,"新型积体光学表面电浆共振生化感测器 = Novel integrated-optic surface-plasmon-resonance biosensor / 林文绍(Wen-Shao Lin)撰","台北市 : 林文绍 , 民94[2005]"
    1064,"008.8OE 92008",1216445,"提升混合式光纤-微波分波多工传输系统效能 = Improvement of a radio-on-hybrid wdm transport system performance / 陈雅玲(Ya-Lin Chen)撰","台北市 : 陈雅玲 , 民94[2005]"
    1065,"008.8OE 92008",1216446,"提升混合式光纤-微波分波多工传输系统效能 = Improvement of a radio-on-hybrid wdm transport system performance / 陈雅玲(Ya-Lin Chen)撰","台北市 : 陈雅玲 , 民94[2005]"
    1066,"008.8OE 92010",1216804,"掺高分子聚合物OCB模态液晶显示元件之研究 = Electro-optical characteristics of an ocb mode liquid crystal device stabilized by aligned polymer / 许书豪(Shu-Hao Hsu)撰","台北市 : 许书豪 , 民94[2005]"
    1067,"008.8OE 92010",1216805,"掺高分子聚合物OCB模态液晶显示元件之研究 = Electro-optical characteristics of an ocb mode liquid crystal device stabilized by aligned polymer / 许书豪(Shu-Hao Hsu)撰","台北市 : 许书豪 , 民94[2005]"
    1068,"008.8OE 92011",1217407,"利用光配向制作多域分割垂直配向模式液晶显示元件之研究 = Photo-alignment for a multi-domain vertically aligned mode liquid crystal cell / 张俊仁(Jun-Ren Chang)撰","台北市 : 张俊仁 , 民94[2005]"
    1069,"008.8OE 92011",1217408,"利用光配向制作多域分割垂直配向模式液晶显示元件之研究 = Photo-alignment for a multi-domain vertically aligned mode liquid crystal cell / 张俊仁(Jun-Ren Chang)撰","台北市 : 张俊仁 , 民94[2005]"
    1070,"008.8OE 92012",1216808,"掺高分子聚合物twisted -cell液晶显示元件之研究 = Electro-optical characteristics of a twisted -cell liquid crystal device stabilized by aligned polymer / 陈敬生(Ching-Sheng Chen)撰","台北市 : 陈敬生 , 民94[2005]"
    1071,"008.8OE 92012",1216809,"掺高分子聚合物twisted -cell液晶显示元件之研究 = Electro-optical characteristics of a twisted -cell liquid crystal device stabilized by aligned polymer / 陈敬生(Ching-Sheng Chen)撰","台北市 : 陈敬生 , 民94[2005]"
    1072,"008.8OE 92013",1216832,"利用交错沈积法提高光学薄膜之非均向性 = Enhance the anisotropic optical properties of thin films by bideposition technique / 张恒豪(Heng-Hao Chang)撰","台北市 : 张恒豪 , 民94[2005]"
    1073,"008.8OE 92013",1216833,"利用交错沈积法提高光学薄膜之非均向性 = Enhance the anisotropic optical properties of thin films by bideposition technique / 张恒豪(Heng-Hao Chang)撰","台北市 : 张恒豪 , 民94[2005]"
    1074,"008.8OE 92014",1216678,"非均向性薄膜之偏极转换特性研究 = Polarization conversion for light reflected from an anisotropic thin film / 蒋正隆(Cheng-Lung Chiang)撰","台北市 : 蒋正隆 , 民94[2005]"
    1075,"008.8OE 92014",1216679,"非均向性薄膜之偏极转换特性研究 = Polarization conversion for light reflected from an anisotropic thin film / 蒋正隆(Cheng-Lung Chiang)撰","台北市 : 蒋正隆 , 民94[2005]"
    1076,"008.8OE 92015",1216914,"在低温环境下利用间接接合法将氮化镓及矽晶圆结合 = Combined gan with silicon wafer by indirect bonding at low temperature / 张诗泛(Shih-Fan Chang)撰","台北市 : 张诗泛 , 民94[2005]"
    1077,"008.8OE 92015",1216915,"在低温环境下利用间接接合法将氮化镓及矽晶圆结合 = Combined gan with silicon wafer by indirect bonding at low temperature / 张诗泛(Shih-Fan Chang)撰","台北市 : 张诗泛 , 民94[2005]"
    1078,"008.8OE 92016",1216836,"利用近场光纤探针做奈米级雷射显微摘取系统之开发 = To construct a laser capture microdissection system in nano-scale by using near-field fiber probe / 颜畿府(Chi-Fu Yen)撰","台北市 : 颜畿府 , 民94[2005]"
    1079,"008.8OE 92016",1216837,"利用近场光纤探针做奈米级雷射显微摘取系统之开发 = To construct a laser capture microdissection system in nano-scale by using near-field fiber probe / 颜畿府(Chi-Fu Yen)撰","台北市 : 颜畿府 , 民94[2005]"
    1080,"008.8OE 92017",1216980,"以无催化剂辅助方式生长氧化锌奈米结构之研究 = Catalyst-free assisted fabrication of zno nano-structure to study / 蔡舜麒(Shuen-Chi Tsai)撰","台北市 : 蔡舜麒 , 民94[2005]"
    1081,"008.8OE 92017",1216981,"以无催化剂辅助方式生长氧化锌奈米结构之研究 = Catalyst-free assisted fabrication of zno nano-structure to study / 蔡舜麒(Shuen-Chi Tsai)撰","台北市 : 蔡舜麒 , 民94[2005]"
    1082,"008.8OE 92020",1216882,"共光程双频雷射干涉仪应用於向列型液晶之参数量测研究 = Study on the parameters measurement of nematic liquid crystal by common-path dual-frequency laser interferometer / 沈仁立(Jen-Li Shen)撰","台北市 : 沈仁立 , 民94[2005]"
    1083,"008.8OE 92020",1216883,"共光程双频雷射干涉仪应用於向列型液晶之参数量测研究 = Study on the parameters measurement of nematic liquid crystal by common-path dual-frequency laser interferometer / 沈仁立(Jen-Li Shen)撰","台北市 : 沈仁立 , 民94[2005]"
    1084,"008.8OE 92021",1216848,"强诱电性液晶配向与分子轴向控制之研究 = The study of macular axis and alignment control for a ferroelectric liquid crystal cell / 吴柏昌(Po-Chang Wu)撰","台北市 : 吴柏昌 , 民94[2005]"
    1085,"008.8OE 92021",1216849,"强诱电性液晶配向与分子轴向控制之研究 = The study of macular axis and alignment control for a ferroelectric liquid crystal cell / 吴柏昌(Po-Chang Wu)撰","台北市 : 吴柏昌 , 民94[2005]"
    1086,"008.8OE 92022",1216990,"以气相传输法成长氧化锌奈米结构之研究 = Growth and characterization of zno nanostructures by vapor transport method / 宋维展(Wei-Zhan Song)撰","台北市 : 宋维展 , 民94[2005]"
    1087,"008.8OE 92022",1216991,"以气相传输法成长氧化锌奈米结构之研究 = Growth and characterization of zno nanostructures by vapor transport method / 宋维展(Wei-Zhan Song)撰","台北市 : 宋维展 , 民94[2005]"
    1088,"008.8OE 92024",1217106,"模拟退火法於设计绕射光学元件之研究 = Study of simulated annealing algorithm for design of diffractvie optical elements / 许顾辉(Ku-Hui Hsu)撰","台北市 : 许顾辉 , 民94[2005]"
    1089,"008.8OE 92024",1217107,"模拟退火法於设计绕射光学元件之研究 = Study of simulated annealing algorithm for design of diffractvie optical elements / 许顾辉(Ku-Hui Hsu)撰","台北市 : 许顾辉 , 民94[2005]"
    1090,"008.8OE 92025",1216690,"利用全反射衰减法量测金奈米粒子之等效光学常数 = The equivalent optical constants of gold nanoparticles measured by attenuated total reflection method / 范姜士衡(Shih-Heng Fan-Chiang)撰","台北市 : 范姜士衡 , 民94[2005]"
    1091,"008.8OE 92025",1216691,"利用全反射衰减法量测金奈米粒子之等效光学常数 = The equivalent optical constants of gold nanoparticles measured by attenuated total reflection method / 范姜士衡(Shih-Heng Fan-Chiang)撰","台北市 : 范姜士衡 , 民94[2005]"
    1092,"008.8OE 92026",1216770,"双光束型雷射都卜勒之动物血液流速测定研究 = Measurement of animal blood velocity using dual-beam mode of laser doppler method / 陈郭良(Guo-Liang Chen)撰","台北市 : 陈郭良 , 民94[2005]"
    1093,"008.8OE 92026",1216771,"双光束型雷射都卜勒之动物血液流速测定研究 = Measurement of animal blood velocity using dual-beam mode of laser doppler method / 陈郭良(Guo-Liang Chen)撰","台北市 : 陈郭良 , 民94[2005]"
    1094,"008.8OE 92027",1217505,"反向量化方法应用於递回傅立叶演算法的研究 = The study of the iterative quantization methods for the iterative fourier-transform algorithm / 何国源(Kuo-Yuan Ho)撰","台北市 : 何国源 , 民94[2005]"
    1095,"008.8OE 92027",1217506,"反向量化方法应用於递回傅立叶演算法的研究 = The study of the iterative quantization methods for the iterative fourier-transform algorithm / 何国源(Kuo-Yuan Ho)撰","台北市 : 何国源 , 民94[2005]"
    1096,"008.8OE 92029",1216670,"超晶格结构p-i-n氮化铝镓光侦测器之研究 = The research of supperlassice structure algan p-i-n photodtetctor / 颜祺晃(Chi-Huang Yen)撰","台北市 : 颜祺晃 , 民94[2005]"
    1097,"008.8OE 92029",1216671,"超晶格结构p-i-n氮化铝镓光侦测器之研究 = The research of supperlassice structure algan p-i-n photodtetctor / 颜祺晃(Chi-Huang Yen)撰","台北市 : 颜祺晃 , 民94[2005]"
    1098,"008.8OP 88012",1217551,"聚对苯二甲酸二乙酯燃烧干扰产物对纵火剂鉴析干扰之研究 = A study of interference of poly(ethylene terephthalate) fire debris products in identifying accelerants / 萧妃专(Fei Chuan Hsiao)撰","台北市 : 萧妃专 , 民94[2005]"
    1099,"008.8OP 88012",1217552,"聚对苯二甲酸二乙酯燃烧干扰产物对纵火剂鉴析干扰之研究 = A study of interference of poly(ethylene terephthalate) fire debris products in identifying accelerants / 萧妃专(Fei Chuan Hsiao)撰","台北市 : 萧妃专 , 民94[2005]"
    1100,"008.8OP 90026",1217755,"香豆素衍生物之合成以及发光性质之探讨 = Synthesis of coumarin derivatives and discussions of their fluorescent properties / 李贤斌(Xhian-Bin Li)撰","台北市 : 李贤斌 , 民94[2005]"
    1101,"008.8OP 90026",1217756,"香豆素衍生物之合成以及发光性质之探讨 = Synthesis of coumarin derivatives and discussions of their fluorescent properties / 李贤斌(Xhian-Bin Li)撰","台北市 : 李贤斌 , 民94[2005]"
    1102,"008.8OP 90501",1217869,"合并用药对糖尿病并发症之影响 = Concomitant medications for the impact on the diabetic complications / 叶志强(Chih-Chiang Yeh)撰","台北市 : 叶志强 , 民94[2005]"
    1103,"008.8OP 90501",1217870,"合并用药对糖尿病并发症之影响 = Concomitant medications for the impact on the diabetic complications / 叶志强(Chih-Chiang Yeh)撰","台北市 : 叶志强 , 民94[2005]"
    1104,"008.8OP 90505",1217533,"胰岛素增敏剂,二甲双胍,磺醯尿素,胰岛素在糖尿病并发症之疗效评估 = The effect and estimate by using thiazolidinediones, metformin,sulfonylureas insulin and for diabetes's complication / 简德隆(Te-Lung Chien)撰","台北市 : 简德隆 , 民94[2005]"
    1105,"008.8OP 90505",1217534,"胰岛素增敏剂,二甲双胍,磺醯尿素,胰岛素在糖尿病并发症之疗效评估 = The effect and estimate by using thiazolidinediones, metformin,sulfonylureas insulin and for diabetes's complication / 简德隆(Te-Lung Chien)撰","台北市 : 简德隆 , 民94[2005]"
    1106,"008.8OP 91014",1188699,"喷气交缠纱交络节点量测技术之研究 = A study of interlacing knots measurement technique of interlaced yarn / 廖正伟撰","台北市 : 廖正伟 , 民94[2005]"
    1107,"008.8OP 91014",1188700,"喷气交缠纱交络节点量测技术之研究 = A study of interlacing knots measurement technique of interlaced yarn / 廖正伟撰","台北市 : 廖正伟 , 民94[2005]"
    1108,"008.8OP 91020",1188713,"左旋型聚乳酸巨单体与丙烯酸接枝共聚物之合成与鉴定 = Synthesis and characterization of graft copolymers from ploy(L-lactide)marcomonomer and acrylic acid / 蔡武翰撰","台北市 : 蔡武翰 , 民94[2005]"
    1109,"008.8OP 91020",1188714,"左旋型聚乳酸巨单体与丙烯酸接枝共聚物之合成与鉴定 = Synthesis and characterization of graft copolymers from ploy(L-lactide)marcomonomer and acrylic acid / 蔡武翰撰","台北市 : 蔡武翰 , 民94[2005]"
    1110,"008.8OP 91023",1224149,"诱导剂与抗氧化剂在化学合成培养基中对NS0细胞生长及重组蛋白生产的影响 = Effects of inducers and antioxidants on recombinant protein production by NSO cells grown in a chemically defined medium / 陈易翔(Yi-Siang Chen","台北市 : 陈易翔 , 民94[2005]"
    1111,"008.8OP 91023",1224150,"诱导剂与抗氧化剂在化学合成培养基中对NS0细胞生长及重组蛋白生产的影响 = Effects of inducers and antioxidants on recombinant protein production by NSO cells grown in a chemically defined medium / 陈易翔(Yi-Siang Chen","台北市 : 陈易翔 , 民94[2005]"
    1112,"008.8OP 91025",1217547,"奈米聚酯微粒之制备 = Preparation of polyester nanoparticles / 余定纬(Ding-wei Yu)撰","台北市 : 余定纬 , 民94[2005]"
    1113,"008.8OP 91025",1217548,"奈米聚酯微粒之制备 = Preparation of polyester nanoparticles / 余定纬(Ding-wei Yu)撰","台北市 : 余定纬 , 民94[2005]"
    1114,"008.8OP 91503",1188755,"EVA/一般.奈米Mg(OH)2/蒙脱土奈米复合材料之性质研究 = Research on the nNano-composites of EVA/General Mg(OH)2, Nano Mg(OH)2/Montmorillonite / 林忠庆撰","台北市 : 林忠庆 , 民94[2005]"
    1115,"008.8OP 91503",1188756,"EVA/一般.奈米Mg(OH)2/蒙脱土奈米复合材料之性质研究 = Research on the nNano-composites of EVA/General Mg(OH)2, Nano Mg(OH)2/Montmorillonite / 林忠庆撰","台北市 : 林忠庆 , 民94[2005]"
    1116,"008.8OP 91505",1217575,"动植物对磁化水之生理反应暨磁化水之物性研究 = The physiology, biology and investigation for magnetic water through the plant, animal models / 刘秀盈(Hsiu-Ying Liu)撰","台北市 : 刘秀盈 , 民94[2005]"
    1117,"008.8OP 91505",1217576,"动植物对磁化水之生理反应暨磁化水之物性研究 = The physiology, biology and investigation for magnetic water through the plant, animal models / 刘秀盈(Hsiu-Ying Liu)撰","台北市 : 刘秀盈 , 民94[2005]"
    1118,"008.8OP 91506",1188125,"溶胶凝胶法制备高比表面积二氧化钛光触媒及其性质分析 = Preparation and characterization of high-surface-area titanium dioxide by sol-gel process / 林桂芬撰","台北市 : 林桂芬 , 民94"
    1119,"008.8OP 91506",1188126,"溶胶凝胶法制备高比表面积二氧化钛光触媒及其性质分析 = Preparation and characterization of high-surface-area titanium dioxide by sol-gel process / 林桂芬撰","台北市 : 林桂芬 , 民94"
    1120,"008.8OP 91508",1217288,"奈米二氧化钛与高分子相容性探讨 = Nano-titanium dioxide compound with polymer: the investigation of compatibility / 苏水泓(Shui-Hung Su)撰","台北市 : 苏水泓 , 民94[2005]"
    1121,"008.8OP 91508",1217289,"奈米二氧化钛与高分子相容性探讨 = Nano-titanium dioxide compound with polymer: the investigation of compatibility / 苏水泓(Shui-Hung Su)撰","台北市 : 苏水泓 , 民94[2005]"
    1122,"008.8OP 91513",1188631,"医疗用生物分解性聚酯之专利技术分析 = An analysis of patent technology on biodegradable polyesters for medical applications / 李涓涓撰","台北市 : 李涓涓 , 民94[2005]"
    1123,"008.8OP 91513",1188632,"医疗用生物分解性聚酯之专利技术分析 = An analysis of patent technology on biodegradable polyesters for medical applications / 李涓涓撰","台北市 : 李涓涓 , 民94[2005]"
    1124,"008.8OP 92001",1216874,"顺反式有机分子在金属覆盖的锗(111)单晶表面上的吸附及热脱附反应 = The adsorption and thermal desorption of cis-trans organic molecules on metal covered ge(111) R30 surfaces / 简廷达(Tyng-Dar Chien)撰","台北市 : 简廷达 , 民94[2005]"
    1125,"008.8OP 92001",1216875,"顺反式有机分子在金属覆盖的锗(111)单晶表面上的吸附及热脱附反应 = The adsorption and thermal desorption of cis-trans organic molecules on metal covered ge(111) R30 surfaces / 简廷达(Tyng-Dar Chien)撰","台北市 : 简廷达 , 民94[2005]"
    1126,"008.8OP 92002",1217491,"奈米黏土掺杂对高分子发光元件性质之影响 = The effect of clay nanocomposite doping on the performance of polymer light-emitting diodes / 吴建宏(Jian-Hong Wu)撰","台北市 : 吴建宏 , 民94[2005]"
    1127,"008.8OP 92002",1217492,"奈米黏土掺杂对高分子发光元件性质之影响 = The effect of clay nanocomposite doping on the performance of polymer light-emitting diodes / 吴建宏(Jian-Hong Wu)撰","台北市 : 吴建宏 , 民94[2005]"
    1128,"008.8OP 92003",1217222,"PU/clay奈米复合材料之性质研究 = Synthesis and characterization of pu/clay nanocompoistes / 许永忠(Yung-Jung Shiu)撰","台北市 : 许永忠 , 民94[2005]"
    1129,"008.8OP 92003",1217223,"PU/clay奈米复合材料之性质研究 = Synthesis and characterization of pu/clay nanocompoistes / 许永忠(Yung-Jung Shiu)撰","台北市 : 许永忠 , 民94[2005]"
    1130,"008.8OP 92004",1216878,"碳纤维补强复合材料电气性质与拉伸性质之研究 = A study on the electrical and tensile properties of carbon fiber reinforced composites / 林圣智(S. Z. Lin)撰","台北市 : 林圣智 , 民94[2005]"
    1131,"008.8OP 92004",1216879,"碳纤维补强复合材料电气性质与拉伸性质之研究 = A study on the electrical and tensile properties of carbon fiber reinforced composites / 林圣智(S. Z. Lin)撰","台北市 : 林圣智 , 民94[2005]"
    1132,"008.8OP 92005",1216876,"ITO薄膜之制备及性质分析 = Preparation and characterization of ito thin films / 万明安(Ming-An Wan)撰","台北市 : 万明安 , 民94[2005]"
    1133,"008.8OP 92005",1216877,"ITO薄膜之制备及性质分析 = Preparation and characterization of ito thin films / 万明安(Ming-An Wan)撰","台北市 : 万明安 , 民94[2005]"
    1134,"008.8OP 92009",1217022,"聚胺酯/有机黏土奈米复合材料之合成制备及鉴定 = Synthesis, preparation and characterization of polyurethane/organoclay nanocomposites / 张美玲(Mei-Ling Chang)撰","台北市 : 张美玲 , 民94[2005]"
    1135,"008.8OP 92009",1217023,"聚胺酯/有机黏土奈米复合材料之合成制备及鉴定 = Synthesis, preparation and characterization of polyurethane/organoclay nanocomposites / 张美玲(Mei-Ling Chang)撰","台北市 : 张美玲 , 民94[2005]"
    1136,"008.8OP 92012",1216900,"铂/二氧化钛的制备与光催化反应 :从液相到气相 = Preparation and photo-catalytic reaction of pt-modified TiO2: from liquid phase to gaseous phase / 游泊皓(Bo-Hao You)撰","台北市 : 游泊皓 , 民94[2005]"
    1137,"008.8OP 92012",1216901,"铂/二氧化钛的制备与光催化反应 :从液相到气相 = Preparation and photo-catalytic reaction of pt-modified TiO2: from liquid phase to gaseous phase / 游泊皓(Bo-Hao You)撰","台北市 : 游泊皓 , 民94[2005]"
    1138,"008.8OP 92013",1217094,"聚苯胺寡聚物及其导电性聚胺酯合成鉴定和物性探讨 = Synthesis, characterization and physical property investigation of oligoanilines and conductive polyurethanes / 张德楷(Te-Kai Chang)撰","台北市 : 张德楷 , 民94[2005]"
    1139,"008.8OP 92013",1217095,"聚苯胺寡聚物及其导电性聚胺酯合成鉴定和物性探讨 = Synthesis, characterization and physical property investigation of oligoanilines and conductive polyurethanes / 张德楷(Te-Kai Chang)撰","台北市 : 张德楷 , 民94[2005]"
    1140,"008.8OP 92016",1216944,"定频磁化对水分子及其内含物之理化性质改变之研究 = Study of the magnetic impact on the water clusters / 吴仕强(Shih-Chang Wu)撰","台北市 : 吴仕强 , 民94[2005]"
    1141,"008.8OP 92016",1216945,"定频磁化对水分子及其内含物之理化性质改变之研究 = Study of the magnetic impact on the water clusters / 吴仕强(Shih-Chang Wu)撰","台北市 : 吴仕强 , 民94[2005]"
    1142,"008.8OP 92017",1217284,"溶胶-凝胶法制备聚醯亚胺-二氧化矽复材之其特性研究 = Study on polyimide-silicate hybrids prepared by sol-gel process / 庄坤璋(Kun-Chang Chuang)撰","台北市 : 庄坤璋 , 民94[2005]"
    1143,"008.8OP 92017",1217285,"溶胶-凝胶法制备聚醯亚胺-二氧化矽复材之其特性研究 = Study on polyimide-silicate hybrids prepared by sol-gel process / 庄坤璋(Kun-Chang Chuang)撰","台北市 : 庄坤璋 , 民94[2005]"
    1144,"008.8OP 92019",1217024,"亚麻仁油酸及共轭亚麻仁油酸改质聚胺酯之合成与鉴定 = Synthesis and characterization of linoleic-acid- and conjugated-octadecadienoic-acid-modified polyurethanes / 蔡宛毓(Wun-Yu Tasi)撰","台北市 : 蔡宛毓 , 民94[2005]"
    1145,"008.8OP 92019",1217025,"亚麻仁油酸及共轭亚麻仁油酸改质聚胺酯之合成与鉴定 = Synthesis and characterization of linoleic-acid- and conjugated-octadecadienoic-acid-modified polyurethanes / 蔡宛毓(Wun-Yu Tasi)撰","台北市 : 蔡宛毓 , 民94[2005]"
    1146,"008.8OP 92020",1217366,"环状矽氧烷胆固醇液晶之研究 = A study of cyclic cholesteric liquid crystal siloxane / 余信实(Hsin-Shin Yu)撰","台北市 : 余信实 , 民94[2005]"
    1147,"008.8OP 92020",1217367,"环状矽氧烷胆固醇液晶之研究 = A study of cyclic cholesteric liquid crystal siloxane / 余信实(Hsin-Shin Yu)撰","台北市 : 余信实 , 民94[2005]"
    1148,"008.8OP 92021",1217823,"鸡副嗜血杆菌培养之研究 = Culture of haemophilus paragallinarum, the causing agent of infectious coryza / 杨璎(Ying Yang)撰","台北市 : 杨璎 , 民94[2005]"
    1149,"008.8OP 92021",1217824,"鸡副嗜血杆菌培养之研究 = Culture of haemophilus paragallinarum, the causing agent of infectious coryza / 杨璎(Ying Yang)撰","台北市 : 杨璎 , 民94[2005]"
    1150,"008.8OP 92023",1217098,"生物可分解性聚合物掺和系统之结晶行为研究 = A study of crystallization behavior in pla compounded system / 李孟良(Meng-Liand Lee)撰","台北市 : 李孟良 , 民94[2005]"
    1151,"008.8OP 92023",1217099,"生物可分解性聚合物掺和系统之结晶行为研究 = A study of crystallization behavior in pla compounded system / 李孟良(Meng-Liand Lee)撰","台北市 : 李孟良 , 民94[2005]"
    1152,"008.8OP 92025",1217392,"胆固醇液晶光能隙探讨与光诱导配向膜三度空间排列ATR之量测 = Observation of pbg of cholesteric liquid crystals &ftir-atr characteristics of cinnamoyl group-containing and azobenzene-containing polymer / 刘士雯(Shih-Wen Liu","台北市 : 刘士雯 , 民94[2005]"
    1153,"008.8OP 92025",1217393,"胆固醇液晶光能隙探讨与光诱导配向膜三度空间排列ATR之量测 = Observation of pbg of cholesteric liquid crystals &ftir-atr characteristics of cinnamoyl group-containing and azobenzene-containing polymer / 刘士雯(Shih-Wen Liu","台北市 : 刘士雯 , 民94[2005]"
    1154,"008.8OP 92026",1217300,"熔融混炼氯丁橡胶(CR)/黏土奈米复合材料之制备及其特性之研究 = Preparation and properties of chloroprene rubber /clay nanocomposites by melt intercalation / 高鹏翔(Peng-Hsiang Kao)撰","台北市 : 高鹏翔 , 民94[2005]"
    1155,"008.8OP 92026",1217301,"熔融混炼氯丁橡胶(CR)/黏土奈米复合材料之制备及其特性之研究 = Preparation and properties of chloroprene rubber /clay nanocomposites by melt intercalation / 高鹏翔(Peng-Hsiang Kao)撰","台北市 : 高鹏翔 , 民94[2005]"
    1156,"008.8OP 92027",1217028,"液晶电流变行为之研究 = The study of electrorheological behavior of liquid crystal / 张佳扬(Chia-Yang Chang)撰","台北市 : 张佳扬 , 民94[2005]"
    1157,"008.8OP 92027",1217029,"液晶电流变行为之研究 = The study of electrorheological behavior of liquid crystal / 张佳扬(Chia-Yang Chang)撰","台北市 : 张佳扬 , 民94[2005]"
    1158,"008.8OP 92030",1217290,"聚对苯二甲酸丙二酯/聚己内酯融熔掺混对结晶性质和相容性之研究 = Crystallization and miscibility of poly(trimethylene terephthalate) and poly(ε-caprolactone) by melt blending / 洪琮棋(Cong-Gi Hong)撰","台北市 : 洪琮棋 , 民94[2005]"
    1159,"008.8OP 92030",1217291,"聚对苯二甲酸丙二酯/聚己内酯融熔掺混对结晶性质和相容性之研究 = Crystallization and miscibility of poly(trimethylene terephthalate) and poly(ε-caprolactone) by melt blending / 洪琮棋(Cong-Gi Hong)撰","台北市 : 洪琮棋 , 民94[2005]"
    1160,"008.8OP 92031",1216778,"有机高分子/负离子粉末复合材料功能与拉伸性质之研究 = A study on the tensile properties and functions of organic polymer / negative ion powders composites / 蔡岳峻(Yueh-Ghun Tsai)撰","台北市 : 蔡岳峻 , 民94[2005]"
    1161,"008.8OP 92031",1216779,"有机高分子/负离子粉末复合材料功能与拉伸性质之研究 = A study on the tensile properties and functions of organic polymer / negative ion powders composites / 蔡岳峻(Yueh-Ghun Tsai)撰","台北市 : 蔡岳峻 , 民94[2005]"
    1162,"008.8OP 92032",1216718,"聚丙烯/聚对苯二甲酸丙二酯掺合体之相容性及结晶行为研究 = Miscibility and crystallization of poly(trimethylene terephthalate) and poly(propylene) blends / 温礼鸿(Lai-Hung Wan)撰","台北市 : 温礼鸿 , 民94[2005]"
    1163,"008.8OP 92032",1216719,"聚丙烯/聚对苯二甲酸丙二酯掺合体之相容性及结晶行为研究 = Miscibility and crystallization of poly(trimethylene terephthalate) and poly(propylene) blends / 温礼鸿(Lai-Hung Wan)撰","台北市 : 温礼鸿 , 民94[2005]"
    1164,"008.8OP 92033",1217328,"聚噻吩共轭高分子光电材料之研究 = A study of optoelectronic materials-polythiophene conjugate polymer / 杨明璋(Ming-Chang Yang)撰","台北市 : 杨明璋 , 民94[2005]"
    1165,"008.8OP 92033",1217329,"聚噻吩共轭高分子光电材料之研究 = A study of optoelectronic materials-polythiophene conjugate polymer / 杨明璋(Ming-Chang Yang)撰","台北市 : 杨明璋 , 民94[2005]"
    1166,"008.8OP 92501",1217256,"薄膜电晶体液晶显示器感光性分子材料之研究 = A study on photosensitive polymer of tft-lcd / 蔡铭翰(Ming-Hann Tsai)撰","台北市 : 蔡铭翰 , 民94[2005]"
    1167,"008.8OP 92501",1217257,"薄膜电晶体液晶显示器感光性分子材料之研究 = A study on photosensitive polymer of tft-lcd / 蔡铭翰(Ming-Hann Tsai)撰","台北市 : 蔡铭翰 , 民94[2005]"
    1168,"008.8OP 92502",1217258,"奈米共轭高分子合成及特性探讨 = Nano-polyaniline synthesis and characterization / 黄宏良(Hung-Lang Huang)撰","台北市 : 黄宏良 , 民94[2005]"
    1169,"008.8OP 92502",1217259,"奈米共轭高分子合成及特性探讨 = Nano-polyaniline synthesis and characterization / 黄宏良(Hung-Lang Huang)撰","台北市 : 黄宏良 , 民94[2005]"
    1170,"008.8OP 92505",1217761,"液相层析串联质谱法鉴别生晒参,红参,西洋参,枳壳,黄耆及红耆中的指标成分 = Development of LC/MS methods for identification of marker components in panax ginseng, panax quinquefolinm, citrus aurantium, astragalus m","台北市 : 陈威廷 , 民94[2005]"
    1171,"008.8OP 92505",1217762,"液相层析串联质谱法鉴别生晒参,红参,西洋参,枳壳,黄耆及红耆中的指标成分 = Development of LC/MS methods for identification of marker components in panax ginseng, panax quinquefolinm, citrus aurantium, astragalus m","台北市 : 陈威廷 , 民94[2005]"
    1172,"008.8OP 92506",1217845,"糖尿病药物并发肾病变之研究 = The study of diabetic related nephropathy complications devived from diabete prescriptions / 黄明哲(Ming-Zer Huang)撰","台北市 : 黄明哲 , 民94[2005]"
    1173,"008.8OP 92506",1217846,"糖尿病药物并发肾病变之研究 = The study of diabetic related nephropathy complications devived from diabete prescriptions / 黄明哲(Ming-Zer Huang)撰","台北市 : 黄明哲 , 民94[2005]"
    1174,"008.8OP 92507",1217843,"糖尿病药物并发急性心肌梗塞,心绞痛,中风之研究 = The study of diabetic related cerebrovascular diseases (AMI ,Angina, Stroke) / 傅芳馨(Fang-Hsin Fu)撰","台北市 : 傅芳馨 , 民94[2005]"
    1175,"008.8OP 92507",1217844,"糖尿病药物并发急性心肌梗塞,心绞痛,中风之研究 = The study of diabetic related cerebrovascular diseases (AMI ,Angina, Stroke) / 傅芳馨(Fang-Hsin Fu)撰","台北市 : 傅芳馨 , 民94[2005]"
    1176,"008.8OP 92510",1217266,"奈米水性PU之研究 = A study of nano-waterborne polyurethane / 潘俊宏(Chung-Hung Pan)撰","台北市 : 潘俊宏 , 民94[2005]"
    1177,"008.8OP 92510",1217267,"奈米水性PU之研究 = A study of nano-waterborne polyurethane / 潘俊宏(Chung-Hung Pan)撰","台北市 : 潘俊宏 , 民94[2005]"
    1178,"008.8OP 92511",1216732,"特用蛋白质暨磁化水对皮肤改善效果之研究 = Studies for the improvements of agnetized water and/or specific proteins towards the skin-care / 陈淑美(Chu-Mei Chen)撰","台北市 : 陈淑美 , 民94[2005]"
    1179,"008.8OP 92511",1216733,"特用蛋白质暨磁化水对皮肤改善效果之研究 = Studies for the improvements of agnetized water and/or specific proteins towards the skin-care / 陈淑美(Chu-Mei Chen)撰","台北市 : 陈淑美 , 民94[2005]"
    1180,"008.8OP 92513",1217230,"高效能膦系抗氧化剂合成暨於环烯烃共聚物(mCOC)之研究 = Syntheses of high performance phosphorine antioxidants and study in mcoc / 刘孟龙(Meng-Long Liu)撰","台北市 : 刘孟龙 , 民94[2005]"
    1181,"008.8OP 92513",1217231,"高效能膦系抗氧化剂合成暨於环烯烃共聚物(mCOC)之研究 = Syntheses of high performance phosphorine antioxidants and study in mcoc / 刘孟龙(Meng-Long Liu)撰","台北市 : 刘孟龙 , 民94[2005]"
    1182,"008.8PM 90502",1216419,"企业创新与新产品开发策略对经营绩效之影响-以台湾纺织业A公司为例 = The research of enterprise innovation and new product development strategy with influence on operating performance-case study:a textile industry company o","台北市 : 施学洲 , 民94[2005]"
    1183,"008.8PM 90502",1216420,"企业创新与新产品开发策略对经营绩效之影响-以台湾纺织业A公司为例 = The research of enterprise innovation and new product development strategy with influence on operating performance-case study:a textile industry company o","台北市 : 施学洲 , 民94[2005]"
    1184,"008.8PM 90504",1217088,"我国光碟片产业之竞争优势研究--以DVD-R为例 = The study of competitive advantages for taiwan's compact disk--focus on DVD-R / 李文景(Wen-Gen Lee)撰","台北市 : 李文景 , 民94[2005]"
    1185,"008.8PM 90504",1217089,"我国光碟片产业之竞争优势研究--以DVD-R为例 = The study of competitive advantages for taiwan's compact disk--focus on DVD-R / 李文景(Wen-Gen Lee)撰","台北市 : 李文景 , 民94[2005]"
    1186,"008.8PM 90505",1217867,"光储存媒体之经营策略分析-
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