• 建筑力学与结构试题 > 98年营建系到书
  • 98年营建系到书

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    15,"Residential construction academy : facilities maintenance /",2008,"Standiford, Kevin./Home Builders Institute.","Thomson Delmar Learning,",0068844,"TH4817/S73//"
    16,"Understanding fiber optics /",2006,"Hecht, Jeff.","Pearson/Prentice Hall,",0068845,"TA1800/H43//"
    17,"The design and performance of road pavements /",1992,"Croney, David,/Croney, Paul,","McGraw-Hill,",0068846,"TE251/C76//"
    18,"Dynamic behavior of concrete and seismic engineering /",2009,"Mazars, Jacky./Millard, Alain.","ISTE ; Hoboken, NJ : Wiley,",0068847,"TA658.44/C653//"
    19,"Fundamentals of earthquake engineering /",2008,"Elnashai, Amr S./Di Sarno, Luigi.","Wiley,",0068848,"TA654.6/E485//"
    20,"Fundamentals of building construction : materials and methods /",2009,"Allen, Edward,/Iano, Joseph.","Wiley,",0068849,"TH145/A417//"
    21,"Sustainable construction materials and technologies : International Conference on Sustainable Construction Materials and Technologies, 11-13 June 2007, Coventry",2007,"Chun, Yoon-moon./International Conference on Sustainable Construction","New York :",0068850,"TH146/I52//"
    22,"Geo-velopment the role of geological and geotechnical engineering in new and re-development projects : proceedings of the 2008 Biennial Geotechnical Seminar, No",2009,"Goss, Christoph M./Biennial Geotechnical Seminar/American Society of C","American Society of Civil Engineers,",0068948,"TA705.3.C6/B54/"
    23,"Advanced materials and techniques for reinforced concrete structures /",2009,"El-Reedy, Mohamed A.","Taylor & Francis,",0069032,"TA683/E495//"
    24,"2009 international building code need to know : the 20% of the code you need 80% of the time /",2009,"Woodson, R. Dodge","McGraw-Hill,",0069105,"TH420/W662//"
    25,"Seismic design aids for nonlinear analysis of reinforced concrete structures /",2010,"Chandrasekaran, Srinivasan.","Taylor & Francis,",0069106,"TA658.44/S386//"
    26,"Probability, statistics, and random processes for engineers /",2003,"Williams, Richard H.,","Thomson, Brooks/Cole,",0069127,"TA340/W52//"


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