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    "BIBF09","O1","9780130348708","Bridge to Abstract Mathematics",,"2009-01-01","350","Cloth","USD",80,"Prentice Hall","通往抽象数学","This text presents a modified Moore method where students fill out the details in extensive problem sets.",
    "BIBF09","O1","9780321568564","Brief Calculus & Its Applications",,"2009-03-03","512","Paper","USD",132,"Prentice Hall","简明微积分及其应用","Normal 0 false false false Goldstein's Brief Calculus and Its Applications, Twelfth Edition is a comprehensive print and online program for students majoring in business, economics, life science, or social sciences. Withoutntegrity, the book clearly pres","nts the concepts with a large quantity of exceptional, in-depth exercises. The authors' proven formula–pairing substantial amounts of graphical analysis and informal geometric proofs with an abundance of exercises–has pr"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780201746525","Brief Calculus with Data and Technology",,"2008-08-01",,"Cloth","USD",105.4,"Addison-Wesley","微积分及其数据与技术导论",,
    "BIBF09","O1","9780130875556","Applied Calculus",,"2009-06-01","580","Cloth","USD",69.33,"Prentice Hall","应用微积分","This text covers differential and integral calculus. The text is divided into two parts—theory and application. Links between sections are provided in margin notes.",
    "BIBF09","O1","9780201746518","Applied Calculus with Data and Technology",,"2008-08-01",,"Cloth","USD",131.84,"Addison-Wesley","实用微积分及数据与技术",,
    "BIBF09","O1","9781568812458","A Lifetime Of Puzzles","Demaine, Erik D.","2008-08-18","250","Hardcover","USD",39,"A K Peters","解谜的一生:纪念M.加德纳90寿辰的难题集","Martin Gardner has entertained the world with his puzzles for decades and inspired countless mathematicians and scientists. As he rounds out another decade, his colleagues are paying him tribute with this special collrom some of the most respected puzzlem","asters, magicians and mathematicians"
    "BIBF09","O1","9781568814544","A Survey Of Modern Algebra","Garrett Birkhoff","2008-09-30","264","Paperback","USD",69,"A K Peters","现代代数纵览","Now available in paperback, this classic, written by two young instructors who became giants in their field, has shaped the understanding of modern algebra for generations of mathematicians and remains a valuable refellege courses.",
    "BIBF09","O1","9781568814100","Communicating Mathematics In The Digital Era","Borwein, Jonathan","2008-08-02","325","Hardcover","USD",49,"A K Peters","数字时代通信数学","The digital era has dramatically changed the ways that researchers search, produce, publish, and disseminate their scientific work. These processes are still rapidly evolving due to improvements in information sciencece technologies, and initiatives such","as DML and open access journals, digitization projects, scientific reference catalogs, and digital repositories."
    "BIBF09","O1","9781568814308","Emmy Noether","Tent, Margaret","2008-08-22","200","Hardcover","USD",29,"A K Peters","Emmy Noether:现代代数之母","This book, written primarily for the young adult reader, tells the life story of Emmy Noether, the most important female mathematician of our time. Because no one expected her to grow into an important scientist, they. After all, it was assumed that she w","ould grow up to be a wife and mother. Instead, she was a genius who chose a distinctive path. The author has woven this charming story of Emmy Noether's life around the events that appear in the oral and written re"
    "BIBF09","O1","9781568812410","Factorization","Weintraub, Steven H.","2008-05-15","250","Hardcover","USD",49,"A K Peters","因式分解:独特性与其他方面","The concept of factorization, familiar in the ordinary system of whole numbers that can be written as a unique product of prime numbers, plays a central role in modern mathematics and its applications. This expositionder to an understanding of the current"," knowledge of the subject and its connections to other mathematical concepts, for example in algebraic number theory. The book can be used as a text for a first course in number theory or for self-study by motivated"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780321567482","Elementary Algebra",,"2008-12-28","792","Cloth Bound w/CD-ROM","USD",138.67,"Prentice Hall","初等代数","Normal 0 false false false The Sullivan/Struve/Mazzarella Algebra Series was written to motivate students to "do the math" outside of the classroom through a design and organization that models what you do inside the classtations in the examples provide"," teacher's voice through every step of the problem-solving process. The Sullivan exercise sets, which begin with Quick Checks to reinforce each example, present problem types of every possible derivation with a gradual i"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780321567529","Intermediate Algebra",,"2008-12-28","888","Cloth Bound w/CD-ROM","USD",138.67,"Prentice Hall","中间代数","Normal 0 false false false The Sullivan/Struve/Mazzarella Algebra Series was written to motivate students to "do the math" outside of the classroom through a design and organization that models what you do inside the classtations in the examples provide"," teacher's voice through every step of the problem-solving process. The Sullivan exercise sets, which begin with Quick Checks to reinforce each example, present problem types of every possible derivation with a gradual i"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780321578297","Intermediate Algebra",,"2008-12-28","768","Paper","USD",134.67,"Prentice Hall","中间代数","Normal 0 false false false The Tobey/Slater series builds essential skills one at a time by breaking the mathematics down into manageable pieces. This practical "building block" organization makes it easy for students to un confidence as they move throu"," each section. Students respond well to regular feedback, so the authors provide a "How am I Doing " guide to give students constant reinforcement and to ensure that students understand each concept before moving on to"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780321557186","Intermediate Algebra: Concepts and Applications",,"2009-01-21","840","Cloth","USD",138.67,"Addison-Wesley","中级代数:概念与应用","Normal 0 false false false The Bittinger Concepts and Applications Series brings proven pedagogy to a new generation of students, with updates throughout to help today's students learn. Bittinger transitions students from scepts-oriented math required fo"," college courses, and supports students with quality applications and exercises to help them apply and retain their knowledge. New features such as Translating for Success and Visualizing for Success unlock the way student"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780321559838","College Algebra",,"2008-12-28","848","Cloth Bound w/CD-ROM","USD",138.67,"Prentice Hall","大学代数(配盘)","Bob Blitzer's unique background in mathematics and behavioral sciences, along with his commitment to teaching, inspired him to develop a precalculus series that gets students engaged and keeps them engaged. Presenting the fs is just the first step. Blitz","r draws students in with vivid applications that use math to solve real-life problems. These applications help answer the question "When will I ever use this " Students stay engaged because the book helps them remain foc"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780321577818","College Algebra Essentials",,"2008-12-28","640","Cloth Bound w/CD-ROM","USD",112,"Prentice Hall","大学代数概要","Bob Blitzer's unique background in mathematics and behavioral sciences, along with his commitment to teaching, inspired him to develop a precalculus series that gets students engaged and keeps them engaged. Presenting the fs is just the first step. Blitz","r draws students in with vivid applications that use math to solve real-life problems. These applications help answer the question "When will I ever use this " Students stay engaged because the book helps them remain foc"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780321570604","College Algebra in Context with Applications for the Managerial, Life, and Social Sciences",,"2008-12-28","768","Cloth","USD",138.67,"Addison-Wesley","大学代数及管理,生命与社会科学应用","Harshbarger/Yocco's College Algebra in Context with Applications for the Managerial, Life, and Social Sciences, Third Edition uses modeling and real-data problems to develop the skills that students will need for their futulications anticipate the math t","at students will encounter in their professional lives, giving them the practice they need to become adept problem-solvers. Every chapter begins with the Algebra Toolbox, which reviews the skills and concepts necessary to"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780321542304","College Algebra with Modeling and Visualization",,"2008-12-28","888","Cloth","USD",138.67,"Addison-Wesley","与建模和可视化相关的大学代数","Gary Rockswold teaches algebra in context, answering the question, "Why am I learning this " By experiencing math through applications, students see how it fits into their lives, and they become motivated to succeed. Rocksnderstanding helps students mak","connections between the concepts and as a result, students see the bigger picture of math and are prepared for future courses."
    "BIBF09","O1","9780321587978","College Algebra: An Early Functions Approach",,"2009-01-09","864","Cloth","USD",138.67,"Prentice Hall","大学代数:早期函数方法","Bob Blitzer's unique background in mathematics and behavioral sciences, along with his commitment to teaching, inspired him to develop a precalculus series that gets students engaged and keeps them engaged. Presenting the fs is just the first step. Blitz","r draws students in with vivid applications that use math to solve real-life problems. These applications help answer the question "When will I ever use this " Students stay engaged because the book helps them remain foc"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780321584755","Probability and Statistical Inference",,"2008-12-28","648","Cloth Bound w/CD-ROM","USD",137.33,"Prentice Hall","概率与统计推断","Normal 0 false false false Written by two leading statisticians, this applied introduction to the mathematics of probability and statistics emphasizes the existence of variation in almost every process, and how the study ofhelps us understand this variati","on. Designed for students with a background in calculus, this book continues to reinforce basic mathematical concepts with numerous real-world examples and applications to illustrate the relevance of key concepts."
    "BIBF09","O1","9780136002673","MML DeVry MAT270 online Course T/A Goldstein, Calculus and Its Applications",,"2008-08-29",,"On-line Supplement","USD",65,"Prentice Hall","MML DeVry MAT270 在线课程:微积分及其应用",,
    "BIBF09","O1","9780321575692","Introductory and Intermediate Algebra",,"2009-01-22","1104","Paper","USD",149.33,"Addison-Wesley","入门与中级代数","Normal 0 false false false The Lial series has helped thousands of students succeed in developmental mathematics through its approachable writing style, supportive pedagogy, varied exercise sets, and complete supplements pacn, the authors continue to prov","ide students and instructors with the best package for learning and teaching support–a book written with student success as its top priority, now with an emphasis on study skills growth and an expanded instructor supplemen"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780201434460","Intuitive Introductory Statistics",,"2008-07-01",,"Cloth Bound with Dis","USD",133.33,"Addison-Wesley","统计学直观概要",,
    "BIBF09","O1","9780136019909","A Thorough Introduction to Linear Algebra",,"2009-02-01","600","Cloth","USD",125,"Prentice Hall","线性代数深入导论",,
    "BIBF09","O1","9780131471429","Time Series Analysis: Forecasting and Control",,"2009-01-01","640","Cloth","USD",92,"Prentice Hall","时间序列分析:预测与控制",,
    "BIBF09","O1","9780321557179","Elementary Algebra: Concepts and Applications",,"2008-12-28","688","Cloth","USD",138.67,"Addison-Wesley","初等代数:概念与应用","Normal 0 false false false The Bittinger Concepts and Applications Series brings proven pedagogy to a new generation of students, with updates throughout to help today's students learn. Bittinger transitions students from scepts-oriented math required fo"," college courses, and supports students with quality applications and exercises to help them apply and retain their knowledge. New features such as Translating for Success and Visualizing for Success unlock the way student"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780321500243","Elementary Statistics",,"2008-12-28","896","Cloth Bound w/CD-ROM","USD",137.33,"Addison-Wesley","初等统计学(配盘)","Mario Triola's Elementary Statistics remains the market-leading introductory statistics textbook because it engages students with an abundance of real data in the examples, applications, and exercises. Statistics is all aroand Triola is dedicated to find","ng new real-world examples and data sets for you to use in your classroom. The Eleventh Edition contains more than 2000 exercises, 87% of which are new, and 82% of which use real data. It also contains hundreds of exampl"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780321571304","Calculus and Its Applications",,"2009-03-02","656","Cloth","USD",138.67,"Prentice Hall","微积分及其应用","Goldstein's Calculus and Its Applications, Twelfth Edition is a comprehensive print and online program for students majoring in business, economics, life science, or social sciences. Without sacrificing mathematical integrits the concepts with a large qu","ntity of exceptional, in-depth exercises. The authors' proven formula—pairing substantial amounts of graphical analysis and informal geometric proofs with an abundance of exercises—has proven to be tremendously successfu"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780321213785","Prealgebra",,"2008-12-28","832","Spiral Bound","USD",102.67,"Addison-Wesley","预科代数","Like many instructors today, Bob Prior's teaching has evolved in recent years to address major changes in the world of developmental math: the class format, the classroom itself, the teachers, and most importantly, the studeety of formats (online, face-to","-face, hybrid). He sees some students in class regularly and in office hours, while he knows other students only by name and email address. Prealgebra is based on Bob Prior's own varied teaching experiences, and is desig"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780321559845","Precalculus",,"2009-02-03","1232","Cloth Bound w/CD-ROM","USD",153.33,"Prentice Hall","预科微积分","Bob Blitzer's unique background in mathematics and behavioral sciences, along with his commitment to teaching, inspired him to develop a precalculus series that gets students engaged and keeps them engaged. Presenting the fs is just the first step. Blitz","r draws students in with vivid applications that use math to solve real-life problems. These applications help answer the question "When will I ever use this " Students stay engaged because the book helps them remain foc"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780321568038","Excursions in Modern Mathematics",,"2008-12-28","704","Cloth","USD",130.67,"Prentice Hall","现代数学导览","Normal 0 false false false Excursions in Modern Mathematics, Seventh Edition, shows readers that math is a lively, interesting, useful, and surprisingly rich subject. With a new chapter on financial math and an improved supphelps students appreciate that","math is more than just a set of classroom theories: math can enrich the life of any one who appreciates and knows how to use it."
    "BIBF09","O1","9780321577443","Concepts of Calculus With Applications, Updated Edition",,"2008-07-01","688","Cloth","USD",132,"Addison-Wesley","微积分概念及应用","This is the next generation of textbook for the applied calculus course. Martha Goshaw's modern approach is apparent right from the start with the text's unique organization. The Table of Contents divides material into unie traditional chapters, section"," and sub-sections. This intuitive format puts difficult concepts into manageable portions to help students master the material before moving on to new topics. Drawing on more than 30 years of teaching experience, Martha"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780321559852","Algebra and Trigonometry",,"2008-12-28","1200","Cloth Bound w/CD-ROM","USD",153.33,"Prentice Hall","代数与三角函数(配盘)","Bob Blitzer's unique background in mathematics and behavioral sciences, along with his commitment to teaching, inspired him to develop a precalculus series that gets students engaged and keeps them engaged. Presenting the fs is just the first step. Blitz","r draws students in with vivid applications that use math to solve real-life problems. These applications help answer the question "When will I ever use this " Students stay engaged because the book helps them remain foc"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780321568014","Algebra and Trigonometry with Modeling and Visualization",,"2009-01-22","1176","Cloth","USD",153.33,"Addison-Wesley","代数和三角学及建模与形象化","Gary Rockswold teaches algebra in context, answering the question, "Why am I learning this " By experiencing math through applications, students see how it fits into their lives, and they become motivated to succeed. Rocksnderstanding helps students mak","connections between the concepts and as a result, students see the bigger picture of math and are prepared for future courses."
    "BIBF09","O1","9780321588708","Algebra and Trigonometry: An Early Functions Approach",,"2009-02-16","1216","Cloth","USD",153.33,"Prentice Hall","代数与三角学:早期函数方法","Bob Blitzer's unique background in mathematics and behavioral sciences, along with his commitment to teaching, inspired him to develop a precalculus series that gets students engaged and keeps them engaged. Presenting the fs is just the first step. Blitz","r draws students in with vivid applications that use math to solve real-life problems. These applications help answer the question "When will I ever use this " Students stay engaged because the book helps them remain foc"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780321557124","Basic College Mathematics",,"2008-12-28","848","Paper","USD",134.67,"Addison-Wesley","大学基础数学","Normal 0 false false false The Lial series has helped thousands of students succeed in developmental mathematics through its approachable writing style, supportive pedagogy, varied exercise sets, and complete supplements pacn, the authors continue to prov","ide students and instructors with the best package for learning and teaching support–a book written with student success as its top priority, now with an emphasis on study skills growth and an expanded instructor supplemen"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780132085151","Basic College Mathematics",,"2008-09-25","784","Paper","USD",134.67,"Prentice Hall","基础大学数学","The Tobey/Slater series builds essential skills one at a time by breaking the mathematics down into manageable pieces. This practical "building block" organization makes it easy for students to understand each topic and gahrough each section. Students r","pond well to regular feedback, so the authors provide a "How am I Doing " guide to give students constant reinforcement and to ensure that students understand each concept before moving on to the next. With Tobey/Slater"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780321594037","Precalculus Essentials",,"2009-01-28","832","Cloth Bound w/CD-ROM","USD",126.67,"Prentice Hall","预科微积分要点","Bob Blitzer's unique background in mathematics and behavioral sciences, along with his commitment to teaching, inspired him to develop a precalculus series that gets students engaged and keeps them engaged. Presenting the fs is just the first step. Blitz","r draws students in with vivid applications that use math to solve real-life problems. These applications help answer the question "When will I ever use this " Students stay engaged because the book helps them remain foc"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780321567925","Prealgebra",,"2008-12-28","864","Paper","USD",134.67,"Addison-Wesley","准代数","Normal 0 false false false The Lial series has helped thousands of students succeed in developmental mathematics through its approachable writing style, supportive pedagogy, varied exercise sets, and complete supplements pacn, the authors continue to prov","ide students and instructors with the best package for learning and teaching support–a book written with student success as its top priority, now with an emphasis on study skills growth and an expanded instructor supplemen"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780321567932","Prealgebra",,"2008-12-28","784","Paper","USD",134.67,"Prentice Hall","准代数","The Tobey/Slater series builds essential skills one at a time by breaking the mathematics down into manageable pieces. This practical "building block" organization makes it easy for students to understand each topic and gahrough each section. Students r","pond well to regular feedback, so the authors provide a "How am I Doing " guide to give students constant reinforcement and to ensure that students understand each concept before moving on to the next. With Tobey/Slater"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780321578730","Prealgebra and Introductory Algebra",,"2009-01-22","1344","Paper","USD",149.33,"Addison-Wesley","准代数与预代数","Normal 0 false false false The Lial series has helped thousands of students succeed in developmental mathematics through its approachable writing style, supportive pedagogy, varied exercise sets, and complete supplements pacn, the authors continue to prov","ide students and instructors with the best package for learning and teaching support–a book written with student success as its top priority, now with an emphasis on study skills growth and an expanded instructor supplemen"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780321568007","Precalculus with Modeling and Visualization",,"2009-01-22","1176","Cloth","USD",153.33,"Addison-Wesley","准微积分与建模和形象化","Gary Rockswold teaches algebra in context, answering the question, "Why am I learning this " By experiencing math through applications, students see how it fits into their lives, and they become motivated to succeed. Rocksnderstanding helps students mak","connections between the concepts and as a result, students see the bigger picture of math and are prepared for future courses."
    "BIBF09","O1","9780321557131","Introductory Algebra",,"2008-12-28","784","Paper","USD",134.67,"Addison-Wesley","入门代数","Normal 0 false false false The Lial series has helped thousands of students succeed in developmental mathematics through its approachable writing style, supportive pedagogy, varied exercise sets, and complete supplements pacn, the authors continue to prov","ide students and instructors with the best package for learning and teaching support–a book written with student success as its top priority, now with an emphasis on study skills growth and an expanded instructor supplemen"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780136020400","Introductory Combinatorics",,"2008-12-28","648","Cloth","USD",124,"Prentice Hall","组合论入门","vickersa 11.9999 Normal 0 false false false Appropriate for one- or two-semester, junior- to senior-level combinatorics courses. This trusted best-seller covers the key combinatorial ideas–including the pigeon-hole principlmutations and combinations, Pó","a counting, binomial coefficients, inclusion-exclusion principle, generating functions and recurrence relations, combinatortial structures (matchings, designs, graphs), and flows in networks. The Fifth Edition incorporate"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780201745665","Finite Math and Calculus with Data and Technology",,"2008-08-01",,"Cloth","USD",96.83,"Addison-Wesley","有限数学与微积分:及其数据与技术",,
    "BIBF09","O1","9780321571892","Finite Mathematics & Its Applications",,"2008-12-28","688","Cloth","USD",138.67,"Prentice Hall","有限数学及其应用","Normal 0 false false false Goldstein's Finite Mathematics, Tenth Edition is a comprehensive print and online program for students majoring in business, economics, life science, or social sciences. Without sacrificing mathemclearly presents the concepts i"," a flexible content sequence with a large quantity of exceptional, in-depth exercise sets. The textbook is supported by a wide array of supplements as well as MyMathLab and MathXL , the most widely adopted and acclaimed o"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780136054252","Differential Equations and Linear Algebra",,"2008-10-10","792","Cloth","USD",133.33,"Prentice Hall","微分方程与线性代数","For courses in Differential Equations and Linear Algebra.Acclaimed authors Edwards and Penney combine core topics in elementary differential equations with those concepts and methods of elementary linear algebra needed for aroduction to differential equat","ions and linear algebra. Known for its real-world applications and its blend of algebraic and geometric approaches, this text discusses mathematical modeling of real-world phenomena, with a fresh new computational and quali"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780321387004","A History of Mathematics",,"2008-07-02","992","Cloth","USD",124,"Addison-Wesley","数学史","A History of Mathematics, Third Edition, provides students with a solid background in the history of mathematics and focuses on the most important topics for today's elementary, high school, and college curricula. Studentsnding of mathematical concepts i"," their historical context, and future teachers will find this book a valuable resource in developing lesson plans based on the history of each topic. This book is ideal for a junior or senior level course in the history"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780321573759","Beginning Algebra",,"2008-12-28","736","Paper","USD",134.67,"Prentice Hall","初级代数","The Tobey/Slater series builds essential skills one at a time by breaking the mathematics down into manageable pieces. This practical "building block" organization makes it easy for students to understand each topic and gahrough each section. Students r","pond well to regular feedback, so the authors provide a "How am I Doing " guide to give students constant reinforcement and to ensure that students understand each concept before moving on to the next. With Tobey/Slater"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780321572707","Essential Mathematics",,"2008-12-28","544","Paper","USD",105.33,"Addison-Wesley","数学导论","Normal 0 false false false The Lial series has helped thousands of students succeed in developmental mathematics through its approachable writing style, supportive pedagogy, varied exercise sets, and complete supplements pacn, the authors continue to prov","ide students and instructors with the best package for learning and teaching support–a book written with student success as its top priority, now with an emphasis on study skills growth and an expanded instructor supplemen"
    "BIBF09","O1","9781568814513","Origami Tessellations","Gjerde, Eric","2008-12-15","150","Paperback","USD",24,"A K Peters","棋盘镶嵌式折纸:令人惊叹的几何设计","Eric Gjerde demonstrates 25 of his favorite tessellations and turns them into projects for newcomers as well as experienced origamists. With step-by-step instructions, illustrated crease patterns, and how-to photos, yul designs yourself.",
    "BIBF09","O1","9780136009269","Linear Algebra with Applications",,"2008-09-30","504","Cloth","USD",141.33,"Prentice Hall","线性代数与应用","Offering the most geometric presentation available, Linear Algebra with Applications, Fourth Edition emphasizes linear transformations as a unifying theme. This elegant textbook combines a user-friendly presentation with strge to clarify and organize the","many techniques and applications of linear algebra. Exercises and examples make up the heart of the text, with abstract exposition kept to a minimum. Extensive problem sets keep students involved in the material, while genu"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780321570659","Essentials of Basic College Mathematics",,"2008-10-27","464","Paper","USD",105.33,"Prentice Hall","基础大学数学概要","The Tobey/Slater series builds essential skills one at a time by breaking the mathematics down into manageable pieces. This practical "building block" organization makes it easy for students to understand each topic and gahrough each section. Students r","pond well to regular feedback, so the authors provide a "How am I Doing " guide to give students constant reinforcement and to ensure that students understand each concept before moving on to the next. With Tobey/Slater"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780130674807","A First Course in Applied Mathematics",,"2009-01-01","1000","Cloth","USD",97.33,"Prentice Hall","应用数学初级教程",,
    "BIBF09","O1","9780135199763","A First Course in Applied Mathematics",,"2009-03-01","750","Cloth","USD",86.67,"Prentice Hall","应用数学初级课程","A series of modules on various topics in applied mathematics suitable for senior, applied math students as well as entering graduate students in applied fields (like engineering) that must come up to speed with their mathemas are unified with a foundation"," to analysis."
    "BIBF09","O1","9780130146502","Mathematics For Life Sciences",,"2009-01-01",,"Cloth","USD",88,"Prentice Hall","生命科学数学",,
    "BIBF09","O1","9780321570444","Stats: Modeling the World",,"2009-01-21","792","Cloth Bound w/CD-ROM","USD",137.33,"Addison-Wesley","统计学:事物建模","By leading with practical data analysis and graphics, Stats: Modeling the World, Third Edition, engages students and gets them to do statistics and think statistically from the start. With the authors' signature Think, Showod, students learn what we can","ind in data, why we find it interesting and how to report it to others. Instructors praise this text as clear and accessible, while students report that they actually enjoy reading the book while learning how to do statist"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780136033134","A First Course in Probability",,"2008-12-28","552","Cloth","USD",124,"Prentice Hall","概率初级教程","Normal 0 false false false A First Course in Probability, Eighth Edition, features clear and intuitive explanations of the mathematics of probability theory, outstanding problem sets, and a variety of diverse examples and apdeal for an upper-level undergr","aduate or graduate level introduction to probability for math, science, engineering and business students. It assumes a background in elementary calculus."
    "BIBF09","O1","9780132297516","Discrete Mathematical Structures",,"2008-07-14","552","Cloth","USD",124,"Prentice Hall","离散数学结构","Discrete Mathematical Structures, Sixth Edition, offers a clear and concise presentation of the fundamental concepts of discrete mathematics. Ideal for a one-semester introductory course, this text contains more genuine compthan any other text in the fiel","d. This book is written at an appropriate level for a wide variety of majors and non-majors, and assumes a college algebra course as a prerequisite."
    "BIBF09","O1","9780321574978","Intermediate Algebra",,"2008-12-28","904","Paper","USD",134.67,"Addison-Wesley","中间代数","Normal 0 false false false The Lial series has helped thousands of students succeed in developmental mathematics through its approachable writing style, supportive pedagogy, varied exercise sets, and complete supplements pacn, the authors continue to prov","ide students and instructors with the best package for learning and teaching support–a book written with student success as its top priority, now with an emphasis on study skills growth and an expanded instructor supplemen"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521100038","Integral Equations","Smithies","2009-1","182","Paperback","USD",38,"Cambridge University Press","积分方程( 此书1958年出版过精装版,isbn:9780521065023 USD: 14.99 出版状态: 绝版 )","This tract is devoted to the theory of linear equations, mainly of the second kind, associated with the names of Volterra, Fredholm, Hilbert and Schmidt. The treatment has been modernised by the systematic use of the Lebesgue integral, which considerablyy"," widens the range of applicability of the theory. Special attention is paid to the singular functions of non-symmetric kernels and to obtaining as strong results as possible for the convergence of the expansions in infinite series. References are given"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521068871","Cauchy and the Creation of Complex Function Theory","Smithies, Frank","2008-7","224","Paperback","USD",43,"Cambridge University Press","柯西和复变函数论的创立( 此书1997年出版过精装版,isbn:9780521592789 USD: 99.00 出版状态: 在版 )","In this book, Dr. Smithies analyzes the process through which Cauchy created the basic structure of complex analysis, describing first the eighteenth century background before proceeding to examine the stages of Cauchy's own work, culminating in the prooo","f of the residue theorem and his work on expansions in power series. Smithies describes how Cauchy overcame difficulties including false starts and contradictions brought about by over-ambitious assumptions, as well as the improvements that came about a"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521090957","Contiguity of Probability Measures","Roussas, George G.","2008-11","262","Paperback","USD",35,"Cambridge University Press","概率侧度近邻性:统计学应用","This Tract presents an elaboration of the notion of 'contiguity', which is a concept of 'nearness' of sequences of probability measures. It provides a powerful mathematical tool for establishing certain theoretical results with applications in statisticss",", particularly in large sample theory problems, where it simplifies derivations and points the way to important results. The potential of this concept has so far only been touched upon in the existing literature, and this book provides the first systema"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521090964","Probabilistic Properties of Deterministic Systems","Lasota, Andrzej","2008-11","368","Paperback","USD",60,"Cambridge University Press","确定性系统的概率特性","This book shows how densities arise in simple deterministic systems. There has been explosive growth in interest in physical, biological and economic systems that can be profitably studied using densities. Due to the inaccessibility of the mathematical ll","iterature there has been little diffusion of the applicable mathematics into the study of these 'chaotic' systems. This book will help to bridge that gap. The authors give a unified treatment of a variety of mathematical systems generating densities,"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521090971","A History of Mathematics Education in England","Howson, Geoffrey","2008-11","304","Paperback","USD",40,"Cambridge University Press","英国数学教育史","The teaching of mathematics has a history stretching back some hundreds of years. From its infancy through to its adolescence institutions at which mathematics was taught were thinly and somewhat haphazardly spread over the country and so individuals werr","e extremely influential in developing curricula and methods of teaching. Indeed this has continued to be a feature of English mathematics education. In this authoritative account Geoffrey Howson follows the history and development of mathematics teachin"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521091794","Conformal Representation","Caratheodary, C.","2008-12","125","Paperback","USD",30,"Cambridge University Press","保形变换","Professor Carathéodory sets out the basic theory of conformal representations as simply as possible. In the early chapters on Mobius' and other elementary transformations and on non-Euclidean geometry, he deals with those elementary subjects that are nec","ssary for an understanding of the general theory discussed in the remaining chapters."
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521515382","Analytic Number Theory","Chen, W. W. L.","2009-1","500","Hardback","USD",120,"Cambridge University Press","解析数论","Klaus Roth's pioneering research in the field of number theory has led to important and substantial breakthroughs in many areas, including sieve theory, diophantine approximation, and irregularities of distribution. His work on the Thue-Siegel-Roth Theor","m earned him a Fields Medal in 1958 - the first British mathematician to receive the honour. Analytic Number Theory: Essays in Honour of Klaus Roth comprises 32 essays from close colleagues and leading experts in those fields in which he has worked, an"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521517201","Hilbert Transforms","King, Frederick W.","2009-2","720","Hardback","USD",150,"Cambridge University Press","希尔伯特变换","The Hilbert transform has many uses, including solving problems in aerodynamics, condensed matter physics, optics, fluids, and engineering. Written in a style that will suit a wide audience (including the physical sciences), this book will become the reff","erence of choice on the topic, whatever the subject background of the reader. It explains all the common Hilbert transforms, mathematical techniques for evaluating them, and has detailed discussions of their application. Especially useful for researcher"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521517232","Hilbert Transforms Set","King, Frederick W.","2009-2",,"2 Hardback books","USD",280,"Cambridge University Press","希尔伯特变换 两卷本合集","The Hilbert transform has many uses, including solving problems in aerodynamics, condensed matter physics, optics, fluids, and engineering. Written in a style that will suit a wide audience (including the physical sciences), this book will become the ree","ference of choice on the topic, whatever the subject background of the reader. It explains all the common Hilbert transforms, mathematical techniques for evaluating them, and has detailed discussions of their application. Especially useful for researche"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521090315","Topological Riesz Spaces and Measure Theory","Fremlin, D. H.","2008-11","280","Paperback","USD",52,"Cambridge University Press","拓扑Riesz空间与测量理论","Measure Theory has played an important part in the development of functional analysis: it has been the source of many examples for functional analysis, including some which have been leading cases for major advances in the general theory, and certain ress","ults in measure theory have been applied to prove general results in analysis. Often the ordinary functional analyst finds the language and a style of measure theory a stumbling block to a full understanding of these developments. Dr Fremlin's aim in w"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521102230","Normal Forms and Bifurcation of Planar Vector Fields","Chow, Shui-Nee","2009-1","480","Paperback","USD",80,"Cambridge University Press","平面矢量场的正常形式与分叉( 此书1994年出版过精装版,isbn:9780521372268 USD: 170.00 出版状态: 在版 )","This book is concerned with the bifurcation theory, the study of the changes in the structures of the solution of ordinary differential equations as parameters of the model vary. The theory has developed rapidly over the past two decades. Chapters 1 and2","of the book introduce two systematic methods of simplifying equations: centre manifold theory and normal form theory, by which the dimension of equations may be reduced and the forms changed so that they are as simple as possible. Chapters 3–5 of the"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521089784","Factorization Calculus and Geometric Probability","Ambartzumian, R. V.","2008-11","298","Paperback","USD",52,"Cambridge University Press","因式分解微积分和几何概率","The classical subjects of geometric probability and integral geometry, and the more modern one of stochastic geometry, are developed here in a novel way to provide a framework in which they can be studied. The author focuses on factorization properties oo","f measures and probabilities implied by the assumption of their invariance with respect to a group, in order to investigate nontrivial factors. The study of these properties is the central theme of the book. Basic facts about integral geometry and ra"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521095259","Introduction to Categories, Homological Algebra and Sheaf Cohomology","Strooker, J. R.","2009-1","256","Paperback","USD",35,"Cambridge University Press","同调代数和层上同调导论","Categories, homological algebra, sheaves and their cohomology furnish useful methods for attacking problems in a variety of mathematical fields. This textbook provides an introduction to these methods, describing their elements and illustrating them by ee","xamples."
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521095303","Normal Topological Spaces","Alo, Richard A.","2009-1","318","Paperback","USD",55,"Cambridge University Press","正常拓扑空间","This text bridges the gap existing in the field of set theoretical topology between the introductory texts and the more specialised monographs. The authors review fit developments in general topology and discuss important new areas of research and the imm","portance of defining a methodology applicable to this active field of mathematics. The concept of normal cover and related ideas is considered in detail, as are the characterisations of normal spaces, collectionwise normal spaces and their interrelation"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521740340","Logarithmetica Britannica 2 volume set","Thompson, A. J.","2008-11","524","2 Paperback books","USD",180,"Cambridge University Press","对数术 两卷集:对数到20小数位 10000-100000","This work of Dr Thompson's is an attempt to commemorate in a worthy manner the first great table of common logarithms, which was computed by Henry Briggs and published in London in 1624. It brings together the series of nine separate parts, issued betweee","n 1924 and 1952 from University College, London, in Karl Pearson's Tracts for Computers series. The main table, which consists of the common logarithms to twenty decimals, of numbers up to 100,000, is accompanied by differences of even order. It is like"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521090308","Differential Analysis","Flett, T. M.","2008-11","367","Paperback","USD",45,"Cambridge University Press","微分分析:微分法,微分方程与微分不等式","T. M. Flett was a Professor of Pure Mathematics at the University of Sheffield from 1967 until his death in 1976. This book, which he had almost finished, has been edited for publication by Professor J. S. Pym. This text is a treatise on the differentiall"," calculus of functions taking values in normed spaces. The exposition is essentially elementary, though on are occasions appeal is made to deeper results. The theory of vector-valued functions of one real variable is particularly straightforward, and th"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521093019","Geometric Symmetry","Lockwood, E. H.","2009-1","238","Paperback","USD",33,"Cambridge University Press","几何对称性( 此书1978年出版过精装版,isbn:9780521216852 USD: 54.95 出版状态: 绝版 )","Symmetry is of interest in two ways, artistic and mathematical. It underlies much scientific thought, playing an important role in chemistry and atomic physics, and a dominant one in crystallography. It is important in architectural and engineering desigg","n and particularly in the decorative arts. This book provides a comprehensive account of symmetry in a form acceptable to readers without much detailed mathematical knowledge or experience who nevertheless want to understand the basic principles of the"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521102438","Measurement Theory","Roberts, Fred S.","2009-3","444","Paperback","USD",75,"Cambridge University Press","测量理论:决策,效用与社会科学之应用( 此书1985年出版过精装版,isbn:9780521302272 USD: 49.50 出版状态: 绝版 )","This book provides an introduction to measurement theory for non-specialists and puts measurement in the social and behavioural sciences on a firm mathematical foundation. Results are applied to such topics as measurement of utility, psychophysical scalii","ng and decision-making about pollution, energy, transportation and health. The results and questions presented should be of interest to both students and practising mathematicians since the author sets forth an area of mathematics unfamiliar to most mat"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521101523","Continued Fractions","Jones, William B.","2009-2","458","Paperback","USD",80,"Cambridge University Press","连分式:分析理论与应用( 此书1985年出版过精装版,isbn:9780521302319 USD: 79.95 出版状态: 绝版 )","This is an exposition of the analytic theory of continued fractions in the complex domain with emphasis on applications and computational methods.",
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521104128","The Representation Theory of the Symmetric Group","James","2009-3","510","Paperback","USD",90,"Cambridge University Press","对称群的表示理论( 此书1985年出版过精装版,isbn:9780521302364 USD: 75.00 出版状态: 绝版 )","The Representation Theory of the Symmetric Group provides an account of both the ordinary and modular representation theory of the symmetric groups. The range of applications of this theory is vast, varying from theoretical physics, through combinatoriess"," to the study of polynomial identity algebras; and new uses are still being found."
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521104043","Birkhoff Interpolation","Lorentz, G. G.","2009-3","237","Paperback","USD",52,"Cambridge University Press","Birkhoff插值( 此书1985年出版过精装版,isbn:9780521302395 USD: 110.00 出版状态: 在版 )","This reference book provides the main definitions, theorems and techniques in the theory of Birkhoff interpolation by polynomials. The book begins with an article by G. G. Lorentz that discusses some of the important developments in approximation and intt","erpolation in the last twenty years. It presents all the basic material known at the present time in a unified manner. Topics discussed include; applications of Birkhoff interpolation to approximation theory, quadrature formulas and Chebyshev systems; l"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521101806","Dependence with Complete Connections and its Applications","Iosifescu, Marius","2009-1","318","Paperback","USD",55,"Cambridge University Press","依靠完全连接及其应用( 此书1990年出版过精装版,isbn:9780521333313 USD: 90.00 出版状态: 绝版 )","Dependence with complete connections is a more general type of stochastic process than the well-known Markovian dependence, accounting for a complete history of a stochastic evolution. This book is an authoritative survey of knowledge of the subject, deaa","ling with the basic theoretical understanding and also with applications. These arise in a variety of situations as diverse as stochastic models of learning, branching processes in random environments, continued fractions and dynamical systems. Thus the"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521101035","Holomorphic Spaces","Axler, Sheldon","2009-2","486","Paperback","USD",55,"Cambridge University Press","全纯空间( 此书1998年出版过精装版,isbn:9780521631938 USD: 110.00 出版状态: 在版 )","Spaces of holomorphic functions have been a prominent theme in analysis since early in the twentieth century. Of interest to complex analysts, functional analysts, operator theorists and systems theorists, their study is now flourishing. This volume, anou","tgrowth of a 1995 program at the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute, contains expository articles by programme participants. Here researchers and graduate students will encounter Hardy spaces, Bergman spaces, Dirichlet spaces, Hankel and Toeplit"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521101332","Radial Basis Functions","Buhmann, Martin D.","2009-2","269","Paperback","USD",50,"Cambridge University Press","径向基函数:理论与实现( 此书2003年出版过精装版,isbn:9780521633383 USD: 110.00 出版状态: 在版 )","In many areas of mathematics, science and engineering, from computer graphics to inverse methods to signal processing, it is necessary to estimate parameters, usually multidimensional, by approximation and interpolation. Radial basis functions are a powee","rful tool which work well in very general circumstances and so are becoming of widespread use as the limitations of other methods, such as least squares, polynomial interpolation or wavelet-based, become apparent. The author's aim is to give a thorough"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521090117","Gibbs States on Countable Sets","Preston, Christopher J.","2008-11","138","Paperback","USD",30,"Cambridge University Press","吉布斯态可数集","The book is an introduction to some of the 1967–1974 results and techniques in classical lattice statistical mechanics. It is written in the language of probability theory rather than that of physics, and is thus aimed primarily at mathematicians who mig","t have little or no background in physics. This area of statistical mechanics is presently enjoying a rapid growth and the book should allow a graduate student or research mathematician to find out what is happening in it. The book is self-contained ex"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521088015","Analysis and Geometry on Groups","Varopoulos, Nicholas T.","2008-12","168","Paperback","USD",37,"Cambridge University Press","群的分析和几何","The geometry and analysis that is discussed in this book extends to classical results for general discrete or Lie groups, and the methods used are analytical, but are not concerned with what is described these days as real analysis. Most of the results dd","escribed in this book have a dual formulation: they have a \"discrete version\" related to a finitely generated discrete group and a continuous version related to a Lie group. The authors chose to center this book around Lie groups, but could easily hav"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521110679","The Selected Works of J. Frank Adams","Adams, J. Frank","2009-5","552","Paperback","USD",65,"Cambridge University Press","富兰克·亚当斯作品选, 第1卷 (此书1992年出版过精装本:9780521410632 $190.00 )","J. Frank Adams was one of the world's leading topologists. He solved a number of celebrated problems in algebraic topology, a subject in which he initiated many of the most active areas of research. He wrote a large number of papers during the period 1955","5–1988, and they are characterised by elegant writing and depth of thought. Few of them have been superseded by later work. This selection, in two volumes, brings together all his major research contributions. They are organised by subject matter rathe"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521110686","The Selected Works of J. Frank Adams","Adams, J. Frank","2009-5","545","Paperback","USD",65,"Cambridge University Press","富兰克·亚当斯作品选,第2卷 (此书1992年出版过精装本:9780521410656 $190.00 )","J. Frank Adams was one of the world's leading topologists. He solved a number of celebrated problems in algebraic topology, a subject in which he initiated many of the most active areas of research. He wrote a large number of papers during the period 1955","5–1988, and they are characterised by elegant writing and depth of thought. Few of them have been superseded by later work. This selection, in two volumes, brings together all his major research contributions. They are organised by subject matter rathe"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521109901","Cohomology of Drinfeld Modular Varieties","Laumon, Gérard","2009-4","378","Paperback","USD",58,"Cambridge University Press","德林菲尔德模空间的上同调群","Cohomology of Drinfeld Modular Varieties provides an introduction, in two volumes, both to this subject and to the Langlands correspondence for function fields. These varieties are the analogues for function fields of the Shimura varieties over number fii","elds. The Langlands correspondence is a conjectured link between automorphic forms and Galois representations over a global field. By analogy with the number-theoretic case, one expects to establish the conjecture for function fields by studying the coh"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521717885","Groups and Analysis","Tent, Katrin","2008-10","336","Paperback","USD",76,"Cambridge University Press","群和分析:德国数学家外尔的遗产","Many areas of mathematics were deeply influenced or even founded by Hermann Weyl, including geometric foundations of manifolds and physics, topological groups, Lie groups and representation theory, harmonic analysis and analytic number theory as well asfo","undations of mathematics. In this volume, leading experts present his lasting influence on current mathematics, often connecting Weyl's theorems with cutting edge research in dynamical systems, invariant theory, and partial differential equations. In"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521092982","Lie Group","Cohn, P. M.","2009-1","172","Paperback","USD",37,"Cambridge University Press","李群( 此书1957年出版过精装版,isbn:9780521046831 USD: 9.99 出版状态: 绝版 )","The theory of Lie groups rests on three pillars: analysis, topology and algebra. Correspondingly it is possible to distinguish several phases, overlapping in some degree, in its development. It also allows one to regard the subject from different pointsof"," view, and it is the algebraic standpoint which has been chosen in this tract as the most suitable one for a first introduction to the subject. The aim has been to develop the beginnings of the theory of Lie groups, especially the fundamental theorems"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521092975","The Unprovability of Consistency","Boolos, George","2009-1","192","Paperback","USD",30,"Cambridge University Press","一致性的不可证明性:模态逻辑论文( 此书1979年出版过精装版,isbn:9780521218795 USD: 49.95 出版状态: 绝版 )","The Unprovability of Consistency is concerned with connections between two branches of logic: proof theory and modal logic. Modal logic is the study of the principles that govern the concepts of necessity and possibility; proof theory is, in part, the stt","udy of those that govern provability and consistency. In this book, George Boolos looks at the principles of provability from the standpoint of modal logic. In doing so, he provides two perspectives on a debate in modal logic that has persisted for at l"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521093040","Nonlinear Waves","Debnath, Lokenath","2009-1","368","Paperback","USD",60,"Cambridge University Press","非线性波( 此书1984年出版过精装版,isbn:9780521254687 USD: 89.95 出版状态: 绝版 )","The outcome of a conference held in East Carolina University in June 1982, this book provides an account of developments in the theory and application of nonlinear waves in both fluids and plasmas. Twenty-two contributors from eight countries here coveral","l the main fields of research, including nonlinear water waves, K-dV equations, solitions and inverse scattering transforms, stability of solitary waves, resonant wave interactions, nonlinear evolution equations, nonlinear wave phenomena in plasmas, r"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521104180","Linear and Projective Representations of Symmetric Groups","Kleshchev, Alexander","2009-3","292","Paperback","USD",52,"Cambridge University Press","对称群的线性和射影表示( 此书2005年出版过精装版,isbn:9780521837033 USD: 110.00 出版状态: 在版 )","The representation theory of symmetric groups is one of the most beautiful, popular and important parts of algebra, with many deep relations to other areas of mathematics such as combinatories, Lie theory and algebraic geometry. Kleshchev describes a neww"," approach to the subject, based on the recent work of Lascoux, Leclerc, Thibon, Ariki, Grojnowski and Brundan, as well as his own. Much of this work has previously appeared only in the research literature. However to make it accessible to graduate stude"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521514088","The Concepts and Practice of Mathematical Finance","Joshi, Mark S.","2008-11","525","Hardback","USD",80,"Cambridge University Press","金融数学的概念与应用 第2版","An ideal introduction for those starting out as practitioners of mathematical finance, this book provides a clear understanding of the intuition behind derivatives pricing, how models are implemented, and how they are used and adapted in practice. Strengg","ths and weaknesses of different models, e.g. Black-Scholes, stochastic volatility, jump-diffusion and variance gamma, are examined. Both the theory and the implementation of the industry-standard LIBOR market model are considered in detail. Each pricing"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521515924","Stochastic Approximation","Borkar, Vivek S.","2008-9","176","Hardback","USD",70,"Cambridge University Press","随机逼近:动力系统观点","This simple, compact toolkit for designing and analyzing stochastic approximation algorithms requires only a basic understanding of probability and differential equations. Although powerful, these algorithms have applications in control and communicationn","s engineering, artificial intelligence and economic modeling. Unique topics include finite-time behavior, multiple timescales and asynchronous implementation. There is a useful plethora of applications, each with concrete examples from engineering and e"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521718219","Trends in Stochastic Analysis","Blath, Jochen","2009-1","384","Paperback","USD",76,"Cambridge University Press","随机分析趋向","Presenting important trends in the field of stochastic analysis, this collection of thirteen articles provides an overview of recent developments and new results. Written by leading experts in the field, the articles cover a wide range of topics, rangingg"," from an alternative set-up of rigorous probability to the sampling of conditioned diffusions. Applications in physics and biology are treated, with discussion of Feynman formulas, intermittency of Anderson models and genetic inference. A large number o"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521071987","Clifford Algebras and Dirac Operators in Harmonic Analysis","Gilbert, J.","2008-8","342","Paperback","USD",58,"Cambridge University Press","谐函数分析中的克里夫兰代数和狄拉克算子( 此书1991年出版过精装版,isbn:9780521346542 USD: 135.00 出版状态: 在版 )","The aim of this book is to unite the seemingly disparate topics of Clifford algebras, analysis on manifolds, and harmonic analysis. The authors show how algebra, geometry, and differential equations play a more fundamental role in Euclidean Fourier analyy","sis. They then link their presentation of the Euclidean theory naturally to the representation theory of semi-simple Lie groups."
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521101325","Cohomological Methods in Transformation Groups","Allday, Christopher","2009-2","482","Paperback","USD",85,"Cambridge University Press","变换群的上同调方法( 此书1993年出版过精装版,isbn:9780521350228 USD: 180.00 出版状态: 在版 )","This is an account of the theory of certain types of compact transformation groups, namely those that are susceptible to study using ordinary cohomology theory and rational homotopy theory, which in practice means the torus groups and elementary abelianp-","groups. The efforts of many mathematicians have combined to bring a depth of understanding to this area. However to make it reasonably accessible to a wide audience, the authors have streamlined the presentation, referring the reader to the literature"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521071956","Duality and Perturbation Methods in Critical Point Theory","Ghoussoub, N.","2008-8","276","Paperback","USD",52,"Cambridge University Press","临界点理论的对偶和摄动方法( 此书1993年出版过精装版,isbn:9780521440257 USD: 130.00 出版状态: 在版 )","Building on min-max methods, Professor Ghoussoub systematically develops a general theory that can be applied in a variety of situations. In so doing he also presents a whole new array of duality and perturbation methods. The prerequisites for followingth","is book are relatively few; an appendix sketching certain methods in analysis makes the book self-contained."
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521072083","Modular Forms and Galois Cohomology","Hida, Haruzo","2008-8","353","Paperback","USD",60,"Cambridge University Press","模形式和伽罗瓦上同调( 此书2000年出版过精装版,isbn:9780521770361 USD: 110.00 出版状态: 在版 )","This book provides a comprehensive account of a key, perhaps the most important, theory that forms the basis of Taylor-Wiles proof of Fermat's last theorem. Hida begins with an overview of the theory of automorphic forms on linear algebraic groups and thh","en covers the basic theory and recent results on elliptic modular forms, including a substantial simplification of the Taylor-Wiles proof by Fujiwara and Diamond. He offers a detailed exposition of the representation theory of profinite groups (includin"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521090636","A Background to Geometry","Room, T. G.","2008-11","350","Paperback","USD",43,"Cambridge University Press","几何学的背景","The central theme of the book is the development of the idea of congruence, that relation between geometric figures which is basic to ordinary Euclidean geometry. The text is divided into four books corresponding to stages in the development of a geometrr","ical system from simple axioms: 1. 'Geometry without numbers': the relations of order and sense. 2. 'Geometry and counting': properties of the systems obtained by repetitions of the operation of displacement. 3. 'Geometry and algebra': the consequences"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521090643","Miniquaternion Geometry","Room, T. G.","2008-11","184","Paperback","USD",38,"Cambridge University Press","四元数几何学:射影平面研究","This tract provides an introduction to four finite geometrical systems and to the theory of projective planes. Of the four geometries, one is based on a nine-element field and the other three can be constructed from the nine-element 'miniquaternion algebb","ra', a simple system which has many though not all the properties of a field. The three systems based on the miniquaternion algebra have widely differing properties; none of them has the homogeneity of structure which characterizes geometry over a field"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521095365","Convexity","Eggleston, H. G.","2009-1","149","Paperback","USD",30,"Cambridge University Press","凸面体","This account of convexity includes the basic properties of convex sets in Euclidean space and their applications, the theory of convex functions and an outline of the results of transformations and combinations of convex sets. It will be useful for thosee"," concerned with the many applications of convexity in economics, the theory of games, the theory of functions, topology, geometry and the theory of numbers."
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521095556","Fourier Transforms","Goldberg, Richard R.","2009-1","84","Paperback","USD",30,"Cambridge University Press","傅立叶变换","This tract gives a clear exposition of the elementary theory of Fourier transforms, so arranged as to give easy access to the recently developed abstract theory of Fourier transforms on a locally compact group. (This latter subject has important applicatt","ions to the general treatment of unitary representations of the rotation group, the Lorentz group and other classical groups that is of value in quantum field theory and other branches of mathematical physics.) A knowledge of Lebesgue integration and, i"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521095907","Calculus","Rosenbaum, R. A.","2009-1","438","Paperback","USD",52,"Cambridge University Press","微积分:基本概念与应用","Here is a textbook of intuitive calculus. The material is presented in a concrete setting with many examples and problems chosen from the social, physical, behavioural and life sciences. Chapters include core material and more advanced optional sections.."," The book begins with a review of algebra and graphing."
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521096027","Templets and the Explanation of Complex Patterns","Katz, Michael J.","2009-1","137","Paperback","USD",30,"Cambridge University Press","复杂模式的模板和阐释","Where does the particular form or configuration of a pattern come from, and how is it propagated from pattern to pattern Templets and the Explanation of Complex Patterns provides a natural language for analysing such questions. Using it, the organisatioo","nal forces that underlie the fabrication of any pattern can be divided into two classes. First, there are the 'universal laws' of pattern assembly, the configurational rules and constraints inherent within the fabric of the pattern elements themselves"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521102674","Advanced Algebra","Maxwell, E. A.","2009-3","323","Paperback","USD",40,"Cambridge University Press","高等代数( 此书1943年出版过精装版,isbn:9780521056946 USD: 10.99 出版状态: 绝版 )","The scope and treatment of Dr Maxwell's two-volume course covering the transition from school to university is directed towards training students in algebraic thinking, so that processes do not become too mechanical. The explanations are full, the diffic","lties of the beginner are foreseen and overcome. Indeed, the course should prove excellent for the lone student as well as for the supervised class. Topics in part one include polynomial theory, equations, inequalities, partial fractions, permutations"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521070348","Iterative Functional Equations","Kuczma, Marek","2008-7","572","Paperback","USD",90,"Cambridge University Press","迭代函数方程( 此书1990年出版过精装版,isbn:9780521355612 USD: 190.00 出版状态: 在版 )","A cohesive and comprehensive account of the modern theory of iterative functional equations. Many of the results included have appeared before only in research literature, making this an essential volume for all those working in functional equations andd"," in such areas as dynamical systems and chaos, to which the theory is closely related. The authors introduce the reader to the theory and then explore the most recent developments and general results. Fundamental notions such as the existence and uni"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521734493","Statistical Models","Davison, A. C.","2008-8","736","Paperback","USD",50,"Cambridge University Press","统计模型( 此书2003年出版过精装版,isbn:9780521773393 USD: 90.00 出版状态: 绝版 )","Models and likelihood are the backbone of modern statistics and data analysis. The coverage is unrivaled, with sections on survival analysis, missing data, Markov chains, Markov random fields, point processes, graphical models, simulation and Markov chaii","n Monte Carlo, estimating functions, asymptotic approximations, local likelihood and spline regressions as well as on more standard topics. Anthony Davison blends theory and practice to provide an integrated text for advanced undergraduate and graduate"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521090650","Characteristic Classes and the Cohomology of Finite Groups","Thomas, C. B.","2008-11","141","Paperback","USD",30,"Cambridge University Press","有限群的示类与上同调理论","The purpose of this book is to study the relation between the representation ring of a finite group and its integral cohomology by means of characteristic classes. In this way it is possible to extend the known calculations and prove some general resultss"," for the integral cohomology ring of a group G of prime power order. Among the groups considered are those of p-rank less than 3, extra-special p-groups, symmetric groups and linear groups over finite fields. An important tool is the Riemann - Roch form"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521090667","The Mathematics of Radiative Transfer","Busbridge, I. W.","2008-11","155","Paperback","USD",37,"Cambridge University Press","辐射传输的数学","This tract gives a simple but rigorous treatment of some of the mathematical problems that arise in the theory of the transfer of radiation through the atmosphere of a star. Similar problems occur in the theory of the diffusion of neutrons and in the stuu","dy of temperature-wave flow in solids; so the solutions found in one theory can often be applied in the others. Dr Busbridge's starting-point is the equation of transfer. The first section provides the auxiliary mathematics, and the second discusses the"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521090681","Integral Transforms in Applied Mathematics","Miles, John W.","2008-11","109","Paperback","USD",30,"Cambridge University Press","应用数学中的积分变换","An intermediate-level text on the use of integral transforms in applied mathematics and engineering. Existing works either cover the subject in more elementary form or are advanced treatises. In a very lucid style the author deals with the use of this imm","portant mathematical tool to solve ordinary and partial differential equations in problems in electrical circuits, mechanical vibration and wave motion, heat conduction, and fluid mechanics. The book is divided into five parts covering integral transfor"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521519267","Aggregation Functions","Grabisch, Michel","2009-8","450","Hardback","USD",120,"Cambridge University Press","聚合函数","Aggregation is the process of combining several numerical values into a single representative value, and an aggregation function performs this operation. These functions arise wherever aggregating information is important: applied and pure mathematics (pp","robability, statistics, decision theory, functional equations), operations research, computer science, and many applied fields (economics and finance, pattern recognition and image processing, data fusion, etc.). This is a comprehensive, rigorous and se"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521096034","Maximum Entropy and Bayesian Methods in Applied Statistics","Justice, James H.","2009-1","329","Paperback","USD",58,"Cambridge University Press","使用统计学中的最大熵法和贝叶斯方法","This collection of papers by leading researchers in their respective fields contains contributions showing the use of the maximum entropy method in many of the fields in which it finds application. In the physical, mathematical and biological sciences itt"," is often necessary to make inferences based on insufficient data. The problem of choosing one among the many possible conclusions or models which are compatible with the data may be resolved in a variety of ways. A particularly appealing method is to c"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521096096","Combination of Observations","Smart, W. M.","2009-1","267","Paperback","USD",35,"Cambridge University Press","观察合并","In many of the sciences there is no means of ensuring absolute accuracy in the measurement of a particular quantity. The difficulty can to some extent be overcome by making several independent sets of observations and by combining these to give the mostpr","obable result. This done, the degree of precision of the calculated value can in its turn be assessed. It is seldom a straightforward matter of taking the average reading, and in many cases a knowledge of the theory behind the methods of combining obs"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521096201","Topics in Recreational Mathmatics","Cadwell, J. H.","2009-1","194","Paperback","USD",30,"Cambridge University Press","娱乐数学","This book shows something of the fascination, beauty and power of mathematical ideas. It is based on talks which the author has given to mathematical and scientific audiences, many of whom found the material unfamiliar. The fifteen topics range from thedi","stribution of prime numbers among the integers to the enumeration of the seventeen distinct types of wall-paper pattern. (The standard of mathematics assumed in the reader is roughly that of British university entrance requirements and its equivalent"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521109925","Sets of Multiples","Hall, Richard R.","2009-4","280","Paperback","USD",0,"Cambridge University Press","多重的集合","The theory of sets of multiples, a subject which lies at the intersection of analytic and probabilistic number theory, has seen much development since the publication of Sequences by Halberstam and Roth nearly thirty years ago. The area is rich in problee","ms, many of them still unsolved or arising from current work. The author sets out to give a coherent, essentially self-contained account of the existing theory and at the same time to bring the reader to the frontiers of research. One of the fascination"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521105521","Numerical Methods in Fluid Dynamics","Sod, Gary A.","2009-3","456","Paperback","USD",55,"Cambridge University Press","流体力学中的数值方法:初边值问题( 此书1986年出版过精装版,isbn:9780521259248 USD: 80.00 出版状态: 绝版 )","Here is an introduction to numerical methods for partial differential equations with particular reference to those that are of importance in fluid dynamics. The author gives a thorough and rigorous treatment of the techniques, beginning with the classicaa","l methods and leading to a discussion of modern developments. For easier reading and use, many of the purely technical results and theorems are given separately from the main body of the text. The presentation is intended for graduate students in applie"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521104197","Fixed Point Theory and Applications","Agarwal, Ravi P.","2009-3","180","Paperback","USD",38,"Cambridge University Press","不动点理论与应用( 此书2001年出版过精装版,isbn:9780521802505 USD: 110.00 出版状态: 在版 )","This book provides a clear exposition of the flourishing field of fixed point theory. Starting from the basics of Banach's contraction theorem, most of the main results and techniques are developed: fixed point results are established for several classes","of maps and the three main approaches to establishing continuation principles are presented. The theory is applied to many areas of interest in analysis. Topological considerations play a crucial role, including a final chapter on the relationship with"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521090278","Module Categories of Analytic Groups","Magid, Andy R.","2008-11","144","Paperback","USD",30,"Cambridge University Press","分析群的模块范畴","Knowledge of an analytic group implies knowledge of its module category. However complete knowledge of the category does not determine the group. Professor Magid shows here that the category determines another, larger group and an algebra of functions inn"," this new group. The new group and its function algebra are completely described; this description thus tells everything that is known when the module category, as a category, is given. This categorical view brings together and highlights the significan"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521090285","A Gateway to Abstract Mathematics","Maxwell, E. A.","2008-11","122","Paperback","USD",30,"Cambridge University Press","抽象数学的门户","Dr Maxwell has written this short book to introduce students (and teachers) to the ideas involved in abstract mathematics. In his preface he states, 'I have often felt that the present plunge into abstraction is too sudden and that there is a need for mo","e elementary work to make the immersion less exhausting.' Dr Maxwell does this by taking various topics from elementary mathematics, and showing what happens when the rules are altered in quite simple ways. He first discusses digital arithmetic, then"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521090346","Packing and Covering","Rogers, C. A.","2008-11","119","Paperback","USD",30,"Cambridge University Press","包装与覆盖物","Professor Rogers has written this economical and logical exposition of the theory of packing and covering at a time when the simplest general results are known and future progress seems likely to depend on detailed and complicated technical developments.."," The book treats mainly problems in n-dimensional space, where n is larger than 3. The approach is quantative and many estimates for packing and covering densities are obtained. The introduction gives a historical outline of the subject, stating results"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521090353","An Analytical Calculus","Maxwell, E. A.","2008-11","177","Paperback","USD",30,"Cambridge University Press","解析微积分,第1卷","This is the first volume of a series of four volumes covering all stages of development of the Calculus, from the last year at school to degree standard. The books are written for students of science and engineering as well as for specialist mathematiciaa","ns, and are designed to bridge the gap between the works used in schools and more advanced studies, with their emphasis on rigour. This volume is concerned with the basic ideas and applications of differentiation and integration in relation to algebraic"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521090360","An Analytical Calculus","Maxwell, E. A.","2008-11","280","Paperback","USD",37,"Cambridge University Press","解析微积分,第2卷","This is the second of a series of four volumes covering all stages of development of the Calculus, from the last years at school to degree standard. The books are written for students of science and engineering as well as for specialist mathematicians, aa","nd are designed to bridge the gap between the works used in schools and more advanced studies. with their emphasis on rigour. This treatment of algebraic and trigonometric functions is here developed to cover logarithmic, exponential and hyperbolic func"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521090377","An Analytical Calculus","Maxwell, E. A.","2008-11","203","Paperback","USD",30,"Cambridge University Press","解析微积分,第3卷","This is the third volume of a series of four volumes covering all stages of development of the Calculus, from the last year at school to degree standard. The books are written for students of science and engineering as well as for specialist mathematiciaa","ns, and are designed to bridge the gap between the works used in schools and more advanced studies, with their emphasis on rigour. The volume treats of the theory of functions of more than one variable. Partial differentiation and multiple integrals are"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521110815","Logic Colloquium 2006","Cooper, S. Barry","2009-5","384","Hardback","USD",99,"Cambridge University Press","2006逻辑座谈会","The Annual European Meeting of the Association for Symbolic Logic, also known as the Logic Colloquium, is among the most prestigious annual meetings in the field. The current volume with contributions from plenary speakers and selected special session spe","akers, contains both expository and research papers by some of the best logicians in the world. The most topical areas of current research are covered: valued fields, Hrushovski constructions (from model theory), algorithmic randomness, relative compu"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521424264","Computational Complexity","Arora, Sanjeev","2009-6","608","Hardback","USD",55,"Cambridge University Press","计算复杂性:现代研究","This beginning graduate textbook describes both recent achievements and classical results of computational complexity theory. Requiring essentially no background apart from mathematical maturity, the book can be used as a reference for self-study for anyy","one interested in complexity, including physicists, mathematicians, and other scientists, as well as a textbook for a variety of courses and seminars. More than 300 exercises are included with a selected hint set. The book starts with a broad introducti"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521093057","Nonparametric Techniques in Statistical Inference","Puri, Madan Lal","2009-1","637","Paperback","USD",75,"Cambridge University Press","统计推理中的非参数方法( 此书1970年出版过精装版,isbn:9780521078177 USD: 99.50 出版状态: 绝版 )","Nonparametric techniques in statistics are those in which the data are ranked in order according to some particular characteristic. When applied to measurable characteristics, the use of such techniques often saves considerable calculation as compared wii","th more formal methods, with only slight loss of accuracy. The field of nonparametric statistics is occupying an increasingly important role in statistical theory as well as in its applications. Nonparametric methods are mathematically elegant, and they"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521081276","Leibniz in Paris 1672-1676","Hofmann, Joseph H.","2008-9","384","Paperback","USD",48,"Cambridge University Press","莱布尼兹在巴黎 1672-1676: 他的数学之路","When Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz first arrived in Paris in 1672 he was a well-educated, sophisticated young diplomat who had yet to show any real sign of his latent mathematical abilities. Over his next four crowded, formative years, which Professor Hofmann","n analyses in detail, he grew to be one of the outstanding mathematicians of the age and to found the modern differential calculus. In Paris, Leibniz rapidly absorbed the advanced exact science of the day. During a short visit to London in 1673 he made"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521089548","Consequences of Martin's Axiom","Fremlin, D. H.","2008-11","337","Paperback","USD",58,"Cambridge University Press","马丁公理后果","'Martin's axiom' is one of the most fruitful axioms which have been devised to show that certain properties are insoluble in standard set theory. It has important 1applications m set theory, infinitary combinatorics, general topology, measure theory, funn","ctional analysis and group theory. In this book Dr Fremlin has sought to collect together as many of these applications as possible into one rational scheme, with proofs of the principal results. His aim is to show how straightforward and beautiful argu"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521089555","Mathematical Modelling","Clements, Dick","2008-11","174","Paperback","USD",37,"Cambridge University Press","数学模型","This book, based on a successful undergraduate course designed by the author, describes mathematical modelling and its application to the solution of problems in industry and commerce. In the early chapters of the book the author first sets out a clear ii","ntroduction to the principles of mathematical modelling, including sections on the various methodologies of mathematical modelling and their relationship to systems methodologies. He then offers some insights into practical aspects of mathematical model"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521509770","Analysis in Positive Characteristic","Kochubei, Anatoly N.","2009-3","225","Hardback","USD",80,"Cambridge University Press","正特性的分析","Devoted to counterparts of classical structures of mathematical analysis in analysis over local fields of positive characteristic, this book treats positive characteristic phenomena from an analytic viewpoint. Building on the basic objects introduced byL."," Carlitz - such as the Carlitz factorials, exponential and logarithm, and the orthonormal system of Carlitz polynomials - the author develops a kind of differential and integral calculi. He also expands on the basics of an analytic theory of (Carlitz'"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521719162","Conceptual Mathematics","Lawvere, F. William","2009-2","408","Paperback","USD",60,"Cambridge University Press","概念的数学,第2版:范畴导论","In the last 60 years, the use of the notion of category has led to a remarkable unification and simplification of mathematics. Conceptual Mathematics introduces this tool for the learning, development, and use of mathematics, to beginning students and all","so to practising mathematical scientists. This book provides a skeleton key that makes explicit some concepts and procedures that are common to all branches of pure and applied mathematics. The treatment does not presuppose knowledge of specific fields,"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521093033","Nonlinear Diffusive Waves","Sachdev, P. L.","2009-1","254","Paperback","USD",50,"Cambridge University Press","非线性扩散波( 此书1987年出版过精装版,isbn:9780521265935 USD: 89.95 出版状态: 绝版 )","This monograph deals with Burgers' equation and its generalisations. Such equations describe a wide variety of nonlinear diffusive phenomena, for instance, in nonlinear acoustics, laser physics, plasmas and atmospheric physics. The Burgers equation alsoha","s mathematical interest as a canonical nonlinear parabolic differential equation that can be exactly linearised. It is closely related to equations that display soliton behaviour and its study has helped elucidate other such nonlinear behaviour. The a"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521090704","Topics in Applied Multivariate Analysis","Hawkins, D. M.","2008-11","374","Paperback","USD",45,"Cambridge University Press","多元分析应用的主题","Multivariate methods are employed widely in the analysis of experimental data but are poorly understood by those users who are not statisticians. This is because of the wide divergence between the theory and practice of multivariate methods. This book prr","ovides concise yet thorough surveys of developments in multivariate statistical analysis and gives statistically sound coverage of the subject. The contributors are all experienced in the theory and practice of multivariate methods and their aim has bee"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521090339","Martingales and Stochastic Integrals","Kopp, P. E.","2008-11","224","Paperback","USD",43,"Cambridge University Press","方法与随机积分","This book provides an introduction to the rapidly expanding theory of stochastic integration and martingales. The treatment is close to that developed by the French school of probabilists, but is more elementary than other texts. The presentation is abstt","ract, but largely self-contained and Dr Kopp makes fewer demands on the reader's background in probability theory than is usual. He gives a fairly full discussion of the measure theory and functional analysis needed for martingale theory, and describes"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521103077","Singular-Perturbation Theory","Smith, Donald R.","2009-3","516","Paperback","USD",58,"Cambridge University Press","奇异摄动理论:应用导论( 此书1985年出版过精装版,isbn:9780521300421 USD: 190.00 出版状态: 在版 )","This book presents an introduction to singular-perturbation problems, problems which depend on a parameter in such a way that solutions behave non-uniformly as the parameter tends toward some limiting value of interest. The author considers and solves ava","riety of problems, mostly for ordinary differential equations. He constructs (approximate) solutions for oscillation problems, using the methods of averaging and of multiple scales. For problems of the nonoscillatory type, where solutions exhibit 'fa"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521102766","Complex Polynomials","Sheil-Small, T.","2009-3","448","Paperback","USD",75,"Cambridge University Press","复多项式( 此书2002年出版过精装版,isbn:9780521400688 USD: 170.00 出版状态: 在版 )","This book studies the geometric theory of polynomials and rational functions in the plane. Any theory in the plane should make full use of the complex numbers and thus the early chapters build the foundations of complex variable theory, melding togetherid","eas from algebra, topology and analysis. In fact, throughout the book, the author introduces a variety of ideas and constructs theories around them, incorporating much of the classical theory of polynomials as he proceeds. These ideas are used to stud"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521072120","Automorphic Forms on SL2 (R)","Borel, Armand","2008-8","204","Paperback","USD",43,"Cambridge University Press","SL2(R)自守形式( 此书1997年出版过精装版,isbn:9780521580496 USD: 95.00 出版状态: 在版 )","This book provides an introduction to some aspects of the analytic theory of automorphic forms on G=SL2(R) or the upper-half plane X, with respect to a discrete subgroup ^D*G of G of finite covolume. The point of view is inspired by the theory of infinitt","e dimensional unitary representations of G; this is introduced in the last sections, making this connection explicit. The topics treated include the construction of fundamental domains, the notion of automorphic form on ^D*G\G and its relationship with"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521090414","An Analytical Calculus","Maxwell, E. A.","2008-11","302","Paperback","USD",40,"Cambridge University Press","解析微积分,第4卷","This is the final volume of a series covering all stages of development of the Calculus, from the last year at school to degree standard. The books are written for students of science and engineering as well as for specialist mathematicians, and are desii","gned to bridge the gap between the works used in schools and more advanced studies, with their emphasis on rigour. Dr Maxwell guides the student through the early stages of analysis, while keeping the exposition as clear and uncomplicated as possible. T"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521096867","The Cauchy Problem","Fattorini, Hector O.","2009-1","664","Paperback","USD",110,"Cambridge University Press","Cauchy问题","This volume deals with the Cauchy or initial value problem for linear differential equations. It treats in detail some of the applications of linear space methods to partial differential equations, especially the equations of mathematical physics such ass"," the Maxwell, Schr dinger and Dirac equations. Background material presented in the first chapter makes the book accessible to mathematicians and physicists who are not specialists in this area as well as to graduate students."
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521089449","The One-Dimensional Heat Equation","Cannon, John Rozier","2008-11","509","Paperback","USD",58,"Cambridge University Press","一维热方程","This is a version of Gevrey's classical treatise on the heat equations. Included in this volume are discussions of initial and/or boundary value problems, numerical methods, free boundary problems and parameter determination problems. The material is pre","ented as a monograph and/or information source book. After the first six chapters of standard classical material, each chapter is written as a self-contained unit except for an occasional reference to elementary definitions, theorems and lemmas in prev"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521103367","Time-Series Analysis","Gottman, John M.","2009-3","416","Paperback","USD",70,"Cambridge University Press","时间序列分析:社会科学家综合导论( 此书1982年出版过精装版,isbn:9780521235976 USD: 57.95 出版状态: 绝版 )","Since the 1970s social scientists and scientists in a variety of fields - psychology, sociology, education, psychiatry, economics and engineering - have been interested in problems that require the statistical analysis of data over time and there has beee","n in effect a conceptual revolution in ways of thinking about pattern and regularity. This book is a comprehensive introduction to all the major time-series techniques, both time-domain and frequency-domain. It includes work on linear models that simpli"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521102773","The Logical Status of Diagrams","Shin, Sun-Joo","2009-3","209","Paperback","USD",43,"Cambridge University Press","图形的逻辑状态( 此书1995年出版过精装版,isbn:9780521461573 USD: 85.00 出版状态: 在版 )","Diagrams are widely used in reasoning about problems in physics, mathematics and logic, but have traditionally been considered to be only heuristic tools and not valid elements of mathematical proofs. This book challenges this prejudice against visualisaa","tion in the history of logic and mathematics and provides a formal foundation for work on natural reasoning in a visual mode. The author presents Venn diagrams as a formal system of representation equipped with its own syntax and semantics and specifies"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521093323","Multiple-Conclusion Logic","Shoesmith, D. J.","2009-1","410","Paperback","USD",50,"Cambridge University Press","多结论逻辑","Multiple-conclusion logic extends formal logic by allowing arguments to have a set of conclusions instead of a single one, the truth lying somewhere among the conclusions if all the premises are true. The extension opens up interesting possibilities basee","d on the symmetry between premises and conclusions, and can also be used to throw fresh light on the conventional logic and its limitations. This is a sustained study of the subject and is certain to stimulate further research. Part I reworks the fundam"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521093330","An Engineering Approach to Linear Algebra","Sawyer, W. W.","2009-1","312","Paperback","USD",40,"Cambridge University Press","线性代数的工程方法","Professor Sawyer's book is based on a course given to the majority of engineering students in their first year at Toronto University. Its aim is to present the important ideas in linear algebra to students of average ability whose principal interests lie","outside the field of mathematics; as such it will be of interest to students in other disciplines as well as engineering. The emphasis throughout is on imparting an understanding of the significance of the mathematical techniques and great care has th"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521093347","Complex Analysis and Algebraic Geometry","Baily, W. L. Jr","2009-1","413","Paperback","USD",50,"Cambridge University Press","多值分析和代数几何","The articles in this volume cover some developments in complex analysis and algebraic geometry. The book is divided into three parts. Part I includes topics in the theory of algebraic surfaces and analytical surfaces. Part II covers topics in moduli andcl","assification problems, as well as structure theory of certain complex manifolds. Part III is devoted to various topics in algebraic geometry analysis and arithmetic. A survey article by Ueno serves as an introduction to the general background of the s"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521093354","Higher Calculus","Bowman, Frank","2009-1","432","Paperback","USD",52,"Cambridge University Press","高等微积分","This book is intended for students who have completed an elementary course of calculus and are taking the subject further, more particularly, perhaps, on account of its applications in physics and engineering. It covers the ground of a calculus course att"," first-year level in universities and colleges of technology for students majoring in mathematics. It thus fills a gap between the numerous introductory texts and those on advanced analysis in which this material is embedded in a great deal of other mat"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521093361","Systems of Frequency Curves","Elderton, William Palin","2009-1","224","Paperback","USD",30,"Cambridge University Press","频率曲线系统","Sir William Elderton's Frequency Curves and Correlation was first published in 1906 and subsequently three new editions were published. It has long enjoyed popularity as a source of clear descriptions of the practical use of Pearson and also Gram-Charlie","systems of frequency curves. Professor Johnson has substantially revised this book. The material on correlations has been omitted; descriptions of further kinds of frequency curves have been added; the treatment of frequency surfaces has been recast an"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521090599","Computational Algebraic Geometry and Commutative Algebra","Eisenbud, David","2008-11","308","Paperback","USD",30,"Cambridge University Press","计算代数几何与交换代数","Computational methods are an established tool in algebraic geometry and commutative algebra, the key element being the theory of Gr bner bases. This book represents the state of the art in computational algebraic geometry and encapsulates many of the moss","t interesting trends and developments in the field. There are two articles on open problems, orienting the reader to the subject's direction, four surveys describing the most interesting work, and four original research papers. There is also an introduc"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521100045","The Theory of Generalised Functions","Jones, D. S.","2009-1","553","Paperback","USD",60,"Cambridge University Press","广义函数论( 此书1982年出版过精装版,isbn:9780521237239 USD: 120.00 出版状态: 绝版 )","Starting from an elementary level Professor Jones discusses generalised functions and their applications. He aims to supply the simplest introduction for those who wish to learn to use generalised functions and there is liberal provision of exercises witt","h which to gain experience. The study of more advanced topics such as partial differential equations, Laplace transforms and ultra-distributions should also make it a valuable source for researchers. The demands placed upon the reader's analytical backg"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521103060","Volterra Integral and Functional Equations","Gripenberg, G.","2009-3","723","Paperback","USD",80,"Cambridge University Press","Volterra积分与函数方程( 此书1990年出版过精装版,isbn:9780521372893 USD: 260.00 出版状态: 在版 )","The rapid development of the theories of Volterra integral and functional equations has been strongly promoted by their applications in physics, engineering and biology. This text shows that the theory of Volterra equations exhibits a rich variety of feaa","tures not present in the theory of ordinary differential equations. The book is divided into three parts. The first considers linear theory and the second deals with quasilinear equations and existence problems for nonlinear equations, giving some gener"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521101028","3-Transposition Groups","Aschbacher, Michael","2009-2","270","Paperback","USD",50,"Cambridge University Press","3-移项组","In 1970 Bernd Fischer proved his beautiful theorem classifying the almost simple groups generated by 3-transpositions, and in the process discovered three new sporadic groups, now known as the Fischer groups. Since then, the theory of 3-transposition groo","ups has become an important part of finite simple group theory, but Fischer's work has remained unpublished. 3-Transposition Groups contains the first published proof of Fischer's Theorem, written out completely in one place. Fischer's result, while"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521719773","Groups, Graphs and Trees","Meier, John","2008-7","256","Paperback","USD",40,"Cambridge University Press","群,图和树:几何学与无限群导论","This outstanding new book presents the modern, geometric approach to group theory, in an accessible and engaging approach to the subject. Topics include group actions, the construction of Cayley graphs, and connections to formal language theory and geomee","try. Theorems are balanced by specific examples such as Baumslag-Solitar groups, the Lamplighter group and Thompson's group. Only exposure to undergraduate-level abstract algebra is presumed, and from that base the core techniques and theorems are devel"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521719780","How to Think Like a Mathematician","Houston, Kevin","2009-1","275","Paperback","USD",35,"Cambridge University Press","如何象数学家一样思考:大学数学指南","Looking for a head start in your undergraduate degree in mathematics Maybe you've already started your degree and feel bewildered by the subject you previously loved Don't panic! This friendly companion will ease your transition to real mathematicalhi","ing. Working through the book you will develop an arsenal of techniques to help you unlock the meaning of definitions, theorems and proofs, solve problems, and write mathematics effectively. All the major methods of proof - direct method, cases, indu"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521734714","Moduli Spaces and Vector Bundles","Brambila-Paz, Leticia","2009-6","515","Paperback","USD",90,"Cambridge University Press","模空间与向量丛(伦敦数学学会讲座纪要 NO.359)","Vector bundles and their associated moduli spaces are of fundamental importance in algebraic geometry. In recent decades this subject has been greatly enhanced by its relationships with other areas of mathematics, including differential geometry, topologg","y and even theoretical physics, specifically gauge theory, quantum field theory and string theory. Peter E. Newstead has been a leading figure in this field almost from its inception and has made many seminal contributions to our understanding of moduli"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521093026","Dimension Theory of General Spaces","Pears, A. R.","2009-1","440","Paperback","USD",75,"Cambridge University Press","一般空间的维数论( 此书1975年出版过精装版,isbn:9780521205153 USD: 95.00 出版状态: 绝版 )","A complete and self-contained account of the dimension theory of general topological spaces, with particular emphasis on the dimensional properties of non-metrizable spaces. It makes the subject accessible to beginning graduate students and will also serr","ve as a reference work for general topologists. Two introductory chapters summarize standard results in general topology, and cover material on paracompactness and metrization. The principal definitions of dimension follow and their general properties a"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521092999","Simple Noetherian Rings","Cozzens, John","2009-1","143","Paperback","USD",30,"Cambridge University Press","简单Noether环( 此书1975年出版过精装版,isbn:9780521207348 USD: 27.95 出版状态: 绝版 )","This work specifically surveys simple Noetherian rings. The authors present theorems on the structure of simple right Noetherian rings and, more generally, on simple rings containing a uniform right ideal U. The text is as elementary and self-contained aa","s practicable, and the little background required in homological and categorical algebra is given in a short appendix. Full definitions are given and short, complete, elementary proofs are provided for such key theorems as the Morita theorem, the Corres"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521108478","An Algebraic Introduction to Complex Projective Geometry","Peskine, Christian","2009-4","244","Paperback","USD",48,"Cambridge University Press","复杂投影几何的代数导论: 交换代数( 此书1996年出版过精装版,isbn:9780521480727 USD: 110.00 出版状态: 在版 )","In this introduction to commutative algebra, the author leads the beginning student through the essential ideas, without getting embroiled in technicalities. The route chosen takes the reader quickly to the fundamental concepts for understanding complexpr","ojective geometry, the only prerequisites being a basic knowledge of linear and multilinear algebra and some elementary group theory. In the first part, the general theory of Noetherian rings and modules is developed. A certain amount of homological a"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521070065","Geometry of Constrained Dynamical Systems","Charap, John M.","2008-7","349","Paperback","USD",58,"Cambridge University Press","约束动力学系统几何( 此书1995年出版过精装版,isbn:9780521482714 USD: 135.00 出版状态: 在版 )","Many fundamental theories of modern physics can be considered as descriptions of dynamical systems subjected to constraints. The study of these constrained dynamical systems, and in particular the problems of formulating them as quantum systems, has manyy"," profound links with geometry. These links were explored in the Symposium on Geometry and Gravity held at the Newton Institute in 1994. This book, which arose from a conference held during that symposium, is a collection of papers devoted to problems su"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521105828","Matrices of Sign-Solvable Linear Systems","Brualdi, Richard A.","2009-4","316","Paperback","USD",55,"Cambridge University Press","符号可解线性系统矩阵( 此书1995年出版过精装版,isbn:9780521482967 USD: 110.00 出版状态: 在版 )","The sign-solvability of a linear system implies that the signs of the entries of the solution are determined solely on the basis of the signs of the coefficients of the system. That it might be worthwhile and possible to investigate such linear systems ww","as recognised by Samuelson in his classic book Foundations of Economic Analysis. Sign-solvability is part of a larger study which seeks to understand the special circumstances under which an algebraic, analytic or geometric property of a matrix can be d"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521089258","Fibrewise Topology","James, I. M.","2008-10","208","Paperback","USD",43,"Cambridge University Press","Fibrewise 拓扑学","The aim of this book is to promote a fibrewise perspective, particularly in topology, which is central to modern mathematics. Already this view is standard in the theory of fibre bundles and therefore in such subjects as global analysis. It has a role too"," play also in general and equivariant topology. There are strong links with equivariant topology, a topic which has latterly been subject to great research activity. It is to be hoped that this book will provide a solid and invigorating foundation for t"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521519861","A Compendium of Partial Differential Equation Models","Schiesser, William E.","2009-5","400","Hardback","USD",99,"Cambridge University Press","偏微分方程模型纲要:利用MATLAB的直线分析法","Mathematical modelling of physical and chemical systems is used extensively throughout science, engineering, and applied mathematics. To use mathematical models, one needs solutions to the model equations; this generally requires numerical methods. Thisbo","ok presents numerical methods and associated computer code in Matlab for the solution of a spectrum of models expressed as partial differential equations (PDEs). The authors focus on the method of lines (MOL), a well-established procedure for all maj"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521514965","Dynamics of Linear Operators","Bayart, Frédéric","2009-6","350","Hardback","USD",80,"Cambridge University Press","线性算子动态学","The dynamics of linear operators is a young and rapidly evolving branch of functional analysis. In this book, which focuses on hypercyclicity and supercyclicity, the authors assemble the wide body of theory that has received much attention over the lastfi","fteen years and present it for the first time in book form. Selected topics include various kinds of 'existence theorems', the role of connectedness in hypercyclicity, linear dynamics and ergodic theory, frequently hypercyclic and chaotic operators,"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521090322","Introdction to Measure and Probability","Kingman, J. F. C.","2008-11","413","Paperback","USD",50,"Cambridge University Press","测量与概率导论","The authors believe that a proper treatment of probability theory requires an adequate background in the theory of finite measures in general spaces. The first part of their book sets out this material in a form that not only provides an introduction forr"," intending specialists in measure theory but also meets the needs of students of probability. The theory of measure and integration is presented for general spaces, with Lebesgue measure and the Lebesgue integral considered as important examples whose s"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521091886","An Introduction to Riemannian Geometry and the Tensor Calculus","Weatherburn, C. E.","2008-12","203","Paperback","USD",30,"Cambridge University Press","黎曼集合和张量运算","The purpose of this book is to bridge the gap between differential geometry of Euclidean space of three dimensions and the more advanced work on differential geometry of generalized space. The subject is treated with the aid of the Tensor Calculus, whichh"," is associated with the names of Ricci and Levi-Civita; and the book provides an introduction both to this calculus and to Riemannian geometry. The geometry of subspaces has been considerably simplified by use of the generalized covariant differentiatio"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521734905","A First Course in the Numerical Analysis of Differential Equations","Iserles, Arieh","2008-11","480","Paperback","USD",60,"Cambridge University Press","微分方程的数值分析导论课程","Numerical analysis presents different faces to the world. For mathematicians it is a bona fide mathematical theory with an applicable flavour. For scientists and engineers it is a practical, applied subject, part of the standard repertoire of modelling tt","echniques. For computer scientists it is a theory on the interplay of computer architecture and algorithms for real-number calculations. The tension between these standpoints is the driving force of this book, which presents a rigorous account of the fu"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521102827","Comparison of Statistical Experiments","Torgersen, Erik","2009-3","695","Paperback","USD",110,"Cambridge University Press","统计实验的比较( 此书1991年出版过精装版,isbn:9780521250306 USD: 240.00 出版状态: 在版 )","There are a number of important questions associated with statistical experiments: when does one given experiment yield more information than another; how can we measure the difference in information; how fast does information accumulate by repeating thee"," experiment The means of answering such questions has emerged from the work of Wald, Blackwell, LeCam and others and is based on the ideas of risk and deficiency. The present work which is devoted to the various methods of comparing statistical experim"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521090919","Proceedings of the Rutgers Group Theory Year, 1983–1984","Aschbacher, Michael","2008-11","429","Paperback","USD",75,"Cambridge University Press","罗格斯群论年会议录 1983-1984","With the classification of finite groups an era of research in that subject ended. In this symposium volume twenty-nine key figures in the classification programme analyse the likely directions research will take in the future.",
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521090926","Injective Modules","Sharpe","2008-11","202","Paperback","USD",43,"Cambridge University Press","内射模","In the preface of this book, the authors express the view that 'a good working knowledge of injective modules is a sound investment for module theorists'. The existing literature on the subject has tended to deal with the applications of injective modulee","s to ring theory. The aim of this tract is to demonstrate some of the applications of injective modules to commutative algebra. A number of well-known concepts and results which so far have been applicable principally to commutative rings are generalize"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521090933","Nonlinear Superposition Operators","Appell, Jürgen","2008-11","319","Paperback","USD",40,"Cambridge University Press","非线性叠加算子","This book is a self-contained account of knowledge of the theory of nonlinear superposition operators: a generalization of the notion of functions. The theory developed here is applicable to operators in a wide variety of function spaces, and it is hereth","at the modern theory diverges from classical nonlinear analysis. The purpose of this book is to collect the basic facts about the superposition operator, to present the main ideas which are useful in studying its properties and to provide a comparison"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521090940","Entropy, Compactness and the Approximation of Operators","Carl, Bernd","2008-11","287","Paperback","USD",37,"Cambridge University Press","运算符号的熵,紧性与近似值","Entropy quantities are connected with the 'degree of compactness' of compact or precompact spaces, and so are appropriate tools for investigating linear and compact operators between Banach spaces. The main intention of this Tract is to study the relatioo","ns between compactness and other analytical properties, e.g. approximability and eigenvalue sequences, of such operators. The authors present many generalized results, some of which have not appeared in the literature before. In the final chapter, the a"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521100465","Schur Algebras and Representation Theory","Martin, Stuart","2009-1","248","Paperback","USD",48,"Cambridge University Press","舒尔代数和表象理论","The Schur algebra is an algebraic system providing a link between the representation theory of the symmetric and general linear groups (both finite and infinite). In the text Dr Martin gives a full, self-contained account of this algebra and these links,,"," covering both the basic theory of Schur algebras and related areas. He discusses the usual representation-theoretic topics such as constructions of irreducible modules, the blocks containing them, their modular characters and the problem of computing d"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521097093","Solitons and Geometry","Novikov, S. P.","2009-1","64","Paperback","USD",30,"Cambridge University Press","光孤子和几何学","This is an introduction to the geometry of Hamiltonian systems from the modern point of view where the basic structure is a Poisson bracket. Using this approach a mathematical analogue of the famous 'Dirac monopole' is obtained starting from the classia","top in a gravity field. This approach is especially useful in physical applications in which a field theory appears; this is the subject of the second part of the lectures, which contains a theory of conservative hydrodynamic-type systems, based on Ri"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521090292","New Advances in Transcendence Theory","Baker, Alan","2008-11","446","Paperback","USD",75,"Cambridge University Press","超越论的新进展","This is an account of the proceedings of a very successful symposium of Transcendental Number Theory held in Durham in 1986. Most of the leading international specialists were present and the lectures reflected the great advances that have taken place inn"," this area. Indeed, the evolution of transcendence into a fertile theory with numerous and widespread applications has been one of the most exciting developments of modern mathematics. The papers cover all the main branches of the subject, and include n"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521093002","Irregularities of Distribution","Beck, Jozsef","2009-1","308","Paperback","USD",55,"Cambridge University Press","不规则的分布( 此书1987年出版过精装版,isbn:9780521307925 USD: 90.00 出版状态: 绝版 )","This book is an authoritative description of the various approaches to and methods in the theory of irregularities of distribution. The subject is primarily concerned with number theory, but also borders on combinatorics and probability theory. The workis"," in three parts. The first is concerned with the classical problem, complemented where appropriate with more recent results. In the second part, the authors study generalizations of the classical problem, pioneered by Schmidt. Here, they include chapt"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521102834","The Numerical Solution of Integral Equations of the Second Kind","Atkinson, Kendall E.","2009-3","570","Paperback","USD",60,"Cambridge University Press","第二类积分方程数值解析( 此书1997年出版过精装版,isbn:9780521583916 USD: 140.00 出版状态: 在版 )","This book provides an extensive introduction to the numerical solution of a large class of integral equations. The initial chapters provide a general framework for the numerical analysis of Fredholm integral equations of the second kind, covering degenerr","ate kernel, projection and Nystrom methods. Additional discussions of multivariable integral equations and iteration methods update the reader on the present state of the art in this area. The final chapters focus on the numerical solution of boundary i"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521090582","Mathematical Logic with Special Reference to the Natural Numbers","Steen, S. W. P.","2008-11","654","Paperback","USD",75,"Cambridge University Press","自然数的数学逻辑参考方案","This book presents a comprehensive treatment of basic mathematical logic. The author's aim is to make exact the vague, intuitive notions of natural number, preciseness, and correctness, and to invent a method whereby these notions can be communicated toot","hers and stored in the memory. He adopts a symbolic language in which ideas about natural numbers can be stated precisely and meaningfully, and then investigates the properties and limitations of this language. The treatment of mathematical concepts i"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521090605","Multilinear Algebra","Northcott, D. G.","2009-1","208","Paperback","USD",43,"Cambridge University Press","多重线性代数","Multilinear algebra has important applications in many different areas of mathematics but is usually learned in a rather haphazard fashion. The aim of this book is to provide a readable and systematic account of multilinear algebra at a level suitable foo","r graduate students. Professor Northcott gives a thorough treatment of topics such as tensor, exterior, Grassmann, Hopf and co-algebras and ends each chapter with a section entitled 'Comments and Exercises'. The comments contain convenient summaries a"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521090612","Generalized Hypergeometric Functions","Slater, Lucy Joan","2008-11","287","Paperback","USD",37,"Cambridge University Press","广义超几何函数","The theory of generalized hypergeometric functions is fundamental in the field of mathematical physics, since all the commonly used functions of analysis (Besse] Functions, Legendre Functions, etc.) are special cases of the general functions. The unifiedd"," theory provides a means for the analysis of the simpler functions and can be used to solve the more complicated equations in physics. The generalized Gauss function is also used in mathematical statistics and the basic analogues of the Gauss functions"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521090629","Chain Conditions in Topology","Comfort, W. W.","2008-11","314","Paperback","USD",40,"Cambridge University Press","拓扑学中的链条件","A chain condition is a property, typically involving considerations of cardinality, of the family of open subsets of a topological space. (Sample questions: (a) How large a fmily of pairwise disjoint open sets does the space admit (b) From an uncountabll","e family of open sets, can one always extract an uncountable subfamily with the finite intersection property. This monograph, which is partly fresh research and partly expository (in the sense that the authors co-ordinate and unify disparate results obt"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521101042","Equivalence, Invariants and Symmetry","Olver, Peter J.","2009-2","541","Paperback","USD",60,"Cambridge University Press","等值,不变量和对称性","Drawing on a wide range of mathematical disciplines, including geometry, analysis, applied mathematics and algebra, this book presents an innovative synthesis of methods used to study problems of equivalence and symmetry which arise in a variety of mathee","matical fields and physical applications. Systematic and constructive methods for solving equivalence problems and calculating symmetries are developed and applied to a wide variety of mathematical systems, including differential equations, variational"
    "BIBF09","O1","9788876423079","Quantum information and many body quantum systems : proceedings.",,"2008","171","Paperback","EUR",26,"Edizioni della Normale","量子信息与多体量子系统","Proceedings, Pisa, 2007. - Contains bibliographies and notes.",
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521102544","The Logarithmic Integral","Koosis, Paul","2009-3","600","Paperback","USD",90,"Cambridge University Press","对数积分( 此书1992年出版过精装版,isbn:9780521309073 USD: 220.00 出版状态: 在版 )","The theme of this work, the logarithmic integral, lies athwart much of twentieth-century analysis. It is a thread connecting many apparently separate parts of the subject, and so is a natural point at which to begin a serious study of real and complex ann","alysis. Professor Koosis' aim is to show how, from simple ideas, one can build up an investigation which explains and clarifies many different, seemingly unrelated problems; to show, in effect, how mathematics grows. The presentation is straightforward"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521097932","An Introduction to Homological Algebra","Northcott","2009-1","294","Paperback","USD",37,"Cambridge University Press","同调代数导论","Homological algebra, because of its fundamental nature, is relevant to many branches of pure mathematics, including number theory, geometry, group theory and ring theory. Professor Northcott's aim is to introduce homological ideas and methods and to show","some of the results which can be achieved. The early chapters provide the results needed to establish the theory of derived functors and to introduce torsion and extension functors. The new concepts are then applied to the theory of global dimensions,"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521098854","The Matrix Analysis of Vibration","Bishop, R. E. D.","2009-1","414","Paperback","USD",70,"Cambridge University Press","振动的矩阵分析法","Vibration problems arise in the design of almost all engineering machinery and structures. Many of these problems are extremely complex but their solution is essential if a safe and satisfactory design is to be achieved. The equations of motion are oftenn"," insoluble by the classical methods of the calculus and so it is necessary to approximate on order to reduce them to a set of linear equations. The use of matrices simplifies the solution of sets of linear equations. This book describes the matrix formu"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521493543","Modular Forms on Schiermonnikoog","Edixhoven, Bas","2008-10","360","Hardback","USD",110,"Cambridge University Press","Schiermonnikoog 模形式","This collection of up-to-date articles originated from the conference 'Modular Forms' held on the Island of Schiermonnikoog in the Netherlands. A broad range of topics is covered including Hilbert and Siegel modular forms, Weil representations, Tannakiann"," categories and Torelli's theorem. This book is a good source for all researchers and graduate students working on modular forms or related areas of number theory and algebraic geometry."
    "BIBF09","O1","9780547132495","Understanding Basic Statistics, Brief (with Formula Card)","Brase","2008-11-07",,"PB","USD",126,"Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning","了解基础统计学 简明版(附公式卡)","A condensed and more streamlined version of the very popular and widely used UNDERSTANDABLE STATISTICS, Ninth Edition, this book offers instructors an effective way to teach the essentials ofa more limited time frame. Designed to help students overcome th","eir apprehension about statistics, UNDERSTANDING BASIC STATISTICS, Fifth Edition, is a thorough yet approachable text that provides plenty of guidance and informal advice demonstrating the"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780547156699","Functions And Change","Crauder","2008-10-08",,"HB","USD",151,"Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning","函数与变化:高等代数建模研究","FUNCTIONS AND CHANGE: A MODELING APPROACH TO COLLEGE ALGEBRA, 4E provides an alternative to a traditional college algebra course for students who either will not take another math course or mhis text for the many college algebra students who are poorly se","rved by books that focus on preparing them for a course they will never take, traditional calculus."
    "BIBF09","O1","9780547165097","Contemporary Abstract Algebra","Gallian","2009-01-08",,"HB","USD",164,"Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning","当代抽象代数","Contemporary Abstract Algebra 7/e provides a solid introduction to the traditional topics in abstract algebra while conveying to students that it is a contemporary subject used daily by workimists. The text includes numerous figures, tables, photographs,","charts, biographies, computer exercises, and suggested readings giving the subject a current feel which makes the content interesting and relevant for students."
    "BIBF09","O1","9780618783762","Elementary Linear Algebra","Larson","2008-07-03",,"HB","USD",184,"Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning","初等线性代数","The cornerstone of Elementary Linear Algebra is the authors' clear, careful, and concise presentation of material--written so that students can fully understand how mathematics works. This pretric intuition for a complete, step-by-step learning system.The"," Sixth Edition incorporates up-to-date coverage of Computer Algebra Systems (Maple/MATLAB/Mathematica); additional support is provided in a corresponding technology guide. Data and applicati"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780495557425","Calculus","Stewart","2009-03-13",,"PB","USD",217.95,"Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning","微积分:概念与范围","Stewart's CALCULUS: CONCEPTS AND CONTEXTS, FOURTH EDITION offers a streamlined approach to teaching calculus, focusing on major concepts and supporting those with precise definitions, patientCEPTS AND CONTEXTS is highly regarded because this text offers a"," balance of theory and conceptual work to satisfy more progressive programs as well as those who are more comfortable teaching in a more traditional fashion. Each title is just one component"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780495557838","Introduction To Statistics And Data Analysis, Enhanced Review Edition (with Cengagenow Printed Acces Card)","Peck","2008-11-11",,"HB","USD",171,"Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning","统计与数据分析导论 加强评论版(书与网络产品)","Roxy Peck, Chris Olsen and Jay Devore's new edition uses real data and attention-grabbing examples to introduce students to the study of statistics and data analysis. The Third Edition includd coverage of probability. Traditional in structure yet modern i","n approach, this text guides students through an intuition-based learning process that stresses interpretation and communication of statistical information. It helps students grasp concepts"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780495557869","Statistics With STATA","Hamilton","2008-10-16",,"UB","USD",82,"Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning","统计学与STATA","For students and practicing researchers alike, STATISTICS WITH STATA opens the door to the full use of the popular Stata program—a fast, flexible, and easy-to-use environment for data managesive new graphics, this comprehensive book presents hundreds of","xamples showing how you can apply Stata to accomplish a wide variety of tasks. Like Stata itself, STATISTICS WITH STATA will make it easier for you to move fluidly through the world of mode"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780547212890","Calculus, Ap* Edition","Larson","2009-01-23",,"HB","USD",210,"Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning","微积分 AP版",,
    "BIBF09","O1","9780547212906","Calculus Single Variable Ap Ed 9e","Larson","2009-01-23",,"HB","USD",184,"Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning","微积分单变量 AP版",,
    "BIBF09","O1","9780547167022","Calculus","Larson","2009-01-15",,"HB","USD",210,"Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning","微积分","The Larson CALUCLUS program has a long history of innovation in the calculus market. It has been widely praised by a generation of students and professors for its solid and effective pedagogylearning styles and environments. Each title is just one compone","nt in a comprehensive calculus course program that carefully integrates and coordinates print, media, and technology products for successful teaching and learning."
    "BIBF09","O1","9780547167053","College Algebra And Calculus","Larson","2008-10-29",,"HB","USD",155,"Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning","高等代数与微积分:应用研究","COLLEGE ALGEBRA AND CALCULUS: AN APPLIED APPROACH, the newest addition to the Larson Applied math family, allows your students to feel confident moving from college algebra to applied calculutly presented in the same tone and pedagogy. The combination of","these two subjects into one text will not only save you time in your course, but it will also save your students the cost of an extra textbook."
    "BIBF09","O1","9780324662443","Data Analysis And Decision Making With Microsoft Excel 3e Revised, (with Cd-Rom And Decision Tools and Statistic Tools Suite)","Albright","2008-06-24",,"HB","USD",172,"South-Western Cengage Learning","Microsoft Excel 应用之数据分析与决策(配盘)","The emphasis of the text is on data analysis, modeling, and spreadsheet use in statistics and management science. This text contains professional Excel software add-ins. The authors maintains first edition: clarity of writing, a teach-by-example approach,"," and complete Excel integration. This edition has been revised to be compatible with Excel 2007 and the corresponding add-ins for Excel 2007. If you have moved to Excel 2007, you should use"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780495011590","First Course In Mathematical Modeling","Giordano","2008-07-03",,"HB","USD",183,"Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning","数学建模初级教程","Offering a solid introduction to the entire modeling process, A FIRST COURSE IN MATHEMATICAL MODELING, 4th Edition delivers an excellent balance of theory and practice, giving students hands-modeling process. Throughout the book, students practice key fac","ets of modeling, including creative and empirical model construction, model analysis, and model research. The authors apply a proven six-step problem-solving process to enhance students' pr"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780495017585","An Introduction To Statistical Methods And Data Analysis","Ott","2008-12-30",,"HB","USD",181,"Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning","统计方法与数据分析导论","Ott and Longnecker's AN INTRODUCTION TO STATISTICAL METHODS AND DATA ANALYSIS, Sixth Edition, provides a broad overview of statistical methods for advanced undergraduate and graduate studentscourse work in statistics. The authors teach students to solve p","roblems encountered in research projects, to make decisions based on data in general settings both within and beyond the university setting, and to become critical readers of statistical ana"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780495108245","A First Course In Differential Equations","Zill","2008-05-14","472","HB","USD",182,"Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning","微分方程第一课程 第9版","A First Course in Differential Equations with Modeling Applications, 9th Edition strikes a balance between the analytical, qualitative, and quantitative approaches to the study of differentianning engineering and math students through a wealth of pedagogi","cal aids, including an abundance of examples, explanations, \"Remarks\" boxes, definitions, and group projects. Using a straightforward, readable, and helpful style, this book provides a thoro"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780547169774","Applied Calculus, Brief","Berresford","2008-11-20",,"HB","USD",166,"Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning","应用微积分 简明版","This text for the one semester applied or business calculus course uses intriguing real-world applications to engage students' interest and show them the practical side of calculus. Many applations in this text cover general-interest topics as well, inclu","ding the growing population of Africa, the composition of the Supreme Court, water shortage, the fastest pitch in baseball, and pollution and the depletion of natural resources. The Fifth Ed"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780547169781","Applied Calculus","Berresford","2008-11-20",,"HB","USD",175,"Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning","应用微积分","This text for the one- or two-semester applied or business calculus course uses intriguing real-world applications to engage students' interest and show them the practical side of calculus.y applications in this text cover general-interest topics as well"," including the growing population of Africa, the composition of the Supreme Court, water shortage, the fastest pitch in baseball, and pollution and the depletion of natural resources. The"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780547188997","Understanding Basic Statistics Brief, Ap* Edition (with Formula Card)","Brase","2008-11-07",,"HB","USD",119,"Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning","了解基础统计学 简明版(附公式卡)","A condensed and more streamlined version of the very popular and widely used UNDERSTANDABLE STATISTICS, Ninth Edition, this book offers instructors an effective way to teach the essentials ofa more limited time frame. Designed to help students overcome th","eir apprehension about statistics, UNDERSTANDING BASIC STATISTICS, Fifth Edition, is a thorough yet approachable text that provides plenty of guidance and informal advice demonstrating the"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780176440763","Elementary Linear Algebra","Venit","2008-06-23",,,"USD",120,"Nelson Education","初等线性代数","Elementary Linear Algebra, First Canadian Edition, features a computational emphasis and contains just the right mix of theory and worked examples. The authors provide students with easy-to-stress that linear algebra has many interesting and important ap","plications, both in the sciences and the arts. The book mixes the theory and practice of linear algebra seamlessly, with a variety of interesting and topical applications such as music and"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780495108368","Differential Equations With Boundary-value Problems","Zill","2008-05-13","640","HB","USD",193,"Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning","微分方程边值问题","DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS WITH BOUNDARY-VALUE PROBLEMS, 7th Edition strikes a balance between the analytical, qualitative, and quantitative approaches to the study of differential equations. Thig and math students through a wealth of pedagogical aids, includ","ing an abundance of examples, explanations, \"Remarks\" boxes, definitions, and group projects. Using a straightforward, readable, and helpful style, this book provides a thorough treatment of"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780495558880","College Algebra","Gustafson","2008-12-02",,"HB","USD",167,"Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning","高等代数","Clearly written and comprehensive, the tenth edition of Gustafson/Frisk/Hughes' popular book, COLLEGE ALGEBRA, 10E, provides in-depth and precise coverage, incorporated into a framework of teted pedagogical features and patient explanation to give student","s a book that preserves the integrity of mathematics, yet does not discourage them with material that is confusing or too rigorous. Long respected for its ability to help students quickly ma"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780495559672","Applied Mathematics For The Managerial, Life, And Social Sciences","Tan","2008-12-02",,"HB","USD",186,"Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning","应用于管理科学,生命科学与社会科学的数学","Market-leading APPLIED MATHEMATICS FOR THE MANAGERIAL, LIFE, AND SOCIAL SCIENCES, 5th EDITION, is a traditional text with a slightly modern feel. This new edition incorporates technology in snd the support they need to teach effectively. Continuing its tr","adition of mathematical accuracy, the new fifth edition teaches by application and uses real and realistic examples to motivate students. It combines solid theory with innovative learning to"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780495559726","Single Variable Calculus","Stewart","2009-01-07",,"HB","USD",179,"Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning","单变量微积分:概念与范围","Stewart's CALCULUS: CONCEPTS AND CONTEXTS, FOURTH EDITION offers a streamlined approach to teaching calculus, focusing on major concepts and supporting those with precise definitions, patientCEPTS AND CONTEXTS is highly regarded because this text offers a"," balance of theory and conceptual work to satisfy more progressive programs as well as those who are more comfortable teaching in a more traditional fashion. Each title is just one component"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780495559917","Prealgebra","Mckeague","2008-12-31",,"PB","USD",157,"Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning","预科微积分","Pat McKeague's sixth edition of PREALGEBRA is the traditional text for the modern student. Retaining the clarity and patience in explanation and concept development that has made it the bookeplete with new examples, applications, and fresh new technology","options. Throughout this text, you'll find hundreds of new and relevant applications, with timely references to topics like gas prices and to companies like Google and Yahoo. Real data is u"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780495561361","Elements Of Modern Algebra","Gilbert","2008-10-20",,"HB","USD",155,"Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning","现代代数基础","ELEMENTS OF MODERN ALGEBRA is intended for an introductory course in abstract algebra taken by Math and Math for Secondary Education majors. Helping to make the study of abstract algebra morencepts through helpful features that provide guidance on the tec","hniques of proof construction and logic analysis. The text develops mathematical maturity for students by presenting the material in a theorem-proof format, with definitions and major result"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780495560548","Multivariable Calculus","Stewart","2009-03-13",,"HB","USD",154.95,"Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning","多变量微积分:概念与范围","Stewart's CALCULUS: CONCEPTS AND CONTEXTS, FOURTH EDITION offers a streamlined approach to teaching calculus, focusing on major concepts and supporting those with precise definitions, patientCEPTS AND CONTEXTS is highly regarded because this text offers a"," balance of theory and conceptual work to satisfy more progressive programs as well as those who are more comfortable teaching in a more traditional fashion. Each title is just one component"
    "BIBF09","O1","9781439043790","College Algebra: Enhanced Edition","Aufmann","2009-02-21",,"HB","USD",151,"Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning","高等代数:增强版",,
    "BIBF09","O1","9781439043806","College Algebra","Larson","2009-02-21",,"HB","USD",175,"Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning","高等代数:图形研究 增强版",,
    "BIBF09","O1","9781439044384","Precalculus","Larson","2009-02-21",,"HB","USD",175,"Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning","预科微积分:图形研究 增强版",,
    "BIBF09","O1","9781439044520","Precalculus Functions & Graphs: A Graphing Appro Enhanced Ed",,"2009-02-21",,"HB","USD",175,"Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning","预科微积分函数与图形:图形研究 增强版",,
    "BIBF09","O1","9781439044544","Algebra And Trig: A Graphingapproach Enhanced Edition",,"2009-02-21",,"HB","USD",175,"Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning","代数与三角函数:图形研究增强版",,
    "BIBF09","O1","9781439044575","Precalculus 7e Enhanced Edition",,"2009-02-21",,"HB","USD",179,"Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning","预科微积分 增强第7版",,
    "BIBF09","O1","9781439044605","Precalculus","Cohen","2009-02-15",,"HB","USD",178,"Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning","预科微积分:针对问题的研究 增强版",,
    "BIBF09","O1","9781439045879","Elementary Algebra, Revised","Kaufmann","2008-11-14",,"HB","USD",152,"Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning","初等代数 修订版","Kaufmann and Schwitters have built this text's reputation on clear and concise exposition, numerous examples, and plentiful problem sets. This traditional text consistently reinforces the folsolve equations; and then apply what you have learned to solve a","pplication problems. This simple, straightforward approach has helped many students grasp and apply fundamental problem solving skills necessary for future mathematics courses in an easy-to-"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780495829324","Understanding Basic Statistics, Ap* Edition","Brase","2008-12-15",,"HB","USD",126,"Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning","了解基础统计学 AP版","A condensed and more streamlined version of the very popular and widely used UNDERSTANDABLE STATISTICS, Ninth Edition, this book offers instructors an effective way to teach the essentials ofa more limited time frame. Designed to help students overcome th","eir apprehension about statistics, UNDERSTANDING BASIC STATISTICS, Fifth Edition, is a thorough yet approachable text that provides plenty of guidance and informal advice demonstrating the"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780495829409","Conquering Math Anxiety (with Cd-Rom)","Arem","2009-01-30",,"PB","USD",56,"Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning","征服数学焦虑(配盘)",,
    "BIBF09","O1","9780534386719","Introduction To Probability And Its Applications","Scheaffer","2009-06-27",,"HB","USD",180.95,"Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning","概率及其应用导论",,
    "BIBF09","O1","9781439047309","Algebra And Trigonometry, Enhnaced Edition","Stewart","2009-02-15",,"HB","USD",173,"Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning","代数与三角函数 增强版",,
    "BIBF09","O1","9781439047491","Intro To Statistics & Data Analysis Ap Edition",,"2009-02-01",,"HB","USD",155,"Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning","统计与数据分析导认论",,
    "BIBF09","O1","9781439047989","Prealgebra, Enhanced Edition","Aufmann","2009-02-21",,"HB","USD",155,"Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning","预科微积分 增强版",,
    "BIBF09","O1","9780547209975","Calculus Multivariable","Larson","2009-01-14",,"HB","USD",159,"Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning","微积分多变量","The Larson Calculus program has a long history of innovation in the calculus market. It has been widely praised by a generation of students and professors for its solid and effective pedagogylearning styles and environments. Each title is just one compone","nt in a comprehensive calculus course program that carefully integrates and coordinates print, media, and technology products for successful teaching and learning."
    "BIBF09","O1","9781439044391","Precalculus With Limits: Enhanced Edition","Larson","2009-02-21",,"HB","USD",179,"Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning","有限预科微积分:增强版",,
    "BIBF09","O1","9781439045862","Elementary Algebra, Revised (with Interactive Video Skillbuilder Cd-rom And Ilrn Student Tutorial P","Kaufmann","2008-11-14",,"HB","USD",152,"Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning","初等代数(配交互式视频技巧光盘与学生辅导)","Kaufmann and Schwitters have built this text's reputation on clear and concise exposition, numerous examples, and plentiful problem sets. This traditional text consistently reinforces the folsolve equations; and then apply what you have learned to solve a","pplication problems. This simple, straightforward approach has helped many students grasp and apply fundamental problem solving skills necessary for future mathematics courses in an easy-to-"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780547102276","Elementary Algebra","Larson","2009-01-12",,"HB","USD",164,"Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning","初等代数","Larson IS student success. ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA owes its success to the hallmark features for which the Larson team is known: learning by example, a straightforward and accessible writing styleinforce algebraic and numeric solutions and to interpret data, a","nd comprehensive exercise sets. These pedagogical features are carefully coordinated to ensure that students are better able to make connections between mathematical concepts and understand"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780547209982","Calculus Of A Single Variable","Larson","2008-11-10",,"HB","USD",184,"Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning","单变量的微积分","The Larson CALCULUS program has a long history of innovation in the calculus market. It has been widely praised by a generation of students and professors for its solid and effective pedagogylearning styles and environments. Each title is just one compone","nt in a comprehensive calculus course program that carefully integrates and coordinates print, media, and technology products for successful teaching and learning."
    "BIBF09","O1","9780495391784","Data Analysis With Microsoft Excel","Berk","2009-06-26",,"PB","USD",76.95,"Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning","数据分析与 Microsoft Excel:Office 2007 更新版(配盘)",,
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521747011","Sphere Packing, Lewis Carroll, and Reversi","Gardner, Martin","2009-8","296","Paperback","USD",15,"Cambridge University Press","球面包装问题,刘易斯·卡罗尔与翻转棋:马丁·加德纳的新数学转向","Packing spheres, Reversi, braids, polyominoes, board games, and the puzzles of Lewis Carroll. These and other mathematical diversions return to readers with updates to all the chapters, including new game variations, mathematical proofs, and other develop","ments and discoveries. Read about Knuth's Word Ladders program and the latest developments in the digits of pi. Once again these timeless puzzles will charm readers while demonstrating principles of logic, probability, geometry, and other fields of m"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521854191","Orthogonal Polynomials and Continued Fractions","Sergey Khrushchev","2008-8",,"Hardback","USD",140,"Cambridge University Press","正交多项式和连分式","Continued fractions, studied since Ancient Greece, only became a powerful tool in the eighteenth century, in the hands of the great mathematician Euler. This book tells how Euler introduced the idea of orthogonal polynomials and combined the two subjectss",", and how Brouncker's formula of 1655 can be derived from Euler's efforts in Special Functions and Orthogonal Polynomials. The most interesting applications of this work are discussed, including the great Markoff's Theorem on the Lagrange spectrum, Abel"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521897303","Sub-Riemannian Geometry","Calin, Ovidiu","2009-7","344","Hardback","USD",99,"Cambridge University Press","局部黎曼几何学:一般理论与实例","Sub-Riemannian manifolds are manifolds with the Heisenberg principle built in. This comprehensive text and reference begins by introducing the theory of sub-Riemannian manifolds using a variational approach in which all properties are obtained from minimu","m principles, a robust method that is novel in this context. The authors then present examples and applications, showing how Heisenberg manifolds (step 2 sub-Riemannian manifolds) might in the future play a role in quantum mechanics similar to the rol"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521888509","Galois Groups and Fundamental Groups","Szamuely, Tamas","2009-7",,"Hardback","USD",55,"Cambridge University Press","伽罗瓦群与基本群","Ever since the concepts of Galois groups in algebra and fundamental groups in topology emerged during the nineteenth century, mathematicians have known of the strong analogies between the two concepts. This book presents the connection starting at an elem","entary level, showing how the judicious use of algebraic geometry gives access to the powerful interplay between algebra and topology that underpins much modern research in geometry and number theory. Assuming as little technical background as possibl"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521864671","Algebraic Geometry and Statistical Learning Theory","Watanabe, Sumio","2009-8","300","Hardback","USD",75,"Cambridge University Press","代数几何与统计学习理论","Sure to be influential, this book lays the foundations for the use of algebraic geometry in statistical learning theory. Many widely used statistical models and learning machines applied to information science have a parameter space that is singular: mixx","ture models, neural networks, HMMs, Bayesian networks, and stochastic context-free grammars are major examples. Algebraic geometry and singularity theory provide the necessary tools for studying such non-smooth models. Four main formulas are established"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521898942","Ludic Proof","Netz, Reviel","2009-5","262","Hardback","USD",99,"Cambridge University Press","顽皮证据:希腊数学家与亚历山大美学","This book represents a new departure in science studies: an analysis of a scientific style of writing, situating it within the context of the contemporary style of literature. Its philosophical significance is that it provides a novel way of making sensee"," of the notion of a scientific style. For the first time, the Hellenistic mathematical corpus - one of the most substantial extant for the period - is placed centre-stage in the discussion of Hellenistic culture as a whole. Professor Netz argues that He"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521889940","The Monster Group and Majorana Involutions","Ivanov, A. A.","2009-3","300","Hardback","USD",99,"Cambridge University Press","魔群与马约喇纳对合","This is the first book to contain a rigorous construction and uniqueness proof for the largest and most famous sporadic simple group, the Monster. The author provides a systematic exposition of the theory of the Monster group, which remains largely unpubb","lished despite great interest from both mathematicians and physicists due to its intrinsic connection with various areas in mathematics, including reflection groups, modular forms and conformal field theory. Through construction via the Monster amalgam"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521894876","A Higher-Dimensional Sieve Method","Diamond, Harold G.","2008-10","290","Hardback","USD",90,"Cambridge University Press","高维筛选理论:计算筛函数规程","As probability and combinatorics have penetrated the fabric of mathematical activity, sieve methods have become more versatile and sophisticated and in recent years have played a part in some of the most spectacular mathematical discoveries. Nearly a hunn","dred years have passed since Viggo Brun invented his famous sieve, and the use of sieve methods is constantly evolving. Many arithmetical investigations encounter a combinatorial problem that requires a sieving argument, and this tract offers a modern a"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780883853382","A Guide to Complex Variables","Krantz, Steven G.","2008-9","160","Hardback","USD",52,"Cambridge University Press","复变指南","This quick and easy-to-use guide provides a solid grounding in the fundamental area of complex variables. Copious figures and examples are used to illustrate the principal ideas, and the exposition is lively and inviting. In addition to important ideas ff","rom the Cauchy theory, the author also includes the Riemann mapping theorem, harmonic functions, the argument principle, general conformal mapping, and dozens of other central topics. An undergraduate taking a first look at the subject, or a graduate st"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780883853399","Sink or Float","Kendig, Keith","2008-10","400","Hardback","USD",60,"Cambridge University Press","下沉还是漂浮:数学与物理中的思考问题","This collection of problems drawn from mathematics and the real world reveals just how much can be learned by using everyday common sense. Its easily understandable style will hook school students and professional mathematicians alike. The more than 250qu","estions cover a wide range of classical mathematics and physics, with a solution and explanation provided for each one. A generous sprinkling of boxes appear throughout the text containing historical asides or little-known facts, which help make the b"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780883853412","Uncommon Mathematical Excursions","Kalman, Dan","2009-4","300","Hardback","USD",50,"Cambridge University Press","稀有数学游弋:多项式及相关领域","This text serves as a tour guide to little known corners of the mathematical landscape, not far from the main byways of algebra, geometry, and calculus. It is for the seasoned mathematical traveller who has visited these subjects many times and, familiarr"," with the main attractions, is ready to venture abroad off the beaten track. For the old hand and new devotee alike, this book will surprise, intrigue, and delight readers with unexpected aspects of old and familiar subjects. In the first part of the bo"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521873086","Purity, Spectra and Localisation","Prest, Mike","2009-6","792","Hardback","USD",170,"Cambridge University Press","纯度,光谱与本地化","It is possible to associate a topological space to the category of modules over any ring. This space, the Ziegler spectrum, is based on the indecomposable pure-injective modules. Although the Ziegler spectrum arose within the model theory of modules andpl","ays a central role in that subject, this book concentrates specifically on its algebraic aspects and uses. The central aim is to understand modules and the categories they form through associated structures and dimensions, which reflect the complexity"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780883853429","When Less is More","Alsina, Claudi","2009-4",,"Hardback","USD",50,"Cambridge University Press","可视基本不等式","Inequalities permeate mathematics, from the Elements of Euclid to operations research and financial mathematics. Yet too often the emphasis is on things equal to one another rather than unequal. While equalities and identities are without doubt important,"," they don't possess the richness and variety that one finds with inequalities. The objective of this book is to illustrate how use of visualization can be a powerful tool for better understanding some basic mathematical inequalities. Drawing pictures"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780883857502","Creative Mathematics","Wall, H. S.","2008-11","224","Hardback","USD",55,"Cambridge University Press","数学创新","Professor H. S. Wall (1902–1971) developed Creative Mathematics over a period of many years of working with students at the University of Texas, Austin. His aim was to lead students to develop their mathematical abilities, to help them learn the art ofma","hematics, and to teach them to create mathematical ideas. This book, according to Wall, 'is not a compendium of mathematical facts and inventions to be read over as a connoisseur of art looks over paintings. It is, instead, a sketchbook in which read"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780883857533","Graph Theory","Marcus, Daniel","2008-8","240","Hardback","USD",64,"Cambridge University Press","图论: 面向问题的方法","Combining the features of a textbook with those of a problem workbook, this text for mathematics, computer science and engineering students presents a natural, friendly way to learn some of the essential ideas of graph theory. The material is explained uu","sing 360 strategically placed problems with connecting text, which is then supplemented by 280 additional homework problems. This problem-oriented format encourages active involvement by the reader while always giving clear direction. This approach is e"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780883857540","Mathematical Interest Theory","Vaaler, Leslie","2009-1",,"Hardback","USD",90,"Cambridge University Press","数学利息理论","Mathematical Interest Theory gives an introduction to how investments vary over time, and this book provides a solid foundation for readers embarking on actuarial careers.. This is done in a mathematically precise manner, but the emphasis is on practical","applications and giving the reader a concrete understanding as to why the various relationships should be true. Modern financial topics including arbitrage, options, futures, and swaps are introduced. Along with an understanding of probability,this bo"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521727884","Probability and Information","Applebaum, David","2008-8","250","Paperback","USD",52,"Cambridge University Press","概率和信息,第2版","This new and updated textbook is an excellent way to introduce probability and information theory to students new to mathematics, computer science, engineering, statistics, economics, or business studies. Only requiring knowledge of basic calculus, it bee","gins by building a clear and systematic foundation to probability and information. Classic topics covered include discrete and continuous random variables, entropy and mutual information, maximum entropy methods, the central limit theorem and the coding"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521743853","Statistical Models","Freedman, David","2009-5","420","Paperback","USD",40,"Cambridge University Press","统计模型:理论与实践","This lively and engaging book explains the things you have to know in order to read empirical papers in the social and health sciences, as well as the techniques you need to build statistical models of your own. The discussion in the book is organized aro","und published studies, as are many of the exercises. Relevant journal articles are reprinted at the back of the book. Freedman makes a thorough appraisal of the statistical methods in these papers and in a variety of other examples. He illustrates the"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521089456","Comparison Geometry","Grove, Karsten","2008-11","272","Paperback","USD",50,"Cambridge University Press","比较几何学","This book documents the recent focus on a branch of Riemannian geometry called Comparison Geometry. The simple idea of comparing the geometry of an arbitrary Riemannian manifold with the geometries of constant curvature spaces has seen a tremendous evoluu","tion recently. This volume is an up-to-date reflection of the recent development regarding spaces with lower (or two-sided) curvature bounds. The content reflects some of the most exciting activities in comparison geometry during the year and especially"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521757683","Differential Tensor Algebras and their Module Categories","Bautista, R.","2009-9",,"Paperback","USD",70,"Cambridge University Press","微分张量代数及其模范畴(伦敦数学学会讲座纪要 NO.362)","This volume provides a systematic presentation of the theory of differential tensor algebras and their categories of modules. It involves reduction techniques which have proved to be very useful in the development of representation theory of finite dimens","ional algebras. The main results obtained with these methods are presented in an elementary and self contained way. The authors provide a fresh point of view of well known facts on tame and wild differential tensor algebras, on tame and wild algebras,"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521898065","Analytic Combinatorics","Flajolet, Philippe","2008-11","825","Hardback","USD",90,"Cambridge University Press","解析组合数学","Analytic Combinatorics is a self-contained treatment of the mathematics underlying the analysis of discrete structures, which has emerged over the past several decades as an essential tool in the understanding of properties of computer programs and scienn","tific models with applications in physics, biology and chemistry. Thorough treatment of a large number of classical applications is an essential aspect of the presentation. Written by the leaders in the field of analytic combinatorics, this text is cert"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521888615","Mathematical Tools for One-Dimensional Dynamics","de Faria, Edson","2008-10","208","Hardback","USD",70,"Cambridge University Press","一维力学的数学工具","Detailing the very latest research, this self-contained book discusses the major mathematical tools necessary for the study of complex dynamics at an advanced level. Complete proofs of some of the major tools are presented; some, such as the Bers-Roydenth","eorem on holomorphic motions, appear for the very first time in book format. Originating with the pioneering works of P. Fatou and G. Julia, the subject of complex dynamics has seen great advances in recent years. This necessary book will appeal to gr"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521899512","Games, Scales and Suslin Cardinals: The Cabal Seminar Volume I","Kechris, Alexander S.","2008-11","464","Hardback","USD",90,"Cambridge University Press","对策,尺度和苏斯林基数,第1卷","The proceedings of the Los Angeles Caltech-UCLA "Cabal Seminar" were originally published in the 1970s and 1980s. Games, Scales, and Suslin Cardinals is the first of a series of four books collecting the seminal papers from the original volumes togethew","h extensive unpublished material, new papers on related topics, and discussion of research developments since the publication of the original volumes. Focusing on the subjects of "Games and Scales" (Part 1) and "Suslin Cardinals, Partition Proper"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780883857564","Calculus Deconstructed","Nitecki, Zbigniew H.","2009-3",,"Hardback","USD",90,"Cambridge University Press","微积分结构","This book serves as a textbook for an undergraduate calculus course. It is written for readers with some previous exposure to the techniques of calculus who would like to see the subject in a conceptual framework. The book combines a review of methods of","single-variable calculus with a mathematically rigorous development of their justification. No previous experience with mathematical proof is assumed: rhetorical strategies and techniques of proof are introduced by example along the way. Between the t"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780883857571","Visual Group Theory","Carter, Nathan","2009-4",,"Hardback","USD",75,"Cambridge University Press","视觉群论","This text approaches the learning of group theory visually. It allows the student to see groups, experiment with groups and understand their significance. It brings groups, subgroups, homomorphisms, products, and quotients into clear view. Every topic and"," theorem is accompanied with a visual demonstration of its meaning and import, from the basics of groups and subgroups through advanced structural concepts such as semidirect products and Sylow theory. Opening chapters anchor the reader's intuitions w"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780883858264","The Contest Problem Book IX","Wells, David M.","2008-11","220","Paperback","USD",52,"Cambridge University Press","竞赛题IX:美国数学竞赛 2001-2007","For over fifty years, the Mathematical Association of America (MAA) has been engaged in the construction and administration of challenging contests for students in American and Canadian high schools at every level of ability. This is the ninth book of prr","oblems and solutions from the American Mathematics Competitions 12 (AMC), aimed at students of high school age, and featuring 325 problems from the 13 AMC contests held in the years 2001-2007. Graphs and figures have since been redrawn to make them more"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521715140","Non-equilibrium Statistical Mechanics and Turbulence","Cardy , John","2008-10","176","Paperback","USD",52,"Cambridge University Press","非平衡统计力学和湍流","A modern introduction to methods of statistical mechanics in turbulence, this volume explains the methodology of non-equilibrium statistical mechanics and how it plays an increasingly important role in modern turbulence research. The range of relevant too","ols and methods is so wide and developing so fast, that until now there has not been a single book covering the subject. This much-needed book is comprised of three harmonized lecture courses by world class experts in statistical physics and turbulence:"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521877275","Numerical Solution of Hyperbolic Partial Differential Equations","Trangenstein, John A.","2008-10","616","Hardback","USD",80,"Cambridge University Press","双曲型偏微分方程数值解","Numerical Solution of Hyperbolic Partial Differential Equations is a new type of graduate textbook, with both print and interactive electronic components (on CD). It is a comprehensive presentation of modern shock-capturing methods, including both finitee"," volume and finite element methods, covering the theory of hyperbolic conservation laws and the theory of the numerical methods. The range of applications is broad enough to engage most engineering disciplines and many areas of applied mathematics. Clas"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780883858288","Problems from Murray Klamkin","Liu, Andy","2009-4","240","Hardback","USD",50,"Cambridge University Press","莫瑞·克拉姆金问题:加拿大文集","When one thinks of mathematical problems posed over the past 30 years, one name automatically leaps to the fore - Murray Klamkin. In this book Andy Liu and Bruce Shawyer present problems that he proposed over his career. It contains the 'quickies' (prol","s with quick and neat solutions) he proposed in 'Crux Mathematicorum,' his longer problems, and also problems which were posed in tribute to him after he died. Solutions are provided in the second half of the book."
    "BIBF09","O1","9780883858295","Aha! Solutions","Erickson, Martin","2009-3",,"Hardback","USD",50,"Cambridge University Press","Aha!解决方案","Every mathematician (beginner, amateur, and professional alike) thrills to find simple, elegant solutions to seemingly difficult problems. Such happy resolutions are called 'aha! solutions,' a phrase popularized by mathematics and science writer Martin","rdner. Aha! solutions are surprising, stunning, and scintillating: they reveal the beauty of mathematics. This collection includes one hundred problems in the areas of arithmetic, geometry, algebra, calculus, probability, number theory, and combinat"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780898716443","Numerical Methods in Scientific Computing","Dahlquist, Germund","2008-9","746","Hardback","USD",109,"Cambridge University Press","科学计算的数值方法","This new book from the authors of the classic book Numerical Methods addresses the increasingly important role of numerical methods in science and engineering. More cohesive and comprehensive than any other modern textbook in the field, it combines tradii","tional and well-developed topics with other material that is rarely found in numerical analysis texts, such as interval arithmetic, elementary functions, operator series, convergence acceleration, and continued fractions. Although this volume is self-co"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780898716467","Functions of Matrices","Higham, Nicholas J.","2008-9","450","Hardback","USD",56,"Cambridge University Press","矩阵函数:理论与计算","A thorough and elegant treatment of the theory of matrix functions and numerical methods for computing them, including an overview of applications, new and unpublished research results, and improved algorithms. Key features include a detailed treatment oo","f the matrix sign function and matrix roots; a development of the theory of conditioning and properties of the Fr茅chet derivative; Schur decomposition; block Parlett recurrence; a thorough analysis of the accuracy, stability, and computational cost of"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780898716481","A First Course in Order Statistics","Arnold, Barry C.","2008-11","300","Paperback","USD",73,"Cambridge University Press","顺序统计学初等教程(应用数学经典著作 54)","This updated classic text will aid readers in understanding much of the current literature on order statistics: a flourishing field of study that is essential for any practising statistician and a vital part of the training for students in statistics. Wrr","itten in a simple style that requires no advanced mathematical or statistical background, the book introduces the general theory of order statistics and their applications. The book covers topics such as distribution theory for order statistics from con"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521722360","The Higher Arithmetic","Davenport, H.","2008-11","248","Paperback","USD",48,"Cambridge University Press","高等算术,第8版:数论导论","Now into its Eighth edition, The Higher Arithmetic introduces the classic concepts and theorems of number theory in a way that does not require the reader to have an in-depth knowledge of the theory of numbers The theory of numbers is considered to be thh","e purest branch of pure mathematics and is also one of the most highly active and engaging areas of mathematics today. Since earlier editions, additional material written by J. H. Davenport has been added, on topics such as Wiles' proof of Fermat's La"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521728669","Elliptic Curves and Big Galois Representations","Delbourgo, Daniel","2008-7","288","Paperback","USD",70,"Cambridge University Press","椭圆曲线和大伽罗瓦表示","The arithmetic properties of modular forms and elliptic curves lie at the heart of modern number theory. This book develops a generalisation of the method of Euler systems to a two-variable deformation ring. The resulting theory is then used to study thee"," arithmetic of elliptic curves, in particular the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer (BSD) formula. Three main steps are outlined: the first is to parametrise 钬榖ig钬 cohomology groups using (deformations of) modular symbols. Finiteness results for big Selmer g"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521731638","Naive Decision Making","K rner, T. W.","2008-10","400","Paperback","USD",45,"Cambridge University Press","朴素决策:数学应用于社会","How should one choose the best restaurant to eat in Can one really make money at gambling Or predict the future Naive Decision Making presents the mathematical basis for making everyday decisions, which my often be based on very little or uncertain daa","ta. Professor K rner takes the reader on an enjoyable journey through many aspects of mathematical decision making, with relatable observations, anecdotes and quotations. Topics include probability, statistics, Arrow's theorem, Game Theory and Nash equi"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521731829","Markov Chains and Stochastic Stability","Meyn, Sean","2009-3","624","Paperback","USD",59,"Cambridge University Press","马氏链和随机稳定性","Meyn & Tweedie is back! The bible on Markov chains in general state spaces has been brought up to date to reflect developments in the field since 1996 - many of them sparked by publication of the first edition. The pursuit of more efficient simulation all","gorithms for complex Markovian models, or algorithms for computation of optimal policies for controlled Markov models, has opened new directions for research on Markov chains. As a result, new applications have emerged across a wide range of topics incl"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521747660","Words","Segal, Dan","2009-6",,"Paperback","USD",45,"Cambridge University Press","字:群中字句宽度纪要(伦敦数学学会讲座纪要 NO.361)","After a forty-year lull, the study of word-values in groups has sprung back into life with some spectacular new results in finite group theory. These are largely motivated by applications to profinite groups, including the solution of an old problem ofSer","re. This book presents a comprehensive account of the known results, both old and new. The more elementary methods are developed from scratch, leading to self-contained proofs and improvements of some classic results about infinite soluble groups. Th"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521887625","Hilbert Transforms","King, Frederick W.","2009-2","720","Hardback","USD",150,"Cambridge University Press","希尔伯特变换","The Hilbert transform has many uses, including solving problems in aerodynamics, condensed matter physics, optics, fluids, and engineering. Written in a style that will suit a wide audience (including the physical sciences), this book will become the ree","ference of choice on the topic, whatever the subject background of the reader. It explains all the common Hilbert transforms, mathematical techniques for evaluating them, and has detailed discussions of their application. Especially useful for researche"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521802307","Topics in Topological Graph Theory","Beineke, Lowell W.","2009-7",,"Hardback","USD",110,"Cambridge University Press","拓扑图论论题","The use of topological ideas to explore various aspects of graph theory, and vice versa, is a fruitful area of research. There are links with other areas of mathematics, such as design theory and geometry, and increasingly with such areas as computer netw","orks where symmetry is an important feature. Other books cover portions of the material here, but there are no other books with such a wide scope. This book contains fifteen expository chapters written by acknowledged international experts in the fiel"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521849890","Scientific Computation","Gonnet, Gaston","2009-7","250","Hardback","USD",65,"Cambridge University Press","科学计算","Using real-life applications, this graduate-level textbook introduces different mathematical methods of scientific computation to solve minimization problems using examples ranging from locating an aircraft, finding the best time to replace a computer, aa","nalyzing developments on the stock market, and constructing phylogenetic trees. The textbook focuses on several methods, including nonlinear least squares with confidence analysis, singular value decomposition, best basis, dynamic programming, linear pr"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521883894","Combinatorics: The Rota Way","Kung, Joseph P. S.","2009-4","400","Hardback","USD",99,"Cambridge University Press","组合学:罗塔途径","Gian-Carlo Rota was one of the most original and colourful mathematicians of the 20th century. His work on the foundations of combinatorics focused on the algebraic structures that lie behind diverse combinatorial areas, and created a new area of algebraa","ic combinatorics. Written by two of his former students, this book is based on notes from his influential graduate courses and on face-to-face discussions. Topics include sets and valuations, partially ordered sets, distributive lattices, partitions and"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521808545","Algorithmic Number Theory","Buhler, J.P.","2008-12","320","Hardback","USD",99,"Cambridge University Press","算法数论","Number theory is one of the oldest and most appealing areas of mathematics. Computation has always played a role in number theory, a role which has increased dramatically in the last 20 or 30 years, both because of the advent of modern computers, and becc","ause of the discovery of surprising and powerful algorithms. As a consequence, algorithmic number theory has gradually emerged as an important and distinct field with connections to computer science and cryptography as well as other areas of mathematics"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780898716504","Boundary Control of PDEs","Krstic, Miroslav","2008-12","200","Hardback","USD",89,"Cambridge University Press","偏微分方程的边界控制(设计与控制进展 16)","This concise and practical textbook presents an introduction to backstepping, an elegant new approach to boundary control of partial differential equations (PDEs). Backstepping provides mathematical tools for constructing coordinate transformations and bb","oundary feedback laws for converting complex and unstable PDE systems into elementary, stable, and physically intuitive 'target PDE systems' that are familiar to engineers and physicists. Readers will be introduced to constructive control synthesis an"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780898716528","Numerical Methods for Evolutionary Differential Equations","Ascher, Uri M.","2008-9","410","Paperback","USD",79,"Cambridge University Press","演化微分方程的数值方法(计算科学与工程5)","Mathematical models involving evolutionary partial differential equations (PDEs) as well as ordinary differential equations (ODEs) arise in diverse applications such as fluid flow, image processing and computer vision, physics-based animation, mechanicall"," systems, relativity, earth sciences, and mathematical finance. This text develops, analyses, and applies numerical methods for evolutionary, or time-dependent, differential problems. Both PDEs and ODEs are discussed from a unified view. The author emph"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780898716559","Stochastic Processes, Estimation, and Control","Speyer, Jason L.","2008-11","398","Paperback","USD",99,"Cambridge University Press","随机过程,估算与控制(设计与控制进展 17)","A comprehensive treatment of stochastic systems beginning with the foundations of probability and ending with stochastic optimal control. The book divides into three interrelated topics. First, the concepts of probability theory, random variables and stoo","chastic processes are presented, which leads easily to expectation, conditional expectation, and discrete time estimation and the Kalman filter. With this background, stochastic calculus and continuous-time estimation are introduced. Finally, dynamic pr"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780898716566","Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for Solving Elliptic and Parabolic Equations","Rivière, Béatrice M.","2008-10","210","Paperback","USD",55,"Cambridge University Press","解决椭圆与抛物线方程的间断Galerkin方法:理论与操作(应用数学前沿 35)","Discontinous Galerkin (DG) methods for solving partial differential equations, developed in the late 1990s, have become popular among computational scientists. Covering both theory and computation, this book focuses on three primal DG methods - the symmee","tric interior penalty Galerkin, incomplete interior penalty Galerkin, and nonsymmetric interior penalty Galerkin - which are variations of interior penalty methods. The author provides the basic tools for analysis and discusses coding issues, including"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780898716573","Introduction to the Numerical Analysis of Incompressible Viscous Flows","Layton, William","2008-11","233","Paperback","USD",70,"Cambridge University Press","不可压缩粘性流数值分析概论(计算科学与工程 6)","This book treats the numerical analysis of finite element computational fluid dynamics. Assuming minimal background, the text covers finite element methods; the derivation, behaviour, analysis, and numerical analysis of Navier–Stokes equations; and turbu","ence models used in simulations. Each chapter on theory is followed by a numerical analysis chapter that expands on the theory. Introduction to the Numerical Analysis of Incompressible Viscous Flows provides the foundation for understanding the interco"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780898716610","Linear and Nonlinear Optimization","Griva, Igor","2009-2","764","Hardback","USD",95,"Cambridge University Press","线性和非线性优化","Provides an introduction to the applications, theory, and algorithms of linear and nonlinear optimization. The emphasis is on practical aspects - discussing modern algorithms, as well as the influence of theory on the interpretation of solutions or on thh","e design of software. The book includes several examples of realistic optimization models that address important applications. The succinct style of this second edition is punctuated with numerous real-life examples and exercises, and the authors includ"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521732017","Representation Theorems in Hardy Spaces","Mashreghi, Javad","2009-1","392","Paperback","USD",48,"Cambridge University Press","哈代空间中的表现定理","The theory of Hardy spaces has close connections to many branches of mathematics including Fourier analysis, harmonic analysis, singular integrals, potential theory and operator theory, and has found essential applications in robust control engineering.Fo","r each application, the ability to represent elements of these classes by series or integral formulas is of utmost importance. This self-contained text provides an introduction to a wide range of representation theorems and provides a complete descrip"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521759922","Feedback Systems","Desoer , Charles","2009-3",,"Paperback","USD",0,"Cambridge University Press","反馈系统:输入输出特性",,
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521884273","Concentration of Measure for the Analysis of Randomized Algorithms","Dubhashi, Devdatt","2009-6","248","Hardback","USD",70,"Cambridge University Press","随机算法分析的量度集中","Randomized algorithms have become a central part of the algorithms curriculum based on their increasingly widespread use in modern applications. This book presents a coherent and unified treatment of probabilistic techniques for obtaining high- probabilit","y estimates on the performance of randomized algorithms. It covers the basic tool kit from the Chernoff-Hoeffding (CH) bounds to more sophisticated techniques like Martingales and isoperimetric inequalities, as well as some recent developments like Ta"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521749893","Unitary Reflection Groups","Lehrer, Gustav I.","2009-7","305","Paperback","USD",65,"Cambridge University Press","酉反射群","A complex reflection is a linear transformation which fixes each point in a hyperplane. Intuitively, it resembles the transformation an image undergoes when it is viewed through a kaleidoscope, or arrangement of mirrors. This book gives a complete classii","fication of all groups of transformations of n-dimensional complex space which are generated by complex reflections, using the method of line systems. In particular: irreducible groups are studied in detail, and are identified with finite linear groups;"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521852258","Model Selection and Model Averaging","Gerda Claeskens","2008-7",,"Hardback","USD",70,"Cambridge University Press","模型选择和模型平衡","Given a data set, you can fit thousands of models at the push of a button, but how do you choose the best With so many candidate models, overfitting is a real danger. Is the monkey who typed Hamlet actually a good writer Choosing a model is central toal","l statistical work with data. We have seen rapid advances in model fitting and in the theoretical understanding of model selection, yet this book is the first to synthesize research and practice from this active field. Model choice criteria are expla"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521884396","Subsystems of Second Order Arithmetic","Simpson, Stephen G.","2009-5","460","Hardback","USD",85,"Cambridge University Press","二阶算数的子系统,第2版","Almost all of the problems studied in this book are motivated by an overriding foundational question: What are the appropriate axioms for mathematics Through a series of case studies, these axioms are examined to prove particular theorems in core mathema","tical areas such as algebra, analysis, and topology, focusing on the language of second-order arithmetic, the weakest language rich enough to express and develop the bulk of mathematics. In many cases, if a mathematical theorem is proved from appropri"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521841030","Symmetry Studies","Viana, Marlos A. G.","2008-9","248","Hardback","USD",60,"Cambridge University Press","对称性研究:结构数据应用分析导论","Experimental data can often be associated with or indexed by certain symmetrically interesting structures or sets of labels that appear, for example, in the study of short symbolic sequences in molecular biology, in preference or voting data, in (corneall",") curvature data, and in studies of the handedness and entropy of symbolic sequences and elementary images. The symmetry studies introduced in this book describe the interplay among symmetry transformations that are characteristic of these sets of label"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521874816","Analysis of Variance Designs","Gamst, Glenn","2008-11","592","Hardback","USD",90,"Cambridge University Press","方差设计分析:用SPSS和SAS概念和计算方法","Analysis of Variance Designs presents the foundations of experimental design: assumptions, statistical significance, strength of effect, and the partitioning of the variance. Exploring the effects of one or more independent variables on a single dependenn","t variable as well as two-way and three-way mixed designs, this textbook offers an overview of traditionally advanced topics for progressive undergraduates and graduate students in the behavioral and social sciences. Separate chapters are devoted to mul"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780898716665","Scientific Computing with Case Studies","O'Leary, Dianne P.","2009-3","394","Paperback","USD",88,"Cambridge University Press","科学计算的实例分析","This book is a practical guide to the numerical solution of linear and nonlinear equations, differential equations, optimization problems, and eigenvalue problems. It treats standard problems and introduces important variants such as sparse systems, difff","erential-algebraic equations, constrained optimization, Monte Carlo simulations, and parametric studies. Stability and error analysis are emphasized, and the Matlab algorithms are grounded in sound principles of software design and understanding of mach"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521738651","Lévy Processes and Stochastic Calculus","Applebaum, David","2009-3","480","Paperback","USD",65,"Cambridge University Press","Lévy过程和随机微积分","Lévy processes form a wide and rich class of random process, and have many applications ranging from physics to finance. Stochastic calculus is the mathematics of systems interacting with random noise. Here, the author ties these two subjects together,be","inning with an introduction to the general theory of Lévy processes, then leading on to develop the stochastic calculus for Lévy processes in a direct and accessible way. This fully revised edition now features a number of new topics. These include:"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521735247","Origami, Eleusis, and the Soma Cube","Gardner, Martin","2008-11","256","Paperback","USD",15,"Cambridge University Press","折纸,归纳游戏与索玛立方块:马丁·伽德纳的数学转换","Martin Gardner continues to delight readers in Origami, Eleusis, and the Soma Cube, which is the second volume in the new Cambridge series, The New Martin Gardner Mathematical Library, based off his enormously popular Scientific American columns. He intrr","oduces young and old readers alike to the Generalized Ham Sandwich Theorem, origami, digital roots, magic squares, the mathematics of cooling coffee, the induction game of Eleusis, Dudeney puzzles, the maze at Hampton Court Palace, and many more mathema"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521735254","Hexaflexagons, Probability Paradoxes, and the Tower of Hanoi","Gardner, Martin","2008-11","208","Paperback","USD",15,"Cambridge University Press","六角形折纸,概率悖论与汉诺塔:马丁·伽德纳的数学难题与游戏书","Hexaflexagons, Probability Paradoxes, and the Tower of Hanoi is the inaugural volume in The New Martin Gardner Mathematical Library series. Based off of Gardener's enormously popular Scientific American columns, his puzzles and challenges can now fascinaa","te a whole new generation! Paradoxes and paper-folding, Moebius variations and mnemonics, fallacies, magic square, topological curiosities, parlor tricks, and games ancient and modern, from Polyminoes, Nim, Hex, and the Tower of Hanoi to four-dimensiona"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780521753081","Soliton Equations and Their Algebro-Geometric Solutions","Gesztesy, Fritz","2008-9","448","Hardback","USD",150,"Cambridge University Press","孤子方程及其代数几何解,第2卷 (1+1)-维数离散模型","As a partner to Volume 1: Dimensional Continuous Models, this book provides a self-contained introduction to solition equations. The systems studied in this volume include the Toda lattice hierarchy, the Kac-van Moerbeke hierarchy, and the Ablowitz-Ladikk"," hierarchy. An extensive treatment of the class of algebro-geometric solutions in the stationary as well as time-dependent contexts is provided. The theory presented includes trace formulas, algebro-geometric initial value problems, Baker-Akhiezer funct"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780387094298","The Unreal Life of Oscar Zariski","Parikh","2008-12","194","Softcover","EUR",26.95,"Springer New York","数学家奥斯卡·扎里斯基的虚幻生活","Oscar Zariski's work in mathematics permanently altered the foundations of algebraic geometry. The powerful tools he forged from the ideas of modern algebra allowed him to penetrate classical problems with an unaccustomedto the intuitive proofs of the It","lian School. The students he trained at Hopkins, and later at Harvard, are among the foremost mathematicians of our time. While what he called his "real life" is recorded in almost a hundred books and papers, this sto"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780387096858","Emerging Applications of Algebraic Geometry","Putinar","2008-11","380","Hardcover","EUR",66.95,"Springer New York","代数几何学的新应用","Recent advances in both the theory and implementation of computational algebraic geometry have led to new, striking applications to a variety of fields of research. The articles in this volume highlight a range of these apductory material for topics cover","ed in the IMA workshops on \"Optimization and Control\" and \"Applications in Biology, Dynamics, and Statistics\" held during the IMA year on Applications of Algebraic Geometry. The articles related to optimization and contro"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780817648398","Linear Algebraic Groups","Springer","2008-11","334","Softcover","EUR",39.9,"Birkh user","线性代数群","The first edition of this book presented the theory of linear algebraic groups over an algebraically closed field. The second edition, thoroughly revised and expanded, extends the theory over arbitrary fields, which are noclosed. It thus represents a high","er aim. As in the first edition, the book includes a self-contained treatment of the prerequisites from algebraic geometry and commutative algebra, as well as basic results on reductive groups. As a result, the first part"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780387094137","Linear and Integer Programming vs Linear Integration and Counting","Lasserre","2009-04","200","Hardcover","EUR",46.95,"Springer New York","线性与整数规划与线性集成与计数对比","This book analyzes and compares four closely related problems, namely linear programming, integer programming, linear integration, and linear summation (or counting). The focus is on duality and the novel approach puts intive with three associated problem","s, and permits one to define discrete analogues of well-known continuous duality concepts, and the rationale behind them. Also, the approach highlights the difference between the discrete and continuous cases. Central in"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780387715636","Multilevel Block Factorization Preconditioners","Vassilevski","2008-09","530","Hardcover","EUR",79.95,"Springer New York","多级块因式分解预处理器:解有限元方程用的基于矩阵的分析与算法","This monograph is the first to provide a comprehensive, self-contained and rigorous presentation of some of the most powerful preconditioning methods for solving finite element equations in a common block-matrix factorizatd include the classical incomplet","e block-factorization preconditioners and the most efficient methods such as the multigrid, algebraic multigrid, and domain decomposition. Additionally, the author discusses preconditioning of saddle-point, nonsymmetric a"
    "BIBF09","O1","9783540850243","Optimization and Multiobjective Control of Time-Discrete Systems","Lozovanu","2009-03","285","Hardcover","EUR",89.95,"Springer","时间离散系统的最优化与多目标控制:动态网络与多层结构","The study of discrete structures and networks becomes more and more important in decision theory. A relevant topic in modern control theory reflecting this fact is concerned with multiobjective control problems and dynamicents recent developments and appl","ications in the field of multiobjective control of time-discrete systems with a finite set of states. The dynamics of such systems is described by a directed graph in which each vertex corresponds to a dynamic state and t"
    "BIBF09","O1","9783540882329","Non-Life Insurance Mathematics","Mikosch","2009-03","432","Softcover","EUR",49.95,"Springer","非寿险保险数学:概论与泊松过程","The volume offers a mathematical introduction to non-life insurance and, at the same time, to a multitude of applied stochastic processes. It includes detailed discussions of the fundamental models regarding claim sizes, cim amount, and their probabilisti","c properties. Throughout the volume the language of stochastic processes is used for describing the dynamics of an insurance portfolio in claim size, space and time. Special emphasis is given to the phenomena which are ca"
    "BIBF09","O1","9783764388133","Nonlinear Parabolic-Hyperbolic Coupled Systems and Their Attractors","Qin","2008-08","465","Hardcover","EUR",129,"Birkh user","非线性抛物-双曲型耦合系统及其吸引子","This book presents recent results concerning the global existence in time, the large-time behaviour, decays of solutions and the existence of global attractors for some nonlinear parabolic-hyperbolic coupled systems of evoal equations arising from physics",", mechanics and material science, such as the compressible Navier-Stokes equations, thermo(visco)elastic systems and elastic systems. To keep the book as self-contained as possible, the first chapter introduces to the nee"
    "BIBF09","O1","9783540877370","Oeuvres Scientifiques / Collected Papers","Weil","2009-01","466","Softcover","EUR",49.95,"Springer","科学著作 / 论文集 第3卷 (1964-1978)","From the reviews \"…All of Weil's works except for books and lecture notes are compiled here, in strict chronological order for easy reference. But the value … goes beyond the convenience of easy reference and accessibilvolumes contain several essays, l","ers, and addresses which were either published in obscure places (…) or not published at all. Even more valuable are the lengthy commentaries on many of the articles, written by Weil himself. These remarks serve as a"
    "BIBF09","O1","9783764399993","Schwarz-Pick Type Inequalities","Avkhadiev","2009-02","156","Softcover","EUR",29.9,"Birkh user","Schwarz-Pick 型不等式","This book discusses in detail the extension of the Schwarz-Pick inequality to higher order derivatives of analytic functions with given images. It is the first systematic account of the main results in this area. Recent retheory presented here include the"," attractive steps on coefficient problems from Bieberbach to de Branges, applications of some hyperbolic characteristics of domains via Beardon-Pommerenke's theorem, a new interpretation of coefficient estimates as certai"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780817648367","Beyond the Quartic Equation","King","2008-11","149","Softcover","EUR",34.9,"Birkh user","超越四次方程","The objective of this book is to present for the first time the complete algorithm for roots of the general quintic equation with enough background information to make the key ideas accessible to non-specialists and even taders who are not professional ma","thematicians. The book includes an initial introductory chapter on group theory and symmetry, Galois theory and Tschirnhausen transformations, and some elementary properties of elliptic function in order to make some of t"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780817645090","Mathematical Analysis","Giaquinta","2009-04","348","Hardcover","EUR",119,"Birkh user","数学分析:多元函数概论","This self-contained work is an introductory presentation of basic ideas, structures, and results of differential and integral calculus for functions of several variables. The wide range of topics covered include: differentables, including differential cal","culus of Banach spaces, the relevant results of Lebesgue integration theory, differential forms on curves, a general introduction to holomorphic functions, including singularities and residues, surfaces and level sets, an"
    "BIBF09","O1","9788847008755","Mathematical Analysis I","Canuto","2008-08","434","Softcover","EUR",38.95,"Springer Mailand","数学分析 I","The purpose of the volume is to provide a support for a first course in Mathematical Analysis, along the lines of the recent Programme Specifications for mathematical teaching in European universities. The contents are orgto Engineering, Physics and Compu","ter Science students, all areas in which mathematical tools play a crucial role. Basic notions and methods of differential and integral calculus for functions of one real variable are presented in a manner that elicits cr"
    "BIBF09","O1","9783540874515","Mathematical Analysis I","Zorich","2008-11","578","Softcover","EUR",39.95,"Springer","数学分析 I","This softcover edition of a very popular two-volume work presents a thorough first course in analysis, leading from real numbers to such advanced topics as differential forms on manifolds, asymptotic methods, Fourier, Lapl, elliptic functions and distribu","tions. Especially notable in this course is the clearly expressed orientation toward the natural sciences and its informal exploration of the essence and the roots of the basic concepts and theorems of calculus. Clarity o"
    "BIBF09","O1","9783540874539","Mathematical Analysis II","Zorich","2008-11","688","Softcover","EUR",39.95,"Springer","数学分析 II","This softcover edition of a very popular two-volume work presents a thorough first course in analysis, leading from real numbers to such advanced topics as differential forms on manifolds, asymptotic methods, integral transpecially notable in this course","is the clearly expressed orientation toward the natural sciences and its informal exploration of the essence and the roots of the basic concepts and theorems of calculus. Clarity of exposition is matched by a wealth of in"
    "BIBF09","O1","9783540878285","Mathematical Analysis of Urban Spatial Networks","Blanchard","2008-11","184","Hardcover","EUR",79.95,"Springer","城市空间网络的数学分析","Cities can be considered to be among the largest and most complex artificial networks created by human beings. Due to the numerous and diverse human-driven activities, urban network topology and dynamics can differ quite stural networks and so call for an"," alternative method of analysis. The intent of the present monograph is to lay down the theoretical foundations for studying the topology of compact urban patterns, using methods from spectral graph theory and statistica"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780387709833","Mathematical Biology","Shonkwiler","2009-08","560","Hardcover","EUR",53.9,"Springer New York","数学生物学:使用 Maple 与 Matlab 导论","This textbook presents mathematical biology as not only the intrusion of one science into another, but rather as a field with a unity of its own. It updates an earlier successful edition and greatly expands the concept oratory,\" giving students a genera","l perspective of the field before proceeding to more specialized topics. The book focuses on problems of contemporary interest, such as cancer, genetics, and the rapidly growing field of genomics.A unique feature of the b"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780387789002","Lattices and Ordered Sets","Roman","2008-11","305","Hardcover","EUR",46.95,"Springer New York","网格与序集","This book is intended to be a thorough introduction to the subject of order and lattices and can be used for a course at the graduate or advanced undergraduate level or for independent study. Prerequisites consist mostly ority, such as that provided by a","basic undergraduate course in abstract algebra."
    "BIBF09","O1","9780387887524","From Combinatorics to Philosophy","Damiani","2009-06","180","Hardcover","EUR",84.95,"Springer US","组合数学到哲学: G. C. Rota 的遗产","From Combinatorics to Philosophy: The Legacy of G. -C. Rota provides an assessment of G. -C. Rota's legacy to international research in mathematics, philosophy and computer science. This volume includes chapters by leadinumber of invited research papers.","Rota's legacy connects European and Italian research communities to the USA by providing inspiration to several generations of researchers in combinatorics, philosophy and computer science. From Combinatorics to Philoso"
    "BIBF09","O1","9781402088384","Optimization with PDE Constraints","Hinze","2008-11","270","Hardcover","EUR",79.95,"Springer Netherlands","应用偏微分方程约束的优化","This book presents a modern introduction of pde constrained optimization. It provides a precise functional analytic treatment via optimality conditions and a state-of-the-art, non-smooth algorithmical framework. Furthermordiscrete concepts and large scale",", practically relevant applications are presented. The main focus is on the algorithmical and numerical treatment of pde constrained optimization problems on the infinite dimensional level. A particular emphasis is on sim"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780387791456","Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations","Agarwal","2009-02","410","Softcover","EUR",42.95,"Springer New York","常微分与偏微分方程:及特殊函数,傅立叶级数与边界值问题","In this undergraduate/graduate textbook, the authors introduce ODEs and PDEs through 50 class-tested lectures. Mathematical concepts are explained with clarity and rigor, using fully worked-out examples and helpful illustred at the end of each chapter for"," practice. The treatment of ODEs is developed in conjunction with PDEs and is aimed mainly towards applications. The book covers important applications-oriented topics such as solutions of ODEs in form of power series, sp"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780387779270","Path Player Games","Schwarze","2008-11","168","Hardcover","EUR",42.95,"Springer US","路径玩家游戏: 分析与应用","A path player game is a new innovative type of game which considers network flow problems from the viewpoint of network owners. This strategy enables modeling real-world problems and has many practical applications. Key fes exposition of the theoretical f","oundations of the concept of a path player game; * Suggests 18 practical open problems for future research in such areas as traffic planning, computation of equilibria, and optimization; * Examines potentials for games on"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780387878348","Stopped Random Walks","Gut","2009-03","270","Hardcover","EUR",34.95,"Springer New York","停止的随机游动:极限理论及应用","Classical probability theory provides information about random walks after a fixed number of steps. For applications, however, it is more natural to consider random walks evaluated after a random number of steps. Examplesueing theory, storage and inventor","y theory, insurance risk theory, reliability theory, and the theory of counters. Stopped Random Walks: Limit Theorems and Applications shows how this theory can be used to prove limit theorems for renewal counting proces"
    "BIBF09","O1","9783540875246","Fine Structures of Hyperbolic Diffeomorphisms","Pinto","2008-10","354","Hardcover","EUR",79.95,"Springer","双曲微分同胚的精细结构","The study of hyperbolic systems is a core theme of modern dynamics. On surfaces the theory of the fine scale structure of hyperbolic invariant sets and their measures can be described in a very complete and elegant way, ank. The present book, written by","well-known experts in smooth dynamical systems and ergodic theory, provides a largely self-contained, rigorous description of this theory. It covers the most important aspects of the subject and is based on several scient"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780387095820","Collected Papers","Kostant","2009-07","540","Hardcover","EUR",99.35,"Springer New York","Bertram Kostant 论文集 卷I: 1955-1966","For more than five decades Bertram Kostant has been one of the major architects of modern Lie theory. Virtually all his papers are pioneering with deep consequences, many giving rise to whole new fields of activities. Hisrange of Lie theory, from differen","tial geometry to representation theory, abstract algebra, and mathematical physics. Some specific topics cover algebraic groups and invariant theory, the geometry of homogeneous spaces, representation theory, geometric q"
    "BIBF09","O1","9783540685463","Computability of Julia Sets","Braverman","2008-11","152","Hardcover","EUR",59.95,"Springer","茹利亚集的可计算性","Among all computer-generated mathematical images, Julia sets of rational maps occupy one of the most prominent positions. Their beauty and complexity can be fascinating. They also hold a deep mathematical content. Computas is the main subject of this boo","k. By definition, a computable set in the plane can be visualized on a computer screen with an arbitrarily high magnification. There are countless programs to draw Julia sets. Yet, as the authors have discovered, it is po"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780387768120","Fuzzy Multi-Criteria Decision Making","Kahraman","2009-02","590","Hardcover","EUR",92.95,"Springer US","模糊多准则决策:理论与应用及新进展","In trying to make a satisfactory decision when imprecise and multicriteria situations are involved, a decision maker has to use a fuzzy multicriteria decision making method. \"Fuzzy Multi-Criteria Decision Making\" (MCDM) prand multiobjective decision-makin","g methodologies by distinguished MCDM researchers. In summarizing the concepts and results of the most popular fuzzy multicriteria methods, using numerical examples, this work examines all the fuzzy multicriteria methods"
    "BIBF09","O1","9783764398927","Hypercomplex Analysis","Sabadini","2009-01","289","Hardcover","EUR",99,"Birkh user","超复分析","This book contains selected papers from the ISAAC conference 2007 and invited contributions. The topics covered represent the main streams of research in hypercomplex analysis as well as \"state of the art\" expository articerest to researchers and postgrad","uate students in various areas of mathematical analysis, e.g. one and several complex variables; PDE; hypercomplex analysis; operator theory; theoretical and mathematics physics."
    "BIBF09","O1","9783764388928","Recent Advances in Operator Theory and Applications","Ando","2008-10","247","Hardcover","EUR",119,"Birkh user","算子理论及应用最新进展","This volume contains the proceedings of the International Workshop on Operator Theory and Applications (IWOTA 2006) held at Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, from July 31 to August 3, 2006. The special interest areaert/Krein space operator theory,","complex function theory related to Hilbert space operators, and systems theory related to Hilbert space operators. This volume contains sixteen research papers which reflect recent developments in operator theory and appl"
    "BIBF09","O1","9783540767954","Research Trends in Combinatorial Optimization","Cook","2008-11","562","Hardcover","EUR",89.95,"Springer","组合最优化研究趋势:2008 波恩研讨会","This book, written by leading experts in combinatorial optimization, features in-depth surveys of current research areas in combinatorial optimization in the broad sense, ranging from applied graph theory to mathematical pnumerous new results and shows ma","ny interesting current research directions. This book will be indispensible for any researcher in combinatorial optimization."
    "BIBF09","O1","9780387848570","The Elements of Statistical Learning","Hastie","2009-03","746","Hardcover","EUR",69.95,"Springer New York","统计学习基础:数据挖掘,推理与预测","During the past decade there has been an explosion in computation and information technology. With it have come vast amounts of data in a variety of fields such as medicine, biology, finance, and marketing. The challenge oas led to the development of new","tools in the field of statistics, and spawned new areas such as data mining, machine learning, and bioinformatics. Many of these tools have common underpinnings but are often expressed with different terminology. This boo"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780387746401","The Mathematical Coloring Book","Soifer","2008-11","610","Hardcover","EUR",42.95,"Springer New York","数学涂色本:涂色数学及其创造者的多彩的生活","This book is dedicated to problems involving colored objects, and to results about the existence of certain exciting and unexpected properties that occur regardless of how these objects are colored. In mathematics, these rl area known as Ramsey Theory. Wo","lfram's Math World defines Ramsey Theory as "the mathematical study of combinatorial objects in which a certain degree of order must occur as the scale of the object becomes large". Ramsey Theory thus includes parts of"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780387856476","Sobolev Spaces in Mathematics I","Maz'ya","2008-11","378","Hardcover","EUR",149.95,"Springer New York","数学中的索伯列夫空间 I","This volume is dedicated to the centenary of the outstanding mathematician of the 20th century, Sergey Sobolev, and, in a sense, to his celebrated work On a theorem of functional analysis, published in 1938, exactly 70 yeaal Sobolev inequality was proved."," This double event is a good occasion to gather experts for presenting the latest results on the study of Sobolev inequalities, which play a fundamental role in analysis, the theory of partial differential equations, math"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780817647261","The Center and Cyclicity Problems","Romanovski","2009-04","330","Softcover","EUR",49.9,"Birkh user","中心与周期性问题:计算方法","In the last three decades, advances in methods for investigating polynomial ideals and their varieties have provided new possibilities for approaching two long-standing problems in the theory of differential equations: thethe cyclicity problem (the proble","m of bifurcation of limit cycles from singular trajectories). Using a computational algebra approach, this work addresses the center and cyclicity problems as behaviors of dynamical systems and families of polynomial sys"
    "BIBF09","O1","9783764389611","Combinatorial Number Theory and Additive Group Theory","Geroldinger","2009-04","345","Softcover","EUR",39.9,"Birkh user","组合数论与加法群论","Additive combinatorics is a relatively recent term coined to comprehend the developments of the more classical additive number theory, mainly focussed on problems related to the addition of integers. Some classical problemthe sum of k-th powers or the Gol","dbach Conjecture are genuine examples of the original questions addressed in the area. One of the features of contemporary additive combinatorics is the interplay of a great variety of mathematical techniques, including"
    "BIBF09","O1","9783540747024","Data Assimilation","Lahoz","2009-07","475","Hardcover","EUR",149.95,"Springer","数据同化:观察界定","Data assimilation methods were largely developed for operational weather forecasting, but in recent years have been applied to an increasing range of earth science disciplines. This book will set out the theoretical basisntributions by top international e","xperts in the field. Various aspects of data assimilation are discussed including: theory; observations; models; numerical weather prediction; evaluation of observations and models; assessment of future satellite mission"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780387848945","Distributions and Operators","Grubb","2008-10","464","Hardcover","EUR",46.95,"Springer New York","分布与算子","This book gives an introduction to distribution theory, based on the work of Schwartz and of many other people. Additionally, the aim is to show how the theory is combined with the study of operators in Hilbert space by me, with applications to ordinary a","nd partial differential equations. In some of the latter chapters, the author illustrates how distribution theory is used to define pseudodifferential operators and how they are applied in the discussion of solvability of"
    "BIBF09","O1","9783764387723","Inequalities and Applications","Bandle","2008-10","315","Hardcover","EUR",89.9,"Birkh user","不等式与应用","Inequalities continue to play an essential role in mathematics. Perhaps, they form the last field comprehended and used by mathematicians in all areas of the discipline. Since the seminal work Inequalities (1934) by Hardy,maticians have laboured to extend"," and sharpen their classical inequalities. New inequalities are discovered every year, some for their intrinsic interest whilst others flow from results obtained in various branches of mathematics. The study of inequaliti"
    "BIBF09","O1","9783540883012","High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering ' 08","Nagel","2008-12","613","Hardcover","EUR",99.95,"Springer","科学与工程中的高性能计算:HLRS 2008 会刊","This book presents the state of the art in simulation using supercomputers. Leading researchers present results achieved on systems of the Stuttgart High Performance Computing Center (HLRS) for the year 2008. The reports conal science and engineering, ran","ging from CFD and computational physics and chemistry to computer science, with a special emphasis on industrially relevant applications. Presenting results for both vector-based and microprocessor-based systems, the book"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780387097237","Introduction to Hamiltonian Dynamical Systems and the N-Body Problem","Meyer","2009-02","399","Hardcover","EUR",54.95,"Springer New York","哈密尔顿动态系统与N体问题导论","This text grew out of notes from a graduate course taught to students in mathematics and mechanical engineering. The goal was to take students who had some basic knowledge of differential equations and lead them through atheory of Hamiltonian systems, an","introduction to the theory of integrals and reduction. Poincaré's continuation of periodic solution, normal forms, and applications of KAM theory. There is a special chapter devoted to the theory of twist maps and vari"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780387848983","Introduction to Nonlinear Dispersive Equations","Linares","2009-03","265","Softcover","EUR",34.95,"Springer New York","非线性色散方程概论","The aim of this textbook is to introduce the theory of nonlinear dispersive equations to graduate students in a constructive way. The first three chapters are dedicated to preliminary material, such as Fourier transform, ilev spaces. The authors then proc","eed to use the linear Schrodinger equation to describe properties enjoyed by general dispersive equations. This information is then used to treat local and global well-posedness for the semi-linear Schrodinger equations."
    "BIBF09","O1","9780387790510","Introduction to Nonparametric Estimation","Tsybakov","2008-12","214","Hardcover","EUR",59.95,"Springer New York","非参数估计概论","This is a concise text developed from lecture notes and ready to be used for a course on the graduate level. The main idea is to introduce the fundamental concepts of the theory while maintaining the exposition suitable foeld. Therefore, the results are n","ot always given in the most general form but rather under assumptions that lead to shorter or more elegant proofs. The book has three chapters. Chapter 1 presents basic nonparametric regression and density estimators and"
    "BIBF09","O1","9783540799931","Meshfree Methods for Partial Differential Equations IV","Griebel","2008-10","412","Softcover","EUR",69.95,"Springer","偏微分方程用无网格方法 IV","The numerical treatment of partial differential equations with particle methods and meshfree discretization techniques is a very active research field both in the mathematics and engineering community. Due to their indepenhemes and meshfree methods can de","al with large geometric changes of the domain more easily than classical discretization techniques. Furthermore, meshfree methods offer a promising approach for the coupling of particle models to continuous models. This v"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780387096155","Nonlinear Regression with R","Ritz","2009-02","148","Softcover","EUR",39.95,"Springer New York","采用R 的非线性回归","R is a rapidly evolving lingua franca of graphical display and statistical analysis of experiments from the applied sciences. Currently, R offers a wide range of functionality for nonlinear regression analysis, but the reld documentation are scattered acr","oss the R environment. This book provides a coherent and unified treatment of nonlinear regression with R by means of examples from a diversity of applied sciences such as biology, chemistry, engineering, medicine and tox"
    "BIBF09","O1","9781402090837","Towards Mathematical Philosophy","Makinson","2008-11","346","Hardcover","EUR",134.95,"Springer Netherlands","面向数理哲学:逻辑研究会议论文集","This volume contains a collection of articles applying methods of logic or, more generally, of mathematics to solve problems, some of which come from logic itself, others from other sciences. Its range of subjects is far fpresentative. The first group of","papers in this volume consists of contributions to pure and applied modal logic. The problems discussed here range from the structure of lattices of normal and other modal propositional logics to modal proof theory and to"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780387097800","The q-Theory of Finite Semigroups","Rhodes","2009-02","666","Hardcover","EUR",66.95,"Springer US","有限半群的 q-理论","Discoveries in finite semigroups have influenced several mathematical fields, including theoretical computer science, tropical algebra via matrix theory with coefficients in semirings, and other areas of modern algebra. Thic text will provide the reader -"," from the graduate student to the researcher/practitioner – with a detailed understanding of modern finite semigroup theory, focusing in particular on advanced topics on the cutting edge of research. Key features: (1) De"
    "BIBF09","O1","9783764398958","The World as a Mathematical Game","Israel","2009-03","204","Hardcover","EUR",89.9,"Birkh user","作为数学游戏的世界:约翰·冯·诺依曼与二十世纪的科学","Galileo and Newton's work towards the mathematisation of the physical world; Leibniz's universal logical calculus; the Enlightenment's mathématique sociale. John von Neumann inherited all these aims and philosophical ithat grew up around the Vienna Ci"," of an ethics in the form of an exact science capable of guiding individuals to make correct decisions. With the help of his boundless mathematical capacity, von Neumann developed a conception of the world as a mathe"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780817645922","Data Modeling for Metrology and Testing in Measurement Science","Pavese","2009-03","489","Hardcover","EUR",84.9,"Birkh user","计量学与测试领域的数据建模进展(书与光盘)","This book and companion DVD provide a comprehensive set of modeling methods for data and uncertainty analysis, taking readers beyond mainstream methods described in standard texts. The emphasis throughout is on various tecof real-world applications. Devel","oped in the work are methods and computational tools to address general models that arise in practice, allowing for a more valid treatment of calibration and test data. The companion DVD contains tutorials, sample code,"
    "BIBF09","O1","9783540785712","Malliavin Calculus for Lévy Processes with Applications to Finance","Di Nunno","2008-11","418","Softcover","EUR",39.95,"Springer","Lévy 过程用 Malliavin 随机变分及在金融中的应用","While the original works on Malliavin calculus aimed to study the smoothness of densities of solutions to stochastic differential equations, this book has another goal. It portrays the most important and innovative applicaand finance, such as hedging in c","omplete and incomplete markets, optimisation in the presence of asymmetric information and also pricing and sensitivity analysis. In a self-contained fashion, both the Malliavin calculus with respect to Brownian motion an"
    "BIBF09","O1","9783540699156","Multiple Integrals in the Calculus of Variations","Morrey Jr.","2008-09","506","Softcover","EUR",39.95,"Springer","变分法中的多重积分","From the reviews: \"…the book contains a wealth of material essential to the researcher concerned with multiple integral variational problems and with elliptic partial differential equations. The book not only reports thealso the contributions of his cont","mporaries in the same and related fields. The book undoubtedly will become a standard reference for researchers in these areas. …The book is addressed mainly to mature mathematical analysts. However, any student of ana"
    "BIBF09","O1","9783540888567","Multiscale Modeling and Simulation in Science","Engquist","2008-12","320","Softcover","EUR",49.95,"Springer","科学中的多尺度建模与模拟","This book contains lecture notes of current development in multiscale modeling, computations and applications. It covers fundamental mathematical theory, numerical algorithms as well as practical computational advice for asics models containing a variety","of scales in time and space. Complex fluids, porous media flow and oscillatory dynamical systems are treated in some extra depth, as well as tools like analytical and numerical homogenization, fast multipole methods and w"
    "BIBF09","O1","9783764389109","Spectral Theory in Inner Product Spaces and Applications","Behrndt","2008-11","250","Hardcover","EUR",129,"Birkh user","内积空间中的谱理论及应用","This book contains a collection of recent research papers originating from the 6th Workshop on Operator Theory in Krein Spaces and Operator Polynomials, which was held at the TU Berlin, Germany, December 14 to 17, 2006. Thme are devoted to spectral and pe","rturbation theory of linear operators in spaces with an inner product, generalized Nevanlinna functions and problems and applications in the field of differential equations. Among the discussed topics are linear relations"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780387874593","Variational Inequalities with Applications","Sofonea","2009-03","250","Hardcover","EUR",54.95,"Springer New York","变分不等式及应用:反平面摩擦接触问题研究","This book is motivated by stimulating problems in contact mechanics, emphasizing antiplane frictional contact with linearly elastic and viscoelastic materials. It focuses on the essentials with respect to the qualitativef variational inequalities (VIs).","Clearly presented, easy to follow, and well-referenced, this work treats almost entirely VIs of the second kind, with much of the material being state-of-the-art. Applied mathematicians and advanced graduate students wis"
    "BIBF09","O1","9783540705642","Weight Filtrations on Log Crystalline Cohomologies of Families of Open Smooth Varieties","Nakkajima","2008-09","272","Softcover","EUR",39.95,"Springer","开放平滑簇系列的对数晶体上同调上的权重过滤","In this volume, the authors construct a theory of weights on the log crystalline cohomologies of families of open smooth varieties in characteristic p>0, by defining and constructing four filtered complexes. Fundamentald complexes are proved, in partic","ular the p-adic purity, the functionality of three filtered complexes, the weight-filtered base change formula, the weight-filtered Künneth formula, the weight-filtered Poincaré duality, and the E2-degeneration of p-adi"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780387758176","Fixed Point Theory for Lipschitzian-type Mappings with Applications","Agarwal","2009-06","380","Hardcover","EUR",89.95,"Springer New York","Lipschitzian型映射及应用的固定点理论","In recent years, the fixed point theory of Lipschitzian-type mappings has rapidly grown into an important field of study in both pure and applied mathematics. It has become one of the most essential tools in nonlinear funccontained book provides the first"," systematic presentation of Lipschitzian-type mappings in metric and Banach spaces. The first chapter covers some basic properties of metric and Banach spaces. Geometric considerations of underlying spaces play a prominen"
    "BIBF09","O1","9783034600019","Flag-Transitive Steiner Designs","Huber","2009-02","124","Softcover","EUR",24.9,"Birkh user","旗传递 Steiner 设计","The monograph provides the first full discussion of flag-transitive Steiner designs. This is a central part of the study of highly symmetric combinatorial configurations at the interface of several mathematical disciplineseometry, group theory, combinator","ics, coding theory, and cryptography. In a sufficiently self-contained and unified manner the classification of all flag-transitive Steiner designs is presented. This recent result settles interesting and challenging ques"
    "BIBF09","O1","9781848002890","Bridging the Gap to University Mathematics","Hurst","2009-03","362","Softcover","EUR",34.95,"Springer London","跨越通向大学数学的鸿沟","Designed as an introduction to higher-education mathematics, Bridging the Gap is the only book of this sort written for students by students. The authors, Martin Gould and Edward Hurst, wrote this book as second-year underity. Their experiences as student","s have helped them create an approachable and comprehensive introductory text that will be of benefit to anyone looking to make the step-up to university education. This book contains chapters rich with worked examples an"
    "BIBF09","O1","9783540695318","Mathematical Control Theory and Finance","Sarychev","2008-08","420","Hardcover","EUR",109.95,"Springer","数学控制理论与金融学","This book highlights recent developments in mathematical control theory and its applications to finance. It presents a collection of original contributions by distinguished scholars, addressing a large spectrum of problemsory provides a large set of theor","etical and computational tools with applications in a wide range of fields, ranging from \"pure\" areas of mathematics up to applied sciences like finance. Stochastic optimal control is a well established and important tool"
    "BIBF09","O1","9783540250760","Mathematical Foundations of Scientific Visualization, Computer Graphics, and Massive Data Exploration","M ller","2009-05","370","Hardcover","EUR",89.95,"Springer","科学可视化,计算机图形学与海量数据探索的数学基础","Visualization is one of the most active and exciting areas of Mathematics and Computing Science, and indeed one which is only beginning to mature. Current visualization algorithms break down for very large data sets. Whilei-resolution ideas, future data s","izes will not be handled that way. New algorithms based on sophisticated mathematical modeling techniques must be devised which will permit the extraction of high-level topological structures that can be visualized. For t"
    "BIBF09","O1","9783211094419","Mathematical Methods in Counterterrorism","Memon","2009-06","400","Hardcover","EUR",89.95,"Springer Wien New York","反恐怖活动中的数学方法","The present work presents the most current research from mathematicians and computer scientists from around the world to develop strategies for counterterrorism and homeland security to the broader public. New mathematicals concepts are have applied to co","unterterrorism and computer security problems. Topics covered include; strategies for disrupting terrorist cells, border penetration and security, terrorist cell formation and growth, data analysis of terrorist activity,"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780387308883","Least-Squares Finite Element Methods","Bochev","2009-03","680","Hardcover","EUR",46.95,"Springer New York","最小二乘有限元法","This book offers a thorough and systematic examination of theoretical and computational aspects of least-squares finite element methods. The range of topics spans formal mathematical analysis and framework for least squareis framework to concrete partial","differential equations and discussion of the computational properties of the methods. The abstract least-squares framework will help readers navigate the realm of least-squares methods while the many numerical examples pr"
    "BIBF09","O1","9783540859635","Local Lyapunov Exponents","Siegert","2008-11","262","Softcover","EUR",39.95,"Springer","局域Lyapunov指数:线性随机微分方程的次极限增长率","Establishing a new concept of local Lyapunov exponents the author brings together two separate theories, namely Lyapunov exponents and the theory of large deviations. Specifically, a linear differential system is consideretochastic process that during a s","uitable noise-intensity-dependent time is trapped near one of its so-called metastable states. The local Lyapunov exponent is then introduced as the exponential growth rate of the linear system on this time scale. Unlike"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780387875743","Galois Theory","Weintraub","2008-12","212","Softcover","EUR",42.95,"Springer New York","伽罗瓦理论","The book discusses classical Galois theory in considerable generality, treating fields of characteristic zero and of positive characteristic with consideration of both separable and inseparable extensions, but with a partiextensions of the field of ration","al numbers. While most of the book is concerned with finite extensions, it discusses algebraic closure and infinite Galois extensions, and concludes with a new chapter on transcendental extensions. Key topics and features"
    "BIBF09","O1","9781848821897","Geometric Properties of Banach Spaces and Nonlinear Iterations","Chidume","2009-03","326","Softcover","EUR",49.95,"Springer London","巴拿赫空间与非线性迭代的几何学特性","This monograph focuses on geometric properties of Banach spaces and nonlinear iterations. The first half of the monograph (Chapters 1 to 5) develops materials on convexity and smoothness of Banach spaces, associated moduliy maps. Key results obtained in e","ach chapter are summarized at the end of the chapter for easy reference. The second half (Chapters 6 to 23) deals with an in-depth, comprehensive and up-to-date coverage of the main ideas, concepts and most important resu"
    "BIBF09","O1","9783540694908","Theory of Sobolev Multipliers","Maz'ya","2008-09","614","Hardcover","EUR",89.95,"Springer","索伯列夫乘子理论:及在微分与积分算子上的应用","The purpose of this book is to give a comprehensive exposition of the theory of pointwise multipliers acting in pairs of spaces of differentiable functions. The theory was essentially developed by the authors during the laent volume is mainly based on the","ir results. Part I is devoted to the theory of multipliers and encloses the following topics: trace inequalities, analytic characterization of multipliers, relations between spaces of Sobolev multipliers and other functi"
    "BIBF09","O1","9783764389994","Spin Glasses: Statics and Dynamics","Boutet de Monvel","2009-08","350","Hardcover","EUR",89.9,"Birkh user","自旋玻璃:静力学与动力学:2007 巴黎暑期班","This book contains a collection of texts ranging from a basic introduction to the mathematical theory of spin glasses to state-of-the-art reports on current research, written by leading experts in the field. It provides ame that will guide the novice into"," the field and present an overview of recent result to the experts. The subject matter covers mean field theory of spin glasses, short range spin glasses as well as other models of statistical mechanics in random media,"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780387309316","Variational Methods in Imaging","Scherzer","2008-10","322","Hardcover","EUR",54.95,"Springer New York","成像中的变分法","This book is devoted to the study of variational methods in imaging. The presentation is mathematically rigorous and covers a detailed treatment of the approach from an inverse problems point of view. Key Features: (1) Intwith motivation from the determin","istic, geometric, and stochastic point of view. (2) Bridges the gap between regularization theory in image analysis and in inverse problems. (3) Presents case examples in imaging to illustrate the use of variational metho"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780817648473","Set-Valued Analysis","Aubin","2008-12","461","Softcover","EUR",39.9,"Birkh user","集值的分析",""An elegantly written, introductory overview of the field, with a near perfect choice of what to include and what not, enlivened in places by historical tidbits and made eminently readable throughout by crisp language. Itear-impossible—it has made a sub","ct which is generally inhospitable to nonspecialists because of its 'family jargon' appear nonintimidating even to a beginning graduate student." (The Journal of the Indian Institute of Science) "The book under revi"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780387856490","Sobolev Spaces in Mathematics II","Maz'ya","2008-10","390","Hardcover","EUR",149.95,"Springer New York","数学中的索伯列夫空间 II","Sobolev spaces become the established and universal language of partial differential equations and mathematical analysis. Among a huge variety of problems where Sobolev spaces are used, the following important topics are tndary value problems in domains w","ith singularities, higher order partial differential equations, local polynomial approximations, inequalities in Sobolev-Lorentz spaces, function spaces in cellular domains, the spectrum of a Schrodinger operator with neg"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780387856513","Sobolev Spaces in Mathematics III","Isakov","2008-11","336","Hardcover","EUR",149.95,"Springer New York","数学中的索伯列夫空间 III","The mathematical works of S.L.Sobolev were strongly motivated by particular problems coming from applications. In his celebrated book, \"Applications of Functional Analysis in Mathematical Physics\", 1950, and other works, Smethods that turned out to be ver","y influential in the study of mathematical physics in the second half of the 20th century. This volume, dedicated to the centenary of S.L. Sobolev, presents the latest results on some important problems of mathematical p"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780387724898","Class Field Theory","Childress","2008-12","226","Softcover","EUR",34.95,"Springer New York","类域论","Class field theory, the study of abelian extensions of algebraic number fields, is one of the largest branches of algebraic number theory. It brings together the quadratic and higher reciprocity laws of Gauss, Legendre, anizes them. Some of its consequenc","es (e.g., the Chebotarev density theorem) apply even to nonabelian extensions. This book is an accessible introduction to class field theory. It takes a traditional approach in that it attempts to present the material usi"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780817648411","Classic Papers in Combinatorics","Gessel","2008-12","489","Softcover","EUR",34.9,"Birkh user","组合学经典论文","This volume surveys the development of combinatorics since 1930 by presenting in chronological order the fundamental results of the subject proved in over five decades of original papers by: T. van Aardenne-Ehrenfest.- R.LG.F. Clements.- H.H. Crapo.- R.P."," Dilworth.- J. Edmonds.- P. Erd s.- L.R. Ford, Jr.- D.R. Fulkerson.- D. Gale.- L. Geissinger.- I.J. Good.- R.L. Graham.- A.W. Hales.- P. Hall.- P.R. Halmos.- R.I. Jewett.- I. Kaplansky.- P.W. Kasteleyn.- G. Katona.- D.J."
    "BIBF09","O1","9780387094311","Classical Fourier Analysis, Second Edition","Grafakos","2008-10","489","Hardcover","EUR",46.95,"Springer New York","经典傅里叶分析 第2版","The primary goal of this text is to present the theoretical foundation of the field of Fourier analysis. This book is mainly addressed to graduate students in mathematics and is designed to serve for a three-course sequencrerequisite for understanding the"," text is satisfactory completion of a course in measure theory, Lebesgue integration, and complex variables. This book is intended to present the selected topics in some depth and stimulate further study. Although the emp"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780387797106","Combinatorics and Graph Theory","Harris","2008-11","382","Hardcover","EUR",34.95,"Springer New York","组合学与图论","This book covers a wide variety of topics in combinatorics and graph theory. It includes results and problems that cross subdisciplines, emphasizing relationships between different areas of mathematics. In addition, recentillustrating the fact that mathem","atics is a living discipline. The second edition includes many new topics and features: (1) New sections in graph theory on distance, Eulerian trails, and hamiltonian paths. (2) New material on partitions, multinomial co"
    "BIBF09","O1","9783540705185","Compactifying Moduli Spaces for Abelian Varieties","Olsson","2008-08","286","Softcover","EUR",39.95,"Springer","阿贝耳簇的模空间紧致化","This volume presents the construction of canonical modular compactifications of moduli spaces for polarized Abelian varieties (possibly with level structure), building on the earlier work of Alexeev, Nakamura, and Namikawaapproach to compactifying these s","paces than the more classical approach using toroical embeddings, which are not canonical. There are two main new contributions in this monograph: (1) The introduction of logarithmic geometry as understood by Fontaine, Il"
    "BIBF09","O1","9783540856337","Conjugate Gradient Algorithms in Nonconvex Optimization","Pytlak","2008-12","477","Hardcover","EUR",119.95,"Springer","非凸优化中的共轭梯度算法","This up-to-date book is on algorithms for large-scale unconstrained and bound constrained optimization. Optimization techniques are shown from a conjugate gradient algorithm perspective. Large part of the book is devoted tradient algorithms. In particular"," memoryless and limited memory quasi-Newton algorithms are presented and numerically compared to standard conjugate gradient algorithms. The special attention is paid to the methods of shortest residuals developed by the"
    "BIBF09","O1","9783764388850","Growth Theory of Subharmonic Functions","Azarin","2008-10","259","Hardcover","EUR",59.9,"Birkh user","下调和函数的增长理论","In this book an account of the growth theory of subharmonic functions is given, which is directed towards its applications to entire functions of one and several complex variables. The presentation aims at converting the nentire function with prescribed a","symptotic behaviour to a handicraft. For this one should only construct the limit set that describes the asymptotic behaviour of the entire function. All necessary material is developed within the book, hence it will be"
    "BIBF09","O1","9783540691815","High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering, Garching/Munich 2007","Wagner","2008-10","720","Hardcover","EUR",99.95,"Springer","科学与工程中的高性能计算 Garching/Munich 2007 研讨会","The book reports on selected projects on the High Performance Computer in Bavaria (HLRB). The projects originate from the fields of fluid dynamics, astrophysics and cosmology, computational physics including high energy phry and materials sciences, geophy","sics, biosciences, and computer sciences. Moreover, results from KONWIHR (the Competence Network for Technical and Scientific High Performance Computing in Bavaria) are presented. The articles provide an overview of the b"
    "BIBF09","O1","9783540858683","High Performance Computing on Vector Systems 2008","Resch","2008-11","242","Hardcover","EUR",79.95,"Springer","矢量系统上的高性能计算 2008","This book presents the state of the art in high-performance computing and simulation on modern supercomputer architectures. It covers trends in hardware and software development in general and specifically the future of veogeneous architectures. The appli","cation contributions cover computational fluid dynamics, fluid-structure interaction, physics, chemistry, astrophysics, and climate research. Innovative fields like coupled multi-physics or multi-scale simulations are pre"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780817645281","Mathematical Olympiad Challenges","Andreescu","2009-02","283","Softcover","EUR",34.9,"Birkh user","数学奥林匹克挑战","This signficantly revised and expanded second edition of Mathematical Olympiad Challenges is a rich collection of problems put together by two experienced and well-known professors and coaches of the U.S. International Matdreds of beautiful, challenging,","and instructive problems from algebra, geometry, trigonometry, combinatorics, and number theory from numerous mathematical competitions and journals have been selected and updated. The problems are clustered by topic into"
    "BIBF09","O1","9783540788409","Model Order Reduction: Theory, Research Aspects and Applications","Schilders","2008-08","472","Hardcover","EUR",89.95,"Springer","模型降阶:理论,研究与应用","The goal of this book is three-fold: it describes the basics of model order reduction and related aspects. In numerical linear algebra, it covers both general and more specialized model order reduction techniques for lineait discusses the use of model ord","er reduction techniques in a variety of practical applications. The book contains many recent advances in model order reduction, and presents several open problems for which techniques are still in development. It will s"
    "BIBF09","O1","9783540097266","Term-Structure Models","Filipovic","2009-06","200","Hardcover","EUR",39.95,"Springer","期限结构模型:研究生课程","The introduction to the mathematics of term-structure models in continuous time, includes practical aspects for fixed-income markets such as day-count conventions, duration of coupon-paying bonds and yield curve constructirate models; the Heath-Jarrow-Mor","ton methodology (including a derivation of Fubini's Theorem for stochastic integrals); consistent term-structure parametrizations; affine processes and characteristic functions; LIBOR market models; and credit risk. The"
    "BIBF09","O1","9783540688488","Mathematics and Computation, a Contemporary View","Munthe-Kaas","2008-09","130","Hardcover","EUR",49.95,"Springer","当代数学与计算观点 :2006 阿贝尔专题会议","The 2006 Abel symposium is focusing on contemporary research involving interaction between computer science, computational science and mathematics. In recent years, computation has been affecting pure mathematics in fundams and methods of pure mathematics"," are becoming increasingly important within computational and applied mathematics. At the core of computer science is the study of computability and complexity for discrete mathematical structures. Studying the foundation"
    "BIBF09","O1","9783540875680","Mathematics and Culture VI","Emmer","2009-02","299","Hardcover","EUR",49.95,"Springer","数学与文化 VI","The latest in the series Mathematics and Culture probes the interplay between mathematics and the worlds of art, cinema, theatre and history, medicine, biology and aeronautics. Series Editor Michele Emmer has chosen a newating these connections in surpris","ing and fascinating ways. Mathematics and Culture VI includes: An homage to the artist Mario Merz, whose work depicted numbers derived from the Fibonacci in curving neon arrays Essays on the relationships of mathematics"
    "BIBF09","O1","9783540697978","Matrix Convolution Operators on Groups","Chu","2008-08","114","Softcover","EUR",29.95,"Springer","群上的矩阵卷积算子","In the last decade, convolution operators of matrix functions have received unusual attention due to their diverse applications. This monograph presents some new developments in the spectral theory of these operators. Thematrix-valued functions on locally"," compact groups. The focus is on the spectra and eigenspaces of convolution operators on these spaces, defined by matrix-valued measures. Among various spectral results, the L2-spectrum of such an operator is completely"
    "BIBF09","O1","9783764387143","Metric Foliations and Curvature","Gromoll","2009-02","174","Hardcover","EUR",39.9,"Birkh user","度量叶状结构与曲率","In the past three or four decades, there has been increasing realization that metric foliations play a key role in understanding the structure of Riemannian manifolds, particularly those with positive or nonnegative sectioknown such spaces are constructed"," from only a representative handful by means of metric fibrations or deformations thereof. This text is an attempt to document some of these constructions, many of which have only appeared in journal form. The emphasis he"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780387873626","Twentieth Anniversary Volume: Discrete & Computational Geometry","Goodman","2008-11","635","Softcover","EUR",62.95,"Springer New York","第二十周年纪念卷:离散与计算几何学","This commemorative book contains the 28 major articles that appeared in the 2008 Twentieth Anniversary Issue of the journal Discrete & Computational Geometry, and presents a comprehensive picture of the current state ohe past few decades by the merger"," of the classical discipline of combinatorial and discrete geometry with the new field of computational geometry that sprang up in the 1970s, discrete and computational geometry now claims the allegiance of a sizeable num"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780387779393","The Scientific Correspondence of H.A. Lorentz","Kox","2008-10","780","Hardcover","EUR",94.95,"Springer New York","劳伦兹科学通信集 第I卷","This volume presents a selection of more than 400 letters from and to the Dutch physicist and Nobel Prize winner Hendrik Antoon Lorentz (1853–1928), covering the period from 1883 until a few months before his death. The le have been selected according to","various criteria, the most important of which is scientific interest. A second criterion has been the availability of letters both from and to Lorentz, so that the reader can follow the scientific exchange between Lorent"
    "BIBF09","O1","9783540938057","Grobner Bases, Coding, and Cryptography","Sala","2009-06","390","Hardcover","EUR",79.95,"Springer","Grobner 基,编码与密码学","Coding theory and cryptography allow secure and reliable data transmission, which is at the heart of modern communication. Nowadays, it is hard to find an electronic device without some code inside. Gr bner bases have emerutational algebra, permitting num","erous applications, both in theoretical contexts and in practical situations. This book is the first book ever giving a comprehensive overview on the application of commutative algebra to coding theory and cryptography. F"
    "BIBF09","O1","9783540893059","Endoscopy for GSP(4) and the Cohomology of Siegel Modular Threefolds","Weissauer","2009-03","370","Softcover","EUR",49.95,"Springer","GSP(4)内窥镜与西格尔模三维流形的上同调","The geometry of modular curves and the structure of their cohomology groups have been a rich source for various number-theoretical applications over the last decades. Similar applications may be expected from the arithmetilar varieties. For Siegel modular"," threefolds some basic results on their cohomology groups are derived in this book from considering topological trace formulas."
    "BIBF09","O1","9783540887041","Introduction to Partial Differential Equations","Tveito","2008-12","392","Softcover","EUR",29.95,"Springer","偏微分方程概论:计算法","This is the softcover reprint of a popular book teaching the basic analytical and computational methods of partial differential equations. Standard topics such as separation of variables, Fourier analysis, maximum principlincluded. Prerequisites for this","text are the very basics of calculus, linear algebra and ordinary differential equations. Numerical methods are included in the book to show the significance of computations in partial differential equations, and to illu"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780387787527","Introduction to Siegel Modular Forms and Dirichlet Series","Andrianov","2009-02","184","Softcover","EUR",42.95,"Springer New York","西格尔模形式与狄利克雷级数概论","This is intended for a graduate course on Siegel modular forms, Hecke operators, and related zeta functions. The author's aim is to present a concise and self-contained introduction to an important and developing area ofto attract young researchers to th","s beautiful field. Topics include: * analytical properties of radial Dirichlet series attached to modular forms of genuses 1 and 2; * the abstract theory of Hecke–Shimura rings for symplectic and related groups; * act"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780387790534","Introductory Statistics with R","Dalgaard","2008-09","364","Softcover","EUR",44.95,"Springer New York","使用R的概论统计学","R is an Open Source implementation of the well-known S language. It works on multiple computing platforms and can be freely downloaded. R is thus ideally suited for teaching at many levels as well as for practical data anaelopment. This book provides an e","lementary-level introduction to R, targeting both non-statistician scientists in various fields and students of statistics. The main mode of presentation is via code examples with liberal commenting of the code and the ou"
    "BIBF09","O1","9788876423369","Kolmogorov Operators in Spaces of Continuous Functions and Equations for Measures","Manca","2008-12","130","Softcover","EUR",18,"Edizioni della Normale","连续函数空间与测度方程中的柯尔莫哥洛夫算子","The book is devoted to study the relationships between Stochastic Partial Differential Equations and the associated Kolmogorov operator in spaces of continuous functions. In the first part, the theory of a weak convergencin order to give general results","about Markov semigroups and their generator. In the second part, concrete models of Markov semigroups deriving from Stochastic PDEs are studied. In particular, Ornstein-Uhlenbeck, reaction-diffusion and Burgers equations"
    "BIBF09","O1","9783540798897","K-Theory","Karoubi","2008-09","316","Softcover","EUR",39.95,"Springer","K 理论:概论",,
    "BIBF09","O1","9783764389048","Lectures on Algebraic Statistics","Drton","2008-12","171","Softcover","EUR",24.9,"Birkh user","代数统计学讲义","How does an algebraic geometer studying secant varieties further the understanding of hypothesis tests in statistics Why would a statistician working on factor analysis raise open problems about determinantal varieties Cat the heart of the new field of","\"algebraic statistics\". In this field, mathematicians and statisticians come together to solve statistical inference problems using concepts from algebraic geometry as well as related computational and combinatorial techn"
    "BIBF09","O1","9781402089251","Logicism, Intuitionism, and Formalism","Lindstr m","2008-12","512","Hardcover","EUR",219,"Springer Netherlands","逻辑主义,知觉主义与形式主义:它们结果怎样 ","The period in the foundations of mathematics that started in 1879 with the publication of Frege's Begriffsschrift and ended in 1931 with G del's ber formal unentscheidbare S tze der Principia Mathematica und verwandterlled the classical period. It saw","e development of three major foundational programmes: the logicism of Frege, Russell and Whitehead, the intuitionism of Brouwer, and Hilbert's formalist and proof-theoretic programme. In this period, there were also l"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780387781648","Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Sampling","Lemieux","2009-03","376","Hardcover","EUR",59.95,"Springer New York","蒙特卡罗与拟蒙特卡罗取样","Quasi–Monte Carlo methods have become an increasingly popular alternative to Monte Carlo methods over the last two decades. Their successful implementation on practical problems, especially in finance, has motivated the dearch areas within this field to","hich practitioners and researchers from various disciplines currently contribute. This book presents essential tools for using quasi–Monte Carlo sampling in practice. The first part of the book focuses on issues related"
    "BIBF09","O1","9783764389680","New Developments in Pseudo-Differential Operators","Rodino","2008-11","332","Hardcover","EUR",139,"Birkh user","伪微分算子新进展 IGPDO / 论文集","This volume consists of seventeen peer-reviewed papers related to lectures on pseudo-differential operators presented at the meeting of the ISAAC Group in Pseudo-Differential Operators (IGPDO) held at the Middle East Technrkey on August 13-18, 2007, and i","nvited papers by experts in the field. Included in this volume are such topics as analysis and partial differential equations related to the Heisenberg group; global analysis and pseudo-differential analysis on non-compac"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780817632458","Number Theory","Andreescu","2009-04","384","Hardcover","EUR",49.9,"Birkh user","数论及其数学结构:解题方法","Number theory, an ongoing rich area of mathematical exploration, is noted for its theoretical depth, with connections and applications to other fields from representation theory, to physics, cryptography, and more. While ty is replete with sophisticated a","nd famous open problems, at its foundation are basic, elementary ideas that can stimulate and challenge beginning students. This lively introductory text focuses on a problem-solving approach to the subject. Key features"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780735405769","Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics","Simos","2008-09","1054","Hardcover","EUR",300.2,"AIP-Press","2008年国际数值分析与应用数学会议录(AIP会议录 子丛书:数学与统计物理学 卷1048)","All papers have been peer-reviewed. The aim of the International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics (ICNAAM 2008) is to bring together leading scientists of the international Numerical & Applied Mattract original research papers","of very high quality. The topics to be covered include (but are not limited to): All the research areas of Numerical Analysis and Computational Mathematics and all the research areas of Applied Mathematics."
    "BIBF09","O1","9783540852674","Numerical Approximation of Partial Differential Equations","Quarteroni","2008-09","544","Softcover","EUR",49.95,"Springer","偏微分方程数值近似","This is the softcover reprint of the very popular hardcover edition. This book deals with the numerical approximation of partial differential equations. Its scope is to provide a thorough illustration of numerical methods,nd convergence analysis, derive e","rror bounds, and discuss the algorithmic aspects relative to their implementation. A sound balancing of theoretical analysis, description of algorithms and discussion of applications is one of its main features. Many kind"
    "BIBF09","O1","9780735405745","Selected Papers from ICNAAM-2007 and ICCMSE-2007","Simos","2008-11","176","Hardcover","EUR",114.25,"AIP-Press","2007年国际数值分析与应用数学会议/ 2007年国际科学与工程中的计算方法会议录(AIP会议录 子丛书:数学与统计物理 卷1046)","All papers have been peer-reviewed. The 5th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics (ICNAAM 2007), Official Conference of the European Society of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineenternational Confer
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