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  • 商品:2010年9月2011年4月発売予定分

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    文档作者:BRINDLEY, Peta
    "OUP Sep 2010-Apr 2011"
    "Oxford University Press 学术 一般书 商品リスト:2010年9月~2011年4月発売予定分 (2011年1月25日现在)"
    "ISBN 13","Author(s)","Title","Subtitle","Edition","No of Vols","Series","Format","Hyperlink to Title's Webpage","JP Price(本体価格)","UK Price","US Price","Publication Date","Product Type","SAP subject","SAP subject & code","BIC codes","Status","Hierarchy","Readership","Short Copy","Contents","Pages","Size","Illustrations","Contributor","Review #1",,"Review #2","Author Biog #1","Author Biog #2","Author Biog #3","ISBN 10","Previous ISBN","Source","Rights"
    9780199595334,"Judicial Studies Board, ","Guidelines for the Assessment of General Damages in Personal Injury Cases",,"Tenth ",,"JSB Guidelines for the Assessment of General Damages in Personal Injury Cases ","Paperback","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199595334","未定"," 22.99",,"Sep-10","Practitioner Reference Key Copyright"," Professional Law","ACV |T Tort, Personal Injury Litigation & Medical Law","LNVJ |T Personal injury; LNAC |T Civil procedure, litigation & dispute resolution; LNAC1 |T Civil remedies; LNAC14 |T Damages & compensation; LNAA1 |T Judicial powers; LNA |T Legal system: general","IP","Academic: Law - Professional","Solicitors, barristers, and the judiciary; insurance companies and medical defence organizations; trade unions, consumer organizations, and legal advice bureaux; reference libraries in the UK and worldwide.","These Guidelines are acknowledged as a key source of reference for the judiciary, for personal injury law practitioners, and for professionals in related areas such as insurance. Now in their tenth edition, they can be relied upon as being fully up-to-date and in line with all recent awards and practice.","Foreword written by Lord Justice Neuberger; 1: Injuries Involving Paralysis; 2: Head Injuries; 3: Psychiatric Damage; 4: Injuries Affecting the Senses; 5: Injuries to Internal Organs; 6: Orthopaedic Injuries; 7: Facial Injuries; 8: Scarring to Other Parts of the Body; 9: Damage to Hair; 10: Dermatitis",80,"222x152",,,"Today, I cannot be without my copy of the JSB Guidelines, and know the clients appreciate the wisdom they give. |s The Bill of Middlesex, Official Magazine of the Middlesex Law Society","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199595334",,"The book is edited by a working party of the Judicial Studies Board, under the chairmanship of Mr Justice Mackay. The members of the working party are all lawyers and personal injury specialists - Martin Bruffell, solicitor; John Cherry QC; Michael Tillett QC; and Alan Hughes, solicitor. ",,,"019959533X"," 9780199548583 Guidelines for the Assessment of General Damages in Personal Injury Cases, Ninth Edition |t Judicial Studies Board |p September 2008 |s 6352"," UK","Rights include: World"
    9780199227754,"Mason, Kenyon; Laurie, Graeme","Mason and McCall Smith's Law and Medical Ethics",,"Eighth ",,,"Paperback","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199227754","\5,320 "," 27.99",,"Sep-10","HE OUP"," HE Law","ABIA |T HE Law","LNTM |T Medical & healthcare law","IP","Academic: Higher Education","This text is primarily for undergraduate students opting to take Medical Law modules, or postgraduates studying medical law and ethics. It is also sometimes used on nursing and medicine courses as supplementary reading.","This classic textbook focuses on medical law and its relationship with medical practice and modern ethics. Offering medical as well as legal facts, it provides thorough coverage of all of the topics found on medical law courses, and in depth analysis of recent court decisions, encouraging students to think analytically about the subject. ","1: Medical ethics and medical practice; 2: Public Health and the state-patient relationship; 3: Health rights and obligations in the European Union; 4: Consent to treatment; 5: Liability for medical injury; 6: Medical confidentiality; 7: Genetic information and the law; 8: The management of infertility and childlessness; 9: The control of fertility; 10: Civil and criminal liability in reproductive medicine; 11: Health resources and dilemmas in treatment; 12: Treatment of the aged; 13: Mental health and human rights; 14: The body as property; 15: Medical futility; 16: The diagnosis of death; 17: The donation of organs and transplantation; 18: Euthanasia and assistance in dying; 19: Biomedical human research and experimentation; 20: Research on children, fetuses and embryos",688,"246x171",,,,"http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199227754",,"Kenyon Mason is Professor (Emeritus) of Forensic Medicine, and Honorary Fellow of the School of Law, at the University of Edinburgh","Graeme Laurie is Professor of Medical Jurisprudence and Director of the Arts and Humanities Research Centre for Studies in Intellectual Property and Technology Law at the University of Edinburgh",,0199227756,," UK","Rights include: World"
    9780198569589,"Bowden, Gavin; McNally, Martin; Thomas, Simon; Gibson, Alexander","Oxford Handbook of Orthopaedics and Trauma",,,,"Oxford Handbooks Series ","Flexicovers","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780198569589","未定"," 32.95",,"Sep-10","Pocket Handbook"," Medicine","ADBH |T Orthopaedics","MNS |T Orthopaedics & fractures; MN |T Surgery; MMKB |T Trauma & shock","IP","Academic: Medicine","Foundation doctors, trainees in paediatric and adult orthopaedics and trauma, medical students, and all other healthcare professionals seeking a concise overview of the field.","This handbook provides easily accessible information on orthopaedics and trauma, clearly presenting the salient features of a range of conditions and their treatment, and enabling junior doctors and students to confidently apply the knowledge to clinical activities. ","Section 1: Principles of orthopaedics and trauma; 1: Orthopaedic history and examination; 2: Orthopaedic investigations; 3: Orthopaedic management; 4: Perioperative care; 5: Biomaterials and implants; Section 2: Anatomy and surgery; 6: Anatomy; 7: Surgical approaches; Section 3: Adults; 8: Adult orthopaedics; 9: Adult trauma; Section 4: Paediatrics; 10: Child orthopaedics; 11: Child trauma; Section 5: Rehabilitation; 12: Rehabilitation",656,"180x100","70 black and white illustrations","James R Barnes, Bristol Royal Infirmary, Bristol, UK Meg Birks, Northern General Hospital, Sheffield, UK Iona Collins, Queen's Medical Centre, Nottingham, UK Petros J Boscainos, University of Dundee and NHS Tayside, Perth, Scotland Tim Coltman, Queen Alexandra Hospital, Portsmouth, UK Kate David, Birmingham Medical School, Birmingham, UK Joel David, Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre, Oxford, UK Charles Docker, Worcester Acute Hospitals NHS Trust, Worcester, UK. Matt DA Fletcher, NE Department of Surgical Services, Dawson Creek & District Hospital, Dawson Creek, BC, Canada Robert Freeman, Oxford, UK Campbell Hand, Southampton University Hospital, Southampton, UK David Hollinghurst , Great Western Hospital, Swindon, UK Catherine F Kellett, NHS Tayside, Perth Royal Infirmary & Dundee Ninewells Hospital, UK Ravi Kirubanandan, Bristol Royal Hospital for Children, Bristol Rohit Kotnis, Nuffiled Orthopaedic Centre, Oxford, UK Christopher Little, Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre, Oxford, England Jeremy Loveridge, Bristol, UK Lorraine Michelle Olley, Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre, Oxford, UK Saadia Afzal Mir, North Central School of Anaesthesia, London, UK Shobhana Nagraj, General Practice and Primary Care Research Unit, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK Neil M Orpen , Great Western Hospital, Swindon, UK Tom Palser, Nottingham, UK Chandra Pasapula, King's Lynn NHS Trust, King's Lynn, UK Thomas C B Pollard , Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre NHS Trust, Headington, Oxford, UK David Stubbs, Nuffiled Orthopaedic Centre, Oxford, UK Andrew Wood, Department of Surgery, University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand",,"http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780198569589",,"Gavin Bowden is a Consultant Orthopaedic and Spinal Surgeon at the Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre NHS Trust and the John Radcliffe Hospital, a position held since 2000. His main clinical interests are spine and hip surgery especially the management of degenerative disorders, deformity and tumours of the spine. His major research interest is the design of implants for minimally invasive spinal surgery and basic science interests include the physiology of the growing spine. He is an Honorary Senior Lecturer at the University of Oxford where he is a Fellow of Worcester College. Gavin graduated in Medicine in 1986 from the University of the Witwatersrand and was awarded the Gencor Prize. He then specialised in Orthopaedic Surgery in Cape Town. In 1995 he was awarded the Synthes Prize by the University of Cape Town and the Edelstein Medal (awarded to the outstanding candidate in the Orthopaedic Fellowship Examination) by the College of Surgeons of South Africa.","Martin McNally is a full time consultant specialising in limb reconstruction. He leads a specialist team, which runs the only dedicated Bone Infection Unit in the UK. He has a special interest in limb injury, particularly non-union and malunion fractures. Martin's training in trauma and orthopaedics was principally in Northern Ireland. Since 1993, he has developed specialist skills in the treatment of complex injuries, particularly infected fractures and fractures with bone loss. He holds the Martin Medal for Orthopaedic Research, The Sir Walter Mercer Gold Medal from the Intercollegiate Board of the Royal College of Surgeons and the International Society for Fracture Repair Young Investigator Award. Martin has a strong interest and record in teaching and research. He holds the Degree of Doctor of Medicine and is Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer in Orthopaedic Surgery at Oxford University. He is Head of Surgery at the Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre.","Simon Thomas is a Consultant Paediatric Orthopaedic Surgeon at the Bristol Royal Children's Hospital and Honorary Consultant at the Royal United Hospital, Bath, positions he has held since late 2007. His main clinical interests are developmental hip dysplasia, limb deformity and sports injuries in children. His major research interest is the use of systemic and intraosseus bisphosphonate for avascular necrosis of the femoral head in children and adolescents. He graduated in Medicine in 1992 from the University of the Cambridge and did clinical training at Barts, qualifying in 1995. He specialised in Orthopaedic Surgery in Oxford (2000-2005). In 2005/6 he undertook 12 months advanced clinical training at the Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto. He has undertaken further fellowship training in Oxford (limb reconstruction) and Perth, Australia (adolescent sports medicine).",0198569580,," UK","Rights include: World"
    9780199570904,"Ryrie, Alec","The Sorcerer's Tale","Faith and Fraud in Tudor England",,,,"Paperback","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199570904","\1,730 "," 8.99",,"Sep-10","Trade Book"," Trade","AAAF |T History","HBJD1 |T British & Irish history; HBLH |T Early modern history: c 1450/1500 to c 1700; BTC |T True crime; MBX |T History of medicine; HRAX |T History of religion","IP","Academic: Academic & Trade","All those interested in the history of crime and the underworld in Shakespeare's London and in the history of magic and medicine.","A lively history set in sixteenth-century England, detailing the hitherto unknown case of an extraordinary physician, magician, and con-man named Gregory Wisdom - and the London underworld to which he belonged.","Chronology; Foreword; 1: The Nobleman; 2: The Physician; 3: The Underworld; 4: The Magician; 5: The Preacher; 6: Conclusion: Barbarians at the Gates; Appendix: Gregory Wisdom's Will",224,"196x129","15 integrated halftones",,"Hold tight, it's a breath-taking trip. Manchester Evening News 07/08/2010","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199570904",,"Alec Ryrie studied history at Cambridge, St. Andrews, and Oxford, and is now Reader in Church History at Durham University, specializing in the history of the Reformation. He lives in the Pennines with his wife, son, and cat. The Sorcerer's Tale is his third book.",,,0199570906,," UK","Rights include: World"
    9780199594610,"Young, Ian D","Medical Genetics",,,,,"Paperback","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199594610","未定"," 29.99",,"Sep-10","HE OUP"," HE Science","ABA |T Biosciences","PS |T Biology, life sciences; MF |T Pre-clinical medicine: basic sciences; MFN |T Medical genetics; PSAK |T Genetics (non-medical)","IP","Academic: Higher Education","Aimed primarily at undergraduate medical and biomedical science students, this book should also appeal to genetic counsellors, and specialist nurses working in clinical genetics.","Medical Genetics provides medical and biomedical students with an understanding of the basic principles of human genetics as they relate to clinical practice, showing how our genome lies at the heart of our health and well-being. ","1: Gene structure and function; 2: Chromosomes and cell division; 3: Common chromosome disorders; 4: Single-gene (Mendelian) inheritance; 5: Identifying genes for Mendelian diseases; 6: Polygenic inheritance and complex diseases; 7: Genes and populations; 8: Genes and haemoglobin; 9: Genes and development; 10: Genes and cancer; 11: Genes and biochemistry; 12: Genes and drugs and treatment; 13: Clinical skills and scenarios; 14: Applied clinical genetics",320,"246x189","107 colour illustrations",,,"http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199594610",,,,,0199594619,," UK","Rights include: World"
    9780199588312,"Sime, Stuart; French, Derek","Blackstone's Civil Practice 2011",,2011,,"Blackstone's Civil Practice ","Hardback","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199588312","\37,050 "," 195.00",,"Sep-10","Practitioner Reference Key Copyright"," Professional Law","ACD |T Civil Procedure","LNAC |T Civil procedure, litigation & dispute resolution; LNAC3 |T Civil procedure: law of evidence; LNB |T Private / Civil law: general works; LNA |T Legal system: general","IP","Academic: Law - Professional","Primary: civil law practitioners (solicitors, barristers, the judiciary); students on the Bar Vocational and Advanced Legal Practice Courses. Secondary: academics and reference libraries in the UK and worldwide.","Written by a distinguished author team, Blackstone's Civil Practice 2011 is a single, all-encompassing and affordable resource for all civil practitioners providing authoritative coverage and expert analysis of the process of civil litigation. The book combines a unique narrative commentary with the full CPR and other relevant documents.","PROCEDURAL CHECKLISTS; GENERAL MATTERS; 1: The Overriding Objective and Sources of Procedural; 2: Court Organisation; 3: Computing time; 4: Remedies; FUNDING LITIGATION; 5: Funding litigation; 6: Conditional fee agreements; 7: Community Legal Service; BEFORE COMMENCING A CLAIM; 8: Pre-action protocols; 9: Notices before action; COMMENCEMENT; 10: Limitation; 11: Where to start proceedings; 12: Issuing proceedings; 13: Part 8 claims; 14: Joinder and parties; 15: Filing and service; 16: Service outside the jurisdiction; RESPONDING TO A CLAIM; 17: Admitting the claim and requesting time to pay; 18: Acknowledging service and filing a defence; 19: Disputing the court's jurisdiction; 20: Default judgment; SOLICITORS; 21: Acting by a solicitor; 22: Change of solicitor; STATEMENTS OF CASE; 23: Claim form; 24: Particulars of claim; 25: Schedule of loss and damage; 26: Defending a claim; 27: Reply and subsequent statements of case; 28: Counterclaims; 29: Part 20 claims; 30: Further information; 31: Amendments to statements of case; INTERIM APPLICATIONS; 32: Applications and interim orders; 33: Striking out; 34: Summary judgment; 35: Possession claims against trespassers; 36: Interim payments; 37: Interim injunctions; 38: Freezing injunctions; 39: Search orders; 40: Interim delivery up of goods; 41: Inspection of property; CASE MANAGEMENT; 42: Case management; 43: Small claims; 44: Fast track; 45: Multi-track; 46: Non-compliance, sanctions and relief; EVIDENCE; 47: General law of evidence; 48: Disclosure; 49: Witness statements; 50: Affidavits; 51: Hearsay evidence; 52: Experts and assessors; DISCONTINUANCE AND STAYS; 53: Discontinuance; 54: Stays; TRIAL; 55: Witness summonses; 56: Giving evidence without attending court; 57: Trial bundles; 58: Trial by jury; 59: Trial; 60: Non-attendance; 61: Judgments and orders; 62: Interest; COSTS; 63: Solicitor and own client costs; 64: Part 36 offers and payments; 65: Security for costs; 66: Costs orders; 67: Fixed and predictable costs on judgments etc; 68: Assessment of costs; ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE RESOLUTION; 69: Arbitration claims; 70: Alternative dispute resolution; APPEALS, JUDICIAL REVIEW AND EC REFERENCES; 71: The appeals system; 72: Hearing of appeals; 73: Appeals to the House of Lords; 74: Judicial review; 75: References to the European Court of Justice; ENFORCEMENT; 76: Enforcement; 77: Enforcement of foreign judgments; 78: Committal and sequestration; INSOLVENCY PROCEEDEINGS AND COMPANIES MATTERS; 79: Winding up and administration of registered companies; 80: Bankruptcy; 81: Insolvency applications and appeals; 82: Applications under the Companies Act 1985; 83: Director Disqualification; MORTGAGE POSSESSION CLAIMS; 84: Mortgage Possessions; ANTI-SOCIAL BEHAVIOUR AND HARASSMENT; 85: Anti-social behaviour and harassment; SALE OF GOODS AND UNFAIR CONTRACTS; 86: Sale of goods; 87: Unfair contract terms; HUMAN RIGHTS AND CIVIL PRODECURE; 88: Human rights and civil procedure; TERMINOLOGY; 89: Changes in terminology made by the CPR; APPENDIX 1: CIVIL PROCEDURE RULES 1998 AND PRACTICE DIRECTIONS; APPENDIX 2: PRE-ACTION PROTOCOLS; APPENDIX 3: COURT FEES ORDERS; APPENDIX 4: SELECTED LEGISLATION","2,928","246x171",,"Evan Ashfield, Barrister, Temple Chambers Julie Brannan, Solicitor, Director of the Legal Practice Course, Oxford Institute of Legal Practice Stuart Bridge, Barrister, Lecturer in Law and Fellow of Queens' College, University of Cambridge, and a Law Commissioner of England and Wales Julie Browne, Barrister, Deputy Course Director, City Law School Peter Jolly, District Judge, Portsmouth County Court Adrian Keane, Barrister, Professor of Law and Director of Professional Programmes at The City Law School, City University Lisa Laurenti, Solicitor (non-practising), Deputy Course Director, City Law School Andrew Lidbetter, Solicitor, Partner, Herbert Smith Alan Owens, Solicitor, Partner, Morrison & Foerster Anna Pertoldi, Solicitor, Partner, Herbert Smith Michael Walker, District Judge, Wandsworth County Court, and Royal Courts of Justice Matthew Weiniger, Solicitor Advocate, Partner, Herbert Smith Ivor Weintroub, District Judge, Bournemouth County Court Angela Wright, Solicitor, Senior Lecturer at the College of Law ",,"http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199588312",,"Sir Maurice Kay is a Lord Justice of Appeal and Chairman of the Judicial Studies Board. He was a professor of law before being called to the bar in 1975 where he practiced until becoming a High Court Judge in 1995. He was appointed as a Lord Justice of Appeal in 2004. ","Stuart Sime is the course director of the full-time bar professional training course at City Law School, where he teaches civil litigation, commercial and company law. He was a practising barrister until 2005. In his early career he spent a number of years in the litigation department of the Treasury Solicitor's Office. He is author of A Practical Approach to Civil Procedure. ","Derek French works in legal publishing. He is co-author of Mayson, French and Ryan on Company Law and author of Applications of Wind up Companies and How to Cite Legal Authorities. He is editor of Blackstone's Statutes on Company Law and has also written on insolvency law, accountancy and management.",0199588317," 9780199569021 Blackstone's Civil Practice 2010 |t Kay, Sime & French |p 09/2009 |s 1111"," UK","Rights include: World"
    9780199595303,"Weller, Marc","Iraq and the Use of Force in International Law",,,,,"Hardback","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199595303","未定"," 19.99",,"Sep-10","Academic Monograph"," Academic Law Print","ACSA |T General Public International Law","HBWS5 |T Iraq War; LBB |T Public international law; JWL |T War & defence operations; JPSN1 |T United Nations & UN agencies","IP","Academic: Law - Academic","Members of the general public interested in the legal background to the war in Iraq; students and scholars of international law and of international relations","One million people in the UK alone demonstrated against the 2003 invasion of Iraq. A crucial element of the opposition to the war was the lack of a clear legal basis. This is the first book to analyze the lawfulness of the use of force against Iraq on the basis of formerly classified material made public by the official UK inquiry into the war.","1: Introduction: The Vision of the New World Order and its Collapse; 2: Iraq and Kuwait 1990/1; 3: Forcible Humanitarian Action and the Aerial Exclusion Zones; 4: The Use of Force in Relation to Iraqi Disarmament Obligations 1991-1998; 5: Resolution 1441 (2002) and the 2003 Invasion of Iraq; 6: The Role of International Law in UK Decision-Making; 7: Conclusion: The Use of Force in International Law after Iraq",312,"234x156",,,,"http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199595303",,"Dr Marc Weller is a leading expert in international law and on the law governing the use of force by states. Based in the University of Cambridge, he has documented and analyzed international action relating to Iraq since the invasion of Kuwait in 1990. His work has covered a variety of other conflicts ranging from the former Yugoslavia and Georgia, to Afghanistan, Burma, Liberia and Sudan. In addition to his scholarly work reflected in some 20 authored, edited or co-edited books, Dr Weller has been active as an advisor to governments and as an expert consultant to the United Nations and the Council of Europe. He has served as the director of the Cambridge Rockefeller Project on the Restoration of an International Consensus on the Rules Governing the Use of Force and the Cambridge Carnegie Project on the Settlement of Self-determination Conflicts.",,,0199595305,," UK","Rights include: World"
    9780199564125,"Montfrooij, Wouter; de Schepper, Ignatz","Excitations in Simple Liquids, Liquid Metals and Superfluids",,,,"Oxford Graduate Texts ","Hardback","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199564125","\8,680 "," 45.00",,"Sep-10","Graduate Textbook"," Academic Science","AHBLA |T Physics","PHFC |T Condensed matter physics (liquid state & solid state physics); TGMF |T Mechanics of fluids; PHF |T States of matter; PHQ |T Quantum physics (quantum mechanics & quantum field theory); PHS |T Statistical physics; PNT |T Crystallography; TG |T Mechanical engineering & materials","IP","Academic: Science","Physicists in the field of classical and quantum liquids: graduate students and post docs, established experimentalists, and theorists.","Overall similarities exist across all kinds of liquids, from spontaneous fluctuations involving thousands of atoms down to those involving just a few. Employing a rigorous formalism, this book explains how to infer subtle differences in behaviour from scattering experiments and how to interpret the results.","1: Introduction; 2: Excitations, relaxation and effective eigenmode formalism; 3: Experiments and computer simulations; 4: Simple liquids; 5: Colloidal suspensions; 6: Binary mixtures; 7: Liquid metals; 8: Very cold liquids; 9: Superfluids; 10: Summary and Outlook; Appendices A-G",288,"246x171","140 b/w line illustrations",,,"http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199564125",,"Wouter Montfrooij was an Instrument Scientist on the MARI spectrometer at the ISIS facility of the Rutherford Appleton Laboratories (1995-1998), before taking postdoc positions at Atomic Energy of Canada, Chalk River, Ontario, Canada, at Ris National Laboratory, Roskilde, Denmark and at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge TN, USA. He is now Associate Professor of Physics at the University of Missouri, Columbia MO, USA.","Ignatz de Schepper was a postdoctoral researcher at the Rockefeller University, New York, before becoming Lecturer of Theoretical Physics, University of Utrecht, the Netherlands. He later became Head of the Neutron Scattering Group, Interfaculty Reactor Institute, Technical University Delft, Delft, the Netherlands. He is now Professor Emeritus of Radiation Physics.",,0199564124,," UK","Rights include: World"
    9780199218714,"Hicks, Dan; Beaudry, Mary C.","The Oxford Handbook of Material Culture Studies",,,,"Oxford Handbooks in Archaeology ","Hardback","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199218714","\16,150 "," 85.00",,"Sep-10","Academic Reference"," Academic","AAAB |T Archaeology","HD |T Archaeology; JFCD |T Material culture; JHM |T Anthropology","IP","Academic: Academic & Trade","Scholars and students of archaeology, anthropology, material culture studies, sociology.","Written by an international team of experts, the Handbook makes accessible a full range of theoretical and applied approaches to the study of material culture, and the place of materiality in social theory, presenting current thinking about material culture from the fields of archaeology, anthropology, geography, and science and technology studies.","1: Dan Hicks & Mary C. Beaudry: Introduction; I. Disciplinary Perspectives; 2: Dan Hicks: The Material-Cultural Turn; 3: Ian Cook & Divya Tolia-Kelly: Material Geographies; 4: Robert St George: Folklife; 5: Ann Stahl: Material Histories; 6: John Law: The Materials of STS; II. Material Practices; 7: Andrew Pickering: Material Culture and the Dance of Agency; 8: Michael Dietler: Consumption; 9: Gavin Lucas: Fieldwork and Collecting; 10: Hirokazu Miyazaki: Gifts and Exchange; 11: Howard Morphy: Art as Action, Art as Evidence; 12: Rosemary Joyce with Joshua Pollard: Archaeological Assemblages and Practices of Deposition; III. Objects and Humans; 13: Kacy L. Hollenback & Michael B. Schiffer: Technology ande Material Life; 14: Andy Jones & Nicole Boivin: The Malice of Inanimate Objects: Material Agency; 15: Chris Fowler: `Personhood' and Identity; 16: Zoe Crossland: Materiality and Embodiment; 17: Tatyana Hulme: Material Culture in Primates; IV. Landscapes and the Built Environment; 18: Lesley Head: Cultural Landscapes; 19: Sarah Whatmore & Steve Hinchliffe: Ecological Landscapes; 20: Roland Fletcher: Urban Materialities: Meaning, Magnitude, Friction, and Outcomes; 21: Carl Lounsbury: Architecture and Cultural History; 22: Victor Buchli: Households and `Home Cultures'; V. Studying Particular Things; 23: Rodney Harrison: Stone Tools; 24: Chandra Mukerji: The Landscape Garden as Material Culture: Lessons from France; 25: Douglass W. Bailey & Lesley McFadyen: Built Objects; 26: Carl Knappett, Lambros Malafouris & Peter Tomkins: Ceramics (as Containers); 27: Peter J. Pels: Magical Things: On Fetishes, Commodities, and Computers; Nigel Thrift: Afterword: Fings Ain't Wot They Used t'Be: Thinking Through Material Thinking as Placing and Arrangement",792,"246x171","85 in-text illustrations","Douglass W. Bailey, San Francisco State University Mary C. Beaudry, Boston University Nicole Boivin, University of Oxford Victor Buchli, University of London Ian Cook, Exeter University Zoe Crossland, Columbia University Michael Dietler, Chicago University Roland Fletcher, University of Sydney Chris Fowler, University of Newcastle upon Tyne Rodney Harrison, The Open University Lesley Head, University of Wollongong Dan Hicks, University of Oxford Steve Hinchliffe, The Open University Kacy L. Hollenback, University of Arizona Tatyana Hulme, Kyoto University Andy Jones, Southampton University Rosemary Joyce, University of California at Berkeley Carl Knappett, University of Toronto John Law, Lancaster University Carl Lounsbury, College of William and Mary Gavin Lucas, University of Iceland Lesley McFadyen, University of Leicester Lambros Malafouris, University of Cambridge Hirokazu Miyazaki, Cornell University Howard Morphy, Australian National University Chandra Mukerji, University of California at San Diego Peter Pels, University of Leiden Andrew Pickering, University of Exeter Joshua Pollard, Bristol University Robert St George, University of Pennsylvania Michael B. Schiffer, University of Arizona Ann Stahl, University of Victoria Divya Tolia-Kelly, Durham University Nigel Thrift, Warwick University Peter Tomkins, Catholic University of Leiden Sarah Whatmore, University of Oxford",,"http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199218714",,"Dan Hicks is Lecturer & Curator in Archaeology, School of Archaeology & Pitt Rivers Museum, University of Oxford.","Mary C. Beaudry is Professor of Archaeology & Anthropology, Boston University.",,0199218714,," UK","Rights include: World"
    9780199593248,"Goldberg, Sanford C.","Relying on Others","An Essay in Epistemology",,,,"Hardback","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199593248","\5,790 "," 30.00",,"Sep-10","Academic Monograph"," Academic","AAAJA |T Philosophy","HPK |T Philosophy: epistemology & theory of knowledge; HP |T Philosophy","IP","Academic: Academic & Trade","Scholars and advanced students of epistemology.","Sanford Goldberg examines the role that others play in our attempts to acquire knowledge of the world: through what they say ('testimonial knowledge') or through their salient silences. He argues that this sort of knowledge poses a challenge to some cherished \"individualistic\" assumptions in traditional theories of knowledge.","Introduction; 1: Testimony and Knowledge Individualism; 2: Orthodox Reliabilism and Testimony's Epistemic Significance; 3: Process and Environment in Testimonial Belief-Formation; 4: Epistemic Reliance and the Extendedness Hypothesis; 5: Objections to the Extendedness Hypothesis; 6: If that were true I would have heard about it by now; 7: Reliabilism as Social Epistemology; Bibliography",240,"216x138",,,,"http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199593248",,"Sanford C. Goldberg is Professor and Chair of the Philosophy Department at Northwestern University. His research is primarily in the areas of epistemology, philosophy of mind, and philosophy of language.",,,0199593248,," UK","Rights include: World"
    9780199592029,"Allison, Henry E.","Custom and Reason in Hume","A Kantian Reading of the First Book of the Treatise",,,,"Paperback","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199592029","未定"," 19.99",,"Sep-10","Academic Paperback"," Academic","AAAJA |T Philosophy","HPC |T History of Western philosophy; HPK |T Philosophy: epistemology & theory of knowledge; HP |T Philosophy","IP","Academic: Academic & Trade","Students and scholars of philosophy; historians of modern philosophy and eighteenth-century thought.","Henry Allison offers a new understanding of Hume's theory of knowledge, as contained in the first book of his Treatise. Allison provides a comprehensive and detailed critical analysis of Hume's views on the subject, and an extensive comparison with Kant on a range of issues including space and time, causation, existence, and the self.","Introduction; 1: Hume`s Elements; 2: Hume`s Doctrine of Space and Time; 3: Hume`s Epistemological Divide in the Treatise; 4: \"Whatever begins to be must have a cause of existence\": Hume`s Analysis and Kant`s Response; 5: Hume`s Analysis of Inductive Inference; 5: Appendix: Does Reason Beg or Command Kant and Hume on Induction and the Uniformity of Nature; 6: Simple Conception, Existence, and Belief: Hume`s Analysis and the Kantian Response; 7: Causation, Necessary Connection, and Power; 8: Hume on Scepticism Regarding Reason; 9: Hume on Scepticism Regarding the Senses; 10: Hume`s Natural History of Philosophy and Hume and Kant as Philosophical Therapists; 11: Hume`s Paralogisms; 12: Hume`s Philosophical Insouciance; Bibliography; Index",432,"234x156",,,,"http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199592029",,"Henry E. Allison is Professor Emeritus of Philosophy at the University of California, Davis.",,,0199592020," 9780199532889 Custom and Reason in Hume |t Allison |p 08/2008 |s 503 (UK: 75, EUR: 36, USA: 337, ROW: 55)"," UK","Rights include: World"
    9780199591145,"Martens, Kerstin; Jakobi, Anja P.","Mechanisms of OECD Governance","International Incentives for National Policy-Making ",,,,"Hardback","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199591145","未定"," 55.00",,"Sep-10","Academic Monograph"," Academic","AACGA |T Politics","JPA |T Political science & theory; JPSN |T International institutions; KCP |T Political economy","IP","Academic: Academic & Trade","Students and scholars of international organization, political science, political economy, and political institutions.","Mechanisms of OECD Governance analyses the influential but under-studied Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). It explores its role in political processes through various case studies in a variety of policy fields and provides a current and wide-ranging analysis of this organization. ","List of Tables and Figures; List of Abbreviations; Notes on Contributors; Acknowledgements by the Editors; Angel Gurr a: Preface by the OECD Secretary-General; 1: Kerstin Martens & Anja P. Jakobi: Introduction: The OECD as an Actor in International Politics; 2: Morten Ougaard: The OECD's Global Role: Agenda Setting and Policy Diffusion; Part I: Core Areas of OECD Activity; 3: Richard Woodward: The OECD and Economic Governance: Invisibility and Impotence ; 4: Robert T. Kudrle: Tax Policy in the OECD: Soft Governance Gets Harder; 5: Tony Porter: The OECD and Global Finance: The Governance of New Issues: New Actors and New Financial Frontiers; 6: Kerstin Jacobsson & Niklas Noaksson: From Deregulation to Flexicurity The Makeover of the OECD Jobs Strategy; 7: Anja P. Jakobi: The OECD and Crime: The Fight Against Corruption and Money Laundering; Part II: Complementary Areas of OECD Activities; 8: Anja P. Jakobi & Kerstin Martens: Expanding and Intensifying Governance:The OECD in Education Policy; 9: Alexandra Kaasch: A New Global Health Actor The OECD's Careful Guidance of National Health Care Systems; 10: Rianne Mahon: Learning, Forgetting, Rediscovering: Producing the OECD's 'New' Family Policy; 11: Monique Centrone: The OECD as Ideas Diffuser: The Growth of the Global Biotechnology Industry; 12: Janna Teltemann: The Activities of the OECD in International Migration: How to become a Relevant Actor in an Emerging Policy Field; 13: Anja P. Jakobi & Kerstin Martens: Conclusion: Findings, Implications and Outlook of OECD Governance 490; Index",320,"234x156",,"Monique Centrone Stefani is a Ph.D. Candidate in the Department of Sociology at The State University of New York (SUNY) at Stony Brook, USA. Kerstin Jacobsson is Professor of Sociology and a Senior Lecturer at S dert rn University, Sweden Anja P. Jakobi is a Senior Researcher at the Peace Research Institute Frankfurt (PRIF/HSFK), Germany. Alexandra Kaasch is a Senior Researcher at the TranState Research Center \" at the University of Bremen, Germany. Robert T. Kudrle is the Orville and Jane Freeman Professor of International Trade and Investment Policy at the Hubert Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs and the Law School, University of Minnesota, USA. Rianne Mahon is the CIGI Chair in global social governance at the Balsillie School of International Affairs and Professor in the Faculty of Social Work at Wilfred Laurier University, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. Kerstin Martens is Associate Professor of International Relations at the University of Bremen, Germany. Niklas Noaksson is a Political Advisor at the European Parliament. Morten Ougaard is Professor of International Political Economy at Copenhagen Business School, Denmark. Tony Porter is Professor of Political Science at McMaster University in Hamilton, Canada. Janna Teltemann is a Researcher at the TranState Research Center \" at the University of Bremen, Germany. Richard Woodward is a Lecturer in Political Economy in the Department of Politics and International Studies at the University of Hull, England.",,"http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199591145",,"Kerstin Martens is an Associate Professor of International Relations at the University of Bremen, Germany. Her research interests include international organizations, soft governance, and education policy.","Anja P. Jakobi is a Senior Researcher at the Peace Research Institute Frankfurt (PRIF/HSFK). Her main research interests are world politics, international organizations and global political change, in particular in the fields of security, crime, education and social policy.",,0199591148,," UK","Rights include: World"
    9780199600977,"Keller, Helen; Forowicz, Magdalena; Engi, Lorenz","Friendly Settlements before the European Court of Human Rights","Theory and Practice",,,,"Hardback","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199600977","未定"," 50.00",,"Sep-10","Academic Monograph"," Academic Law Print","ACSC |T International Human Rights","LBBR |T International human rights law; LBHG |T International courts & procedures; JPSN2 |T EU & European institutions; LNAC5 |T Arbitration, mediation & alternative dispute resolution","IP","Academic: Law - Academic","Scholars of international human rights law and international dispute settlement; practitioners and government legal advisers involved in cases before the ECHR","The European Convention on Human Rights is the world's most effective human rights regime. Its Court has however become bogged down by an enormous workload and settling a case has become an attractive alternative to ordinary proceedings. This book provides a full overview of the Court's friendly settlements and suggest ways they could be improved.","1: Introduction; 2: Legal Framework and Practice; 3: Beyond Doctrine - The Strasbourg Realities; 4: Philosophical Background; 5: Analysis of the Court's Practice in Selected Areas; 6: The Future of Friendly Settlements",352,"234x156",,,,"http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199600977",,"Helen Keller is Professor of Public, European and International Law at the University of Zurich. She has spent six months at the Court researching friendly settlements and interviewing the relevant actors. Since 2008, she has been a member of the United Nations Human Rights Committee. Her publications concerning International, European and Swiss law have appeared in many journals.","Dr. Magdalena Forowicz was educated Canada, United Kingdom and Switzerland. She has taught and conducted research at Universities in Switzerland and the United Kindgom. She has also worked in West Africa on child rights reform and on World War II compensation at an International Organisation in Geneva. Dr Forowicz has published articles in international humanitarian and criminal law and a book entitled The Reception of International Law in the European Court of Human Rights. ","Dr Lorenz Engi has a PhD in law (University of Zurich, 2007) and a PhD in philosophy (University of Munich, 2010). He was a research assistant at the University of St. Gallen from 2004 to 2006 and the University of Constance from 2006 to 2008. He is currently a Post-doc Researcher at the University of Zurich. ","019960097X",," UK","Rights include: World"
    9780199579662,"Gray, Colin S.","The Strategy Bridge","Theory for Practice",,,,"Hardback","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199579662","未定"," 50.00",,"Sep-10","Academic Monograph"," Academic","AACGA |T Politics","JPS |T International relations; JWK |T Defence strategy, planning & research; JWL |T War & defence operations; HBW |T Military history","IP","Academic: Academic & Trade","Scholars and students of political science, strategic studies, security studies, and international relations.","The Strategy Bridge presents and explains the general theory of strategy and demonstrates the relevance of that theory to the real world of practice. The author explains what strategy is and how it relates to politics and warfare. The book is not 'about' the theory of strategy, rather it is that theory.","Preface; Introduction: Surviving Clausewitz; PART I: THEORY; 1: The Theory of Strategy, I: Enduring Nature, Changing Character; 2: The Theory of Strategy, II: Construction, Execution, and Consequences; 3: Politics, War, and Strategy; PART II: PRACTICE; 4: Problems with Strategy: Often a Bridge too Far; 5: The Product: Strategic Effect; 6: Strategy, Strategists, and Command Performance: Joining Up the Dots; PART III: CONTEXT AND PURPOSE; 7: Conclusion: Bandit Country and the Strategist's Quest for Control; Appendices; Appendix A The Dicta of Strategy; Appendix B General Strategic Theory, the Classical Canon; Appendix C Conceptual 'Hueys' at Thermopylae The Challenge of Strategic Anachronism; Appendix D Potent Trinities: Fourteen Skeleton Keys of Theory for the Strategist; Bibliography",336,"234x156",,,,"http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199579662",,"Dr. Colin S. Gray is Professor of International Politics and Strategic Studies at the University of Reading in England. He is a dual US-UK citizen and serves as an adviser in Washington, DC, and London. He was educated in England at the Universities of Manchester and Oxford. Dr. Gray has taught at universities in Britain, Canada, and the United States, has been assistant director of the International Institute for Strategic Studies (London), and worked with Herman Kahn at the Hudson Institute before founding the National Institute for Public Policy in Washington. From 1982 until 1987 he held a presidential appointment on the President's Advisory Committee on Arms Control and Disarmament.",,,0199579660,," UK","Rights include: World"
    9780199574018,"Beer, John","Coleridge's Play of Mind",,,,,"Hardback","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199574018","\10,450 "," 55.00",,"Sep-10","Academic Monograph"," Academic","AAAHAA |T English Literature","DSC |T Literary studies: poetry & poets; DSBD |T Literary studies: c 1500 to c 1800; JM |T Psychology","IP","Academic: Academic & Trade","Students and scholars of Romanticism","Coleridge's Play of Mind is a comprehensive and searching biographical investigation into the life of Samuel Taylor Coleridge. Focusing on themes and ideas, it traces the development of his varying interests and obsessions, notably in the field of psychology.","Abbreviations; Bibliography; Introduction; 1: The Missing Playground; 2: Fantastic Sportiveness; 3: Dances of the Intellect and Emotions; 4: Coleridge and Mackintosh: Revisionary Poet and Simpering 'Dung-Fly'; 5: Nature, Poetry and the Vicissitudes of Love; 6: Coleridge, Tom Wedgwood and Conceptions of the Mind; 7: Wordsworthian Naturalism and the Coleridgean Sublime; 8: Public Journalism, Private Affections; 9: Politics, Principle and The Friend; 10: Fascinations of the Esoteric; 11: The Poet as Critic, Critic as Poet; 12: Shakespeare's Plays of Passion; 13: Mental Energies, Ancient and Modern; 14: Interinvolving Guilt and Innocence; 15: Lucency and Florescences; 16: Questioning Closure; 17: 'Obstinate in Resurrection'; Index",288,"216x138",,,,"http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199574018",,"John Beer is well known for his work on English Romantic literature. He has lectured in India and the U.S.A. as well as at Manchester and Cambridge.",,,0199574014,," UK","Rights include: World"
    9780195434583,"Cloutier, Eug ne; Marshall, Joyce","No Passport: A Discovery of Canada",,"Revised ",,,"Paperback","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780195434583","未定"," 8.99",,"Sep-10","Academic Paperback"," Academic","AAAHAG |T C20 Literature","DSBH |T Literary studies: from c 1900 -; RGR |T Geographical discovery & exploration; WTLP |T Expeditions","IP","Academic: Academic & Trade","Readers interested in Canada during the 1960s and French-English relations.","A classic of Canadian travel literature, No Passport is Quebecois novelist and broadcaster Eug ne Cloutier's account of his discovery of his country. In the mid-1960s, Cloutier travelled from coast to coast, visiting every province as well as the Yukon. He describes his experiences with wit and elegance. The result is an affectionate portrait of a Canada many still recall but which is no more.",,304,"133x211","6 line drawings",,,"http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780195434583",,"Eugène Cloutier (1921-1975) was a well-known Quebec author and broadcaster. Educated at Laval University and the Sorbonne, he devoted the bulk of his career to writing novels, television and radio scripts, and travel books. His first novel, Les témoins (1953), was awarded the Prix David and was followed by Les inutiles (1956), which won the Prix du Cercle du livre de France. No Passport is a translation of Cloutier's two-volume account of his cross-Canada journeyings, Le Canada sans passeport (1967). The Oxford Companion to Canadian Literature singled out No Passport \"for its freshness of approach, its openness to new impressions and experience, and its abundance of humorous and telling incidents.\"",,,0195434587,," Canada","Rights include: World"
    9780195320190,"Kessner, Thomas","The Flight of the Century","Charles Lindbergh and the Rise of American Aviation",,1,"Pivotal Moments in American History ","Hardback","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780195320190","\3,350 ",,"$27.95","Sep-10","Trade Book"," Trade","AAAF |T History","HBJK |T History of the Americas; HBLW |T 20th century history: c 1900 to c 2000; TRPS |T Aviation skills / piloting; TRP |T Aerospace & aviation technology; HBW |T Military history","IP","Academic: Academic & Trade","Readers interested American history and the history of aviation.","The Flight of the Century sheds new light on one of America's fascinatingly enigmatic heroes and most transformative moments.",,304,"235x156","16 halftones",,"Kessner's book is...an engaging, balanced account of a time when flight promised \"a better future\". Financial Times 11/09/2010","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780195320190",,"Thomas Kessner is Distinguished Professor of History at the City University of New York Graduate Center. He is the author of many books, including Capital City: New York City and the Men Behind America's Rise to Dominance, 1860-1900, and Fiorello H. LaGuardia and the Making of Modern New York, which was a New York Times Notable Book.",,,0195320190,," USA","Rights include: World"
    9780199207619,"Oxford Dictionaries, ","Oxford Chinese Dictionary",,"First ",,,"Hardback","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199207619","\9,000 "," 45.00",,"Sep-10","Unabridged Bilingual Dictionary"," Bilingual Dictionaries","AFEBG |T Chinese","CBDX |T Bilingual & multilingual dictionaries","IP","Academic: Reference & Dictionaries","Ideal for anyone who needs a comprehensive and authoritative Chinese-English English-Chinese dictionary; for professionals, students, academics, and for use at work or at home.","The Oxford Chinese Dictionary offers authoritative and in-depth coverage of over 670,000 words, phrases, and translations. The foremost English-Mandarin Chinese bilingual dictionary available.",,"2,064","258x188",,,,"http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199207619",,,,,0199207615,," UK","Rights include: World Rights exclude: China (PRC), Hong Kong, Macau, Singapore, Taiwan, Malaysia"
    9780199578733,"Selwyn, Norman","Selwyn's Law of Employment",,"Sixteenth ",,,"Paperback","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199578733","\6,370 "," 32.99",,"Sep-10","HE LexisNexis"," HE Law","ABIA |T HE Law","L |T Law; LNH |T Employment & labour law","IP","Academic: Higher Education","Students of law, management, business and those taking professional examinations. It is an ideal reference tool for practitioners and human resources managers.","Selwyn's Law of Employment is now in its sixteenth edition and continues its well established tradition of providing readers with an clear and practical examination of employment law. Setting out the key cases and legislation, it considers all significant decisions from the UK and EU from both an individual and collective standpoint.","1: The institutions of employment law; 2: The nature of a contract of employment; 3: The formation of a contract of employment; 4: Equality in employment; 5: Equal Pay; 6: Family friendly rights; 7: Employment protection; 8: Protection of wages; 9: Transfer of undertakings; 10: Performance of the contract of employment; 11: Health and safety at work; 12: Disciplinary, dismissal and grievance procedures; 13: Continuous employment; 14: Normal working hours and a week's pay; 15: Rights in notice; 16: Wrongful dismissal; 17: Unfair dismissal; 18: Redundancy; 19: Duties of ex-employees; 20: Practice and procedure; 21: Individual trade union rights; 22: The law relating to trade unions; 23: Law relating to industrial relations",800,"246x171",,,,"http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199578733",,"Norman Selwyn, Barrister at Law, is a former university lecturer, immigration adjudicator, and Chairman of the Social Security Appeal Tribunal.",,,0199578737,," UK","Rights include: World"
    9780199547937,"Cresswell, Julia","Oxford Dictionary of Word Origins",,"Second ",,"Oxford Paperback Reference ","Paperback","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199547937","\1,930 "," 9.99",,"Sep-10","Trade & Student Reference"," Reference","AFEAA |T English","CBX |T Language: history & general works; HBTB |T Social & cultural history; CBD |T Dictionaries","IP","Academic: Reference & Dictionaries","Suitable for language enthusiasts and language students, or any adult or young person interested in words and their development; academic libraries; dictionary compilers.","An accessible, lively A-Z of over 3,000 words and their origins, drawn from Oxford's unrivalled dictionary research and language monitoring. Ideal for language lovers and students alike, the Oxford Dictionary of Word Origins relates the fascinating stories behind many of our most curious words and expressions.","Abbreviations; Introduction; Wordbuilding; Dictionary; Glossary",512,"196x129",,,"This book is as engrossing...as it is enlightening...erudite and delightful work. |s Christopher Hirst, The Independent |d 15/10/2010","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199547937","I enjoyed picking up this chattily written dictionary. |s Dot Wordsworth, Spectator |d 25/09/2010","Julia Cresswell is an experienced author and language researcher, having worked on the 4th edition of the Shorter Oxford English Dictionary. Books to her credit include Naming Your Baby: The Definitive Dictionary of First Names, and The Cat's Pyjamas: The Penguin Book of Clichés. ",,,0199547939," 9780198608936 The Oxford Dictionary of Word Histories |t Glynnis Chantrell |p 05.08.2004 |s 13,977"," UK","Rights include: World"
    9780199228867,"vanLoon, Gary W; Duffy, Stephen J","Environmental Chemistry","A global perspective","Third ",,,"Paperback","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199228867","\6,650 "," 34.99",,"Sep-10","HE OUP"," HE Science","ABCA |T Chemistry","PNR |T Physical chemistry; RBGB |T Soil science, sedimentology; RBGK |T Geochemistry; RBP |T Meteorology & climatology; RGM |T Biogeography; RNFD |T Drought & water supply; RNH |T Waste management","IP","Academic: Higher Education","Advanced undergraduates studying Environmental Chemistry as part of a Chemistry or Environmental Science Programme","Environmental Chemistry: A global perspective describes the chemical principles which underpin the natural processes occurring within and between the air, water, and soil, and explores how human activities have impacted on these processes, giving rise to environmental issues of global concern.","1: Environmental chemistry; Part A: The Earth's Atmosphere; 2: The Earth's atmosphere; 3: Stratospheric chemistry - ozone; 4: Tropospheric chemistry - smog; 5: Tropospheric chemistry - precipitation; 6: Atmospheric aerosols; 7: Chemistry of urban and indoor atmospheres; 8: The chemistry of global climate; Part B: The Hydrosphere; 9: The hydrosphere; 10: Distribution of species in aquatic systems; 11: Gases in water; 12: Organic matter in water; 13: Metals and semi-metals in the hydrosphere; 14: Environmental chemistry of colloids and surfaces; 15: Microbiological processes; 16: Water pollution and waste-water treatment chemistry; Part C: The Terrestrial Environment; 17: The terrestrial environment; 18: Soil properties; 19: The chemistry of solid wastes; 20: Synthetic organic chemicals; 21: The future Earth; Appendices",560,"265x195","158 line illustrations, 2 halftones",,,"http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199228867",,"Gary W. vanLoon, Department of Chemistry, Queen's University, Canada. ","Stephen J. Duffy, Department of Chemistry, Mount Allison University, Sackville, New Brunswick, Canada ",,0199228868," 9780199274994 Environmental Chemistry: A Global Perspective Second Edition |t Gary W vanLoon and Stephen J Duffy |p 03/2005 |s 6804: UK 732; EU 828; US 1237; ROW 4007"," UK","Rights include: World"
    9780199576968,"Bront\"e, Charlotte","Selected Letters",,,,"Oxford World's Classics ","Paperback","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199576968","\2,200 "," 8.99",,"Sep-10","Trade Book"," Trade","AAAHAF |T C19 Literature","BJ |T Diaries, letters & journals; BGLA |T Autobiography: literary","IP","Academic: Academic & Trade","Bront\"e enthusiasts, readers of classic literature, students of Bront\"e's fiction, students of Victorian literature, women's studies, cultural studies, and life-writing.","Charlotte Bront\"e's letters are our most direct source of information about the Bront\"es and the life of the novelist. Vivid and passionate, they describe her inmost feelings as well as the world around her in Haworth, Belgium, and London. They offer insights into her novels and the development of her literary style.",,320,"196x129",,,"To read these wonderful letters is to feel an almost spooky contact with their extraordinary author. |s Val Hennesy, Dail Mail |d 15/10/2010","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199576968","A further dose of Bronte brilliance from Charlotte, whose lively letters are packed with astute observation. |s Val Hennesy, Daily Mail |d 15/10/2010","Margaret Smith is Vice-President of the Bront\"e Society and editor of the complete three-volume edition of the Letters. She is co-author, with Christine Alexander, of The Oxford Companion to the Bront\"es.","Janet Gezari is the author of Charlotte Bront\"e and Defensive Conduct: the Author and the Body at Risk (1992) and Last Things: Emily Bront\"e's Poems (OUP, 2007). She has also written the introduction to the new edition of Bront\"e's Shirley for OWC.",,0199576963," 9780199205875 Selected Letters of Charlott Bront\"e |t Margaret Smith |p 09/2007 |s 1036"," UK","Rights include: World"
    9780199600403,"Chadwick, Owen","Newman","A Short Introduction",,,,"Paperback","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199600403","未定"," 7.99",,"Sep-10","Trade Book"," Trade","AAAF |T History","HBJD1 |T British & Irish history; HR |T Religion & beliefs; HRCM |T Christian theology; HRCC2 |T Church history; HRCC7 |T Roman Catholicism, Roman Catholic Church; HRCC91 |T Anglican & Episcopalian Churches, Church of England","IP","Academic: Academic & Trade","All those interested in the history of the Church, modern theology, and nineteenth century Britain and Ireland","In this classic short study, reissued with a new preface to celebrate Newman's beatification, Owen Chadwick examines the many aspects of Newman's thought and writings, especially his views about faith, knowledge, and education.","Abbreviations; Preface to the new edition; 1: Introduction; 2: The nature of Newman's mind; 3: The reality of the Christian life; 4: Faith; 5: Knowledge; 6: The image of the Church of Rome; 7: A fight against liberalism ; 8: The acceptance of Newman; Further reading; Index",96,"196x129",,,,"http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199600403",,"Owen Chadwick was Regius Professor of Modern History at the University of Cambridge and Master of Selwyn College, Cambridge. He is the author of numerous books on Church history and was General Editor of the Oxford History of the Christian Church along with his brother, Henry Chadwick.",,,0199600406,," UK","Rights include: World"
    9780199572830,"Defoe, Daniel","A Journal of the Plague Year",,"Revised ",,"Oxford World's Classics ","Paperback","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199572830","未定"," 8.99",,"Sep-10","Trade Book"," Trade","AAAHAE |T C18 Literature","FC |T Classic fiction (pre c 1945); HBTB |T Social & cultural history","IP","Academic: Academic & Trade","General readers of historical fiction, disaster narratives, classic fiction; students of eighteenth-century fiction, the history of the novel, literature and environment, literature and science.","A Journal of the Plague Year is Defoe's fictional reconstruction of the effects of the Great Plague of 1665 on London. He brings vividly to life the devastation and suffering wrought by the disease,and its effect on the city. This revised edition includes comprehensive notes, a complete topographical index, and a new introduction.",,304,"196x129","one map",,"The London of an earlier period - 1665 - is brought vividly and pungently back to life. |s Cannock and Rugeley Chronicle |d 14/10/2010","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199572830","Gruesomely compulsive reading. |s Colin Waters, Sunday Herald |d 17/10/2010",,,,0199572836," 9780199555727 A Journal of the Plague Year |t Daniel Defoe |p 1990 |s (since 1999): 9820"," UK","Rights include: World"
    9780199581948,"Ingman, Terence","The English Legal Process",,"Thirteenth ",,,"Paperback","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199581948","\5,590 "," 28.99",,"Sep-10","HE Blackstone"," HE Law","ABIA |T HE Law","L |T Law; LN |T Laws of Specific jurisdictions; LNA |T Legal system: general; LNAA |T Courts & procedure","IP","Academic: Higher Education","Primarily LLB students taking the compulsory English Legal System course in their first year.","The English Legal Process offers a topical account of the important institutions and practices that form the English legal system. It explains the organization and procedures of courts and tribunals, the trial process and jury system, and major forms of redress in private and public law.","1: Courts of normal jurisdiction; 2: Courts of special jurisdiction; 3: Tribunals; 4: Legislation and statutory interpretation; 5: Judicial precedent; 6: Trial by jury; 7: Appeals and the correction of miscarriages of justice; 8: Contempt of court; 9: Remedies in private law; 10: Remedies in public law",504,"246x171",,,,"http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199581948",,"Terence Ingman has retired from lecturing in law at the University of Newcastle upon Tyne where he specialised in the English legal system, public law and matrimonial law. ",,,0199581940,," UK","Rights include: World"
    9780199567201,"Lewis, Wyndham","Tarr",,,,"Oxford World's Classics ","Paperback","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199567201","\2,400 "," 9.99",,"Sep-10","Trade Book"," Trade","AAAHAG |T C20 Literature","FC |T Classic fiction (pre c 1945); ACXD5 |T Art & design styles: Cubism","IP","Academic: Academic & Trade","Readers of modern fiction, especially those interested in Modernism and the avant-garde, and the relationship between art and literature, readers of satire; students of English Literature, twentieth-century literature and fiction, Modernism, the novel; interdisciplinary courses bridging art and literature.","Tarr is the blackly comic story of the lives and loves of two artists, set against the backdrop of Paris before the start of the First World War. The first edition to do the novel justice, with an introduction and notes placing it in the context of social satire and avant-garde art movements, offering new insights into a major Modernist novel.",,384,"196x129","one map",,,"http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199567201",,"Wyndham Lewis (1882-1957) was an artist, novelist, and critic. He was the leader of the Vorticist movement in art and, with Ezra Pound, edited the only two issues of Blast, the great manifesto of the modern art movement and one of the seminal texts of twentieth-century modernism. As well as Tarr, Lewis's novels include The Apes of God and 'IThe Revenge for Love.",,,0199567204,," UK","Rights include: World"
    9780199591862,"Blake, Susan; Browne, Julie; Sime, Stuart","A Practical Approach to Alternative Dispute Resolution",,"First ",,"A Practical Approach ","Paperback","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199591862","未定"," 34.99",,"Sep-10","HE OUP"," Vocational Law","ABIB |T Vocational Law","L |T Law; LNAC |T Civil procedure, litigation & dispute resolution; LNAC5 |T Arbitration, mediation & alternative dispute resolution","IP","Academic: Higher Education","Students on the Bar Professional Training Course, the Legal Practice Course; Practitioners.","A Practical Approach to Alternative Dispute Resolution will appeal to law students and practitioners looking for a book that deals with the full range of ADR processes. This comprehensive book covers the core topics on the new dispute resolution module for the BPTC. Its practical focus highlights the key processes and procedures for each topic.","1 HISTORY AND RANGE OF ADR METHODS; 1: INTRODUCTION; 2: REVIEW OF ADR OPTIONS; 3: FACTORS INFLUENCING THE SELECTION OF AN ADR OPTION; 4: COSTS OF ADR PROCEDURES; 2 THE INTERPLAY BETWEEN ADR, CPR AND LITIGATION; 5: THE APPROACH OF THE CPR TO ADR; 6: REFUSAL TO ENGAGE IN ADR; 7: RECOVERY OF ADR COSTS IN LITIGATION; 3 NEGOTIATION AND MEDIATION; 8: STYLES, STRATEGIES AND TACTICS IN NEGOTIATION; 9: PREPARING FOR NEGOTIATION; 10: THE NEGOTIATION PROCESS; 11: MEDIATION; 12: PREPARATION FOR THE MEDIATION; 13: THE MEDIATION PROCESS; 14: COURT MEDIATION SCHEMES AND OTHER SCHEMES; 15: INTERNATIONAL MEDIATION; 16: PROFESSIONAL ETHICS IN NEGOTIATION AND MEDIATION; 4 EVALUATION, CONCILIATION AND OMBUDSMEN; 17: EARLY NEUTRAL OR EXPERT EVALUATION; 18: CONCILIATION; 19: OMBUDSMAN OR GRIEVANCE RESOLUTION SCHEMES; 5 RECORDING SETTLEMENT; 20: RECORDING SETTLEMENT; 6 ADJUDICATIVE ADR; 21: EXPERT DETERMINATION; 22: CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY ADJUDICATION; 23: ARBITRATION; 24: ARBITRAL TRIBUNALS; 25: COMMERCIAL ARBITRATION; 26: INTERNATIONAL ARBITRATION; 27: ARBITRATION AWARDS; 28: HIGH COURT JURISDICTION IN ARBITRATION CLAIMS; 29: ENFORCEMENT OF SETTLEMENTS AND AWARDS; APPENDICES; APPENDIX 1: ADR providers; APPENDIX 2; APPENDIX 3; APPENDIX 4",664,"246x189","Yes",,,"http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199591862",,"Stuart Sime is a Barrister and Course Director of the BPTC at The City Law School, City University, London. ","Susan Blake is the Associate Dean of Learning and Teaching at The City Law School, City University, London.","Julie Browne is a Barrister and Deputy Course Director of the BPTC at The City Law School, City University, London.",0199591865,," UK","Rights include: World"
    9780199560219,"Baldwin, Robert; Cave, Martin; Lodge, Martin","The Oxford Handbook of Regulation",,,,"Oxford Handbooks in Business and Management ","Hardback","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199560219","\16,150 "," 85.00",,"Sep-10","Academic Reference"," Academic","AACD |T Business","KCP |T Political economy; LNPF |T Financial services law & regulation","IP","Academic: Academic & Trade","Academics, scholars, and advanced students of Economics, Politics, Law, and Business and Management; Practitioners in regulatory bodies, regulated sectors, law firms, and consultancies.","This Handbook provides a clear and authoritative discussion of the major trends and issues in regulation over the last thirty years, together with an outline of prospective developments. It brings together contributions from leading scholars from a range of disciplines and countries.","Part I: General Issues; 1: Robert Baldwin, Martin Cave, and Martin Lodge: Regulation: The Field and the Developing Agenda; 2: Cento Veljanovski: Economic Approaches to Regulation; 3: Mike Feintuck: Regulatory Rationales Beyond the Economic: In Search of the Public Interest; 4: Karen Yeung: The Regulatory State; Part II : Processes and Strategies; 5: Cento Veljanovski: Strategic Use of Regulation; 6: Colin Scott: Standard-Setting in Regulatory Regimes; 7: Neil Gunningham: Enforcement and Compliance Strategies; 8: Cary Coglianese and Evan Mendelson: Meta-Regulation and Self-Regulation; 9: Tanina Rostain: Self-Regulatory Authority, Markets, and the Ideology of Professionalism; Part III: Contested Issues; 10: David Driesen: Alternatives to Regulation Market Mechanisms and the Environment; 11: Jon Stern: The Evaluation of Regulatory Agencies; 12: Rob Baldwin: Better Regulation: the Search and the Struggle; 13: Claudio Radaelli and Fabrizio de Francesco: Regulatory Impact Assessment; 14: Julia Black: The Role of Risk in Regulatory Processes; 15: Martin Lodge and Lindsay Stirton: Accountability in the Regulatory State; 16: Antonio Estache and Liam Wren-Lewis: On the Theory and Evidence on Regulation of Network Industries in Developing Countries; 17: Mathias Koenig-Archibugi: Global Regulation; Part IV: Regulatory Domains; 18: Niamh Moloney: Financial Services and Markets; 19: Janice Hauge and David Sappington: Pricing in Network Industries; 20: Peter Alexiadis and Martin Cave: Regulation and Competition Law in Telecommunications and Other Network Industries; 21: J rgen Feick and Raymund Werle: Regulation of Cyberspace; 22: Adrian Towse and Patricia Danzon: The Regulation of the Pharmaceutical Industry; 23: Catherine Mitchell and Bridget Woodman: Regulation and Sustainable Energy Systems; 24: Martin Lodge and Christopher Hood: Regulation Inside Government: Retro-Theory Vindicated or Outdated ; Part V: Conclusion; 25: Robert Baldwin, Martin Cave, and Martin Lodge: Conclusion: The Future of Regulation",680,"246x171",,"Peter Alexiadis, partner in the Brussels office of Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher, Robert Baldwin, Professor of Law, London School of Economics and Political Science, Julia Black, Professor of Law, London School of Economics and Political Science, Martin Cave, Professor and Director, Centre for Management Under Regulation, Warwick Business School, Cary Coglianese, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, Edward B. Shils Professor of Law, and Professor of Political Science, University of Pennsylvania, Patricia Danzon, Celia Moh Professor of Health Care Management, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, Fabrizio de Francesco, Research Fellow, University of Exeter, David Driesen, University Professor, Syracuse University, Antonio Estache, Professor of Economics, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, Jurgen Feick, senior researcher, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies, Mike Feintuck, Professor, University of Hull Law School, Neil Gunningham, co-director, Australian National Research Centre for Occupational Health and Safety Regulation, Janice Hauge, Associate Professor, Department of Economics, University of North Texas, Christopher Hood, Gladstone Professor of Government and Fellow, All Souls College, Mathias Koenig-Archibugi, Lecturer in Global Politics, Department of Government and the Department of International Relations, London School of Economics and Political Science, Martin Lodge, Reader in Political Science and Public Policy, Department of Government and the ESRC Centre for Analysis of Risk and Regulation (CARR), London School of Economics, Evan Mendelson, associate with the law firm of O'Melveny & Myers in Washington, D.C., Catherine Mitchell , Professor of Energy Policy, Exeter University, Niamh Moloney, Professor of Financial Markets Law, London School of Economics and Polticial Science, Claudio Radaelli, Professor of political science (Anniversary Chair in Politics), Department of Politics, University of Exeter, Tanina Rostain, Professor of Law and Co-director of the Center For Professional Values and Practice, New York Law School, David Sappington, Lanzillotti-McKethan Eminent Scholar Chair, Department of Economics, Warrington College of Business, University of Florida, Colin Scott, Professor of EU Governance and Regulation, University College Dublin, Jon Stern, Senior Visiting Fellow and founder member, Centre for Competition and Regulatory Policy (CCRP), Department of Economics, City University, London, Lindsay Stirton, Lecturer, University of Manchester School of Law, Adrian Towse, Director, Office of Health Economics (OHE), Cento Veljanovski, Managing Partner, Case Associates (London); Associate Research Fellow, Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, University of London; and IEA Fellow in Law and Economics, Institute for Economic Affairs, Raymund Werle, principal research associate, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies, Cologne, Germany, Bridget Woodman, Lecturer in Human Geography, Exeter University, Liam Wren-Lewis, PhD candidate in economics, University of Oxford, Karen Yeung, Professor of Law, Kings College London.",,"http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199560219",,"Martin Cave is Professor and Director of the Centre for Management under Regulation at Warwick Business School. He has advised many economic regulators throughout the world. ","Robert Baldwin is a Professor of Law at the London School of Economics and Political Science. He has published extensively on regulation, has wide consultative experience in regulation and is the Director of the LSE Short Course on Regulation. ","Martin Lodge is Reader in Political Science and Public Policy at the London School of Economics and Political Science. His research and teaching interests are in the comparative study of Executive Government and Regulation. ",0199560218,," UK","Rights include: World"
    9780199297672,"Bickers, Robert","Settlers and Expatriates","Britons over the Seas",,,"Oxford History of the British Empire Companion Series ","Hardback","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199297672","\6,650 "," 35.00",,"Sep-10","Academic Monograph"," Academic","AAAF |T History","HBTQ |T Colonialism & imperialism; HBJD1 |T British & Irish history; HBLL |T Modern history to 20th century: c 1700 to c 1900; HBLW |T 20th century history: c 1900 to c 2000","IP","Academic: Academic & Trade","Scholars, students, and readers interested in the British Empire","Explores the experience of Britons in the colonial world outside the Dominions through a series of case studies of different communities spread across the world of British power","1: Robert Bickers: Introduction: Britains and Britons over the seas; 2: David Rock: The British of Argentina; 3: James Whidden: Expatriates in cosmopolitan Egypt: 1864-1956; 4: John Lonsdale: Kenya: Home county and African frontier; 5: Donal Lowry: Rhodesia 1890-1980: 'The Lost Dominion'; 6: John Lambert: 'The Last Outpost' The Natalians, South Africa and the British Empire; 7: David Washbrook: Avatars of Identity: The British community in India; 8: Margaret Jones: 'Permanent Boarders': The British in Ceylon, 1815-1960; 9: Tim Harper: The British 'Malayans'; 10: Robert Bickers: Shanghailanders and others: British communities in China, 1843-1957; 11: Elizabeth Buettner: 'We don't grow coffee and bananas in Clapham Junction you know!': Imperial Britons Back Home; 12: John Darwin: Orphans of Empire",368,"234x156",,"Robert Bickers Elizabeth Buettner John Darwin Tim Harper Margaret Jones John Lambert John Lonsdale Donal Lowry David Rock David Washbrook James Whidden",,"http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199297672",,"Robert Bickers is Professor of History at the University of Bristol, which he joined in 1997 after receiving a Ph.D. at the School of Oriental and African Studies, and holding post-doctoral fellowships at Nuffield College, Oxford and the University of Cambridge. He is the author of Empire Made Me: An Englishman Adrift in Shanghai (2003), which won the American Historical Association's Morris D. Forkosch prize, and was a founder of Bristol's Centre for the Study of Colonial and Post-Colonial Societies.",,,0199297673,," UK","Rights include: World"
    9780198568360,"Scott, Simon","Traces and Determinants of Pseudodifferential Operators",,,,"Oxford Mathematical Monographs ","Hardback","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780198568360","\14,470 "," 75.00",,"Sep-10","Academic Monograph"," Academic Science","AHBJA |T Mathematics","PB |T Mathematics; PHQ |T Quantum physics (quantum mechanics & quantum field theory); PBM |T Geometry; PBK |T Calculus & mathematical analysis; PBP |T Topology","IP","Academic: Science","Graduates and researchers in mathematics and physics","This text is the first to deal with the general theory of traces and determinants of operators on manifolds in a broad context, encompassing a number of the principle applications and backed up by specific computations which set out in detail to newcomers the nuts-and-bolts of the basic theory.","Introduction; 1: Traces; 2: Determinants; 3: Computations, transition formulae, and the local index formula; 4: Pseudodifferential operator trace formulae; 5: Geometric families of pseudodifferential operators and determinant line bundles; List of symbols; References; Index",696,"234x156",,,,"http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780198568360",,"Dr. Scott obtained his D.Phil. from Oxford University in 1992. He went on to hold post doctoral positions in Oxford University, the Universidad de los Andes in Bogota, and then for two years at the research institute `SISSA' in Trieste, Italy. In 1998 he was appointed to the mathematics department at King's College London. ",,,0198568363,," UK","Rights include: World"
    9780199595297,"Reinisch, August","Challenging Acts of International Organizations Before National Courts",,,,,"Hardback","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199595297","\13,510 "," 70.00",,"Sep-10","Academic Monograph"," Academic Law Print","ACSA |T General Public International Law","LBBU |T International organisations & institutions; LBH |T Settlement of international disputes; LNDM |T Judicial review; JPSN1 |T United Nations & UN agencies","IP","Academic: Law - Academic","Scholars and students of general international law and the law of international organizations; practitioners involved in cases involving international organizations; legal advisers of international organizations","An increasing number of challenges against the activities and decisions of international organizations are brought before national courts. This book offers an overview of how different courts have dealt with these cases and an analysis of the legal framework which applies to them, identifying common ground across jurisdictions.","August Reinisch: Introduction; 2: Peter Hilpold: UN Sanctions before the ECJ: the Kadi cas; 3: Antonios Tzanakopoulos: Domestic Court Reactions to UN Security Council Sanctions; 4: Jan Wouters and Pierre Schmitt: Challenging Acts of Other United Nations' Organs, Subsidiary Organs and Officials; 5: Jean d'Aspremont and Catherine Br"lmann: Challenging International Criminal Tribunals before Domestic Courts; 6: August Reinisch: Decisions of the European Patent Organization before National Courts; 7: Jakob Wurm: Asking National Courts to Correct the Over-flight Charges of Eurocontrol; 8: Kirsten Schmalenbach: Challenges against Decisions of the European Schools before National Courts; 9: Rutsel Martha: Challenging Acts of INTERPOL in Domestic Courts; 10: Cedric Ryngaert: Domestic Legal Remedies against OPEC; 11: August Reinisch: Conclusions",336,"234x156",,"Catherine Br lmann, Amsterdam Center for International Law Jean d'Aspremont, Amsterdam Center for International Law Peter Hilpold, University of Innsbruck Rutsel Martha, International Fund for Agricultural Development Cedric Ryngaert, Leuven University and Utrecht University Kirsten Schmalenbach, University of Graz Pierre Schmitt, Leuven Centre for Global Governance Studies Antonios Tzanakopoulos, University of Glasgow Jan Wouters, Leuven Centre for Global Governance Studies and Institute for International Law Jakob Wurm, University of Vienna",,"http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199595297",,"August Reinisch is Professor of International and European Law at the University of Vienna, Austria and Adjunct Professor at the Bologna Center/SAIS of Johns Hopkins University, Italy. He holds Master's degrees in philosophy (1990) and in law (1988) as well as a doctorate in law (1991) from the University of Vienna and an LL.M. (1989) from NYU Law School. He has widely published in international law, with a focus on investment law and the law of international organizations. He currently serves as arbitrator on the In Rem Restitution Panel according to the Austrian General Settlement Fund Law 2001, dealing with Holocaust-related property claims, and as arbitrator and expert in investment cases. He is on the Board of Editors of International Organizations Law Review, Oxford Reports on International Law in Domestic Courts, International Legal Materials and various other journals.",,,0199595291,," UK","Rights include: World"
    9780199593934,"Olsen, Johan P.","Governing through Institution Building","Institutional Theory and Recent European Experiments in Democratic Organization",,,,"Hardback","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199593934","未定"," 45.00",,"Sep-10","Academic Monograph"," Academic","AACGA |T Politics","JPSN2 |T EU & European institutions; JPA |T Political science & theory","IP","Academic: Academic & Trade","Scholars and students of political science, political institutions, and EU studies.","Governing through Institution Building offers an organization theory-based institutional approach to understanding political organization and government by examining large-scale institutional reforms. Political integration is examined through institution building and polity formation in the EU. ","Preface and acknowledgements; Part I: Introduction; 1: A Democratic Vision and Some Complications; Part II: A Grand Experiment in Institution Building and Poliy Formation; 2: Lessons in Political Organization from European Integration ; Part III: Three Unifying Controversies in the Study of Political Organization; 3: Change and Continuity; 4: Central Authority and Institutional Autonomy; 5: Bureaucracy - An Instrument for Whom and for What Purpose ; PART IV: Epilogue; 6: Political Science: Architectonic Discipline or Academic Carrefour ; Bibliograpy; Index",272,"234x156",,,,"http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199593934",,"Johan P. Olsen is Professor Emeritus, Former and Founding Director of ARENA - Centre for European Studies, University of Oslo, Professor of Public Administration and Organization Theory, University of Bergen, Professor of Political Science, University of Oslo, Visiting Scholar University of California, Irvine and Visiting Scholar and Professor at Stanford University.",,,0199593930,," UK","Rights include: World"
    9780199216604,"Skeates, Robin","An Archaeology of the Senses","Prehistoric Malta",,,,"Hardback","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199216604","未定"," 75.00",,"Sep-10","Academic Monograph"," Academic","AAAB |T Archaeology","HDDA |T Prehistoric archaeology","IP","Academic: Academic & Trade","Scholars and students of archaeology, archaeological theory, and sensual culture studies; of prehistory, especially the prehistory of Malta.","In this generously illustrated book Robin Skeates establishes a well-defined methodology for an archaeology of the senses, produces a challenging new interpretative synthesis of Maltese prehistoric archaeology, and provides a rich archaeological case-study for the emergent interdisciplinary field of sensual culture studies.","1: Introduction: Towards an Archaeology of the Senses; 2: The Senses Restrained; 3: The Maltese Sensescape; 4: Dwelling Places; 5: Monumental Buildings; 6: The Underworld; 7: Conclusion: Making Sense of Prehistoric Malta",304,"234x156","72 in-text illustrations and figures",,,"http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199216604",,,,,0199216606,," UK","Rights include: World"
    9780199596393,"Cheffins, Brian R.","Corporate Ownership and Control","British Business Transformed",,,,"Paperback","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199596393","\4,820 "," 24.99",,"Sep-10","New in Paperback"," Academic Law Print","ACAB |T Company & Financial","LNCD |T Company law; KCCD |T Domestic trade; KJV |T Ownership & organization of enterprises; LNCB |T Commercial law; LNP |T Financial law; KFFH |T Corporate finance","IP","Academic: Law - Academic","Scholars and advanced students of company law, corporate governance, comparative corporate governance, business history, business organization and ownership","Much discussion on corporate governance assumes companies are owned and controlled separately, yet this is not the norm worldwide. This book explores the foundations of separation in UK companies, asking how the widely held company came to prominence and why and how the UK stock market came to be dominated by institutional shareholders.","Preface; 1: Setting the Scene; 2: The Determinants of Ownnership and Control: Current Theories; 3: The Sell Side; 4: The Buy Side; 5: Up to 1880; 6: 1880 - 1914; 7: The Separation of Ownership and Control by 1914; 8: 1914 - 1939; 9: 1940 - 1990: The Sell Side; 10: 1940 - 1990: The Buy Side; 11: Epilogue: Challenges to the UK System of Ownership and Control",448,"234x156",,,,"http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199596393",,,,,0199596395,," UK","Rights include: World"
    9780199592890,"Owen, Geoffrey","The Rise and Fall of Great Companies","Courtaulds and the Reshaping of the Man-Made Fibres Industry",,,"Pasold Studies in Textile History No. 17","Hardback","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199592890","未定"," 45.00",,"Sep-10","Academic Monograph"," Academic Commission","AAAF |T History","KND |T Manufacturing industries; KCZ |T Economic history; KJ |T Business & management; KJM |T Management & management techniques; KJC |T Business strategy","IP","Academic: Academic & Trade","Academics and students of economic history and business management","This is the dramatic story of the rise and fall of a great British company, Courtaulds. It describes the upheavals that a company goes through when one of its core businesses is threatened with extinction in the face of globalization, and assesses why some companies found a way through the crisis and continue to exist, while Courtaulds did not.","Introduction: Secrets of Corporate Longevity; Courtaulds and its Competitors 1904-2008; 1: A New Industry Takes Shape; 2: Rayon in Retreat, and Courtaulds' Narrow Escape; 3: Frank Kearton's Grand Design; 4: Courtaulds on the Rack; 5: Searching for New Directions; 6: A Necessary Separation; 7: The Last Days of Courtaulds; 8: Courtaulds Textiles: Independence Won and Lost; After the Break-up; 9: What the New Owners Did; 10: Hopes Unfulfilled; The World Man-Made Fibres Industry; 11: Adjustment to Decline: Exits and New Entries; 12: Life Beyond Fibres: The Quest for a Winning Portfolio; Conclusion; 13: Firm Survival and National Institutions; Appendices",320,"234x156","Black and white plates; colour plates",,"[An] impressively researched and lucidly written study...timely David Kynaston, Financial Times","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199592890","Well written and judicious...deeply absorbing. Martin Vander Weyer, Mail on Sunday","Sir Geoffrey Owen is a former editor of the Financial Times who is now a Senior Fellow at the Department of Management, London School of Economics. He was deputy editor of the Financial Times from 1973 to 1980 and editor from 1981 to 1990. He was knighted in 1989.",,,0199592896,," Pasold Studies in Textile History","Rights include: World Rights exclude: India"
    9780199576197,"Moriarty, Brid; Massa, Eva","Human Rights Law",,"Third ",,"Law Society of Ireland Manuals ","Paperback","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199576197","未定"," 50.00",,"Sep-10","HE Blackstone"," Vocational Law","ABIB |T Vocational Law","L |T Law; LNDC |T Human rights & civil liberties law; LAT |T Legal profession: general; LAS |T Legal skills & practice","IP","Academic: Higher Education","Trainee solicitors studying on the Law Society of Ireland's Professional Practice Course, and those in their first years of practice.","Human Rights Law provides thorough coverage of human rights issues, offering a practical text for trainee solicitors in Ireland. ","1: Foundations of Human Rights Law; 2: Three spheres of HR protection in Ireland: an overview of the hierarchy; 3: Human Rights protection in Ireland; 4: The European Convention on Human Rights; 5: Incorporation of the ECHR in Irish Law; 6: International Human Rights Law; 7: The role of the UN today: response to serious violations of Human Rights; 8: Human Rights in EC/EU Law; 9: Family and Child Law; 10: The right to life and the right to bodily integrity; 11: Equality; 12: Due Process and the right to a fair trial; 13: Freedom of Expression; 14: Liberty; 15: International Protection and Refugee Law; 16: Immigration and Citizenship Law",528,"292x206",,"Elaine Dewhurst Brid Moriarty Andrew Fergus Grainne Mullan Eva Massa Geoffrey Shannon Asim A. Sheikh Conor Power Dara Robinson Michael Kealey Grainne Brophy John Stanley Hilkka Becker",,"http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199576197",,,,,"019957619X",," UK","Rights include: World"
    9780199737154,"Media Law Resource Center, ","MLRC 50-State Survey: Media Privacy and Related Law 2010-11",,,1,,"Paperback","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199737154","未定",,"$247.50","Sep-10","Practitioner Monograph"," Professional Law","ACN |T Legal Practice Management","LNR |T Intellectual property law; LNJ |T Entertainment & media law; K |T Economics, finance, business & management","TO","Academic: Law - Professional","Journalists, lawyers and judges, and law schools nationwide",,,1796,"279x216",,,,"http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199737154",,"The Media Law Resource Center is a non-profit information clearinghouse originally organized by a number of media organizations to monitor developments and promote First Amendment rights in the libel, privacy and related legal fields. Founded in 1980, it has approximately 100 media companies in its membership ranks and over 150 law firms.",,,0199737150,," USA","Rights include: World"
    9780195374407,"Boston, John; Manville, Daniel E","Prisoners' Self Help Litigation Manual",,"Fourth ",,,"Paperback","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780195374407","\4,790 ",,"$39.95","Sep-10","Other Product"," Police Print","ACX |T Unallocated/Miscellaneous","LAFD |T Civil codes / Civil law; LNAC |T Civil procedure, litigation & dispute resolution","TO","Academic: Law - Police","Prisoners, friends and family of incarcerated individuals, Legal Aid professionals",,"Personal Statement; Table of Cases; Preface and Acknowledgments; I. Introduction: Using this Manual and Using the Courts; Part I: The Rights of Prisoners; II. Conditions of Confinement; III. Civil Liberties in Prison; IV. Procedural Due Process; V. Equal Protection of the Laws; VI. Pre-Trial Detainee's Rights; Part II: Enforcing Your Rights; VII. The Legal System; VII. Actions, Defenses, and Relief; IX. How to Litigate; X. Legal Research; XI. Writing Legal Documents",1500,,,,,"http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780195374407",,"John Boston is Director of the Prisoners' Rights Project of the New York City Legal Aid Society. Mr. Boston received his undergraduate degree from Vanderbilt University and earned his J.D. from New York University School of Law. He began his career as a research coordinator for The Defender Project of the Twentieth Century Fund in New York City. He has also contributed research and writing concerning prison population issues for the Correctional Association of New York and began his tenure as the Legal Aid Society as a staff attorney. Mr. Boston is widely published,","With numerous articles on prisoners, their rights and circumstances nationwide, and has litigated several cases pertaining to prisoner's rights. He also participated in a national working group with the ACLU in response to the Prison Litigation Reform Act, reviewing briefs and pleadings, consulting with prisoner advocates, preparing CLE and practice materials. He is on the faculty of the Practicing Law Institute and co-administrator","of the Prisoners' Rights section of the website www.probono.com. Daniel E. Manville is an attorney specializing in civil rights litigation. Mr. Manville has a Bachelor in Science from Central Michigan University (1976); a Bachelor Degree in General Studies from Wayne State University (1976); a Juris Doctorate from Antioch School of Law (now University of District of Columbia Law School) (1981); a Master in Criminal Justice, Michigan State University (1985). From 1988 through 2003, he was in private practice concentrating on providing representation to prisoners.",0195374401,," USA","Rights include: World"
    9780199233205,"Weber, Thomas","Hitler's First War","Adolf Hitler, the Men of the List Regiment, and the First World War",,,,"Hardback","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199233205","未定"," 18.99",,"Sep-10","Trade Book"," Trade","AAAF |T History","HBWN |T First World War; HBW |T Military history; HBLW |T 20th century history: c 1900 to c 2000","RP","Academic: Academic & Trade","All those interested in Hitler, the rise of the Nazis, and Germany during the First World War","The story of Hitler's formative experiences as a soldier on the Western Front - now told in full for the first time, presenting a radical revision of Hitler's own account of this time in Mein Kampf.","Part I; 1: A Crowd in Odeonsplatz; 2: Baptism of Fire; 3: Two Tales of One Christmas; 4: Dreams About a New World; 5: Of Frontline Soldiers and 'Rear Area Pigs'; 6: Towards the Somme; 7: Exhaustion; 8: Delusion and Doom; Part II; 9: A Field Wide Open; 10: Divided They Stand; 11: Private Hitler's Reich; Conclusion; Further Reading; Index",464,"234x156","8pp black and white plates",,"A triumph of original research. Norman Stone, Wall Street Journal 30/10/2010","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199233205","He fundamentally alters our understanding of one of the most studied figures of the 20th century. Norman Stone, Wall Street Journal 30/10/2010","Thomas Weber teaches European and international history at the University of Aberdeen. Since earning his DPhil from the University of Oxford, he has held fellowships or has taught at Harvard University, the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, the University of Pennsylvania, the University of Chicago, and the University of Glasgow. His first book, The Lodz Ghetto Album, won a 2004 Golden Light Award and a 2005 Infinity Award. His second book, Our Friend \"The Enemy\" is the recipient of the 2008 Duc d'Arenberg History Prize for the best book of a general nature, intended for a wide public, on the history and culture of the European continent.",,,0199233209,," UK","Rights include: World"
    9780199569953,"Robinson, Andrew","Sudden Genius ","The Gradual Path to Creative Breakthroughs",,,,"Hardback","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199569953","\3,610 "," 18.99",,"Sep-10","Trade Book"," Trade","AABA |T ACAT SCI: Science","VSP |T Popular psychology; PDZ |T Popular science; BG |T Biography: general","IP","Academic: Academic & Trade","Readers of popular science, and those curious about genius and breakthroughs in history of science, psychology, and biography","Genius and breakthroughs appear to involve something magical. Andrew Robinson looks at what science does, and does not, know about exceptional creativity, and applies it to the stories of ten breakthroughs in the arts and sciences, including Curie's discovery of radium and Mozart's composing of The Marriage of Figaro.","Preface: Meetings with remarkable creators; Introduction: The science and art of breakthoughs; Part I: Ingredients of Creativity; 1: Genius and talent: reality or myth ; 2: Intelligence is not enough; 3: Strange to ourselves; 4: Blue remembered Wednesdays; 5: The lunatic, the lover, and the poet; Part II: Breakthroughs in Art and Science; 6: Leonardo da Vinci - The Last Supper; 7: Christopher Wren: St Paul's Cathedral; 8: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: The Marriage of Figaro; 9: 1 Jean-Fran ois Champollion: Decipherment of Egyptian hieroglyphs; 10: Charles Darwin: Evolution by natural selection; 11: Marie Curie: Discovery of radium; 12: Albert Einstein: Special relativity; 13: Virginia Woolf: Mrs Dalloway; 14: Henri Cartier-Bresson: The Decisive Moment; 15: Satyajit Ray: Pather Panchali; Part III: Patterns of Genius; 16: Family matters; 17: Professor of the little finger; 18: Creative science versus artistic creation; 19: Is there a creative personality ; 20: Reputation, fame, and genius; 21: The 'ten-year rule'; Postscript: Genius and us; References, Bibliography, Index",416,"234x156","8 page black and white plate section",,"Robinson's ten subjects display his impressive intellectual range. Peter Forbes, The Independent 08.10.10","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199569953","On the whole, this book does serve a useful purpose: it highlights the fact that creative people are complex individuals who focus on theur work to the exclusion of all else. New Scientist 11/09/2010","Andrew Robinson is the author of some twenty books covering both the arts and the sciences, which have been acclaimed by both national newspapers and specialist journals. They include five biographies of exceptionally creative individuals in a wide range of fields: the physicist Albert Einstein ( A Hundred Years of Relativity, 2005), the film director Satyajit Ray ( The Inner Eye. 1989), the writer Rabindranath Tagore ( The Myriad-Minded Man, 1995), the archaeological decipherer Michael Ventris ( The Man Who Deciphered Linear B, 2002), and the polymath Thomas Young ( The Last Man Who Knew Everything, 2006). He is a King's Scholar of Eton College, and holds a degree in chemistry from Oxford University and a second degree from the School of Oriental and African Studies in London. For many years he worked in book publishing, television, and journalism, most recently as Literary Editor of The Times Higher Education Supplement from 1994-2006.",,,0199569959,," UK","Rights include: World"
    9780199218967,"Cusumano, Michael A.","Staying Power","Six Enduring Principles for Managing Strategy and Innovation in an Uncertain World (Lessons from Microsoft, Apple, Intel, Google, Toyota and More)",,,"Clarendon Lectures in Management Studies ","Hardback","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199218967","\3,230 "," 16.99",,"Sep-10","Trade Book"," Trade","AACD |T Business","KJC |T Business strategy; KJD |T Business innovation","IP","Academic: Academic & Trade","Thoughtful managers, readers of The Economist, the Harvard Business Review, or the Sloan Management Review, IT or automobile industry analysts, and management academics and students in Strategy, Innovation, and Technology Management.","What enables businesses to succeed over the long haul and through changes in markets and technologies Drawing on 30 years' research into some of the world's most successful companies - Microsoft, Apple, Intel, Google, Toyota - Cusumano distils six fundamental principles to equip businesses to survive and thrive in today's rapidly-changing markets.","Introduction: The Six Enduring Principles; 1: Platforms, not Just Products; 2: Services, not Just Products (or Platforms); 3: Capabilities, not Just Strategy; 4: Pull, Don't Push; 5: Scope, not Just Scale; 6: Flexibility, not Just Efficiency; Conclusion: The Power of Ideas - for Practice and Research; Appendices; Acknowledgements; Bibliography; Notes",392,"234x156",,,,"http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199218967",,"Michael A. Cusumano is the Sloan Management Review Distinguished Professor of Management and Engineering Systems at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Sloan School of Management, with a joint appointment in MIT's Engineering Systems Division. He specializes in strategy, product development, and entrepreneurship in the software business. He has consulted for more than 50 major firms around the world and is the author or co-author of 8 books. The Business of Software was named one of the top business books of 2004 by Steve Lohr of the New York Times. The international best-seller Microsoft Secrets (1995, with Richard Selby), has been translated into 14 languages. Competing on Internet Time: Lessons from Netscape and its Battle with Microsoft (1998, with David Yoffie) was named a top-10 Business Week book.",,,"019921896X",," UK","Rights include: World"
    9780199593613,"Susskind OBE, Richard","The End of Lawyers ","Rethinking the nature of legal services","Revised ",,,"Paperback","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199593613","\2,510 "," 12.99",,"Sep-10","New in Paperback"," Professional Law","ACUA |T Inf Tech, Communication and Data Protect","LNQ |T IT & Communications law; LNCB2 |T E-commerce law; LAS |T Legal skills & practice; LAT |T Legal profession: general; LNA |T Legal system: general; KJC |T Business strategy; KJMV |T Management of specific areas; KJV |T Ownership & organization of enterprises; UYQE |T Expert systems / knowledge-based systems; UBJ |T Ethical & social aspects of computing; UBL |T Legal aspects of computing","IP","Academic: Law - Professional","Legal practitioners and the judiciary, worldwide; legal policy-makers; consultants interested in the provision of legal services or the business and management of professional service firms; information technologists; academics and law students; reference libraries worldwide.","This widely acclaimed legal bestseller has ignited an intense debate within the legal profession. It examines the effect of advances in IT upon legal practice, analysing anticipated developments in the next decade. It urges lawyers to consider the sustainability of their traditional role.","Introduction; 1: The beginning of the end; The challenge for lawyers; Four thoughts; A journey; The Future of Law; Progress over the last decade; The flow of this book; 2: The evolution of legal service; The path to commoditisation; The pull of the market; Shedding light on various conundra; Decomposing legal service; Resourcing the evolution; Two case studies; 3: Trends in technology; Exponential growth; Information satisfaction; Community and collaboration; The net generation; Clicks and mortals; Disruptive technologies; 4: Disruptive legal technologies; Document assembly; Online community; e-learning; Personalised alerting; The electronic market; Online legal guidance; Embedded legal content; 5: The client grid; The asymmetry of lawyers and clients; The law firm grid; The client grid; Three possible models; Meeting clients' challenges; The role of clients; 6: Resolving and dissolving disputes; Litigation support revisited; Electronic disclosure; Electronic filing; Case management; Online dispute resolution; Dispute avoidance; 7: Access to law and to justice; Public information policy; Critique; Current systems; Promulgation; A law unto itself ; Afterword",368,"216x138",,,,"http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199593613",,"Richard Susskind is an author, speaker, and independent adviser to international professional firms and national governments. His views on the future of legal service have influenced a generation of lawyers around the world. He has written numerous books, including The Future of Law (Oxford, 1996) and Transforming the Law (Oxford, 2000), and has been a regular columnist at The Times. He has been invited to lecture in over 40 countries, and has addressed legal audiences (in person and electronically), numbering more than 200,000. Richard is Honorary and Emeritus Law Professor at Gresham College, London, Visiting Professor in Internet Studies at the Oxford Internet Institute, Oxford University, and IT adviser to the Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales. He holds a doctorate in law from Balliol College, Oxford, and is a Fellow of the British Computer Society and of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. He was awarded an OBE in 2000 for services to IT in the Law and to the Administration of Justice.",,,0199593612,," UK","Rights include: World"
    9780199545766,"Holmes, Debbie; Moody, Peter; Dine, Diana","Research Methods for the Biosciences",,"Second ",,,"Paperback","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199545766","\5,590 "," 28.99",,"Sep-10","HE OUP"," HE Science","ABA |T Biosciences","PS |T Biology, life sciences; PDN |T Scientific equipment, experiments & techniques; PBT |T Probability & statistics","IP","Academic: Higher Education","Intermediate and advanced level undergraduate biosciences students studying a course on research methods, or embarking on a research project. Also an invaluable reference for postgraduates who need a refresher in the essential aspects of planning, conducting, and analysing a research project.","Research Methods for the Biosciences demystifies the process of research to equip biosciences students with the skills needed to perform their own investigations. It covers those factors which, collectively, enable effective research, including data collection, analysis, and interpretation, and legal, ethical, and health & safety considerations.","Section 1: Planning your experiment; 1: Where do I begin ; 2: Planning your experiment; 3: Questions, focus groups, and interviews; 4: Research, the law, and you; Section 2: Handling your data; 5: What to do with raw data; 6: An introduction to hypothesis testing; 7: Hypothesis testing: do my data fit an expected ratio ; 8: Hypothesis testing: associations and relationships; 9: Hypothesis testing: do my samples come from the same population Parametric data; 10: Hypothesis testing: do my samples come from the same population Non-parametric data; Section 3: Reporting your results; 11: Reporting your research; Appendix a.How to choose a research project; Appendix b.Planning your experiment; Appendix c.Which statistical test should I choose ; Appendix d.Tables of critical values for statistical tests; Appendix e.Maths and statistics; Glossary; References; Index",458,"246x189","55 line illustrations",,,"http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199545766",,"Debbie Holmes is a senior lecturer, and Diana Dine and Peter Moody are lecturers, in the Department of Applied Sciences, Geography and Archaeology at University College Worcester, UK. Between them, the authors have wide experience of teaching across a broad range of biological and environmental science-based subject areas, and developing web-based resources to support their undergraduate teaching.",,,0199545766," 9780199276929 Research Methods for the Biosciences |t Holmes, Moody, and Dine |p 01/2006 |s 2092: UK 1034; EU 170; US 353; ROW 535"," UK","Rights include: World"
    9780199585212,"Barrett, Scott","Why Cooperate ","The Incentive to Supply Global Public Goods",,,,"Paperback","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199585212","未定"," 18.99",,"Sep-10","Academic Paperback"," Academic","AACE |T Economics","KCP |T Political economy; LBB |T Public international law; JPSN |T International institutions; JPSL |T Geopolitics; RNP |T Pollution & threats to the environment; JWMN |T Nuclear weapons; GTF |T Development studies; JFFS |T Globalization","IP","Academic: Academic & Trade","Policymakers, academics, and the general reader interested in understanding different global challenges and why international cooperation is needed to address them.","Barrett provides a thought provoking introduction to the issues surrounding the provision of global public goods. Using a variety of examples to illustrate past successes and failures, he shows how international cooperation, institutional design and the clever use of incentives can work together to ensure effective delivery of global public goods.","Foreword by Ernesto Zedillo; Introduction: The Incentive to Supply Global Public Goods; 1: Single Best Efforts: Global Public Goods that Can Be Supplied Unilaterally or Minilaterally; 2: Weakest Links: Global Public Goods that Depend on the States that Contribute the Least; 3: Aggregate Efforts: Global Public Goods that Depend on the Combined Efforts of All States; 4: Financing and Burden Sharing: Paying for Global Public Goods; 5: Mutual Restraint: Agreeing What States Ought Not to Do; 6: Coordination and Global Standards: Agreeing What States Ought to Do; 7: Development: Do Global Public Goods Help Poor States ; Conclusions: Institutions for the Supply of Global Public Goods; Afterword",304,"216x138","11 tables and 3 figures",,,"http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199585212",,"Scott Barrett was previously an advisor to the International Task Force on Global Public Goods, and drew upon his work for the Task Force in preparing this book. He wrote the book while on sabbatical as a Distinguished Visiting Fellow at the Yale Center for the Study of Globalization, Yale University. His previous book, Environment and Statecraft, was published by OUP in paperback in 2005. ",,,0199585210,," UK","Rights include: World"
    9780199586578,"Cook, Tony; Tattersall, Andy","Senior Investigating Officer's Handbook",,"Second ",,,"Paperback","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199586578","未定"," 34.99",,"Sep-10","Police & Law Enforcement Portfolio"," Police Print","ACP |T Police & Law Enforcement","LNFX5 |T Police procedures","IP","Academic: Law - Police","The primary market for this title includes approximately 8000 SIOs, Deputy SIOs, Assistant SIOs, DCIs and DIs involved in investigating serious crime in the UK, as well as police/CID trainers and the Serious and Organised Crime Agency. There is a secondary market among other law enforcement agencies, criminal lawyers, the Health and Safety Executive, the Criminal Cases Review Commission, and police studies students.","An accessible guide to all the processes involved in conducting major investigations, this title outlines ACPO guidance and legislation alongside practical advice, cases and checklists for each stage of the investigation. In the same portable format as Blackstone's Police Operational Handbook, this is a must-have for all senior investigators.","1: Role of the SIO; 2: Decision Making; 3: Leadership, Team Work, and Ethical Standards; 4: Initial Response; 5: Crime Scene Examination, Forensic Issues, and Searching; 6: Setting Up and Managing an Investigation; 7: Investigative Briefings and Debriefings; 8: Investigative Strategies; 9: Family Liaison, Independent Advisory Groups, and Community Impact Assessments; 10: Dealing with Witnesses; 11: Dealing with Suspects; 12: Forensic Pathology for SIOs; 13: Sudden Infant Death; 14: News Media Handling; A: SIO Aide-M moire Quick Checklist; B: Action Management System; C: All Body Diagrams; D: Missing Person Searches; E: Investigative Theory; F: Communications Data Matrix; G: Intelligence Matrix",560,"180x100",,,,"http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199586578",,"Detective Superintendent Tony Cook has been a CID officer with Greater Manchester Police for over 25 years. During his tenure as an SIO, he has led a number of high profile investigations including an operation into gangland violence at Moss Side and, more recently, an investigation into the widely reported shooting of 15 year old Jessie James. He is a qualified Assessor for promotion and an Authorising Officer under RIPA and has completed numerous professional courses on all aspects of major crime investigation.","Andy Tattersall, formerly Detective Superintendent in the Greater Manchester Police on the Force Major Incident Team, retired in 2007 after 33 years service and became the first ever Support Staff SIO in charge of a new Homicide Support Unit. A career detective with over 29 years in CID at all ranks, Andy is recognised locally and nationally as one of the most experienced investigators in the UK, holding the position of SIO for eleven years. In 2000 he was part of a select Specialist Advisory Team, created to assist the Metropolitan Police with the murder investigation of Jill Dando. Andy received the Homicide Working Group National Award for his Outstanding Achievement in the Field of Homicide in November 2006.",,0199586578," 9780199231409 Senior Investigating Officer's Handbook |t Cook & Tattersall |p 03/2008 |s 1811"," UK","Rights include: World"
    9780199592562,"Small, Helen","The Long Life",,,,,"Paperback","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199592562","\3,280 "," 16.99",,"Sep-10","Academic Paperback"," Academic","AAAHAA |T English Literature","DS |T Literature: history & criticism; HPC |T History of Western philosophy; JFSP31 |T Age groups: the elderly; JFC |T Cultural studies; DSB |T Literary studies: general","IP","Academic: Academic & Trade","Anyone with a scholarly or professional interest in the issue of ageing.","The first major consideration of old age in Western philosophy and literature since Simone de Beauvoir's The Coming of Age, Helen Small ranges widely from Plato through to recent work by Derek Parfit, Bernard Williams and others, and from King Lear through Balzac, Dickens, Beckett, Stevie Smith, Bellow, Roth, and Coetzee.","Introduction; 1: The Platonic Threshhold (Plato and Thomas Mann); 2: On Seeing the End (Aristotle and King Lear); 3: Narrative Unity of Lives (Epicureanism, the Narrative View, Saul Bellow); 4: The Power of Choosing (Prudential Life Planning, Philip Larkin, Stevie Smith); 5: Where Self-Interest Ends (Derek Parfit and Balzac); 6: The Bounded Life (Adorno's Metaphysics, Dickens, Beckett); 7: Now or Never (Bernard Williams, J. M. Coetzee, Philip Roth); 8: Evolved Senescence (Evolutionary theory, Michael Ignatieff's Scar Tissue); Conclusion",360,"234x156",,,,"http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199592562",,"Helen Small was born in Wellington, New Zealand, and studied at Victoria University of Wellington and at the University of Cambridge. She taught English Literature at the University of Bristol from 1993 to 1996, and since 1996 has been Fellow in English at Pembroke College, Oxford. From 2001 to 2004 she held a Leverhulme Major Research Fellowship, and was a Visiting Scholar at New York University. The Long Life was primarily written during that period.",,,"019959256X",," UK","Rights include: World"
    9780199207909,"Aikhenvald, Alexandra Y.","Imperatives and Commands",,,,"Oxford Studies in Typology and Linguistic Theory ","Hardback","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199207909","\12,350 "," 65.00",,"Sep-10","Academic Reference"," Academic","AAAG |T Linguistics","CF |T linguistics; JHM |T Anthropology; CFK |T Grammar, syntax; CFG |T Semantics","IP","Academic: Academic & Trade","Linguists of all theoretical persuasions and their students at advanced undergraduate level and above. Social and cultural anthropologists. Cognitive and behavioural scientists. The book also has the potential to be used as a textbook for graduate and senior undergraduate courses in syntax, semantics, and typology.","This book is the first exhaustive cross-linguistic study of imperatives and commands. It makes a significant and original contribution to the understanding of their the morphological, syntactic, semantic, and pragmatic characteristics, and offers fresh insights on the patterns of human interaction and cognition associated with them. ","1: Setting the Scene; 2: Imperatives Worldwide; 3: How Imperatives are Special; 4: Imperatives and Other Grammatical Categories; 5: Negative Imperatives; 6: Imperatives and Their Meanings; 7: Imperatives Which do not Command; 8: Imperatives in Disguise; 9: Imperatives we Live by; 10: Where do Imperatives Come From ; 11: What can we Conclude ; Appendix; References; Index of Authors; Index of Languages, Linguistic Families, and Areas; Index of Subjects",520,"234x156",,,,"http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199207909",,"Alexandra Y. Aikhenvald is Professor and Research Leader (People and Societies of the Tropics) in the Cairns Institute, James Cook University, Australia. She has worked on descriptive and historical aspects of Berber languages and has published, in Russian, a grammar of Modern Hebrew (1990; second edition 2009). She is a major authority on languages of the Arawak family, from northern Amazonia, and has written grammars of Bare (1995, based on work with the last speaker who has since died) and Warekena (1998), plus A Grammar of Tariana, from Northwest Amazonia (Cambridge University Press, 2003), in addition to essays on various typological and areal features of South American languages.","Her lengthy grammar, The Manambu Language from East Sepik, Papua New Guinea, was published by OUP in 2008. Other books include Classifiers: a Typology of Noun Categorization Devices (2000, paperback 2003), Language Contact in Amazonia (2002) and Evidentiality (2004, paperback 2006), all published by OUP. She is co-editor with R. M. W. Dixon of the OUP series Explorations in Linguistic Typology, the fifth volume of which, The Semantics of Clause Linking, appeared in 2009.",,0199207909,," UK","Rights include: World"
    9780199586325,"Garber, Daniel; Nadler, Steven","Oxford Studies in Early Modern Philosophy Volume V",,,,,"Paperback","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199586325","未定"," 19.99",,"Sep-10","Simultaneous HB & PB"," Academic","AAAJA |T Philosophy","HPCD |T Western philosophy: c 1600 to c 1900; JFCX |T History of ideas","IP","Academic: Academic & Trade","Scholars and advanced students of philosophy; intellectual historians","Oxford Studies in Early Modern Philosophy presents a selection of the best current work in the history of early modern philosophy. It focuses on the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries -- the extraordinary period of intellectual flourishing that begins, very roughly, with Descartes and his contemporaries and ends with Kant. ","Daniel Garber and Steven Nadler: Note from the Editors; Abbreviations; 1: Kurt Smith and Alan Nelson: Divisibility and Cartesian Extension; 2: Christopher Martin: A New Challenge to the Necessitarian Reading of Spinoza; 3: Herman De Dijn: Spinoza's Theory of the Emotions and its Relation to Therapy; 4: Matthew Kisner: Reconsidering Spinoza's Free Man: The Model of Human Nature; 5: Matteo Favaretti Camposampiero: Pure Intellect, Brain Traces, and Language: Leibniz and the Foucher-Malebranche Debate; 6: Samuel Levey: iDans les corps il n'y a point de figure parfaite: Leibniz on Time, Change and Corporeal Substance; 7: T. Allan Hillman: Leibniz on the iImago Dei; 8: John Russell Roberts: A Mystery at the Heart of Berkeley's Metaphysics; 9: Michael Jacovides: Hume's Vicious Regress; Index of Names; Notes to Contributors",320,"216x138",,"Daniel Garber and Steven Nadler Kurt Smith and Alan Nelson Christopher Martin Herman De Dijn Matthew Kisner Matteo Favaretti Camposampiero Samuel Levey T. Allan Hillman John Russell Roberts Michael Jacovides",,"http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199586325",,"Daniel Garber is Professor of Philosophy at Princeton University ","Steven Nadler is Professor of Philosophy at the University of Wisconsin-Madison",,0199586322,," UK","Rights include: World"
    9780199586318,"Garber, Daniel; Nadler, Steven","Oxford Studies in Early Modern Philosophy Volume V",,,,,"Hardback","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199586318","未定"," 55.00",,"Sep-10","Simultaneous HB & PB"," Academic","AAAJA |T Philosophy","HPCD |T Western philosophy: c 1600 to c 1900; JFCX |T History of ideas","IP","Academic: Academic & Trade","Scholars and advanced students of philosophy; intellectual historians","Oxford Studies in Early Modern Philosophy presents a selection of the best current work in the history of early modern philosophy. It focuses on the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries -- the extraordinary period of intellectual flourishing that begins, very roughly, with Descartes and his contemporaries and ends with Kant. ","Daniel Garber and Steven Nadler: Note from the Editors; Abbreviations; 1: Kurt Smith and Alan Nelson: Divisibility and Cartesian Extension; 2: Christopher Martin: A New Challenge to the Necessitarian Reading of Spinoza; 3: Herman De Dijn: Spinoza's Theory of the Emotions and its Relation to Therapy; 4: Matthew Kisner: Reconsidering Spinoza's Free Man: The Model of Human Nature; 5: Matteo Favaretti Camposampiero: Pure Intellect, Brain Traces, and Language: Leibniz and the Foucher-Malebranche Debate; 6: Samuel Levey: iDans les corps il n'y a point de figure parfaite: Leibniz on Time, Change and Corporeal Substance; 7: T. Allan Hillman: Leibniz on the iImago Dei; 8: John Russell Roberts: A Mystery at the Heart of Berkeley's Metaphysics; 9: Michael Jacovides: Hume's Vicious Regress; Index of Names; Notes to Contributors",320,"216x138",,"Daniel Garber and Steven Nadler Kurt Smith and Alan Nelson Christopher Martin Herman De Dijn Matthew Kisner Matteo Favaretti Camposampiero Samuel Levey T. Allan Hillman John Russell Roberts Michael Jacovides",,"http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199586318",,"Daniel Garber is Professor of Philosophy at Princeton University ","Steven Nadler is Professor of Philosophy at the University of Wisconsin-Madison",,0199586314,," UK","Rights include: World"
    9780195436228,"Noble, Bram; Hackett, Paul; Gunn, Jill","Human Geography","Lab Manual","Seventh ",,,"Paperback","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780195436228","未定"," 32.50",,"Sep-10","HE OUP"," HE Science","ABH |T Geography, Demography, Earth & Environmental Science","RGC |T Human geography","TO","Academic: Higher Education","First and second year undergarduates taking introductory courses in human geography.",,"Introduction; 1: Understanding Human Geography; 2: Human Impacts on the Natural Environment; 3: Measuring Population Growth; 4: Population Patterns and Movement; 5: Cultural Landscapes; 6: Social Well-Being; 7: Political Geographies; 8: Space, Place, and Globalization; 9: The Changing Agricultural Landscape; 10: Settlement Patterns and Urban Form; 11: Urban Economies and Transportation; 12: Understanding the Industrial Landscape",200,,,,,"http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780195436228",,,,,0195436229,," Canada","Rights include: World"
    9780199578887,"Casey, Nuala; Brennan, Gabriel; , ","Conveyancing",,"Fifth ",,"Law Society of Ireland Manuals ","Paperback","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199578887","未定"," 65.00",,"Sep-10","HE Blackstone"," Vocational Law","ABIB |T Vocational Law","LAS |T Legal skills & practice; LAT |T Legal profession: general","IP","Academic: Higher Education","Trainee solicitors studying applied land law on the Law Society of Ireland's Professional Practice Course.","Conveyancing is a practical text for trainee solicitors in Ireland. The fifth edition covers all the essential elements of property law and contains new material on eStamping and VAT, as well as updated sample precedents and documentation.","1: Introduction to Conveyancing and Systems of Registration; 2: Steps in a Conveyancing Transaction; 3: Ethics; 4: Title; 5: Investigation of Title; 6: Contract for Sale; 7: The Family Home; 8: Drafting; 9: Mortgages; 10: Searches; 11: Planning; 12: New Houses; 13: First Registration; 14: Dealing with registered land; 15: Requisitions on Title; 16: Conveyancing and Taxation","1,008","292x206",,"Gabriel Brennan Sean Brodie Nuala Casey Rachael Hession Deirdre Fox Barry Magee John Murphy Pat O'Brien Anne Stephenson",,"http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199578887",,,,,0199578885," 9780199214136 Conveyancing |t Gabriel Brennan and Nuala Casey |p 10-07"," UK","Rights include: World"
    9780199747580,"Lederach, John Paul","The Moral Imagination","The Art and Soul of Building Peace",,1,,"Paperback","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199747580","\2,390 ",,"$19.95","Sep-10","Academic Paperback"," Academic","AAAKA |T Religion","HRAB |T Philosophy of religion; GTJ |T Peace studies & conflict resolution","OO","Academic: Academic & Trade","Scholars and students interested in peacebuilding strategy, political and social science.","John Paul Lederach explores the evolution of his understanding of peacebuilding by reflecting on his own experiences in the field. Peacebuilding, in his view, is both a learned skill and an art. Finding this art, he says, requires a shift in worldview. Conflict professionals must envision their work as a creative act - an exercise of what Lederach calls the \"moral imagination.\"","1.: On Stating the Problem and Thesis; 2.: On Touching the Moral Imagination: Four Stories; 3.: On This Moment: Turning Points; 4.: On Simplicity and Complexity: Finding the Essence of Peacebuilding; 5.: On Peace Accords: Image of a Line in Time; 6.: On the Gift of Pessimism: Insights from the Geographies of Violence; 7.: On Aesthetuics: The Art of Social Change; 8.: On Space: Life in the Web; 9.: On Mass and Movement: The Theory of the Critical Yeast; 10.: On Web Watching: Finding the Soul of Place; 11.: On Serendipity: The Gift of Accidental Sagacity; 12.: On Time: The Past That Lies before Us; 13.: On Pied Pipers: Imagination and Creativity; 14.: On Vocation: The Mystery of Risk; 15.: On Conclusions: The Imperative of the Moral Imagination",216,"235x156",,,,"http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199747580",,"John Paul Lederach is one of the world's foremost experts on peacebuilding and reconciliation. He is Professor of International Peacebuilding at the Joan B. Kroc Institute of International Peace Studies at the University of Notre Dame and Distinguished Scholar at Eastern Mennonite University's Conflict Transformation Program. Among his many books are The Journey Toward Reconciliation (1999) and Building Peace: Sustainable Reconciliation in Divided Societies (1997).",,,"019974758X",," USA","Rights include: World"
    9780195397741,"Colomer, Josep M.","The Science of Politics","An Introduction",,1,,"Paperback","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780195397741","未定",,"$89.95","Sep-10","HE OUP"," HE Social Science","ABN |T Politics & International Relations","JPA |T Political science & theory","IP","Academic: Higher Education",,,,320,,,,,"http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780195397741",,"Josep M. Colomer is a life member of the American Political Science Association and an elected member of the Academia Europaea. He has taught political science in New York, Washington, and Mexico and is currently a Research Professor at the Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC) in Barcelona. He is the author of more than thirty books, which have been published in six languages.",,,0195397746,," USA","Rights include: World"
    9780195377026,"Lovensheimer, Jim","South Pacific","Paradise Rewritten",,1,"Broadway Legacies ","Hardback","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780195377026","\3,350 ",,"$27.95","Sep-10","Academic Monograph"," Academic","AAAI |T Music","AVGM |T Musicals","OO","Academic: Academic & Trade","All Broadway musical theater aficionados - particularly those interested in Rodgers and Hammerstein -- and Broadway goers more generally, local theater companies across the country, students and instructors in courses on the Broadway musical.","South Pacific: Paradise Rewritten offers a fascinating behind-the-scenes look at how Rodgers and Hammerstein diluted the radical social and political content of the musical South Pacific between its conception and its Broadway opening in order to ensure its commercial success, resulting in a work that remained edifying but that did not offend its audiences.","1.: Who Can Explain It ; 2.: The Musical is the Message; 3.: An Adaptable Source: Michener's Tales of the South Pacific; 4.: False Starts: The Disappearance of Bill Harbison and Dinah Culbert; 5.: You've Got to be Carefully Rewritten: The Distillation of Racial Intolerance; 6.: Nellie and the Boys: Situating Gender in South Pacific; 7.: Culture Clash: Colonialism and South Pacific; Conclusion; Appendices; Appendix A: The Structure of Tales of the South Pacific; Appendix B: Scene breakdown for South Pacific; Appendix C: \"The Bright Young Executive of Today\"; Appendix D: Comparison of final version and draft of \"I'm Gonna Wash That Man Right Out-a My Hair\"; Appendix E: Comparison of final version and draft for \"I'm In Love With a Wonderful Guy\"; Appendix F: Original form for \"Happy Talk.\"",288,"235x156","30 photographs, 11 music examples",,,"http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780195377026",,"Jim Lovensheimer is Assistant Professor of Music at Vanderbilt University.",,,0195377028,," USA","Rights include: World"
    9780195313987,"Podany, Amanda H.","Brotherhood of Kings","How International Relations Shaped the Ancient Near East",,1,,"Hardback","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780195313987","\4,190 ",,"$34.95","Sep-10","Impact Book"," Academic","AAAEB |T Ancient History","HBLA1 |T Classical history / classical civilisation; JPS |T International relations","OO","Academic: Academic & Trade","Ancient history, history of Egypt, Western Civilization, world history","Amanda Podany here takes readers on a vivid tour through a thousand years of ancient Near Eastern history, from 2300 to 1300 BCE, paying particular attention to the lively interactions that took place between the great kings of the day.",,384,"235x156","15 halftones & maps",,,"http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780195313987",,"Amanda H. Podany is Professor of History at California State Polytechnic University, Pomona. She is the author of The Ancient Near Eastern World (OUP).",,,0195313984,," USA","Rights include: World"
    9780195111101,"Greenspan, Charlotte","Pick Yourself Up","Dorothy Fields and the American Musical",,,"Broadway Legacies ","Hardback","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780195111101","未定",,"$27.95","Sep-10","Academic Monograph"," Academic","AAAI |T Music","AVGM |T Musicals; BGF |T Biography: arts & entertainment","OO","Academic: Academic & Trade","Scholars and students of twentieth-century music","Dorothy Fields was best known as a lyricist, one of the few women who played a central role in the great period of American popular song from 1920 to 1960. Fields first became prominent writing the lyrics for Cotton Club shows in Harlem in the late 1920s and 1930s, and her most successful collaboration was with the great songwriter Jerome Kern. Her role as a music creator in a world dominated by men makes a fascinating and unusual story- with particular interest for woman today.","1: The World of Her Father; 2: The World of Her Family; 3: The Teen Years; 4: Marriage and Start of Career; 5: What's Black and White and Heard All Over; 6: Give My Refrains to Broadway; 7: Hello to Hollywood; 8: Change Partners and Write; 9: The Best of Hollywood; 10: End of an Era; 11: Hollywood Through a Broadway Lense; 12: Librettos Instead of Lyrics; 13: Up In Central Park; 14: Annie Get Your Gun; 15: More Movies; 16: The American Colonies and Brooklyn; 17: Something Old, Something New; 18: Sweet Charity; 19: It's Where you Finish; Appendix 1: List of Songs; Appendix 2: List of Theatre Works and Movies / Endnotes",288,"234x156","20 halftones",,,"http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780195111101",,,,,0195111109,," USA","Rights include: World"
    9780195393668,"Cinque, Guglielmo; Rizzi, Luigi","Mapping Spatial PPs","The Cartography of Syntactic Structures, Volume 6",,1,"Oxford Studies in Comparative Syntax ","Paperback","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780195393668","\5,990 ",,"$49.95","Sep-10","Simultaneous HB & PB"," Academic","AAAG |T Linguistics","CFK |T Grammar, syntax","IP","Academic: Academic & Trade","Graduate students and scholars of syntax.","This collection explores the internal structure of prepositional phrases, and finds that phrases composed of spatial prepositions, adverbs, and particles do not have different structures, but merely spell out different parts of the same articulated configuration.","Cinque, Guglielmo \"Mapping Spatial PPs: an introduction\"; Koopman, Hilda \"Prepositions, Postpositions, Circumpositions, and Particles\"; den Dikken, Marcel \"On the functional structure of locative and directional PPs\"; Svenonius, Peter \"Spatial P in English\"; Noonan, M ire \" to zu\"; Terzi, Arhonto \"Locative Prepositions and Place\"; Aboh, Enoch \"The P Route\"; Abraham, Werner \"P-Case government, misleading homonymies, and economical PPs\"; Indices",320,"235x156",57,,,"http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780195393668",,"Guglielmo Cinque is Professor of Linguistics at the University of Venice. Luigi Rizzi is Professor of Linguistics at the University of Siena.",,,"019539366X",," USA","Rights include: World"
    9780195393675,"Cinque, Guglielmo; Rizzi, Luigi","Mapping Spatial PPs","The Cartography of Syntactic Structures, Volume 6",,1,"Oxford Studies in Comparative Syntax ","Hardback","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780195393675","\11,880 ",,"$99.00","Sep-10","Simultaneous HB & PB"," Academic","AAAG |T Linguistics","CFK |T Grammar, syntax","TO","Academic: Academic & Trade","Graduate students and scholars of syntax.","This collection explores the internal structure of prepositional phrases, and finds that phrases composed of spatial prepositions, adverbs, and particles do not have different structures, but merely spell out different parts of the same articulated configuration.","Cinque, Guglielmo \"Mapping Spatial PPs: an introduction\"; Koopman, Hilda \"Prepositions, Postpositions, Circumpositions, and Particles\"; den Dikken, Marcel \"On the functional structure of locative and directional PPs\"; Svenonius, Peter \"Spatial P in English\"; Noonan, M ire \" to zu\"; Terzi, Arhonto \"Locative Prepositions and Place\"; Aboh, Enoch \"The P Route\"; Abraham, Werner \"P-Case government, misleading homonymies, and economical PPs\"; Indices",320,"235x156",57,"Guglielmo Cinque, Hilda Koopman, Marcel den Dikken, Peter Svenonius, Máire Noonan, Arhonto Terzi, Enoch Aboh, Werner Abraham",,"http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780195393675",,"Guglielmo Cinque is Professor of Linguistics at the University of Venice. Luigi Rizzi is Professor of Linguistics at the University of Siena.",,,0195393678,," USA","Rights include: World"
    9780199589869,"Morrill, Glyn","Categorial Grammar","Logical Syntax, Semantics, and Processing",,,,"Paperback","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199589869","\5,700 "," 29.99",,"Sep-10","Graduate Textbook"," Academic","AAAG |T Linguistics","CF |T linguistics; CFX |T Computational linguistics; CFG |T Semantics; CFD |T Psycholinguistics","IP","Academic: Academic & Trade","Cognitive scientists and interdisciplinary scholars of language: mathematical and formal linguists, computational linguists, formal semanticists, and psycholinguists.","This book provides a state-of-the-art introduction to categorial grammar, a type of formal grammar which analyses expressions as functions or according to a function-argument relationship. The book's focus is on linguistic, computational, and psycholinguistic aspects of logical categorial grammar, i.e. enriched Lambek Calculus.","I Lambeck Categorial Grammar; 1: Introduction; 2: Syntax; 3: Semantics; 4: Processing; II Logical Categorial Grammar; 5: Bracket Operators for Extraction; 6: Discontinuity Operators; 7: Additive Operators for Polymorphism; 8: Modality for Intensionality; III Further Processing Issues; 9: Aphasic Comprehension; 10: Lexico-Syntactic Interaction; 11: Memoising Lambek Theorem-proving; 12: Conclusion; A: Methematical Background; B: Prolog Implementation; References; Index",256,"246x171","Figures, Tables",,,"http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199589869",,"After receiving his degree in Computer Science from Cambridge (1984), Glyn Morrill completed an MSc and PhD in Cognitive Science at the Centre for Cognitive Science, University of Edinburgh, working on formal and computational grammar, and in particular categorial grammar. He has worked as a researcher at Edinburgh, Utrecht/Amsterdam and since 1991 has taught at the Departament de Llenguatges i Sistemes Informàtics, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya in the areas of logic, theory of computation, linguistics, and computational linguistics. He is the author of Type Logical Grammar: Categorial Logic of Signs (Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1994), and L`ogica de primer ordre (Edicions UPC, 2001). ",,,0199589860,," UK","Rights include: World"
    9780199589852,"Morrill, Glyn","Categorial Grammar","Logical Syntax, Semantics, and Processing",,,,"Hardback","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199589852","\15,200 "," 80.00",,"Sep-10","Graduate Textbook"," Academic","AAAG |T Linguistics","CF |T linguistics; CFX |T Computational linguistics; CFG |T Semantics; CFD |T Psycholinguistics","IP","Academic: Academic & Trade","Cognitive scientists and interdisciplinary scholars of language: mathematical and formal linguists, computational linguists, formal semanticists, and psycholinguists.","This book provides a state-of-the-art introduction to categorial grammar, a type of formal grammar which analyses expressions as functions or according to a function-argument relationship. The book's focus is on linguistic, computational, and psycholinguistic aspects of logical categorial grammar, i.e. enriched Lambek Calculus.","I Lambeck Categorial Grammar; 1: Introduction; 2: Syntax; 3: Semantics; 4: Processing; II Logical Categorial Grammar; 5: Bracket Operators for Extraction; 6: Discontinuity Operators; 7: Additive Operators for Polymorphism; 8: Modality for Intensionality; III Further Processing Issues; 9: Aphasic Comprehension; 10: Lexico-Syntactic Interaction; 11: Memoising Lambek Theorem-proving; 12: Conclusion; A: Methematical Background; B: Prolog Implementation; References; Index",256,"246x171","Figures, Tables",,,"http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199589852",,"After receiving his degree in Computer Science from Cambridge (1984), Glyn Morrill completed an MSc and PhD in Cognitive Science at the Centre for Cognitive Science, University of Edinburgh, working on formal and computational grammar, and in particular categorial grammar. He has worked as a researcher at Edinburgh, Utrecht/Amsterdam and since 1991 has taught at the Departament de Llenguatges i Sistemes Informàtics, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya in the areas of logic, theory of computation, linguistics, and computational linguistics. He is the author of Type Logical Grammar: Categorial Logic of Signs (Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1994), and L`ogica de primer ordre (Edicions UPC, 2001). ",,,0199589852,," UK","Rights include: World"
    9780199585243,"Stannard, Russell","The End of Discovery","Are we approaching the boundaries of the knowable ",,,,"Hardback","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199585243","\2,850 "," 14.99",,"Sep-10","Trade Book"," Trade","AABA |T ACAT SCI: Science","PDZ |T Popular science; PH |T Physics","IP","Academic: Academic & Trade","General popular science readers and scientists and philosophers who wish to be brought up-to-date on areas of science outside their particular field","Fundamental science will one day come to an end, argues Russell Stannard. Ultimately there will be experiments too vast to finance, areas of knowledge the human brain cannot comprehend, evidence that forever eludes us. His book explores the likely boundaries of our quest to understand the nature of time, matter, consciousness, and the universe.","Introduction; 1: Brain and consciousness; 2: Creation of the cosmos; 3: The laws of nature; 4: The anthropic principle; 5: The size of the cosmos; 6: Extraterrestrial life; 7: The nature of space; 8: Space in relation to time; 9: The nature of time; 10: High energy physics; 11: The quantum world; 12: Quantum gravity and string theory; 13: Concluding remarks",240,"216x138","Approx 15 line drawings and 8 halftones",,"Lucid and provocative, it is a very polite corrective to both superstitions of the layman and the triumphalism of the experts. New Statesman 18/10/2010","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199585243","A lucid tour. Simon Mitton, THES 30/09/2010","Russell Stannard is Emeritus Professor of Physics at the Open University where for 21 years he headed the Department of Physics and Astronomy. A high energy nuclear physicist, he has carried out research at CERN in Geneva and at other laboratories in USA and Europe. Among his awards he has the OBE, he received the Bragg Medal from the Institute of Physics, and has been made Fellow of University College London. In 1986 he was awarded the Templeton Project Trust Award for significant contributions to the field of spirtual values; in particular for contributions to greater understanding of science and religion. His triology of Uncle Albert books introduces children of 10+ to relativity and quantum theory and he wrote Relativity: A Very Short Introduction in 2008.",,,0199585245,," UK","Rights include: World"
    9780199568918,"Ferber, Michael","Romanticism: A Very Short Introduction",,,,"Very Short Introductions ","Paperback","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199568918","\1,610 "," 7.99",,"Sep-10","Trade Book"," Trade","AAAJA |T Philosophy","D |T Literature & literary studies; HP |T Philosophy; AC |T History of art / art & design styles; AV |T Music","IP","Academic: Academic & Trade","General readers and students of literature, literary studies, and the arts.","Michael Ferber considers Romanticism in its time of growth in Western Europe, examining various types of Romantic literature, music, painting, religion, and philosophy. He provides examples and quotations throughout to demonstrate the diverse nature of the movement.","1: The word 'Romantic'; 2: Its origin as an outgrowth of the Sensibility movement; 3: The apotheosis or consecration of the poet; 4: Romanticism as an international movement; 5: Romanticism as a critique of society; 6: Romantic themes, images, symbols, or Stoff; 7: The Romantic system of the arts; 8: Romantic religion; 9: Decline of Romanticism",168,"174x111","Approx 15 black and white illustrations",,,"http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199568918",,"Michael Ferber is a Professor of English and Director of Graduate Studies at the University of New Hampshire. His research interests include romantic poetry, western literature from the Greeks forward, and war and peace studies.",,,"019956891X",," UK","Rights include: World"
    9780199567454,"Delahunty, Andrew; Dignen, Sheila","Adonis to Zorro","Oxford Dictionary of Reference and Allusion","Third ",,,"Hardback","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199567454","\3,800 "," 20.00",,"Sep-10","Language Reference"," Reference","AFEAA |T English","GBC |T Reference works; DSR |T Literary reference works; DSRC |T Literary companions","IP","Academic: Reference & Dictionaries","Students of English Literature and Language, non-native English speakers, and lovers of fictional literature in general.","An absorbing dictionary that clearly explains the meanings of references and allusions that are likely to be encountered in modern English. Drawing on the resources of the Oxford English Corpus, illustrative examples are provided for almost every entry. Fully cross-referenced and with a thematic index, it is ideal for browsing or quick reference.","Introduction; Oxford Dictionary of Reference and Allusion; Thematic Index",416,"234x156",,,,"http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199567454",,"Andrew Delahunty and Sheila Dignen are freelance lexicographers with many years' experience in writing dictionaries and other reference works. They have worked on a wide range of books including dictionaries for adults, children, and ELT. Sheila's recent publications include the Longman Business English Dictionary (2000), the Oxford Junior Dictionary (2007), and the Oxford Junior Thesaurus (2007). Andrew's recent publications include Talking Balls: A Guide to the Language of Sport (2006), the Oxford Primary Dictionary (2007), and From Bonbon to Cha-cha: Oxford Dictionary of Foreign Words and Phrases (2008).",,,"019956745X"," 9780198609193 Oxford Dictionary of Allusions |t Andrew Delahunty, Sheila Dignen, and Penny Stock |p 10/11/2005 |s 9,100"," UK","Rights include: World"
    9780199573400,"Sargent, Lyman Tower","Utopianism: A Very Short Introduction",,,,"Very Short Introductions ","Paperback","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199573400","\1,610 "," 7.99",,"Sep-10","Trade Book"," Trade","AAAJA |T Philosophy","HPS |T Social & political philosophy; JPA |T Political science & theory; HP |T Philosophy; JF |T Society & culture: general","IP","Academic: Academic & Trade","General readers and students of social and political thought and theology.","There are many debates about utopia - What constitutes a utopia Are utopias benign or dangerous The idea of utopia has become commonplace in social and political thought, both negatively and positively. This Very Short Introduction explores utopianism, its history, and its role in modern debates.","Preface and acknowledgements; 1: The forms of Utopian literature; 2: Intentional communities; 3: Nonwestern utopianism; 4: Settler/colonial utopianism; 5: Utopia and political theory; 6: Ideology and utopia; 7: Utopia and Christianity; Conclusion; References and further reading",160,"174x111","15 black and white halftones",,,"http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199573400",,"Lyman Sargent is a Fellow of the Stout Research Centre at the Victoria University of Wellington and a Professor Emeritus of Political Science at the University of Missouri-St. Louis. He is the primary bibliographer in the field of utopian literature and he founded the journal Utopian Studies and the Utopianism and Communitarian series published by Syracuse University Press. He has been awarded the Distinguished Scholar Award of both the Society for Utopian Studies and the Communal Studies Association.",,,0199573409,," UK","Rights include: World"
    9780199569700,"Zalasiewicz, Jan","The Planet in a Pebble","A journey into Earth's deep history",,,,"Hardback","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199569700","未定"," 16.99",,"Sep-10","Trade Book"," Trade","AABA |T ACAT SCI: Science","PDZ |T Popular science; RB |T Earth sciences; RBGF |T Historical geology","IP","Academic: Academic & Trade","Popular science readers interested in the Earth, its natural history and in geology/palaeontology, as well as university students and teachers.","In this narrative of the Earth's long and dramatic history, Jan Zalasiewicz shows how many events in the Earth's ancient past can be deciphered from a single pebble. He explores how geologists reach deep into the past by forensic analysis of even the tiniest amounts of mineral matter, demonstrating and revealing Earth's extraordinary story.","Prologue; 1: Stardust; 2: From the Depths of the Earth; 3: Distant Lands; 4: To the Rendezvous; 5: The Sea; 6: Ghosts Observed; 7: Ghosts in Absentia; 8: Where on Earth ; 9: Gold!; 10: The Oil Window; 11: Making Mountains; 12: Breaking the Surface; 13: Futures",256,"216x138","Approximately 8 halftones and 10 line drawings",,"It builds to a satisfying picture of how our planet's history is etched into every fragment of the pebble. New Scientist 18/09/2010","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199569700","Impressively skilful narrative...Geology has a gifted new popular science writer. New Scientist 18/09/2010","Jan Zalasiewicz is a Lecturer in Geology at the University of Leicester, before that working at the British Geological Survey. A field geologist, palaeontologist and stratigrapher, he teaches various aspects of geology and Earth history to undergraduate and postgraduate students, and is a researcher into fossil ecosystems and environments across over half a billion years of geological time. He has published over a hundred papers in scientific journals and is the author of The Earth After Us: What legacy will humans leave in the rocks (OUP, 2008).",,,0199569703,," UK","Rights include: World"
    9780199585854,"Crystal, David","Begat","The King James Bible and the English Language",,,,"Hardback","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199585854","\2,416 "," 14.99",,"Sep-10","Trade Book"," Trade","AAAG |T Linguistics","CBX |T Language: history & general works; HRCF |T Bibles","IP","Academic: Academic & Trade","The general public with an interest in the role of the King James Bible in the development of English, its place in English history, and its influence on myriad aspects of culture and speech throughout the English-speaking world.","The King James Bible has contributed more to English than any other source. In this enlightening book David Crystal asks why. He looks at how its words have been given new life by poets, playwrights, novelists, politicians, journalists, advertisers, film-makers, hip-hop artists, and many others. ","Prologue 1; Prologue 2; 1: In the beginning; 2: Let there be light; 3: Be fruitful and multiply; 4: Am I my brother's keeper ; 5: Two by two; 6: A coat of many colours; 7: Fire and brimstone; 8: Begat; 9: Thou shalt not; 10: Manna, milk, and honey; 11: Eyes, teeth, and loins; 12: What hath been wrought; 13: Bread alone; 14: How are the mighty fallen!; 15: The skin of one's teeth; 16: Out of the mouths of babes; 17: Pride goes before a fal; 18: Nothing new under the sun; 19: Fly in the ointment; 20: No peace for the wicked; 21: Be horribly afraid; Interlude; 22: Seeing the light; 23: Eyes, ears, cheeks; 24: Speaking, shouting, wailing, writing; 25: Shaking, turning, moving; 26: Many and few, first and last; 27: Fights, foes, fools, friends; 28: Praising faous men; 29: Sheep, goats, swine; 30: Money, wages, pearls, mites; 31: Blessed are the servants; 32: Heal thyself; 33: Times and seasons; 34: Birth, life, and death; 35: Countries, kingdoms, Armageddon; 36: Building houses, mansions, sepulchres; 37: Millstones, crosses, yokes, pricks; 38: Sowing seeds; 39: Salt and wine; 40: The law, judges, thieves, swords; 41: Love and charity; 42: Peace and patience, wrath, whore; Epilogue; Appendixes; Indexes",336,"216x135",,,,"http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199585854",,"David Crystal is the world's best known linguist. He is Honorary Professor of Linguistics at the University of Wales, Bangor. His books include Linguistics, Language and Religion (1965), The Stories of English (Penguin, 2004) The Fight for English (OUP 2006), and Just a Phrase I'm Going Through: my Life in Language (Routledge 2009). He has written extensively on religious language, including 'Linguistics and Liturgy' for Church Quarterly in 1969 and 'Language in Church' for The Tablet in 1985.",,,0199585857,," UK","Rights include: World"
    9780199550036,"Ross, Ian Simpson","The Life of Adam Smith",,"Second ",,,"Hardback","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199550036","\4,750 "," 25.00",,"Sep-10","Impact Book"," Academic","AACE |T Economics","BGH |T Biography: historical, political & military; KCA |T Economic theory & philosophy; HPQ |T Ethics & moral philosophy; HPCD1 |T Western philosophy: Enlightenment","IP","Academic: Academic & Trade","Academics, researchers, and students in economics, history, philosophy, and political science. General readers with an interest in Adam Smith, the Scottish Enlightenment and the eighteenth century.","This new edition of The Life of Adam Smith remains the only book to give a full account of Smith's life whilst also placing his work into the context of his life and times.","1: Kirkcaldy; 2: Boyhood; 3: Glasgow; 4: The Never to be Forgotten Hutcheson; 5: Oxford; 6: A Respectable Auditory; 7: Lectures on the History of Philosophy and Law; 8: Called to Glasgow University; 9: Teacher; 10: Publishing Scholar and Administrator; 11: The Making of the Theory of Moral Sentiments; 12: Criticism of the Theory of Moral Sentiments; 13: Travelling Tutor; 14: Transition; 15: Inquirer into the Wealth of Nations; 16: The American Crisis and the Wealth of Nations; 17: Euge! Belle! Dear Mr Smith; 18: Dialogue with a Dying Man; 19: Settlement in Edinburgh; 20: Economic Theorist as Commissioner of Customs; 21: Literary Pursuits; 22: Times of Hardship and Distress; 23: Legacy for Legislators; 24: The Precariousness of this Life; 25: The Great Change; Bibliography",624,"234x156","20 halftones",,,"http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199550036",,"Ian Simpson Ross is the biographer of Lord Kames, Smith's patron, and of the Scottish poet William Dunbar, and has edited, with E C Mossner, Smith's correspondence for the Glasgow edition of his works. He is Professor Emeritus of the University of British Columbia. ",,,0199550034,," UK","Rights include: World"
    9780192827630,"Bront\"es, The","Tales of Glass Town, Angria, and Gondal","Selected Early Writings",,,"Oxford World's Classics ","Paperback","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780192827630","未定"," 12.99",,"Sep-10","Trade Book"," Trade","AAAHAF |T C19 Literature","FC |T Classic fiction (pre c 1945); DC |T Poetry; DSY |T Children's literature studies: general; |T Short stories","IP","Academic: Academic & Trade","Readers of the Bront\"e novels, classic literature, and childhood writings, students of Victorian Studies, Romantic Studies, Nineteenth-century Literature, the Novel, Nineteenth-century poetry, and Children's Literature.","In this new edition the writings of the young Bront\"es - Charlotte, Emily, Anne, and Branwell - are presented together for the first time in a single volume. The fantasy worlds of Glass Town, Angria, and Gondal, experiments in romance and realism, provided a rich source for their later work and offer an insight into their developing creativity.",,688,"196x129","1 map; three MS facsimile pages",,"Extraordinary... Christine Alexander's imaginative and meticulous editing makes the juvenilia accessible for the first time. Samantha Ellis, Times Literary Supplement 05/11/2010","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780192827630","A fascinating piece of juvenilia. Colin Waters, Sunday Herald 10/10/2010","Christine Alexander is co-author (with Margaret Smith) of The Oxford Companion to the Bront\"es (2003). Her critical study on The Early Writings of Charlotte Bront\"e (1983) won the British Academy Rose Mary Crawshay Prize and she has edited a multi-volume Edition of the Early Writings of Charlotte Bront\"e (1987, 1991, vol. 3 forthcoming).",,,0192827634,," UK","Rights include: World"
    9780199601325,"Davies, Paul","Introduction to Company Law",,"Second ",,"Clarendon Law Series ","Hardback","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199601325","未定"," 50.00",,"Sep-10","Simultaneous HB & PB"," Academic Law Print","ACAB |T Company & Financial","LNCD |T Company law; LNH |T Employment & labour law","IP","Academic: Law - Academic","Undergraduates and postgraduates studying company law as part of their course, those studying associated disciplines, readers wanting a concise introduction to the subject.","This completely revised edition in the renowned Clarendon Law Series provides a structural overview of company law and is aimed at those coming to the subject for the first time and those seeking to put what they have already learned into an organised framework.","1: The Core Features of Company Law; 2: Corporate Personality; 3: Limiting Liability and Channelling Creditors' Claims; 4: Limited Liability: The Limits of Creditor Self-help; 5: Centralized Management I: Empowering Shareholders in Widely Held Companies; 6: Centralized Management II: Directors' Duties; 7: Centralized Management III: Setting the Board's Incentives; 8: Majority and Minority Shareholders; 9: Shareholder Control; 10: International Company Law",352,"216x135",,,,"http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199601325",,"Paul Davies became the Allen & Overy Professor of Company Law at the University of Oxford in 2009 and a Fellow of Jesus College, Oxford. Between 1998 and 2009 he was Cassel Professor of Commercial Law at the London School of Economics and Political Science. He was a member of the British Government's Steering Group for the Company Law Review (1999-2001), which led to the new Companies Act 2006. He is a Fellow of the European Corporate Governance Institute. His recent books include Introduction to Company Law ( 1st edition OUP, 2002), the 7th and 8th edition of Gower and Davies' Principles of Company Law (Thomson, 2003 and 2008) and (with a group of authors from other jurisdictions) The Anatomy of Corporate Law (OUP, 2004; 2nd ed, 2009). His most recent book addressing labour law is Towards a Flexible Labour Market, (OUP, 2007, with Mark Freedland). He was elected a Fellow of the British Academy in 2000; an honorary QC in 2006 and an honorary Bencher of Gray's Inn in 2007.",,,0199601321," 9780199249404 Introduction to Company Law |t Paul Davies |p May 2002 |s 4,165 life sales (Y1: 1,168)"," UK","Rights include: World"
    9780199207763,"Davies, Paul","Introduction to Company Law",,"Second ",,"Clarendon Law Series ","Paperback","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199207763","\4,180 "," 21.99",,"Sep-10","Academic Monograph"," Academic Law Print","ACAB |T Company & Financial","LNCD |T Company law; LNH |T Employment & labour law","IP","Academic: Law - Academic","Undergraduates and postgraduates studying company law as part of their course, those studying associated disciplines, readers wanting a concise introduction to the subject.","This completely revised edition in the renowned Clarendon Law Series provides a structural overview of company law and is aimed at those coming to the subject for the first time and those seeking to put what they have already learned into an organised framework.","1: The Core Features of Company Law; 2: Corporate Personality; 3: Limiting Liability and Channelling Creditors' Claims; 4: Limited Liability: The Limits of Creditor Self-help; 5: Centralized Management I: Empowering Shareholders in Widely Held Companies; 6: Centralized Management II: Directors' Duties; 7: Centralized Management III: Setting the Board's Incentives; 8: Majority and Minority Shareholders; 9: Shareholder Control; 10: International Company Law",352,"216x135",,,,"http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199207763",,"Paul Davies became the Allen & Overy Professor of Company Law at the University of Oxford in 2009 and a Fellow of Jesus College, Oxford. Between 1998 and 2009 he was Cassel Professor of Commercial Law at the London School of Economics and Political Science. He was a member of the British Government's Steering Group for the Company Law Review (1999-2001), which led to the new Companies Act 2006. He is a Fellow of the European Corporate Governance Institute. His recent books include Introduction to Company Law ( 1st edition OUP, 2002), the 7th and 8th edition of Gower and Davies' Principles of Company Law (Thomson, 2003 and 2008) and (with a group of authors from other jurisdictions) The Anatomy of Corporate Law (OUP, 2004; 2nd ed, 2009). His most recent book addressing labour law is Towards a Flexible Labour Market, (OUP, 2007, with Mark Freedland). He was elected a Fellow of the British Academy in 2000; an honorary QC in 2006 and an honorary Bencher of Gray's Inn in 2007.",,,0199207763," 9780199249404 Introduction to Company Law |t Paul Davies |p May 2002 |s 4,165 life sales (Y1: 1,168)"," UK","Rights include: World"
    9780199593811,"Adler, Paul S.","The Oxford Handbook of Sociology and Organization Studies","Classical Foundations",,,"Oxford Handbooks in Business and Management ","Paperback","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199593811","\5,220 "," 27.50",,"Sep-10","Academic Paperback"," Academic","AACD |T Business","JHBA |T Social theory; KJU |T Organizational theory & behaviour","IP","Academic: Academic & Trade","Academics, researchers, and advanced students of sociology and organization studies","This Handbook re-asserts the importance of classical sociology as a rich source of insight for contemporary work in organization studies, and demonstrates the way in which these pioneers were deeply engaged with practical, social, and political issues of their time, compared with the increasingly academic focus of research in more recent decades.","Part I: The Role of the Classics; 1: Paul Adler: Introduction: A Social Science which Forgets its Founders is Lost; 2: Patricia H. Thornton: The Value of the Classics; Part II: European Perspectives; 3: Richard Swedburg: Tocqueville as a Pioneer in Organization Theory; 4: Paul Adler: Marx and Organization Studies Today; 5: Richard Marens: It's Not Just for Communists any More: Marxian Political Economy and Organizational Theory; 6: Stewart Clegg and Michael Lounsbury: Weber:Sintering the Iron Cage: Translation, Domination, and Rationality; 7: Paul du Gay: Max Weber and the Ethics of Office; 8: Pamela S. Tolbert and Shon R. Hiatt: On Organizations and Oligarchies: Michels in 21st Century; 9: Frank Dobbin: How Durkheim's Theory of Meaning-making Influenced Organizational Sociology; 10: Paul Hirsch, Peer Fiss, and Amanda Hoel-Green: A Durkheimian Approach to Globalization; 11: Barbara Czarniawska: Gabriel Tarde and Organization Theory; 12: Alan Scott: Georg Simmel: The Individual and the Organization; 13: Rosabeth Moss Kanter and Rakesh Khurana: Types and Positions: The Significance of Georg Simmel's Structural Theories for Organizational Behavior; 14: Markus C. Becker and Thorbjòrn Knudsen: Schumpeter and the Organization of Entrepreneurship; 15: Ad van Iterson: Norbert Elias's Impact on Organization Studies; Part III: American Perspectives; 16: Gary G. Hamilton and Misha Petrovic: Thorstein Veblen and the Organization of the Capitalist Economy; 17: Stella M. Nkomo: The Sociology of Race: The Contributions of W. E. B. Du Bois; 18: Andrew Abbott: Organizations and the Chicago School; 19: Arne Carlsen: After James on Identity; 20: Michael D. Cohen: Reading Dewey: Some Implications for the Study of Routine; 21: Christopher Ansell: Mary Parker Follett and Pragmatist Organization; 22: Tim Hallett, David Shulman, and Gary Alan Fine: Peopling Organizations: The Promise of Classic Symbolic Interactionism for an Inhabited Institutionalism; 23: Andrew Van de Ven and Arik Lifschitz: John R. Commons: Back to the Future of Organization Studies; 24: Elisabeth S. Clemens: The Problem of the Corporation: Liberalism and the Large Organization; 25: Michael Reed: Bureaucratic Theory and Intellectual Renewal in Contemporary Organization Studies; 26: Heather Haveman: The Columbia School and the Study of Organizations: Why Organizations Have Lives of Their Own; 27: Charles Heckscher: Parsons as an Organization Theorist; Part IV: Afterword; 28: Gerald Davis and Mayer N. Zald: Afterword: Sociological Classics and the Canon in the Study of Organizations",704,"246x171",,"Andrew Abbott, University of Chicago, Paul Adler, University of Southern California, Chris Ansell, University of California, Berkeley, Mie Augier, Stanford University, Markus Becker, University of Southern Denmark, Stewart Clegg, University of Technology, Sydney, Lis Clemens, University of Chicago, Michael Cohen, University of Michigan, Barbara Czarniawska, Gothenberg Research Institute, G teborg University, Gerald Davis, University of Michigan, Frank Dobbin, Harvard University, Peer Fiss, University of Southern California, Paul du Gay, Copenhagen Business School Gary Hamilton, University of Washington, Heather Haveman, Columbia University, Charles Heckscher, Rutgers University, Shon Hiatt Cornell University, Paul Hirsch, Northwestern University, Amanda Hoel-Green, Northwestern University, Ad van Iterson, Maastrich University, Rosabeth Moss Kanter, Harvard Business School, Rakesh Khurana, Harvard Business School, Thorbj rn Knudsen, University of Southern Denmark, Arik Lifschitz, University of Minnesota, Michael Lounsbury , University of Alberta, Richard Marens, California State University, Sacramento, Marshall Meyer, the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, Stella Nkomo, University of South Africa, Misha Petrovic, National University of Singapore Mike Reed, Cardiff Business School, Cardiff University, Alan Scott, University of Innsbruck, Richard Swedberg, Cornell University, Pat Thornton, Duke University, Pamela Tolbert, Cornell University, Andrew Van de Ven, University of Minnesota, Meyer Zald, University of Michigan","provides excellent supplemental reading to orginal works of Karl Marx, Max Weber, Thorstein Veblen, and other notables within this field of research. Summing up: Recommended. L. L. Hansen, University of Massachusetts, Boston 30/04/2010","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199593811",,"Professor Adler began his education in Australia and moved to France in 1974. He received his doctorate in economics and management there while working as a Research Economist for the French government. He came to the USA in 1981, and before arriving at USC in 1991, he was affiliated with the Brookings Institution, Columbia University, the Harvard Business School, and Stanford's School of Engineering. His research and teaching focus on organization theory and design, strategic management and human resource management in R&D, engineering, software, healthcare, and manufacturing operations. He has served as chair of the Technology and Innovation Management Division and the Critical Management Studies Interest Group of the Academy of Management, and he has published widely in academic and managerial journals both in the U.S. and overseas. His most recent book was The Firm as a Collaborative Community: Reconstructing Trust in the Knowledge Economy (OUP, 2006). ",,,0199593817,," UK","Rights include: World"
    9780199277421,"Stump, Eleonore","Wandering in Darkness","Narrative and the Problem of Suffering",,,,"Hardback","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199277421","\10,450 "," 55.00",,"Sep-10","Academic Monograph"," Academic","AAAJA |T Philosophy","HRAB |T Philosophy of religion; HP |T Philosophy; HRA |T Religion: general","IP","Academic: Academic & Trade","Scholars and advanced students of philosophy and religion","Virtually no one would deny the extent and intensity of suffering in the world. Can one also consistently hold that there is an omniscient, omnipotent, perfectly good God In Wandering in Darkness, Eleonore Stump argues that the difficult questions raised by the problem of suffering can be considered best in the context of biblical narratives.","Incipit; Part I: The Nature of the Project; 1: Suffering, Theodicy, and Defense; 2: Philosophy and Narrative; 3: Narrative as a Means of Knowledge: Francis and Dominic; 4: Narrative and the Knowledge of Persons; Part II: The World at Large: Love and Loneliness; 5: The Nature of Love; 6: Union, Presence, and Omnipresence; 7: Willed Loneliness; 8: Other-worldly Redemption; Part III: The World of the Stories: Suffering in Particular; 9: The Story of Job: Suffering and the Second-personal; 10: The Story of Samson: Self-Destroying Evil; 11: The Story of Abraham: The Desires of the Heart; 12: The Story of Mary of Bethany: Heartbrokenness and Shame; Part IV: Other-worldly Theodicy: What We Care About in a Defense; 13: Theodicy in Another World; 14: What We Care About: the Desires of the Heart; 15: The Defense of the Defense: Suffering, Flourishing, and the Desires of the Heart; Desinit",688,"246x171",,,,"http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199277421",,"Eleonore Stump is The Robert J. Henle, SJ, Professor of Philosophy at Saint Louis University, where she has taught since 1992. She received a Ph.D. in medieval studies and medieval philosophy from Cornell University in 1975.",,,0199277427,," UK","Rights include: World"
    9780199250936,"Harper, Marjory; Constantine, Stephen","Migration and Empire",,,,"Oxford History of the British Empire Companion Series ","Hardback","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199250936","\6,650 "," 35.00",,"Sep-10","Impact Book"," Academic","AAAF |T History","HBTQ |T Colonialism & imperialism; HBLL |T Modern history to 20th century: c 1700 to c 1900; HBLW |T 20th century history: c 1900 to c 2000; RGC |T Human geography","IP","Academic: Academic & Trade","Scholars and Students of the British Empire; of migration studies; of post-colonialism; of historical geography","A unique comparative overview of the motives, means, and experiences of three main flows of empire migrants from the nineteenth century to the post-colonial period: UK migrants to white settler societies; non-white entrepreneurs and workers, relocating within Britain's empire; and empire immigrants coming into the UK, especially after 1945.","1: Introduction: The British Empire and Empire Migration, 1815 to the 1960s; 2: Crossing the Atlantic: Migrants and Settlers in Canada; 3: A Land of Perpetual Summer: Australian Experiences; 4: Sheep and Sunshine: New Zealand; 5: Africa South of the Sahara; 6: Exile into Bondage Non-White Migrants and Settlers; 7: Immigration and the Heart of Empire; 8: A Civilizing Influence The Female Migrant; 9: Children of the Poor: Child and Juvenile Migration; 10: The Emigration Business; 11: The Homecoming Migrant; 12: Afterword: The Politics of Migration and the End of Empire",400,"234x156",,,,"http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199250936",,,,,0199250936,," UK","Rights include: World"
    9780199588565,"Boogert, Maurits van den","Aleppo Observed","Ottoman Syria Through the Eyes of Two Scottish Doctors, Alexander and Patrick Russell",,,"Studies in the Arcadian Library ","Hardback","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199588565","未定"," 120.00",,"Sep-10","Academic Monograph"," Academic Commission","AAAF |T History","HBLL |T Modern history to 20th century: c 1700 to c 1900; RGR |T Geographical discovery & exploration; MBX |T History of medicine; PST |T Botany & plant sciences; PSV |T Zoology & animal sciences","IP","Academic: Academic & Trade","Historians of the Middle East, medicine, the Scottish Enlightenment, and natural historians","The Natural History of Aleppo, by Alexander and Patrick Russell, first published in 1756, was the first detailed study by a European of an Arab city. Maurits van den Boogert assesses the Russells' botanical and zoological discoveries and analyses their work in the context of medical practices of the time both in Europe and the Ottoman Empire.","Introduction; Part I: Alexander and Patrick Russell; 1: Alexander Russell; 2: Patrick Russell; Part II: Aleppo; 3: The City of Aleppo; 4: Natural History; 5: Medicine; 6: Ottoman Society and Arab Culture; Conclusion; Appendix: Patrick Russell's Translations of Additional Nights",160,"325x250","40 illustrations",,,"http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199588565",,"Dr van den Boogert has written extensively on Ottoman relations with the West in the pre-modern period, and is attached to the School of History at Leiden University. He is the academic project manager for the third edition of The Encycolpaedia of Islam at Brill Academic Publishers in Leiden. ",,,0199588562,," Arcadian Group","Rights include: World Rights exclude: India"
    9780197264690,"Hebgin-Barnes, Penny","The Medieval Stained Glass of Cheshire",,,,"Corpus Vitrearum Medii Aevi, Great Britain No. Summary Catalogue 9","Hardback","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780197264690","未定"," 110.00",,"Sep-10","Academic Monograph"," Academic Commission","AAAF |T History","ACK |T History of art: Byzantine & Medieval art c 500 CE to c 1400; ACN |T History of art & design styles: c 1400 to c 1600; WQH |T Local history; HBLC1 |T Medieval history; AFPS |T Stained glass: artworks","IP","Academic: Academic & Trade","Scholars and students of the history of medieval and early modern art, and local historians","This is a catalogue of the pre-Gothic Revival stained glass found at 50 sites in Cheshire. Highlights include windows demonstrating the Elizabethan religious settlement, a commemoration of the English Civil War, and 17th-century quarries depicting subjects such as English monarchs, classical sibyls, military drill and menial occupations.",,642,"297x210","24 colour plates",,,"http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780197264690",,,,,0197264697,," British Academy","Rights include: World Rights exclude: India"
    9780195438918,"Hutchison (deceased), Bruce; Palmer, Vaughn","The Unknown Country","Canada and Her People",,,,"Paperback","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780195438918","\2,310 "," 11.99",,"Sep-10","Academic Paperback"," Academic","AAAF |T History","HBJK |T History of the Americas; HBL |T History: earliest times to present day; HBTB |T Social & cultural history","IP","Academic: Academic & Trade","Readers interested in Canadian history, culture, and society, particularly Canada as it was prior to the Second World War.","From one of Canada's greatest journalists comes this classic study of the country's history, culture, and society. First published in 1942, The Unknown Country won the Governor General's Award for non-fiction and cemented Hutchison's reputation as the nation's pre-eminent political commentator. More than 60 years later, The Unknown Country offers an unforgettable portrait of a country hauntingly familiar yet lost beyond recall.","My Country; 1.: Chez Garneau; Mother of Canada; 2.: The Rock; Canadian Spring; 3.: The Wood Choppers; Letter from Montreal to Young Lady with Violets; 4.: Ville Marie; The Tower; 5.: Three O'Clock, Ottawa Time; Leaves Falling, Dead Men Calling; 6.: Made in Canada; The Ready Way to Canada; 7.: : The Wedge; Mrs. Noggins; 8.: General Brock's Bloody Hill; Winter; 9.: Wood, Wind, Water; The Names of Canada; 10.: Sailors' Town; The Queer Lady; 11.: The Home Town; The Trees; 12.: Fundy's Childre; The Geese; 13.: The Frontiersman; The Canadian; 14.: : The Men in Sheepskin Coats; Father's Plow; 15.: Drought and Glut; Never Go Back; 16.: The Promised Land; She's Quiet Tonight; 17.: The Lotus Eaters; The Buckskin; 18.: Cariboo Road; Index",416,"140x211",,,,"http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780195438918",,"Bruce Hutchison (1901 - 1992) was one of Canada's foremost journalists. His career spanned most of the 20th century and he was the recipient of many honours, including three Governor General's Awards for his works of non-fiction.",,,0195438914,," Canada","Rights include: World"
    9780198066415,"Apffel-Marglin, Fr d rique; Kumar, Sanjay; Mishra, Arvind","Interrogating Development","Insights from the Margins",,,,"Hardback","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780198066415","未定"," 35.00",,"Sep-10","Academic Monograph"," Academic","AACH |T Sociology","KCM |T Development economics; GTF |T Development studies; JHB |T Sociology; JFC |T Cultural studies; JFFA |T Poverty & unemployment","TO","Academic: Academic & Trade","The book will be of considerable interest to scholars and students of development studies, sociology, economics, and culture studies.","A new perspective on the role of culture in shaping the ambivalent attitude towards economic development of many marginalized people, this volume enables us to understand the specifics of Western modernism and modernism in India.","Introduction, Fr d rique Apffel-Marglin;; PART I: MARGIN/CENTER DYNAMICS, Introduction to Part I, Fr d rique Apffel-Marglin;; 1.: Cultural Perspectives on Sustainable Rural Livelihoods: Situating Cultural Practices of the Marginal Communities In India, Rahul Ghai and Sanjay Kumar;; 2.: Humiliation: Politics and Cultural Psychology of the Limits of Human Degradation, Ashis Nandy;; 3.: Pollution, Subsistence, Sustainability in USA Nationalism: The Symbolic Construction of 'Appalachia' as America's 'trash' People, Betsy Taylor;; 4.: Livelihoods and Cultural Codes: Pork and Pigs in Indian Culture, Maren Bellwinkel-Schempp; PART II: CULTURAL PRACTICES, Introduction to PART II, Fr d rique Apffel-Marglin;; 5.: The Potential of Fair Trade for Bio-Cultural Regeneration: The Case of the Oro Verde cooperative in Peru, Fr d rique Apffel-Marglin;; 6.: Representation, Resistance, and Identity: The Musahards of the Middle Gangetic Plain, Sanjay Kumar, Arvind Mishra, Badri Narayan, and Rafiul Ahmed;; 7.: Seeking Begumpura: Radical Bhakti and Dalit Social Movements, Gail Omvedt;; 8.: Qissa Mir-e-Alam: Experiences of reinvigorating sufiyana qalam tradition with marginalized musicians, Rahul Ghai;; PART III: QUESTIONING THE CAPABILITY APPROACH, Introduction to Part III, Fr d rique Apffel-Marglin;; 9.: Culture Matters in the Knowledge Economy, Linda Tuhiwai Smith;; 10.: How can the Capability Approach be used to Serve Marginalized Communities at the Grassroots Level , Ingrid Robeyns;; 11.: Language Disadvantage and Capability Deprivation of Tribal Mother Tongue Speakers, Ajit Mohanty;; 12.: . From Imperialism to Globalization by Way of Development, Stephen Marglin.",360,"215x140",,,,"http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780198066415",,"Frédérique Apffel-Marglin is Professor Emerita, Department of Anthropology at Smith College, Northampton, MA, USA ","Sanjay Kumar is Secretary, Deshkal Society, Delhi ","Arvind Kumar Mishra is Assistant Professor, Zakir Husain Centre for Educational Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi",0198066414,," India","Rights include: World"
    9780198068846,"Ghani, Ejaz","The Poor Half Billion in South Asia","What is Holding Back Lagging Regions ",,,,"Hardback","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780198068846","未定"," 35.00",,"Sep-10","Academic Monograph"," Academic","AACE |T Economics","KCM |T Development economics; KCB |T Macroeconomics; JFFA |T Poverty & unemployment","IP","Academic: Academic & Trade","Students and scholars of development economics, sociology, poverty studies, and conflict studies, as well as policymakers, NGOs, and development agencies.","This volume highlights the development challenges, successes, and failures of South Asia. The focus is on what is holding back growth and poverty reduction in certain regions, and what can be done about it.","List of Tables and Figures; Preface; The Poor Half Billion in South Asia: An Overview;; SECTION I: IMPROVING GROWTH IN LAGGING REGIONS;; 1.: Development Disparities and Peculiarities;; 2.: Are Lagging Regions Catching Up with Leading Regions ;; 3.: New Economic Geography and Market Access;; 4.: Do Lagging Regions Benefit from Trade;; 5.: . Is Growth Constrained by Institutions ;; 6.: Education Policies and Outcomes in Lagging Regions;; SECTION II: A NEW APPROACH TO REDUCING POVERTY;; 7.: Internal Conflict;; 8.: Is Decentralisation Helping the Lagging Regions;; 9.: How Important is Migration;; 10.: Stimulating Agricultural Growth; List of Contributors",416,"215x140",,,,"http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780198068846",,"Ejaz Ghani is Economic Adviser, South Asia Poverty Reduction and Economic Management, The World Bank, Washington D.C.",,,0198068840,," India","Rights include: World"
    9780195477085,"Parekh, Rauf","Oxford English-Urdu Mini Dictionary",,,,,"Flexicover","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780195477085","未定"," 7.99",,"Sep-10","Other Bilingual Dictionary"," Bilingual Dictionaries","AFEBH |T Other Modern Languages","CBDX |T Bilingual & multilingual dictionaries","IP","Academic: Reference & Dictionaries","Students, Libraries, general readers who are interested or familiar with both Urdu & English.","The Oxford English-Urdu Mini Dictionary is a mini version of our very popular The Little Oxford English-Urdu Dictionary, both in size and scope. With 705 pages and a size of 120 x 90 mm, it contains more than 33,000 entries and definitions explained in a very easy and simple style. In the available range of mini dictionaries in the market, it is the most comprehensive and affordable dictionary. Because of its size it is very handy to take along anywhere.",,"700pp","120 x 90",,,,"http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780195477085",,"Dr Rauf Parekh has an MA and PhD from the University of Karachi. He is a former Chief Editor of the Urdu Dictionary Board, Federal Ministry of Education. He is the compiler of the first Slang Urdu Dictionary. He is a critic of Urdu literature and regularly contributes to a leading daily, Dawn Karachi. He is presently teaching at the Department of Urdu, University of Karachi.",,,0195477081,," Pakistan","Rights include: World"
    9780195987478,"Nicol, Andrew; Steyn, Elmin","Handbook of Trauma 2e",,"Second ",,,"Paperback","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780195987478","未定"," 30.00",,"Sep-10","HE OUP"," HE Medicine / Dentristy","ABK |T Medicine","MMK |T Accident & emergency medicine","TO","Academic: Higher Education","Doctors, primary health care workers, nurses, medical students and emergency medical services personnel.","The Handbook of Trauma for Southern Africa is an invaluable resource for medical staff dealing with trauma patients in a rural or urban setting.","Part 1 Resuscitation and early management; 1: Prehospital Care; 2: Initial Assessment; 3: Cardiopulmonary resuscitation; 4: Airway management; 5: Shock and fluid therapy; 6: Blood transfusion therapy; 7: Emergency procedures; 8: Practical aspects of the trauma laparotomy; 9: Damage control surgery; 10: Radiology; 11: Pain management; Part 2 Regional injuries and management; 12: Head injuries; 13: Spinal Injuries; 14: Maxillofacial injuries; 15: Ear and nasal injuries; 16: The injured eye; 17: Injuries to the structures of the neck; 18: Cardiac injuries; 19: Blunt chest injuries; 20: Penetrating chest injuries; 21: Abdominal injuries; 22: Splenic injuries; 23: Liver injuries; 24: Pancreatic injuries; 25: Vascular injuries; 26: Urinary tract injuries; 27: Resuscitative management of the pelvic fracture; 28: Crush injury and myoglobinaemia; 29: H and injuries; 30: Fractures and dislocations; 31: Emergency care of the sexual assault survivor; Part 3 High risk patients; 32: Trauma in the elderly; 33: The injured child; 34: Trauma in pregnancy; 35: HIV and trauma; Part 4 Specific mechanisms of injury and their management; 36: Burns; 37: Barotrauma and decompression injury; 38: Non-accidental trauma; 39: Gunshot wounds and blast injuries; 40: Bites and toxic stings; Part 5 Prevention and management of complications; 41: Respiratory failure; 42: Accidental hypothermia; 3: Acute renal dysfunction; 44: Abdominal compartment syndrome; 45: Antibiotic use in trauma; 46: Nutritional support in trauma; 47: Psychological trauma; Part 6 Trauma-related issues; 48: Scoring systems in trauma; 49: Medicolegal aspects of trauma; 50: Brain death and organ donation",504,,,,,"http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780195987478",,"A. Nicol, E. Steyn",,,0195987470,," South Africa","Rights include: World"
    9780199739950,"Ross, Benjamin; Amter, Steven","The Polluters","The Making of Our Chemically Altered Environment",,1,,"Hardback","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199739950","\3,350 ",,"$27.95","Sep-10","Academic Monograph"," Academic Science","AHBE |T Chemistry","TQK |T Pollution control; RN |T The environment; RNP |T Pollution & threats to the environment; HBLW |T 20th century history: c 1900 to c 2000","OO","Academic: Science","General readers interested in environment; environmental professionals; students at undergraduate level; historians specializing in environmental history, 20th century political history, and business history; chemists; public health professionals; lawyers specializing in environmental litigation","The Polluters brings to light a previously untold story of personal struggle, scientific conflict, and political intrigue over the environment. Research was slanted, unwelcome discoveries were suppressed, and political strings were pulled as the expanding chemical industry set loose a flood of environmental damage that still engulfs us.","1.: The Sorcerer's Apprentices ; Part I - Summoning the Spirits ; 2.: Pollution Goes to Washington; 3.: The Rise of the Chemical Industry; 4.: Royd Sayers' Service Bureau; Part II - Fetching a Flood ; 5.: The Miracle Bug-Killer; 6.: Wilhelm Hueper and Environmental Cancer; 7.: - Bad Air in Los Angeles; 8.: Donora's Strangler Smog; 9.: A New Deal for Clean Water; 10.: Deregulating California's Water; 11.: The Stealth Pollutants; Part III - Holding Back the Deluge ; 12.: DuPont Tries to Clean Up; 13.: The Industry Responds; 14.: From Donora to Love Canal; 15.: Epilogue: Convenient Hopes and Inconvenient Truths",256,"235x156","33 halftones",,,"http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199739950",,"Benjamin Ross is both environmental scientist and commentator on current affairs. He has served on committees of the National Academy of Sciences and the USEPA Science Advisory Board and writes frequently in Dissent magazine. Steven Amter is a hydrogeologist at the Washington consulting firm of Disposal Safety Inc. He specializes in the history of pollution.",,,0199739951,," USA","Rights include: World"
    9780199753932,"Lawrence, Mark Atwood","The Vietnam War","A Concise International History",,1,,"Paperback","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199753932","\1,790 ",,"$14.95","Sep-10","Academic Paperback"," Academic","AAAF |T History","HBWS2 |T Vietnam War; HBLW3 |T Postwar 20th century history, from c 1945 to c 2000; HBJF |T Asian history; HBJK |T History of the Americas","IP","Academic: Academic & Trade","General educated readership and undergraduate, Vietnam War, diplomatic history","THE VIETNAM WAR examines the origins, course, and consequences of the wars in Vietnam, providing a balanced, broadly accessible narrative that takes account of the latest research in multiple languages and reflects changing scholarly understandings of the war.","Introduction; 1.: The Roots of Revolution; 2.: Colonialism and Cold War; 3.: . An Anguished Peace; 4.: Escalation; 5.: War on Many Fronts; 6.: . The Tet Offensive; 7.: The End of the American War; 8.: Wars Unending; Further Reading",224,"210x140","21 maps & halftones",,"Crisply concise.... Delves into the 'whys' of the war: why the Vietnamese fought against the United States, why the great powers were involved, why the war turned out as it did and why legacies of the war linger.-Philip Seib,Dallas Morning News","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199753932","[A] succinct history of a frustrating war that raised several painful issues America's leaders are now encountering for a second time.... A pithy and compelling account of an intensely relevant topic.-Kirkus Reviews","Mark Atwood Lawrence is a former correspondent for the Associated Press and Associate Professor of History at the University of Texas at Austin. His book Assuming the Burden (2007) won the George Louis Beer Prize and Paul Birdsall Prize of the American Historical Association.",,,0199753938,," USA","Rights include: World"
    9780199751259,"Warren, Mark R.","Fire in the Heart","How White Activists Embrace Racial Justice",,1,"Oxford Studies in Culture and Politics ","Paperback","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199751259","未定",,"$24.95","Sep-10","Simultaneous HB & PB"," Academic","AACH |T Sociology","JFSL |T Ethnic studies; JPA |T Political science & theory; JPVH |T Human rights","IP","Academic: Academic & Trade","Students and scholars in sociology, political science, education, and social work; activists in racial and social justice efforts; students preparing to work in communities of color through education and social work; broader public interested in the state of American race relations and issues of racial and social justice.","Fire in the Heart presents an in-depth study of the processes through which white Americans become activists for racial justice. Warren shows how activists in community organizing, education and criminal justice reform develop a commitment to racial justice not just because it is the right thing to do but because they embrace the cause as their own.","Preface: \"Embracing What is Right\"; 1.: Introduction: From White Passivity to Racial Justice Activism; 2.: Starting Down the Road: Seminal Experiences and the Moral Impulse to Act; 3.: From Do-gooder to Deeper Commitment: Relationships with People of Color; 4.: Getting to the \"Want to\": Moral Visions and the Purposeful Life; 5.: Working with White People: Challenging Racism in the Context of Inclusion; 6.: Multiracial Collaboration: Creating \"Right Relationships\" under the \"Weight of History\"; 7.: \"Where Do I Fit \": Building New Identities in Multiracial Communities; 8.: Conclusion: Head, Heart and Hand; Appendix: The Telling and the Told: Notes on Research Methods and Data; List of Activists and Their Organizational Affiliations; Notes; References; Index",336,"235x156","1 black and white illustration",,,"http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199751259",,"Mark R. Warren is Associate Professor of Education at Harvard University. He is a sociologist and has published widely on community organizing and on efforts to build alliances across race and class to revitalize urban communities, reform public education and expand democracy.",,,0199751250,," USA","Rights include: World"
    9780199751242,"Warren, Mark R.","Fire in the Heart","How White Activists Embrace Racial Justice",,1,"Oxford Studies in Culture and Politics ","Hardback","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199751242","未定",,"$99.00","Sep-10","Simultaneous HB & PB"," Academic","AACH |T Sociology","JFSL |T Ethnic studies; JPA |T Political science & theory; JPVH |T Human rights","TO","Academic: Academic & Trade","Students and scholars in sociology, political science, education, and social work; activists in racial and social justice efforts; students preparing to work in communities of color through education and social work; broader public interested in the state of American race relations and issues of racial and social justice.","Fire in the Heart presents an in-depth study of the processes through which white Americans become activists for racial justice. Warren shows how activists in community organizing, education and criminal justice reform develop a commitment to racial justice not just because it is the right thing to do but because they embrace the cause as their own.","Preface: \"Embracing What is Right\"; 1.: Introduction: From White Passivity to Racial Justice Activism; 2.: Starting Down the Road: Seminal Experiences and the Moral Impulse to Act; 3.: From Do-gooder to Deeper Commitment: Relationships with People of Color; 4.: Getting to the \"Want to\": Moral Visions and the Purposeful Life; 5.: Working with White People: Challenging Racism in the Context of Inclusion; 6.: Multiracial Collaboration: Creating \"Right Relationships\" under the \"Weight of History\"; 7.: \"Where Do I Fit \": Building New Identities in Multiracial Communities; 8.: Conclusion: Head, Heart and Hand; Appendix: The Telling and the Told: Notes on Research Methods and Data; List of Activists and Their Organizational Affiliations; Notes; References; Index",336,"235x156","1 black and white illustrations",,,"http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199751242",,"Mark R. Warren is Associate Professor of Education at Harvard University. He is a sociologist and has published widely on community organizing and on efforts to build alliances across race and class to revitalize urban communities, reform public education and expand democracy.",,,0199751242,," USA","Rights include: World"
    9780199742646,"Frankel, Jonathan; Mendelsohn, Ezra","The Protestant-Jewish Conundrum","Studies in Contemporary Jewry Volume XXIV",,1,"Studies in Contemporary Jewry ","Hardback","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199742646","未定",,"$55.00","Sep-10","Academic Monograph"," Academic","AAAF |T History","JFSR1 |T Jewish studies; HRAX |T History of religion; HRAM9 |T Religious intolerance, persecution & conflict","IP","Academic: Academic & Trade","Scholars in modern Jewish studies","Volume 24 of the annual Studies in Contemporary Jewry takes up the problem of relations between the various Protestant churches and Jews, Judaism, and the State of Israel.","Symposium: The Protestant-Jewish Conundrum; Introduction: Volume 24, Jonathan Frankel, and the Future of Studies in Contemporary Jewry - Ezra Mendelsohn (The Hebrew University); The One and the Many: Unity and Diversity in Protestant Attitudes toward the Jews - Yaakov Ariel (University of North Carolina); Confronting the Past: Post-1945 German Protestant Theology and the Fate of the Jews - Susannah Heschel (Dartmouth College); The Passion of the Christ and Its Ramifications with Reference to the Protestant Churches and Christian-Jewish Relations - Peter A. Pettit (Muhlenberg College); The Attitude of the World Council of Churches (WCC) toward the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict - Haim Genizi (Bar-Ilan University); The Presbyterian-Jewish Impasse - Christopher M. Leighton (Institute for Christian & Jewish Studies, Baltimore); The Protestant Problem(s) of American Jewry - Mark Silk (Trinity College); American Evangelicals and Israel: A Complicated Alliance - Timothy P. Weber (Fuller Theological Seminary); A \"Universal Temple\" Jewish-Christian Collaboration in Plans to Reestablish the Holy Temple in Jerusalem - Motti Inbari (University of North Carolina at Pembroke); Essay: Between Socialism and Jewish Tradition: Bundist Holiday Culture in Interwar Poland - Daniel Mahla (Columbia University); Review Essays; The Second Edition of the Encyclopedia Judaica: \"Snapshot\" or \"Lasting Monument\" - Roger Kohn (Library of Congress); Is There a \"Jewish\" Morality Amalek as a Touchstone - Dan Avnon (Hebrew University)",312,"235x156",,,,"http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199742646",,"The Studies in Contemporary Jewry series is edited by Jonathan Frankel, Eli Lederhendler, Peter Y. Medding, and Ezra Mendelsohn, who teach Jewish history, society, and politics at The Hebrew University in Jerusalem.",,,0199742642,," USA","Rights include: World"
    9780199734085,"Lee, Erika; Yung, Judy","Angel Island","Immigrant Gateway to America",,1,,"Hardback","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199734085","\3,350 ",,"$27.95","Sep-10","Academic Monograph"," Academic","AAAF |T History","HBJK |T History of the Americas; HBLW |T 20th century history: c 1900 to c 2000; JFFN |T Migration, immigration & emigration","IP","Academic: Academic & Trade","California history, history of immigration, history of race and ethnicity, transnational history","In this landmark book, historians Erika Lee and Judy Yung (both descendants of immigrants detained on the island) provide the first comprehensive history of the Angel Island Immigration Station.",,400,"235x156","100 black and white halftones",,,"http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199734085",,"Erika Lee is Associate Professor of History and Asian American Studies at the University of Minnesota. She is the author of At America's Gates: Chinese Immigration during the Exclusion Era, 1882-1943. Judy Yung is Professor Emerita of American Studies at the University of California, Santa Cruz. Her books include Island: Poetry and History of Chinese Immigrants on Angel Island and Unbound Feet: A Social History of Chinese Women in San Francisco. ",,,0199734089,," USA","Rights include: World"
    9780199732166,"Centeno, Miguel Angel; Newman, Katherine","Discrimination in an Unequal World",,,1,,"Hardback","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199732166","未定",,"$99.00","Sep-10","Simultaneous HB & PB"," Academic","AACH |T Sociology","JFFJ |T Social discrimination; JFFS |T Globalization; JNAM |T Moral & social purpose of education","TO","Academic: Academic & Trade","Students and scholars of discrimination, inequality, and globalization in the social sciences.","Discrimination in an Unequal World explores the relationship between discrimination and inequality by comparing and examining what effect globalization has had on discrimination. Investigating a broad variety of social relations and practices with an equally broad array of methods, it establishes a base with which to effectively compare the varying forms of discrimination of different societies.","Preface; Part I: Studying Global Discrimination; 1.: Miguel Angel Centeno, \"Discrimination in an Unequal World\"; 2.: Thomas Weisskopf, \"Reflections on Globalization, Discrimination, and Affirmative Action\"; 3.: Devah Pager, \"Measuring Discrimination\"; Part II: Case Studies; 4.: Jeremy Seekings, \"Racial and Class Discrimination in Assessments of Desert in Post-Apartheid Cape Town\"; 5.: Justine Burns, \"Race and Trust in a Segmented Society\"; 6.: Michael Cosser, \"Race and Opportunity in the Transition from School to Higher Education in South Africa\"; 7.: Carlos Antonio Costa Ribeiro, \"Class, race, and Social Mobility in Brazil\"; 8.: Kunihiro Kimura, \"Trends of Sex Discrimination in Japan, 1965-2000: The Gender Gap in Wage and the 'Marriage Bar'\"; 9.: Koyo Miyoshi, \"Male-Female Wage Differentials in Japan.\"; 10.: . Katherine Newman and Ashwini Deshpande, \"Roadblocks at the High End: The Role of Caste in Post- University Employment\"; 11.: Katherine S. Newman and Surinder S. Jodhka, \"The Language of Globalization: Meritocracy, Productivity and the Persistence of Caste-Based Stereotypes among Indian Employers\"; 12.: Paul Attewell, Sukhadeo Thorat \"Caste is not Past: The Persistence of Discrimination in India's Formal Labor Market\"; 13.: Paul Attewell and S. Madheswaran. \"The Price of Globalization: Wage Penalties and Caste Inequality in Liberal India\"",336,"235x156",,,,"http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199732166",,"Miguel Centeno is Professor of Sociology and International Affairs at Princeton University. Katherine Newman is the Malcolm Stevenson Forbes Class of 1941 Professor of Sociology and Public Affairs at Princeton University.",,,0199732167,," USA","Rights include: World"
    9780199732173,"Centeno, Miguel Angel; Newman, Katherine","Discrimination in an Unequal World",,,1,,"Paperback","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199732173","未定",,"$27.95","Sep-10","Simultaneous HB & PB"," Academic","AACH |T Sociology","JFFJ |T Social discrimination; JFFS |T Globalization; JNAM |T Moral & social purpose of education","IP","Academic: Academic & Trade","Students and scholars of discrimination, inequality, and globalization in the social sciences.",,"Preface; Part I: Studying Global Discrimination; 1.: Miguel Angel Centeno, \"Discrimination in an Unequal World\"; 2.: Thomas Weisskopf, \"Reflections on Globalization, Discrimination, and Affirmative Action\"; 3.: Devah Pager, \"Measuring Discrimination\"; Part II: Case Studies; 4.: Jeremy Seekings, \"Racial and Class Discrimination in Assessments of Desert in Post-Apartheid Cape Town\"; 5.: Justine Burns, \"Race and Trust in a Segmented Society\"; 6.: Michael Cosser, \"Race and Opportunity in the Transition from School to Higher Education in South Africa\"; 7.: Carlos Antonio Costa Ribeiro, \"Class, race, and Social Mobility in Brazil\"; 8.: Kunihiro Kimura, \"Trends of Sex Discrimination in Japan, 1965-2000: The Gender Gap in Wage and the 'Marriage Bar'\"; 9.: Koyo Miyoshi, \"Male-Female Wage Differentials in Japan.\"; 10.: . Katherine Newman and Ashwini Deshpande, \"Roadblocks at the High End: The Role of Caste in Post- University Employment\"; 11.: Katherine S. Newman and Surinder S. Jodhka, \"The Language of Globalization: Meritocracy, Productivity and the Persistence of Caste-Based Stereotypes among Indian Employers\"; 12.: Paul Attewell, Sukhadeo Thorat \"Caste is not Past: The Persistence of Discrimination in India's Formal Labor Market\"; 13.: Paul Attewell and S. Madheswaran. \"The Price of Globalization: Wage Penalties and Caste Inequality in Liberal India\"",336,"235x156",,,,"http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199732173",,"Miguel Centeno is Professor of Sociology and International Affairs at Princeton University. Katherine Newman is the Malcolm Stevenson Forbes Class of 1941 Professor of Sociology and Public Affairs at Princeton University.",,,0199732175,," USA","Rights include: World"
    9780841200067,"Liebert, Tim; Heinze, Thomas; Edgar, Kevin","Cellulose Solvents: For Analysis, Shaping and Chemical Modification",,,1,"ACS Symposium Series No. 1033","Hardback","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780841200067","未定",,"$175.00","Sep-10","Academic Monograph"," Academic Science","AHBE |T Chemistry","PNNP |T Polymer chemistry; PDN |T Scientific equipment, experiments & techniques; TQ |T Environmental science, engineering & technology","IP","Academic: Science","Scientists new in the field, as well as experts who are looking for new approaches for problems related to cellulose shaping or chemical modification","This book will give an overview of the current state-of-the-art concerning the activation and dissolution of cellulose in a broad variety of solvents. Research on this topic can lead to new pathways for the utilization of the most abundant terrestrial biomolecule and may therefore be the basis for new green strategies towards advanced materials.","Contents; Approaches for the Dissolution of Cellulose; 1.: Cellulose Solvents - Remarkable History, Bright Future; Tim Liebert; 2.: Design of Polar Ionic Liquids To Solubilize Cellulose without Heating; Yukinobu Fukaya, Kensaku Hayashi, Seung Seob Kim and Hiroyuki Ohno; 3.: Advances in Aqueous Cellulose Solvents; Ang Lue and Lina Zhang; 4.: Molten Inorganic Salts as Reaction Medium for Cellulose; S. Fischer and K. Th mmler; 5.: Dimethyl Sulfoxide and Ammonium Fluorides - Novel Cellulose Solvents; Thomas Heinze and Sarah K"hler; Interaction of Solvents with Cellulose; 6.: Hydrogen Bond Acceptor Properties of Ionic Liquids and Their Effect on Cellulose Solubility; M. Sellin, B. Ondruschka and A. Stark; 7.: On the Specific Behaviour of Native Cellulose Fibers upon Dissolution; N. Le Moigne and P. Navard; 8.: Side Reactions in the System Cellulose/1-Alkyl-3-methyl-imidazolium Ionic Liquid; Michael Schrems, Gerald Ebner, Falk Liebner, Ernst Becker, Antje Potthast and Thomas Rosenau; 9.: Cellulose Solubility: Dissolution and Analysis of \"Problematic\" Cellulose Pulps in the Solvent System DMAc/LiCl; Ute Henniges, Sonja Schiehser, Thomas Rosenau and Antje Potthast; 10.: Comparison of Solution-State Properties of Cellulose Dissolved in NaOH/Water and in Ionic Liquid (EMIMAc); T. Budtova, M. Egal, R. Gavillon, M. Gericke, T. Heinze, T. Liebert, C. Roy, K. Schlufter and P. Navard; 11.: Aspects of the Interaction of Native and Synthetic Polymers with Direct Dissolving Liquids; B. Kosan, K. Schwikal, S. Hesse-Ertelt, A. Nechwatal, F. Hermanutz and F. Meister; 12.: Effect of Enzymatic Treatment on Solubility of Cellulose in 7.6%NaOH-Water and Ionic Liquid; Peter Rosenberg, Tatiana Budtova, Monika Rom and Pedro Fardim; Modifications of Cellulose using Solvents; 13.: Non-Halide Ionic Liquids for Solvation, Extraction, and Processing of Cellulosic Materials; Michael Hummel, Gerhard Laus, Alexander Schw rzler, Gino Bentivoglio, Egon Rubatscher, Holger Kopacka, Klaus Wurst, Volker Kahlenberg, Thomas Gelbrich, Ulrich J. Griesser, Thomas R"der, Hedda K. Weber,; Herwig Schottenberger and Herbert Sixta; 14.: Properties of Cellulose/TiO2 Fibers Processed from Ionic Liquids; Mirela L. Maxim, Ning Sun, Richard P. Swatloski, Mustafizur Rahman, Adam G. Harland, Anwarul Haque, Scott K. Spear, Daniel T. Daly and Robin D. Rogers; 15.: Novel Cellulose Products Prepared by Homogeneous Functionalization of Cellulose in Ionic Liquids; Susann Dorn, Michael Sch"bitz, Kerstin Schlufter and Thomas Heinze; 16.: Dissolution of Cellulose in Ionic Liquids and Its Application for Cellulose Processing and Modification; Liu ChuanFu, Sun RunCang, Zhang AiPing and Li WeiYing; 17.: Imidazolium Based Ionic Liquids as Solvents for Cellulose Chemistry; J rgen Vitz, Tina Erdmenger and Ulrich S. Schubert; 18.: Structure-Property Relationship of Cellulose Ethers - Influence of the Synthetic Pathway on Cyanoethylation; B. Volkert, W. Wagenknecht and M. Mai; 19.: Opportunities with Wood Dissolved in Ionic Liquids; Haibo Xie, Ilkka Kilpel inen, Alistair King, Timo Leskinen, Paula J rvi and Dimitris S. Argyropoulos; 20.: Advances in Cellulose Solvent- and Organic Solvent-Based Lignocellulose Fractionation (COSLIF); Y.-H. Percival Zhang, Zhiguang Zhu, Joe Rollin and Noppadon Sathitsuksanoh; Indexes; Author Index; Subject Index",424,"227x152",,,,"http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780841200067",,"Tim F. Libert is Head of the group \"Innovative concepts for the modification of cellulose\" in the frame of the Center of Excellence for Polysaccharide Research Jena. Thomas Heinze is Professor of Organic Chemistry at the University of Jena Kevin Edgar is a Technology Fellow in the Research Laboratories of Eastman Chemical Company.",,,0841200068,," USA","Rights include: World"
    9780841225398,"Ogunsola, Olayinka; Hartstein, Arthur; Ogunsola, Olubunmi","Oil Shale: A Solution to the Liquid Fuel Dilemma",,,1,"ACS Symposium Series No. 1032","Hardback","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780841225398","未定",,"$150.00","Sep-10","Academic Monograph"," Academic Science","AHBE |T Chemistry","THF |T Fossil fuel technologies; THX |T Alternative & renewable energy sources & technology; PN |T Chemistry; TQ |T Environmental science, engineering & technology","IP","Academic: Science","The book will be useful to technology developers, investors, decision makers both in the private and public sectors, environmental regulators, researchers and academia.","This symposium series book describes recent research and developments of various aspects (characteristics, production, processing, upgrading, utilization, environmental, socio-economics, policy, and legal) of oil shale.","Contents; Preface; Overview; 1.: An Overview of Oil Shale Resources; Emily Knaus, James Killen, Khosrow Biglarbigi, and Peter Crawford; 2.: New Challenges and Directions in Oil Shale Development Technologies; Peter M. Crawford and James C. Killen; Resource Assessment and Geology; 3.: Lake Level Controlled Sedimentological Heterogenity of Oil Shale, Upper Green River Formation, Eastern Uinta Basin, Utah; William Gallin, M. Royhan Gani, Milind Deo, Nahid DS Gani, and Michael D. Vanden Berg; Chemistry and Process Modeling; 4.: Thermodynamics of Shale Oil Production James W. Bunger and Christopher P. Russell; 5.: Molecular Composition of Shale Oil; James W. Bunger, Christopher P. Russell, and Donald E. Cogswell; 6.: Chemistry and Kinetics of Oil Shale Retorting; Alan K. Burnham; 7.: Modeling of the In-Situ Production of Oil from Oil Shale; Jacob H. Bauman, Chung Kan Huang, M. Royhan Gani, and Milind D. Deo; Industrial Oil Shale Processes; 8.: AMSO's Novel Approach to In-Situ Oil Shale Recovery; Alan K. Burnham, Roger L. Day, Michael P. Hardy, and P. Henrik Wallman; 9.: Shell's In Situ Conversion Process From Laboratory to Field Pilots; Robert C. Ryan, Thomas D. Fowler, Gary L. Beer, and Vijay Nair; 10.: ExxonMobil's ElectrofracM Process for In Situ Oil Shale Conversion; W. A. Symington, R. D. Kaminsky, W. P. Meurer, G. A. Otten, M. M. Thomas, and J. D. Yeakel; Environmental Issues; 11.: Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Oil Shale Derived Liquid Fuels; Adam R. Brandt, Jeremy Boak, and Alan K. Burnham; 12.: A Review of Activities To Address the Environmental Impacts of Oil Shale Development; David K. Olsen, Arthur Hartstein, and David R. Alleman; Economics, Legal, Policy and Social Issues; 13.: Economics of Oil Shale Development; Khosrow Biglarbigi, James Killen, Hitesh Mohan, Marshall Carolus, and Jeffrey Stone; 14.: Resource Management Challenges in the Context of Potential Oil Shale Development; Kirsten Uchitel, John Ruple, and Robert Keiter; Indexes; Author Index; Subject Index",336,"227x152",,,,"http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780841225398",,"Dr. Olayinka Ogunsola joined the U.S. Department of Energy in 2000 as a program manager, managing various R&D programs, including oil shale and oil sands. Dr. Arthur Hartstein started his government career in the U.S. Bureau of Mines and in 1977 he joined the new U.S. Department of Energy. In both agencies, he developed and implemented their Oil Shale R&D Program. In that capacity, he participated in the last oil shale boom and bust and the recent new interest in oil shale development. Dr. Olubunmi Ogunsola is President and Chief Executive Officer of Tryby Energy, Minerals and Environmental Corporation (TEMEC)",,,0841225397,," USA","Rights include: World"
    9780199571666,"Pattman, Richard; Sankar, Nathan; Elawad, Babiker; Handy, Pauline; Price, David Ashley","Oxford Handbook of Genitourinary Medicine, HIV, and Sexual Health",,"Second ",,"Oxford Handbooks Series ","Flexicovers","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199571666","未定"," 29.95",,"Sep-10","Pocket Handbook"," Medicine","ADCF |T Genitourinary Medicine","MJS |T Urology & urogenital medicine; MJCJ |T Infectious & contagious diseases; MJCJ2 |T HIV / AIDS; MBPC |T General practice; MFKC |T Reproductive medicine; MJT |T Gynaecology & obstetrics; MQC |T Nursing","IP","Academic: Medicine","Aimed primarily at F1 and F2 trainee level doctors and specialist training grade doctors in GUM and infectious diseases, specialists, GPs, medical students, and specialist nurses in GUM, infectious diseases, and primary care. This book will also appeal to specialists with over-lapping interests (e.g. obstetrics & gynaecology, urology, dermatology, microbiology, accident & emergency), and other professionals working in sexual health.","This practical handbook gives evidence-based information on genitourinary medicine, HIV, and sexual health. It includes digestible clinical detail alongside practical information on medico-legal, ethical, and procedural issues. This new edition has been updated throughout and features new sections on contraception and genital dermatology. ","1: The genitourinary medicine service; 2: Ethical and medico-legal issues; 3: The standard clinic process and sexual health in primary care; 4: Investigations and microscopy; 5: Specific genitourinary situations; 6: Syphilis; 7: Gonorrhoea; 8: Chlamydia trachomatis infections; 9: Non-chlamydial non-specific genital infection; 10: Pelvic inflammatory disease; 11: Prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome; 12: Epididymitis, orchitis, epididymo-orchitis; 13: Sexually acquired reactive arthritis; 14: Bacterial vaginosis and anaerobic balanitis; 15: Trichomoniasis; 16: Genital candidiasis; 17: Tropical genital and sexually acquired infections; 18: Endemic treponematoses; 19: Proctocolitis and enteric sexually acquired infections; 20: Urinary tract infection; 21: Anogenital herpes; 22: Anogenital warts; 23: Molluscum contagiosum; 24: Sexually acquired viral hepatitis; 25: Other viral infections; 26: Scabies (Sarcoptes scabiei var hominis); 27: Pediculosis; 28: Anogenital dermatoses; 29: Cervical neoplasia; 30: Vulval pain syndromes; 31: Streptococcal and staphylococcal infections; 32: Genital anomalies; 33: Contraception including contraception in HIV infection and infection reduction; 34: Psychological aspects and sexual dysfunction; 35: HIV/AIDS; 36: Pathogenesis of HIV infection; 37: Staging, classification, and natural history of HIV disease; 38: HIV: diagnosis and assessment; 39: HIV: primary infection; 40: HIV: gastrointestinal disorders; 41: HIV: hepatitis virus co-infection; 42: HIV: respiratory disorders; 43: HIV: neurological disorders; 44: HIV: disorders of the eye; 45: HIV: pyrexia of unknown origin; 46: HIV: endocrine and metabolic disorders; 47: HIV: renal disorders; 48: HIV: cardiovascular disorders; 49: HIV: musculoskeletal disorders; 50: HIV: reticuloendothelial disorders; 51: HIV: malignancies; 52: HIV: management; 53: HIV: pregnancy; 54: HIV: travel; 55: Useful resources",656,"180x100","24 black and white line diagrams","Dr Stephen Bushby, Specialist Registrar in Genitourinary Medicine, Sunderland, Royal Hospital, Sunderland, UK Dr Jane Hussey, Consultant in Genitourinary Medicine, Newcastle General Hospital, Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK Mrs Kathryn Kain, Health Adviser, Department of Genitourinary Medicine, Newcastle General Hospital, Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK Dr Janet Mclelland, Consultant Dermatologist, Royal Victoria Infirmary, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK Dr Diana Mansour, Consultant Community Gynaecologist, Graingerville Clinic, Newcastle General Hospital, Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK Dr Jane Richards, Associate Specialist in Genitourinary Medicine, Newcastle General Hospital, Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK Dr Matthias Schmid, Consultant in Infectious Diseases, Royal Victoria Infirmary, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK Dr Jantje Wilken, Associate Specialist in Genitourinary Medicine, Newcastle Primary Care Trust, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK",,"http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199571666",,,,,"019957166X"," 9780198520771 Oxford Handbook of Genitourinary Medicine, HIV and AIDS |t Pattman, Snow, Handy, Sankar, Elawad |p 21 July 2005 |s 5532 copies"," UK","Rights include: World"
    9780199575329,"MacQueen, Hector; Waelde, Charlotte; Laurie, Graeme; Brown, Abbe","Contemporary Intellectual Property","Law and Policy","Second ",,,"Paperback","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199575329","未定"," 34.99",,"Sep-10","HE OUP"," HE Law","ABIA |T HE Law","L |T Law; LNR |T Intellectual property law","IP","Academic: Higher Education","Contemporary Intellectual Property is suitable for students studying on a first course in intellectual property law, either as part of an LLB, BA or BSc. It is also suitable for postgraduate students.","Contemporary Intellectual Property provides a unique learning focussed approach to studying this dynamic and interesting area of law. Discussion points and exercises ensure that students engage with the legal provisions and their wider social context to develop a sophisticated awareness of the subject as a whole.","PART I: INTRODUCTION; 1: Intellectual property law: An introduction; PART II: COPYRIGHT; 2: Copyright1: History, rationale, and subject matter; 3: Copyright 2: First ownership, moral rights, and term; 4: Copyright 3: Economic rights and infringement; 5: Copyright 4: Exceptions, technical protection measures, and contracts; 6: Rights akin to copyright: database rights and performers rights; 7: Current issues in copyright; PART III: DESIGN PROTECTION; 8: Registered designs; 9: Unregistered designs; PART IV:; 10: Patent regimes and the application process; 11: Patentability and infringement; 12: Contemporary issues in patent law; PART V: REGISTERED TRADE MARKS; 13: The function of a trade mark and the natioal, community, and international regime; 14: Definitions of a trade mark and registration; 15: Relative ground for refusing registration, infringement, and defences; 16: Contemporary issues in trade mark law; PART VI: COMMON LAW PROTECTION OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY; 17: Passing off; 18: Breach of confidence; PART VII: THE EUROPEAN DIMENSION; 19: Free movement of goods and intellectual property rights; 20: Intellectual property and EU competition law; PART VIII: EXPLOITATION, ENFORCEMENT, REMEDIES, AND CROSS BORDER LITIGATION; 21: Exploitation of intellectual property rights, enforcement, and remedies; 22: Intellectual property and international private law","1,144","246x189",40,,,"http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199575329",,"Hector MacQueen is a Professor of Private Law at the University of Edinburgh ","Charlotte Waelde is a Professor of Intellectual Property Law at the University of Edinburgh ","Graeme Laurie is a Professor of Medical Jurisprudence at the University of Edinburgh ",0199575320,9780199263394," UK","Rights include: World"
    9780199593347,"Doniger, Wendy","The Hindus","An Alternative History",,,,"Paperback","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199593347","未定"," 14.99",,"Sep-10","Trade Book"," Trade","AAAKA |T Religion","HRGC |T Hindu worship, rites & ceremonies; HRGP |T Hindu life & practice; HRGS |T Hindu sacred texts","IP","Academic: Academic & Trade","General readers interested in Hinduism; in Indian life and culture","An engrossing and definitive narrative account of history and myth that offers a new way of understanding one of the world's oldest major religions from one of the world's foremost scholars on Hinduism. ","Preface: The Man or the Rabbit in the Moon; 1: Introduction: Working with Available Light; 2: Time and Space in India: 50 Million to 50,000 BCE; 3: Civilization in the Indus Valley: 50,000 to 1500 BCE; 4: Between the Ruins and the Text: 2000 to 1500 BCE; 5: Humans, Animals, and Gods in the Rig Veda: 1500 to 1000 BCE; 6: Sacrifice in the Brahmanas: 800 to 500 BCE; 7: Renunciation in the Upanishads: 600 to 200 BCE; 8: The Three (or Is It Four ) Aims of Life in the Hindu Imaginary; 9: Women and Ogresses in the Ramayana: 400 BCE to 200 CE; 10: Violence in the Mahabharata: 300 BCE to 300 CE; 11: Dharma in the Mahabharata: 300 BCE to 300 CE; 12: Escape Clauses in the Shastras: 100 BCE to 400 CE; 13: Bhakti in South India: 100 BCE to 900 CE; 14: Goddesses and Gods in the Early Puranas: 300 to 600 CE; 15: Sects and Sex in Tantric Puranas and the Tantras: 600 to 900 CE; 16: Fusion and Rivalry Under the Dehli Sultanate: 650 to 1500 CE; 17: Avatar and Accidental Grace in the Later Puranas: 800 to 1500 CE; 18: Philosophical Feuds in South INdia and Kashmir: 800 to 1300 CE; 19: Dialogue and Tolerance Under the Mughals: 1500 to 1700 CE; 20: Hinduism Under the Mughals: 1500 to 1700 CE; 21: Caste, Class, and Conversion Under the British Raj: 1600 to 1900 CE; 22: Suttee and Reform in the Twilight of the Raj: 1800 to 1947 CE; 23: Hindus in America: 1900-; 24: The Past in the Present: 1950-; 25: Inconclusion, or, the Abuse of History; Chronology; Guide to Pronunciation and Spelling; Glossary",800,"234x156","4 maps, 12 black and white illustrations",,"You will learn a huge amount about both the main thoroughfares and neglected byways of Hindu history. |s Jonathan Wright, Sunday Herald |d 10/10/2010","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199593347","It is one of the most profound and enlightening anatomisations of Hindu history I have ever read. |s Jonathan Wright, Sunday Herald |d 10/10/2010",,,,0199593345," 9781594202056 The Hindus |t Wendy Doniger |p March 2009"," UK","Rights include: Exclusive Commonwealth excluding India, Singapore, and Malaysia Non-Exclusive Europe and RoW (see exclusions) Rights exclude: The Philippine Republic, Puerto Rico"
    9780199541980,"Dine, Janet; Gobert, James; Wilson, William","Cases and Materials on Criminal Law",,"Sixth ",,,"Paperback","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199541980","未定"," 31.99",,"Sep-10","HE OUP"," HE Law","ABIA |T HE Law","L |T Law; LNF |T Criminal law & procedure","IP","Academic: Higher Education","Criminal Law is a compulsory course on all law degrees in England and Wales. It is typically taught in the first year of study. It is also a popular option on postgraduate courses.","An array of carefully selected case report and academic article extracts combined with author commentary to provide a thorough and engaging assessment of criminal law provisions.","Part I - Foundation principles; 1: Crime, punishment, and human rights; 2: The conduct component of crime: Actus Reus; 3: The mental component of crime: Mens Rea; Part II - Substantive offences; 4: Homicide; 5: Non fatal offences against the person; 6: Sexual offences; 7: Property offences; 8: Fraud and making off without payment; Part III - Exculpatory conditions and defences; 9: The principle of capacity; 10: Defences; 11: European criminal law; Part IV - Inchoate offences and parties to crime; 12: Incitement, conspiracy and attempt; 13: Parties to crime",750,"246x171",,,,"http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199541980",,,,,0199541981," 9780199279845 Cases and Materials on Criminal Law |t Dine, Gobert, and Wilson"," UK","Rights include: World"
    9780199594993,"Garland, David","Peculiar Institution","America's Death Penalty in an Age of Abolition",,,,"Hardback","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199594993","\4,180 "," 21.99",,"Sep-10","Academic Trade"," Academic Law Print","ACAD |T Criminology & Crime","JFMC |T Ethical issues: capital punishment; JKVP |T Penology & punishment; LAR |T Criminology: legal aspects; LAQ |T Law & society","IP","Academic: Law - Academic","Academics and students working in criminology, sociology or American politics. General readers interested in current affairs, especially American politics, society, and culture.","Taking us inside the world of capital punishment, this book presents a compelling picture of America's peculiar institution - its cultural meaning and symbolic force for supporters and abolitionists. Shattering current stereotypes, the book forces us to rethink our understanding of the politics of punishment in America and beyond.","Prologue; 1: Thinking about capital punishment; 2: The American way of death; 3: Capital punishment in the shadow of lynching; 4: Capital punishment in long-term perspective; 5: The decline of the death penalty in Europe and America; 6: The causes of capital punishment's decline; 7: The American state in comparative perspective; 8: American society, American violence, American culture; 9: Capital punishment and the American social structure; 10: An American abolition: Furman v Georgia in context; 11: Backlash: the new meanings of capital punishment; 12: Rationalize, civilize, democratize: the Supreme Court strategies; 13: The uses of capital punishment; 14: The peculiar institution explained",432,"234x156",,,,"http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199594993",,"David Garland is Professor of Sociology at New York University. He is one of the leading sociologists writing on punishment and crime control, his major works including Punishment and Modern Society, and The Culture of Control.",,,0199594996,," Co-publications, Co-editions, and External Buy-ins","Rights include: European (Non-Exclusive) British Commonwealth (Exclusive)"
    9780199548057,"Blackburn, Simon","Practical Tortoise Raising","and other philosophical essays",,,,"Hardback","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199548057","\4,750 "," 25.00",,"Sep-10","Impact Book"," Academic","AAAJA |T Philosophy","HPQ |T Ethics & moral philosophy; HPJ |T Philosophy: metaphysics & ontology; HPK |T Philosophy: epistemology & theory of knowledge; CFA |T Philosophy of language; HPM |T Philosophy of mind; HPC |T History of Western philosophy; HP |T Philosophy","IP","Academic: Academic & Trade","Scholars and advanced students of philosophy.","Simon Blackburn presents a selection of his philosophical essays from 1995 to 2010. He offers engaging and illuminating discussions of a wide range of topics, including moral philosophy, the theory of meaning, pragmatism, and the theory of reason and reasoning.","Introduction; I. Language and Epistemology; 1: From Doing to Saying; 2: Success Semantics; 3: Practical Tortoise Raising; 4: Wittgenstein's Irrealism; 5: Circles, Finks, Smells and Biconditionals; 6: The Absolute Conception; 7: Julius Caesar and George Berkeley Play Leapfrog; 8: The Majesty of Reason; II. Practical Philosophy and Ethics; 9: Truth, Goodness and Beauty; 10: Dilemmas, Dithering, Plumping, Grief; 11: Group Minds and Expressive Harm; 12: Trust, Cooperation, and Human Psychology; 13: Must we Weep for Sentimentalism ; 14: Morality and Thick Concepts; 15: Perspectives, Fiction, Error, Play; 16: Fiction and Conviction",352,"234x156",,,"unmissable for its title alone Joy Lo Dico, The Independent 22/08/2010","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199548057",,"Simon Blackburn is currently the Professor of Philosophy at the University of Cambridge and Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. He has held visiting appointments at the University of Melbourne, the University of British Columbia, Oberlin College, Princeton University, Ohio State University, the Universidad Autonomia de Mexico, and was for ten years Adjunct Professor at the Research School of Social Sciences, Australian National University, Canberra.",,,0199548056,," UK","Rights include: World"
    9780199551231,"Hill, C. E.","Who Chose the Gospels ","Probing the Great Gospel Conspiracy",,,,"Hardback","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199551231","\2,890 "," 14.99",,"Sep-10","Trade Book"," Trade","AAAKA |T Religion","HRCG |T Biblical studies & exegesis; HRCC1 |T The Early Church; HRCA |T The historical Jesus","IP","Academic: Academic & Trade",,"How did the Church get Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John instead of Thomas, Mary, Peter, and Judas C. E. Hill presents evidence for how and why, despite the numerous Gospels that appeared in the earliest Christian centuries, four (and only four) Gospels came to be embraced by the Protestant, Roman Catholic, and Eastern Orthodox churches alike.","Introduction: Drowning in a Sea of Gospels; 1: The Proof is in the Papyri: Gospel Bestsellers from Egyptian Garbage Dumps; 2: Silencing the Bishop, Part I: The Lonely Irenaeus; 3: Silencing the Bishop, Part II: The Ugly Irenaeus; 4: Irenaeus' 'Co-conspirators': Clement, Serapion, and a Canon-list-maker; 5: 'Packaging' the Gospels: of Harmonies, Synopses, and Codices; 6: Preaching and Teaching the Gospels: Justin Martyr and the Apostles' Memoirs; 7: Justin's 'Co-conspirators': The Gospels as Public Documents; 8: Some 'Proto-conspirators': Two Forgers and an Apologist; 9: Some 'Co-proto-conspirators': The Apostolic Fathers; 10: The Search for an 'Arch-conspirator': A Bishop, an Elder, and an Elderly Apostle; 11: Who Chose the Gospels ; Appendix: Dates of the earliest manuscripts of the canonical Gospels; Glossary; Index",320,"203x135","8 black and white photographs, 2 maps",,"Compelling book...it is accessible and lively...this is a valuable book that is already a bargain at full price. Church of England Newspaper 17/09/2010","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199551231",,,,,0199551235,," UK","Rights include: World"
    9780199265510,"Jalland, Pat","Death in War and Peace","A History of Loss and Grief in England, 1914-1970",,,,"Hardback","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199265510","\5,790 "," 30.00",,"Sep-10","Impact Book"," Academic","AAAF |T History","HBJD1 |T British & Irish history; HBLW |T 20th century history: c 1900 to c 2000; JHBZ |T Sociology: death & dying; HBTB |T Social & cultural history","IP","Academic: Academic & Trade","Students and scholars of modern British social and cultural history; general readers interested in how attitudes towards death have changed over the twentieth century.","The history of death is a vital part of human history, and a study of dying and grief takes us to the heart of any culture. Since the First World War there has been a tendency to privatize death, and to minimize the expression of grief and the rituals of mourning. Pat Jalland explores the nature and scope of this profound cultural shift.","Introduction; Part I: War and Peace 1914-1939; 1: Death, the Great War and the influenza pandemic; 2: Violet Cecil and communities in mourning; 3: The Bickersteths' sacred pilgrimages to the Great War Cemeteries, 1919-1931; 4: Death, disasters and rituals among the northern working classes, 1919-39; 5: Sir Sydney Cockerell: cremation and the modern way of death in England; Part II: The Second World War; 6: The people's war: Death in the blitz; 7: Missing airmen and families in anguish: 'There could be no mourning'; 8: Experiences of wartime grief; Part III: A changing culture of death and loss since 1945; 9: Hidden death: Medicine and care of the dying, 1945 to 1970; 10: Widowhood, grief and old age 1945-1963; 11: Gorer's map of death: Declining rituals and prolonged sorrow, 1963; 12: Observing grief: C.S. Lewis and the psychiatrists; 13: Epilogue: Change and continuity since the 1970s",336,"234x156","Black and white plate section",,,"http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199265510",,"Pat Jalland has been a Professor of History at the Australian National University since 1997. She has published in British women's history, Anglo-Irish history, and the history of death and bereavement in Australia and Britain. Her eight books include The Liberals and Ireland (Harvester, 1980); Women, Marriage and Politics (OUP, 1986), winner of the 1987 Western Australian Literary Award for non-fiction; Death in the Victorian Family (OUP, 1996), winner of the New South Wales Premier's Prize for History, and Changing Ways of Death in 20th Century Australia (UNSW Press, 2006).",,,0199265518,," UK","Rights include: World"
    9780199575954,"Talbot, Colin","Theories of Performance","Organizational and Service Improvement in the Public Domain",,,,"Paperback","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199575954","未定"," 19.99",,"Sep-10","Graduate Textbook"," Academic","AACD |T Business","JPP |T Public administration; KJM |T Management & management techniques","IP","Academic: Academic & Trade","Academics, researchers, and advanced students in Business and Management, Public Administration and Management, and Public Policy; MPA students; Policy-makers, practitioners, and consultants in the public sector","How well do governments do in converting the resources they take from us - like taxes - into services that improve the well-being of individuals, groups, and society as a whole In other words: how well do they perform In this book, Colin Talbot examines how we can understand this issue of performance in the public services.","1: Introduction; Section I: Performance and Theory; 2: Problematics of Performance; 3: Theories and Performance; Section II: Governance and Performance; 4: Performance Regimes: Institututions; 5: Performance Regimes: Interventions; 6: Performance and Public Value(s); Section III: Performance and Organizations; 7: Performance and Organizations; 8: Performance and Public Organizations; Section IV: Conclusions; 10: Individual, Managerial, and Organizational Responses; 11: Shaping Public Performance",272,"234x156",,,,"http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199575954",,"Colin Talbot is a recognised international expert on performance in the public sector who has worked with governments, public agencies across many countries including Canada, France, and Japan. He has recently been involved in two Prime Minister's seminars in the UK. He's been a specialist adviser to two select committees in Westminster (Treasury and Public Administration) and, uniquely, given expert evidence to committees of all four parliaments in the UK. He has advised the National Audit Office on all their major performance studies over the past decade. He is currently professor of public policy and management at Manchester Business School, where he founded the Herbert Simon Institute for public policy and management. He has authored or edited five previous books, numerous academic articles and is a regular media commentator including for the Financial Times, Guardian, and BBC. He's also the author of the influential Whitehall Watch blog",,,0199575959,," UK","Rights include: World"
    9780199575961,"Talbot, Colin","Theories of Performance","Organizational and Service Improvement in the Public Domain",,,,"Hardback","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199575961","未定"," 60.00",,"Sep-10","Graduate Textbook"," Academic","AACD |T Business","JPP |T Public administration; KJM |T Management & management techniques","IP","Academic: Academic & Trade","Academics, researchers, and advanced students in Business and Management, Public Administration and Management, and Public Policy; MPA students; Policy-makers, practitioners, and consultants in the public sector","How well do governments do in converting the resources they take from us, like taxes, into services that improve the well-being of individuals, groups, and society as a whole In other words: how well do they perform In this book, Colin Talbot examines how we can understand this issue of performance in the public services.","1: Introduction; Section I: Performance and Theory; 2: Problematics of Performance; 3: Theories and Performance; Section II: Governance and Performance; 4: Performance Regimes: Institututions; 5: Performance Regimes: Interventions; 6: Performance and Public Value(s); Section III: Performance and Organizations; 7: Performance and Organizations; 8: Performance and Public Organizations; Section IV: Conclusions; 10: Individual, Managerial, and Organizational Responses; 11: Shaping Public Performance",272,"234x156",,,,"http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199575961",,"Colin Talbot is a recognised international expert on performance in the public sector who has worked with governments, public agencies across many countries including Canada, France, and Japan. He has recently been involved in two Prime Minister's seminars in the UK. He's been a specialist adviser to two select committees in Westminster (Treasury and Public Administration) and, uniquely, given expert evidence to committees of all four parliaments in the UK. He has advised the National Audit Office on all their major performance studies over the past decade. He is currently professor of public policy and management at Manchester Business School, where he founded the Herbert Simon Institute for public policy and management. He has authored or edited five previous books, numerous academic articles and is a regular media commentator including for the Financial Times, Guardian, and BBC. He's also the author of the influential Whitehall Watch blog",,,0199575967,," UK","Rights include: World"
    9780199597048,"Gardiner, Richard","Treaty Interpretation",,,,"Oxford International Law Library ","Paperback","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199597048","未定"," 24.99",,"Sep-10","Academic Monograph"," Academic Law Print","ACSA |T General Public International Law","LBBC |T Treaties & other sources of international law; JPS |T International relations; LBB |T Public international law","IP","Academic: Law - Academic","Academics, scholars, and advanced students of international law and international relations. Also practising lawyers, legal advisers, judges, arbitrators, diplomats, legislators, and administrators.","This book explains the rules of treaty interpretation as codified in the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, and gives examples of their national and international application. These rules of interpretation now apply to virtually all international treaties and also within national legal systems where treaties have a large and growing impact.","Introduction; Part I - Overview, History, Materials, and Dramatis Personae; 1: A Single Set of Rules of Interpretation; 2: Development of Rules of Interpretation; 3: Interpretative Material Generated in Making Treaties; 4: Who Uses the Vienna Convention to Interpret Treaties ; Part II - Interpretation Applying the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties; 5: The General Rule: (1) The Treaty, its Terms, and their Ordinary Meaning; 6: The General Rule: (2) Agreements as Context, Subsequent Agreements, and Subsequent Practice; 7: The General Rule: (3) Relevant Rules of International Law and Special Meanings; 8: Supplementary Means of Interpretation; 9: Languages",496,"234x156",,,,"http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199597048",,"Richard Gardiner was an assistant legal adviser at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office for some twelve years. For the next twenty years he was lecturer, then senior lecturer, at University College London. He also practices as a barrister. He is the author of a book on international law and has written many articles on international law topics. He is one of the editors of Shawcross and Beaumont on Air Law. ",,,0199597049,," UK","Rights include: World"
    9780199558162,"Stafford, Fiona","Local Attachments","The Province of Poetry",,,,"Hardback","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199558162","\5,790 "," 30.00",,"Sep-10","Impact Book"," Academic","AAAHAA |T English Literature","DSC |T Literary studies: poetry & poets; DSBF |T Literary studies: c 1800 to c 1900; DSBH |T Literary studies: from c 1900 -","IP","Academic: Academic & Trade","Students and scholars of Romantic poetry, contemporary poetry, historical geography, and the general reader interested in the relationship between particular poets and parts of the British Isles.","How can poems firmly attached to particular regions speak to readers far away Why do writers turn to their own communities for materials This book explores the literature of local attachment through the consideration of works by writers - Heaney, Burns, Wordsworth, Scott, Lamb, and Dickens - whose feeling for place is especially evident.","Introduction; 1: In the First Place; 2: Lakes or Oceans ; 3: Local Attachment and Adequate Poetry; 4: Scott's Border Vision; 5: Robert Burns's Addresses; 6: Keats' In-Placeness; 7: In the City; Bibliography",368,"216x138",,,,"http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199558162",,"Fiona Stafford travelled widely as a child until her family settled in Lincolnshire. She studied English at Leicester University before undertaking post-graduate research in Oxford. While finishing her D.Phil on Macpherson's Ossian, she worked as a lecturer at the University of Evansville's British Campus and then returned to Oxford to take up a British Academy Post-doctoral Fellowship at Lincoln College. She was a lecturer at the University of Northampton and St Anne's College, Oxford, before becoming a Fellow of Somerville College in 1992. She has been a Professor of English Language and Literature in the University of Oxford since 2008. Her interests include eighteenth and nineteenth-century literature, especially the Romantic period; contemporary poetry; Scottish literature; the literature of the four nations and relations between them; Austen. ",,,0199558167,," UK","Rights include: World"
    9780199577897,"Wilde, Ralph","International Territorial Administration","How Trusteeship and the Civilizing Mission Never Went Away",,,,"Paperback","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199577897","\5,700 "," 29.99",,"Sep-10","Academic Monograph"," Academic Law Print","ACSA |T General Public International Law","LBB |T Public international law; LBBJ |T International law of territory & statehood; JPP |T Public administration; JPSN1 |T United Nations & UN agencies","IP","Academic: Law - Academic","Scholars and advanced students of international law, international relations and the United Nations; practitioners in international organizations and NGO's","This is the first comprehensive treatment of the reasons why international organizations have engaged in territorial administration. The book describes the role of international territorial administration and analyses the various purposes associated with this activity, revealing the objectives which territorial administration seeks to achieve.","1: A New Field of Analysis; 2: The Institution of International Territorial Administration; 3: The Idea of International Territorial Sovereignty; 4: Host Territories - States and State Territories; 5: Host Territories - Self-Determination Units; 6: Establishing the Policy Institution: Purposive Analysis; 7: Implementing International Law and Policy; 8: Colonialism and Trusteeship Redux Imperial Connections, Historical Evolution, and Legitimation in the 'Post-Colonial' Era; 9: Analysing International Territorial Administration",640,"234x156",,,,"http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199577897",,"Dr Ralph Wilde is a Reader at the Faculty of Laws of University College London, part of the University of London, and an Adjunct Professor at Georgetown University Law Center. He is Joint Secretary of the British Branch of the International Law Association (ILA) and a member of the ILA Executive Council and the ILA international research Committees on State Succession and Human Rights Law and Practice. He was formerly the Henry Fellow and a Visiting Scholar at Yale Law School, a Visiting Professor at the University of Texas School of Law, and a Research Fellow of the Leverhulme Trust (UK). He is a member of the Advisory Board of the Centre for International Courts and Tribunals, UCL, a Trustee and member of the Management Committee of the Advice on Individual Rights in Europe (AIRE) Centre, London, and Co-Chair of the International Organizations Interest Group at the American Society of International Law.",,,0199577897," 9780199274321 International Territorial Administration: How Trusteeship and the Civilizing Mission Never Went Away |t Ralph Wilde |p 2008 |s 522"," UK","Rights include: World"
    9780199592470,"Misak, Cheryl","The Oxford Handbook of American Philosophy",,,,"Oxford Handbooks in Philosophy ","Paperback","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199592470","\5,220 "," 27.50",,"Sep-10","Academic Paperback"," Academic","AAAJA |T Philosophy","HP |T Philosophy; HPC |T History of Western philosophy; HPCD |T Western philosophy: c 1600 to c 1900; HPCF |T Western philosophy, from c 1900 -","IP","Academic: Academic & Trade","Scholars and students in all fields of philosophy and related areas","This is the first collective study of the development of philosophy in America, from the 18th century to the present. Leading experts examine distinctive features of American philosophy, trace notable themes, and consider the legacy of key figures. A fascinating resource for anyone interested in modern philosophy or American intellectual history.","1: Roger Ward: Jonathan Edwards and 18th Century Religious Philosophy; 2: Russell B. Goodman: Emerson, Romanticism and Classical American Pragmatism; 3: Douglas Anderson: Peirce and Pragmatism: American Connections; 4: Henry Jackman: William James; 5: Matthew Festenstein: John Dewey: Inquiry, Ethics and Democracy; 6: Kelly Parker: Josiah Royce: Idealism, Transcendentalism, Pragmatism; 7: Glenn Tiller: George Santayana: Ordinary Reflection Systematized; 8: Cornelis De Waal: A Pragmatist Wordview: George Herbert Mead's Philosophy of the Act; 9: Mitchell Aboulafia: W.E.B. Dubois: Double-Consciousness, Jamesian Sympathy and the Critical Turn; 10: Robert Westbrook: The Pragmatist Family Romance; 11: Cheryl Misak: The Reception of Early American Pragmatism; 12: John Lango: Whitehead's Metaphysical System; 13: Joseph Heath: Thorstein Veblen and American Social Criticism; 14: Robert Talisse: Pragmatism and the Cold War; 15: Chris Hookway: Pragmatism and the Given: C.I. Lewis, Quine and Peirce; 16: Arif Ahmed: W. V. Quine; 17: Alan Richardson: Philosophy of Science in America; 18: Hanjo Glock: The Influence of Wittgenstein on American Philosophy; 19: Mark Lance: Placing in a Space of Norms: Neo-Sellarsian Philosophy in the 21st Century; 20: Bjorn Ramberg: Rorty, Davidson and the Future of Metaphysics in America; 21: Scott Soames: Analytic Philosophy in America; 22: Danielle Macbeth: Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics; 23: Kok-Chor Tan: Liberal Equality: What, Where and Why; 24: Brian Bix: Legal Philosophy in America; 25: Brad Hooker: American Moral Philosophy; 26: Ann Garry: Essences, Intersections and American Feminism",656,"246x171",,"Mitchell Aboulafia, The Juilliard School Arif Ahmed, Girton College, Cambridge Doug Anderson, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale Brian H. Bix, University of Minnesota Cornelis de Waal, Indiana University, Purdue University Matthew Festenstein, University of York Ann Garry, California State University Hans-Johann Glock, University of Zurich Russell Goodman, University of New Mexico. Joseph Heath, University of Toronto Brad Hooker, University of Reading Christopher Hookway, University of Sheffield. Henry Jackman, York University, Toronto Mark Lance, Georgetown University John Lango, City University of New York. Danielle Macbeth, Haverford College, Pennsylvania Cheryl Misak, University of Toronto Kelly A. Parker, Grand Valley State University, Michigan. Bj rn Ramberg, University of Oslo Alan Richardson, University of British Columbia Scott Soames, University of Southern California Kok-Chor Tan, University of Pennsylvania Robert B. Talisse, Vanderbilt University Glenn Tiller, Texas A&M University, Corpus Christi Roger Ward, Georgetown College Robert Westbrook, University of Rochester",,"http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199592470",,"Cheryl Misak is Professor of Philosophy and Deputy Provost at the University of Toronto ",,,0199592470," 9780199219315 The Oxford Handbook of American Philosophy |t Misak |p 25/09/2008 |s 786 (UK: 65, EUR: 71, USA: 498, ROW: 152)"," UK","Rights include: World"
    9780199571925,"Booij, Geert","Construction Morphology",,,,,"Paperback","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199571925","\5,320 "," 27.99",,"Sep-10","Graduate Textbook"," Academic","AAAG |T Linguistics","CF |T linguistics; CFK |T Grammar, syntax","IP","Academic: Academic & Trade","Linguists and advanced students of linguistics interested in morphology, syntax, semantics, typology, language change, and linguistic theory; psycholinguists working on models of processing lexical information.","This book shows how complex words can be analysed as constructions, as pairings of forms and meanings. It advances work on the architecture of grammar, the morphology-syntax interface, the characteristics of the lexicon, and the analysis of grammaticalization. It is an important work for morphology in particular and linguistic theory in general. ","1: Morphology and Construction Grammar; 2: The Lexicon as a Network of Relations; 3: Schemas and Subschemas in the Lexicon; 4: Quasi-noun Incorporation; 5: Separable Complex Verbs; 6: Progressive Constructions; 7: Phrasal Names; 8: Numerals as Lexical Constructions; 9: Construction-Dependent Morphology; 10: Stem Allomorphy and Morphological Relatedness; 11: Taking Stock; References; Index",304,"246x171",,,"Geert Booij's Construction Morphology is a revealing synthesis of insights from Construction Grammar, grammaticalization theory, Simpler Syntax, and psycholinguistics.... This is a major contribution not only to morphology but to an overarching theory of the architecture of language. Ray Jackendoff, Tufts University 20/06/2010","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199571925","At long last, the theory of Construction Grammar is accessible to morphologists, thanks to Geert Booij. This concise, thorough introduction to Construction Morphology is a tour de force covering the essential elements and arguments for the theory, as well as presenting a wide range of new data. Phenomena which could be shoehorned only crudely into past theoretical models of morphology receive insightful analyses. This book should be an essential part of any graduate course in morphology and belongs on the bookshelf of every morphologist. Sharon Inkelas 03/08/2010","Geert Booij has been Professor of Linguistics at the University of Leiden since 2005, and a former Dean of the Faculty of Arts. He was previously Professor of General Linguistics and Dean of the Faculty of Arts at the Free University of Amsterdam. His books include The Phonology of Dutch (OUP, 1995); with Ariane van Santen, Morfologie: De Woordstructuur van het Nederlands (Amsterdam University Press, 1995, second edn 1998); with Ch. Lehmann and J. Mugdan (eds.), Morphology: An International Handbook of Inflection and Word Formation. 2 volumes (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2000-2); The Morphology of Dutch (OUP, 2002), and The Grammar of Words: An Introduction to Linguistic Morphology (OUP, 2005; 2nd edn 2007). He is one of the founders and editors of the Yearbook of Morphology (1988-2005) and its successor, the journal Morphology.",,,0199571929,," UK","Rights include: World"
    9780199571918,"Booij, Geert","Construction Morphology",,,,,"Hardback","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199571918","\15,200 "," 80.00",,"Sep-10","Graduate Textbook"," Academic","AAAG |T Linguistics","CF |T linguistics; CFK |T Grammar, syntax","IP","Academic: Academic & Trade","Linguists and advanced students of linguistics interested in morphology, syntax, semantics, typology, language change, and linguistic theory; psycholinguists working on models of processing lexical information.","This book shows how complex words can be analysed as constructions, as pairings of forms and meanings. It advances work on the architecture of grammar, the morphology-syntax interface, the characteristics of the lexicon, and the analysis of grammaticalization. It is an important work for morphology in particular and linguistic theory in general. ","1: Morphology and Construction Grammar; 2: The Lexicon as a Network of Relations; 3: Schemas and Subschemas in the Lexicon; 4: Quasi-noun Incorporation; 5: Separable Complex Verbs; 6: Progressive Constructions; 7: Phrasal Names; 8: Numerals as Lexical Constructions; 9: Construction-Dependent Morphology; 10: Stem Allomorphy and Morphological Relatedness; 11: Taking Stock; References; Index",304,"246x171",,,"Geert Booij's Construction Morphology is a revealing synthesis of insights from Construction Grammar, grammaticalization theory, Simpler Syntax, and psycholinguistics.... This is a major contribution not only to morphology but to an overarching theory of the architecture of language. Ray Jackendoff, Tufts University 20/06/2010","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199571918","At long last, the theory of Construction Grammar is accessible to morphologists, thanks to Geert Booij. This concise, thorough introduction to Construction Morphology is a tour de force covering the essential elements and arguments for the theory, as well as presenting a wide range of new data. Phenomena which could be shoehorned only crudely into past theoretical models of morphology receive insightful analyses. This book should be an essential part of any graduate course in morphology and belongs on the bookshelf of every morphologist. Sharon Inkelas 03/08/2010","Geert Booij has been Professor of Linguistics at the University of Leiden since 2005, and a former Dean of the Faculty of Arts. He was previously Professor of General Linguistics and Dean of the Faculty of Arts at the Free University of Amsterdam. His books include The Phonology of Dutch (OUP, 1995); with Ariane van Santen, Morfologie: De Woordstructuur van het Nederlands (Amsterdam University Press, 1995, second edn 1998); with Ch. Lehmann and J. Mugdan (eds.), Morphology: An International Handbook of Inflection and Word Formation. 2 volumes (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2000-2); The Morphology of Dutch (OUP, 2002), and The Grammar of Words: An Introduction to Linguistic Morphology (OUP, 2005; 2nd edn 2007). He is one of the founders and editors of the Yearbook of Morphology (1988-2005) and its successor, the journal Morphology.",,,0199571910,," UK","Rights include: World"
    9780199596386,"McCahery, Joseph A.; Vermeulen, Erik P.M.","Corporate Governance of Non-Listed Companies",,,,,"Paperback","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199596386","\4,750 "," 24.99",,"Sep-10","New in Paperback"," Academic Law Print","ACAB |T Company & Financial","LNCD |T Company law; KFFH |T Corporate finance; KJVS |T Small businesses & self-employed; LAM |T Comparative law","IP","Academic: Law - Academic","Scholars and students of company law and corporate governance, corporate governance policymakers, company law practitioners.","Most small firms, and in many countries, even large companies, are not publicly listed. This book provides a comprehensive account of non-listed businesses and their particular governance problems. It explores current discussions and reforms in Europe, the United States, and Asia providing a state of the art account of the law and the economics.","Preface; 1: The Corporate Governance of Non-listed Companies; 2: The First Pillar: Company Law-a One-size-fits-all Approach for Non-listed Companies; 3: Company Law Developments in Europe; 4: Company Law Developments in the United States and Asia; 5: The Second Pillar: Contractual Arrangements; 6: The Contractual Governance of Private Equity Funds and Hedge Funds- A Case Study; 7: The Third Pillar: Optional Guidelines; 8: Hybrid Business Forms and the Regulation of Illicit Transactions; 9: Governance of Non-listed Companies: The Way Forward",320,"234x156",,,,"http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199596386",,"Joseph A. McCahery is Professor of Corporate Governance and Business Innovation at the University of Amsterdam Faculty of Economics and Econometrics and Professor of Financial Market Regulation at Tilburg University Faculty of Law","Erik P. M. Vermeulen is Professor of Law and Management at Tilburg University Faculty of Law and Legal Counsel, Philips International B.V.",,0199596387,," UK","Rights include: World"
    9780199588282,"Boeri, Tito; Merlo, Antonio; Prat, Andrea","The Ruling Class","Management and Politics in Modern Italy",,,,"Hardback","http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199588282","未定"," 55.00",,"Sep-10","Academic Monograph"," Academic","AACE |T Economics","KCF |T Labour economics; KCP |T Political economy; KJM |T Management & management techniques; JHBL |T Sociology: work & labour; KNV |T Civil service & public sector","IP","Academic: Academic & Trade","Academics and graduate students in labour economics, management, and sociology. Policymakers interested in the labour market of politicians and the ruling classes.","This volume provides an understanding of what drives the formation of a ruling class, and the relationship between politics and business firms.","Part I: The Labor Market of Italian PoliticiansAntonio M. Merlo, Vincenzo Galasso, Massimiliano Landi and Andrea Mattozzi: ; 1: Institutional background; 2: Stylized facts; 3: Analysis and conclusions; Appendix; Comments by Giuliano Amato and Lucrezia Reichlin; Part II: Italian Managers: Fidelity or Performance Andrea Prat, Oriana Bandiera, Luigi Guiso and Raffaella Sadun: ; 4: Overview; 5: Data sources; 6: Managers' characteristics; 7: Firms' managerial policies; 8: Fidelity vs perfomance: managers' selection, effort, and outcomes; 9: Conclusions; Comments by Vittorio Colao and Luigi Zingales",240,"234x156","67 Figures and 36 Tables","Giuliano Amato, European University Institute, Italy Oriana Bandiera, London School of Economics, UK Tito Boeri, Fondazione Rodolfo Debenedetti and Bocconi University, Italy Vittorio Colao, Vodafone Italia, Italy Vincenzo Galasso, Università Bocconi, Italy Luigi Guiso, European University Institute, Italy Massimiliano Landi, Singapore Management University, Singapore Andrea Mattozzi, California Institute of Technology, US Antonio M. Merlo, University of Pennsylvania, US Andrea Prat, London School of Economics, UK Lucrezia Reichlin, University College London, UK Raffaella Sadun, London School of Economics, UK Luigi Zingales, The University of Chicago Booth School of Business, US",,"http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/ ci=9780199588282",,"Tito Boeri is Professor of Economics at Bocconi University, Milan and acts as Scientific Director of the Fondazione Rodolfo DeBenedetti. He is research fellow at CEPR, IZA, and Igier-Bocconi. His research interests include labour economics, redistributive policies, and political economics. He has published with Oxford University Press and MIT Press, and his papers have been published in several leading journals, including the American Economic Review, the Journal of Economic Perspectives, Economic Policy, and the European Economic Review. After obtaining his PhD in Economics from New York University, he was Senior Economist at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development from 1987 to 1996. He has also acted as consultant to the European Commission, the International Monetary Fund, the ILO, the World Bank, and the Italian Government. ","Antonio Merlo is the Lawrence R. Klein Professor of Economics and the Director of the Penn Institute for Economic Research (PIER) at the University of Pennsylvania. He is a research fellow of CEPR and CESifo and a Research Associate of NBER. He is also an Associate Editor of the Journal of Economic Theory and a Co-Editor of the Journal of Public Economics. Before joining the Economics faculty at the University of Pennsylvania, Professor Merlo taught at the University of Minnesota and New York University. His areas of expertise are political economy, public economics, bargaining theory and applications, and empirical microeconomics. His research interests include the economics of crime, voting, the career decisions of politicians, the formation and dissolution of coalition governments, the industrial organization of the political sector, and the study of the residential housing market. He has published numerous articles in leading journals, including the American Economic Review and Econometrica.","Andrea Prat is Professor of Economics at the London School of Economics. He received his PhD in Economics from Stanford University in 1997. Professor Prat is Editor of the Review of Economic Studies and serves as a council member of the European Economic Association. His work focuses on political economy and organization economics, and he uses new conceptual tools (such as network economics and computational complexity) and collects new datasets (such as the CEO time use survey discussed in this volume) to deepen our understanding of how firms work. His research has appeared in the American Economic Review, the Quarterly Journal of Economics, and Econometrica. ",0199588287,," UK","Rights include: Excluding- No Italian rights available"
    9780199581191,"N Sh illeabh in, M ire","Cross-Border Divorce Law","Brussels II Bis",,,"Oxford Private International Law Series ","Hardback","ht
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