A | B | C | D | E | F | G | |
1 | 至少 300 個專業名詞 | ||||||
2 | |||||||
3 | 編號 | 中文 | 英文 | 英文例句 | 例句中譯 | 答案 | 試題 |
4 | 1 | 分散式的 | distributed | The distributed control system is an important method to resolve the complex system. | 分散式控制系統是一種解決複雜系統的重要方法。 | 解決複雜系統的重要方法。(A)deattribute(B)distributed (C)dipteral (D)specialize | |
5 | 2 | 控制器 | controller | Please press the controller to turn the machine on. | 請按控制器來開機。 | controller的意思是。(A)控制器(B)控制 (C)操作 (D)執行 | |
6 | 3 | 乙太網路 | Ethernet-based | People began to adopt Ethernet-based networks with their own protocol layers. | 人們開始用他們自己協議的乙太網路。 | 現在使用網路的協定是。(A)ADSL(B)Ethernet (C)internet (D)www | |
7 | 4 | 監視器 | monitor | The patient was connected to the monitor. | 病人被接上了監視器。 | monitor的意思是。(A)電視(B)平面顯示器 (C)監視器 (D)監看 | |
8 | 5 | 感測器 | sensor | Family, the stores all will need to use a sensor | 家庭,商店都會需要用到感測器 | 一般生活中用來作防盜或偵測是利用。(A)seven(B)investigate (C)sensor (D)burglarproof | |
9 | 6 | 類比訊號 | Analog | General LCD screens all make use of analog signal | 一般的LCD螢幕都是利用類比訊號 | 目前LCD都是利用哪種訊號。(A)Analog(B)light (C)Digital(D)electricity | |
10 | 7 | 數位訊號 | Digital | Making use of the Kan goes into the type chip to output input digital signals | 利用崁入式晶片來輸出輸入數位訊號 | 感測器中所輸出的訊號稱為。(A)Analog(B)light (C)electricity(D)Digital | |
11 | 8 | 藍芽 | Bluetooth | Bluetooth transmission is a mobile communication now the most popular mode | 藍芽傳輸是現在行動通訊最熱門的方式 | 通訊系統中最熱門的傳輸方式是。(A)Analog(B)Bluetooth(C)infrared(D)Digital | |
12 | 9 | 模組 | Modules | The top of the usage for modularity is very convenient | 模組化對於使用上便利 | 為了讓使用上的便利很多東西都利用。(A)Modules(B)element(C)modal(D)mechanism | |
13 | 10 | 通訊阜 | Port | The basic telecommunication of the computer is a RS-232 | RS-232是電腦的基本通訊阜 | Port的意思是。(A)接腳(B)位址 (C)點 (D)通訊埠 | |
14 | 11 | 伺服器 | Server | The server can be used to do contact between workstations | 伺服器可用來做工作站間的聯繫 | 工作站之間的聯繫是利用。(A)Server(B) transmission(C)carry(D) computer | |
15 | 12 | 串列通訊 | Series | String the row telecommunication is an unifilar signal | 串列通訊是單線訊號 | 下列何種是屬於單線訊號。(A)Server(B)Analog(C)Series(D) Digital | |
16 | 13 | 位址 | Address | The distributed control system address validation is very important | 分散控制位址確認是很重要的 | Address 的意思是。(A)地方(B)位址(C)地點 (D)區域 | |
17 | 14 | 屏蔽 | shield | The signal transmission line must have already shielded function | 訊號傳輸線須有屏蔽功能 | shield 的意思是。(A)迴避(B)屏避(C)開放 (D)開通 | |
18 | 15 | 雙工 | Duplex | Can do to receive and send out simultaneous signal | 能做收到並且發送同時的訊號 | 能做收到並且發送同時的訊號。(A)signal(B)Bluetooth(C)Duplex(D) electricity | |
19 | 16 | 電腦繪圖軟體 | AutoCAD | AutoCAD is one of the computer drafting softwares. | AutoCAD是一種電腦繪圖軟體 | Which is one of the computer drafting softwares? A. AutoCAD B. ANSYS C. MARC D. CNC | |
20 | 17 | 電腦輔助繪圖 | CAD | CAD = Computer Aided Drafting | CAD是Computer Aided Drafting的縮寫 | 電腦輔助繪圖英文縮寫為 A. CNC B.CAS C. CAD D.SCI | |
21 | 18 | 世界座標系統 | WCS | WCS = World Coornidate System | WCS是World Coornidate System的縮寫 | World Coornidate System中文翻譯為 A.世界座標系統 B. 世界組織 C.世界大同 D.使用者座標系統 | |
22 | 19 | 使用者座標系統 | UCS | UCS = User Coornidate System | UCS是User Coornidate System的縮寫 | 使用者座標系統英文縮寫為 A. CNC B.UCS C. CAD D.SCI | |
23 | 20 | 線 | line | Please draw a line. | 請畫一條線 | 線的英文為 A. circle B. point C. plane D. line | |
24 | 21 | 刪除 | erase | Scott erases the circle. | Scott刪除圓 | erase的中文為 A.刪除 B.線 C.圓 D.點 | |
25 | 22 | 修剪 | trim | Fallon trims those flowers. | Fallon修剪那些花 | trim的中文為 A.刪除 B.修剪 C.圓 D.點 | |
26 | 23 | 重做 | redo | You should redo your homework. | 你必須重做你的回家作業 | You should A.line B.circle C.redo D.trim your homework. | |
27 | 24 | 複製 | copy | Please copy the file for me. | 請為我複製這個檔案 | 複製的英文為 A. circle B. point C. plane D. copy | |
28 | 25 | 移動 | move | The car is moving. | 汽車正在移動 | move的中文為 A.刪除 B.移動 C.圓 D.面積 | |
29 | 26 | 鏡射 | mirror | Tom mirrors the circle to the other side. | Tom鏡射圓到另一邊 | Tom A.mirrors B.redo C.points D.CAD the circle to the other side. | |
30 | 27 | 陣列 | array | Soldiers are in the array. | 士兵排成陣列 | 陣列的英文為 A. circle B. point C. Array D. copy | |
31 | 28 | 列示 | list | Your list is not clear. | 你的列示不清楚 | Your A.list B.trim C.CAD D.CNC is not clear. | |
32 | 29 | 面積 | area | The area of rectangule is the length multiplicating the width. | 長方形面積為長乘寬 | area的中文為 A.刪除 B.修剪 C.圓 D.面積 | |
33 | 30 | 性質 | properties | He is studying the medicinal properties of wild plants. | 他正在研究野生植物的藥物特性 | 性質的英文為 A. properties B. point C. plane D. copy | |
34 | 31 | 類比 | Analog | Analog electronics are those electronic systems with a continuously variable signal. | 類比電子指的是具有連續訊號的電子系統 | 類比的英文字為(A)Analog(B)Digital(C)Circuit(D)Design | |
35 | 32 | 數位 | Digital | Digital electronics signals usually take only two different levels. | 數位電子訊號通常只取兩種值 | 數位的英文字為(A)Analog(B)Digital(C)Circuit(D)Design | |
36 | 33 | 電阻 | Resistor | A resistor is a two-terminal electrical or electronic component. | 電阻是具有兩個端點的電子元件 | 電阻的英文字是(A)Resistor(B)Current(C)Voltage(D)Power | |
37 | 34 | 電壓 | Voltage | A resistor is that resists an electric current by producing a voltage drop between its terminals. | 電阻是經由在電組兩端產生電壓壓降,阻抗電流流動。 | 電壓的英文字是(A)Resistor(B)Current(C)Voltage(D)Power | |
38 | 35 | 電流 | Current | Ohm's law states that the current passing through a conductor between two points is proportional to the potential difference (i.e. voltage drop or voltage) across the two points, and inversely proportional to the resistance between them. | 毆姆定律指的是電流流經導體後,產生的電位差與電流大小成正比且與電阻成反比。 | 電流的英文字是(A)Resistor(B)Current(C)Voltage(D)Power | |
39 | 36 | 正比 | Proportional | Current passing through a conductor between two points is proportional to the potential difference. | 流經導體的電流正比於電位差。 | 正比的英文是(A)Proportional(B)Conductor(C)Pass(D)Point | |
40 | 37 | 導體 | Conductor | Current passing through a conductor between two points is proportional to the potential difference. | 流經導體的電流正比於電位差。 | 導體的英文是(A)Proportional(B)Conductor(C)Pass(D)Point | |
41 | 38 | 安培 | Ampere | The ampere (symbol: A) is a unit of electric current. | 安培是電流的單位(符號:A) | 安培的英文是(A)Ampere(B)ohms(C)Volt(D)Newton | |
42 | 39 | 伏特 | Volt | The volt (symbol: V) is a unit of electric voltage. | 伏特是電壓的單位(符號:V) | 伏特的英文是(A)Ampere(B)ohms(C)Volt(D)Newton | |
43 | 40 | 歐姆 | ohm | The ohm is a unit of resistor. | 歐姆是電阻的單位 | 歐姆的英文是(A)Ampere(B)ohms(C)Volt(D)Newton | |
44 | 41 | 電容 | Capacitor | A capacitor is an electrical device that can store energy. | 電容式一個可以儲存能量的電子原件。 | 電阻的英文字是(A)Resistor(B)Capacitor(C)Voltage(D)Power | |
45 | 42 | 電感 | Inductor | An inductor is a passive electrical device. | 電感是一個被動元件 | 電阻的英文字是(A)Resistor(B)Capacitor(C)Voltage(D)Inductor | |
46 | 43 | 電源 | Source | A voltage source is any device or system that produces an electromotive force. | 電壓源是任何產生電動勢的設備或系統。 | 電源的英文字是(A)Resistor(B)Source(C)Voltage(D)Inductor | |
47 | 44 | 節點 | Node | The sum of all currents entering a node is equal to the sum of all currents leaving the node. | 流入節點的電流和等於流出結點的電流和。 | 導體的英文是(A)Proportional(B)Conductor(C)Node(D)Point | |
48 | 45 | 和 | Sum | The directed sum of the electrical potential differences around a circuit must be zero. | 繞電路一圈的電動勢差之和為零。 | 和的英文是(A)Sum(B)ohms(C)Volt(D)Newton | |
49 | 46 | 結晶 | crystal | Most of metals are composed of crystal | 大部份的金屬由結晶構成。 | 若原子很有規則的排列整齊稱為(A)結晶(B)擴散(C)晶隙(D)滲透 | |
50 | 47 | 結晶晶界 | grain boundaries | The atoms are less closely packed in grain boundaries. | 原子在結晶晶界處的堆積較為鬆散 。 | 晶粒與晶粒之間形成(A)晶格(B)晶界(C)結晶(D)晶核,同時也是雜質最易堆積之處。 | |
51 | 48 | 晶格 | lattice | The microstructure bases on lattice in crystalline solids. | 在結晶材料中,其微組織由基本晶格所構成。 | 布拉菲(Brayfer)歸納原子排列為七大晶系共有(A)十(B)十二(C)十四(D)十六 種晶格。 | |
52 | 49 | 米勒指數 | Miller indices | Miller indices for directions are the shorthand notation used to describe the directions of the unit cell. | 在單位晶胞中,所有的方向常用米勒指數來表示。 | 下列那一種指標可代表結晶平面與方向(A)缺陷(B)差排?空孔(D)米勒 。 | |
53 | 50 | 金屬鍵 | metallic bond | The positively charged ion cores are held together by mutual attraction to the electron, thus producing a strong metallic bond. | 帶正電荷的離子核,彼此相互吸引對方電子,因此產生很強的鍵接稱為金屬鍵。 | 大部分的金屬材料的原子結構都由(A)金屬鍵(B)離子鍵(C)共價鍵(D)凡得瓦鍵, 所鍵結而成。 | |
54 | 51 | 金屬 | metals | Metals have relatively high strength, ductility, good electrical and thermal conductivity. | 金屬通常具有較高的強度、延展性、導電性與導熱性。 | 下列工程材料中(A)高分子(B)陶瓷(C)金屬(D)複合材料,導電及導熱性質最高。 | |
55 | 52 | 合金 | alloy | Alloy that exhibits properties of a metallic material made from multiple elements. | 合金材料會顯現金屬特性,通常由多種元素組成。 | 兩種或兩種以上金屬結合而成,仍然具有金屬之性質稱為(A)純金屬(B)合金(C)混合物(D)固熔體 | |
56 | 53 | 聚合物 | polymers | A polymer material normally obtained by joining organic molecules into giant molecular chains or networks. | 聚合物通常由有機分子相聯結,形成巨型分子鏈或分子網。 | 熱塑性聚合物受熱時內部分子鏈會伸長,導致(A)延展性(B)強度?硬度(D)剛性 會增加。 | |
57 | 54 | 複合材料 | composite materials | A composite materia formed from mixtures of metals, ceramics, or polymers in such a manner that unusual combinations of properties are obtained (e.g., ?berglass). | 複合材料通常由金屬 ,陶瓷或聚合物混合而成,因此材料會顯現出混合後的特性,如玻璃纖維。 | 下列那一種材料同時具有陶瓷及聚合物材料的性質(A)鋼筋混泥土(B)合金鋼(C)玻璃纖維(D)鋁合金。 | |
58 | 55 | 差排 | dislocations | Movement of dislocations helps explain how metallic materials deform. | 差排的移動可以幫助說明金屬材料的變形。 | 差排是屬於原子排列的(A)點缺陷(B)線缺陷(C)面缺陷(D)以上皆非。 | |
59 | 56 | 應變硬化 | strain hardening | The mechanism of increasing the strength of a material by deformation is known as strain hardening, | 材料受到變形而產生相對強化的現象稱為應變硬化 。 | 強化材料的機構中,阻礙差排移動會造成材料(A)析出硬化(B)固熔強化?應變硬化(D)相變態。 | |
60 | 57 | 晶粒尺寸 | grain size | A large ASTM number indicates many grains, or a ?ne grain size, and correlates with high strengths for metals. | 美國材料測試學會說明金屬材料晶粒尺寸與其對應材料的高強度有相關性。 | ASTM規格中晶粒尺寸的號碼愈大,代表晶粒愈(A)小(B)大(C)不一定(D)以上皆非。 | |
61 | 58 | 燒結 | sintering | Sintering is the high temperature treatment that causes particles to join, gradually reducing the volume of pore space between them. | 燒結為高溫處理度,其目的在協助顆粒連接,並逐漸減少顆粒間的空隙。 | 粉末冶金製成材料中,燒結溫度控制在(A)熔點以上(B)熔點以下(C)沸點以上(D)沸點以下。 | |
62 | 59 | 晶粒成長 | grain growth | If the temperature is high enough, the grains begin to grow, with favored grains consuming the smaller grains. This phenomenon calls grain growth. | 在足夠的高溫下,優勢晶粒開始消耗較小晶粒,並逐漸成長,這種現象稱為晶粒成長。 | 當溫度上升時會造成材料內部的晶粒成長,結果(A)強度降低 (B)延展性提高(D)硬度下降 (D)以上皆是。 | |
63 | 60 | 韌性 | toughness | Toughness is a qualitative measure of the energy required to cause fracture of a material. | 韌性為材料破壞時,所要吸收的最大能量。 | 材料試驗中,以破壞時所吸收的能量來表示的是(A)伸長率 (B)硬度 ?強度 (D)軔性。 | |
64 | 61 | 回授 | feedback | Feedback, one
of the most fundamental processes existing in nature, is present in almost all dynamic systems. |
回授是在自然界中最基本的過程, 並大都在動態系統中呈現出來。 |
Feedback的中文意思為(A)回流 (B)回授 ?回熱 (D)回射 | |
65 | 62 | 開迴路 | open-loop | The open-loop system does not have any output transducer or sensor. | 開迴路系統是在系統中沒有輸出轉換器或感測器。 | 開迴路的英文字為(A)cut-loop (B)triangle-loop (C) Open-loop (D)closed-loop | |
66 | 63 | 閉迴路 | closed-loop | The closed-loop system has output transducer or sensor. | 閉迴路系統是在系統中有輸出轉換器或感測器。 | 閉迴路的英文字為(A)cut-loop (B)wire-loop (C) Open-loop (D)closed-loop | |
67 | 64 | 轉換 | transform | The Laplace transform can be used to solve the state equations for the state and output vectors. | 拉普拉氏轉換可以用來解狀態方程的狀態向量和輸出向量。 | Transform 的中文意思為(A)轉換 (B)轉動 ?轉播 (D)轉入 | |
68 | 65 | 模擬 | simulation | The software, Simulink can be used to simulate dynamic control systems. | Simulink可以用來模擬動態控制系統。 | Simulate 的中文意思為(A)模範 (B)模擬 ?模型 (D)模糊 | |
69 | 66 | 積分器 | integrator | The PID stands for proportional-plus-integral-plus-derivative. | PID控制器就是比例+積分+微分的補償器。 | Integrator 的中文意思為(A)比例器 (B)積分器 ?微分器 (D)模糊器 | |
70 | 67 | 補償 | compensation | The ideal integral compensation technique can be used to improve the steady-state error of a feedbeak control sysem. | 理想的積分補償技術可以改善一個回授控制系統的穩定狀態。 | 補償的英文字為(A)compensation (B)commutate (C) comdom (D)commucation | |
71 | 68 | 瞬間的 短暫的 |
transient | A slow transient response makes passeners impatient, whereas an excessively rapid response makes them uncomfortable. | 緩慢的暫態響應使乘客不耐煩,反之,太快的響應則使他們不舒適。 | 暫態的英文字為(A)transient (B)transfer (C) transform(D)transparent | |
72 | 69 | 穩定的 | steady | We are concerned about the accuracy of the steady-state response. | 我們所關心的是穩態響應的精確度。 | 穩態的英文字為(A)steady (B)stone ?smooth(D)sweep | |
73 | 70 | 阻尼 | damping | The statement for damped oscillation in regardless of time scale, is called damping ratio. | 在忽略時間量狀況下,描述的阻尼振盪,稱為阻尼比。 | 阻尼的英文字為(A)damn (B)damping (C) doom(D)dorm | |
74 | 71 | 控制器 | controller | Please push ON for the B button of controller. | 請把控制器的B按鍵打開(ON)。 | 控制器的英文字為(A)conceptor (B)controller (C) confuser(D)conductor | |
75 | 72 | 估測器 | estimator | An observer, sometimes called an estimator, is used to calculate state variables that are not accessible from the plant. | 一觀測器,有時也稱為估測器,用來計算無法從系統取得的狀態變數。 | 估測器的英文字為(A)emuler (B)emission (C) estimator(D)emulisator | |
76 | 73 | 矩陣 | matrix | The state-space representation can be expressed in the matrix form. | 狀態空間的表示可以使用矩陣的形式。 | 矩陣的英文字為(A)maxxis (B)mary ?matrix (D)mass | |
77 | 74 | 響應 | response | The poles for the overdamped responses are two real values. | 系統如果不穩定,則暫態響應與穩態誤 差的討論是多餘的。 |
響應的英文字為(A)response (B)respect ?reduce(D)reproduce | |
78 | 75 | 參考值 | reference | The input is sometimes
called the reference, while the output can be called the controlled variable, in open-loop system. |
在開迴路系統中,輸入有時被稱為參考值,而輸出可稱為受變數。 | 參考值的英文字為(A)respect (B)reference ?refer(D)reduction | |
79 | 76 | 可程式控制器 | PLC | PLC means Programmable Logic Controller. | PLC表示為可編程式的邏輯控制單元。 | 可程式控制器的英文意思為(A)PLC (B)PAC ?PDA (D)PUB | |
80 | 77 | 控制 | control | She is skillful enough to control the machine now. | 現在她已有了足夠的技術可以控制這台機器了 | 控制的英文意思為(A)center (B)control ?contriver (D)contrived | |
81 | 78 | 程序 | process | They are using a new process to make glass | 他們正在用一種新程序製造玻璃 | 程序的英文意思為(A)proceed (B)print (C) process (D)point | |
82 | 79 | 輸入 | input | The switch is fed as an input into the PLC. | PLC的輸入開關 | 輸入的英文意思為(A)inquiet (B)inphase (C) inpour (D)input | |
83 | 80 | 輸出 | output | The light is controlled by a PLC output. | 此燈為PLC的輸出控制 | 輸出的英文意思為(A)ouptour (B)ouptsych (C) outpull (D)output | |
84 | 81 | 機器 | machine | The Allies finally smashed the Nazi war machine. | 同盟國最終粉碎了納粹的戰爭機器 | machine的中文意思為(A)機車 (B)機關 (C) 機器 (D)基地 | |
85 | 82 | 中央處理單元 | CPU | CPU is the abbreviation of the central processing unit. | CPU是中央處理器之簡稱 | 中央處理單元的英文意思為(A)CFD(B)CPU (C) CUP (D)CCD | |
86 | 83 | 元件 | component | A computer consists of thousands of components. | 電腦由成千上萬個部件組成 | component的中文意思為(A)元件 (B)原型 (C) 物品 (D)型號 | |
87 | 84 | 接點 | point | These are the I/O point of PLC. | 這些是PLC的輸入/輸出接點 | point的中文意思為(A)接點 (B)觀點 (C) 原點 (D)中心點 | |
88 | 85 | 模組 | modular | A modular consists many different types of I/O modules. | 一標準化模件組成很多不同類型 I/O模組 | modular的中文意思為(A)模具 (B)模組 (C) 模型 (D)模仿 | |
89 | 86 | 機架 | rack | The part has been piled on the racks. | 機架上放滿了零件 | rack的中文意思為(A)機械 (B)機器 (C)機架 (D)機關 | |
90 | 87 | 電源 | power | The shortage of power dimmed the streets | 由於電力不足,街道昏暗。 | power的中文意思為(A)電線 (B)電視 (C) 電腦 (D)電源 | |
91 | 88 | 製造廠商 | manufacturer | Manufacturers offer different types of CPUs based on the complexity needed for the system. | 製造商基於為系統需要的複雜性提供CPU 的不同的類型 | manufacturer的中文意思為(A)自動化 (B)製成品 (C) 製造東西 (D)製造廠商 | |
92 | 89 | 模式 | mode | The CPU has different operating modes. | CPU有不同的工作模式 | 模式的英文意思為(A)money (B)mother (C) mode (D)MO | |
93 | 90 | 程式 | program | The program that operates in the computer needs using carefully. | 電腦中所運行的程式需要小心使用 | program的中文意思為(A)成長 (B)程式 (C) 層次 (D)程序 | |
94 | 91 | 執行 | run | The CPU is placed in run mode so that it can execute the program. | 那CPU設置在執行模式所以它能執行那些程式 | 執行的英文意思為(A)run (B)rom (C) ram (D)Roman | |
95 | 92 | 掃描 | scan | The photo-electric reader is capable of scanning characters at the rate of two thousand a second. | 光電閱讀器每秒鐘能掃描兩千字 | 掃描的英文意思為(A)scan (B)scampi (C) scamper (D)scamp | |
96 | 93 | 週期 | cycle | The seasons of the year make a cycle. | 一年四季構成一個循環 | cycle的中文意思為(A)週期 (B)週末 (C) 週遭 (D)週歲 | |
97 | 94 | 記憶體 | memory | The computer has two million bytes of memory. | 該電腦的記憶有兩百萬單位 | 記憶體的英文意思為(A)money (B)memory (C) mother (D)make | |
98 | 95 | 連接 | connection | The connection of our telephone took several hours. | 我們用了好幾個小時才接通了電話 | connection的中文意思為(A)連續 (B)連接 (C) 連環 (D)連同 | |
99 | 96 | 數位 | digital | Input devices can consist of digital or analog devices | 輸入裝置能由數位或者類比類型組成 | 數位的英文意思為(A)digression (B)dike (C) digital (D)dignity | |
100 | 97 | 類比 | analog | Output devices can also consist of digital or analog types. | 輸出裝置也能由數位或者類比類型組成 | analog的中文意思為(A)數位 (B)歐姆 (C) 類比 (D)電壓 | |
101 | 98 | 按鍵 | pushbutton | This example demonstrates the use of a pushbutton as a switch. | 這例子示範操作自動化開關 | 按鍵的英文意思為(A)proceeds (B)print (C) process (D)pushbutton | |
102 | 99 | 發光二極體 | LED | Most digital read-outs on laboratory instruments, calculators and watches use LED display. | 實驗儀器、計算機、手錶的數字讀出大多是二極光顯示 | LED的中文意思為(A)電極 (B)零組件 (C) 電晶體 (D)發光二極體 | |
103 | 100 | 電壓 | voltage | An analog output will convert the CPU to it’s real world voltage or current. | 類比輸出將轉換CPU到真實世界電壓或電流 | 電壓的英文意思為(A)volume (B)volti (C) voltameter (D)voltage | |
104 | 101 | 相等 | equivalent | His reply is equivalent to a refusal. | 他的回答等於是拒絕 | equivalent的中文意思為(A)相信 (B)相位 (C) 相等 (D)相像 | |
105 | 102 | 壓力 | pressure | He works well under pressure. | 他在有壓力的情況下工作很出色 | 壓力的英文意思為(A)pressroom (B)pressure (C) process (D)pressmark | |
106 | 103 | 階梯 | ladder | Diligence is often a ladder to success. | 勤勉常常是通往成功的階梯 | ladder的中文意思為(A)階梯 (B)街道 (C) 接近 (D)接待 | |
107 | 104 | 符號 | symbol | We use x as the symbol for an unknown quantity. | 我們用x符號表示一個未知數 | 符號的英文意思為(A)symbol (B)symbiotic (C) sylvatic (D)syllabus | |
108 | 105 | 接觸點 | contact | These symbols are interconnected by lines to indicate the flow of current through relay like contacts and coils. | 這些符號被線相互連接表明電流透過繼電器像接觸點和線圈 | contact的中文意思為(A)接觸面 (B)接觸點 (C) 接觸線 (D)接觸物 | |
109 | 106 | 摩擦力 | Friction | Friction causes a rolling ball to stop finally. | 摩擦力使得一隻滾動的球最終停了下來 | Friction的中文意思為(A)對流 (B)摩擦力 (C)加熱 (D)輻射 | |
110 | 107 | 衝量 | Momentum | The truck gained momentum as it rolled down the steep road. | 卡車沿著陡峭的道路往下開時,衝力愈來愈大。 | Friction的中文意思為(A)對流 (B)摩擦力 (C)衝量 (D)輻射 | |
111 | 108 | 軸 | Axis | The earth's axis is titled at an angle of about 231. | 地軸傾斜成約二百三十一度角。 | 軸的英文字為(A)Extraction (B)Coordinate (C) Distillation (D)Axis | |
112 | 109 | 天平 | Balance | In what way is a laboratory balance different from a balance found in a store? | 實驗室的天平與商店裡的秤在什麼方面有所不同? | 天平的英文字為(A)Balance (B)Coordinate (C) Angle (D)Axis | |
113 | 110 | 光束 | Beam | The beam from a flashlight showed a beggar sleeping at his doorstep. | 手電筒的光照出一個乞丐睡在他家門口。 | Beam的中文意思為(A)光束 (B)摩擦力 (C)天平 (D)輻射 | |
114 | 111 | 折彎 | Bending | He is bending the iron bar. | 他正將鐵棍折彎, | Bending的中文意思為(A)對流 (B)平衡 (C)折彎 (D)輻射 | |
115 | 112 | 移動 | Motion | The train was in motion. | 火車開動了。 | 移動的英文字為(A)Force (B)Coordinate (C) Balance (D)Motion | |
116 | 113 | 平的 | Plane | The surface must be completely plane. | 這表面必須完全平坦。 | 平的英文字為(A)Plane (B)Coordinate (C) Angle (D)Axis | |
117 | 114 | 壓力 | Pressure | The pressure inside the old submarine was almost unendurable. | 老式潛艇內的壓力幾乎是難以忍受的。 | Pressure的中文意思為(A)重力 (B)摩擦力 (C)彈力 (D)壓力 | |
118 | 115 | 彈力 | Spring | There's little spring in this sofa. | 這張沙發幾乎沒什麼彈性。 | Spring的中文意思為(A)重力 (B)彈力 ?摩擦力 (D)半徑 | |
119 | 116 | 等量的 | Equivalent | A meter is equivalent to 39.37 inches. | 一米相當於三十九點三七英寸。 | 等量的英文字為(A)Plane (B)Bending (C) Equivalent (D)Balance | |
120 | 117 | 力 | Force | What is the force of gravity at sea level? | 海平面的地球引力多大? | 力的英文字為(A)Force (B)Gravity (C) Angle (D)Frame | |
121 | 118 | 骨架 | Frame | The frame of the umbrella is made of metal. | 傘的骨架是金屬製的。 | Frame的中文意思為(A)壓力 (B)骨架 (C)半徑 (D)軸 | |
122 | 119 | 半徑 | Radius | There are three lakes within a radius of five miles. | 周圍五英里之內有三個湖泊。 | Radius的中文意思為(A)彈力 (B)摩擦力 (C)半徑 (D)天平 | |
123 | 120 | 重力 | Gravity | The stone rolled down the hill by gravity. | 石頭在重力作用下向山下滾去。 | 重力的英文字為(A)Force (B)Gravity (C) Angle (D)Frame | |
124 | 121 | 嗜好 | hobby | To go fishing is a good hobby. | 釣魚是好的嗜好。 | hobby的中文意思為(A)嗜好(B)動作(C)行為(D)經常 | |
125 | 122 | 扒手 | pickpocket | Watch out for the pickpocket. | 小心扒手! | pickpocket的中文意思為(A)警察(B)軍人(C)老師(D)扒手 | |
126 | 123 | 勇氣 | courage | A woman of courage stayed overnight. | 有勇氣的一位女士在這裡過夜。 | courage的中文意思為(A)軟弱(B)強壯(C)勇敢(D)退縮 | |
127 | 124 | 皮夾 | wallet | I found my lost wallet by chance. | 我偶然地發現我遺失的皮夾。 | wallet的中文意思為(A)皮夾(B)手帕(C)皮鞋(D)皮球 | |
128 | 125 | 活著 | alive | We eat in order that we may stay alive. | 我們吃是為了維持活著。 | alive的中文意思為(A)活動(B)活著?不動(D)死亡 | |
129 | 126 | 趕上 | catch | Walk faster, so that we can catch the bus. | 走快點,所以我們才能趕上巴士。 | catch的中文意思為(A)抓破(B)趕上(C)放棄(D)釋放 | |
130 | 127 | 匆忙 | hurry | Being in a hurry, Eddie needs to catch a train. | 艾迪很匆忙,他需要趕一班火車。 | hurry的中文意思為(A)歡呼(B)饑餓(C)懶散(D)匆忙 | |
131 | 128 | 小偷 | thief | Caught by a policeman, the thief felt sorry about what he had done. | 該小偷被警察捉到,關於他所做的感到抱歉。 | thief的中文意思為(A)警察(B)軍人(C)老師(D)小偷 | |
132 | 129 | 永遠 | forever | I hope to take care of my father forever. | 我希望永遠地照顧我的父親。 | forever的中文意思為(A)短暫(B)中程(C)永遠(D)進展 | |
133 | 130 | 希望 | desire | The desire to look after his father is very strong. | 照顧他父親的希望非常強烈。 | desire的中文意思為(A)希望(B)失望(C)討厭(D)喜歡 | |
134 | 131 | 碩士 | master | Eddie attends college to study for master of Arts. | 艾迪為了研讀文學碩士而進入大學。 | master的中文意思為(A)博士(B)碩士(C)學士(D)學生 | |
135 | 132 | 忙碌 | busy | Diana didn’t come here yesterday because she was busy. | 戴安娜昨天沒來這邊,因為她是非常地忙碌的。 | busy的中文意思為(A)忙碌(B)輕鬆(C)懶惰(D)吵雜 | |
136 | 133 | 鼻子 | nose | She is a woman who has a big nose. | 她是一位有大鼻子的女士。 | nose的中文意思為(A)眼睛(B)鼻子(C)耳朵(D)嘴巴 | |
137 | 134 | 淋浴 | shower | When I came here yesterday, Diana was taking a shower. | 當我昨天來這裡時,戴安娜正在淋浴。 | shower的中文意思為(A)淋浴(B)影像(C)通知(D)搖動 | |
138 | 135 | 經理 | manager | Diana is a manager in a company. | 黛安娜是一家公司裡面的經理。 | manager的中文意思為(A)經理(B)課長(C)老師(D)組長 | |
139 | 136 | 教授 | professor | Eddie is a professor. | 艾迪是一位教授。 | Professor的中文意思為(A)對答者 (B)教授 (C)醫生 (D)專家 | |
140 | 137 | 老板 | boss | Eddie is a boss, but his brother is a worker. | 艾迪是一位老板,但是他的弟弟卻是一名工人。 | Eddie is a boss, but his brother is a worker.其中Boss的中文意思為(A)司機 (B)教授(C)老闆 (D)工程專家 | |
141 | 138 | 盤子 | dish | You can wash the dishes, or you can clean the floor. | 你可以洗碗或是你可以清理地板。 | 選正確的單字You can wash (A)money (B)air (C)mistakes (D) dishes, or you can clean the floor. | |
142 | 139 | 目標 | goal | To enter a college is my goal. | 進入學院是我的目標。 | To enter a college is my (A)country (B)professor (C)goal (D)doggy. | |
143 | 140 | 相信 | believe | To see is to believe. | 百聞不如一見。 | 相信的英文字為(A)believe (B)hope (C)control (D)gather | |
144 | 141 | 錯誤 | mistake | What you have done to me is a big mistake. | 你對我所做的是一大錯誤。 | Mistake的中文意思為(A)違法 (B)錯誤 (C)正當 (D)拿取 | |
145 | 142 | 棒球 | baseball | My uncle, Eddie, wins the baseball. | 我的叔叔—艾迪打贏這場棒球。 | 棒球的英文字為(A)basketball (B)tennis(C)baseball (D)rugby | |
146 | 143 | 排球 | Volleyball | Diana, the captain of the volleyball team, was injured in the game. | 黛安娜—排球隊隊長在比賽中受傷。 | 排球的英文字為(A)basketball (B)tennis(C)rugby (D)volleyball | |
147 | 144 | 慢慢地 | slowly | Eddie walks slowly. | 艾迪慢慢地走著。 | Eddie walks (A)highly (B)sleepily (C)slowly (D)completely. | |
148 | 145 | 工作 | job | I will apply for a job tomorrow. | 我明天將申請一份工作。 | Job的中文意思為(A)競走 (B)工作 ( C)判斷 (D)申請 | |
149 | 146 | 通常 | usually | I usually go to bed at ten. | 我通常十點上床(睡覺)。 | 通常的英文字為(A)probablly (B)uniquely (C)usually (D)barely | |
150 | 147 | 以前 | ago | We were teachers one year ago. | 我們一年前是教師。 | Ago的中文意思為(A)年代 (B)阿狗 (C)以前 (D)永遠 | |
151 | 148 | 碗 | bowl | I broke a bowl yesterday. | 我昨天打破一個碗。 | I broke a (A)metal (B)bowl (C)doll (D)fellow yesterday. | |
152 | 149 | 作業 | homework | I had finished my homework yesterday. | 我已經完成我的作業。 | Homework的中文意思為(A)家庭作業 (B)家庭 (C)工資 (D)雜事 | |
153 | 150 | 地球 | earth | The earth goes around the sun. | 地球繞著太陽。 | 地球的英文字為(A)ground (B)global (C)mars (D)earth | |
154 | 151 | 逆向工程 | Reverse engineering | Reverse engineering has become a viable method to create a 3D virtual model of an existing physical part. | 逆向工程是ㄧ種產生樣品其3D虛擬模型的可行方法 | Reverse Engineering 的中文意思為(A)人因工程 (B)同步工程 (C)逆向工程 (D)創意工程 | |
155 | 152 | 實體模型 | Solid modeling | Solid modeling is the unambiguous representation of the solid parts of an object. | 實體模型是一個物體其實體的清楚描述 | Solid modeling 的中文意思為(A)實體模型(B)線架構模型(C)面架構模型(D)點架構模型 | |
156 | 153 | 三次元量測儀 | Coordinate measuring machine (CMM) | A coordinate measuring machine (CMM) is a device for dimensional measuring. | 座標量測儀是ㄧ種尺寸量測的裝置 | CMM經常被使用來量測待測件的(A)溫度(B)尺寸(C)濕度(D)濃度 | |
157 | 154 | 線雷射 | Linear laser | Liner laser can scan the object with high speed 2000-10000 points per minute. | 線雷射能以每分鐘2000點到10000點的速度掃描物體 | Linear laser是(A)點雷射(B)線雷射(C)面雷射(D)以上皆非 | |
158 | 155 | 原始圖檔交換規格 | IGES | The Initial Graphics Exchange Specification (IGES) defines a neutral data format that allows the digital exchange of information among Computer-aided design (CAD) systems. | IGES訂立了一種可以在許多CAD軟體中做資訊交換的資料格式 | IGES是一種(A)文書格式(B)影片格式(C)圖檔交換文字格式(D)聲音格式 | |
159 | 156 | 光電耦合檢像器 | Charge coupled device (CCD) | Adopting two CCDs can avoid scanning dead angle. | 採用雙CCD可避免掃描死角的產生 | CCD是(A)磁碟機(B)硬碟機(C )光碟機(D)光電耦合檢像器 | |
160 | 157 | 三維模型 | 3D model | The reverse engineering process involves measuring an object and then reconstructing it as a 3D model. | 逆向工程包含量測一個物體的幾何外型並將之建構成3D模型 | 三維模型是指(A)3D Model(B)3D Scaner(C)3D Printing(D)3D movie | |
161 | 158 | 點群 | Point cloud | The measured data alone, usually represented as a point cloud, lacks topological information. | 所量測得到的只是不具拓樸資訊的點群資料 | Point cloud是(A)曲面(B)曲線(C)點群(D)雲線 | |
162 | 159 | 3D掃描器 | 3D scanner | A 3D scanner is a device that analyzes a real-world object to collect data on its shape. | 3D掃描器是用來分析真實物體並收集其形狀資料的儀器 | 逆向工程常用的掃瞄設備為(A) 3D printer(B) 3D scanner (C )Vernier caliper(D)Micrometer | |
163 | 160 | 非均勻有理雲線 | NURBS | NURBS(non-uniform rational B-spline) is a mathematical model for generating and representing curves and surfaces. | NURBS 是用來產生跟代表曲線曲面的數學模式 | 非均勻有理雲線是(A)Bézier (B)B-spline(C)NURBS(D)以上皆非 | |
164 | 161 | 曲線擬合 | Curve fitting | Curve fitting is finding a curve which matches a series of data points. | 曲線擬合是指找出一條通過點群的曲線 | 曲線擬合是(A)curve fitting(B)surface fitting(C)curve connection(D)curve extension | |
165 | 162 | 快速成型技術 | Rapid prototyping | Rapid prototyping is the automatic construction of physical objects using solid freeform fabrication. | 快速成型技術是採用實體自由加工方式自動建構實際物體 | Rapid prototyping 是指(A)電腦輔助製造(B)快速轉檔技術(C)逆向工程(D)快速成型技術 | |
166 | 163 | STL 檔案格式 | STL file format | The standard interface between CAD software and rapid prototyping machines is the STL file format. | STL 檔案格式是CAD軟體與快速成型機器間的標準介面 | 快速成型加工經常採用的檔案格式是(A)DWG(B)STL(C)IGES(D)DOC | |
167 | 164 | 選擇式雷射燒結 | Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) | Selective Laser Sintering is an additive rapid manufacturing technique. | 選擇式雷射燒結是一種添加式的快速製造技術 | 選擇式雷射燒結是(A)Selective Laser Sintering (SLS)(B)Fused deposition modeling (FDM)(C)Stereolithography(D)Laminated Object Manufacturing (LOM) | |
168 | 165 | 熔解沉積造型 | Fused deposition modeling (FDM) | Fused deposition modeling (FDM) works on an "additive" principle by laying down material in layers. | FDM是應用ㄧ層ㄧ層添加材料的工作原理 | Fused deposition modeling (FDM) 是指(A)熔解沉積造型(B)層狀物體加工(C)立體印刷術(D)電子束熔融 | |
169 | 166 | 變形量 | deformation | Deformation may be related to force or stress or to a chang in temperature. | 變形量與力、應力或溫度的改變成一比例 | deformation的中文意思為(A)變位 (B)變形量 (C)資訊 (D)外形 | |
170 | 167 | 變位 | displacement | The vector from A to A' is called the displacement of point A. | 從A移位到A'稱為A的變位 | displacement的中文意思為(A)變位 (B)變形量 (C)資訊 (D)外形 | |
171 | 168 | 應力 | stress | Stress is force divided by the area over which the force is destributed. | 應力是力量除以作用面積 | stress的中文意思為(A)變形 (B)應變 (C)應力 (D)拘束力 | |
172 | 169 | 允許應力 | allowable stress | An allowable stress is the maximum permissible stress allowed in the design of a member. | 允許應力是設計元件之最大容許應力 | 允許應力的英文字為(A)allowable stress (B)shear stress (C)residual stress (D)tensile stress | |
173 | 170 | 彈性限 | elastic limit | The elastic limit is the maximum stress for which the material acts elastically. | 彈性限是材料在彈性行為中之最大應力 | 彈性限的英文字為(A)factor of safety (B)flexibility coefficient (C)constant (D)elastic limit | |
174 | 171 | 蒲松比 | poisson's ratio | The ratio of the lateral or perpendicular strain to the longitudinal or axial strain is called Poisson's ratio. | 橫向應變對軸向應變比的絕對值稱為蒲松比 | 蒲松比的英文字為(A)factor of safety (B)poisson's ratio (C)poisson's factor (D)factor of ratio | |
175 | 172 | 等向性 | isotropic | In an isotropic material, material properties such as the modulus of elasticity. | 等向性的材料特性例如彈性的模式 | isotropic的中文意思為(A)均質 (B)六面體 (C)方格 (D)等向性 | |
176 | 173 | 安全係數 | factor of safety | The factor of safety takes into account the imponderables. | 安全係數的考量是需要適當的值 | 安全係數的英文字為(A)factor of safety (B)flexibility coefficient (C)constant (D)fracture | |
177 | 174 | 延展性 | ultimate elongation | The ultimate elongation espressed as a percent elongation or the gage length at rupture. | 延展性可藷由延伸率或試驗長度來判定 | 延展性的英文字為(A)inelastic (B)ultimate elongation (C)percent elongation (D)fully plastic | |
178 | 175 | 延伸率 | percent elongation | The ultimate elongation espressed as a percent elongation or the gage length at rupture. | 延展性可藷由延伸率或試驗長度來判定 | 延伸率的英文字為(A)inelastic (B)ultimate elongation (C)percent elongation (D)maximum elastic | |
179 | 176 | 樑 | beam | Strain energy techniques are frequently used to analyze the deflections of beams and structures. | 應變能的技術可以用於分析結構或樑之撓度 | 樑的英文字為(A)beam (B)spring (C) member (D) bar | |
180 | 177 | 撓度 | deflection | Strain energy techniques are frequently used to analyze the deflections of beams and structures. | 應變能的技術可以用於分析結構或樑之撓度 | deflection的中文意思為(A)變位 (B)變形量 (C)撓度 (D)彎曲 | |
181 | 178 | 平面應力 | plane stress | A state of plane stress occurs naturally at points on the outside surface of a body. | 平面應力的狀態會在物體之最外圍表面產生 | plane stress的中文意思為(A)平面變位 (B)平面應變 (C)平面應力 (D)平面撓屈 | |
182 | 179 | 平面應變 | plane strain | A state of plane strain although there is no strain in the z-direction. | 平面應變通常在 z 方向沒有應變 | plane strain的中文意思為(A)平面變位 (B)平面應變 (C)平面應力 (D)平面撓屈 | |
183 | 180 | 降伏應力 | yield stress | A yield stress occurs at point on the yield point. | 降伏應力發生在降伏點 | yield stress的中文意思為(A)極限變位 (B)降伏應變 (C)降伏應力 (D)極限應力 | |
184 | 181 | 管理 | Management | He introduced better methods of management in this company. | 他為本公司引進了更好的管理方法 | Management的中文意思為(A)企業 (B)管理(C)工業 (D)執行 | |
185 | 182 | 工業 | Industry | Our automobile industry is expanding. | 我們的汽車工業在發展。 | 工業的英文字為 (A)Information (B)Incetive (C) Institute (D)Industry | |
186 | 183 | 原料 | Material | Wood and stone are the only raw materials on the island. | 木材和石頭是這個島上僅有的原材料。 | 原料的英文字為(A)Steel (B)Energy (C) Resource (D)Material | |
187 | 184 | 製造 | Manufacture | The bikes are of home manufacture. | 這些自行車是本國製造的。 | Manufacture的中文意思為(A)製造 (B)管理 (C)設計 (D)檢測 | |
188 | 185 | 規格 | Specification | The engineer can't start working without the specification for the design. | 沒有關於設計的詳細規格,工程師無法開工。 | 規格的英文字為(A)Instruction (B)Install (C) Specification (D)Inspection | |
189 | 186 | 機器 | Machinery | Many products are made by machinery rather than by hand. | 許多產品是機器造的而不是手工做的。 | 機器的英文字為(A)Machine (B)Mechanical (C) Mechanism (D)manipulator | |
190 | 187 | 組織 | Organization | It is a non-profit organization. | 這是一個非營利性的組織。 | Organization的中文意思為(A)工廠 (B)組織 (C)會議 (D)政府 | |
191 | 188 | 目標 | Objective | A college education is my objective | 我的目標是獲得大學教育。 | Objective的中文意思為(A)成就 (B)方法 (C)目標 (D)效率 | |
192 | 189 | 公司 | Company | Tom works for a computer company. | 湯姆在一家電腦公司上班。 | 公司的英文字為(A)School (B)University (C) Company (D)Government | |
193 | 190 | 委員會 | Committee | He is on the finance committee. | 他是財政委員會的委員。 | 委員會的英文字為(A)Committee (B)Manager (C) Ministration (D)Department | |
194 | 191 | 佈置 | Layou | Their house has a good layout. | 他們的房子佈置得很好 | Layout的中文意思為(A)排列 (B)佈置 (C)展覽 (D)分配 | |
195 | 192 | 計畫 | Plan | What's your plan for the weekend? | 你週末有什麼計畫? | Plan的中文意思為(A)建議 (B)方法 (C)意見 (D)計畫 | |
196 | 193 | 製程 | Process | They are using a new process to make glass. | 他們正在用一種新製程製造玻璃。 | Process的中文意思為(A)製程 (B)生產 (C)產品 (D)品管 | |
197 | 194 | 圖表 | Chart | The chart showed the company's rapid growth in recent years. | 圖表顯示了該公司近年來的迅速發展。 | 圖表的英文字為(A)Chart (B)pain (C) Draw (D)Draft | |
198 | 195 | 價格 | Price | Prices keep going up. | 物價持續上漲 | 價格的英文字為(A)Cost (B)Price (C) Payment (D)Qutation | |
199 | 196 | 度量衡學 | metrology | Metrology is the science of measurement. | 度量衡學是指量測科學。 | Metrology的中文意思為 (A)氣象學 (B)靜力學 (C)度量衡學 (D)生物學 | |
200 | 197 | 量測 | measurement | In laboratory scientific research, experiments, and measurement may be performed. | 在實驗室裡可以進行科學研究、試驗及量測。 | 量測的英文字為(A)Research (B)Experiment (C)Laboratory (D)Measurement | |
201 | 198 | 準確 | accuracy | Accuracy is the degree of conformity of a measured quantity to its actual value. | 準確性是指量測值與真實值的相符程度 | 準確的英文字為(A)Accuracy (B)Activity (C)Academy (D)Accompany | |
202 | 199 | 精密 | precision | Precision is the degree of reproducibility. | 精密性表示重複出現的可能程度。 | Precision的中文意思為 (A)價格 (B)精密 (C)決定 (D)預知 | |
203 | 200 | 單位 | unit | The International System (SI) of units is a global standard | SI 單位制是全球的標準。 | 單位的英文字為(A)System (B)Piece (C)Unit (D)Union | |
204 | 201 | 長度 | length | The length of a thing is the distance between its ends. | 長度是兩端點的距離。 | Length的中文意思為 (A)很大 (B)長度 (C)晚餐(D)肺臟 | |
205 | 202 | 毫米 | millimeter | The chips are less than a millimeter thick. | 這些薄片厚度不足一毫米。 | 毫米的英文字為(A)Meter (B)Millimeter (C)Micrometer (D)Nanometer | |
206 | 203 | 英吋 | inch | There are 12 inches in a foot. | 一英尺有12英吋。 | 英吋的英文字為(A)Foot (B)Mile (C)Inch (D)Yard | |
207 | 204 | 角 | angle | The degree is a unit of plane angle. | 角度是平面角的單位 | Angle的中文意思為 (A)天使 (B)生氣 (C)足踝 (D)角度 | |
208 | 205 | 弳度 | radian | The radian is equal to 180/π degrees. | 弳度等於 180/π角度 | 弳度的英文字為(A)Radio (B)Radian (C)Radar (D)Radius | |
209 | 206 | 校正 | calibration | Gage blocks provide dimensional standards for calibration. | 塊規提供長度的校正標準。 | 校正的英文字為(A)Calibration (B)Celebration (C)Calcium (D)Calculate | |
210 | 207 | 公差 | tolerance | This machine part was built to a tolerance of 0.01 millimeters. | 這一機件的製造公差是0.01毫米 | 公差的英文字為(A)Fit (B)Tolerance (C)Difference (D)Distinction | |
211 | 208 | 尺 | ruler | The child used a ruler to draw straight lines. | 這孩子用一把直尺劃直線。 | 直尺的英文字為(A)Stick (B)Band (C)Protractor (D)Ruler | |
212 | 209 | 游標卡尺 | vernier caliper | Vernier calipers commonly used in industry provide a precision to a hundredth of a millimeter . | 工業常用的游標卡尺可達百分之一毫米精度。 | 游標卡尺的英文字為(A)Micrometer (B)Dial Indicator (C)Vernier Caliper (D)Lever Indicator | |
213 | 210 | 塊規 | gauge block | Gauge blocks are the most often used length standard. | 塊規是最常見的長度標準。 | Gauge Block的中文意思為 (A)塊規(B)半徑規 (C)節距規 (D)厚薄規 | |
214 | 211 | 中央處理單元 | CPU | A central processing unit (CPU), or sometimes simply processor, is the component in a digital computer that interprets computer program instructions and processes data | 中央處理單元(Central Processing Unit,CPU),是電腦的主要設備之一。其功能主要是解釋電腦指令以及處理電腦數據。 | CPU的中文意思為(A)中央處理單元 (B)外部處理單元 (C)加熱處理單元 (D)散熱處理單元 | |
215 | 212 | 微處理器 | microprocessor | The introduction of the microprocessor in the 1970s significantly affected the design and implementation of CPUs. | 自從微處理器在1970年代發表之後,便大大影響了CPU的設計與實作 | 微處理器的英文字為(A)microprocessor (B)microcontroller (C) microwave (D)microtime | |
216 | 213 | 算數邏輯單元 | ALU (arithmetic logic unit) | The ALU contains the circuitry to perform simple arithmetic and logical operations on the inputs (like addition and bitwise operations). | ALU內含電路系統,以於輸出端完成簡單的普通運算和邏輯運算(比如加法和位元運算)。 | ALU (arithmetic logic unit)的中文意思為(A)中央處理單元 (B)外部處理單元 (C)減法邏輯單元 (D)算數邏輯單元 | |
217 | 214 | 數位電腦 | digital computer | Some early digital computers used an electrical model of the common decimal (base ten) numeral system to represent numbers internally. | 一些早期的數位電腦內部使用電力模型來表示通用的十進位(基於10進位)數位系統數字。 | digital computer的中文意思為(A)類比電腦 (B)數位電腦 (C)個人電腦 (D)大眾電腦 | |
218 | 215 | 二進位系統 | binary form | Nearly all modern CPUs represent numbers in binary form | 幾乎所有的現代的CPU使用二進位系統來表示數字 | binary form的中文意思為(A)二進位系統 (B)八進位系統 (C)十進位系統 (D)十六進位系統 | |
219 | 216 | 週邊介面控制器 | PIC | PIC is a product of microchip company | 週邊介面控制器是microchip公司的產品 | 週邊介面控制器的英文字為(A)MCU (B)ALU (C) PIC (D)TV | |
220 | 217 | 單晶片 | single chip | The single chip could be designed for specific purpose. | 單晶片可為特殊目的而設計 | single chip的中文意思為(A)多晶片 (B)單晶片 (C)小晶片 (D)個人電腦 | |
221 | 218 | 整合發展環境 | IDE (Integrated Development Environment ) | MPLAB Integrated Development Environment (IDE) software is a free, integrated toolset . | MPLAB 整合發展環境軟體是一免費的工具 | IDE (Integrated Development Environment )的中文意思為(A)數位發展環境 (B)類比輸入 (C)整合發展環境 (D)算數邏輯單元 | |
222 | 219 | 隨機存取記憶體 | Random access memory ( RAM) | Random access memory (usually known by its acronym, RAM) is a type of data storage used in computers | 隨機存取記憶體,或稱隨機訪問存儲器(Random Access Memory,簡稱RAM),是一種在電腦中用來暫時保存數據的元件。 | 隨機存取記憶體的英文字為(A)ROM (B)MCU(C) PC (D)RAM | |
223 | 220 | 唯讀記憶體 | Read-only memory ( ROM) | Read-only memory (usually known by its acronym, ROM) is a class of storage media used in computers and other electronic devices. | 唯讀記憶體(Read-Only Memory,ROM)是一種半導體記憶體,其特性是一旦儲存資料就無法再將之改變或刪除。 | 唯讀記憶體的英文字為(A)ROM (B)MCU(C) PC (D)RAM | |
224 | 221 | 微控制器 | microcontroller ( MCU) | A microcontroller (or MCU) is also computer-on-a-chip. | 微控制器也是一種單晶片 | microcontroller ( MCU)的中文意思為(A) 微控制器(B)類比電腦 (C)個人電腦 (D)算數邏輯單元 | |
225 | 222 | 模擬 | simulation | A simulation is an imitation of some real thing, state of affairs, or process. | 模擬乃是對一些真實事務的"仿製" | 模擬的英文字為(A)population (B)calculation(C)acceleration (D)simulation | |
226 | 223 | 中斷 | interrupt | An act of interrupting is referred to as an interrupt request ("IRQ"). | 中斷行為就如一中斷請求 | interrupt的中文意思為(A) 輸入(B)輸出 (C)中斷 (D)結束 | |
227 | 224 | 組譯器 | assembler | The assembler transfers the source code into machine code. | 組譯器將原始程式碼轉換成機器碼 | 組譯器的英文字為(A)interrupter (B)microcontroller (C) assembler (D)end | |
228 | 225 | 線上偵錯器 | ICD(in circuit debugger) | The microchip also provides ICD for PIC. | microchip公司也對週邊介面控制器提供線上偵錯器 | ICD(in circuit debugger)的中文意思為(A)單晶片 (B)線上偵錯器 (C)個人電腦 (D)中央處理單元 | |
229 | 226 | 鑽模 | jig | A jig is a special device that holds, supports, or is placed on a part to be machinedt. | 鑚模是一種夾緊,支持預被加工的工件裝置。 | 鑚模的英文字為(A)cost (B)into (C) jig (D)pretty | |
230 | 227 | 夾具 | fixture | A fixture is a production tool that locates, holds, and supports the work securely. | 夾具是一種可以將工件穩固的定位,夾緊與支持的生產工具。 | 夾具的英文字為(A)fixture (B)tool (C) jig (D)clamp | |
231 | 228 | 工具 | tool | Provide simple,easy-to-operate tools for maximum efficiency. | 提供簡單,容易操作的工具來得到最大的效率。 | 工具的英文字為(A)fixture (B)tool (C)jig (D)clamp | |
232 | 229 | 設計 | design | Distillation tower is one of the most important equipments for separation of volatile liquid mixtures. | 設計可一致性生產高品質零件的工具。 | design的中文意思為(A)基準 (B)材料 (C)加工 (D)設計 | |
233 | 230 | 製造,加工 | manufacture | The main objective of tool design is to lower manufacturing costs. | 工具設計之主要目標在降低製造成本。 | manufacture的中文意思為(A)材料 (B)製造 (C)設計 (D)零件 | |
234 | 231 | 材料 | material | Carbon steel is the primary material of jig and fixture tooling. | 碳鋼是鑚模與夾具的主要材料。 | material的中文意思為(A)材料 (B)製造 (C)設計 (D)零件 | |
235 | 232 | 基準面 | datum | Application of a datum feature symbol. | 一個基準面的符號應用。 | 基準面的英文字為(A)contact (B)locate (C)tolerance (D)datum | |
236 | 233 | 公差 | tolerance | This machine part was built to a tolerance of 0.01 millimeters. | 這一機器部件的製造公差是0.01毫米。 | 公差的英文字為(A)contact (B)locate (C)tolerance (D)datum | |
237 | 234 | 接觸 | contact | Clamps should always contact the work at its most rigid point. | 夾緊件應該與工件最鋼硬的點接觸。 | 接觸的英文字為(A)contact (B)locate (C)tolerance (D)datum | |
238 | 235 | 定位 | locate | Whenever possible,locators contact the work on a machined surface. | 無論何時定位件須儘可能與已加工面接觸。 | locate的中文意思為(A)定位 (B)標準 (C)設計 (D)厚度 | |
239 | 236 | 厚度 | thickness | The thickness of the jig plate is normally dependent on the size of the bushings used. | 葉板厚度通常依導套尺寸而定。 | thickness的中文意思為(A)定位 (B)標準 (C)設計 (D)厚度 | |
240 | 237 | 標準 | standard | Your work is not up to standard. | 你的工作未達到標準。 | standard的中文意思為(A)定位 (B)標準 (C)設計 (D)厚度 | |
241 | 238 | 配件 | component | A computer consists of thousands of components. | 電腦由成千上萬個部件組成。 | 配件的英文字為(A)bushings (B)component (C)clamp (D)datum | |
242 | 239 | 原理 | principle | The two machines work on the same principle. | 這兩部機器的工作原理是一樣的。 | 原理的英文字為(A)economics (B)principle (C)tolerance (D)analysis | |
243 | 240 | 槓桿 | lever | They levered it into position. | 他們用槓桿把它推至定位。 | 槓桿的英文字為(A)modify (B)lever (C)cost (D)locate | |
244 | 241 | 影像處理 | Image Processing | Fundamentals of Image Processing are taught in this course | 這門課教授影像處理的基本知識 | Image Processing的中文意思為(A)亮度(B)像素(C)影像處理 (D)取樣 | |
245 | 242 | 圖形識別 | Pattern Recognition | Pattern recognition aims to classify data | 圖形識別主要用來做資料的分類 | Pattern Recognition的中文意思為(A)圖形識別 (B)傳導(C)影像處理 (D)輻射 | |
246 | 243 | 影像分析 | Image analysis | Image analysis is the extraction of meaningful information from image | 影像分析用來擷取影像中的有用資訊 | Image analysis的中文意思為(A)圖形識別 (B)顏色(C)影像分析 (D)色度 | |
247 | 244 | 圖像壓縮 | Image Compression | Image compression is the application of Data compression on digital images. | 圖像壓縮是數據壓縮技術在數字圖像上的應用 | 圖像壓縮的英文字為(A)Image Compression (B)color (C) Distillation (D)Column | |
248 | 245 | 去除雜訊 | Noise removal | Noise removal is very important in the image processing | 去除雜訊在影像處理處理中是很重要的 | 去除雜訊的英文字為(A)gray (B)color (C) gray lever (D)Noise removal | |
249 | 246 | 色度 | saturation | In color theory, saturation or purity refers to the intensity of a specific hue. | 色度指得是色彩的純度 | saturation的中文意思為(A)圖形識別 (B)顏色(C)影像分析 (D)色度 | |
250 | 247 | 亮度 | brightness | The moon bathed the landscape in her pale cold rays at a different phase and with varied brightness. | 在不同的時候,月亮以不同的亮度將她慘淡的冷光沐浴在地貌上 | brightness的中文意思為(A)亮度(B)像素(C)影像處理 (D)取樣 | |
251 | 248 | 灰階度 | gray lever | This picture is shown by gray lever | 這圖片以灰階顯示 | 灰階度的英文字為(A)Image Compression (B)color (C) gray lever (D)Column | |
252 | 249 | 電腦視覺 | Computer Vision | Fundamentals of Computer Vision are taugh in this course | 這門課教授影像處理的基本知識 | 電腦視覺的英文字為(A)Computer Vision (B)color (C) gray lever (D)Noise removal | |
253 | 250 | 訊號處理 | signal processing | Noise removal is very important in the signal processing | 去除雜訊在訊號處理中是很重要的 | 訊號處理的英文字為(A)Image Compression (B)color (C) Distillation (D)signal processing | |
254 | 251 | 取樣 | sample | His job is to sample products for defects. | 他的工作是抽樣檢查產品的瑕疵 | sample的中文意思為(A)亮度(B)像素(C)影像處理 (D)取樣 | |
255 | 252 | 邊界檢測 | edge detection | Edge detection can be used to detect the edge of object | 邊界檢測可用來檢測物體邊界 | 邊界檢測的英文字為(A)defect (B)color (C) gray lever (D)edge detection | |
256 | 253 | 顏色 | color | Primary colors of the spectrum are red, yellow and blue | 原色是紅、黃、藍 | color的中文意思為(A)圖形識別 (B)顏色(C)影像分析 (D)色度 | |
257 | 254 | 瑕疵 | defect | Pattern Recognition is used to inspect products for defects. | 圖形識別用來檢測產品瑕疵 | 瑕疵的英文字為(A)defect (B)color (C) gray lever (D)Noise removal | |
258 | 255 | 像素 | pixel | The pixels of this picture are 5000000 | 這張圖片是5000000像素的 | pixel的中文意思為(A)亮度(B)像素(C)影像處理 (D)取樣 | |
259 | 256 | 連續時間系統 | Continuous-time system | A continuous-time system accepts continuous-time signals as its input and generates continuous-time signals as its output. | 連續時間系統接收連續時間訊號做為其輸入,並產生連續時間訊號做為其輸出。 | Continuous-time system的中文意義為(A)連續時間系統 (B)連續事件系統(C)不連續時間系統 (D)連續時間事件系統 | |
260 | 257 | 離散時間系統 | Discrete-time system | A discrete-time system accepts discrete-time signals as its input and generates discrete -time signals as its output. | 離散時間系統接收離散時間訊號做為其輸入,並產生離散時間訊號做為其輸出。 | Discrete-time system的中文意義為(A)離散事件系統 (B)離散時間系統(C)連續時間系統 (D)連續事件系統 | |
261 | 258 | 類比訊號 | Analog signal | An analog signal is any variable signal continuous in both time and amplitude | 類比訊號是指時間和波幅都連續的信號。 | Analog signal的中文意義為(A) 反比訊號(B)對比訊號 (C)類比訊號(D)類似訊號 | |
262 | 259 | 數位訊號 | Digital signal | Digital signals are digital representations of discrete-time signals, which are often derived from analog signals. | 數位訊號是離散時間訊號的展現,通常和類比訊號區分。 | Digital signal的中文意義為(A)類比訊號(B)連續訊號 (C) 分析訊號(D)數位訊號 | |
263 | 260 | 數位控制 | Digital control | Digital control is a branch of control theory that uses digital computers to act as a system. | 數位控制是控制理論的一個分支,是以數位計算機來使系統作動。 | Digital control的中文意義為(A)數位控制(B)連續控制 (C) 訊號控制(D)事件控制 | |
264 | 261 | 類比控制 | Analog control | The traditional analog control of inverter has the problem of stability and precision. | 傳統的變頻器類比控制有穩定性和精確度的問題。 | Analog control的中文意義為(A)數位控制(B)類比控制 (C) 類似控制(D)事件控制 | |
265 | 262 | 類比數位轉換器 | Analog-to-digital converter | An analog-to-digital converter (abbreviated ADC, A/D or A to D) is an electronic circuit that converts continuous signals to discrete digital numbers. | 類比數位轉換器(簡寫為ADC,A/D,A to D)是一個將連續訊號轉換為離散數位訊號數字的電路。 | Analog-to-digital converter的中文意義為(A)類比連續轉換器 (B)數位類比轉換器(C) 類比數位轉換器(D)類比相似轉換器 | |
266 | 263 | 數位類比轉換器 | Digital-to-Analog converter | A digital-to-analog converter (DAC or D-to-A) is a device for converting a digital code to an analog signal (current, voltage or electric charge). | 數位類比轉換器(簡寫為DAC,D/A,D to A)是一個將數位編碼轉換為類比訊號(電壓或電量)的電路。 | Digital-to-Analog converter的中文意義為(A)數位類比轉換器(B)類比連續轉換器 (C) 類比數位轉換器(D)數位類比轉換器 | |
267 | 264 | 微處理機 | Microcontroller | A microcontroller (or MCU) is a computer-on-a-chip. | 微處理機是一個晶片上的計算機。 | Microcontroller的中文意義為(A)微電腦控制器 (B)單晶片控制器 (C)微控制器 (D)以上皆是 | |
268 | 265 | 時間領域 | Time domain | Time domain is a term used to describe the analysis of mathematical functions, or physical signals, with respect to time. | 時間領域是用來敘述與時間有關的數學函數或訊號相關分析的項目。 | Time domain的中文意義為(A)時間間隔(B) 時間範圍(C)時間領域 (D)時間頻率 | |
269 | 266 | 頻率領域 | Frequency domain | Frequency domain is a term used to describe the analysis of mathematical functions or signals with respect to frequency. | 頻率領域是用來敘述與頻率有關的數學函數或訊號相關分析的項目。 | Frequency domain的中文意義為(A)頻率間隔(B) 頻率領域(C)頻率範圍(D)頻率時間 | |
270 | 267 | 取樣 | Sampling | In signal processing, sampling is the reduction of a continuous signal to a discrete signal. | 在信號處理領域中,取樣是將信號從連續時間域上的模擬信號轉換到離散時間域上的離散信號的過程。 | Sampling的中文意義為(A)取樣(B) 樣本(C)樣式 (D)多樣 | |
271 | 268 | 取樣器 | Sampler | A sampler is a subsystem or operator that extracts samples from continuous signal. | 取樣器是由連續訊號取出樣本的子系統或運算器。 | Sampler的中文意義為(A)取樣器(B) 樣本器(C)樣式器 (D)多樣器 | |
272 | 269 | Nyquist–Shannon取樣理論 | Nyquist–Shannon sampling theorem | The Nyquist–Shannon sampling theorem is a fundamental result in the field of information theory. | Nyquist–Shannon取樣理論是資訊領域中重要的基礎結果。 | Nyquist–Shannon sampling theorem的中文意義為(A)奈奎斯特-山農多樣定理(B)奈奎斯特-山農取樣定理 (C) 奈奎斯特-山農樣本定理(D)奈奎斯特-山農數位定理 | |
273 | 270 | 週期 | Period | Period may refer to an interval of time that an event, chain of events, instance or happening, takes place within. | 週期是指一個事件或是一連串事件發生的時間間隔。 | Period的中文意義為(A)次數(B)頻率 (C)週期 (D)時間 | |
274 | 271 | 零階保持 | Zero-order hold | The Zero-order hold (ZOH) is a mathematical model of the practical signal reconstruction done by a conventional digital-to-analog converter (DAC). | 零階保持是藉由一個傳統的數位類比轉換器來進行訊號重構的數學模型。 | Zero-order hold的中文意思為(A)零次保持(B)零值保持 (C)零序保持 (D)零階保持 | |
275 | 272 | 動態模型(動力學模型) | Dynamical model | A method is presented for determining lumped dynamical models of thermal microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) devices for purposes of feedback control. | 此方法展示了一個為了對熱制動微機電元件進行回授控制的總集動態模型。 | 動態模型的英文應為(A)Dynamical model(B)Dynamical motel (C)Dynamics model (D)Digital model | |
276 | 273 | 轉移函數 | Transfer function | A transfer function is a mathematical representation of the relation between the input and output of a system. | 轉移函數是系統輸入與輸出之間關係的數學表示。 | 轉移函數的英文應為(A)Transfer function(B)Trasform function(C)Trasport function(D)Trasformation function | |
277 | 274 | 開迴路控制 | Open-loop control | The networked congestion control algorithm is classified into open-loop control and close-loop control in control theory. | 網路擁塞控制演算法可以依控制理論分為開迴路控制和閉迴路控制。 | 開迴路控制的英文應為(A)Servo control(B)Motion control(C)Open-loop control(D)Closed-loop control | |
278 | 275 | 閉迴路控制 | Closed-loop control | In a closed-loop control system, a feedback controller monitors the vehicle's speed and adjusts the throttle as necessary to maintain the desired speed. | 在閉迴路控制中,回授控制器監測車諒速度並依需要調整節流閥以維持所需速度。 | 閉迴路控制的英文應為(A)Open-loop contro(B)Motion control(C)Closed-loop control(D)Servo control | |
279 | 276 | Z 轉換 | Z-transform | The Z-transform converts a discrete time-domain signal into a complex frequency-domain representation. | Z 轉換是把一個離散時間領域的訊號,轉成複數形式的頻率領域表示形式。 | Z 轉換的英文應為(A)Z-transfer(B)Z-transform(C)Z-transport(D)Z-transformation | |
280 | 277 | 差分方程 | Difference equation | In mathematics, a difference equation is an equation that defines a sequence recursively: each term of the sequence is defined as a function of the preceding terms. | 在數學上,差分方程是一種遞迴地定義一個序列的方程式:序列的每一項目是定義為前一項的函數。 | 差分方程的英文應為(A)Differential equation(B)Difference equation(C)Different equation(D)Differ equation | |
281 | 278 | 脈衝響應 | Impulse response | If we input a Dirac delta function to this system, the result of the LTI transformation is known as the impulse response. | 如果我們給系統輸入一個狄拉克δ函數信號,線性時不變轉換的結果是脈衝響應。 | 脈衝響應的英文應為(A)Frequency response(B)Input response(C)pulse response(D)Impulse response | |
282 | 279 | 羅斯準則 | Routh criterion | The Routh criterion can be used on low order systems . | 羅斯準則可使用在低階系統上。 | 羅斯準則的英文應為(A)Louis criterion(B)Louth criterion(C)Roth criterion(D)Routh criterion | |
283 | 280 | 雙線性轉換 | Bilinear transform | In digital signal processing, the bilinear transform is a conformal mapping. | 在數位訊號處理中,雙線性轉換是一個保角轉換。 | 雙線性轉換的英文應為(A)Double-linear transform(B)nonlinear transform(C)Bilinear transform(D)Bilinear translater | |
284 | 281 | 模擬 | Simulation | A simulation is an imitation of some real thing, state of affairs, or process. | 模擬是一種真實事物、事務狀態或過程的仿傚。 | 模擬的英文應為(A)Simulink(B)Simulation(C)Sampler(D)Sampling | |
285 | 282 | 工具機 | Machine tool | A machine tool is a powered mechanical device, typically used to fabricate metal components of machines by machining, which is the selective removal of metal. | 工具機是指一類動力機械裝置。通常用於精密切削金屬以生產其他機器的金屬零件。 | 工具機的英文應為(A)Machine tool(B)Mechanical tool(C)Machine bus(D)Machine instrument | |
286 | 283 | 運動控制 | Motion control | Motion control is a sub-field of automation, in which the position and/or velocity of machines are controlled using some type of device such as a linear actuator, or an electric motor, generally a servo. | 運動控制是自動化的一個子領域,是指由一些元件,如線性致動器、馬達來控制機器的位置與速度,一般而言是伺服機構。 | 運動控制的英文應為(A)Sport control(B)Motion control(C)Servo control(D) | |
287 | 284 | 伺服控制 | Servo control | Servo control is used to keep the read/write head "on track." | 伺服控制用於保持讀寫頭在軌跡上。 | 伺服控制的英文應為(A)Servo control(B)Server control(C)Sampler control(D)Simulation control | |
288 | 285 | 伺服驅動器 | Servo drive | A servo drive is a special electric amplifier used to power electric servo motors. It monitors feedback signals from the motor and continually adjusts for deviation from expected behavior. | 伺服驅動器是用於電力伺服馬達的特殊電放大器。它監測由馬達傳回的連續訊號並依據與期望行為的誤差來連續調整。 | 伺服驅動器的英文應為(A)Servo control(B)Servo drive(C)Safe drive(D)Software drive | |
289 | 286 | 濾清器 | filter | This is a coffee filter. | 這是咖啡過濾器。 | filter的中文意思為(A)壓縮機(B)冷卻器 (C)濾清器 (D)油箱 | |
290 | 287 | 壓縮機 | compressor | A gas compressor is a mechanical device that increases the pressure of a gas by reducing its volume | 空氣壓縮機是增加氣體壓力減少體積的機械設備。 | 壓縮機的英文為(A)compressor(B)cooler (C) filter (D)tank | |
291 | 288 | 冷卻器 | cooler | A cooler most commonly is an insulated box, used to keep food or drink cool | 冷卻器通常是一種隔熱箱,使用於保持食物或飲料冰冷。 | Cooler的中文意思為(A)壓縮機(B)冷卻器 (C)濾清器 (D)油箱 | |
292 | 289 | 壓力 | pressure | The pressure inside the old submarine was almost unendurable. | 老式潛艇內的壓力幾乎是難以忍受的。 | pressure的中文意思為(A)壓力(B)速度 (C)力量 (D)應變 | |
293 | 290 | 流量控制閥 | flow control valve | A flow control valve regulates the flow or pressure of a fluid. | 流量控制閥調整流體的流量或壓力。 | flow control valve的中文意思為(A)流量計(B)壓力控制閥 (C)壓力計 (D)流量控制閥 | |
294 | 291 | 壓力計 | manometer | A manometer is a pressure measuring instrument. | 壓力計是壓力量測儀器。 | manometer的中文意思為(A)流量計(B)溫度計 (C)壓力計 (D)感測器 | |
295 | 292 | 流量計 | flow meter | An air flow meter is a device that measures how much air is flowing through a tube. | 空氣流量計是量測空氣流通過管子多少的設備。 | 流量計的英文為(A)manometer(B)thermometer (C)flow gauge (D)flow meter | |
296 | 293 | 溫度計 | thermometer | A thermometer is a device that measures temperature or temperature gradient. | 溫度計是用來量測溫度或溫度梯度的裝置。 | 溫度計的英文為(A)manometer(B)thermometer (C)flow gauge (D)flow meter | |
297 | 294 | 計時器 | timer | A timer can be used to control the sequence of process. | 計時器用來控制過程的順序。 | 計時器的英文為(A)timer(B)relay (C)counter (D)sensor | |
298 | 295 | 計數器 | counter | A counter is a device which stores the number of times a particular event. | 計數器是儲存一個特定事件次數量的裝置。 | counter的中文意思為(A)計時器(B)計數器 (C)繼電器 (D)感測器 | |
299 | 296 | 繼電器 | relay | A relay is an electrical switch. | 繼電器是一個電的開關。 | 繼電器的英文為(A)timer(B)relay (C)counter (D)sensor | |
300 | 297 | 閥門 | valve | The exhaust valve on my car has burnt out three times. | 我車子上的排氣閥已燒壞三次。 | 閥門的英文為(A)switch(B)relay(C)piston (D)valve | |
301 | 298 | 開關 | switch | You pressed the wrong switch. | 你按錯了開關。 | switch的中文意思為(A)泵(B)活塞C)錶 (D)開關 | |
302 | 299 | 錶 | gauge | My car's gas gauge indicated that there was little gas left. | 我車上的汽油表顯示剩下的油不多了。 | gauge的中文意思為(A)泵(B)馬達(C)錶 (D)油箱 | |
303 | 300 | 泵 | pump | We have a pump for drawing water from the well. | 我們用一個水泵從井裡抽水。 | pump的中文意思為(A)泵(B)馬達(C)錶 (D)油箱 | |
304 |