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      Word文档 生日快乐歌的起源
      文档预览: The story of how the song "Happy ... Morning to All" was sure to be ...You."1893年,两姐妹发表了一部歌曲集... Because the family legally owns the... 点击下载
    • 文档格式:pdf 更新日期:2004-12-02
      PDF文档 MP3文件格式
      文档预览: 一首 MP3 歌曲,它有三个版 本:96Kbps(96 千... perfect but it brings some problems: If you ...you want to cut 5 minutes from the middle of ... 点击下载
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      PDF文档 Because of You 渗露浓浓伤怀
      文档预览: Kelly感人肺腑的浓郁唱腔使这首"Because of you"从一开始就牵动着听者的心灵....你 试听:凯莉hardthe much mistakesYou you did {play}http://www.yichu0710.com... 点击下载
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      PDF文档 这首歌是Paul
      文档预览: The Sound Of SilenceSimon & Garfunkel这首歌是Paul...歌曲描写一种大众浸在默之 象,此压制的象徵批判社会...I've come to talk with you again, Because a ... 点击下载
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      PDF文档 音乐嘉年华
      文档预览: 「今晚夜」 .虽然李察.霍伊贝尔格大半生都 歌曲 —...As Peter Kemp writes in his survey of the ...All the rest you see, shrieks of pedigree, how... 点击下载
    • 文档格式:pdf 更新日期:2010-09-01
      文档预览: If you have difficulty in installing ...Because of this, the order in ...Remove all 3 transportation screws ...选择需要播放的歌曲. 在光盘或者 MP3/WMA... 点击下载
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      PowerPoint幻灯片 歌曲:光辉岁月
      文档预览: 歌曲:光辉岁月曲:黄家驹词:黄家驹编: beyond 钟声...Because he felt there was no other way of ...to write about a person you admire.... 点击下载
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      Word文档 mistakeyou've
      文档预览: C) because of D) in spite of 4. My next ...【译文】一些老年人不喜欢流行歌曲因为他们无法忍受...of going without.It makes you rich for all the... 点击下载
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      文档预览: 直到2003年,你将要去零售商店购买CD时,就像Tower Records或Wal-Mart,而你将会... are eager to cooperate because of...Nearly 20 percent of all music sold... 点击下载
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