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      Word文档 台南精神分析教材摘要~
      文档预览: 对於佛洛伊德来说,女性的性(female sexuality)一直是一个谜样的黑暗大陆.本书探讨女性性倒错(female perversion)的形成.Welldon认为两性的性倒错皆来自於受干扰的母婴... 点击下载
    • 文档格式:pdf 更新日期:2003-09-02
      PDF文档 non-heterosexuals
      文档预览: Second, the APA urged that all forms of public and private discrimination ...7. Female homosexuality is a perversion. *8. Female homosexuality is a ... 点击下载
    • 文档格式:doc 更新日期:2007-06-01
      Word文档 (祈理士)
      文档预览: Homosexuality does not lead to sex, but a perversion of sex - sodomy."...female under 18 without the written permission of the Board. The penalty ... 点击下载
    • 文档格式:pdf 更新日期:2008-10-02
      PDF文档 Non-heteronormative
      文档预览: All rights reserved. Except for the quotation of ...In many of these newly emerging texts female ...Most serious talk centers on perversion rather than ... 点击下载
    • 文档格式:pdf 更新日期:2007-03-03
      PDF文档 jurisprudentially
      文档预览: When one considers all of the scholarly literature... or the perversion of traditional gender roles, men...female-on-male rape because they believe that no... 点击下载
    • 文档格式:pdf 更新日期:2003-02-02
      PDF文档 (community-acquired
      文档预览: All Patients Number (%) who Number (%) who of...Female Race White Black Oriental Other Age 18 to...(Gemifloxacin 320 mg versus All Comparators) (... 点击下载
    • 文档格式:pdf 更新日期:2011-05-02
      PDF文档 Internationalizing
      文档预览: The link between perversion and the lesbianinfested UN was stressed. According ...all women in the military vulnerable. One US Army internal report states, ... 点击下载
    • 文档格式:pdf 更新日期:2009-04-01
      PDF文档 monohydrochloride
      文档预览: female) Patients** (n = 107) Male (n = 58)...all antibacterial agents and may range in severity... sweating SPECIAL SENSES: taste perversion UROGENITAL... 点击下载
    • 文档格式:pdf 更新日期:2010-06-02
      PDF文档 Fluoroquinolones
      文档预览: female) Patients** (n = 107) Male (n = 58)...all moxifloxacin concentrations were measured 3 hours... urticaria SPECIAL SENSES: taste perversion ... 点击下载
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