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      文档 www.smallestdotnet.com
      文档预览: SmallestDotNet = {};SmallestDotNet.latestVersion = null;SmallestDotNet.allVersions = []; SmallestDotNet.downloadableVersions = [{ major: 4, minor: 0, profile: 'client', 点击下载
    • 文档格式:pdf 更新日期:2011-10-24
      PDF文档 Object-Oriented JavaScript
      文档预览: Chapter 3 [ 83 ] In OOP's world everything revolves around objects and classes, and OOP languages usually offer three specifi c features for manipulating them— encapsulation , inheritance , and polymorphism . Encapsulation Encapsulation is a ... 点击下载
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      文档预览: http:/// http://012.bz/blog/ http://012.bz/google_earth/ http://01b.com/ http://0634.co.jp/multiuse/index.html http://082net.com/ http://082net.com/2006/593/ajax-contact-form-plugin/ http://082net ... 点击下载
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