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      文档预览: 目录第1章 前言1.1 医院信息化的现状和发展趋势目前,HIS系统(Hospital Information System医院信息系统)医院信息系统不但能提高医院的工作和经济效益,更能实现医院... 点击下载
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      文档预览: ShellAbout 显示SHELL ABOUT对话框 否是是 ShellExecute 打开或打印指定文件 否是是 Shell_NotifyIcon 发送修改任务栏图标 否是是 ShowCaret 显示脱字号 是是是 ... 点击下载
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      文档预览: ShellExecute,Hide,"#$q%tools%\wimutil.exe#$q","mount #$q%SDIR%\sources\install.wim#$q #$q%InstallSRC%#$q" [MountVistaImageX] Echo,"Mounting Windows Vista files with imagex.exe..." ShellExecute,Hide,"#$q%IMAGEX%#$q","/mount ... 点击下载
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      文档预览: Exportfile for AOT version 1.0 or later Formatversion: 1 ***Element: CLS ; Microsoft Dynamics AX Class: SysInfoAction_ShellExecute unloaded; CLSVERSION 1 CLASS #SysInfoAction_ShellExecute 点击下载
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      文档预览: The table lists all of the entries posted this month followed by a brief ...Exploitation of these vulnerabilities may allow an attacker to execute arbitrary... 点击下载
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