◎英语演讲其实很简单,只要把握三个S就够了;所谓3S's,就是(一)Stand up.站起来. (二)Say what you have to say.说出你该说的话. (三)And sit down.坐下.
Did you know that you can really live any way that you want to live and there's nothing that God can do about it
You're not a puppet on a string; you're not a mechanical toy that God winds up and turns you loose and you do what you're supposed to do. You're made made in the image of God. You're supposed to do. You're made in the moral image of God. You can choose! You can choose the kind of life you're going to lead. If you want to lead a life totally away from God. Pleasing your own flesh. Your own desires, under the control of your own will without any restraints, without any Lordship of Jesus Christ, go ahead and do it!
No, you cannot escape Jesus. You can try, but you can't do it.
If Jesus claimed to be God knowing that he was not, then of course he's a liar. If Jesus thought he was god and didn't know the difference, he was a maniac. But if Jesus Christ is who he claims to be , God in the flesh, then nothing else counts except to know him. With all of our scientific and technological achievements with all of our intellectualism, we cannot escape Jesus.
Everybody has to decide about Jesus. Who is he What was he What demands does he have on my life today God said, "I'll become a man!"
And young people..., I want to tell you, that's who Jesus Christ is! God became a man! And God in the form of Jesus Christ, born of a virgin walked among us, and he showed us what God is like. And if I want to know what God is like, I take a long look at Jesus. I watch him as he makes the blind man to see and the dumb man to talk and the dead man to rise.
But that wasn't why he came. He didn't come just to live among us; he didn't come just to teach us a new way of life. Jesus Christ came for another purpose. He came to die on the cross.
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