A speech for the English Week "英语周"演讲稿
Honored leaders, teachers and dear schoolmates,
Good morning!
Enjoying the sunshine of spring, seeing everyone's smiles which are like flowers, we're very joyful to get together, to welcome our long-expected English Week. 沐浴着春天的阳光,迎着花一般的笑脸,我们万分欣喜的欢聚在这里,迎来了我们期待已久的英语周!
Right now, we are so excited because we can't forget we'll welcome another leap of our school. 此时此刻,我们心潮澎湃,因为我为我们的学校又一次的飞跃而难以释怀.
I'm very proud of being a member of this Experimental High School! Because in this growing cradle, we can breathe fresh air every day; we can have the richest nutrition; we can get the latest news; we can see the newest world. 我为我是实验高中的一员感到骄傲和自豪! 因为在这个成长的摇篮里,我们每天都能呼吸到新鲜的空气;拥有着最新的血液;感受着最新的时代脉搏;看到世界的日新月异.
On this fine day, with lots of expecting eyesight, the English Week opens! 今天,在这个美好的日子里,在众多期待的眼神中,我们的英语周开幕了!
This is an exciting moment; this is an expecting moment; and this is an urging moment. 这是一个激动人心的时刻;这是一个万众瞩目的时刻;这也是一个催人奋进的时刻!
With the holding of the English Week, we find a platform to show our talents, and we find a shortcut to improve our English abilities. 借英语周的东风,我们每个人都找到了施展自我的平台,也找到了提高自身英语素质的根本途径.
Our slogan is "Promoting harmony through development". 我们的口号是"以发展促融合".
During our participation in series of activities including singing English songs, handwriting, reading aloud, vocabulary competitions,comprehensive ability competitions and so on, we'll make our knowledge more and more and we'll improve our abilities of speaking English and communicating with each other. 通过开展一系列如英语歌曲演唱,书写,朗读,词汇竞赛,综合运用能力竞赛等活动,从而丰富自己的知识面提高自己的口语表达能力和交流能力.
Besides, our advanced teachers will display their lively lessons. So we will benefit a lot from them. 此外,我们的骨干教师还要展示他们生动的课堂,我们可以从中受益匪浅.
That is what we've expected for long and what we've dreamed of. 这是我们所心仪已久的,也是我们梦寐以求的.
Today, our dreams come true! The arrival of the English Week makes everybody here happy and cheerful. 今天,我们的理想终于成为现实!英语节的到来让每一个人因此而欢欣鼓舞.
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