• 中国为什么怕金正日 > 解码台海局势与中国崛起战略(
  • 解码台海局势与中国崛起战略(

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    文档语言:Simplified Chinese
    The interpretation of the situation of Taiwan Strait and the rise strategic of China
    Abstract:From the publishing of the three articles:May 17 Announcement,Criticism of Jinmen Battle and Another Twenty Years Again, from the Fourth Plenary Session of the Sixteenth Central Committee,the transfer of personnel of Central Military Commission and Anti-Secession Law, this paper interprets the situation of Taiwan and proclaims that the established great revival strategic decision of China civilization of the CPC is divided into two sides:1.Never give up peace until the last moment, never easily start war until despair, never give up any exertion of peace and unity. Try to accomplish Taiwan's returning peacefully. But if Taiwan risks danger of independence in desperation, China will spare no expense to prevent it. 2. Race against time and go all out to make our country strong. Hold high the flag of the struggle against hegemonism. By means of making friends or companions with the neighboring countries,by means of good-neighborliness,safe-neighbor and rich-neighbor, plan and manage the South China Sea and guard the Middle and Western Asia. Make advantage of antiterrorism and maintaining the district peace. Intervene and maintain the military existence in the South China Sea and the Middle Asia, and then fulfill the peaceful rise of China and the great revival of China civilization.
    Key words: China civilization;revival strategic;peaceful rise;situation of Taiwan Strait
    《5.17声明》,《金门战役检讨》两文发表以及大陆晋升葛振峰,郑申侠等十五名上将,两岸频繁举行对抗性的军事演习等事件发生后,一时两岸战云密布,甚至到了擦枪走火的边沿,国内外,两岸三地的观察家,评论员诸多猜测,议论纷纷,有的甚至预言2008年台海战争就会爆发;正在形势紧张,一片战声之时,《人民日报》头版专门发表署名任仲平《再干一个二十年——论我国改革发展的关键时期》的近7000字的长文,给一片浮躁叫嚣的战争狂热泼了一盘冷水,也使一些所谓的观察家,评论员失去了方向,陷入了混乱.中共十六届四中全会中央军委人事变动和《反分裂国家法》的出台,特别是陈水扁2006年农历大年初一抛出"废统论",与以往大陆一贯进行高调反击不同,这次北京的反应出奇的平静,有人认为这是大战前的沉默,台海大战一触即发 其实,只要我们把握了中共对中华文明伟大复兴的战略,就能对当前台海局势有一个清醒的认识.下面试分析之:


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