The following day, Hannah called her father, but he was at work. She tried a little later and he answered the phone in a mad voice. Who is it he said.
Hannah answered in a sad voice, Dad, can you take me to my friend's house for a birthday party, tomorrow
I do not know, he said.
Pleeeeeeease, Hannah said.
Then her dad said, Fine. What time should I pick you up
While Hannah was telling her dad the time he should pick her up, he was listening to the news and was not paying attention to her. He did not hear the time Hannah told him. They both said good-bye and hung up the phones.
It was now an hour before the party and Hannah was very excited about going to Mackenzie's house. Her mom was making breakfast for her. It was almost time for her dad to show up.
Hannah was sad once more as she finished her breakfast. She did not know if her dad was going to pick her up for the party. She had been waiting for this morning for two days and now her father forgot all about the wonderful party.
Two hours later, Hannah was determined to go on her own. She got on her coat and ran to the house next door and said to her neighbor, Could I please use your sled
The man said, Yes, but only if you bring it back.
She took the sled and ran as fast as she could run. It was now that she needed to leap on the sled and take off. Hannah could not believe how fast she was going! She landed in front of the birthday girl's house. She was finally there! At last she was happy. She could not believe she was there at the party she had waited two days for.
这是一篇融入真情实感的儿童作文,写的是一位小姑娘第一次自己驾雪橇出门做客的经历.美国中学生写英语,文笔明显还很嫩,体现的是一种质朴美(beauty in simplicity).
下面再来赏析一篇美国大学生的优秀作文,写的也是第一次经历 第一次登台表演舞蹈的经历.大学生的文笔就大不一样了,着眼的不仅是过程,更多的是体验,体验被刻画得细致入微,令读者悦服的是文字上的功力,是一种精致美(beauty in delicacy).我们着意归纳这两种美,作为学生提高文笔的两个台阶.
The curtains slowly lifted and a hush fell over the auditorium. Three female dancers and I were on stage, in different dance positions ready to perform our routine. The white-hot stage lights beamed down, casting blue and white tones on our skin. Each of us was dressed in white snug-fitted unitards and sky-blue satin skirts. Still as statues, ready to give a grand performance. We waited and waited for the music to commence. I could feel the heat rise to the back of my neck and face. My heart beat uncontrollably and my calf began to cramp tightly. The audience below watched in anticipation. I could hear the shuffling of papers, and impatient whispers, mingled with a cough now and then.
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