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      PDF文档 Mathematica功能介绍之一
      文档预览: Mathematica功能介绍之四函数的等值线图形H作出函数的等值线图形L ContourPlot@Sin@x yD, 8x, 5, 5<, 8y, 5, 5420-2-4-4... 点击下载
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      PDF文档 數論輕鬆遊
      文档预览: 數論輕鬆遊 沈淵源 數論, 特別是模算術 (modular arithmetic) [9]在近代密碼學當中是非常重要的。這是 大數學家戈德福瑞 *哈洛德*哈 地1 (Godfrey Harold Hardy) 在上一世紀的四十年代所無法想 像的事情。當年他曾提到[12]: 數論乃純數中的純數, 是 ... 点击下载
    • 文档格式:pdf 更新日期:2011-09-15
      PDF文档 Mathematica
      文档预览: Mathematica Throughout the course, you may find it useful to use the math package Mathematica for plotting, or checking your calculations. I will post on the Physics 303 web page examples of Mathematica calculations that are related to the ... 点击下载
    • 文档格式:pdf 更新日期:2011-09-15
      PDF文档 Mathematic a
      文档预览: cell after execution can be done with keystrokes. Note the Enter/Return key is merely a carriage return to start a new line in the same cell while and is more or less inert as far as execution is concerned. Alternate (or Option) Return/Enter produces ... 点击下载
    • 文档格式:pdf 更新日期:2011-07-15
      PDF文档 Getting Started with Mathematica
      文档预览: Getting Started with Mathematica Clinton Wolfe, August 1999 Introduction What is Mathematica? Mathematica is a computer program for doing mathematics. It is often ... 点击下载
    • 文档格式:pdf 更新日期:2011-09-15
      PDF文档 What is Mathematica?
      文档预览: Mathematica 140.776 Statistical Computing Ingo Ruczinski What is Mathematica? Mathematicaisa high level scientific and mathematical prog ramming environment. The program consists of two components: The front-end or notebook lets you ... 点击下载
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      PDF文档 Mathematica快速入门
      文档预览: Mathematica中求导函数的命令是D,使用格式为"D [函数,自变量]",例如求arcsin x2的导函数可以用D [ArcSin[x^2], x];D命令也可以用来求函数的n阶导数,格式为... 点击下载
    • 文档格式:pdf 更新日期:2011-09-15
      PDF文档 Mathematica
      文档预览: 1 Mathematica 3.0 Mathematic a 3.0 allows you to type in several lines of input before executing them. Each line of input is ordinarily followed by Enter, but when you are ready to execute the input lines, type Shift and Enter together after the last input line in the series. 点击下载
    • 文档格式:pdf 更新日期:2011-09-15
      PDF文档 Mathematica
      文档预览: 3 3 Simboli Simboli Ogni sequenza di caratteri alfanumerici che inizi con un carattere alfabetico e non contenga spazi o caratteri speciali è interpretata come un unico nome (simbolo). Le lettere maiuscole sono considerate distinte dalle minuscole. ... 点击下载
    • 文档格式:pdf 更新日期:2011-06-20
      PDF文档 Mathematica
      文档预览: MathematicaR Installation Guide for Sites version 7 The instructions in this booklet can be used for new or upgrade installations of Mathematica 7 2 WindoWs sTeP 1:... 点击下载
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